Pastor Jamal Bryant You can find us here part5

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[Music] come on everybody lift up that hand come on open up your mouth would you just begin the worship him right where you are come on begin to bless him he yearns for your voice he's been waiting for this moment it's not just the music ministry but corporately everybody come on everybody let's say it together [Music] Oh with [Music] Oh [Music] I want you very quickly as quickly as you can I want you to break into circles of three no more than four people would you make a chain a circle three no more than four people right where you are if it's five I need you to get one of them off your team three no more than four people the Bible says if we're touching an agreeing whatever we ask for in his name it shall come to pass supplementals I need you to hear my intention I want you for whoever is in your circle I want you to introduce yourself to the people in your circle hear me don't do it yet just my first name only don't do it just yet after you would have done that I want you to share with the people in your circle if there was one thing you needed God to do for you this week what is that one thing for somebody in that circle you you need a job to open up this week you need a financial breakthrough you need healing in your body you need reconciliation within your family you're gonna pray for that circle hear me for one minute one minute I'm Leigh but I want all over this sanctuary you're gonna lift your voices in prayer hear me very carefully don't worry about how you pray just call on his name pray like you'd want somebody to pray for you but you're gonna pray for the people who are in your prayer circle or here it's about our lives a close take one moment come on begin praying for the people in your circle both of you who are our virtual worshipers I want you to know your hand is in connection with my hand I'm praying with you today I'm gonna see God perform a miracle in your life I want signs and wonders to follow come on family let me hear your voices and we declared that it is so in Jesus name do me a favor watch this I want you to lose that hand loose that hand of your neighbor real quick real quick don't clap don't shout listen to me loose that hand to your neighbor now I want you to go into a new circle another three are different four come on shift real quick another three different four get outside your comfort zone people you never met before people whose names you don't know real quick tell them your name tell them what you praying for what you believe in God to new now begin praying for begin believe in God far stand in the gap with them [Music] [Music] we believe we serve a prayer answering God that our God can do anything but failed if you believe that we counted down in Jesus name now loose that neighbors hand and give God a shout for answered prayer come on open up your mouth for answered prayer you're not sound good the prayers of the righteous abandon much God still answers prayer just a little talk with Jesus will make everything alright get three people a high five and tell them your prayers don't get answered but I'll give him a high five [Music] you may be seated [Music] somebody is shouting why because the government can close but heaven is always open laughs how many of you know happening is still open [Music] 800,000 federal workers were furloughed from work over 35 days no paychecks but I don't know whether you know tonight we serve Jehovah Jireh on Tuesday we were through the grace of God we were able to feed 86 families are y'all excited about it 86 families the government is temporarily open for three weeks and they still have not received their checks and as a consequence we'll be feeding furloughed families again this Tuesday I need somebody to help me shout about it [Applause] because of the work that we're doing with in partnership with the DeKalb Superior Court Clerk Deborah de berry is going to help us Arizona restaurant Bojangles restaurant all of them are coming here on Tuesday I need you to shout for church that leads the way [Applause] next Sunday thank you thank you you [Applause] thank you what a blessing the new birth women on the path class has gas cards for all about furloughed workers [Music] come on a young GaN shout phone next Sunday we're going to follow the biblical model next Sunday we're feeding 5,000 how many of you are grateful under God that modern-day miracles are still taking place last week we raised we collected a hope new birthday Allah tear this church up last week we collected 13,000 195 km foods y'all not excited about it I thought we were finished and then this morning the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated walked in the new birth with 700 cans of soup come on y'all come on y'all [Applause] [Music] there are those of you who have been collecting on your job collecting at your school if you bought canned food - would you bring them now those of you who are over 45 you coming over on this side those of you who are under 45 mama you belong over here now yeah you messing up the scorecard all right those of you that brought Kansas suit with you if you'll bring up new birth let's clap our hands for our family [Applause] come on collecti your hand turns red lo it Wow man thank you so very much you my best friend of the day he's bought $700 worth of gift cards for furlough workers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on a y'all gon shout about it and how old are you 4 years old so let me tell you all about Kylie what school do you go to a Oh s what grade are you in Kylie is in pre-k she's four years old and she heard what we were doing for the homeless on next Sunday so she went to a o s elementary school with her own basket I didn't give you permission to do that amen she went to her elementary school last week and from her students from the teachers and from other parents she raised $400 [Music] come on a y'all gonna shout for her that's my girl thank you you look brilliant thank you look it darling y'all better cheer for their future Bennett Belle [Applause] [Music] we're thankful for you may be seated in the presence of the Lord next week is gonna be amazing amazing we're feeding the 5,000 just as Jesus did I'm gonna thank you new birth we now have Lord how many buses we got we got a lot of buses amen we got a whole I just got past a note that I gotta say it officially the civil rights team those who are over 45 y'all one I want to and you still come in thank you I want you even in absentia I want you to help me thank God for our amazingly stunning a beautiful bodacious and brilliant first lady first lady Vanessa loan I want you I want you to help me salute and celebrate she heard about the work that we were doing and she came to cheat today that makes sure that over forty-five one she has made a substantial financial contribution to our soup and souls in the name of our dearly departed Bishop Bishop Eddie Long come on and we're so so so grateful for all of you you may be seated next Sunday we're sending buses to every homeless shelter in the city of Atlanta [Applause] how many buses are we up to yes we're now up to ten charter buses and that they're coming to fellowship with us and worship with us and it's gonna be an amazing amazing time in the Lord Jana Crawley from Sunday's best is gonna be with us on next Sunday Beyonce's group The Mamas are coming with us on that next Sunday we still need 500 volunteers to help us to serve and agree in the shame to give hugs and so we want all of us to be a part of it not now because our larger homeless community is coming on next Sunday we want everybody to feel welcome look at the person beside you tell them this is the father's house amen so we want everybody to be feel welcome and so I know that you all can dress to the nines and know is Super Bowl weekend but I'm asking everybody to just wear jeans and sweatshirts on next Sunday so that when our community family comes they won't feel uncomfortable in the house of Lord but they'll know that this is a family for all of them can you covenant to do that with us next week so next week I want you just in jeans and sweatshirts wear your new birth sweatshirt swear I would ever switch shirts you have this cleanness your size just wear it amen but I ain't man y'all got the coded message right there I want you to do that I'm music ministry would you all come a music ministry is going to come and lead us in worship and then I'm going to come back with the Word of God I'm going to ask that you'll do me a favor please would you go online we're streaming online some 35 40 thousand people have been watching us online every Sunday would you give God a hand clap of praise for all of them I want you to go to our new birth Facebook page as that you will please share it and said you'll go on social media whatever is your platform go to done and ask them to worship with us at new birth dot org to every person who's doing so as that you'll use the hashtag new birth now new birth now as that you'll police do that I music ministry sister Tiffany's in position y'all keep singing till you see me come back alright Amen I'm going over I've been here for a couple of weeks now and have not had a chance to go over the children's church and so I want to go pray over your children and I just just spend a moment with them come on help me thank God for our children and so sister Tiffany and our music nursery is gonna keep singing till I come running through the side door amen and so as that you will worship with us and let's celebrate out the name of our comforting anybody know his name y'all don't sound like your norm does anybody know his name come on if you love his name idatr scream his name out loud and at the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue of must confess Marvin I see you bless you sir come on everybody let's give God some praise clap your hands right where you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord general Sam which I'll help me thank y'all for the greatest choir in the world come on shout form he knows how much you can bear if you have your Bibles would you stand to your feet please won't you go to Matthew's Gospel chapter 26 first book of the New Testament Matthew 26 if you have Malachi keep going Matthew 26 69 through 74 houses and holds our text once you found her once you say I have it if you can't find it say lord help me Matthew 26 would you read silently as I read aloud now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard and a servant girl came to him you also were with Jesus of Galilee she said but he denied it before them all I don't know what you're talking about then he went out to the Gateway where another servant girl saw him and said to the people this guy was with Jesus he denied it again and said I don't know the man after a little while those who were standing there went up to Peter and said surely you're one of them it's your accent that gives you away then he began to call down curses and he swore to them I don't know the man and then immediately the rooster crowed you may be seated then he went out into the Gateway and another servant girl saw him and said to the people this fellow was with him I want to preach for a little while this morning use using as a subject I don't fool with a lot of people would you look at the person beside you tell them I can preach this sermon that night Oh fool with a lot of people the founder of Apple computers Steve Jobs delivering a commencement address before succumbing to cancer charged up the graduates by saying here's to the crazy ones The Misfits the rebels the troublemakers the round pegs in the square holes the ones who see things differently they're not fond of the rules you can quote them disagree with them but you can't ignore them they push the race forward and while some may see them as the crazy ones we see genius because the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do this message this sermon is for those who have a challenge connecting with other people you can't fit into most groups you are hard to impress you are not the type to be jealous you can't see competition and you feel no threat most people are thermometers but you are a thermostat a thermometer just reads the temperature in the room but a thermostat sets the temperature for the room in other words the entire room changes simply because you show up when you walk in the room people try to figure out who you are what title you have who you came with how you survive what's your story they have no idea that you don't even know how you got in the room yourself but by the grace of God the hardest thing you can ever attempt in life is not being yourself did you hear what I just said the hardest thing that you can ever attempt in life is not being yourself Shakespeare advised to thine own self be true assimilating to what society suggests is normal can be a weapon of psychological torture if you aren't careful you will become an actor on a stage full of pretenders you can end up picking activities that align with acceptance and don't match passion you begin wearing clothes that aren't consistent with your tastes and regrettably we live in a culture where to be different is an act of resistance we win that you are not living your truth you end up dying alive because you will not admit that you are a misfit you force friendships you choreograph conversations you become intentional to appear sociable and you smile so that observers won't feel alarmed that modern-day prophet Kendrick Lamar they said all my life I had to fight so a lot of times you end up spending time alone and it's not punishment it's a retreat because by yourself is the only place where you can feel safe and folk who really don't understand the anatomy of your character falsely ascribe you to be arrogant stuck-up and standoffish and they don't understand in this season of my life I am just drained from having to dummy down my intelligence just so mediocre people can feel comfortable while everyone seems to enjoy movies you would rather go to a play that actually has a plot to hear poetry friends want you to meet at a restaurant but you'd rather stay in and try new recipes you just don't get you set any fulfillment from useless hours on Facebook you'd rather read a book or actually have a conversation the radio is unand inundated with trent music but your contentment is enjoy jazz Neal soul and afropunk everyone dresses straight out of Nordstrom's and Belk and Macy's but for what you're looking for you can only find it online the complexity of your personality has a very low tolerance for stupidity so you get angry when people are talking about trivial matters that really have no substance or ground egg and they don't understand in this season of your life you are not caught up in TMZ and you don't even care what socialites are doing because you understand as far as you are concerned your life and your children and your family of the only things that matter I'm talking to grown up to a tired of immature adults who act like children you you've got an attitude because I didn't speak to you and what you don't know is I didn't even see you my man was on something else and I'm trying to operate at a different dimension all you do is try to find somebody in whom you can come into agreement with because you have in fact found that a lot of friendships are like milk they are healthy until they meet their expiration date and then when you keep them past their time they will funk up the whole house so you get frustrated sitting at tables with people you have nothing in common with and the only thing that they can talk about is the past but the only thing you have a burden for is the future and I'm talking to some people that have come up here to its conclusion into your own life that in this season right now I'm my own best friend so I learned how to encourage myself how to challenge myself how to stretch myself I am comfortable enough to take myself out to eat to go to the movies by myself I don't need a bunch of folk running in and out of my house because I am at peace with being by myself and the grounding that God has given me Carolyn steamer Carolyn steamer wrote a blog for bustled dot-com entitled eleven reasons why you don't fit in eleven reasons why you don't fit in and what to do about it the first reason why you don't fit in is because you still don't realize that friends have changed friends have changed they're married and you're single you're single and they're married friends have changed you're now looking for a career and all they want is a job friends have changed they take delight in bags and shoes and now you're thinking about investments and savings and legacy friends have changed you now want a deeper relationship with God and they just want to go to church friends have changed because now you're looking for aspirational goals and they're just looking for lateral advancement you want to network and they want to hang out friendships have change don't forget that some friends of Four Seasons summer for a reason and some are for a lifetime Seth Godin in his book tribes says that everyone must find watch this people that can connect to your ideas your conviction and your passion many of us have upgraded associates prematurely they are really not your friend they're just people you hang out with when you're bored social media has deluded and bastardize the understanding of friendship because friendship used to have a requirement of experience and time and commonality and now the only thing is that is required is that you click a button and now at you're grown mature level you get upset and rather than have a conversation you unfriend and block you have to have comfortability in your own uniqueness without renting and leasing other people's approval when you get up in the morning you got to make up in your mind if nobody else likes this I'm winning if nobody else wears their hair like this this is what I want if nobody else understands the reason why I've got a downsize and my downsize is not a downgrade it is a mature decision about the financial predicament I found myself in and so I am no longer trying to impress people with money I don't have a watch this with people who are really broken in me I need God to put me in a circle of people that I can expose my nakedness to and they won't judge me but they'll love me in spite of my frailty in spite of my brokenness in spite of my inadequacy they can know who I really am and still make the decision to love what I represent you gotta embrace your own your own uniqueness Nikki Giovanni's poem ego tripping his subtitle there may be a reason why many people watch this you've got to get to a place where you stop apologizing for having an ego because with the grace of God that is on you why should you battle with low self-esteem I'm talking to 500 of you who are in this room who have the nerve enough to be broke and fly [Applause] yeah to judge you what I just said people can't understand how you did fly and you that broke and they don't understand this is just God cuz this ain't even new this skirt don't even go with this top I just switch some stuff around because I know what it is to suffer with him and rain it's reason why you got an ego you got an ego because you understand if God be for me who can be against me this there's a reason you got an ego I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me there's a reason why family members don't get you because the Bible says when my mother and my father forsake me that's the time that the Lord will lift me up you got a reason to have a ego you got everything you have and you didn't have to sleep with nobody you didn't have to compromise your character you didn't have to reduce your integrity but you understood if you're faithful over few things you'll make your ruler you have to stop participating in the tug-of-war between trying too hard and not trying at all and many of you who are in this room that's where you're wrestling you either do too much or you don't do enough and your problem is you've been burned too many times from people who you win over and Beyond for and now you do the absolute least and you expect the most Paul said when I would do good it's Eve all dead steps in the way can I tell you you got folk who are threatened by you and ain't even seen the whole package god help me here you hating on me and you don't even know I'm unhappy what you gonna do when God gives me the desires of my heart and I start working in my purpose and my assignment and fulfill the call of God on my life this is how you function and people who don't know you don't even understand and don't know how to interpret you're either all-in or you don't care I'm tell you you know I'm through when I stop care I need 50 y'all don't y'all leave me out here the moment I turn it off you are in trouble we don't need to go to lunch you don't need to text me we don't need to sit down y'all they saying nothing and here's the memo I'm not mad I'm just finished and you should've valued me while I was still invested in the process [Applause] it's no in-between with you no in between would you look at the person beside you tell them pray with pray for me pray for me look back at them tell them ain't nothin wrong with me I just show everything on my face I try not to but you know when I'm perturb you you know when I got ahead it - you know when I done hit a brick wall pray for my facial expression I want you to know you're not the only one Ecclesiastes reminds us that there's nothing new Under the Sun and I'm still amazed bewildered and perplexed by Jesus amongst his recruits we'll pick somebody rough around the edges of all the people that he picked I don't know why he picked Peter he didn't have the polish of the other disciples didn't have the pedigree didn't have the upper earring he's the only one of the disciples that got in it through the welfare-to-work program I'm talking to the first three rows I'm talking to the last five here's those crazy y'all ain't gonna believe it he's hood in a disciple [Applause] y'all-y'all mister let me back that thing up starting again I said he's good and love Jesus [Applause] y'all too for now I'm looking for 500 of y'all dead that came up through the bricks he's good and love Jesus he uh he carried a switchblade and casting out demons five thousand of y'all y'all better stand with me he can speak in tongues and cuffs [Applause] he can lay hands or you can catch hands be seated I'm talking to the first three rows I'm talking to the last five rows I'm talking to those of us last five rows that y'all dare please don't leave me I'm I'm looking for those of y'all that hood and holy but those of us that live somewhere between praises what I do and we cannot give you both we some [Applause] I got a new hood holding people in the room any hood yeah I got a tattoo on my neck and I still got Jesus in my heart I don't really feel comfortable in church but I've outgrown the club y'all y'all ain't saying nothin Oh wretched man that I am so I don't even know them songs that the choir be singing I don't know winter stand up I don't know when to sit down I put on my good court jeans to come to church y'all ain't sayin nothin I don't know how to dance but I'll run around the building if I feel something in the Holy Ghost don't you dare judge me because I don't look searching like you but I came through some stuff I know if it had not been [Applause] Jesus saw he was from the hood so he said I gotta talk to him a little bit different he didn't come up through Sunday school didn't go to Vacation Bible School says P done I know you from the hood it's an unwritten law no snitching I get it but but in this hour the rules change from the street to the sanctuary is you can't go around here denying that you know me I've been too good to you so I don't know how it is that you now got this good corporate job but you won't say grace in the restaurant y'all ain't sayin nothin to me I I know you sitting around and you got a master's degree and you went up to Emory and went to Clark and Georgia Tech and Georgia State and you sitting here acting like you got that job by yourself when you don't even know I was opening doors for you that nobody could even reach the knob for you you don't sit in church not you watching the Symphony Orchestra as if I didn't die for you and didn't make a sacrifice for you while we were yet sinners Christ [Music] so Peter listen if you rollin with me don't deny me you can meet me in the mall that's going down I want you to talk about me and Walmart in the gas station in the waiting room at your doctor's office I I said I wasn't gonna tell nobody but I just can't keep it to myself is there anybody other than me that's not ashamed to be with Jesus not not ashamed to claim him as the lord of your life I said I don't want you to deny and Peter acted like a lot of our friends ain't ever gonna play you I'm different I changed that was the old me the Lord said no huh you gonna deny me and you ain't even gonna do it once you're gonna do it three time Peter stopped crying said Lord no you got me twisted I never gonna treat you like that you took me in when the rest of them wanted to put me out and I'm grateful and all that was good until Jesus got arrested and when Jesus got arrested he's now headed towards crucifixion and the disciples scattered everybody stayed with him when Jesus was popular everybody wanted to be in this circle as long as his name was in the paper and he feeding everybody but the moment his back is up against the wall he finds out where his real friends are I want to tell you this I hope y'all know shout with me you want to thank God watch this put a real friends that got you when things get rough the real people that love you with no strings attached they arrest Jesus when they arrest him everybody scatters and even Peter trying to hide out the hood disciple the one that carried his switchblade wanted to know how to cuss the one that's in the boat and said master if there's you let me come to where you are that one now he hanging out by the campfire hoping nobody will recognize him he's incog-negro keeping his hair down and nobody recognized him Newburg nobody recognized him until he got close to fire when he got close to the fire they began to figure out who he was because who you are to God does not become exposed until you get close to some fire in your life sitting at home working on this sermon and couldn't pull it together was congested the last two Sundays one of our members brought me some herbal tea said pastor take this when you get home and first lady she brought me tea but I know her so I wasn't drinking it how'd you left it right on the counter in my house so lord I don't know who this lady is giving me tea telling me drinking when I get home why can't I drink it at the church I need witnesses around in case it's a side effect so I'm working on my sermon preparing to come to you what to do why they would expose you what they identify you when you get close to fire I'm sitting at my desk and I started hearing the sound in my kitchen sound in my kitchen kept saying use me now y'all got I'm saying I lived by myself and I don't do drugs anymore [Applause] and I kept here came hearing this sound saying use me y'all I live by myself so I'm looking around trying to figure out where this voice is coming from because it ain't the voice of God I'm not in prayer I go in my kitchen and this that there's a that a tea bag that lady gave me from church I picked up the tea bag I said is that you talking to me to back say yeah use me yes I'm really tripping I said how how can how can I use you he said pastor turned the teapot on I turn the tea powder on say go get an empty cup I got the empty cup he said wait till you see steam coming out I waited for the steam to come out he said now once it's hot pour it into the cup I poured it in the cup said now what you want me to do he said put me in it I want to preach for you I said what you mean I want to preach for you he said it's a whole lot of good stuff in me but it's no value while it's just sitting here if you ever put me in hot water everything that's in me will stop coming out god I came to talk to some believers that don't even know the enemy messed up women were Jay in hot water that's when your gear that's when your gift beginning to work yes the last thing you ought to do to a believers put them in fire there were three Hebrew boys Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and because they wouldn't bow down King Trump I mean Nebuchadnezzar turned up the furnace seven times odda and said throw them in the fire Shadrach Meshach and Abednego didn't beg for their life they said you must not know where no that anointing don't work until your flowers in the fire some believers in here then notifier ting kill you the fire only cultivated shoo [Applause] [Applause] one to the fire they recognize them and said you were with Jesus and Peter said now I want me you got the wrong guy how fool would allow people I keep to myself and they believed him but Peter made a mistake the mistake pr2 made was he started talking in a little girl who was standing by the fire says I know he was whittled how do you know that Peter was Willow she said I got the evidence y'all not gonna believe in Newberg he sounds like him that when he talks it sounds like the voice of God and the only thing that I was wondering is what did Peter say that sounded like God maybe he said John 14 and 14 if you asked anything in my name it shall be done look at the person beside you tell them be careful this power of life and death in your tongue whatever you ask for today is getting ready to happen what whatever you ask for today it's getting ready to make sense what you may not know is that the great illusionists the great magician Houdini I don't know whether you realize it or not but um Houdini was a devout Christian and he was an escape artist an illusionist and secularists called him a magician but Houdini while performing great feats would use one word that comes out of the Aramaic the native tongue of Jesus here's the word that Houdini would use I don't know whether you've heard it before that word is abracadabra and all these years you didn't even know what that word meant abracadabra translates to mean you shall have what you said god I can't hear nobody in here I'm telling you new birth if you don't want nothing don't say nothing but whatever you are expecting God to do this is the moment you are to open up your mouth like you expect to say whatever you say I expect to see my children blessed I expect to see know what he said maybe he said John Ford 13 and 14 and when he said that he sounded like Jesus what did Jesus say in John 4 13 and 14 when he said to them is what I say to you you'll never first to get I need your hand to be lifted because I need you to understand what that means you'll never be needy again you'll never be desperate and hard-up every day in your life you will never have to beg nobody to help you you but you'll be in the front of the line you'll never bounce another check in your life you will laugh first again I'll need nothing hallelujah that's your testimony by way of faith I need just 3,000 of you to shout it out loud I don't need nothing I'm almost finished I need you to be seated please if you want to I wonder what Peter said that sounded like Jesus when I argue forthrightly with the text for the ambiguity I'm never telling us exactly what he said so today I want to take isogenic a license and import my own presumption of what Peter said that sounded like Jesus and not only is Peter saying it but today every person in this room is gonna say it and I'm telling you you're going to operate in absolute apostolic authority that when you speak it there's gonna be an immediate effect and result connected to it I hope y'all are ready for it only the worshipers are gonna get it only those who are not afraid of the glorious gospel of Jesus are gonna be able to shout about it can I tell you what he said he said Ceylan get thee behind me and I did both of you [Music] I need you to lift up that hand nothing is standing in your way to sweep nothing is blocking you this week nothing is holding you back this week I need you all over this room I want to make an announcement and if you sit still something is wrong with you I declare word of the Lord over every believing in this room as of this moment Satan is under your feet [Applause] [Music] something has [Music] this week sound like God what I'm gonna say to you it's gonna upset church people cuss out people with Scripture he prepares the table in the presence of my enemies come on I can't kill nobody look at them like they're crazy and tell them no weapons formed against me lift up that hand this is Hall The Misfits all the crazy ones other graphical dreamers all the dangerous believers those of you who haven't found your tribe you don't fool with a lot of people you keep your circle small you mind your business I can't hear no real worshipers in here I'm gonna pray for you an unusual prayer I'm gonna pray that God will not send a bunch of people in your life I pray over every lifted hand that God will send you people that get you y'all ain't say nothin in here people dare to speak your language who understands your heart who are careful with your emotions I'm praying that God will not give you a bunch of friends but if you can get two or three real ride-or-die that's gonna stick with you in the trench lift up that hand I want to pray for you why you keep trying to fit in when you are no need to stand out you are never supposed to be in the clip so I don't know why you're surprised by rejection you were never supposed to be with them you are one woman sorority or one man fraternity I can't hear nobody you pledged yourself by trusting the wrong people on you you went to everything to prove what's this I'm worth it I deserve to be happy I'm selective about who's in my space lift up that hand miss hits holy hoodrats project praises on the name of Jesus I pray that this week you'll make us comfortable with ourselves this week you will ban us from apologizing for our uniqueness this week you'll help us to feel comfortable in our own skin this week you will make us a magnet to like-minded people and we'll attract those who have bizarre concepts just like us thank you to Lord for surrounding me with people who can handle my own or death on orthodoxy now god this week just show me who I can trust show me who I can depend on and show me who will be my friend when I'm not in the room and those of you that have that kind of faith do me a favor please because Satan can no longer stop your destiny will you give guard your best shelter Thanksgiving right now come on open up your mouth open up your mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need you real quick would you hug three people and tell them I don't deal with a lot of people but you are right come on [Music] every person is standing when David is building his army the Bible describes the army as an army of misfits those who were in debt those who felt fought depression those who were disenfranchised and the Lord said he took that group and he took the city new birth is not a church of regular people you got to be pretty special to go here [Applause] you process different you think different you move different is there something about people that go to new birth [Applause] I want I want to make a call for misfits who are in this room same path I never heard no sermon like this I've never been in no church like this but I feel like this is where I can fit this is where I can learn God this is where I can grow calling all misfits dangerous dreamers radical thinkers out-of-the-box believers I want you to come right now if you know you gotta join this church today come on give God some praise [Applause] [Applause] are y'all finally getting it [Applause] come on come on y'all know what to do [Applause] [Applause] I'm waiting on new verse to show up cuz new birth knows it shout better than this [Applause] come on please and each other shout as they come [Applause] [Music] y'all still a shout yen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm waiting on y'all to do what we supposed to do come on now young daughter rolls [Music] Here Come a whole family y'all go shout about it [Music] listen here comes a whole nother group of y'all gon shout for this beautiful family here they come come on y'all give God some glory [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all gonna make me jump in it all right let's go which I'll shout for this whole group coming right now come on shall for these young adults come in right now [Music] this is good for part one how many of y'all believe some more people get married come I may y'all believe God you may save some more people some more get ready to join the church here they come boys y'all shall form come on give God some praise for [Music] y'all they're coming all the way from the back and y'all ain't saying nothing I need you to praise God for it [Music] all right listen thank you let me be sure first okay we don't step up for me just a little bit I got a make room I got 20 more people coming behind you are y'all ain't got faith i'ma say it again I got 20 more people getting ready to walk down this out all right let's roll up our sleeves and go to work everybody in the room everybody in the room softly minstrels everybody in the room this is what I need you to do which I'll shout for this beautiful black family coming come on give God some praise for beautiful children y'all don't believe it [Music] come on y'all shout for [Music] [Music] alright I'm down to 16 if you know I'm talking about you softly Mitchell's you don't talk about you Amnesty International tell you you get more leniency if you turned yourself in but you shout for this mother and daughter I'm down to 14 here's what I need you to do please how many of you believe God can save 14 more people in this room in three minutes I need you to help me open the doors of the church help me convince somebody that they need to be a part of new birth I need you to convince somebody that they need to give their lives over to Christ if you don't do it you're denying his power you're denying your own testimony yeah I tell them what he did for you and how God has blessed you since you've been under this covenant since you've been in relationship to him I'm only waiting on 14 more people to come and I'm depending on you to help me to go get her come on new birth let's go fishing everybody in the room go find two people that you don't know come on everybody would you move from where you are going to find two people who you don't know ask your mom they say the ask them do they have a church on ask them have they given their life over to God [Music] come on y'all ain't working 13 12 11 10 9 8 [Music] seven-six five four three two one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ain't ain't y'all a shout good [Music] [Applause] [Music] here come one more we all shout about it [Music] 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 y'all better shout like God is able [Music] that's the Lord all right I'm a lost count 32 thank you all right hallelujah all right it's two two of y'all that's trying to hide out he said I just made it wherever it is that you are you right on the edge you know you want to be with us come on now ain't no church lit like this in all of Atlanta come on with y'all help me shout here they come y'all a shouting good stretch your right hand to faith [Music] I'm trying to stop are y'all excited come on give God some praise are y'all excited [Music] all right lower [Applause] something is happening that new birth y'all which ya'll shout hear that cow [Music] let's try it stretch your right hand to faith softly sir here I come I put that hand down there's two more y'all didn't need to come y'all think I'm joking I'm dead serious it's two more of you you holding up the whole service I need you to come quick please wherever you are I need you to come as fast as you can come on with y'all shout right now [Applause] if y'all don't shout for these young black man cometh come on now [Music] hear that coming y'all celebrate [Music] shut your right hand to face [Music] here you come you don't made my day thank you you can come as your are you just won't stay as you are I'm telling you your whole life is gonna change once you get to this altar if you want to be the same stay out there but if you want your life to be different with y'all shout here they come which I'll shout about it right now thank you all right let's try it y'all tired of me just sit right here in fact that's what you supposed say no we're not y'all make me sick just set your right hand to faith our new family members [Music] [Applause] the book of access and God enlarged the church daily I'm believing that every day we open God is going to enlarge our ministry some great people are getting ready to come and be a part of our ranks come on stretch sit right here into faith wave you from the hood or from the suburbs you welcome at Newburgh you got a go-to for missing teeth you were welcome and new burgers got a weave unnatural you are welcome at Nouveau I've got a PhD or GED you are welcome at Newbury sit right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time Joan in the right Church serving the only God and I know that's right if you're known right satio you're right come on pick up star Savior but you give God some praise my heart is overwhelmed even in this moment I'm grateful for all of these who have come I'm looking out here even my cousin just joined the church that's my man all right all of you if you're doing about-face if you'll come out this way thank you new birth let's cheer for our new family members come on y'all ain't cheering good for thank you would you be seated right where you are I need you to sit down fast so I can see who trying to sneak out sit down fast for me please how many of you love your church I'm gonna give you two testimonies and then we'll move forward to testimonies this week I received a letter was on my desk when I came into work this week from a lady in Jonesboro Georgia who watched us on the news she said Pastor Brian I'm not a member of new birth I'd never been a new birth but I watched on the news how it is that you all bless furlough workers she said I hadn't gone to church in a long time and I stopped going to church because I believe that the church wasn't helping people but what I saw you all do raised my faith in church faith in God said I don't know when but I'm coming to visit and I'm sending a seed of $100 oh come on y'all ain't goin shout [Applause] [Music] until y'all get ready for new believers who are gonna join our ranks people who have never come to church of people walked away from church of getting ready to come back you remember three weeks ago that we raised an offering for Bennett College our goal was ten thousand and because of your christ-like compassion we sent to Bennett College sixteen thousand nine hundred and eleven dollars and because the new birth leads when the part of any campaign no other Church did it we stepped out and did it and everybody else followed soon after we raised offering for the furlough workers in their area by raiding offering we ain't mad that's what leaders do come on I can't hear nobody leaders lead amen raise that offering senator Bennett College because we did that three other churches sent a seed of ten thousand dollars true story I'm in my office here on win-wins day Wednesday and I get a call from Nashville Tennessee saying pastor Bryant we saw what you did for being a college and we're encouraged by you and believe that if the nonprofit community can do that and the corporate community has a responsibility they said is there any way you can get us connected to the president of Bennett College we want to make a donation because we saw what you did and we want to be attached to what new birth just gave to clicked over we got the president of Bennett College on the phone and because new birth leads Papa John's Pizza has just given Bennett $500,000 [Applause] we are we're the church that leads I need Domino's another day of my life I want us in this moment to know that you're sowing into good ground in a ministry that believes in the community that believes in our people how believes that everybody is deserving of a second chance that God will press the refresh button when your haters want to press the backspace you never know who you're gonna bless you never know what need is gonna be met next week new birth we're gonna feed 5,000 people no government agency is helping us to do this just through the grace of God and the sacrifice of everyday hard-working people who believe that there's a bright side somewhere I'm gonna challenge those of you who in this room are dutiful asurs are moving amongst you if you are without an envelope I want you to lift up that hand Papa John's gave five hundred thousand and they won't go here at least you can do is give five hundred amen give fifty pastor I don't have either dad what should I give I'm glad you asked you should give your tithe 10% of your income ought to be going to God why because he's the giver of every good and every perfect give him any of you know you can't beat God's give it no matter how hard you try all of that began to move watch this because we were caught giving because we were caught given watch this others started to give I wonder what you're giving today is gonna activate in heaven I wonder what is gonna mobilize God to do just because he's seeing you give to his house give to this Minister and give to this assignment in the earth realm those of you who are part of we learned a new term yesterday out virtual worshipers both of you are worshiping virtually I don't want you to just watch because you're gonna watch and not give I don't want you to look cuz you're gonna look and not so but because you're a virtual worshiper I want to charge and compel you that in this hour that you will give in to new birth you can write a check you can give through cash app using our address love live lead you can give push to pay to give you can give on gibla fire or old school you can give cash money records that's all you got and i want you to give but i want you to stretch your capacity to give and i want you to give at your absolute best level every person who's in this room who believes that god blessed you this week would you lift up those of you that got confidence you gonna get even greater blessings this week lift up that hand this see this offering this tide that you're giving or to give a reflection of your expectation that God can do it I've seen it doing for seeing him do it for other people this week he's gonna do it for me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation of what you're gonna do before next Sunday amen bless the Lord our shows are moving amongst you they'll receive your offering if you do not want to bring it for yourself both of you that want to sow for yourself the altar is open and available for you to do it otherwise hours are moving amongst you you can use your cash app to do so your gibla 5 push to pay text to give hallelujah come on choir give us some marching music put us in the mood to give give me something fast bless you sir hallelujah hallelujah bless you thank you oh yes yes I got you oh thank you sir thank you we got people here from Greenville Greenville North Carolina south or north carolina north or south north north carolina she's one of our facebook viewers she came to be with us today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do me a favor please even while musicians are playing as people are sewing and giving so that we can be the best stewards of our time I want you to give your attention to the screen and pay rapt attention to our morning announcements even as we're sewing even as we're sharing even as we're giving thank you we can show it now media ministry if you have not purchased the January book of the month it's still available the February book of the month it didn't start with you is also now available in the car to conquer bookstore join us for a discussion of January's book the achievement habits along with discussions for next month's book join us January 29th 6:30 p.m. in the channel new birth is a church that raises rears and Humes championship met I want all of the brothers to meet me in the locker so we can have a Huggle to talk about real man issues it's gonna be the best discussion you've had since you were in the barbershop don't miss it for the Huggle the pastor bar ladies please join the circle with the sisters meeting Monday February 25th at 7 p.m. right here in our sanctuary dr. Bryant will be the guest speaker don't miss this dynamic encounter new birth is hosting a wedding that's right a citywide wedding Sunday February 24 30 a.m. worship service inviting couples who've stalled in their marriage plans unable to afford it or maybe just need some assistance if you've hit a snag this might just be for you visit new birth dot org slash events for more information we're doing something phenomenal Super Bowl weekend we've renamed it soup and souls that weekend it is our cross to carry to feed the homeless population of this city but we can't do without your help how are you to donate if you will cans of soup to our church so that on Super Bowl weekend we'll be able to do the very basic feed the hungry but what would it really mean we feed bodies but we have souls that are malnourished so do me a favor Mayo send ship or drive cans of soup right here all the way up until the first weekend in February and then I want to invite you to come here and be a part of one of the Great Commission cartridges that you have ever seen in the 21st century help us win souls surprise only God could do this there's gonna be a soup and souls weekend and because of that we've already won New Birth student ministry is hosting an open house that's right it's an open house today in the chapel please stop by and learn about various ministries and volunteer opportunities going on today in the chapel we invite you to celebrate the installment of dr. Jamar Harrison Brian as senior pastor Sunday March 10 the celebration services will be 9:30 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. and that's it for today new words enjoy the service bless the Lord come on give God a hand clap of praise are just a couple of things I hope that how many of you are were able to secure a copy of our January Book of the Month the achievement habit their achievement habit we're starting a new thing here at new birth our a new birth book club and so this Tuesday at 6:30 that's before Bible study I will be in the chapel having a discussion on the book the achievement habit our February begins on Friday and so our focus for the month of February is on families it's on families how many of you all need God to do something for your family you got you got some special family members amen and so there's a book for the month of February is a book that I want to offer to you called it didn't start with you how inherited family trauma shapes who you are I want you to please get this book it's going to help you to stand generational curses and generational assignments and generational psychological issues that you're going to have to overcome how you heard in the announcements and it almost preempted what I wanted to do is the last Sunday of February we're going to do something a novel and unique that I think is needed in necessary is that a church of our size that boast 10,000 members you would be astonished to know last year new birth only had 13 weddings 13 weddings of 10,000 people with more young adults moving to Atlanta than any other city in America and so we're going to take away the excuse of marriage because you can't afford the wedding on the last Sunday of February I'm telling you your season are shacking up coming to an end [Applause] yeah so tell tell your boo to get it together amen so what it is that we're going to do is we're asking members to a donate their old wedding dresses as well as we're giving bridal boutiques to donate gowns for us as well as tuxedo shops we've got four or five wedding coordinators right here in our church our photographers are gonna be on debt are we gonna use caterers from right in the community do a mass reception right after service but we want to unite in holy matrimony fifty couples in one day so when it is that we really promote family life we deal with issues that the church doesn't discuss HIV y'all ain't saying nothing single parenting hello I can't hear nobody you ain't got to share nothing God got somebody for you and we're believing it by faith and so those who want to work with us on that day you got one month to get yourself together get your family together amen and make sure that you are a part of what it is that we're gonna do on the last Sunday in February this is our face.look Sunday and so we've got people from around the country who are here today who ordinarily watch us online but today they step foot in the sanctuary from Florida from North Carolina if you are here today and you do not live in Georgia would you stand please you're here today you do not live in Georgia come on new birth bless the Lord I and so ask all of you all of you would you get your stuff get your stuff get your hat your coat your bag come to come down here please I don't want you to get lost [Applause] were you from at Alabama I knew you that Ella BAM you brought a tambourine thank you man you ain't did you play it today Lord all right y'all see all that he's been from out of town to come hang out with us lord thank you this is amazing Baltimore Thank You Pennsylvania were you from Detroit Jersey California Tennessee Vegas I'm going back with you New Orleans Baltimore come on one time for be more now New York Ohio South Carolina will part Greenville Thank You Hampton Virginia Jamaica Mon thank you we are from Alabama which I'll help me thank God for all I guess where you from you from Miami yes South Beach were you from Alabama Thank You Raleigh North Carolina thank you Newport would you help them feel welcome we don't shut down Southwest come on now I got a UH I got a special reception for all of you and so if you'll follow us out this way the brother in the purple shirt is gonna take you to our reception for our face look family new birth would you clap your hands for all of them I'm glad to see you thank you I need another haired trans in Alabama thank you thank you all right [Applause] man I love my church y'all know like new birth all right don't forget to register for we need volunteers I still need 200 volunteers for next week of our soup and souls that Sunday please help us if you want to be great all you have to do is serve amen and so we need 200 more of you to join our ranks and be a part of what it is that is doing can I tell you I'm so excited I am so every day I wake up is Christmas every day I wake up is Christmas you wanna know why cuz I'm the pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church I'm telling you I'm a happy man I'm a happy man be the pastor New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and so I don't officially become your pastor until March the 10th March the 10th is going to be absolutely crazy in the morning at 9:30 in the morning I guess preacher is gonna be our very first guest preacher since I've been pastor every first guest preacher y'all wanna know who preacher I don't know if y'all ever heard of them Bishop Neil Clarence Ellis [Applause] and in the evening people are flying in from all over the country I got a chartered plane coming here all the way from Baltimore my members are coming down my family is coming down preachers are coming from all over the country and that night is gonna be very special I'm grateful under God for my installation service my own father Bishop John Richard Bryant is gonna be preaching if you never heard them you'll never forget it I'm telling it's gonna be absolutely amazing so please put a note in your calendar that March 10th you cannot be out of town you got to be a new birth and you got to come early all right this morning you know it was amazing we baptized a whole bunch of people I need y'all to come come on yep [Applause] thank you bring them around yes bring them right around bring them right around here come on come on which I'll clap form [Applause] listen I as they're coming I gotta tell you all about this little girl ain't even gonna tell you her name I gonna point out I've been baptizing people for 18 years and this little girl I baptized this morning look me dead in the eye said you ain't gonna drown me issue I said if I do I know CPR you gonna be all right would you help me thank God for those who are new to the family of faith [Applause] all right welcome welcome did i baptize you no welcome I'm glad to have you welcome welcome to the family welcome to the family welcome welcome I didn't drown you if everybody stand to your feet please I got to tell you all this because some of you all didn't get the announcement and I wanted you to have it we got Bible study here amen got Bible study on Tuesday night I'm telling you is the best Bible study this side of heaven and if you really want to know more about God more about his word I didn't I'm about you to please come and be a part of it I can I thank all of those who helped and worked for our international dreamers Sunday last week we had 17 nations represented in our church and were just grateful under God for how he's using us and then lift up that hand right where you are lift up that hand lift it as high as you see self going repeat after me walk with God then he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me built for God and they'll build for me love God because he first loved me now I went to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until help yourself may God irritate you do you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said that amen god bless you your pastor loves you I'm looking to see all of your Tuesday night don't forget we're wearing jeans on next Sunday and get your new bird sweatshirt
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 17,763
Rating: 4.835443 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, new birth, find, live
Id: rWWeMoquO78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 32sec (6812 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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