The Higher Realm - Guest Josh Martinsen

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another kingdom begins then it has to do with a dimension or you know into the spirit into the natural but there there is what we call a spirit realm and the thing is when we're talking about a higher realm there are also two kinds of wisdom in the world there's a higher wisdom which is from above which is from heaven and there's the worldly wisdom which is demonic and so we have to operate out of that godly wisdom which would be the higher realm not out of the human earthly wisdom which is which is actually all around us one of the things that um in in preparing for this sermon that i saw was that we are what do you call it um we are influenced we're influenced and lots of times if if you get to a place in your life where you feel like oh you know kids you know we say kids are easily influenced and that's true but that's because they show it we're also influenced we're we're influenced and we're made by god to be influenced because that being influenced is what allows us to actually be like him and that was the that was the idea so there's a kingdom of god a kingdom realm of god which covers everything that he created and we were created by god to rule in that realm underneath him but the only way we could rule in that realm underneath him is to be like him so he made us in his image in his likeness and so us walking in that likeness means we needed to be influenced by him so we could represent him he followed along so so we are influenced and because we are influenced we have to ask ourselves what are we purposely exposing ourselves to because you see the thing is whether or not you could be you could you could grow your own food never go to a grocery store again everything super organic and just everything on your property you know just living off the land everything is just and and be try to be as clean as and never eat any thing chemical or anything you know what do they call it produced from the factories and just and be and be like well i am going to be super clean in my life i am not going to eat all that stuff and that you know you would do pretty good but just because you're in the world there's still going to be contaminations that get inside you whether it be through the rain coming down in your crops what's in the soil coming out into your crops because they're the world has been influenced by sin to the to the point where it's affected what we eat and what we drink and that's that's all been affected so whether or not the earth itself the earth itself has actually been affected by sin it's crying out for the redemption when man fell into sin all of all of the world that was under him fell too there was a level that it fell down to and so you could do that and you could be like totally clean but then you're like well how in the world can i have any contamination in me and you could be fasting and maybe some toxins would come on you're like where did these toxins come from well that's just a result of living in the world even though you're eating clean so we could purposely say well i'm gonna shut myself away i'm gonna do all this i'm gonna do all this i'm gonna purposely put myself in a place where all i can have is god and all i focus on is is what he says and just because you're still in this sinful world there's gonna be an effect of it on you and you're gonna be influenced by it so we have to be aware of that we have to be aware of that and we're like well if that's bad enough why would we purposely expose ourselves to anything that's of the world why would we purposely expose ourselves to some sort of entertainment i wonder what jesus would say right now i'm trying to i i you know i think if he was here talking he would be a lot harder than what i am sometimes i like to use the word most but maybe he would say the word all you know what i mean if i say oh most entertainment is demonically influenced he might say all entertainment is has demonic influence to some extent i can get into you know an example of that would be if you know the um lfn how many you know what that is you just flip it around but but if you look look at look if you look at what if you look at if you look at like a sporting event or things like that it's like well how do you know how do you know there's demonic influence in that how do you well just look at the halftime show you know don't don't tell me that the devil hasn't gotten himself in there and then it starts it starts everything starts very subtly don't you know you could go back well i watched the 1950s you know cartoons they're so innocent oh you think so but see i i went back and looked and i was like oh my gosh you know when i when i i was i used to watch them and they were funny and i thought you know these are funny funny little things and and then um you get away from them for a while you know i was away in thailand i wasn't watching them for eight years just kind of serving god and i came back and i watched them and i'm like wow i didn't even see all this stuff before you know it's it's amazing when [Music] when we're growing in the lord you know i was talking to somebody last night and i didn't get married till i was 31 and you know being 22 and saying hey you know what i think who do i want to marry you know what i mean you think as a young guy you're like oh you're looking oh yeah who am i going to marry you i'm 22 now you know i could get married and you look at people and you're like oh that's a candidate that's a candidate that's a candidate nope that's not a candidate you know and you and you and and so you're you're you're you're looking right and then i just gave all that up and went out on the mission field and i said i'm like the apostle paul i'm not gonna get married and so i was able to stay single for those well nine years um yeah cause i i was eight years over there and then a year back when i got back i didn't get married till a year later so all that time and then i got back and i'm 30 years old and i'm looking and i'm like man you know it's funny how our perception when we're 22 we see things and we see people we think oh that's a candidate but then you come back and you look and you're like oh my gosh wow you know i didn't see that and i'm talking about like character flaws like you wouldn't believe you know what i mean oh my gosh why you like you would have never thought that that person would have walked away from god you would have never thought that these things they think but they were in there and you didn't see them and what that does is that that see now i could say wow i learned so much and i've come to this but now i know [Laughter] and that's that's that's more dangerous than that's i mean that's just as dangerous because you're just as naive as you were when you were 22. you got to realize that that god has been around a lot longer than we have and so has the devil and so has his demonic influence and so has the different things that he's that he's put into people and and and and embedded into cultures that we don't even see these things see we don't we don't see these things we have to realize that oh my gosh if i didn't see that much when i was 22 how much do i not see now oh my gosh you're always going to have that oh my god how much do i not see now i can't trust myself i can't trust myself to think that i know anything because how do i know without without the spirit revealing it if we look at let's look at um first corinthians chapter two getting into the word of god here first corinthians chapter two oh hey i'm gonna start reading it to you guys we're gonna read the whole chapter um hopefully that's not the only chapter you read this week but just i know it's not hallelujah praise god internet people and and make sure you follow along and i brother when i came to you did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom well you want to make sure that's not the only chapter you read because where do you get pure direct wisdom from god but the word of god the bible this is a bible this is where we get the pure the pure word of god that we can trust everything else you can wow we'll get into that in a minute and i brother when i came to you did not come with excellency of speech or of wisdom declare unto you the testimony of god for i determined not to know anything among you except jesus christ and him crucified in verse three i was with you in weakness in fear and much trembling and my speech maybe that's why i'm shaking right now and my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god however we speak wisdom among those that are mature yet not the wisdom of this age you have to differentiate i was reading um rick joyner's book the final quest and in that book he met some people from the back back in time the p with some of the patrons not the patriarchs but some of people probably from the 1600s and 1800s or whatever and um they he didn't mention their names in the book and one of the guys that he met the guy said he said wow you know it's such an honor to meet you rick joyner said to him and the guy said such an honor to meet you too and he's like well what do you mean he's like your work it's it was so great it it taught me so much and he said yeah he's like you know what he's like my work was more human wisdom than godly wisdom and he's like i'm so ashamed of that he's like when i stood at the judgment seat i saw it and he's like i did so much to exhaust the she's like god gave me wisdom he's like but i did so much so people could see how smart i was and how much wisdom i had he's like i had a lot of understanding and knowledge about god that i wrote about but i didn't really know him that well and and he said so all of my writing was to show people how smart i was and how much wisdom god gave me and everyone respected and honored me back on earth he's like but there was little he said there was very little wisdom from heaven in the writings and it's like wow you know to think that god honored the apostle paul and took his letters and put them in in canon and we have them what was the the wisdom that he was operating in and the writings that he was operating in were from god that was the godly wisdom and that's what we need in our life we need that godly wisdom he said however but we speak with we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery oh did i forget something here i'll start with verse six however we speak wisdom among those that are mature yet not the wisdom of this age nor of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing every realm every realm every kingdom of this earth has an end but there is a realm and there's a kingdom that had no beginning and no end you see babylon came and went rome came and went but the kingdom of god will never leave and the kingdom of god the kingdom of god was in heaven but when jesus came he established the kingdom of god on this earth that was the rock that was cut out of the mountain without human hands that was put on and became a mighty mountain that's where we are we're in that realm the kingdom of god on earth your kingdom come your will be done so we're walking and we're operating in the higher realm that was not before jesus died and rose again but now that jesus took on flesh took on flesh took on sin and died and rose again now we have the opportunity to receive him into our life and have the kingdom of god on the inside of us where the devils are afraid because there's a higher kingdom a higher realm when we walk in authority we walk in the authority of the name of jesus and demons have to flee they have to go because the name of jesus and the kingdom of god has already defeated the devil and already defeated his realm they must flee the devil has to flee he's afraid of you you don't need to be afraid of the devil trying to get this across to my six-year-old now dad i saw a black thing over there i said we'll laugh at it when it gets to be about you know go from three o'clock four o'clock in the morning you get a little agitated after a while you're like just laugh at it [Laughter] so like finally i went i went and um i was like well i'll just i'll i'll lay down with you for a minute so i i got in his bed for like four o'clock and i fell asleep and i'm dreaming and in my dream um the kids are supposed to be coming over here with me and i'm like guys get over here the elevator's coming it was an elevator come and i was like guys get over here the elevators come in they're over there and all of a sudden i hear him laughing and i'm like wait a minute that's real so i kind of woke up and i'm like he's like haha and i'm like what are you laughing and he's like this he's wide awake you know and and um i'm like what are you laughing he's like oh dad i have the light over there i saw the light and then you said they used to be scared and so i i was laughing at it because it looked funny or something and and i'm like okay i'm going i'm going to i'm out of here oh so then i got up and he's all wide-eyed i asked him why he's so wide awake and he said cause uh oh dad i'm excited because i'm preaching today and he's preaching today in the um the toddler room because he he had his birthday he's not in that classroom anymore so he's teaching the younger kids how to go in god's way god's way not the devil's way amen and so so there's gonna be there's gonna be more more kids oh so speaking of this i was going to bring this up a little bit later actually you know what i'm going to tease you with that and we'll go back to something else then i'll bring that up a little bit later thanks for reminding me let's finish the scripture we're reading here hallelujah this scripture is so good it's so good wow and take note of this verse seven but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery the wisdom of god in a mystery a mystery that means it's not wide out in the open right it's a mystery the wisdom of god in a mystery that means the people who don't have the spirit of god can't necessarily see it understand it we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery the hidden wisdom so there's another word mystery hidden hidden wisdom which god ordained before the ages and for our glory how how hidden is this wisdom how hidden is it well when none of the rulers of this age knew none of the princes of the world knew because if they'd known it they wouldn't have crucified the lord of glory that's how hidden it is but as is written eye has not seen nor ear heard nor has entered the heart of man the things which god prepared for those who love him well how hidden is it well god has revealed them to us through his spirit oh hallelujah so we're we're getting downloads of the wisdom of god in our through our spirit when we're born again we're born of the spirit born of the spirit of god jesus said to nicodemus you must be born again that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit so things he said and he also said the things of the flesh they won't understand the things of the spirit if you're walking in the flesh you won't understand the things of the spirit if you're thinking in the flesh and you're using worldly wisdom you're not going to understand the things of the spirit you've got to get out of your head and you got to turn yourself over and say holy spirit reveal it to me humble yourself and say holy spirit reveal it to me because he's the one that's going to show you the hidden things they're hidden i has not seen nor ear heard nor has entered the heart of man the things which god prepared for those who love him but god has revealed them to us through his spirit whoa oh they'd like to say that scripture as if the verse 10 is not there but verse 10 is there for the spirit searching all things yes the deep things of god wow for what man knows the things of man except the spirit of man which is in him and i'm i'm saying this to you there's so much of god there's so many deep things of god that we don't even know we can't even comprehend in our mind i mean there's people that have been to heaven they've seen heaven and they come back and there's no way to explain it you know i lived in thailand for those eight years but i lived in thailand for those eight years and if i was to say try to explain to you what a market is the best you can do is maybe you've seen it on tv you've seen a documentary but you've never experienced it where you're walking through the market and you know the guy's selling pig this guy's selling beef and so you got the pig you start with the head you got the feet you got the body you got the neck you got and it's all laid out on the table just like that pig head just sitting there and somebody wants to go boil that and make soup or something you know it's like but there's so many things that we we can't even comprehend you know if you've been to other countries you know and how much more in heaven it's so different than than the messed up earth that we're in that we can't even comprehend see they don't understand they don't understand law and order because there's so much corruption in these places like it's normal to slip 100 baht to the police officer when they pull you over and that's what they you know and and that's just their it's so embedded into their culture deceitfulness and lying and things like that where in america there's a lot of rebellion there's a lot of a lot of rebellion which is witchcraft there's a lot of rebellion that's just it's just oh it's normal it's normal to question authority it's normal to do these things and we don't we don't see it until it comes out of us and we say oh my gosh that vile that vile thing was keeping me from knowing god that that that disgusting behavior i can't believe that was in me i didn't even see it it makes you and then it makes you wonder like i was saying before wow if that much disgust came out of me what's in there now that i'm not seeing what's still in there i need to see more of god so i can see it i need to i need to read the bible and look in the mirror the mirror of the word of god so i can see more junk that's got to come out there's there's when the holy spirit reveals to you the image of god and like i said we're impressionable we we are influenced so be influenced by god get get get to god as much as you can enoch walked with god for 300 years and he wasn't god took him away and we're going to we need to get to be with god now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is from god i'm in verse 12 that we might know the things that are freely given to us by god so we went from being hidden from being a mystery to now they're being freely given and all the deep things are being revealed to us wow what a transition these things we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teaches by which the holy spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man does not receive the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness to him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned but he who is spiritual judges all things yet he is yet he himself is rightly judged by no one for who has known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of christ amen so what i will say god's kingdom isn't a mystery now satan's kingdom is on display he wants everyone to know he wants everyone to watch cnn the communist news network and everything else and get your information you know what i mean he wants you to he wants you to be he wants you to be influenced and wants you to think he's powerful so i'll give you an example of this in the in the bible you guys remember elijah and his servant elisha and his servant when he was out i heard this this guy he was a worship leader he's like yeah so elijah's servant was out washing the mule down you know in the morning and he looks out and he sees he sees all the the enemy army now this king is like coming to get one guy but he's like i am gonna make a statement that you do not defy me i don't care who you are so he calls all of his chariots and it seems like in the old testament as we see a trend with the chariots always seems like the chariots are an intimidation factor they have this many chariots you know they have this many airplanes jets whatever they have this many cherry so he he said he's like oh my gosh you know what are we going to do and i was just like oh gosh this guy's been watching cnn too much you know how do i even talk to this guy god god he's like i'm not gonna try to explain it to this guy i can't explain it to this person he has just been brainwashed by what the devil's been telling them all this all this false information appearing real and so he says god just open his eyes and now he looks up and he says oh my gosh the enemy is actually surrounded by god's army and so you see the devil was what god was doing was not revealed it was a mystery and see what the devil was doing was on display he was like out front like look at me look at me you guys ever seen like the hawker from the um new zealand all blacks it's like they come out there and they're like and they make all their faces and the other team has to sit there and all right we're done with this yet you know and they have to sit there and watch us and it's like it's like an intimidation thing like look at this looking and so that's what the devil likes to do he likes to come out and say ha ha look at how big look what hey look over here hey you you go on youtube to watch kevin zeta and all sudden all these headlines pop up look what look what so-and-so is doing in the white house and all this stuff and all this stuff is going on that he wants you to see but it's like well what are we looking at and where are we taking our intel from what are we what are we taking our intel from we're getting it from the world's wisdom are we are we hearing what the devil wants us to hear or are we listening to what the spirit of god's saying because i keep hearing this revival i keep hearing the spirit of god saying he's moving he's not he's not he's not moved by the by the problems that we have and another another example that was with moses in the red sea when pharaoh's army was coming all the chariots were coming again and everyone's like oh what are we going to do look look look moses what are we going to do yeah and and and god god wasn't nervous he wasn't like oh gee i didn't think of that it actually says it actually says i didn't think they were actually going to come out oh my gosh this guy is really stubborn you would think after all of his these babies died you'd think you'd get the point you know god wasn't like second he's like oh no i've actually already made a road here you know what i mean got it but that that was hidden it was hidden under the sea there's a there's more hidden than what you're seeing see what you're seeing you're seeing this but actually there's a lot more hidden of what god's doing but how it's revealed see what happens is and this is another thing with with witchcraft i'm going to just deal with this for a second people operate in witchcraft and they see things and they say they say i'm a seer and they say oh i see this i see this i see this and it's like well that's nice why don't you get a hold of the spirit of god and stop operating in the flesh and get and allow the holy spirit to get behind the veil and see what god's doing because i could have told you that i could have told you that that person was gonna you know whatever get cancer and die or whatever bad thing you were seeing it's like big deal get in a car accident well why don't you pull why don't you seek god and see what he's seeing about that because i guarantee you this god's books do not contain a car accident god's books do not contain cancer god's books do not contain sickness and disease they don't contain covid in god's books for you amen amen what i see in god's books is divine health prosperity how much prosperity can you handle right now that's the question how much can you hand how much of the glory of god can you walk in right now without falling to pride how much of yourself how much ugliness has to get out so god can bless you the way he wants to how much can god use you before you fall we need to be at that point where like oh my gosh you know i i can't take it anymore but i have to it's snowing up here [Laughter] hallelujah so i did this in sunday school i was like yeah you know what happened when god when adam gave dominion over to the devil there was all these beautiful books written about people and adam gave that to the and the devil's been rec he's been he's been writing bad things in the book he's been crossing out the good things that god has for people and he's been writing the bad stuff in and so many and these witches and fortune tellers they're looking at the devil's books and they're saying oh i see this and oh i see that well why don't you get why don't you put the devil's book down go to heaven and find out from the spirit of god what's in his books and tell them that amen that's that's the true prophet that's not the witchcraft amen hallelujah because the devil's stuff is easy to see but god's stuff has to be revealed by the spirit it has to be revealed and you have to come to him humbly he's not you're not coming to god all all cocky just gonna say it you're not coming to god all cocky and like hey look at me i'm this that and the other i got all these words for you no you're coming to god humbly and he's giving you information about people because he loves you and he wants to see them blessed amen what god is doing must be revealed by the spirit we are schooled into the world's way of thinking there's two ways of thinking two kinds of wisdom the devil's wisdom always involves cheating you notice that the devil's wisdom is always going to involve cheating he has wisdom he'll he'll help people do things i'm going to say it look at the last two big sporting games not last last five big sporting games and don't tell me there wasn't witchcraft involved you see the devil's way grieves me i'm saying you know what this is not right this has got to be set straight i'm like god this has got to be set straight we need someone who's walking in the higher realm that's going to come and say well witchcraft that doesn't even affect me because the devil already wanted to kill me and if he could he would but he can't because i'm walking in the kingdom realm i'm walking in a higher realm i'm walking under divine protection of god and the devil can't touch this amen everybody say the devil can't touch this amen hallelujah so that's that's what happens and we need to and we'll see this is this is what i wanted to give you guys an example so we see that that how that happens how the devil works he gives somebody wisdom how to cheat and look at all like the high school sporting events you get into the olympics and stuff it's all about how you can as much as you can cheat and not get caught it's more and pastor wayne said it too when he used to be into you know lifting and stuff like that he said it was like it was he wanted to be a natural and he's like it's ridiculous because all the natural guys are just all about how much they can do and not get caught and so it's like there's no competition there's no way you can compete with that if you're gonna just do it straight and that's the way the world's wisdom is that's the way the devil's wisdom is it's all about how you can cheat but let's i want to give you example of philip in his um soccer game that's why we had that picture up so this is uh his last soccer game last week right there he's praying and samantha was able to get a picture of him right at the end of his when he was praying and um he's praying that his team will win now philip mind you he's he's he's been a defensive player all year so he's he's on the you know the youngest league so they all like chase the ball around so he'll be like they'll be chasing the ball around and the person who is supposed to be in goal has left because they're like i gotta chase the ball around too i don't know what i'm doing and so they're all bopping around but you got well he's got one kid on his team that's really good really good i mean this kid is like a league above everybody else he's slide tackling and kicking the ball and he's just running around people like all these kids if i could get around these four kids you know and he's he's faking people out and everything he's he's really good phillip not so much but um so philip is praying there and so what happens is that all the kids come out and phillip will look back and be like oh my gosh the goal's empty and philip will run back to his goal and be like i gotta stand here and block it cause i don't want the other team to score and this is his uh his coach is like no philip you're supposed to be in the front it's it's not your turn to do goal it's his turn you know and and so he's praying there and so in this game after he prays god gives him wisdom and he scored three goals in this game [Music] [Applause] but but the way he did it was funny because um what he did was he had this idea all of a sudden that that's him that's him kicking a goal that's actually the little goal box right there that that other kid's in so he he had this idea it's like when he got the ball he went back towards his goal and all the kids like oh where's he going they all just like stopped they're like oh he's going the wrong way and then he would like turn around and samantha said while he's doing it he's got this smile on his face like i got him all faked out turns back around and he gets this he got like three breakaways right down to the goal just and see that see now that's that's godly wisdom right there god can download godly wisdom to a five almost six-year-old that's how god works it's not it's not about cheating but when you pray and ask god he gives you the wisdom you need for the situation you're in amen so many times when i'm working i do i'm a carpenter i do you know carpentry work and stuff like that and there's there's so many times i you know i get into places i'm like i i don't know what the best way is you know i i know always but i could be spitting my wheels on something for a long time and then have to redo it or whatever but i want to know from god um is there something i should use is there something i need you know i need that we need that wisdom all the time hallelujah amen so the realm that you belong to is obvious by your words and actions by your words in action it's going to reveal reveal where you are if you're talking out of what the devil's doing if you're talking out of what you see if you're talking out of what you feel that's not the realm if you're talking out of what god's doing what god's been showing you in the spirit that's the realm that we're supposed to be in and the intensity is not even here yet right now we're dealing with um coveted vaccines and things like that that are that are going on in the world but let me just show you something that that in the book of acts that they dealt with acts chapter 4 verse 18 to 20. so they called and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of jesus huh well that's pretty direct so what's going on with the church now so they brought them back in before the council and they commanded them never to teach people or speak again using the name of jesus what do you think the devil's after right now it's the same thing what do you think where do you think where do you think he's going with it he's trying to get it to this point right now it's one thing but it'll be another and then so peter said and john answers to them whether it is right in the sight of god to listen to you more than to god you be the judge for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard and so where is our intensity level as at the church as a church in acts chapter 5 verse 40 and 42 they when and they agreed with him and when they had called the apo for the apostles and beaten them whoa when they call for the apostles and severely beaten they ordered them never again to speak in the name of jesus and then let them go man they're after the name of jesus so they brought the apostles in oh i gotta go to the next verse so they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name isn't that a conflict there amen and daily in the temple and in every house they did not cease teaching and preaching jesus as the christ this is what happens when the worldly kingdom meets the kingdom of god i'm going to show you what happened with jesus when jesus was facing pontius pilate who was at that day in that in that realm because pilate's realm was over jerusalem it was over the israelites his kingdom realm was over theirs they could do certain things but they couldn't crucify somebody and so jesus meets this guy jesus comes there he's like this guy's like you're in my realm i am the law here what are you doing i could have you killed and jesus is like well you could and only if my father gave you the authority to do that so pilate was confronted by the other realm and the bible says that pilate feared he was afraid this guy should not have been afraid of somebody one of his subjects but he was afraid of jesus and the devil was pushing hard to do this because he he was didn't see the hidden wisdom he was pushing hard for this and jesus jesus answered him in in john chapter 19 i'm just going to read verse 11. he said to them he said you could have no power at all against me unless it had been given you from above therefore the one who delivered me unto you has a greater sin pilate thought he had authority until he found out there was a realm over his that he didn't even know about and he's like oh my gosh this this authority that jesus is walking in has been around forever amen hallelujah jesus said jesus said it'd be foolish you'd be a fool to live only for the realm you see here when he was talking about the guy who heaped up riches for himself he said you fool now who are these things going to be when you die because you were rich only in this world you were not rich towards god we don't want to be that way we want to be people that god can bless so how do we walk free of this worldly realm this is number point number three the i'll tell you what the three points were in case you want three points in a poem send them home number one was satan's kingdom is on display number two is god's what god is doing must be revealed by the spirit satan kingdom's on display what god's doing must be revealed and number three is how to walk free how do we walk free of this jesus did jesus walk free and how do we know that and in john chapter 13. verse 1 through 5. and this is this is i'm just i just want to read this scripture to you um because there was there was something here that caught my attention in verse three i'll read verse three john chapter 13 verse three it says jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands he got to a point where the father gave all things into his hands now jesus we got to remember this is important jesus was in the flesh he was in the body he was walking around flesh and blood and the father gave everything to him and jesus is like okay i got it now and then we go right into john chapter 14 where he says hey i am the way the truth and the life no man comes and he starts talking about the holy spirit's going to come so you can even understand what you're going to walk in we don't even understand what we have the father put all things into his hand we don't even understand it we need the holy spirit to teach us that's why in john chapter 14 he goes right into this he's like but the comforter he's like there's a lot of things i want to tell you but i can't tell you now because you can't handle them you don't even know how to handle the comforters he's the holy spirit's got to build this foundation in you so so he can insert the truth he's got to increase your hard drive so you can put the information in you know what i mean you need like 10 more hard drives so you can get this information into you maybe we'll get some sd drives or something sd so it's faster and in john chapter 14 and verse 30 so we get to the end of john chapter 4 he says i will no longer talk with you okay i will no longer talk much much with you for the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me he's got nothing in me jesus had everything from god and satan had nothing on him we need to be at that place where the devil's gotten absolutely nothing on us and the key is in first john in first john chapter 2 verse 15 and 17. yeah there was another scripture on that too first john chapter 2 verse 15 and 17 do don't set your affections of your heart on this world or in loving the things of the world the love of the father and the love oh i wasn't done hold on the love of the father and the love of the world are incompatible for all that is in the all that the world can offer us the gratifications of our flesh the allurement what does that sound like entertainment oh my gosh wow oh my gosh josh for all that the world can offer us the gratification of our flesh the allurement of the things of the world and the obsession with the status and importance none of these things come from the father but from the world wasn't there one more yeah wait for it there it is this world and its desires are in the process of passing away but those who love to do the will of god will live forever wow and that's that's where we walk free that's where we walk free we have to lay aside the things of the world the love of the world and the things that are pulling our attention and pulling our time and pulling us away from that wisdom of god from that walking after god in john chapter first john chapter 3 verse 9 it says i like the way the passion says it it says the people who are fathered by god displays talking about displaying his character and because it's like wow it's one it's one thing for god to be your father it's another thing to be fathered by god because that kind of puts it on us like i have i have i have kids but when my kids are father are being fathered by me that that to me that means they're they're listening and they're taking in what i'm giving them i'm they're i'm always their father but are they always being fathered are they always accepting what's going on are we accepting what the father is doing or are we resisting the father are we being fathered because the thing is we haven't we have a choice we always have a choice in the matter i want to be fathered by god so i want to display his character that's where we got to be we're fathered by god we're influenced in in 1st john chapter 5 verse 19 and 20. do we have this one on the overhead or no first john chapter 5 verse 19 and 20. i got to read this in the passion translation oh thank god it opened right up to it throws me off with the psalms and proverbs in the back but it says here in 1st john chapter 5 verse 19 and 20. and the worship team you can come up and get ready we're going to um we're going to come and just dedicate our lives to god in a minute there's some things i think i i want you to just you know what we were talking about like wow if there was that much junk in me then how much is in me now that i don't see let's just come seek god and say god search my heart search my heart you know what i mean and i just want to i want to encourage you know you to come to the altar and just seek god and ask him to show you things in your life and show you things that are not pleasing to him so that you can change that and get it out i'm going to read this scripture to you as the worship team is getting ready we know that we are god's children and that the whole world lies under the misery and influence of the evil one huh so the whole world is lying under the influence they're under the influence you say we people people say well i'm not easily influenced oh but you are whether you like it or not because you're human somehow some way you're being influenced and they're under the influence of the evil one and we know that the son of god has made our understanding come alive that's what you need we need god today to come and make our understanding come alive god show me show me lord show me lord so i can let it go god come and make that understanding come alive so that we can know by experience the one who is true and we are in him who is true i am the way the truth and the life we are in him that is true pilate said to jesus what is truth and then he walked away i am the way the truth and the life that we can know him that is true god's son jesus christ the true god and eternal life amen hallelujah so let's just we'll turn the lights down low and we'll just um if you do need prayer um can can the prayer chain can the prayer team stand up so um the prime ministers so they can see you guys and we'll just you guys can just be be around if people need prayer these are our prayer ministers guys if you need prayer today for something pacific um but other than that just come to the altar and just spend a few minutes i'm just going to ask you just just just not for me but just for your for yourself come spend just a few minutes at the at the feet of jesus and ask him jesus you can do it at your chair right now or you could come down here as an act of like hey i'm gonna make an effort to do this and just say jesus you know what is in me that is ugly to you what is in me that's not pleasing to you jesus show me more of you show me more of the truths so that i can deal with the lie show me more of who you are so i can be like that oh hallelujah jesus oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus you are the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father but by you jesus we don't want to miss it jesus we don't want to miss the mark jesus we want to walk with you oh jesus help us to have that childlike faith oh jesus jesus we need you [Music] oh jesus we humble ourselves it's not our goodness it's not our righteousness jesus it's only by your blood jesus it's only by your precious spotless blood the blood of jesus that was shed for our sins hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh holy spirit come and consume us all we are oh holy spirit come and consume us all we are holy spirit and fire burn up the works of the flesh hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah oh jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] cause i'm giving you my [Music] giving you my dreams i'm laying down my rights i'm giving up my pride for the promise of new life [Music] surrender all to you all to you [Music] you i'm singing you this song i'm waiting at the cross and all the world holds dear i count it all as lost for the sake of knowing you for the glory of your name to know the lasting joy even sharing in your painting [Music] i surrendered [Music] you i'll surrender [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] to you [Music] all to [Music] of the king [Music] and i surrendered all to you all [Music] all to you all to you [Music] i surrender all to you god every part everybody
Channel: The River Church of Waupun
Views: 66
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tuWRaSUeDFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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