Talking Jujutsu Kaisen w/ @bdalawofficial

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brago S I heard you caught up to jjk or at least almost pretty close pretty pretty close I'm at chapter 221 I plan on finishing it uh the rest of it today that is crazy yes I am uh I'm going to be part of Team jjk going forward so give me like a couple days and I will officially leave one piece be a member whoa um not leaving one piece you know just adding just adding said jjk is better jjk is better at things overall I still have one piece higher but jjk does have its things where with excels you know um and I don't want to compare the two necessarily but let's compare the two yeah let's not compare but let's draw direct comparisons one to one yeah no comparison with direct comparisons um I think one piece I mean clearly way better World building you know um kind of stretching things out um I think how the the sheer number of good characters in one piece far ways jjk I think jjk has a more tight cast and maybe one to one the writing in regards to the characters may be better than one piece characters but it's so the ratio is so off in regards to characters per Arc um and then something that's established early in jjk is that a lot of sorcerers die you know and so we've seen a lot of sourcers that we even that we even got come into contact in the story they've already died so it's I would say character-wise one piece thrives because of the quantity the quality is high as well but jjk the because the quantity is low the quality of the characters are are a bit higher so I think that's probably equal um the thing where jjk blows one piece out of the war is probably fights you know yeah the fights when people talk about jjk it's always always about the fights you know yeah so that's the thing right that's the thing where um I think jjk is in a in a Le League of its own in regards to fights um and it it handles curse techniques so well the explanations sometimes can be super elaborate and sometimes feel unnecessary but um I'm I come from a hun Hunter background so so you're used to that you're used to that oh yeah oh yeah used to like pages and pages of narration yeah yes I love the wall of text you know even though the K one was a bit much cuz it didn't really lead anywhere and they ended up explaining it the next chapter yeah the hakari one's rough I remember when I got to the chapter where hakari uses domain expansion I was like yo I'm GNA have to skip this page I'm not going to lie yeah going through it was a lot going I tried to get it because I was streaming at the time you know I was trying to make sense of what it was but then I was like all right I get the concept but I still don't understand the the the specifics of it like if you ask me i' be like I don't I don't really know he he's trying to hit the jackpot as as much as possible I mean the ability he gets when he hits a jackpot is actually insane right he just straight doesn't die becomes Immortal for like four minutes I think four minutes and 11 seconds and then he also has it's crazy because his slots he has the ability to up his possible ability of hit the jackpot and so like his domain expansion is different than others because it's more affecting him than everybody else and like you're affected eventually after you know he hit the jackpot but in the meantime you're just there right you just you're just there experiencing the the whole cut scene going on it is a part of the show and so um I I really didn't like did like hakari I think his Aura was crazy so here's a good one um so there's kind of two camps I want to talk about here the first Camp I want to talk about is how much do you know about the future chapters of jjk cuz I don't want to spoil anything you haven't read but you're a man that is online uh you are in the community like do you know who wins certain fights or do you know what's in store for you in the future of jjk like like where are you with that or do you avoid spoilers in general I try to avoid spoilers I've muted jjk for a while um um so I don't know much okay um there's one thing I do know um what is it uh it was well back then I knew that a gold and suo were going to fight okay yeah because everybody everybody was talking about it in Timeline H yeah but after that I just muted it I muted the muted everything so I'm pretty much good I'm pretty much good on on most things all I love that I I just want to know just so I know like what not to bring up and what not to talk about so yeah everything Beyond 222 Black Flag yeah yeah Beyond 222 let's not I to talk about it but anything before that I'm de I'm G yeah before 222 you know we got the build up to Gojo versus suo we had a lot of fights in the coling games what was your favorite fight or standout fight so far like like what did you enjoy the most I mean you the Yono UT fight is insane right with um I like how you made up your own term for that the UT yonko fight yeah I mean it's like it's it's start it's starting to get some legs you know cuz it's like oh [ __ ] people like I didn't think about it that way we're like yeah um I really like that fight I think that's the best fight in so far in the story however I gotta say I got to give my my boy Reggie some love oh Reggie star versus meum me that was surprisingly good it was well thought out the thing is with that fight and I can I can understand why people don't like that fight but people don't understand just how many layers there are to that fight where it is literally layered and figuratively layered right where you talk about how it basically starts out with basic basic curse cursed energy it gets to curse techniques then we get to domain expansions you get to simple domains and they use hollow W wicker basket then they start then you're literally using things beneath the actual floor where use the pool gravity they're using they're using gravity they're using um domains against each other they're using do um curse techniques against each other um and then at the end of the day playing a game of chicken to end it it was a multi-layered fight that I think is going to go under appreciated because Reggie is not you know I don't he's not one of those characters that you really care about because he he feels like a seat filler but he ended up being really good I know a lot of people I talked about it they were like yo I was upset because Reggie is going this this he's doing this well against mumi but Reggie was a thinker man he was a thinker he was able to somewhat decipher mum's um uh curse technique and even I think mumi is a genius for his domain expansion using it in the gym where it's like uh even though it wasn't complete it feels Complete because he's using the gym is kind of like a barrier or containment um but Reggie even saw through that try basically figured out um mum's weakness with the weight of anything in the in his domain affecting him it's just it just kept going on and on and on but um I I really did enjoy that fight I think that's the most underrated fight in in all of jjk um animated I would say without a doubt without a doubt going be good huh it's going to be insane but so far the fights that have been animated I think without a doubt the best fight in jjk is choso versus Yuji it is it's a beauti fight they did great with the lighting in that yeah Master the bathroom scene with the water it is a master jjk does not sleep on the fights man they go all out yeah and they hit every time um I would say the worst fight in so far in jjk is um yosu versus sua oh you didn't like that fight it was just I I I expected more I guess and she just got you know she got dog walked she got dog walked it was it was just like sua didn't even use Cleaver dismantle he just beat her with me 10 Shadows it's like okay he just use the 10 shs even though he's insane at using them already like yeah he was just learning it was like a training match for him bro what blew me away was the size of no when he first summoned oh that's so good like Su summons are so crazy like justed up buing man she's the size of the building and um what what I liked is how they talked about how sua using 10 Shadows he kind of maintained he just he he barely maintained their um their shape to kind of increase their range of effect in regards to their attack but then when he used um when he used the elephant and the deer I think he's like he used like he kind of established him all the way whereas like that's the thing I like with jjk is like using is there's explanations for most things now yeah I did not like how Yuki went out oh Yuki dude that was I didn't like that at all bit of a fumble I think I think Yuki should have lived and at least fought more that that was very disappointing to be fair because of her power I think there's a way G gaygay can bring her back because she essentially can manipulate Mass she created a black hole right so in a way she could be trapped in a um cuz we never saw her domain expansion so we don't know exactly what it is we just saw her simple domain um he could justify it and say her domain expansion is basically another uh another portal or something and so she was just there using reverse curse technique healing herself um and it be like we're mad M the hell you're already Theory crafting in jjk that's crazy yeah you you fully converted man holy crap hey man hey we haven't seen Toto in a while so hey you know that could be a thing you know may maybe Toto and Yuki are together I'm just saying I'm just saying I don't I I I think I think it's a possibility she's still alive I think one thing I really appreciate about jjk is megami's ability because at first I thought his ability was garbag here like you know just watching the anime season 1 I'm like okay cool he has 12 Shadows whatever or 10 shadows and I was like okay all these guys kind of suck right he has frogs he has rabbits he has the deer the elephant like they're trash man like you know we can be real it's it's all garbage and then you see sua use it and you're like whoa okay he's bringing out the you know their capabilities and then I remember totality is a thing where if they die their powers go on to the next dude and it's like okay now we're getting busted and then mahaga like come on yeah this this ability is insane yeah the 10 Shadows technique I think um I didn't appreciate it at first the first time I watched season one or um I think season two I started to appreciate it but I really started to appreciate when I reread and rewatched just how uh I think how crafty mumi is with them and how he manipulates the shadows and um his shikami um I think I loved the end of the Reggie fight where like he's a thinker right and as soon as he forgot about um he he thought that he couldn't use his dog anymore it's like boom here comes a dog right and so it's was just like I appreciate mumi again Chima Shadow Chima Shadow Garden I think is insane yeah um where you can even create clones Etc it's like it's completely broken but I think what solidified it is when Gojo talked about hey you know back the day like these abilities were one to one man these abilities this you know they we both we fought to the death you know and so that should have been a hint to me well I think well when I was 100% converted is when he summoned maaga and it was just like oh [ __ ] yeah you know um but what's funny is that sik has already subdued my Hara yeah just like instantly pretty much cuz he used Mya to break out of the domain of euros but um no I I think mumi he's definitely grown on me I don't know if he's still in my top five characters um just because sua has just been he's been make waking making his way up yeah so um I think I still have it with uh one still toi um two UTA three Sika four you even have the top five ready to go yeah four chos five um five Gojo yeah so here's a I got a couple more questions for you then I'll let you go but if there were season 3 of jjk which more than likely there will be what fight are you looking forward to the most or what scene what scene I'm assuming season three gets to the reveal of sua taking over mumi yes yeah same yeah um that scene is going to be crazy but I think okay so I recently read this but the scene where Maki and um Yuji attack attacking Sika in mum's body like that panel where it's like yui's coming up top Maki super low SI is super low it's such an amazing panel I want to see that animated but more than anything big oat big aotu I want to see UTA versus the forano I want to see when he pulls up uses his mimicry uses ra i i that's what I want to see I want to see that or even before that when UT pulls up um and he's fighting against Yugi and fighting against um uh what's his name the Zane kid uh no NOA yeah I love NOA he's such a he's a great character he might I think NOA is in my top five no is insane um even when he came back it was [ __ ] crazy but also Maki versus um versus the Zin Clan The Purge um she pulled a little bit of an itach huh a little bit I think uh because I like Maki how she was I was a bit down that she turned into what she is now again we haven't seen her outside of like a really serious situation so you know call you kind of Miss like the goofy Mony yeah yeah right now like the the Cal and Casual where she had yeah she had it felt like she had a character now not saying she doesn't have it anymore because we still we're still in the thick of it but she was a lot more grounded in she felt like more like a real character like a real person now it's like yo do you need me kind like Doom Gloom a little bit yeah yeah she I see you're talking about super kind of edgy a little bit you know not saying that's what she is that's like that's just where she is right now because they're fighting they're still I guess culling game is over it's now you know it's about to get to G uh Gojo versus sua but um I'm still waiting because Mak I think Maki was my favorite favorite female character yeah um was best girl for me um uh but I understand she just lost her sisters a lot she just lost her family she just has questions about her mom and her mom's involvement cuz her mom technically um cared about her but um yeah and we're still in the thick of it too like you said like it's still the culling games like we're still only like a month out from the start of it it's like yeah yeah there's just a lot going on for her but I I did want to see Kimo as well Kimo versus hakari that's going to be great um I think the anime owner is going to be completely completely confused when aari pulls out his domain expansion and starts talking about his domain CH technique it's going to be like you people going to be like wait what the hell is going on I wonder if they uh have more of the narrator in season 3 or just have you know as opposed to just uh cuz in season one there was no narrator because did they they pointed out certain things that um a narrator was supposed to say that they had other characters say but um no I think jjk it is it is everything I wanted it to be in more I can't even lie about that yeah I mean there's just so many good side characters here like even uh higuma is another great one higuma was great it's such a unique ability I that is one thing I really appreciate about jjk is all these abilities are so unique in a sense kind of C towards a person you know and then because of that um it creates insane domains insane curse Tech techniques um and higuma I think as a character was um I think what I would like for him to do I like for him to join um as a troduced sorcerer and somewhat become the non-amine replac replacement I could see that um yeah because he kind of gives me that vibe that you know that guy that is you know all about the job kind of super super by the book you know I can see him being that but I I really did like karuma a lot there were a lot of good characters in Cullen game I think Cullen game so far I think shabuya is more hype but I think coling game is just as hype um and I mean k shria had toi so I don't know I don't know I don't know oh yeah toi so it's you know it's already up there yeah it's tough it's tough but I just like like the introduction of this is how you kind of introduce the crossover between like Sorcerers of the past and Sorcerers of today without kind of sitting on either side and you kind of have them interact that's like that's like everybody's wish you know like man if Roger could fight kaido or if Prime beard could fight Janks you know it's like they're giving you a taste of that where you're bringing back Sorcerers from the past that that are competing against the Sorcerers of today and even telling you the differences from back then in regards to domains it's like well domains back then they were more about um short short hits as opposed to short kills so more people could use them Etc as opposed to what they are today they've kind of morphed into like oh we want a short kill so like less people have them just context like that is really great to see how different people fought back then yeah g gets really in depth with his explanation sometimes the most in- depth I saw was when he's talking about Yuki and um Yuki versus uh ghetto or Kaku kinjaku and she's talking about mass and like the virtual mass and just like what it all meant and then um sugata I believe and like it's bro I was like what the and then you had 10 on the side trying to like you know cancel out the domain he's trying to help out L it was a lot it was a lot it was a lot but it's fire though it's Fire It's So Fire bro I'm locked in man I'm locked in I'm locked in yeah the one the one thing I wish Cullen games please bring back Toto I know he doesn't have hands uh I know he can't use his curse technique anymore but God damn it I really hope your theory is true that Yuki still alive and you know you know if if she's alive throw on Toto please please come back come back I think Toto will be fine yes he can't use his curs technique anymore he'll find another way to do it because I think for curs techniques what I or jjk in general what I like is the some of the checks and balance and you can call it a vow where like if the more the more kind of stringent it is the more uh the more you can get out of it like even for kinjaku some of the restrictions he placed on himself in regards to the coling game where he wasn't even the game master then he kind of yielded him more control and benefit of the culling game just kind of like with um Toto with him not having his hand to use his curse technique what with that restriction it could actually make it stronger where maybe he doesn't have to clap anymore right but it does have maybe uh maybe does have a limited range now um you know something like that but I think Toto depending on how long jjk goes he's going to get his curse technique back it's too good Boogie wi is too good can't can't get to Boogie wi no it no it no um you know one thing I got to say to to end this off is uh I'm really sad that ishi GOI died the guy that you the one with the like the Canon haircut oh man I was I was heartbroken bro I I was hoping he would come back on our side or something um so uh um isori is kind of it was it was it was almost like uh disappointing because of how much you struggled against isori then Here Comes Sia and damn near one shots uh one shots Shori um but I did like he did remind me a bit of kaido where he was just searching for something to fill his appetite you know and when he that full course meal yeah he wanted a meal you know um there's a part of me that was craving a bit more to understand why he was the way he was but it did give you bits and pieces however I did like him I did like Ryu um he was dope he was holding his own against Utah you know what I'm saying and he had what the the the most uh the curse technique that had the most curse energy some some crazy [ __ ] about his technique that he could just fire off a curse a fire off curse energy that was like a curse technique so I I love the way the culling games is set up cuz like you said it's like fanfiction to a point where it's like oh we have the strongest sorcerer from 200 years ago the strongest sorcerer from that era and they're all coming together like so it was great these guys are all like monsters in their own little series or microcosms and now they're all coming together talk about Kimo and how strong kosimo was back then I hate to bring guy one piece into this but I really wish we get we got something out of one piece that's like the coling games where I don't know we fight the strongest giant in elb history or you know something like that oh the strongest three armed human they're coming out El would be the closest thing for it because they live for so long you know what I mean so that would be the closest thing I don't know like I said the ex the execution of the cing game was great because it's kind of like like the final war Naruto but I think it was better explained as opposed to just like reanimation Jutsu yeah um so I I did appreciate that where it felt like that because that's always playing on the the fan fiction right that we talk about where like who I would like to see MAA versus theago today you know and that's kind of I don't know if one piece has something like that in them other than them creating sarapin based on old dead people you know in the world G that's like the that's uh that's a trump card that they have to just waiting to pull like here Here Comes Roger Here Comes Ace Here Comes you know here comes these guys that they created using the the DNA but they could just create like brand new pirates that we've never even heard about too like oh like 400 years ago there was this guy who was close to becoming pirate king yeah they they could just do they could do stuff like that nobody would B an eye they have that ability but yeah they they but they they don't care about VAP Punk anymore so it's like yeah yeah Vega's gone is dud like cooked man yeah one thing about Naruto that kind of upset me now that you bring it up is that Naruto in a way kind of it was only about the hidden Leaf Village like when it came to that final war like half the people they reanimated were just hidden Leaf Village enemies it's like dude there's like a bunch of other Villages out there man like yeah we got like the seven swordsman we got like one or two KAG here or there but it's like I wish they just created more Ninja that we didn't know about like uh I think the best one that they brought in was possibly the two people who chewed on the Ninetales insides from the cloud it's like oh these guys were Legends and it's like oh that would be so cool if every village had their own legend or like multiple Legends like this but when make like yeah the only Village out there yeah that's how they make it seem I mean it's during the final war it kind of feels like the story is about it's a hidden leap story you know um yeah and so it kind of just super focus on those and the characters from The Hidden Leaf but um final war overall I enjoyed it I just mean certain things I didn't like but I did like that that aspect of giving us some of the fights or some of the interactions that we've always wanted and so for sure um that's something that s of coling game it wasn't as many interactions that you would like I guess but um I think the fact that you brought back these Sorcerers to fight against these common Sorcerers are great um and it's just the twist at the end with sua just taking over Mom's body is it's like oh my freaking goddess yeah just out of nowhere too he just said he said he said chain and now was it it was done listen somebody pointed out like um in chapter one the first color Story the first color um image of the first chapter it had the frog that mumi had it had sick his markings on it um so it's just yeah it was it was done from the start plan this is always the plan this is always he knew what he was doing which I I really appreciate from jjk like the guy uh I don't know if you saw his jump thesta message for 2023 but he literally said yo like I'm not going to be here next year like the series is going to end in 2024 oh damn you said that yeah cuz uh so the previous year he said that he thinks jjk will end next year didn't happen so this year he said yeah like it's definitely going to end in 2024 I'm not going to be at the next jump Festa that sucks that sucks really bad me yeah so we have uh only about 10 months left with jjk and then it's it's done man yeah that really sucks really sad M I hope I hope he's just like chatting yeah you hope he's pulling like an Oda like like there's more to it yeah I hope so Hey cuz that would suck that would suck really bad hey you got you got 25 chapters to enjoy later today I hope you like them man there you got some good stuff coming in I think I think you're going to like it I think you're going to like it I can't wait I really can't wait it's going to be it's going to be spectacular uh yeah I'm going to hit you up later there's there's just um there's one fight in particular I'm really curious to see how you take it I'm not not going to say who fights but let's just say there's a fight that comes up that is very divisive you either love it or hate it and I feel like with you having so much uh being in the anime community and like you know having such an expansive repertoire I feel like you'd appreciate the fight I can't wait I can't wait and you'll probably know what I'm talking about when you get there cuz you're you're probably going to be like what the hell's going on but after a chapter you're like okay I got it I got it I cannot wait I can't tell you how how excited to read this [ __ ] bro yeah man all right dude hey thank you thank you again for showing up stopping by and chatting about jjk a little bit we had you on a one piece video now we have jjk and I'm I'm glad you're here I'm glad you've converted I'm glad you left one pie behind technically I'm glad you left the one piece Community technically my first jjk video so you know they uh you know I I saw you on the Japanese news and I was like yo like bro's cook he's got to leave he's got to leave one piece man they had his got you I got to get out right away man I got to get out right away I can't risk anymore man they got they caught the BDA Discord on there in 4k the police are showing up they got me bro I had to get out of there ASAP yeah sorry sorry you had to move from Japan oh good that's how I go sometimes you know I made it though I made it you made it all right hey thank you guys so much for watching thank you again BR for showing up as always he's going to be linked down below I'm sure you guys already know who he is uh but yeah we'll catch you guys later peace out sir
Channel: Syv | Retcon
Views: 12,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syv, Syvduck, Syvreon, Syvn, bda law, brago, brago d ace, jujutsu kaisen, jjk, jujutsu kaisen chapter, gojo vs sukuna
Id: 7upduTLTbI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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