How Historia REJECTED the King's Vow of Peace - Overanalyzing Attack on Titan & Retrospective

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[Music] episode 44 skips the opening sequence and moves right into the title wish I think with this one you can have a number of different interpretations first off there's Kenny's wish of getting the founding Titan for himself and seeing that idealistic world that Yuri saw because this is Attack on Titan that wish is of course completely crushed by the end of this episode secondly there's Aaron's wish to well die really a wish that is not only crushed but is later recontextualized to hit magnitudes harder since all the guilt a and feels here is a direct result of his own actions more on the in a bit there's also call Fritz's wish or the vow of Peace this one is kind of sort in a very very Twisted way eventually fulfilled but you can also say that it's not really fulfilled we'll get to it later in the episode so hold that thought for now and lastly there's a story as wish to one live a life that she can be proud of and two to bring back her sister through the inheritance of the founding Titan that too will tackle in the episode so yes just a lot of wishes to go around in this one moving into the episode itself we pick back up with Rod hisor and Aaron in the crystal catacombs and right away we see Rod continue to manipulate Historia in short he says that even though fedup might have been killed by grea she can still bring her back through her memories and right from the Geto this begins to mirror the Gia Aaron and roria father relationship just ignore the whole air and actually being GRE aart for now but both were spoon fit narratives about who they should be and who they should fight both were told that your memories will change because of this as we've talked about before with the Titan inheritance in general it is once again a matter of these inherited conflicts and wars that neither Aaron or Historia even know about Gia frantically screamed at Aaron that he would learn it yada yada and literally forced his 10-year-old son to eat him he took advantage of that paternal trust to mold his own son into a successor for his own goals and the same exact thing goes farod he shows up out of the blue promises all of these things to Historia while his true goal is just to use her as a pawn for his own goals again ignoring that little fact that Aaron is actually responsible for all of this at this point in time neither he or Historia should bear the sins of their fathers right Gia and Rod might have attempted to kill one another but Aaron and Historia have trained and fought side by side for literal years they are friends they've helped each other they trust each other why should learning of their fathers change any of that much like in our own world and much like the macro story of Attack on Titan it is a cyclical conflict that has gone on for so long that those currently involved in it likely don't even know the true cause though an interesting thing we see here is Aaron desperately trying to scream through the gag I think this is something that is particularly interesting in hindsights because knowing what we know now your kneejerk reaction would be that he doesn't want his Storia to eat him because that would limit her lifespan right that is the entire reason why he searches for Zeke in the first place he wants to keep Historia safe but at this point in time that is not true in the same episode we would see him just give up completely and tell her to just go through with this at this point in time at least fully consciously Aaron doesn't know of the 13-year curse so there really isn't anything to protect hisor from obviously you could just say that he is rightfully so just horrified himself since well he'd be eaten or on the opposite side he could still be protecting theoria just from the trauma he himself has with wi but I don't think that's it considering just how fast he comes to terms with it and again just gives up entirely so drawing on all of that much like the hand biting technique that he Ys from Frida I think this is another case of Aaron's memories of the past and the future beginning to bleed together which creates what might now seem as self-contradictory actions his future self wants to save Historia from ever becoming a Titan but his present self is just sick of all of it he wants to let go but before he follow up with with them we jump on over to the other side of the story where the scouts are launching their attack once again we have Sasha popping off with her bow but more importantly note that throughout this entire sequence we see each and every one of the scouts minus Armen draw blood our glorious Bullhead was the first to be faced with the hores of killing his fellow man so now that we've been through all of it we see all of them do the same thing while Armen just shrouds them in Smoke also also this whole sequence Loops back to armen's Power scaling the MPS might have incredible weaponry and technically quite a bit of experience but at the same time they've never really fought against other people silencing mostly completely defenseless civilians is one thing fighting against the scouts who have spent a majority of their adult lives fighting literal giant man eting monsters is a whole another story and so while they rely on their sheer numbers and Superior Weaponry the scouts still gain the upper hand by using these Scrappy Battle Tactics that the MP simply do not know how to fight back against though because this is still over over analyzing I also find the parallels to the final season and Aaron's actual founding Titan very very curious there we have Aron soaring above the clouds in this Bliss that is false freedom but his goal is still to well die here on the other hand it is not some false Freedom it is very explicitly him being chained instead of pursuing him high in the sky the scouts descend into this mysterious magical cave thingy where just like the Titan bones protruding from his body we have large pillars of Titan or that we used to eventually get to Aaron himself who too wants to die so the context might be the complete inverse but Aaron's role is in many ways exactly the same another cool little detail here is Levi saying they're going up against 35 dudes if you really quickly engage in some hardcore mathematics you will figure out that they are outnumbered 5 to1 which again establishes that sense of the scouts deliberately using tactics that just don't involve entirely Fair battles and speaking of we jump on over to Jean who remembers what Armen said the guns might be extremely powerful but they also have a major weakness once they are anchored they're entirely powerless because the guns themselves are attached to the hooks I think this whole dimension of we are purposely aiming for their backs just adds this visceral Touch of them always having to strike at what is basically a helpless Target it could also be a slight nod to how they kill the Titans since there too they only ever Target the nape but I think with these being people it just hammers home the sheer brutality of what we are witnessing just just like the rest of the season it takes away that shroud of ignorance that was Mankind's heroic Battle of survival and really zeros in on the true conflict behind everything our supposed heroes are indeed now the ones throwing aside all honor and just cleaving at the enemy's helpless backs and I think mik's scenes demonstrate that beautifully because this is aot we do of course get another incredible odm gear scene but more importantly I think it really forces us to start questioning what we're even watching I I think when we watch these stories it is very very easy to get caught up in all the action and really anchor ourselves to the side we've been following all along with every scene of the scouts just cleaving apart Titans we'd be cheering them on but now the situation has shifted drastically now we are watching them absolutely Slaughter in peace not like Levi self-defense at the start of the season but they are on the offensive and sure it's not like they areen fighting us either but even so that shroud of ignorance that was the great threat of the Titans is now away not even 10 episodes ago we were riding around Titan territory fearing for Humanity and fearing that the walls might fall yet here we are fighting that same Humanity just like the rest of season 2 and 3 it slowly but surely cranks up the pressure of what we perceive as the quote unquote great or good more and more it asks us how long are we going to keep championing this side of the conflicts something that would have course climax with season 4 also Levi goes into the Avatar state so that's pretty cool I guess though we then see Kenny swing in and pop a few shots at Levi considering the memory Shard imagery later and the personal links between Kenny and Levi I think you could take these Crystal Shards being scattered by Kenny to be a symbol of those scattered memories now surfacing for Levi the clash between them at the start of the Season sort of came out of the blue but now he's had time to Stew on it and so some very mixed sentiments might begin to crop up as well also the E Levi it's just the most Whimsical thing I've ever heard though Levi being Levi he immediately closes the distance between them and they lock weapons one thing I love here is how we see that Kenny fights much closer to that of the scouts than the rest of the MP he doesn't rely on his weapon or just overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers instead he uses those same exact Scrappy Battle Tactics that the scouts use considering his background I think it's just a cool not to his backstory of living in the underground but I've got to admit one thing I think is actually a bit of a missed opportunity here is Kenny slicing at Levi's cheek I think it would have been a very neat parallel to Aaron also T Mikasa directly on her face it just be a cool little connective thread of those relationships just like Aaron saved Mikasa Kenny saved Levi from what was guaranteed death though the burning hatred within both eventually still comes back to harm them though I guess you could also think of it in the complete opposite direction me a scar is a warning of Aaron's true nature Kenny strike on the other hand never leaves a scar implying that in the end the only thing he really craved was just peace but Kenny is also a very very bad dude so I don't know if you can really justify that and I mean Aaron also wanted to be free is just that he was locked into this timeline by the founding Titan so yeah I don't know it didn't happen anyway so who cares another absolutely beautiful thing we see here is Kenny shooting the oil pouch I think it's a very visual Showcase of him trying to burn the bridges between them but Levi living with no regrets rushes right through those flames and gets a visceral hit on Kenny much like the slash not leaving a scar it might hint to Kenny trying to detach his feelings for Levi but just not really being able to in just a few episodes we see how even as he bled outs he thought of Levi of how he found him of how he grew stronger at the very very least even if he didn't care for Levi he at least respected him we then jump on over to Alma who has realized that the scouts are heavily relying on the weakness of their gear rather than some overwhelming strategy and so she shoots off two rounds to bait them into attacking and uses the odm gear hooks As Weapons much like Aaron and his Titan Levi and the enhanced interrogation and many many more is just another case of the protagonist and antagonist both using similarly messed up methods Levi was a bit ahead of the curve in that sense but later we see a number of the other Scouts also employ their hooks as weapons so that's just some neat mirroring there but yes poni takes a pretty mean tumble so that is one of ours out of the running for now and also the mirroring to Petra's death certainly did not help First Reactions either I distinctly remember thinking that wait Awin named hanji as the successor what is this about now no way no no no no hun is not dead it couldn't be though one last thing to note before we return to Aaron is Kenny just mumbling that Levi should just stay out of their way again I think it just implies that he doesn't actually want to kill Levi I think him taking that hit was a bit of a wakeup call that if he really means to take him on he will have to go all out so deep down I think he just wants Levi to get lost so that they can avoid that Al together we then jump on over to the mid card solidifying all the syringe suspicions we might have had ever since episode 2 and kid Aaron and also continuing to elaborate on the Amir story at this point you know that for whatever reason this religion cult was arrested turned into Titans and somehow deployed on Parade we also know that wherever amir's Hometown is it is not on Parade because they have hering a so water fish and we also have the season 2 ad and even the episode title card showing ships headed for parade and don't forget that the season literally opens with Aaron on the shore and way way back in season 2 we even had Z suspect that they may be using different languages so at this point I think there is more than enough concrete information to piece together that the enemy is on the other side of the sea technologically more advanced and the Titans are merely a weapon of War as for the contents of the syringe I think the spinal fluid is chosen because it represents strength and mass since it's literally the spine holding up the entire body but it is also directly connected to your brain and motor function fun fact in lavian the spinal cord is called Muran which when translated literally means literally the brain of your back so you have your brain that processes information and you have the quote unquote brain of your back processing movements and then the spinal fluid connects both do keep in mind I'm a goofy man on the internet so don't take this as facts but as far as I understand that fluid is really what makes a human well work really so choosing that for the Titan mechanics I think makes sense oh and that is also why the person resides in the npe by the way they are the quote unquote brain of the back returning to the episode we see that aoria is lowkey convinced that Aaron is indeed the bad guy little does she know she's actually right though much like with the previous episode I really love how with most of these shots the founding Titan is always looming over them firstly this entire conversation is about the inheritance of the Titan so it all taking place in its shadow just makes sense from a very visual perspective though secondly this entire story is about G and Freda but both now reside within Aaron who orchestrated all of this so in the same vein it's not just that the conversation is about the founding Titan but that the founding Titan looms over them because it is responsible for the entire situation in the first place the sort of causal effects of everything Loom over them in this situation though in classic Attack on Titan fashion Rod then decides that it is time for some lore he explains how both the crystal catacombs as well as the walls were constructed using the power of the Titans feels like I'll be talking about this literally every single time this crops up but this LS back to that Eternal wall Titan Heights and construction process we've talked about before the the common understanding is that the wall Titans themselves are 60 M but they are buried 10 M below ground since we know that the Colossal can reach above the wall as for how are they buried depending on who you ask it is literally people who just dug trenches or they were just manifested with their feet already buried the rationale for them being buried is just that those 10 m would be the sort of foundation of the wall and from the minor story in season 1 we do know that underneath the wall there is Titan Crystal as well as I've said before though personally I'm not a huge fan of that explanation because one I think it's literally just cooler that the Colossal Titan is slightly bigger than the wall Titans I mean it is one of the nine after all number two the foundation arguments also works with just the shell of the walls going underground or even just the crystal pillars working as even deeper foundations number three the artistic depictions of the walls also depict them as just standing with their arms interl which by the way is the same way the wall religion later replicates that arm interlocking thingy number four I think the destruction of literally hundreds of thousands of Titans ripping up 10 m that's like a 3 to four story building by the way worth of ground would cause a ridiculous amount of Destruction that we don't really see with the rumbling I guess you can say that the rumbling isn't treated realistically anyway since we don't get Mass earthquakes either but I feel like that angle of them just ripping up the ground and sending Rubble flying everywhere would sort of be there right and much like number two number five I think the foundation of the walls are those crystals running throughout power as we see a bit later when Rod begins to crawl I think the explanation of the magical pillars holding up the land of devils that is parade and these Titans just being manifested within the walls just fits the lore that we see throughout the series basically what I'm getting at is that I think there is more evidence of them being 50 m rather than 60 M if the minor story ever said anything about actually seeing their flesh or something like that then yeah sure but no he just hit a wall yes I am well aware that this changes nothing and literally does not matter like seriously at all people just argue about this for fun I guess but the title of the series is overanalyzing don't at me we also get another shot of Aon looming over them as Rod explains the whole memory alteration debacle we already heard about with Kenny though he then explains that had it not been for gcia Freda could have wiped the Titans from existence then saying that now that power is wasted within Aaron because only the rice family can use it in reality well none of that is even worth entertaining because the founding Titan exists outside of time so no Freda would have never been able to do anything not just because she is bound by the vow to renounce War but also because Aaron is was and always will be her successor that is a fact that cannot be changed absolutely no matter what and because this question pops up all the time why does Gia give Aaron the Titan if he wants to stop him number one is because he never actually knows exactly what Aaron aims to do and two he quite literally can't stop it because it would create a paradox basically think of it this way if Aaron scares Gia into not giving him the Titan well then grea is never scared to not give him the Titan therefore he gives him the Titan therefore Aaron scares him into not giving him the Titan and well well we have a loop we operate with a fixed timeline none of those things can ever be changed I mean that's why Aaron loses his marbles one thing that Rod does get right though is him saying that as long as Aaron is the vessel of that power this hell will never end so yeah he got that one right on the money though suddenly Kenny pops back up asking whether their blood is really necessary remember that his dream is to get the founding time for himself to see the world is uated Kenny respects strength and he saw Yuri's omnipotent worldview as the absolute form of power it was something that transcends anything he could ever imagine something that would change even him from his violent ways so I think you can imagine how Kenny is feeling right now his dream was just absolutely crushed the rod then says that dragging in a dog like him was one of Yuri's foolish wishes but Kenny being Kenny immediately threatens him saying that if he insults Yuri again half of his face would be blasted we'll be talking plenty about their relationship and and the role of a royal and an acram and plenty more with their flashback but I think when taken in isolation here is just another case of recontextualizing the quote unquote bad guys a trend that is continued with Kenny telling a story that your dear father brought you here just so that you would eat Aaron in his eyes you're a tool this is not some emotional family reunion I think it's meant to very explicitly mirror Aaron who was not even helpless to a story up who is equally naive but in the opposite direction where Aaron begged for some sort of explanation as of now hisor up is fine with going through with this after Air's death I think hisor up just has a crisis of identity as she herself said in the premiere she just doesn't know who she is what she's supposed to do and she's just aimless this will be a very dumb thought experiment but bear with me here imagine just one day suddenly learning of a person who raised you like think of every single memory you have with one of your parents or something and imagine just suddenly gaining them at one point in time up to that point you feel like you've never never experienced them but suddenly you have and at that same moment where you are already just emotionally devastated by you suddenly gaining these memories you are told that you could bring them back I think it's only natural that she latches onto that wish immediately and for a second he's like you know what maybe Aaron would make for a good dinner and if you wish to overanalyze even further there's Again The Vow istoria is a royal therefore she is bound by it which may somehow push her to blindly accept the founding title it is her inherited dity that she cannot deny Aaron on the other hand is no Royal and even more so the attack Titan the one who deliberately Rebels against the founder through its future memory transfer so very fittingly as much as he can anyway Aaron would try to hold out against his father while the story up at this point at least remains a slave to duty and if you really want to overanalyze even further we get the shot of Historia looking up at Aaron we have an acran holding a Royal by the neck and that is the barrier holding Historia a royal from Aaron the founding Titan I wonder if those could be parallels to the final season where Levi 2 would hold up a royal Zeke and both would function as a sort of a shield between hisor and Aaron but eventually Zeke or Rod transform anyway H okay returning to some degree of normaly to further question which side really is the quote unquote good one here Kenny is now arguing for a Storia side asking what Rod has ever done for her and why would she just jump at this opportunity to eat Aaron and in The Wider lore of attack on Titan in a very very roundabout way an acran once again becomes King's Guard I do think that at least a part of his story's decision is influenced by Kenny's arguments here so by extension an acran saves her from the 13-year curse and speaking of Kenny we get this absolutely excellent scene that close upon him as his dream is completely destroyed and he falls back into his chaotic ways is excellent and note how yet again Aaron is looming behind him the Spectre of Yuri and the founding Titan is always there always a reminder of the thing he never had and to put a further spin on everything remember the unfair fighting style we talked about with the scouts while here Kenny says that this whole eating Aaron thing is just unfair saying he would free Aaron and that they could duke it out as Titans fair and square it again just makes us ask what really is right and wrong what really is honor and battle what really is going too far and all of those uncomfortable questions which often don't have the simplest of answers and one thing I absolutely love here is that building rumbling in our ears as rod goes to inject Historia it's a commonly used effect for a reason I think it just absolutely nails that sense of anxiety and impending doom though in the midst of that Rod also blurts out that she just has to get a spine that of course explains why we don't have a Santa attack and founding Titan as air in was swallowed hole instead of actually being eaten and as the scene is about to Crescendo we get a classic Dutch angle shot with Aaron once again looming over the scene as a story realizes that he is not even transforming these CED shots are of course a super common way to portray une EAS in a character but I just love how Aaron is posed as this looming Omen and for us to then suddenly punch in on Estoria as that realization kicks in I think it's a really neat way to subvert some of those almost subconscious expectations that have been established by Cinema there is this building and building tension Aaron is looming just out of sight but suddenly we punch in on hisor and all of that is subverted and following this we get another scene that you could straight up transpose to the final season and it would just fit perfectly we get a scene of Aaron crying with it being framed almost exactly as with that boy in Marley he says that it shouldn't have happened he has now lived greci's memories he has already committed unspeakable atrocities he just wants it to stop obviously this mirrors the final season beat for Beats Aaron seen the future he knows he cannot stop it so all he can do is just plead for forgiveness he then lists off all the people who Gia tragically killed but again we now know that it was not his father that was him he is the one who sent grea here he is the one who forced his hand he is the one who killed feda and he is also the one who watched Gia Slaughter himself through freda's eyes this and ultimately historious coronation is where Aaron's mind just cracks under the pressure this is where that drive for Freedom comes from when he says that he could never atone for what he's done he desperately wants to be free to fly like that graceful swan in the op but he can never be free because of the burden of his forefathers Aaron's role as the founding Titan and the coordinate serves a really interesting purpose in the story like Attack on Titan on one hand he is the perfect example of someone who has literally inherited the previous generation's hatred for him there is no past no present and no future he sees grea his sister's death at all times he not only carries that hatred but pushes it to the absolute limits he is the embodiment of that visceral hatred for the other side but because of the nature of the attack Titan's power as of this moment his subconscious might be affected by the founder but he himself does not want any of this just like the rest of the warrior units he is the next Generation he doesn't want to carry their flag or fight conflicts that have never affected him personally why does Riner and his Squad breach the walls well because they were literally just told to not once did any paradesian do anything to them neither one wants any of this because this is not their fight they did not start any of this and they desperately wished to just finally stop it the fantasy genre is a merely dressed up form of The Human Condition and human conflict so the founding Titan just allows us to explore this impossible reality of a single person bearing both the hatred of old and a genuine wish for a better tomorrow his face is Tainted in blood almost as if that had been the tears flowing down his face but he also cries tears of purity of fear and just exhaustion and as Aaron just completely breaks down the pieces start sliding together in the story is mind they had the power of the Titans for hundreds of years but they never did a thing why rod says that the king believed they must be controlled by the Titans and that somehow that would have led to Total peace but that he doesn't know how in hindsight we know that that was the vow to renounce war and that desire to create a small Paradise hence the island's name as far as the vow goes Carl Fritz believed that the yian sins are just too great so he trapped them within the walls promising them a paradise while also accepting their impending death through the promise to never retaliate by taking their memories he allowed them to live in what he believed to be an ignorant Bliss only you know that didn't really work out for him okay funny jokes aside we'll be talking about Carl Fritz and his entire Vision plenty more With Yuri so pull that up for now Rod also notes that when Yuri inherited the Titan and he looked into his eyes he understood saying that he became something greater he became a God and note how when he says this we get the shot of Aaron both arms stretched out staring into the lights exactly as we see with the kid Aaron soaring above the clouds so again that's the strer puppet imagery one is explicitly chained up the other is a childish curiosity and a false sense of freedom but effectively both of them are still slaves to freedom but very fittingly the person who saves aoria from taking the burden of the founder is air not the founder Amir who eternally serves the Royal bloodline but the Amir who but for a moment was truly free istor up shatters the injection this is her rejecting the power of the Titans altogether this is the thing that cements her as the first true Royal of the walls to truly understand the v's message she knows the power of the Titans and she rejects it instead of creating a false Paradise she rejects that ignorance she doesn't perpetuate sins of her ancestors and leads them into a new age again because this is Attack on Titan obviously we'd first have to go through literal Ragnarok but in terms of her Arc this is the moment that she becomes the true queen and the true leader of parade and she then just pulls a 100% air she throws Rod which almost certainly breaks his back Big W there by the way and runs to Aaron and this final scene is absolutely glorious Aaron just Christ saying that if he keeps living more people will suffer while the Storia rips off his chains setting him free and H boy is this loaded with meaning first off yes Aaron living would indeed cause a whole lot of suffering and considering he's seen F's memories and considering what Yuri would say this may be already a sign of those memories surfacing and when I say memories I mean like the future I don't think there's a word for that I mean if you want to we can always just make one up right I mean like Memories is taken from Latin something like mindful remember apparently so how about we take like knowing the future right so knowing what's to come let's take the word knowing in Latin then we just do a little bit of here and there you know the one two so how about we take like cnes you know cens is apparently suggestive of private knowledge you know private knowledge I know the future so how about we do like ca I guess that's how you say it and then we just add ease at the end how you feeling about that does that make sense yes it's getting late I really need to stop recording I think I'm losing my mind though secondly I think a story ripping off those chains could also be inferred in a couple different ways there is the angle of her royal blood un leashing the Founder's power sure it wouldn't be her that starts the rumbling but the idea still stands the chains holding it back would indeed be broken and I mean like literally broken by the way Aaron would again be chained in the paths but he would break those chains or there's the complete opposites because Estoria rejects the power of the Titans she gives Aaron a different perspective as individuals they answer to no one they carry no burdens and they are not guilty of anything she might bear a Royal's name but she will not serve its vows he might be a Titan but he will not perpetuate the cycle except we know he does so we need to take a bit of a Middle Road Historia unshackles Aaron because in the long run the founding Titan would indeed finally be Unshackled it might be 2,000 years later but imir would be finally set free from those chains and if you want to take that one step further it is a Storia a royal taking off the chains from her people or in other words setting them free from that oppressive monarchy and I think her speech here captures that beautifully she says she doesn't care about Humanity she doesn't care about the Titans and if they want to think that then she'll be Humanity's greatest enemy this is not about her siding with Aaron per se and this is not about her suddenly turning on Humanity this is her protecting her friend she is Unshackled from that duty of inheritance and in this particular situation Aaron is the one who actually needs help and I can already hear some of you asking rightfully so why doesn't she push back against Aaron's decisions in the final season I mean obviously she didn't help help him but she didn't try to stop him either did she well I'm sorry because we're going to have to leave that on a bit of a cliffhanger because there's a whole lot of emotional graininess and memory Shenanigans and a dozen other things there so for now let's just not open that kind of worms just know that yes this might end in sunshine and rainbows is story and air and team up yada yada but in the long run it is definitely not at all that simple oh and speaking of those scenes we also get some very clear mirroring here they are surrounded by sparkly blue magic pillars and his Storia tells Aaron to get out of here while she destroys everything well their final conversation would happen during a red sunset and it'd be the complete opposite Aaron would be telling her to step aside and that well he'd actually destroy everything and the very final scene we get in this one is Rod slurping up some of that sweet sweet spinal fluid and beginning to transform giving us what might just be the clearest case of founding Titan foreshadowing and get ready for a crossover I know you never expected if you happen to be a Walking Dead retrospective enjoyer big recommend watching it it by the way even if you know nothing about the show or comic which by the way recommend reading the comic I'd still recommend giving it a watch but you might know the Tony Moore I think that's how you say his name the original artist for the comic has also done a special cover for Attack on Titan and yes it is exactly as glorious as you'd expect I'll link his website and store in the description in case you want to Snoop around definitely recommend giving it a look his art is just incredible and yes you can also buy a prints of this exact cover I'll link that as well that said this is where we'll pick up next time there's a whole lot to unpack with rods Titan and the mechanics of that entire transformation so I think it's probably best to leave that for now I have a feeling that from this point on this series will get very very spicy I mean it's basically non-stop right up until the Gia flashbacks I don't know about you but I am definitely looking forward to all of that oh and uh if you notice Something Fishy do let me know whether you're also looking forward to that but yes next time we are diving head first into the rod Ross Titan Arc and all the craziness it entails so I hope to see you back as we continue over analyzing Attack on Titan and that's the video no long outro for this one we have a wild week with a liveaction version of avatar coming out which I will be streaming on my second Channel by the way but I'll get back to working on the episode 45 video like literally right now get ready for a unhealthy number of Rod Titan theories by the way oh and can you believe we almost halfway through this series I'm actually already scared but yes with that I want to say a massive thank you to our current patrons and YouTube members who allow me to produce even more of these for you all and let's also give a warm welcome to the newest member of the team die without you there'll be a whole lot less of my rambling so seriously thank you thank you other than that I want to say thank you very much for watching I hope you have a great day and hopefully I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Korotos Mystery Shack
Views: 45,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Koroto's, Mystery, Shack, Korotos, Koroto, attack on titan, shingeki no kyojin, overanalyzing aot, overanalyzing attack on titan, retrospective overanalysis, aot retrospective, aot explained, eren time travel, season 3, attack on titan explained, royal government arc, grisha twist, erwin, eren founding titan, eren attack titan, grisha gives eren titan, manga, anime, ackerman clan, ackerman powers explained, mikasa headaches, episode 44, rod ross titan, levi, levi vs kenny
Id: Bzhow2H0bBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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