The Haunting Of... Johnny Weir (Season 4, Episode 7) | Full Episode | LMN

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[whispered] On<i> The Haunting Of...</i> (Johnny) This place is the single scariest thing that I've ever experienced. I can't imagine walking over the doorstep. [eerie music] ♪ ♪ (Johnny) I've traveled all over the world, and this place is the single scariest thing that I've ever experienced. [screaming] (Kim) This place is not safe. I'm already feeling, like, violence. There's something freakish going on inside there. (Johnny) Oh, my God, I can't believe you know things. Well, what did you think, I was a fake? (Johnny) I just have this feeling that the next turn we make, there's gonna be something horrible. (Kim) Heard women, like, screaming. [screaming] (Kim) I just saw something over there. I just saw something move right over there. I want to get out of here. I have to say strong; otherwise we're both going down. [eerie music] ♪ ♪ (Kim) My name is Kim Russo, and I am a psychic medium. When I was nine, I was visited by the first of many dead people who wanted to communicate with the living through me. Realizing that I couldn't ignore my abilities, I chose to embrace them. Many people are haunted by traumatic paranormal events buried in their past. Some of these people have faces you might recognize. You've heard about their paranormal experiences. Now you're about to witness the moment they take me back to the place of the haunting in the hopes of uncovering the truth. This is... [ethereal music] ♪ ♪ (Kim) I'm headed out to meet with Johnny Weir. He is a famous Olympic ice skater. He grew up here in rural Pennsylvania, and the location we're headed to is not far from where he grew up. It's supposedly this big building-- some sort of a warehouse. Warehouses are notorious for housing ghosts. They must be haunting him, for real-- like, down to his core-- for him to come all the way back to his hometown. There's something terrifying that we have to get to the bottom of. (Johnny) I'm going back to a childhood stomping ground that terrified me to the point that it's remained with me my whole life. ♪ ♪ I've traveled all over the world. I've been in weird underground tunnels in Slovakia, I've been in old hostels in China, and nowhere has stuck out more than this old brick building. ♪ ♪ I can't imagine walking over the doorstep. It's terrifying. It's a bogeyman that has been with me for my whole life. This place is the single scariest thing that I've ever experienced. [tense music] ♪ ♪ I grew up in rural southeast Pennsylvania, and it's a very desolate sort of place. The first people that really settled my area were the Amish-- Pennsylvania Dutch. And a lot of their European mysticism I think came with them. And driving through my area, people have stars on the outside of their houses, and those are supposed to ward off evil. It's creepy, all the things that can hide in the hills of Pennsylvania. When I was little, there was a property that was owned by close family friends. It was this ominous brick, scary building sitting almost on the train tracks. It just had this very Salem witch sort of... very sinister feeling. There were so many occasions when I had to be close to the building or in the vicinity, and I always felt so... off when I was there. I remember really distinctly feeling-- not just uneasy in a kind of, like, "I'm on a boat for the first time" sort of way, but uneasy in the pit of your stomach where you start to feel nauseous, your head starts to feel swimmy. [eerie music] ♪ ♪ I felt that there was a ghost or a spirit or somebody around that was gonna kidnap me and kill me or do something to me. ♪ ♪ We'd roll up in our family car, and I would come up with excuses not to get out of the car. (woman) All right. Let's go. My stomach hurts. No. (Johnny voice-over) I would feign any illness-- you know, life-threatening or not-- to keep me sitting in the car, because the car was safe. My stomach hurts. (Johnny voice-over) If I was forced to get out of the car, it was like a short-term paralysis. Like, I didn't want to walk too close to that end of the property where the brick house sat. I didn't want to go anywhere near there. So my young parents also had young parent friends, and I was forced and obligated to hang out with their kids and play with their kids. But all the kids kind of knew that I was weird. They liked to pick on me a bit, and they knew that I was afraid of this old brick building. ♪ ♪ They knew that I was terrified of it. You scared? (boy) Come on, you loser! (Johnny voice-over) For most kids, like, a spooky old place is awesome to hang out in, but I never could cross the doorjamb. And one day... [tense music] ♪ ♪ [all speaking indistinctly] (boy) You gonncry to your mommy? Stop! They thought it would be fun to mischievous, and sort of try and drag me in. [all shouting] Get his legs! (Johnny voice-over) It was two or three kids-- you know, one grabs an arm and the other two grab legs. Are you gonna cry to your mommy? No! (Johnny voice-over) I screamed. I kicked. I spat. I clawed. I did everything that I could to not go in that building. ♪ ♪ I felt that there was something around. There's something wrong. Stop! Stop! No! ♪ ♪ (Johnny voice-over) At some point, I wrestled myself away, and I was never in the building. ♪ ♪ As most kids do, I went with my concerns and my fears to my mom. There's a ghost inside there, Mom. (Johnny voice-over) But my mother just kind of waved it off and was like, "Well, ghosts don't exist." You shouldn't be afraid. It's just a brick building. But you feel things. Kids are very open to feeling things and knowing things, and these things were real to me. ♪ ♪ And to this day, I have never been in that building. I don't know if it's evil. I don't know if it's somebody there. Just thinking about the building gives me goose bumps. This building and this place and this feeling has stayed with me for my entire life. (Johnny) I suppose the reason I feel strong enough to try and figure out what all of this is now is that I turned 30 and I'm a man. I'm no longer a boy. And now I am excited to get some answers as to whatever's on the other side of that door. I haven't actually stood on the property or on the ground since I was probably 12 years old, and I'm 30 now, so you do the math. It's pretty scary. I'm hoping to find out why this place has stuck in my memory and has been a bogeyman for my whole life. (Kim) I'm feeling very unsettled. There's a sneaky energy. Like, I feel like I'm picking up on a man. A man's energy. This man-- he can't be trusted at all. I feel a dark side to this man. I definitely don't feel safe at all. Today may be one of those days that, if I'm not careful, I can take one of these ghosts home with me. That's a medium's nightmare. I feel like there's an energy of secrecy surrounding this building. [tense music] It's just--it's creepy. It's really creepy. ♪ ♪ Well, today's gonna be a long day. I can feel it. Cold and long day. Oh, boy. Oh, my goodness. I can totally see why he's frightened by this place. Something definitely happened in there. [screaming] I hear women screaming. "Help, help, help!" But it sounds like a muffled scream. Like, uh... ♪ ♪ Almost like I feel like they might be gagged. ♪ ♪ I'm already feeling, like, violence. There's something freakish going on inside there. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ I hear women screaming. Wailing. But it sounds like a muffled scream. Like, uh... Almost like I feel like they might be gagged. [woman gasps] This is not cool at all, what I'm feeling. This place is not safe. I feel like I see a postman. What does that have to do with this place? Okay, Johnny. I don't even want to wait in front of this building. That's how uncomfortable I feel. [tense music] ♪ ♪ (Johnny) My breath is short right now. It's dark out, which is quite different than I've ever experienced this place before. It's cold. And I... I really don't know how this is going to go. ♪ ♪ Oh, it's such a scary building. [exhales sharply] This is terrifying. (Johnny) Okay. Hey, Johnny. - Hi. - How are you? I'm fine, aside from this big, brick, scary thing next to us. Are you nervous? - Nice to meet you. - Very good to meet you too. You haven't been back here in how long? It's been--I was 12, probably, the last time I was even this close to this building. I've never been inside this building. Okay. I never allowed myself to, and I never felt that I was able to cross the threshold. And to this day, I still feel like I'm not really supposed to go in there. [eerie music] In this area, I was constantly afraid of being kidnapped. Do you think you were always afraid of getting kidnapped? That's a really interesting statement. Always. I was always afraid of getting snatched. - Even as an adult-- - Really? That I'm gonna be taken, or that I'm gonna be taken away from the life that I know. And that's something that always scared me. That was my biggest fear when I was young, and I don't know what about this building and how that would correlate with that, but just--this building would never allow me to cross it. When we're born, we-- what people don't realize is we actually come in with fears. And I believe in past lives. I'm not saying that's what your case was yet. I don't know. But what I'm saying is, the soul has the memory of every life it's ever lived, and the fresher you are as a child, the more current that memory might be. So who knows? I don't want to scare you; I just want to let you know that some stuff happened in there. Your vibes about this building are-- whether you're a kid or an adult, there's something freakish going on inside there. (Kim) I don't know what's gonna happen here today. We're gonna take it step by step. Like, really, I will share everything with you that I feel. I'll tell you really quick, I picked up on a post office man, a postman? And there is some violent energy that I'm already feeling, like violence. I want to really help you today. I might read you with personal messages. Is that okay? Do I have your permission to do that? If any loved ones come through? - Sure. - Okay. And I definitely will be their voice, and I hope they come early so they can help protect us. Agreed. But... I'm thinking we should venture on this way. I feel drawn to these steps. - Okay. - Okay? Will you hold my paw? All righty. [tense music] You want to do it? ♪ ♪ I'll let you do it. I'll go after you. All right. ♪ ♪ Look. I want you to look and tell me how you feel. ♪ ♪ (Johnny) I feel so wobbly. Is that just my own nervous energy? Why do I feel like this, though? It's the energy. I feel the energy too. Um... I have to tell you what else I feel. I'll tell you what I'm seeing the minute I walked in. I see, like, boxed crates, and I don't know if they're here, but I feel like they stored crates in this building. I don't know what they were used for. Wooden crates-- I mean, this has always been sort of for farm products. I mean, this was the place to come in our area for anything you needed for farming. Okay. I have to tell you, though, John, I feel like I'm back in a different century. I'm not quite visualizing something that happened when you were a child. I want to go even back more than that. Let's go. Like, visually, psychically, I'm connecting with another time period. - I'm talking the Civil War. - Civil War. I saw a man-- I still see a man-- The post office man from outside? Yes. "Thomas." I hear a "Thomas." "Thomas." Tom the Postman. (Kim) This man has two faces. Like, he-- he makes it, like-- like he's nice to you at first... And then he has a shady, violent side. ♪ ♪ I'm gonna actually use a word I don't use very lightly. [screaming] Torture. ♪ ♪ [eerie music] (Kim) "Thomas." I hear a "Thomas." "Thomas." I feel like that name links very directly to this post office guy. Tom the Postman. (Kim) This man has two faces. Like, he-- he makes it, like-- like he's nice to you at first, and then-- and then he has a shady, violent side. It's all a beautiful outside appearance until he lures you in, and then you see all the ugliness and all the junk on the inside. So that may be something that's connected to your experience. It could be that it's a parallel, and we'll get to it as we go. I don't know. ♪ ♪ I have a grandpa here for you. A grandpa. He said he's your grandpa. Thank you, Grandpa. You're just in time. - So we don't have to-- - Deal with Thomas. Feel a little more comforting-- comforted. I believe he's on your mom's side. You look like you have his smile. Has anybody ever told you that? And his fingernails and everything. Well, I haven't seen your fingernails-- Well, they're painted, but... But the smile is this man's smile. And he's so warm, and he sees you-- he watches over you. Um... He said you're just like your mom. Now, I have to tell you, my own spirit guides will show me things in my own life, which is my own frame of reference, and my mom is a heavy smoker. And my children have nicknamed her "Meemaw Puff-Puff." And I'm supposed to say that to you for some reason. Oh, my God. I have no idea why. They're showing me Meemaw-- like, my mom-- "Meemaw Puff-Puff," they call her. It's because she smokes, though. My mother smokes heavily, and my grandfather's nickname was Puff. Oh, my God. I'm not-- you're ridiculous right now. - Are you kidding me? - Knowing this stuff. I kind of thing your father's father is also in spirit. Is he John like you? - Yeah. - Okay. So you're having extra protection here, my dear. - [laughs] - That's awesome. Thank you, guys, wherever you are. - Isn't that awesome? - That's really awesome. [distorted speech] You know what he just said? He said, "I worked with energy too." What does that mean? He worked for a nuclear power plant. - [gasps] - So, nuclear energy. So he understands energy. And there's energy here today. Like, beyond. Oh, my God, I can't believe you know things. Well, what did you think, I was a fake? No, but I just didn't know that it was, like, that... - Intense? - Like he's right there. Well, it certainly is. He's really, really happy to see you. Really happy. I do feel he's been to some of your events, like, I feel like he's been there. Like, in person, though, not in death. - Yes. - Okay. 'Cause he showed me one that you were competing and you might not have won. - Does that make sense? - Yeah. Because he kept showing me about the disappointment, and he just--he didn't know how to make things better for you. He was at the Olympics, and I got--I did very, very well, and I got sixth place. But you don't go to the Olympics to get sixth place; you go to win a medal, and I did everything to win a medal and my whole family was devastated. He wasn't. Well, they were proud of me but devastated-- He was devastated for how you felt, and it was another disappointment, and he said it's similar to that feeling of how you feel now. I think he means a separation, divorce. Yeah. It's-- that's exactly what my situation is. I'm mid-divorce. That's wild. I'm going through a personal situation with a man with two faces. Maybe it connects to the man that you're going through this with now, but he said the good news is, you're surrounded by many, many dear friends, so you really have a beautiful support system, and your spirit can't be crushed. That's what he just said. Your spirit can never be crushed. Never. Even as a child. It seems like you just keep pushing on. I do. Is that a theme in your family? I think a lot of it started with my mother. Trudging through everything that needs to be trudged through and doing it with grace and dignity and... Wow. [laughs] - Cool, right? - Thank you. It almost offsets the violence I feel here. [screaming] And the negative, and actually, I'm gonna actually use a word I don't use very lightly. Torture. There was torture. Right under my feet, something happened. [screaming] I don't know if there's a basement... I don't know if there's a basement. Because it's pushing me down. [distorted screaming] I want to do this whole floor, if there's another space we could go to, and we'll work our way down. How's that? That's fine, because this is-- I'm shaky, and I still feel off. Well, I know what you mean. I've been there. I don't actually feel it right now, because I feel like my guides need me to stay grounded, so that, you know-- You're gonna protect me when we go down there? I have to stay strong; otherwise we're both going down. - Okay? - Okay. Why don't we go that way? [eerie music] ♪ ♪ You've overcome a lot, it seems, in your life. Oh, yeah. This is the only thing that... has stayed with me, no matter where I go in the world-- the fear of stepping inside this building-- and still, being in here is so-- so surreal, and something that I never thought that I would do. ♪ ♪ Something about energy in here, it feels like-- it feels like-- I need to push out the walls. There's not enough space in here. ♪ ♪ I feel like I'm picking up on some women energy now. I heard women, like, screaming, like, "Help, help, help!" [woman moaning] What the heck is this place? ♪ ♪ (Kim) I just saw something over there. I just saw something move right over there. I want to get out of here. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (Kim) Something about energy in here, it feels like-- it feels like-- I need to push out the walls. There's not enough space in here. I feel like I'm picking up on some women energy now. I heard women, like, screaming, like, "Help, help, help!" No! No, no! What the heck is this place? I don't understand this. ♪ ♪ But I see nothing but black women. I would say they were women slaves. (Johnny) Do you think... maybe there was that situation where-- we're very close to the Mason-Dixon Line here. It separated North from South in the Civil War. Yes. Slaves would obviously have to come north. Yes, to get-- So, the Underground Railroad-- I don't know if this building would have been part of it, because, as I understand, this building was after the Civil War. I believe that, but I see another structure here that burned down. [eerie music] ♪ ♪ Wow, so if something burned down, and the-- all of that-- when something burns down, all of that negative energy stays. The energy is still-- it doesn't go away because-- especially if there's a trapped or a, um, earthbound spirit. A fire doesn't help that. [sighs] Hold on. It's a lot of evil energy here. There's, um-- There's something about something being transported back and forth and back and forth. Like, I feel like I'm inside of a cage, but I don't feel they're animals. I feel they're people. ♪ ♪ I see that man... ♪ ♪ The postman. Is he still here? This is all connected. How's it going? Good. There's that two-- two faces again. Right. (Kim) Like, I see him delivering mail to people and I see him going like this, like he's--he wants to know a lot of things about the town and about people. But I feel like it's that inside information that he uses to make his money. See, this is the thing about this man. He found a way to make a buck that no one else thought of. That's what I feel. And these women are just, like, things that were-- I want to say sold. I keep feeling sold. I keep seeing money exchanged. Well, then we've got slavery. This looks like-- this looks like more than slavery. This looks like... Sara, run! This does look like kidnapping. [screaming] (Kim) I keep seeing black women screaming, and they're running to get away. How many women do you see? Um... [crying] I--I don't-- Right now, I see two. Like--but I hear the cries of many. So I feel as if-- It was a consistent business. It might have been an ongoing--right. Exactly. [distorted speech] Does the name Sara mean anything to you? Maybe her name was Sara. I just saw something over there. I just saw something move right over there. ♪ ♪ Do you-- I just saw a shadow. I want to get out of here. ♪ ♪ (Kim) They don't want us in there. I don't know what that was. (Johnny) I just have this feeling that there's gonna be something horrible. The story of your soul was horrific at one point. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Maybe her name was Sara. I just saw something over there. I just saw something move right over there. ♪ ♪ Do you-- I just saw a shadow... just go-- I want to get out of here. I want to get out of here. Oh, my God. Holy crap. They don't want us in there. I don't know what that was. It was dark. - A dark shadow. - A very dark shadow. (Johnny) So we don't go back in. - I'm not going back in there. - I'm not going back in there. Guys, I'm sorry. I want to-- I want to go down, though. I know that's crazy, but I have to finish this investigation. I want to go to the basement, because I was feeling something very significant under my feet earlier. Where are these steps? Over here. [tense music] ♪ ♪ Come on, John. There's a lot of cobwebs down here I'm seeing. I'm sorry I scared you. No, it's okay. Jeez, where are we? - Oh, my God. - Oh, there's a well. (Kim) Holy mackerel, Andy. Do you think that this is the original foundation? Look at this stone. (Johnny) It's very, very old. This is old. John, look at this well. A real well. (Johnny) That doesn't make me feel nice. Well, I was expecting to feel a dead body in there, and I just--I didn't. So that's good. Yes. ♪ ♪ How do you feel? Because I can see the look on your face. I feel-- I felt wobbly all night, and I just have this very horrible feeling that the next turn we make, there's gonna be something horrible. And I can't see things, and I don't have the gift, but I've never been able to get this place out of my mind, because it was so scary. Do you believe that you've lived before? I do. You've lived a lot of lives, I see. I absolutely feel you have a very, very old soul. Your--you've lived many lives as a woman. That makes perfect sense. I love being the mother figure. I love protecting, I love preparing dinner, I love being glamorous. I love to be beautiful. 'Cause you were glamorous many times. [screaming] But I'm gonna tell you something. Your story wasn't always so sweet and nice. Your soul-- the story of your soul-- was horrific at one point. [screaming] Shh! I'm gonna tell you what I feel very strongly now that I'm tapped in to your soul. You were black-- you were a black woman-- and you were captured, and you were captured by this man. ♪ ♪ You were one of them. You were Sara. ♪ ♪ And in that lifetime, you decided you were gonna make the best of a bad situation. And you know you do that. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (Kim) I'm gonna tell you what I feel very strongly now that I'm tapped in to your soul. [woman crying] You were black-- you were a black woman-- and you were captured, and you were captured by this man. You were one of them. You were Sara. [moaning] You absolutely were kidnapped. And you were sold into slavery. He would sell even the free women. Here? I'm gonna say he would sell them down south. And in that lifetime, you decided you were gonna make the best of a bad situation. You used all of your charm and all of your personality the way you do today to get people to like you. And you know you do that. This family fell in love with you. They couldn't help but fall in love with you. Once they fell in love with you, they gave you your freedom. You chose not to leave them alone, old, and sick. And you lived the rest of your days with them loving you, and you taking care of them. ♪ ♪ I keep seeing you putting cold rags on the woman's head when she was dying in bed. This was the slave master's wife. You know how to win people over in this lifetime. Those skills started in that lifetime. This Sara-- I mean, it fits. Kidnapping, being taken away from a life that I know-- it was my biggest fear. And I love nothing more than taking care of people that I love. They never knew love. You showed them how to love. You make people feel good. You make people laugh. You make people connect to you. This journey of who you are and having people like you and just being you-- you started it back in that lifetime. I think that this is a very touching story of your life, of your soul. I think it really does seem to answer a lot of your questions. Do you want to go sit and chat about today? Yes, please. All right. (Kim) Oh, boy. Let's have a seat. So what do you think about what was uncovered today-- everything that I saw and tuned into? The thing that I took out of today was my belief that there are things from my past that helped make me into who I am now. That there was more about my makeup that came from long before I was a child. That's true. That's very, very true. I mean, if-- to live Sara's life and to have it that-- that horrific moment-- no wonder I couldn't come to this place. And I feel like you took that story and you've brought it with you to each lifetime. You've really used everything of who you are as a person, and you make it work to your advantage. And I feel in doing that, you're a teacher. You're a teacher to so many people. I think you looked back today so that you can move forward. 'Cause this is liberating. This is freedom. This is just another fear that you stared right in the face and said, "Okay, next." Yeah. And based on what you told me, it's, like--it's a big turning point in your life. You're kind of--you're in a lot of turmoil right now. - Horrible turmoil. - From what it seems. But this definitely gives me the power of knowing that I've got somebody with me. Mm-hmm. Plus the people around me. My grandfathers. I know. I mean, that-- that in itself means so much waking up tomorrow and feeling strong and powerful and empowered. It gives you a sense that you really are on the right track. And in this lifetime, you're winning them over. And it's still early in the game. Yes. And who knows what other adventur you'll be going on? I hope they're good. If Sara's life turned out the way it did, I think you'll never go to that dark place again. Right. - Okay, well, good. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. Muah! You are the best. No, you are. It was so nice to meet you and have this journey with you. And you too, and thank you for protecting me. You got it. All right, let's go. - You ready? - Yeah. (Kim) Let's go fight the cold. (Johnny voice-over) The things she told me about my family, about my grandfather, nobody could have known aside from our immediate family. I'm terribly honored that I had the opportunity to... walk through this part of my life with her. I've been on edge all day about coming here, because it--this building has held such a place of terror for me since I was very young. But now, having walked through the entire building and learned what I learned today, it doesn't scare me anymore. I'm liberated from this place. (Kim voice-over) Looking back, Johnny was terrified to enter an old warehouse that haunted him during his childhood. Today, by facing his fears and exploring the secrets that lay within its walls, we discovered that his feelings of dread are directly related to a violent past life experience. By understanding his connection to the building's history, Johnny is able to move forward in this lifetime without the cloud of mystery that has always surrounded it. It's an interesting lesson for all of us who have unexplained feelings about certain people, places, or things we encounter. The fact is, the truth may very well lie in the journey of our souls.
Channel: LMN
Views: 240,337
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Keywords: lmn, lifetime movie network, lmn shows, lmn channel, lifetime movie shows, lmn full episodes, lmn clips, the haunting of, the haunting of full episodes, the haunting of clips, kim russo, haunted, paranormal, psychic, medium, johnny weir, orlando jones, kevin sorbo, The Haunting Of season 4 episode 7, The Haunting Of s4 e7, The Haunting Of s04 e7, The Haunting Of 4X7, watch The Haunting Of full episode, The Haunting Of season 4, Watch The Haunting Of season 4, Ice skater
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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