The Haunting Of... Sally Struthers (Season 2, Episode 10) | Full Episode | LMN

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there was a terrible thing that happened in  this house and i just constantly lived in fear i'm grabbing at straws trying to make sense  of the things that happened in this house   so you're frightened yes whatever was lurking  there then is still there this woman's energy is   trapped in this house she's not taking no for  an answer i'm not going down there you don't   want to go right i would feel someone touch my  arm she goes wherever you go who is it this is   the moment you've been waiting for and i don't  want to do anything you're uncomfortable with my name is kim russo and i am a psychic  medium when i was nine i was visited by   the first of many dead people who wanted  to communicate with the living through me   realizing that i couldn't ignore my  abilities i chose to embrace them   many people are haunted by  traumatic paranormal events   buried in their past some of these  people have faces you might recognize you've heard about their paranormal experiences  now you're about to witness the moment they take   me back to the place of the haunting  in the hopes of uncovering the truth this is the haunting of sally strothers we're in west los angeles in a section  that's referred to as brentwood   it was an interesting 18  years in this big old house the house i lived in it has  a lot of hollywood history   and there was a lot of happiness in the house except for the ghost which scared everybody we're headed to see sally strothers  she's best known for her acting role as   gloria stivic in the long-running  sitcom all in the family she has a lot of questions about unusual  activity that took place when she lived   there based on what i'm feeling it's a big  possibility that whatever was lurking there then   is still there this could be something that i  might have to really amp up my protection for i came to hollywood became a successful actress   carol o'connor who played my father in  all the family introduced me to a doctor   i wound up marrying him and then unbeknownst  to me he wanted to live in a mansion   and one day said dress the baby up by now  my daughter was about 12 months old samantha   and he said we're going to go  look at a house in brentwood the day that my husband and i met the owner of  the home she showed us around the whole house and i'll never forget that she walked  us to show us this very large kitchen   and on the way in the kitchen she said  just make sure this door is always locked   and i said well what's in there and she  said well it's stairs down to a cellar i said okay i'll always keep it locked   we moved in and in less than a year my marriage  was over here i was living in this huge home and   i've never liked being alone i like to have hubbub  around me so i made sure that right away i filled   all those bedrooms with anyone that needed  a place to live and my house just spilled up well one of the kids that moved in with me  and wound up staying five six years she said   there was a woman in the hallway near my bedroom  last night i said well what woman who somebody   one of our friends no there it was she wasn't a  full woman i could sort of see through her but   i could see her completely it was a ghost and  i tried to discount it this young lady telling   me this probably drank too much wine last  night or just has a very vivid imagination   but over a period of months other people started  saying to me who is that woman in the hallway   have you seen that woman we see this woman  sometimes in the hallway this ghost and it was   always at night of course would go into samantha's  room things would move in samantha's room and it frightened her terribly i knew that it  was a reality that came with the house there is   a ghost and i just kept saying to god at night  my prayers please please don't let me see her i'll die and then it started to happen to me it was when i was in my pajamas alone barefoot in  the kitchen no one else downstairs in the kitchen i would feel something touch  my arm i feel a cold wind go   by my legs and there wasn't a window open anywhere i would run thank god there were always other  people in the house to run to and say oh my god   i just felt her she just touched me i know i felt  this cold around me that had nothing to do with   the temperature and i knew she was there and it  constantly freaked me out and sometimes i was in   the master bedroom suite of the house there wasn't  a tv or a radio on and i would very softly hear her say my name that's such a scary thing when there's  nobody there but there's somebody there and i can hear her god no this is not good i believe that this ghost this young woman  really wanted me to know she was there and   she respected me and didn't appear  to me but she did everything else   she touched me she talked to me  and i don't like being scared and i just constantly lived in fear   today will be the first time i've ever been  back there and 16 years 15 and a half years i want to ascertain whether or not  this spirit is still in this home   that i lived in for so many years if she's  there i hope that there's something that kim   can say or do to facilitate  the spirit moving on because   i believe this woman's energy is trapped  in this house or she's staying for a reason as i'm approaching this home and the visions that  i keep getting this energy that i'm sensing and   it's it's not just one energy it's coming  across to me almost like a swirl of energy i'm having a hard time distinguishing  because i feel a spirit of a man   but yet i also feel a very  strong presence of a woman the man comes across to me as someone that  doesn't very easily let let his guard down   the more now that i i sense this woman   she's really trying to get the spotlight and  she really wants to be heard she's very loud i promise her i'm going to be all ears  when i get there and she's not taking   no for an answer she's just not listening  to me and that that could be a little ugly here we are i guess this is it huh let's  see what this is all about   this house is not what i expected it's beautiful  but yet a little spooky at the same time i want to go around the back if i can i hope  nobody minds that i'm taking my own tour this is quite the backyard i see  tables i see women in long dresses   i'm hearing like almost like big band  music that that era that time frame there had to be some fancy parties  that took place here at one time   but that woman from the car she's with me still as  happy as it may have been during the party times   that's as terrifying as i feel  what went on behind closed doors so you're frightened yes a woman just joins  us i feel like you've brought her with you as happy as it may have  been during the party times that's as terrifying as i feel  what went on behind closed doors   but i can't assume anything i  have to wait till sally gets here i'm experiencing some palpitations you know my  palms are sweating right now just knowing that in   a few minutes i'm going to  be walking in that house   and knowing that we're going  there to rustle up this ghost   the gates are on the left there wow are you kim hi i'm kim yes i've  seen you on television many many   sweet hi how are you i'm good so how long  has it been since you've been back here 15   and a half years 16 oh wow a long time oh  whatever is going on behind those walls   i like to see myself as someone who's also helping  whatever souls might be lost or trapped in there   that's what i want because even though there  are new owners here the energy may be trapped   i'm excited to maybe get some closure and this  entity to move on i that would be the perfect   outcome um i'm hoping that if this entity in  any form appears you're the only one to see it   because otherwise you better know cpr so  you're frightened yes okay well we have some   energies that have already joined me and  they've been with me since i drove up into   in the car so there are a few people that  are already trying to get my attention   do all of them have something to do with this  house or just with my life that's what i don't   know yet i am completely open to hearing what  you find out because i'm i'm in the dark i okay   i'm grabbing at straws trying to make sense  of the things that happened in this house   there was a lady with me in the car and  she's still with me whatever this is it's   it's an active energy it's very active it's  not something that's going to back down easy   that i can tell you once i open that door  i think we'll have a pretty good idea of   of what it is we're dealing with this is  the moment you've been waiting for okay let's do this oh my gosh wow wow energy-wise how did you feel when you walked in   i'm back i'm it's samantha i'm home and samantha  is your daughter yeah so she lived here as a   young child yes why don't we start in here this  looks like a sitting room what's the living room   and it's exactly the same you used it for  that purpose as well yes it's exactly the same you know sally a woman just joined us um  actually there's two women that just joined us uh i feel they're very connected  to your life and one woman in her later years she she the best way  i can describe it to you is i i'm very   dizzy a lot of the times and i and i i i know  what i want to say but i can't find the words   so she was confused this woman like she had a  memory lapse of some sort she knew her loved   ones but i don't feel she was able to connect  the words with the with the with the memory   do you know who that might be yeah my mom i feel like you brought her with you and she  goes wherever you go huh i really do are you   prepared because she looks she's making me  feel like she wants to have a conversation   with you i miss her terribly okay i know it's it's  emotional we need tissues tissues are on their way   oh awesome awesome okay she says  she'll know it's me if you go like this   like with a cigarette most of her life she said   but then she said and this is important to  to get across to you don't have any guilt there are certain things i feel like you needed  to do to keep your mother safe in those days where   she wasn't able to help herself so i kind of feel  like taking the cigarettes away was one of them   i see car keys we have to take the car keys away  we can't really let this woman cook for herself   you know because she didn't have the wherewithal  i recognize all of this my father had alzheimer's   this is very familiar to me and i can see what  this is it's the same thing that my family went   through i really feel that there's gonna be a big  message in in this whole day i just don't know   i'm just starting i'm just living  in the moment and going with it   um i also want to tell you the lady  she's with she has a sister with her i just asked that lady her name it's very short name three  letters i feel three letters yes give me a second i i i i yeah i it's like ida ida is that her  name wow yeah i know you sure you were okay   yes she's so happy to be here oh she's always  happy to be everywhere she's so happy to be here   happiest human being you want to walk a  little so you can breathe a little bit yeah   whoo i'm just so glad that they're together  they're real yeah that's the first thing your   mom wanted to show me when when she came across  me she wanted to show me she was with her sister   and hold on a minute there's  something else she just said   oh she's talking about your daughter by any  chance is your daughter a doctor does she work in   the medical field yes she just said your daughter  works with the mind yes in in like a psychiatrist   a psychologist yes clinical psychologist okay uh  very proud of her that she followed through you   know i have to tell you something you said your  daughter was present in this home when you lived   here with all this activity yeah that weight heavy  on her your mother's telling me this oh yeah it   did affect her deeply deeply she was afraid all  the time does she know you're doing this today   you know something this  house is starting to fill up she wants to be heard you said your daughter was present in this home  when you lived here with all this activity yeah that weighed heavy on her your mother's telling  me this oh yeah does she know you're doing this   today yes she didn't want any part of it well  see that tells me that it just might have really   rattled her when she lived here so you  want to explore the rest how are you sure they pushed it way out to there oh you  mean the kitchen was not this big oh no   it's more than twice as big  oh wow this is beautiful sally you know i was exploring  the property prior to you arriving   and that is the the area where i was getting  these flashbacks and all these visions of   people walking around with trays  of food like big giant parties   and i was picking up live band music and the  man that built this house he had his own movie   studios jessie lasky he probably had huge studio  parties here okay but they had big bands playing and not only that it's like this  that old hollywood feel right yes   uh because this lady i'm looking at right  now she's very beautiful very elegant   her hair is perfect hers  wearing a very pretty dress she's not a trapped ghost though at all and  honestly she lived here because she seems to know   the floor plan very well i i i only know her as a  glamorous woman peter hayworth this was her home   the actress rita hayward yes this was her home  i don't believe she's the ghost you encountered   she's a nice woman she just came back because  she knows i'm here and i'm a medium and i can   talk i can understand their language yeah  but i still get that that old-fashioned   sense when i when i come in here you  know because i'm going back in time uh there was a hint of a man he's been  with me since i drove up in the car   and he's somewhat showing himself to me today but  i'm noticing he's staying in the background mostly   but i don't think he's going to stay in the  background too long he's waiting to come forward   to speak to me but he won't do it as long as your  mother's in the front i don't understand that   are you saying it's someone that passed yes but  uh he's waiting for the floor all to himself   okay you know something i have to tell  you this house is starting to fill up th that loud lady is back  again from earlier in the car   she keeps like coming in and out of  my my vision wait a minute hold on whoever this woman is this is the space where  she used to try to get your attention quite a bit   you have memories of um i want to say  like things flying out or gusts of wind   i always felt cold air going by my legs that's typical of ghost activity   they can move things which by the way this lady  moved things on you i just i just saw her do that   she loved to play with makeup that's what she  just showed me she loved to play with your makeup   i see that that that's striking something with  you yes this was this this ghost so was she the   one that scared my daughter all the time yes this  woman really fed off of your daughter's innocence she told me that she tried to get your attention  many many times who is it i'm going believe me   i'm does it have to be someone i knew in my  life absolutely not no she may be connected   to something in this home or connected to one  of the previous owners it could be that okay i just asked her her name you know what she's cooperating with me that  that's that's a little bit of a good sign   and she says you can call me evie but  my name is evelyn that's what she said   you don't need to know who she is  i'm going to find out who she is   i'm going to find out who she is where your  makeup is was that up on the second floor   um because she's trying to show me  upstairs she's trying to bring me upstairs uh hold on a second this is a evelyn lady she very often walked  up and down these hallways when you lived here   that's what she's telling me um and i keep also  feeling that she still dwells here to be honest there's a bedroom i kind of feel  like it's the master bedroom yes you felt a presence when you  were about to drift off to sleep   i've many times felt cold air around me and  the thing that i found most disturbing is   sometimes i would feel someone just touch  my arm and that completely freaked me out oh i'm back in my own bedroom i never closed  that door when there was there was a much smaller   doorway there and i never closed it because  i i wanted people to be able to hear me if i   yelled down the hallway i was scared because  of the activity going on in this house and   i would very softly hear her say  my name it would just freak me out well i will tell you something uh yeah that that evelyn   that was her she wants to be heard like like her  voice wants to be heard i feel she still does but i'm also sensing that this is a man that was standing with your mother  earlier but didn't identify himself this man is   moving forward sally i feel i feel as if your  father's here i feel a dad energy coming forward and i don't know how you feel about  starting a conversation with him   uh and the only reason i say that because  because what he just gave me the feeling of is   it's been a very very long time and i don't  want to do anything you're uncomfortable with i'm not going down there there was a  terrible thing that happened in this house sally i feel i feel as if your father's here what he just gave me the feeling of is it's  been a very very long time since you've   seen him or talked to him and he's coming  across as well please get her permission   first and i don't want to do anything you're  uncomfortable with i really really don't so   please sit down if you need to sit and it's okay uh wait a second tell you what i heard what  i said i did the best i knew how and you know he said he's made it up him and your mom have  made it okay on the other side he says she has   forgiven me i can't rest until my children  forgive me you're one of his children well   is that i was 20 when my dad  passed away and my sister was 22.   he said don't talk about when i passed  away he said i'm not apologizing for dying i'm apologizing for leaving a at another time he  did he he left us when my sister and i were little   and my mom was never the same  and my sister and i had a   very sporadic relationship with him and  that he was a doctor and we rarely saw him but what your dad just said to me was you also married a doctor i did i did and that  i don't want to pry i do not even want to be   personal with you that's right but your  dad has watched over you all this time   and he talked about i can't say that your  husband walked out on you but it didn't last   either did you ever put that together i did  the very thing i said i didn't want to happen   came about i didn't want to have  children and have a marriage end   had a daughter and my marriage was  over just like it happened to my mom   and a doctor no less now here's where he's going  with this he's like your mom has forgiven me and   you're the one he still needs your forgiveness i  stopped speaking to him before he died you know   i'm ashamed of myself for having stopped talking  to him then that's what you need to let go of um give me a second you wrote  a letter to your dad i did   where did you rip it where  is it i mailed it to him i need to i need you to talk about that i tell  them how upset i was with him why'd you roll   your eyes because i'm sorry i did that all right  this is a two-way street you both have things that   you're sorry about you know and i just said  to him why are you bringing up that letter   i'm sure it broke his heart but he understands  your point of view he does now he does you know   he's just a little bit sorry that he didn't have  that chance to say all this prior to his death   i will give you this he is admitting his wrongs  whether it be in this life or the afterlife and   when you forgive someone it gives you your  power back have a conversation with your dad   have an ongoing conversation with him do it  tonight i commend him he's not giving up and   you may find he's closer to you from that realm  than he ever was okay um so you have you have   some work to do sally all right i'll do it you  have a lot of like releasing i'm just concerned   because we're in this house and there was some  a terrible thing that happened in this house   pride are you living here huh i was told about it  from the woman i bought this house from all right   it might be the person evelyn that keeps talking  to you evelyn is in this house but wait a second   whatever this horrible thing you heard  happens in this house it didn't happen here no   the basement staircase that's where the bad  thing happens uh-huh we will explore that we have to find this basement honestly i  am sensing it's a spot you didn't go to   too often at all oh no i'm not going down there  you don't want to go right   well i'll stand at the top of the stairs  and you tell me if you sense anything i don't know what's down there but it wasn't  stairs like this it was like sellers it was   sellers you know like boards the stairs when they  were what from a doorway over there just went   right so like god forbid someone fell down  those steps there would have been a goner well   that's what just that you just described what  happened really i want to hear what you heard what did you hear about someone falling  down the steps earlier on in the history of   this house someone was having a party and  some young woman in her alcoholic stupor   fell down the stairs and broke her neck and died   you know something sally that i just i  don't feel that that's not what i'm getting   do you have any idea where this woman got her  information i'm sure from the previous owners wow you don't feel it it's not at  all i don't feel that at all here   that's not even what this lady's telling me this this evelyn lady told me no no no no no no   she's assuring me that there's no  ghost here like that hold on a minute that evelyn woman she keeps saying i i didn't  deserve to die like that i didn't deserve   wow she says my life ended  on a very unexpected note you know what sally she she was brutally  murdered she was stabbed and she was choked it's just so strange she wound up here  i feel you were a big part of this that evelyn woman she was brutally  murdered she was stabbed and she was choked   she says i died at the hand of another did she die in this house no it looked like   this little alleyway is what it looks  like the way she's showing it to me and it was a man trying to   to rob her she had nothing but a life  and he dropped that he robbed her life right they didn't solve for murder at one point  there was a investigation going on as to how she   died there was a point where they gave up because  they had no leads she didn't she didn't forgive   her killer and that's keeping her earthbound oh  of course it's just so strange she wound up here   she said she she stayed here for a time so  she knew the house i feel like she had the   best times of her life when she lived in  this home this was a sweet memory for her she also felt a connection with you see  i feel you were a big part of this where   you both were walking around with this  uh victim mentality yes like why me and   i told you you're going to have to take the  rest of the steps to forgive your father you're   ready and to forgive myself to forgive  my father but do you see so many things   do you see what you kind of have in common with  evelyn she also needs to forgive her killer   her murderer that's probably a little more  difficult to do well why don't we go somewhere   and just uh okay sit down a little bit get off  our feet and chat about what we can do to release her it's a lot to digest it is a lot how do you  feel after everything that's gone on i feel like   i've been through a lot of emotions today i really  thought i came to find out about this ghost and a   completely different thing happened today  well what happened today is your mom showed   up right off the bat i know and i have a sneaky  suspicion that your mom knew your dad was going to   approach you today and i don't feel she wanted  you to handle that alone you see so she came   as a source of support i think the dad and the  and the releasing of that is is huge for you   and there were some myths put to rest about the  woman was not the woman you thought she was it's   a woman who was murdered somewhere in the town and  she's here because she needs somebody to know how   she died but you can relate because you've had  things happen to you that you haven't been able   to release maybe up until now she does look up to  you all right i'm not scared of her anymore then   no you saw all of the commonalities that this  lady evelyn had with you anger resentment   i don't know if i'm ever going to be able to  help her with letting go of the victimization   of being murdered what you need to do is lead  by example do this for you and she will follow   by watching you forgive and let go of everything  that you've been holding on to with your father   absolutely trying to find the right words to  know that there's someone that can use my help   and if i can get rid of the bad guilty  angry feelings it's a huge reason to do it   it's rewarding isn't it when we're  done here i am going to do another   walk uh through the house myself and i  will definitely help release this woman   i'm very fortunate that i got to meet you well  i feel honored and it was my pleasure because   i feel like i've helped several souls  today thank you please can i have a hug   kim had a very kind loving  but strong way of making me   face things that i had not chosen to look at  i carry my father on the inside of my sleeve   i have lots of issues about a life without him   and the hurts that he caused my mother my sister  and me and the things i didn't forgive him for   and kim told me that he can't move on unless  i let go and i hear it loud and clear now   looking back when we met sally she was  seeking closure to the paranormal events   she experienced years ago in her former home  in los angeles we found out the spirit who   haunted her was a very angry woman who was  still resentful about her unsolved murder   through our journey sally realized she also needed  to let go of anger and resentment against her late   father and by doing so she could help both her  and the trapped ghosts move on and find peace   we are often called upon to serve as role models  for the ghosts that surround us because whether   living or dead we can never truly be free unless  we release the past in order to move forward you
Channel: LMN
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Keywords: lmn, lifetime movie network, lmn shows, lmn channel, lifetime movie shows, lmn full episodes, lmn clips, the haunting of, the haunting of full episodes, the haunting of clips, kim russo, haunted, paranormal, psychic, medium, Sally Struthers, season 2, episdeo 10, Patrick Muldoon, The Haunting Of season 2 episode 10, The Haunting Of s2 e10, The Haunting Of s02 e10, The Haunting Of 2X10, watch The Haunting Of full episode, The Haunting Of season 2, watch The Haunting Of season 2
Id: JBldqCfUj8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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