WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!! | Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 249

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so this week's chapter of jiujitsu kaisen was pretty damn good and uh let's just talk about it we kick things off this week with a little bit of a flashback we go back to when UTA first beheaded Kaku and I just got to say it right here but I really enjoyed the beginning segments of this chapter uh mainly because it helped flesh out kaku's death a lot more because when you showed up last chapter you know in front of suuna I was scratching my chin I was like yo is that it for Kaku like one of the two big bad villains of the series just unceremoniously beheaded and that was it there's no way there's no way but we had the rule from kogan added saying that sukuna or I guess megumi is now in charge of the merger so I scratched my chin again and I was like yo I guess that is it but lo and behold gay gay went back in time and showed us the rest of kaku's interaction it turns out that he didn't exactly die after getting beheaded and he ended up turning into this weird Resident Evil t- virus monster right uh actually there are two things going on here so part one is ghetto is dead right ghetto body his CT is going berserk because the body has now died so we have a bunch of cursed Spirits pouring out of his body or I guess pouring out of his corpse and then on the other hand Kaku is now a floating head I mean technically not a floating head he turned into this weird like I said Resident evilish Monster uh but yeah he's still going on he's floating around UTA uses ra to subdue the cursed Spirits while UTA finishes Kaku and Kaku didn't really make it a challenge at this point I think he knew that he was cooked right you know he didn't really have a body to use anymore so he used whatever strength he had left to add the rule we saw from last chapter declaring megumi as the leader of the merger and we also saw how tenen ended up in suk's hands as well Kaku simply brought him out and used Amazon delivery I guess there's not a good way to explain it right he's like ah hen go to sukuna and then it just flew over to him which is kind of funny but yeah like I said I really do enjoy the beginning segments of this chapter and I also love that when we head back over to the suca fight present time Utah questions if they did things the right way which is kind of hilarious because that's something that you know we as the community do all the time you know like people are like hey where's Maki at why did you go over there is this really the best possible plan we can cook up I don't know man I I just really like hearing his inner monologue throughout this chapter and he does mention makis son and he's like hey like we could have sent Maki to finish off kinjaku she could have done it but he does dial it back and say well if we sent her then she'd have to deal with all the cursed spirits and I'm more suited for that because I have ra but also I have a grudge against Kaku which I love love that he brought that up because a lot of people were hyping UT up to beat Kaku because of that Grudge so it really does just feel nice that he mentions it here in this chapter oh yeah last couple of things I do want to talk about with kaku's death though is that one I do think he is truly dead now uh the the words he speaks in this chapter leaves no room for doubt right it doesn't seem like he has some greater plan to bring himself back to life he's more like hey I'm dead but thanks to takaba I had a lot of fun now that the merger is in megumi's hand it's your turn to have fun UT I think this is a pretty decent end for him but of course I I do wish he was around to see the merger like it just feels so weird knowing that he's been building this plane up this entire time and he's not going to see it but hey like I said thankfully takaba gave him a great last fight so he's going out with the bang in some sense so now onwards to UTA versus sua uh one of the main things that first stuck out to me me when I was reading this chapter was how oddly detailed it was when suca grabbed uta's sword right because UT was like oh sukuna is using a bunch of cleaves on his hand to negate the slice of my sword and I'm like oh that's freaking cool right because this is something that animes don't typically have to explain especially when it comes to an end tier villain they could have simply said that sukuna has crazy cursed energy or sua has crazy grippers but instead no they gave him that small detail where they're like yeah you know he he's just actually combating Cuts with cuts and I can't cut him I really hope this doesn't come off as me glazing gay gay super hard but I really do like these small details and it really shows that he is you know one with battle Shonen uh so yes after he blocks the sword attack ra comes in from behind and sua shows us how useful his dual set of arms and mouths actually are which is pretty damn funny because you know the memes of like oh it's jump Kon right it's always a 2v one when it comes to the sorcerers when you really think about it suca is kind of built to combat that very well since he has all these extra appendages uh so while this is all going on UT is going through the monologue I kind of talked about earlier where he's kind of doubting himself doubting the plan and then reaffirming that this plan is the right way to do things and since he does bring up Maki I am wondering now where she's at you know because she hasn't joined the battle quite yet so I am very much looking forward to when she actually steps up and steps in and you know it's not one of those things where it's like oh like you know like she's useless or she's hiding on the side no no no this is like part of their plan like they planned out all of this right like they planned out Utah killing Kaku takaba uh the sorcerers who would initially fight suca the order they would fight him hakar versus uram like everything is planned out very well from the boys here so Maki not being here is a choice that they have made and now I'm just wondering how far ahead they have planned because even right now they're talking about suca and how he can't use his domain expansion quite yet but he will be able to pretty damn soon so I wonder if Maki is going to come in during that stage of the fight but uh either way though you know you know future predictions aside what happens here in the present though in in this chapter groundbreaking you know people were looking forward to this man it has been a hot minute since we got teased with Utah's domain expansion right he he almost whipped it out cockroach boy kind of broke that apart but we finally get to see it here his domain expansion true mutual love or however else they're going to translated I've seen like three or four different translations for this domain expansion but honestly they all have the same meaning right it it is Utah's love at the end of the day uh so we see him spawn what seems to be like a thousand swords all around the battlefield and it looks so damn cool it reminds me of Fates day night unlimited blade Works where you know they activate their ability and there's a bunch of Swords all around him yo that is what this is striking me as and he doesn't exactly say what the purpose of the swords are necessarily but I do like to imagine in my head cannon that all of these swords represent a different sorcerer that he font and or a different ability that he has copied which I guess wouldn't be too far-fetched because the domain expansion does utilize his copy techniques so he can copy an infinite amount of techniques in here it is freaking cool and also now that Utah has activated his domain expansion sua has to you know he has to use those hands he has to activate the Hollow Waker basket to combat this but once again though this scenario which is usually very disadvantages for any normal sorcerer is just an okay scenario for suca because he has extra appendages he can activate the wicker basket and he's free like that is just how it is here uh UTA tries to go in for an attack sukuna Dodges the sword swing but he doesn't realize that UTA also copied udo's attack here and slapped him in the face with the sky I'm still not exactly 100% sure how that ability works but he did it right it regardless it landed but suca does have RCT of course because he's a absolute monster and he recovers in no time flat we then end off the chapter by switching over to sua's perspective and he's like yo this is their plan right they're going to wear me down in this domain and while this is happening Yugi over there you know that boy that damn kid is going to attack my soul and try to separate me from megumi he has sniffed out the game plan and now he almost mockingly Embraces it in a way because he looks at Yuji and he's like oh whoa like you finally have a role here like he's actually just having a good old time and we have to remember this is exactly what suano wants more or less he wants to be in the heat of battle so yeah I bet it makes him kind of happy to see all these Sorcerers tackle him one after another and just seeing how much they've actually planned for him as good as things are looking at the end of this chapter I do feel like sua is going to end up on top uh you know Utah already foreshadowed suk's domain expansion coming back so it's only a matter of time at this point right right when it comes back we're going to get a clash everything's going to break and then everything's going to go to hell but you know like I said the sorcerers plan this out ahead of time I wouldn't be super shocked if choso waiting out there kusakabe and hey who knows what's going on with utahime and shoko right because now that we're in this domain expansion you know we're not exactly privy to what's going on in the outside world so really by the time we break out of this or maybe by the time sua destroys this domain I wouldn't be shocked if all the sorcerers are ready to fight him right like like we could get like this weird like Naruto pain scenario where it all breaks and then you see all of the sorcerers like circled around suca like at at this point it's a battle royale and I am just really damn excited to see what happens next I'm on the edge of my seat man but hey I don't have too many thoughts with this chapter I thought it was pretty good overall I loved seeing UT's domain expansion but of course like you know we we haven't seen any of it yet he he only whipped out one technique right like he's he's got many he fought a lot of people that we probably haven't even seen in the manga so I wouldn't be surprised if come next chapter you know he's whooping out abilities we have no clue about uh I kind of doubt gay is going to do that though I I I feel like for consistency sake he might just give UT abilities that we've seen in the manga already but hey you know if he wants to get crazy this is like the final fight I wouldn't be super shocked I wouldn't be super shocked um as far as Yuji and UT's plan though I I feel like that is their plan from the get-go right beating sua is one thing but simply separating sua and megumi is an entirely different win condition altogether so I feel like that is their easiest option here I mean maybe easiest is the wrong way to put it but you guys know what I mean uh but yeah with that being said though let me know what you guys think about this chapter what do you think about you's domain expansion how do you feel about kinjaku actually being dead now and what do you think is going to happen if this domain expansion breaks uh let me know all your thoughts down below and I'll catch you guys in the next chapter of jjk I'll see you later peace out
Channel: Syv | Retcon
Views: 12,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syv, Syvduck, Syvreon, Syvn, jjk 249, jujutsu kaisen chapter 249, jujutsu kaisen chapter 249 review, jujutsu kaisen chapter 249 spoilers, jujutsu kaisen chapter 249 breakdown, jujutsu kaisen chapter 249 leaks, jujutsu kaisen chapter 249 spoiler, yuta domain, yuji domain, sukuna
Id: nFNaJk_zNoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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