The Haunting Of... Connie Stevens (Season 1, Episode 3) | Full Episode | LMN

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i always knew there was something different  about the house somebody else was here with me growing up my sister and i we were actually  frightened by some of the things that we   experienced in the house once i open that  door i have no control over who comes through   to give me a message she's letting us know  that this was her house and she's not leaving   did that just happen on its own everyone  that i lost they've all been in this home   someone's very anxious to speak through  me gosh i sense more than one energy   you did do enough connie i hit a nerve my  name is kim russo and i am a psychic medium   when i was nine i was visited by the first  many dead people who wanted to communicate   with the living through me realizing  that i couldn't ignore my abilities   i chose to embrace them many people are  haunted by traumatic paranormal events   buried in their past some of these  people have faces you might recognize you've heard about their paranormal experiences  now you're about to witness the moment they take   me back to the place of the haunting  in the hopes of uncovering the truth   this is the haunting of connie stevens i always knew that there was  something different about the house   the moment i moved in i knew that  there was a spiritual feeling in   this house somebody else was here  with me you could feel a presence i'm in a very exclusive part of los angeles  where these homes are just absolutely magnificent   mansions all over i'm on my way to  meet connie stevens hollywood icon   and her daughter jolie fisher today we are going to visit um my childhood home  growing up my sister and i we were actually you   know at times frightened by some of the  things that we experienced in the house   it was very clear that something was communicating  or letting its presence be known something someone   as beautiful and glamorous as  this all looks on the outside   when you have a ghost it could be a  whole different story on the inside when i got a divorce i had two little babies  and went looking around for a house to live in   and i just couldn't find anything and then we  drove by this house on this beautiful block my real estate agent said well here's  the house you should be living in   but uh i said how much is it i'm an actress but   not making that much money and uh she  said uh let's go take a look at the house and it was beautiful the children ran up the  stairs i wanted that kind of a home for them and   thought that maybe someday i'd be able to  earn enough to achieve something like that   stairways this winding stairway all the way up  and big doors you know eight foot a lot of wood but it was very subdued the feeling i  got immediately that it was a very sad   place and she told me the story that it belonged  to the great olympic champion sonia henny i knew that she was a big movie star because i  had seen that movie it happened in sun valley   and she skated and she had stars in her  eyes and she was very very pretty she   was one of the wealthiest women in the  world by the way and her husband was the   onassis of norway and he was a great  gentleman and they never had any children   she died in 57. and the house  remained empty for four years   since her death we were getting ready to  leave the house i was getting very nervous   because i didn't want to see any more i just  knew that i just couldn't afford this house and mr olmsted who was her husband he looked like  a viking that had just stepped off one of those   big ships he started to come down the stairs and  he pointed his staff at me and he said you want   to buy yourself oh i'd love to i can't afford  your house sir and uh he said how much can you   afford so i fought very quickly and lied of course  i said i can pay 17.50 a month and i couldn't and   he said you'll make it 1750 and you'll have a  deal and uh he told the real estate bring your   people over here and and write this up she's  going to have this house when i first moved in   i heard a lot of walking right above my  rim back and forth and back and forth   and i thought who is that restless spirit up in  the attic they were just smatterings of sounds   uh slamming windows closing you know slamming the  window down you'll hear music coming from there of course there'd be nothing there then i was startled from a sound sleep and someone was standing over the  bed my guy was being stared at and then it went away there was a time where i thought hmm am  i going to be able to handle this house we don't know who it is up there   but uh i've decided to call her sonia i think  she was making her presence known that this was   her home a few months later i was up in the attic  i heard very light and like some light mumbling so i started to explore this room in the room there was this contraption  in the middle that was now defunct she had her own figure skating  rink up there that froze   evidently it looked like she hadn't used it for  a while so it was something that she used to do   this was her her sanctuary and um i better live  up to it i love the house just as much as she does   i think she really likes her home and she was  sorry to leave it this is something i've always   wanted to do have somebody that could come in and  kind of be a conduit to that spiritual being that   i believe still lives here my mother was fairly  convinced that the ghost that inhabited our house   was the ghost of olympic gold medal skater  sonia heny a lot of times we did agree with   my mom and said oh sonia's making noise again or  you know she's making herself known and letting   us know that this was her house and she's  not leaving but other times it was a bit   scarier we we weren't really sure we weren't  thoroughly convinced that it was just sonya i do sense more than one energy i  absolutely do who they are i don't know yet   what they want and what they're  doing there i don't know yet   but once i enter and communication starts  taking place they pretty much lay it out for   me most of the time they're very excited that  someone enters the space that can hear them we're here oh boy oh boy i have somebody chatting in my  ear already i hear a lot of mumbling going on   someone's very anxious to speak through me nope you have to wait wait for jolie and  then we can start talking oh here she is now hi how are you good how are you you must  be jolie i am nice to see you i'm kim russo   this house is beautiful this is where you grew  up yes i was standing here trying to get my   feel and i have some anxious people trying  to speak with me already already already   oh is that that's my mom oh hi hi hello look  forward to this connie i know i know i've seen you   you're a young girl oh i'm not how do you  know all this stuff is this something that   happens to you as a child or is it for me it  was it was yeah i am able to go back in time   so if it was 50 years ago or five years ago or  five minutes ago i'm able to project to that space   and see the impressions and feel the  impressions of what what went on so as   oh did that just happen on its own yes nothing  happens here they know i'm here just ignore it but   when a medium's around the spirits act up they  are excited to have a voice for them okay let's   do it that's that's that's right i want to hear  what they have to say i know you're excited but   there's a serious element here too once i open  that door i have no control over who comes through   to give me a message okay let's do it is that  okay let's do it okay ready i'm ready come on slam so this is it oh my welcome  ah this is welcome breathtaking   yeah it's a good old house look at this staircase  thank you goodness for 80 years old as soon as   i walked in i felt a very very dominant female  presence now i know you're the lady of the house   now yes but we have one in the spirit world that  it's been with me i want to say since i pulled   up the driveway well sony henny built this home  is that the woman that lived here before you yes she was a very very famous movie star even  before my time but she also was a gold medal   olympic skater yes okay from norway now  well there's two women here one i will say   built or lived here and and i do want to  say that she's telling me something about   thanking you for keeping the original tapestry   it's on the wall but you kept it thank you  for not discarding that oh you know what that   okay i'm so happy you understand that yeah it's  right because she's proud of this home right and   she built it with certain ideas she had certain  plans that uh for whatever reason you'll hug out well i i'm actually seeing out of the corner  of my eye they're capturing my attention   with little specks of like lights that are  going past me and i just caught one glimpse   into that room if i may you kind  of go in yes or at least beacon wow i saw books so this this  makes perfect sense to me   has there ever been um things being missing yes  we call this the black hole because she said   she likes to look at things and study them and  she might not put them down where you left them   forget about keys oh my goodness in  this house keys are missing all the time   this is a funny joke about the keys but  um this is a special room to this woman   it could be because of all the memorabilia so  it's like she looks she likes to just give her   take on oh what an achievement that is because  she was an achiever this woman never got   the recognition as a child from either a parent  or a lover so she tried to if i'm number one   then i would have to be validated as a person  there is a big sense of sadness and emptiness she just answered me she said  but i've come a long way kim   so that's interesting i'd have  to see what that's more about   there's also something she's showing me  that has something to do with me one second okay i don't know if this is here if it's up the  steps but there's something where there's a uh   the you know those pretty vanity mirrors with  a a comb and a brush something about the vanity   with with perfumes on it it could be my bathroom  what you're describing is it's a it's a vanity   but the whole thing is mirrored mirror  that's okay this is my frame of reference   she's just trying to say this is one place where  i've let my presence be known and that other room   with the vanity mirror is the other place that  i've always let my presence be known some things   that uh i have always wondered about because i  thought somebody moved my obj now i'm used to it   but many many times in here i'll put pictures  certain place i'll walk in and it's all different   it's all different okay we just had another  woman join us in the in the in the and   i know you can look around she's right here  i see her with a with a rag a rag with like   a dusting rag and you know she's polishing  and going over things and i just miss connie is that what she called you this woman's in spirit she's  not alive she just died she's here okay we just had another woman  join us in the in the in the group   and you know she's polishing and going  over things and i just miss connie she said i didn't move your objects miss connie  so she needs you to know what is this woman's in   spirit she's not alive she just died she's here  and she cleaned for you uh she house-kept for you   she loves you this is not just a cleaning woman  you gave her so many things that you didn't have   to generous she's calling you very generous  i don't mean money-wise i mean of giving of   and i think she joined us because you said i find  so many things missing are you blaming her like   like maybe she put it somewhere and that's why  she's getting busted right now is what you're   getting i guess that's how reinforcement to yeah i  used to get the blame all the time but she really   really could we just move out of the space  that's getting very very uh dense and crowded so i see that that might have really  affected you please you can maybe say   what you're feeling if not that's  fine too just i wonder if uh her family is okay now they came to  see me recently i'll see what she says she have um there's a male she's concerned about  him yes so it feels like a son or a grandson   uh sun energy um she's making me feel as if she has more control over helping her  son on the other side than she did here   she didn't seem to have much control  here but that's what she just said to say   she's cute because she says i mind my business i  try to mind my business like she didn't like to   get involved but if you ask her to she would  she will give you our opinion is that her   personality because usually the personalities  do not change oh by the way she just told me   that she has met the woman that lived  here wow on the other side she met her   and you know why she met her they both shared  the same space watching over the your family   they share the same space she used to call  her my name yeah and yell at her and yell   at her that's what she said she said she  did she yelled at her like will you stop   yeah you're scaring these children so she only  knows her sonia now so her experience in the in   the physical world was that she had fear and now  that she's on the other side she can say she's   met this woman don't be afraid is that don't be  afraid because her intentions are pure right but she's telling me that when  she was here in the physical   she had fear is her name dory  something similar to that it's dora because i i just asked her her  name so i'm just waiting for the validation   just so you know that woman sonya she didn't  really cross over for a while and she said to me   it's really the kids that she found  you know as the attraction here but   also you are very similar to her sonya always  thought you were very attractive and pretty and   she liked your clothing she liked that's why she  tried it all on and didn't hang it back up again   is that really a story oh yeah for real yeah that  doesn't shock me but i love like really yeah coats   i started putting things up on the third floor  and a catch-all for clothing and coats and gowns   and i'd go up there and i'd go who tried maybe  it was the girls or something but we didn't try   it on my dresser so you've probably been getting  in trouble and for no reason yeah she stayed limbo   for at least 20 years after her crossing in that  20 years she's still able to learn life's lessons   from the spirit world through you hmm does that  make sense trying on your clothes looking at your   memorabilia it was her way to kind of still stay  active in this space do i feel she's still as   stuck as she was i don't i'll tell you why dora  went right to the light i have no doubts about it   for sure in order for sonia to share that face  they have to be somewhat in the same vibration something caught my attention i don't want  to see mood but there's a lot of activity in   this open foyer i think the the actual  space i think it's up up another level   uh all right so this may be a  little bit of a hot spot right here are you thinking of switching a picture  or did you just switch a picture i did   i switched i'll put this one here this one  and i moved that there all right like recent   yeah the four months that's  that's pretty recent to me um   yeah this uh i have the two ladies kind of coming  with us so that i just said to them which one of   you noticed the picture was switched they  both noticed they both noticed uh i have i have a male presence that just joined  us he's a he's a very burly man who's big   he's tall i'm trying to see who this man is  oh i feel he lived here at one time my brother   spent a lot of time you're my older brother oh  then your father lived here i i did yeah well   the one thing he said to me just now was i  was not able to get up and down the steps   that's right and he said you made it very i  don't know if you put a bed in the living room   or you just made it very homey on the  first floor does that make sense yes   um this is your dad though not your brother my  dad okay he just told me i do believe it's him   and dora brought him in because what he  said to you was and he said this with a   very heartfelt feeling was you did do enough  connie oh you did do enough for me and he knows   you feel some i don't know guilt or something but  he would not miss this opportunity to say that he would not miss it i know   i know it's all okay he's in a very good place  he's so happy him and dora are hanging out i   swear like it's cool it's all cool he's  such a nice man don't worry about him okay i will give you a moment wanna can we walk out off camera for a  minute please please please please it's okay uh i have the male presence that just joined  us he's a he's a very burly man he's big   all right yeah well the one thing he said to  me just now was and he said this with a very   heartfelt feeling was you did do enough connie  oh you did do enough for me and he knows you   feel some i don't know guilt or something but  he would not miss this opportunity to say that   i will give you a moment wanna can we walk  out off camera please please please it's okay this was a hotbed of activity for me that's  right mom i'll take her in there since it   was my room if you wanna chill out for a sec so  this was my teenage one oh very nice very nice my   bedroom i mean i didn't have the same  furniture but it still feels to me like   that's the vanity that's the vanity that's it  this is definitely what i was seeing this is it   she's trying to say the vanity mirror is one place  where i've let my presence be known well when you   said the mirror it used to have a lots and lots of  perfume bottles okay brushes and things these uh   did these drawers ever open on its own absolutely  constantly open clothes open clothes all the time   and then it was like one of these things i felt  like we were doing uh i was a bit of a dance   what i was just seeing it's not funny but you  had to have had something with the hair brush   she keeps bringing that up that hairbrush  maybe she's telling me about the one that i   have in my well well she may visit you in your  house now right as well uh as a matter of fact   dora wants to say something to you right now if  that's okay speaking of vanities and beautifying   and uh you have do you have one daughter at least  one daughter i have three you have three daughters   okay do you have any idea why she's showing  me a very ugly color nail polish for girls   like did you just have this discussion with one  of your girls about that's a not a nice color   you should take that color off yeah my daughter  skylar who's 11. it's almost like blue she's it's   like black and it's crackly black polish thank you  okay very so dora is not a proving of that either   no she said don't let her wear it oh really i  heard your conversation so that's very sweet   that she wants you to know yes i do go where you  live and she really likes your children as well you have a dog in spirit in the spirit world one  you had to put down many i will tell you the one   she's with this dog had a tumor a big tumor in  its body somewhere that was an issue for the dog   we actually have one down there  that's close to work right now   has tumors now yeah that she took care of that's  like 18 you're 19. is it a white dog yes okay   you you have a big one and a small one there's  there's two little white dogs and one the biggest   one with the one with the tumor is small yeah  yeah tiny tiny tiny she's watching over that's   the dog she's showing me she says so i don't  say death i won't say death i won't know death   but if and when it's her way of saying the  two right here she'll be right okay okay   hello you two i want to go upstairs i think it's  time to meet sonia yeah this is the famous place   so remember um the tapestries that we took  care of and didn't paint over these are they   this is the way she said the wall  table the original painting up here   so you did not change it that's what she  meant it's a norwegian lullaby oh that   she had painted wow i saw it in my vision a  little bit differently uh wasn't it was there like   like closets above two where you have all those  envelopes i think so the whole i think they   folded i took them off because uh i have  all my music there but i believe that's why   she's telling me you did change that so she's  correcting me this woman is a perfectionist so   when i said you haven't changed anything she's  being very technical with me she told me that's   what you changed now looking at these walls  looking at these paintings this may have been   what she had in mind if she started a family  like this kind of the feeling i'm getting   that's what she wanted like like a nursery  even even like the fence the picket fence   oh gosh so this this is the section  that she's really the strongest   yeah this is the place i would actually  say this was her private sanctuary   as i don't even mean when she lived here  i mean as a ghost so do we we know that   because she used to let you know when it was  okay to make noise by flipping the light on   and off here so she came home the other  day and as i drove in the lights went on that's it to say welcome home i said hey how you  doing yeah good well she did just say she's very   happy you acknowledge her she does she's happy  about that she said it took years for you to   call her by name i finally did yeah she did have  like a self-destructive kind of a personality   like well i'll let them notice  me maybe not always in a good way   so that may be the little bit  activity that wasn't so pleasant she said i'd like to be acknowledged in life  and i like to be acknowledging the afterlife   when we get to the place on the other side we  don't stop learning and growing where she is   now you know she's not like the figure skater  now it's more about feeling things of the heart   seeing the family loving a family having a  family she works now a lot when you're here   with your children and uh there's other children  that come here just be beside your children   your friends that come with their children yes  because who who basically grew up here as well   and now they all come back and we all have  you they don't call you mama connie because   you're you're like their mom nana that's what  she's talking about she's talking about seeing   not just your children but the other female  that feels like your daughter with her children   nutritious boys who had gotten one of the  children's uh possibly in the yard the stitches   outside doesn't mean it was in this  home it was in this home but was holden like here like i felt like i banged and jammed  my fell this way oh okay in this house well that   could have been worse yeah i could have because  there's a scar there so i'm going back in time   when uh when you were a child and possibly when  you first moved in here and what i'm sensing also   went on up here while she put the do not disturb  sign on uh i i kind of saw you guys coming up here   but did you ever do like shh don't don't  like either don't tell mom or don't tell dora   that we're going up there i'm sensing danger like  you and your sister go yeah we were not allowed   to go out there and step up onto the roof when we  did it they did all the time well that's how i saw   it like yeah come on we're not allowed to do this  she's talking about how that could have been a bad   situation but she always seemed to draw you back  so you're outing me right here and now i'm like   she is sonia the ghost is ratting you out  i hear that my sister may not have wanted   to take as many chances like are you sure  and i saw you like yeah they'll never know   you justified it like that's the part about you  she thought was very crafty to stay true to your   experience you did experience what you thought  you did it is who you thought it was so what do   you think we go maybe downstairs and digest uh a  lot of what we came up with today okay yeah okay thank you oh thank you bye sonia ciao for now we had a lot go on today right  is there anything that you guys   would like to comment on or i'm pleasantly  surprised but also astonished at um some of the   the things that you said it took me by surprise  buckled my knees and thank you very much for   giving me an insight to a couple of things  that are personal to me so well the way that   i see this woman and the parallels between her  and you being two very beautiful women powerful   successful i see a lot of similarities almost like  kindred souls if you will does that make sense to   you now it does every time i came into the house i  did feel comfortable and i knew that this would be   i don't know a safe place to raise my children  well now that's not an accident this woman   uh sonia she picked you to to be the homeowner i  am sure that this house was shown to many other   people i'm actually being told that this house  was on some weird crazy kind of way gifted to   you because it was supposed to be yours okay so  she might have done a little handiwork and yeah   making sure you got it making sure it thanks so  much because this house was specifically designed   for her dream to unfold unfortunately through  the series of events that happened in her life   she had no say right the woman was not ready  to leave this earth coming back to this house   wanting to have the right person be here  someone that reminded her of herself   that being you but the one thing you were able  to bring here that she never could children was   the one element that's true that never really uh  materialized for her dream in this home and so   through you she was able to watch over a family  fulfill a lot but she she had to evolve and grow   you helped her do that she wants to thank you  as far as dora she will be here with you all you   have to do is think of her and it's as if you're  calling her name and as i say that to you she's   still speaking to me she said grace can gracie can  see me who's grace the dog my new dog you have a   new dog uh-huh well the dog could see her well  she gets crazy sometimes and runs through that   she doesn't know that dora is a spirit she  thinks she's like what are you doing in my house   wow that's pretty cool yeah animals could see  spirits i love hearing that dora is here she never   left us she was here for 33 34 years and no one  could have told kim miss connie i mean when she   said that we you saw organically what happened to  both of our bodies and and of course emotionally   what happened i think that my mother had some  incredible personal experiences and that this was   a nice awakening and soul cleansing for her and  that was kind of special to watch everyone that   i've lost over the last few years which has been a  lot they've all been in this home and i'd like to   thank that they'll never be that far away from me  she gave me that she gave me that to think about here we had two women leading very parallel lives  each helping each other without even knowing it   what this affirms for me  is how one person's actions   can truly impact the life of another in the  physical world as well as in the spiritual one you
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Keywords: lmn, lifetime movie network, lmn shows, lmn channel, lifetime movie shows, lmn full episodes, lmn clips, the haunting of, the haunting of full episodes, the haunting of clips, kim russo, haunted, paranormal, psychic, connie stevens, eric dickerson, season 1, episode 3, eric mabius, The Haunting Of season 1 episode 3, The Haunting Of s1 e3, The Haunting Of s01 e3, The Haunting Of 1X3, watch The Haunting Of full episode, The Haunting Of season 1, watch The Haunting Of season 1
Id: 2aClnphsXUw
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Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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