I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME! (Minecraft Love Dropper)

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ah what a lovely day what a lovely day look at all the hearts around because today we are playing Minecraft love dropper in windows 10 edition and it is also Valentine's Day I can just feel the butterflies hopefully you guys feel all like butterfly inside or if you don't it doesn't matter cuz we're playing one of the radius games ever that we suck at dropper so over here it looks like we do oh oh that is the attempt sign so I'm not gonna touch anything anymore cuz I'm breaking them and let's just start this dropper I think we spawned in the love drop red do we just go here to start it how does that happen I'm scared now you guys the heart is huge you can't possibly any moment now it looks like this gold thing is not opening back up again it's probably because right here when you spawn in it says this map is recommended for single-player only ever so what we're gonna do here is we're just gonna break it okay I know we're breaking the rules but it's the only way to go down we're just gonna break it with the fists boom there it is wow this best really pretty if I can see the whole thing I believe oh it's so easy Wow no this is so easy I told you guys it was easy any boat just died you know why because we're not following her heart super cute map but way too easy for us how is our death attempt it is one because we only died one time from one person wait let me look at her that way moving on over to level 2 this is level 2 sadly there is no map name so we're gonna make it up for ourselves it is a pyramid and brick we have some beautiful roses around on you together and we drop at one time great right-click oh it's working you guys so easy oh no wait a minute okay nevermind that was actually pretty easy guys so there is a giant lava fountain right there for you we need to slide down this tiny waterfall and press the button no beautiful boom how many demo is that 4 deaths on the second level you guys we're pro dropper players it's so level 3 is once again no name we're clicking it and oh I think this is what Cupid lives oh it is Cupid realm Oh looking so hard only one block is opening okay we'll go in through this block it's gonna open oh no that's my goal to get you zero deaths is my goal where am i responding him I think I died guys have been heaven this doesn't seem very right so we're gonna return to the lobby and go back to that page when dropping two Cupid's bow always see the water right there careful yes easy no actually one death you guys are dying you're like doing so bad I see Cupid wait I need to appreciate Cupid and it is laying upside down and I think you're shooting arrows at us yeah yeah hey guys you want to see a secret yeah look it doesn't work oh wait what we're trapped in love drama forever I'm kidding let's just go back to lobby it looks like level 3 broke because we did die a couple of times but it all says zero that's fine it makes us look pro level or here we go we're in cherry blossom forests okay everyone jump in don't make it lift again there's too many players it's working feel like it's already broken we just broke it to open it up and wow this map looks really pretty but I don't see water knows that oh no deaths I'm trying to get you all I did is actually one of the easiest progress you guys you need to search for the water you must love the water what are all the water track over in the mountains look up or were in the clouds it doesn't matter odd to the next one before we move on to level 5 I have a really good a Valentine's Day would you rather question for you guys okay okay would you rather receive 100 roses or receive 100 pieces of chocolate I'd rather have chocolate because roses have thorns and that's why did I why is there a question like this ever I think everyone would pick chocolate but you guys leave a comment down below would you rather get 100 roses or 100 pieces of chocolate what to me why did you get this brute chocolate come over here funny you gotta appreciate the picture look he's giving her heart chocolate oh that is adorable okay bye no kidding okay let's go through juicy water anyone we waterway I see the water BAM oh I did it you guys come end on this side it's very oh they're at a picnic and they're drinking juice and spaghetti and spaghetti and salad okay let's go now we are in a beautiful chocolate case oh my god I'm getting hungry no this chocolate is betraying me it's so delicious I'm losing oh no you guys I think the trick here is to go through the left corner of the chocolate because there is water down there go BAM but this it's working yeah I did it guys it's okay I saved you all down here with a bunch of delicious chocolates but I also have another good would you rather question for you guys would you rather only eat heart-shaped dog treats or eat rose petals for the rest of your rose petals cuz I can put them in tea you make rose yeah that's true no you know I - yeah I said for the rest of your life you know what rose petals to these questions aren't crazy but does anyone see that button anyway I'm speaking of biotin I found the budget a while ago wait wait you find it it's under hydronic you guys you have to press it because I fell out on the chocolate box never mind it is right here under the rose petal oh look at this lovely candlelight dinner with a wood chicken along with an eraser someone is eating erasers and over here is gravy a deep bollard turkey 60-vote you guys leave a comment down below what is this or gravy we don't know just leave a comment and we're jumping down oh it's a dinner party and that's some fun no I don't survive a night Drago don't why did you jump so fast oh whoa I made a tie I didn't ask oh my god this is so gotta get into vase yes I have to be honest here I hit like two things so they still live let's go to the next level we are now in a wine area and are those grapes down there Oh chocolate look into that tiny hole BAM no no no where did you jump on this map I can't see anything you guys go around around I made it there's like two tiny wine laughs OH or I guess that's not lying if I said its water or wine we made help oh these matches so pretty oh all the buttons right there track who you have to jump make it I did it BAM oh I didn't die oh there's no fall damage in this map Oh way funny yeah wait what bunny I didn't even notice this heart is filling up as we feed the game that is so cute oh it is falling into place okay what level are we on I forgot we're on level nine the next level is probably going to be hard because look there's a heart and it's pointing and it's level nine this drop looks pretty hard I do see water right there so I'm gonna try going for it what oh and living oh no you guys like Smeagol cheating gold ah no no cheating such a cheater I wouldn't you if I could dig this level is actually a little harder than the other one I gotta see some poo technically I didn't go through that dropper properly so I'm gonna do it again I hit three blocks and I still survived so let's assign let's decide I'm doing it properly oh yeah let's try this legitly we're gonna pull back and legit I'm lying I gotta go back no I'm gonna try going through this part oh I see the water yes no help me I like it better with a little bit of cheats on okay let's try this we're going through I see the water we have to land carefully did it on to the next line you saw nothing level 9 was the trickiest I would have to say for myself nice let's move on over to level 10 oh my gosh that's the last level guys look at that way finally no we're almost at the last level I'm sorry I got you excited a little bit we have to go to level 10 we're in rainbow land I think this is your favorite part rainbow rainbow wha rainbow wha let's see you oh I see the water I think it's up there so we got to push forward here pushing forward push oh this is gonna be hard boy oh my gosh the moment the map spawns back normally yes it's actually working this time now we could all play normally through this owl a lot of stuff is blue here so it's kind of hard to see what is water or not I'm not there is so much blue which blue is it okay this blue this blue let's try this one more time come on boys we're following through following through okay let's go through the yellow oh you're right you go straight through the yellow and then you land perfectly in the water come on crew I think you guys don't got this we're just gonna go oh the heart is filling in we're almost gonna complete the heart and I think once it opens it either opens away it probably opens that then uh I admire works this is level 11 okay let's go to level 11 and we are in some we're in the heart fee I think this is space no no dude it's actually I don't know I think we're in the blowhards yep we're in the organs and this person has been eating rings or something oh joy things change I think they're saying they can't confess to they love her because they have these chains in there - Drock oh you are way too into this and that's pretty dependable ooh I think I'm a jewelry store no no Rocko's right this person wants to get married this is the diamond ring right here and we are done crew we have filled no we did it the hearts still empty hahaha it is my go in this area it's level oats the final level where we fill in the heart whoa it's so fancy why are we even filling up our heart for we're filling it up for this map because this map is empty inside and this is the final level this is the last level I fit looks like a wedding chapel when I die here I thought it was a heaven Oh water oh my gosh no I think we can live guys you have to tilt more to the right over here over here no no I almost made it no jump down drop is us so fun how about playing f1 don't you guys love it when we play droppers when we just like how we make like turkey noises durp a durp every time you die just do a derp derp going through yes I know I gotta say this is actually a hard level because we are dying this is my typo cheesy very cheesy going through yes I'm making it oh how do we get to that specific part it's a leak that's a very time everyone's ears when you land in your nice water go I got that buffeting but but up up nope I'm dead guys this thing's got me we've played so many droppers and I can't even do this simple dish simple pipe deep breaths cut what a peptide yes you rainbow is saying like the Trin genius stuff it's all bad and it makes it's like making me die honey waves of love are coming out of this I think it's a toilet Luna meeting and we can't even fake it I know we're totally jinx today yes oh my god you didn't wish for those who don't know what Drago was doing they're just doing a meme okay let's finish this firework wow what a lovely map well you guys that is it for this minecraft video if you didn't enjoy it make sure to hit the like button down below just hug it because it's Valentine's Day don't forget to subscribe to join the crew and thank you so much for watching and have a lovely Valentine's Day everyone good bye ah what's this button do wait what we spotted [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 7,667,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft roleplay, Role-playing Game (Game Genre), roleplay, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh, funneh, minecraft, minecraft school, minecraft adventures, funny minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, playthrough, let's play, no cursing, no swearing, mmorpg, rpg, no swears, minecraft channel, minecraft dropper, dropper, love, love dropper, valentines day, minecraft valentines, funny, funny moments, minecraft marketplace, xbox, pc
Id: jfHg6QaKtDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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