You Shall Prosper - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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this beautiful morning i'll speak on the subject you shall prosper i believe with all my heart there is no coincidence why god allowed you to be in church today so i'm telling you this message was not designed for anyone else i'm looking at your eye and saying this you shall prosper 29 11 god says for i know the plans i have for you plans to prosper you god says i have a master plan for your life its master plan includes your prosperity on the flip side of the coin jesus said the poor will always be with you so on one heart god is saying i have a plan to prosper you on the other hand he is saying but there are things you are doing that are sabotaging your prosperity you are destroying yourself jesus said the poor will always be with you poverty is a result there is something we are doing that is sabotaging god's prosperity plan for us the very first generation that god delivered from egypt only two of them reached the land of promise out of a nation of approximately 2.6 million people all subjects of god's promises only two of them crossed the joldon and inherited what god had promised them and this morning i want to share with you reasons three reasons why many girls children struggle financially for the rest of their lives three prime mistakes we make that to sabotage our prosperity one number one ignorance ignorance hosea 4 6 my people perish due to lack of knowledge some versions my people are destroyed because of rejecting knowledge and because you have rejected knowledge i will reject you the enemy controls you to the degree of your ignorance that's why he's called the prince of darkness he drives in ignorance what you do not know has the capacity to kill you fighting prosperity resenting prosperity is a severe and a wrong interpretation of life everything god created gold silver diamonds land vineyards god called them good it is these same things we convert into monetary terms and call it money by extension therefore to call money evil is a demonic cultic culture it's a doctrine of demons poverty is the invention of the enemy money is good some people misquote the scriptures and say money is evil there is no such a verse in the entire bible the bible however says the love of money is the root of all evil first timothy 6 10 what is the love of money if you can kill others for money if you can put money ahead of your health your family your prayer life you have the love of money the world uses people and loves money as a child of god you are supposed to use money and love people never use people for your selfish interests use money love people the world uses people and loves money that's what the scriptures are against so let me say this morning never confuse poverty little never confuse poverty for righteousness there is no virtue in poverty there is no dignity in poverty in john 10 10 jesus spoke i am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly you have a right to be rich prosperity is your human endowment in fact i dare say this morning you are entitled to be rich psalms 35 27 god takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants god takes pleasure when you go to swim at panama beach city god takes pleasure when you take a high sea cruise from miami all the way to the bahamas redemption is a three-fold package that entails salvation health and wealth without any of these three salvation is not complete i mean redemption is not complete and god uses a monetary term to redeem means to buy back he brought back what the enemy had stolen now it's yours three john one two beloved i wish about all things you may prosper and be in good health even if your soul prospers three things that you may prosper literally materially financially to be in good health which means your physical well-being you have a right to work in health and number three even as your soul prospers spiritual growth your relationship with god your fellowship with god that's what salvation is all about you know we have people who speak against prosperity yet spend their entire lives looking for money don't ever listen to such deceivers because the first mistake the church makes is ignorance mistake number two mistake number two not tithing not tithing church people believe in giving few believe in tithing now if you don't believe in taving you are exactly like me so i want to be vulnerable with you and share a very personal story and then tell you what god told me i grew up as a christian raised up in sunday school received jesus as lord and savior in grade seven our church never once thought about giving or tithing during the time for all they passed on the offering basket and they announced it is time for tithe and offering but never once did they teach about tithe and offering so i didn't know what this is you can imagine my shock when i got married to find mercy believed in typing i couldn't believe that an intelligent person can take a whole ten percent to church i was confused i didn't believe in it fast forward when i finished university god bless me in a way i have never seen god bless anyone before my graduation day i was already exporting i started a business to export merchandise in belgium france netherlands uae and the uk huge go down i started with 35 employees imagine that i got someone who furthered the business not my parents i had just left school before my graduation day i had already exported to the uk i still had mercy as my girlfriend so i used to update her she knew the details seven years later i had nothing the business had grown in terms of employees then the size of consignment not only was i with zero hours in serious bank loans and i'll never forget way back in 2007 i went to establish our outlets in dubai and on my way back i was crying in the plane i had stayed there for a couple of weeks i was crying in the plane and asking god where did i go wrong i was active in ministry i had gone to hundreds of high schools i had a very active ministry in high schools at the universities but in terms of our business i had sunk into the abyss of death and in the plane i was crying like a little child and one time i was embarrassed and here hostess asked me whether there is anything she can do and i was there asking god where did i go wrong and god spoke to me very clearly there are two mistakes you're making number one stick to your purpose and number two begin to tide i didn't believe in tithing i was convinced tithing is an old testament concept and i shared with marcy it was very shaky to tell her we have to weigh down that business but i obeyed the lord we closed the business it was painful for all these employees to lose their jobs and they focused on what i'm good at teaching and preaching when i obeyed god immediately the entire country started hearing about me i got invitations i never had before in a record one year we were out of loans we began owning property and i look at your eyes some of you are in debts i shouldn't say this in church but let me tell you i have not bought anything in loan since then and i have a witness i i think i'm going too far but i'll say it if i can set one person free there's nothing i have bought in that even when i landed in america i was picked in my own car and god is good that dr mir is here i actually sent her money to buy me a car i was picked in my own car before i came here and that's the lady who bought it even the mercedes i parked here if i funded i voted cash i owe nobody nothing and i'm not saying this to brock thank you i owe nobody nothing i i and and i want to tell you this god does not want his children to be in debts there's nothing wrong with asset financing don't mistake me and an asset is anything that brings money to your pocket all saves you from some money anything that consumes your money is a liability god wants you to led to many not to borrow that is his word so today i want to share with you what god told me about tithing because i was shocked to learn tithing was all about jesus so if you never believe in tithing you are exactly where i was and i want to and by the way when god spoke to me i did not need to be convinced my deaths were very convincing i was to share with you because maybe what i was going through you're going through that so i want us to look at the word of god on your screen deuteronomy 8 18 please open your spirit this may be a chance to be set free by god for good deuteronomy 8 18. but remember the lord your god for it is he who gives you the ability some vacancy the power to produce wealth and so confirms his covenant which he sought your ancestors as it is today let me tell you something god is saying he confirms his covenant when you prosper you didn't hear that god wants you to prosper so that he can confirm his covenant there's a covenant he has made with us and until you prosper the covenant is not complete joshua 1 8 remember what god told joshua that you may prosper and have good success most people sabotage their own prosperity and i will show you from scriptures today god speaks in malachi 3 6 to 12 and says you have broken the covenant i made a covenant with you i'm a covenant making covenant keeping god and listen to me look at me for a moment i know you're writing look at me for a moment not a single person from genesis to revelation prayed for financial breakthrough prayers will never unlock your prosperity this is a covenant between god and you god keeps this part of the game so long as you keep your part of the baguette in your devotional time please read malachi 3 6-12 the headline is breaking the covenant and inverse 10 bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house test me in this says the lord almighty and see if i will not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will be no enough room to store it think about god saying that test me i'm giving you a chance test whether i can keep the covenant test whether i'm a covenant keeping god do your part i will do my part this is the prosperity test you're in the kingdom of god you will only prosper as per the kingdom principles let me tell you 10 mistakes we make in the area of giving ten mistakes we make number one wrong motive we think we are giving money to the pastor to meet the pastor's needs in first kings 17 god sent elijah to a widow at zarephath he didn't send him to take care of elijah forget it she only had one meal how was she to take care of the man of god for three years with only one meal she sent he sent the prophet to take care of the widow woman elijah said you make the first meeting give to me god first and he will provide to you for the rest of the three years of famine and for the next three years the jello flower and the jug of oil never failed god asks you to give not to meet the needs of a pastor but to prosper you mistake number two not teaching on giving pastors fear this subject because you don't want to be blooded a prosperity preacher it takes a lot of guts these days to teach what i'm teaching this morning this is the enemy's weapon to put us on defense in the bible if you look at the weapons of our warfare there is nothing that protects our back we were never meant to be on defense we were meant to attack the enemy so we refuse to teach and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so long as we don't teach god's people they will never know the truth mistake number three not teaching other prosperity principles there are pastors who will tell you about giving and tithing but never teach the entire spectrum that's a mistake even if you give and you don't understand how to stay on your purpose how to focus if you don't understand savings investments personal branding growth and development personal discipline personal leadership how to handle employees and customers colleagues in the workplace if you don't understand taking personal responsibility no matter how much you give you will never prosper we must teach the entire bible and that's why this month i will focus on the other principles so some people give years later they don't see success because god does not exempt you from work you don't walk you will die poor even if you give so one principle does not rule out the other biblical principles are you with me number four mistake number four the wrong attitude seeking what to receive from god let me caution you yes when we give we receive but don't give to receive don't ever try to do those games with god god i gave you ten dollars i'm expecting this week a hundred dollars take that money to a casino go gabo elsewhere don't gobble with god we don't do business with god god owes you nothing your body you are healed everything belongs to him he gives you the power to make you well so don't confuse love and lust both of them are givers the question is the attitude and i need you to be careful with that because somebody can give you a present and you reject it is that true why they had the wrong attitude they were manipulating you he asked you for a date but you realize it's manipulation you have to know you can't afford to play those games with god god knows the line between love and lust he said david is a man after my own heart so god does not just look at the gift but the attitude of the giver so you give in obedience to god period you give because god has asked you to do that you act in obedience you don't act to trade this has been preached in many places give a hundred get a thousand that's a demonic teaching you do it in obedience because god says so mistake number five deceiving the lord so many christians around the world especially churches which require you to write down your tithe people cheat they know this is not tight what is tail ten percent of your income nine percent is not tight eight percent is not tight if it is not ten percent you are deceiving the lord in acts five one to eleven a story is told of ananias and his wife sapphira they sowed a piece of land but the liberty chose to cheat god and they both died don't ever try to deceive god if you know it's not 10 percent don't baptize it time just say it is a love offering mistake number six inconsistency in giving sometimes we give when we hear the message of god like today three months later we don't sustain it and some pastors know this so every sunday there is a summon it to manipulate people in giving a summon it to create an emotion that to make you feel guilty if you don't tight if you don't give offering we will never play those games here don't try those games with god you must make a i made a conscious deliberate choice in december 2007 i have never looked back i i don't think this is so fair to tell you most of the time i give at least 20 percent and i know i'm not alone i know many pastors who are doing that rick warren decided he will be given until the day he's a reverse tither giving god 90 percent living on 10 percent so don't play games with god don't wait for anyone to seek you up to inspire you to motivate you that happens because you're lacking roots in the faith you're lacking understanding paul wants if you give sparingly you reap sparingly second corinthians 9 6 jesus taught luke 6 38 give i shall come back to you good measure press down shaken together running over four blessings mistake number seven obeying passion we want to be on the god side we don't want god's classes but we don't want to give the whole ten percent so we will give a little bit of tight but it's not tight it's five percent then we give some little bit of offering a little bit of fast fruit james 210 if you break one law you have broken the entire law don't obey passion if you want to be a tither you must be what the bible calls a faithful tayden mistake number eight not trusting god sometimes we don't trust god whether he will prosper us so we only give what we can afford to lose if you don't trust you only throw away what you can afford to lose the enemy who is passed to you did god really say he will prosper you did god really say do not eat that tree did god really say you will surely die remember god had given them all the trees only this one tree he says don't touch it the day you touch it you will surely die the enemy makes you doubt god's credibility he has given you all the money all the money belongs to him then he says don't touch this tree the day you touch this tree you will surely die don't touch the tide the day you attack the tide you are cast with a cast king james version malachi 3 9 check it out in the king james version if you eat the tide you are cursed with a curse don't touch this tree i've given you all the other trees this is the enemy's deception since the genesis of man don't touch that tree and the enemy makes you doubt what god said mistake number nine tithing outside the local church there are people who believe in tithing but they tied elsewhere they give their money to orphans to widows to charity trust me that is not tithing the bible calls it love offering and by the way you are required demanded by scriptures to do it it's not an option but it's not tied and i'll show you why in a short while mistake number 10 and the last one and the most serious mistake many christians just like i did for many years argue that tithe is an old testament concept you see we tweet the scriptures that we don't want to obey for example you will find believers claiming old testament blessings you will be the head and never the tale you are blessed in the city and blessed in the countryside they will claim psalms 91 he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty they will claim proverbs 18 10 the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run to it they will claim every single thing in the old testament except time don't you feel yourself honey you pick what you want to pick and you reject the portions you do not want to obey so today i want to show you tithe is about jesus tithe has nothing to do with the law it was only enforced by the law tithe was introduced by god long before the law what is tithe it means god first time is the principle of the first born not fast fruit today i'm not going to teach anything about fast foods i'm talking about the principle of the first born it was all about jesus on the screen exodus 13 1 the lord said to moses consecrate to me every firstborn meal i want you to listen to every word first of all every time i read the word firstborn the first offspring of every womb among the israelites belongs to me whether human or animal you are to give over to the lord the first offspring of every womb or the firstborn males of your livestock belong to the lord redeem with a lamb every first born donkey but if you do not redeem it break its neck redeem every firstborn among your sons now i want you to pick two points look at the screen right now verse number 13 if there is an okay look at this if there is a clean animal redeem it bring it to the lord if it's unclean like the donkey redeem it with the lung if you do not redeem it you still lose the tight break its neck let the animal die god is saying even if you don't tight you will still lose the tight and then i will mess up with the 90 percent by setting the devour you still lose it so he's saying we were born unclean i want you to see jesus in this text we were the unclean animal you have to redeem it with the lamb the lamb of god look at this scripture was fulfilled in luke 2 22. let me read for you when the time came for the purification rites required by the law of moses joseph and mary took jesus took him to jerusalem to present him to the lord as it is written in the law of the lord every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the lord they did stuff in the old testament as a shadow of the messiah everything they did one of these days i'll teach you about the tabernacle i'll teach you about passover i want you to open your eyes and see jesus in every text the old covenant pointed to jesus the new testament revealed jesus that's why if you go to a church that keeps talking about the spirit the spirit we are spirit led church spirit spirit we are spirit lord church and the spirit does not reveal jesus to them they are a cult jesus said he shall speak of me not of himself if the church has the spirit of god he reveals jesus period leviticus 27 22 this is about the jubilee if you want to redeem your servant god said no one however may dedicate the first born of an animal since the first born already belongs to the lord whether an ox or a sheep it is the lord's even if you want to redeem your servant you can't use the tithe let me take you before the tithe genesis alone be before the law the law was in exodus 20 the first time the law was given let me give you three references in genesis alone about the time genesis 14 20 abraham tied to jesus who came in the form of melchizedek genesis 28 22 jacob tight and by the way remember god asked abraham to give isaac why because he promised abraham to be the father of many nations this is the principle of firstborn god first bring your firstborn son your only son the son of the promise sacrifice him if you pass this prosperity test i will make you a father of many nations god first many of you know god rejected the offering of cain but maybe you have never thought about it this is the genesis of man this is the first family i want you to see the concept of tithe genesis 4 verse 3 and 4 genesis 4 on the screen 3 and 4 in the course of time cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the lord and abel also brought an offering watch his offering fart potions guess what first born of his flock first born here the revelation about the messiah the first born of all creation the first born in god's house the first born from among the dead a bull got this revelation he took a great offering fought portions of the first born of his flock the lord rejected cain's offering and looked with favor on abel and his offering tithe was long before the law the law only established what god had required by revelation we only give by revelation when you see someone fight tithe they are just lacking the revelation of the messiah you cannot have an experience with the messiah and fight i want to read for you a dangerous passage of scripture on your screen malachi 1 the whole book of malachi was calling people back to repentance what's that back to honoring their covenant in fact the book starts by saying you will plant but i will demorish you will build but i will demolish that's how it begins then god explains why in malachi chapter 1 it's on your screen let me just read may the lord reveal this to you versus a son on us his father and a slave his master if i am a father where is the honor due me if i am a master where is the respect due me and this is about giving by the way says the lord almighty when you offer blight animals for sacrifice is that not wrong when you sacrifice lame or deceased animals is that not wrong try offering them to the governor of georgia say to the governor of georgia right now i want to give you a ship and take one which is lame or give him a card that is broken or a watch that is dysfunctional in today's language and you're giving it to the governor remember israel this time was that the roman rule the governor's jurisdiction was bigger than even your current governor of georgia all right are you with me so the governor here is the senior guy he's saying take the offerings you're giving me to your governor and let's see how he's going to respond this is god speaking would he be pleased with you would he accept you says the lord almighty if you can't give it to your governor to people how dare you bring it to the lord verse 9 if you can't by the way if you can't give that present to your friends how dare you bring it to the lord i'm telling you things i've seen in church people who earn three thousand dollars bring ten dollars to the church pastors see many things a gift one cannot even give to his friend during birthdays if you are the one this is what god is telling you today verse 9 now plead with god to be gracious to us why plead because he's about to strike you we such offerings from your hands will he accept you says the lord almighty verse 10 oh that one of you will shut the temple doors so that you not light useless fires on my altar god is saying i wish you don't even get near the altar place i wish someone can close the church doors this is an anathema it's embarrassing verse 10 continued i am not pleased with you says the lord almighty and i will not accept i will accept no offering from your hands many christians today don't know that god rejects offerings that's that thing when you bring injured lame or deceased animals and offer them a sacrifices should i accept them from your hands says the lord cast look at verse 14 cast is the cheat the woman who is cheating the man who is cheating cast is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it to give the one that is acceptable but then sacrifices the lame the blemished animal to the lord the bible says he is cursed for i am a great king says the lord almighty and my name is to be feared among the nations how will it be feared by casting them ruining them watch this god does not cast his children make no mistake what god is saying right from the following right from genesis 3 so when you tithe god leads the curse god removes the curse so god doesn't curse you you are operating a darkest you'll be a hustler that's the cast god gave keith you'll be a vagaboard a struggler a hustler for the rest of your life these are the offerings you have brought to me so god is saying when you try it i will leave the cast the cast is already existing are you with me i want to beseech you children of god i beseech you today test the lord for seven months in your tithes and offering just take some seven months and be faithful in your time this is the only time god says test me and see whether i can keep my covenant and open the floodgates of heaven and give you blessings that you can't contain mistake number three god's children make my last one and a serious mistake working 24 7. working 24 7. i need you to understand don't try the wilderness system the babylonian system when you're in the kingdom of god walking 24 7 sauds logical south lake working hard but it is babylonian it is idolatry we live in a country whereby people compromise their marriage in the name of work couples cannot be intimate because they never meet the whole week they compromise their parenting forgetting that the growth of children is irreversible you can't pick it up from where you left people compromise their own health they compromise their prayer life in the name of work that is idolatry even from a scientific perspective when you rest your body regenerates when you do not rest your body accumulates toxins so god established a six day work week god established it listen to me children of god because you are just copying the world without thinking and the bible wants you don't conform to the patterns to the norms of this world some god gives somebody a job as a nurse to work for three days they feel it's not enough they pick another place i'm now warning you as your pastor and as a to their father that's idolatry this the god who made you does not need rest the bible says he israel does not slumber does not sleep that's why jesus healed on the sabbath jesus made it clear he does not need rest he said sabbath was made for god for man sorry for man god does not need sabbath god rested on the seventh day to set pattern for you and me i don't want to mention names because this is sensitive but we lost a japanese ceo because of overworking himself he died of exertion when you walk 24 7 number one you will not live long number two the few years you live you will not enjoy life you will not enjoy any part of your life it will be miserable and you don't even know you you're working for who because if you invest in your children you don't have to invest for your children you only need to invest in them let me show you something from scriptures you missed sabbah had nothing to do with going to the synagogue or to the temple or to church sabbah was not about coming to church nothing i'll show you in just a moment sabah was about trust and i'm here to tell you you must create time for rest personally i don't care what day you rest whether it's monday or tuesday or wednesday or thursday or friday or saturday i don't care but you must take one day of rest switch off your phones be offline if you are employed let your boss know on tuesdays i don't pick any food or on saturdays i cannot answer any work phone no matter the emergencies even if i die the company will continue try to die and see whether it will continue they will replace you the same day does that make sense why do we then come to church we come to church for four reasons before before i say something about rest and i close we come to church number one and most critical you may be surprised by this to bring our offerings to the lord that is the reason the temple is established for people to take their tithes and offerings to the lord number two we come to church to hear the word of god as you're hearing right now this is god's formula for your spiritual growth faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of god number three we come to church for corporate prayers corporate worship i didn't say it jesus said it matthew 18 19 and 20 whatever two of you shall agree on earth touching anything i will do it for where two or three are gathered together in my name there i am in the mirror god loves our corporate worship and prayers and number four we come to church to serve the lord make no mistake you don't come here to be served you come here to serve whether it's sunday school music teen service actually it doesn't matter you come to church to serve in the old covenant god gave duties to everybody so i want to show you something from scriptures that escape the church for the last 2000 years i want you to see it you may never hear it anywhere else sabbath and by the way before i tell you this sabbah just like the time it's just like the time what's that what's the similarity when you give god ten percent you're telling him i trust you to bless me with ninety percent when you rest one day a week you are telling god i trust you to bless me with a six day work week when you walk 24 7 even if you are a faithful taither you are in idolatry and i have to teach you the whole truth the full gospel let me show you something rest had nothing to do with church on your screen exodus 16 29 and 30 exodus 16 this is when the jews left egypt now i wanted to listen carefully because the law was given in exodus 20 okay this is before the law exodus 16 29-30 bear in mind that the lord has given you the sabbath that is why on the sixth day he gives you bread for two days moses was giving them instructions about collecting mana he said on the sixth day collect choice as much because the lord your god wants you to do nothing except eating he does not even want you to go and collect food highlighted everyone is to stay where they are on the seventh day no one is to go out stay on your couch watching tv listen to your pastor or any good message this was not about going to church or to a certain mountain to offer or to the temple to the sanctuary just rest so the people rested on the seventh day even when the law was given he never seventh day you go to church and i'll tell you the reason exodus 28 to 11 when the law was given remember on the screen remember the sabbath day by keeping it holy how do you keep the seventh day holy by resting say this after me by resting are you listening to me six days you shall labor and do all your work verse 10 but on the seventh day is a sabbath to the lord your god on eight you shall not do any work neither you nor your son or daughter nor your male or female servant nor your animals nor any foreigner residing in your towns why god gives the reason verse 11 he says i established rest for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth the sea a door that is in them but he rested on the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and made it holy mark 2 27-28 jesus said sabbath was made for man as a new covenant believer don't be judged on the day of worship colossians 2 16-17 and romans 14 5-6 says you should not be judged on the day of worship why the church is in you the kingdom of god is in you every time you're in the presence of god when jesus died he gave you access into the holy of holies the cutting was torn so i'm not don't mistake this is not a message about the sabbath day this is an emphasis on the need to rest are you with me the reason we meet on sunday is because this sculpture was established by the first church act 27 on the first day of the week we came together to break bread first corinthians 16 2 paul says on the first day of the week each of you is to set something aside and save in keeping with how he prospers in other words they used to take their offerings on the first day of the week which is sunday so the first church began meeting on sunday in god in the new covenant you are supposed to pray and worship every day establish an alter in your in your sitting room wherever you are in your car so what i want to warn you right now when you don't take a day off even scientifically speaking you are killing yourself you are not productive when you rest you regenerate working 24 7 is not working hard it is opting today early in the old testament if you walked on the sabbath day they stoned you to death why you are already killing yourself anyway we would rather help you are you with me so i want to pray for you children of god can i just remind you in ii corinthians 8 9 jesus said the bible says jesus became poor that we might become rich so take note of these three enemies on your screen ignorance not tight and working 24 you do it one go home listen to this message again two begin to tide this is a covenant goddess made keep your part of the covenant and never wait for a ceremony to inspire you to seek you up it's a decision you must make and number three stop working 24 7. god enjoys when you play football many of you think god just enjoys and god loves me when i'm in church worshiping praising god preaching he is our father he loves it when you play basketball at home he enjoys when you enjoy life if you don't want to enjoy life you will not live long he loves it when you can take a walk in the park ed and white father we thank you today for the hear your word we bless your holy name if you are watching me on you want to receive jesus christ and savior this is heartbeat i never liked the service without giving you that chance pray this prayer with me lord jesus christ come into my heart be my lord and my savior in jesus name amen and amen if you prayed that prayer please help me to identify you right on this facebook live i prayed to be saved if you re if you write that i'll reach out to you and share with you something inspirational to help you grow in your christian work just write simple words i prayed to be saved i promise you i will reach out to you by tomorrow and share with you on steps to grow in your christian faith guys are you blessed are you glad judge yourself praise the lord wasn't that powerful we got work to do we thank god for you online church for just taking the time this morning to join family church for worship i'm sure you have taken so much with you may the lord bless you as you continue to give yourself to the knowledge of god and you know what you want to invite your friends too to come and listen to be a better christian all around right um and for those of them here in marietta or in georgia we're not too far away we're on 287 mount calvary road marietta georgia again it's 2 87. mount calvary road merida georgia i've got to be careful with that mount calvary because rnl is not very easy for people my you know where i come from um finally we continue to thank god for partnering with us and giving and i even know better to tithe and even to offer a love of him to him tell us what did you take away with you do not forget we need those comments actually means a lot to us give us your takeaway and before you go we will be having a beautiful good friday service so please join us it's going to be in the evening that's in august the second that's good friday and it's seven to nine am nine pm i apologize it's going to be beautiful you can bring those of you who have family who are struggling with health it will be a healing service so you do not want to miss that and now you have time to talk to your friends let them know that we will be delighted to be with you for good friday may the lord bless you there is so much more coming so do not go away be with us next week may the lord bless you hey were you inspired by this video kind of like and share with your friends family and colleagues and remember to subscribe to my youtube channel dr k and jacob and enjoy hundreds of inspirational videos free of charge
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
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Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Id: ZFA5OwMeS_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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