The Haunting Of... Travis Tritt (Season 4, Episode 22) | Full Episode | LMN

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<i> - On "The Haunting Of..."</i> <i> - The things that have happened to me and my family</i> <i> in this cabin are things that definitely</i> <i> gives you a different look at the supernatural.</i> <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> Just hearing the spirits and seeing signs of them</i> being here-- it scared the heck out of me. - [screaming] <i> - Those woods are haunted.</i> <i> I feel this violent energy.</i> - I've got three children. They're all frightened to come up here. - I see stabbing. Somebody gave you an artifact that killed a human being. I see blood dripping into the dirt. - Oh, my God. - He has this anger. <i> There's something about your family; there's a pattern.</i> <i> That is crucial to what may be going on in this house.</i> - Do they have any ill intent toward me? <i> - I don't trust what they're up to.</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> - My name is Kim Russo,</i> <i> and I am a psychic medium.</i> <i> When I was nine, I was visited</i> <i> by the first of many dead people</i> <i> who wanted to communicate with the living through me.</i> <i> Realizing that I couldn't ignore my abilities,</i> <i> I chose to embrace them.</i> <i> Many people are haunted by traumatic paranormal events</i> <i> buried in their past.</i> <i> Some of these people have faces you might recognize.</i> <i> You've heard about their paranormal experiences.</i> <i> Now you're about to witness the moment they take me back</i> <i> to the place of the haunting</i> <i> in the hopes of uncovering the truth.</i> <i> This is...</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> [peaceful music]</i> <i> - Blue Ridge, Georgia, has always been</i> <i> a well-kept secret in the state of Georgia.</i> Many, many years ago, this was an area that the Cherokee Indian tribe called home. <i> It's very secluded, and the seclusion</i> <i> is what drew me here in the first place.</i> <i> I would have to say that for most of my life,</i> I was always skeptical of stories that I heard about the supernatural or about the spirit world. <i> But the things that have happened to me,</i> <i> and my family, and my friends in this cabin</i> are things that definitely gives you a different look at that whole world. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> - I'm in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia.</i> It's a very high-up, very remote area. I am on my way to meet with Travis Tritt. He's a very famous country music singer, and he has sold over 25 million albums. He is a Grammy winner. He's had an amazing, long-standing career. Travis has this vacation home that he takes his family to, and he called me here today primarily because he feels there's some kind of negative energy that hovers over this home, and there very well may be. There's something about today that feels very threatening to me. <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> - In 1993, my career was up and running <i> and I was having tremendous success,</i> but I was also looking for a place to just sort of decompress for a while. <i> And I had found a place through some friends of mine</i> <i> up in the North Georgia mountains.</i> It was one of those type of places where you could forget about the entertainment world, forget about the hustle and bustle of being on tour and just relax. <i> But shortly thereafter,</i> I noticed that there were some strange events that were taking place inside my cabin. <i> My first overnight stay at the cabin,</i> at about 4:00 A.M.-- <i> [muffled voices]</i> I heard voices coming from the living room. First instinct was I'd left the television on. <i> Okay, I need to get up and turn that off.</i> <i> I got up...</i> <i> [muffled voices]</i> <i> [voices stop]</i> <i> and as soon as I opened the door</i> <i> of my bedroom into the living room,</i> the voices stopped. <i> And as I walked into the living room...</i> <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> And looked around,</i> <i> I realized the television wasn't on.</i> Those voices were definitely coming from somewhere else. <i> I was scared to death.</i> I started thinking, <i> "Okay, maybe I was just hearing things.</i> <i> "Go back to bed; forget about it.</i> <i> It's all good."</i> But the next night, it happened again. <i> So I started just listening.</i> <i> [muffled voices]</i> <i> There were at least three separate voices.</i> <i> They were talking in a very low tone.</i> <i> It was in a dialect that I didn't recognize</i> <i> as English, or Spanish, or French.</i> This sounded like Native American tongue to me. <i> [muffled voices]</i> <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> I told no one about my experience, because I was afraid that nobody would believe me. <i> But it started happening</i> on a very regular basis after that. <i> A couple years after I bought the cabin,</i> I met my wife, Theresa, and I brought her up to the cabin for a few days, just for a little getaway. <i> And as soon as we got there,</i> we walked to the downstairs bedroom, <i> and looked in-- didn't even walk into the room.</i> <i> And the room was freshly vacuumed.</i> The bed was made perfectly; everything was gorgeous. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> And that night, she heard the same voices</i> <i> I'd been hearing.</i> <i> [muffled voices]</i> - Do you hear that? <i> - She was just scared out of her mind,</i> and that's when I realized <i> it wasn't just me.</i> This was not a figment of my imagination. This was real. <i> The next morning, my wife walked downstairs,</i> <i> and let out a scream...</i> - [screaming] Travis! <i> - And said, "Travis, you gotta come down here and see this."</i> <i> I came down to find</i> <i> that there were footprints</i> in the carpet, <i> coming from the doorway</i> over to the bed. <i> There was an imprint on the bed</i> looked as though someone had walked in and actually sat down on the end of the bed. <i> This was physical signs that someone or something</i> had been inside that cabin. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> There was really no explanation for it.</i> That's one of those things that makes your skin crawl. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Over the years, <i> these voices started happening on such a frequent basis,</i> <i> that we were afraid to come up here.</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> And the biggest questions that I have</i> is what, or who, are they? And why are they in my house? <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> The experiences that I've had so far</i> with just hearing the spirits and seeing the signs of them being here is about as much as I want to go. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> It's about as much as I want to see or hear.</i> <i> I think if I actually saw the spirits,</i> it would probably scare the heck out of me. <i> I'm having Kim here to get some questions answered,</i> <i> but there's a part of me</i> that's a little bit nervous, <i> because I don't know exactly what she's going to tell me.</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> - I like learning new things, and I have a feeling that I'm going to learn something new today. And I'm all for that. Information that I learn from the spirit world can always help me in future investigations. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> I see a man.</i> His hands are very, very rough. <i> ♪ ♪</i> I see him going around picking certain-- what to me looks like weeds. <i> ♪ ♪</i> He seems like a man who knows the lay of the land. I just have a feeling that it has something to do with the land Travis lives on. On what level, I'm not quite sure. <i> [eerie music]</i> I don't like what I just saw. <i> ♪ ♪</i> There is death nearby. <i> ♪ ♪</i> I feel that there might have been a time where there were these violent men who hunted humans. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Oh, wow. <i> ♪ ♪</i> I hope Travis is ready for this vision that I have. Oh, boy. My stomach's doing flips. <i> ♪ ♪</i> There's something that went on, I want to say, in those woods. Those woods are haunted. <i> ♪ ♪</i> I feel there's some sort of weapon in this house. <i> ♪ ♪</i> And I see blood--I see blood-- a trail of blood. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Wow. This is--this is a little more than what I thought. [door creaking] <i> ♪ ♪</i> - Hi. - Mr. Tritt? - You must be Kim. - I'm Kim. - Hi, Kim. I'm Travis. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. We hug where I come from. - Okay. - [laughing] - All right. You have to be a special type of person to want to live here, or escape-- - Well, you know, this is like a getaway for us. - Yeah. Yeah, it's quiet. - Exactly. - Do you come here often? - Not as much as I'd like to. Nowadays, I've got three children. - Yeah? - And they're all frightened to come up here because I've had a couple of experiences-- - Well, you don't-- I don't want you to tell me too much. - Okay. - Only because I actually want to tell you what I see. - Sure. - I was picking up a lot of things about your life and this home. - Yes? - For example, as I was pulling up here, I felt that there's a type of ornament or article in your home with a very odd shape, and I feel that it was used at one time as a weapon. I feel that is crucial to what may be going on in this house. <i> ♪ ♪</i> - It's her dad. - Oh, my God. - You daughter--he can hear her thoughts. I'm feeling a warning about him. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> - I felt that there's a type of ornament or article in your home with a very odd shape, and I feel that it was used at one time as a weapon. That is crucial to what may be going on in this house. And I feel like it's a collectible. - There are several artifacts inside this house. - Okay. - And most of the artifacts that are in this house are actually handmade by a number of different Native American tribes. - Can we go in? - Absolutely. - Yeah, that'll be great. - Welcome to the lake house. <i> ♪ ♪</i> - Wow, look at this. Do you hunt? - I do. I'm a hunter and fisherman. I'm a outdoorsman. - Yeah. That elk I killed about five years ago. - Ooh. - In Craig, Colorado. - Do you know items and articles hold energy? - I've heard that, for sure. - Okay. I just feel that-- <i> ♪ ♪</i> I have to tell you that somebody gave you an artifact that actually killed a human being. - Really? - Yes, in this home somewhere. - Most of the artifacts that I have in the house are not weapons, per se. - Okay. - But they are items that would be used in a Native American culture. For example, a rain dance. - [chanting] - Do you have a clay bowl with-- that herbs might have been used inside of that? - I have a bowl... - Okay. - Somewhere in this house. I'm not sure exactly where. - Okay. - But I did have a bowl that was actually used by a Native American culture, that I believe was a gift that was given to me, and it was used the same way you would use to crush up herbs or pills, or-- - That's pretty much what I'm seeing. There's been this man with me in the car, and I see him picking plants and using them in a bowl. He's a dark-skinned man, though. He's not Native American. - Really? - Yeah. - Okay. That's, like, one of the first clues that I have. - Okay. - All right? Um... The minute I meet a person, their relatives want to come through and give a message. - Kiki. - Ki? Ki? Somebody keeps saying, "Ki." It feels like a nickname. Or "Kiki"? - My wife... - "Kiki," maybe? - Uses the name "Kiki." - Is that her name? - No, her name is Theresa. - Oh. - But she uses the name, the nickname of "Kiki." <i> ♪ ♪</i> - I think her dad's here. - Oh, my God. - It's her dad. - Wow. - He's coming through. - He has, um, he has this going on. - Yes, exactly. - Oh, he is, like, in love with you. Oh, my goodness. - He was a great man. - Let's see what he's telling me. - [whispering] - You have a daughter? - I do. - You daughter always sends tributes in her mind towards her grandpa. He can hear her thoughts, and she always acknowledges him in a big way. - [whispering] - And somehow, he's calling her, like, "my princess," or-- - Yeah. Yeah. - Like, "my princess." But not your wife-- your daughter. - Yes. He always called her "my princess." And he loved her so much. - Um... - [whispering] - Has she been bullied at all, your daughter? - Not to my knowledge. - Okay. There's this weird thing that I feel is taking her self-esteem and bringing it down a bit. I'm feeling a warning about it. There's close people to her, like friends, her age group, that are maybe reducing her, making her feel-- and it's all jealousy, unfortunately, so-- - There's definitely that, because she's-- - It's rough on her, because she's so real and down-to-earth, and she just can't help who she is. She seems like she has it all, actually. - Wow. Yes, she does. - Like, I really-- talent, looks-- - Absolutely. - Friends-- - Just a lot of blessings. - That's correct. - He has a message for her. He said, "You can't worry about everybody else. "You just have to be you and do you." She's an old soul, though. See, she's worked on herself, so you guys raised her right. And now, I just want you to know that your father-in-law, he's got a lot to say. Hold on. Um... - [whispering] - He said that you're still carrying some stuff from a while ago that you didn't really release. I'm trying to get as close to this feeling as I can. - [whispering] - It's this duality that goes on inside of you, and it's always there. He said when you're alone with your own thoughts... - Mm-hmm? - There's a sadness there. - Wow. <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> [indistinct chatter] - It's negative; it's violent. I feel like I have a herd of people. I hear them breathing so loud. <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> - Your father-in-law, he said that</i> when you're alone with your own thoughts... - Mm-hmm? - There's a sadness there. - Wow. - Sometimes you wish people didn't label you a certain way. - That's been the case ever since I first became well-known. This particular industry has a tendency to label people. And I was labeled a "outlaw." - Yes. - But I'm about as sweet as sugar and as gentle as a lamb. - Yes. - But people don't perceive me that way because of the labels that have been put on me. - You're misunderstood. - Yes, very much. - You know, you could have somehow changed that, but I feel that you have some fear attached to that, to change that label or that identity. - There is some of that, for sure. I was worried constantly about what somebody might think or what somebody might say, but I know that I can only do so much. - It doesn't need to be-- it's taking energy from you that doesn't need to. You could be so much more creative; so much more satisfied, that's the word, in your soul. - Yes. - I feel we need to get to that today. - Mm-hmm. - And maybe as we go along our day, we can talk about that a little bit. Like, I would love to know how that ties in to maybe something that's gone on in this house and your paranormal experience. - Yeah. [indistinct chatter] - I'm actually hearing, like, another language. I don't know. It's like-- I'm not sure, but I'm feeling drawn to your bedroom. - Would you like to see it? - Yes, I would love to see it. - Come on. <i> [eerie music]</i> - Oh. - This is the master bedroom. Now, this is where I was the very first time that I heard voices. <i> Not loud voices. - Like muffled?</i> <i> - Very-- it was very subdued.</i> And I assumed, right off the bat, that I had left the television on. <i> I opened up the door, walked into the living room,</i> where we just were, <i> and realized the television was not on,</i> and there was no one there. And it was totally silent. - And there's no one around? - No. - Your closest neighbor is pretty far. - A long ways. And then it happened the next night, and then the next night. As long as I would just sit up in bed, those voices would talk as long as I would listen. <i> [muffled voices]</i> - Did they sound like men? - Yes, all male. - Mm-hmm. - There was at least three separate voices. - Did you try to figure out what they were saying? Did it sound like English? - It was more of a-- and I hesitate, almost, to imitate it, but if I had to imitate it, it would be... [muttering indistinctly]. That sort of thing. As I start remembering and thinking about what it was, it was a Native American talk. - [shouting indistinctly] - I'm not an expert in any which way, shape, or form in Native American tongue. - Mm-hmm. - I just keep seeing dark-skinned, African-American people. - [indistinct] - I see young-- they're young men. - [indistinct] - Even though I don't understand what they're saying, I can understand and interpret it emotionally. - [indistinct] - And I keep seeing that man with the bowl. He has something to do with this. I don't know if he's the leader and he has these other followers. There's a group of them. And I don't trust what they're up to. - Really? - Yeah. - And one of the men I'm looking at-- I'm seeing this man with beady eyes. He has this anger. - [indistinct] - I don't like this at all, because it's negative. It's violent. [angry shouting] It's like they're planning some sort of attack. - You saw blood on the grounds here? - I see blood dripping into the dirt. <i> ♪ ♪</i> I'd love to go outside and see what else I can pick up. Yeah, this is the spot I was seeing. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> - It's like they're planning some sort of attack. Um... As I was standing outside, I have to tell you, I saw pools of blood dripping into the soil. And it's very close by here. As a matter of fact, I feel something's going on downstairs. - Really? - Has there ever been any items moving, or shifting, or anything like that? - Oh, yes. Physical signs? - Yeah. - Yes. As a matter of fact, those happened downstairs. Would you like to see it? - Yes, I would love to see it. - Come on. I'll show you. All right, just follow me. Watch your step right here, okay? - Yes. <i> ♪ ♪</i> - Now, this is the room where the only visual sighting that we ever had of any type of spirits was in this room. - Okay. - My wife and I came up, just the two of us, and we just peeked around the corner when we first got here. <i> Bed was perfectly made, just like it is now.</i> Everything looked great. We went back upstairs. And then the next morning, my wife came downstairs, and she screamed. - Travis! - And she said, "You've got to come down here and look at this." And there were literally footprints from the doorway all the way over to the middle of the bed. And right here, there was an imprint where it looked like someone had sat down and put both fists like this. - Mm-hmm. And it stayed like that? - And that was what-- yes, and it stayed like that. And it was definitely not there the night before, and there was no one else in this house. - Well, I would have definitely thought there was an intruder. - Mm-hmm. - To see that, and then to see the marking on the bed. - But see, the doors-- not only are those doors locked-- - Yeah? - But there's a bar that goes across those doors. - Propped up in the corner-- - Oh. - And it goes across to keep anybody from kicking those doors in. <i> And it was definitely on the night before.</i> It was just very inexplicable and very, very strange. <i> ♪ ♪</i> - I'm so sorry. I feel like someone's stabbing my back. I just keep feeling this shock pain, like, just being jabbed into my back. And I keep seeing a tip of a knife with blood on it. - You said earlier that you saw blood, like, on the grounds here or something? - I see blood dripping into the dirt. <i> ♪ ♪</i> I feel like I'm out of breath, like someone's chasing me really, really fast. I can't--I can't escape quick enough. This man was being chased through the woods. He's stumbling, and he's not being chased by one. I feel like I have a herd of people-- <i> ♪ ♪</i> It's breathing on me; just out to get me. I hear them breathing so loud. <i> ♪ ♪</i> They're out to kill this guy. <i> ♪ ♪</i> - Do you sense that any of the spirits-- do they have any ill intent toward me? <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> - They're out to kill this guy,</i> and I don't exactly know why. <i> ♪ ♪</i> This was one event that I feel was isolated right in this vicinity, if not on this land exactly. - I see. - So I'd love to go outside and see what other visions I can get. - Absolutely. Would you like to go now? - Yeah, I would. I would. - Let's go. - I have an idea of what's going on, but I don't want to tell you until I know for sure. - Well, let's go take a look. <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> [crickets chirping] If we go strolling in the woods, you might want to grab one of these. - Okeydokey. - Come on, I'll take you down here and show you. - Yeah, this is the spot I was seeing, like an open area where this man was running. - Like here? - Well-- - A place like this? - A place just like this. <i> I keep seeing that man with the bowl.</i> He's known to have special powers. In his day, I guess they would have called him probably a fortune-teller, a psychic, a seer. He had the gift of seeing. - Right. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> - And he was the medicine man that people came to.</i> People were being cured of these oozing sores off their legs. - Wow. - I mean, it's just like a miracle. He might have, like, a weird, strange, ancient "H" name. I can't make out the name, though. - [chanting] - Wait a minute. It's becoming clearer. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Remember I told you about those men that would get together, and they would talk about their plan of attack? - Mm-hmm. Yes. - This group of men were very frightened of his powers. They didn't get what he does, really. - [chanting] - They're two-faced. I feel that they planned on luring him to ask for some sort of ritual or reading. <i> And he doesn't trust what they're up to.</i> But he would never turn anybody away. <i> ♪ ♪</i> This is like I'm watching a movie. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> And they took him by surprise.</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> He tried to get away. <i> ♪ ♪</i> - [screams] - He just tried to run, but they caught right up to him. One by one, they just started beating on him. I see stabbing. I see someone hit him on the head. <i> ♪ ♪</i> [gasps] Oh, they just beat him so badly to a pulp. <i> [eerie music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> - Do you sense that any of the spirits-- do they have any ill intent toward me? - The healer man-- I actually feel since you bought this house, he's been trying to tell you something. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> - The spirits--do they have any ill intent toward me or my family? - Okay, so this is what I wanted to tell you, and I'm pretty sure this is what's going on. I believe that what you're hearing in that cabin is what's called "residual energy." Residual energy is an imprint of an event. It can actually play in the environment like a loop. - Mm-hmm. - These men, they used to meet here nightly on this land, where this house was not here yet, to plan this thing. And there was such violent intent with these people, and there was so much anger attached to this, and that is why you keep hearing these men. It's, like, on a loop. - Mm-hmm. - However, the healer man, he's not residual. And I actually feel that since you bought this house, he's been trying to tell you something. <i> ♪ ♪</i> This is random-- very random. You didn't get to say good-bye to your father when he died? - Oh, my God. - Okay. - Yes. Wow. I wasn't there at the moment that he passed away. I was with him for so long, I actually spent the night-- the night before he passed away, and I was at home. - I don't know if he told you to go. It's okay to go. Like, the energy was-- did you see that light? It just got brighter. - Yes. Yes, it did. It did. - I feel your father just popped right in... - See? - To say it's okay that-- he'd have rather you not have been there. He didn't want to hold your plans up. Your plans-- your son's plans-- - [indistinct] - He just said, "The birthday, the birthday." So there was a birthday there. - See, that-- wow. That's so wild, because my son, who was probably 11, he kept saying, "Is Pops going to die on my birthday?" Because he was worried about that. - Wow. - Because he knew that that would be forever a remembrance of-- - Bittersweet? - Exactly. - I actually spent the night with him the night before he passed away, and I was-- we were actually planning the birthday party. - Mm-hmm. - And we left just long enough to go and pick up a few things for his birthday party, and my mother called me about two or three hours after we had left and said, "Your father just passed away." I felt guilty about it, for my mother's sake. - Yeah, but your mother-- - 'Cause I wasn't there for her. - But--but-- - [indistinct] - Let me tell you what he just said. "Your mother has this way that when, if you were there, she may have tried to be strong for you guys. And then she really would not have let it all out, because she just lost it. Just--I see sobbing. But if you guys were there, she would have reserved that and held back. - Wow. - See, there's something about your family; there's a pattern. You all live the way you're supposed to be. It's always what's expected of you. Mom's like that too. - Oh, yeah. Absolutely. - And I really feel that that has trickled down to you. And then I do feel that it's held you back in a lot of places. - Very much so. - And I also feel like that ties into your connection with this medicine man. Yeah, I mean, you want to go sit chat? - Sure. - I'll explain it more. - Let's do, please. This is very interesting to me. - The light just went again. - [laughs] - Why don't we grab these so we can see? - All right. <i> [soft piano music]</i> <i> ♪ ♪</i> - So, Travis. - Yes? - What did you think? - I'm amazed. Some of the things that you told me-- some of the things that you just knew, it's just amazing to me. And then some questions were answered, but then again, there's new questions there too. - Yes. - For example-- - Okay. - Who is this African-American gentleman-- - The healer? - The healer. - Who is he, and what is our connection? - Well, this healer guy-- I believe this bowl that he used to perform healings is in this home somewhere. And he had a gift. - Sure. - He had a gift from the heavens above. - Sure. Sure. - And sometimes we can't explain these gifts. He wound up being misunderstood. I believe what people don't understand, they wind up fearing. This guy saw a kindred spirit in you, and I remember bringing that up to you in the beginning-- - Being misunderstood or misinterpreted? - Well, kind of put in a box and labeled a certain way. - I mean, I was labeled from the very beginning in the music industry as being something different, because most of the peers that I had at the time were much more traditional than I was, even though I was doing traditional country music too. But I did a lot of blues. I did a lot of Southern rock. And I looked different. They wore cowboy hats; I didn't. I was riding Harley-Davidsons, had much more of a biker image. And I think that bad boy image got me labeled as being just not a really nice guy. And I would like to be able to change that. But I know that if you're going to be in this particular business, you want something that makes you stand out from the crowd. - Yes, of course. - But at the same time, you don't want to be mislabeled. - Well, this healer guy-- I feel like he has a message for you. Even though it wound up costing him his life, above all else, be true to yourself. Go with your heart and not worry so much about how you will be labeled. - Mm-hmm. - And spirit never ceases to amaze me. He went to great lengths to get this message to you, and that's healing. - Mm-hmm. - And this has helped him go to the light. - I see. Thank you, Kim. I appreciate this. - God bless you. - And I really appreciate you coming out and sharing your gift with me. - Well, if you're ever in New York, and you're giving a concert, I would like to share and hear your gift. - You got it. That's a deal. - [laughing] - Is that a deal? - That's a deal. [laughter] Kim did such a great job of being able to tell me things that I never even anticipated. She's got a tremendous gift. I think the most important thing that I take away from this was what she said about not being afraid to just show who you are at all times. <i> I walk away from this whole experience</i> <i> with a different appreciation of just being myself.</i> <i> - Looking back, Travis suspected</i> <i> that the paranormal voices he had been hearing</i> <i> were coming from Native American spirits.</i> <i> Together we discovered that the voices</i> <i> were actually a residual haunting</i> <i> from the men who had murdered a medicine man</i> <i> on the land many years ago.</i> <i> We also learned that this medicine man</i> <i> found a kindred spirit in Travis.</i> <i> He could relate to often being misunderstood.</i> <i> This spirit was sending Travis a clear message</i> <i> to follow his heart and to not worry</i> <i> about how others perceive him,</i> <i> a reminder to all of us to stand in our own truth</i> <i> and to be our authentic selves.</i>
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Keywords: lmn, lifetime movie network, lmn shows, lmn channel, lifetime movie shows, lmn full episodes, the haunting of, the haunting of full episodes, the haunting of clips, kim russo, haunted, paranormal, psychic, medium, travis tritt, kevin sorbo, The Haunting Of season 4 episode 22, The Haunting Of s4 e22, The Haunting Of s04 e22, The Haunting Of 4X22, watch The Haunting Of full episode, The Haunting Of season 4, watch The Haunting Of season 4, ghostly apparition, Blue Ridge Mountains
Id: W7WhGR-q2To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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