The True Forms Of The Gorosei!! (1085+ Spoilers)

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hmm all right yes just a little bit more there and uh okay this is a big spoiler ladies and gentlemen spoilers for chapter 1085 of One Piece if you haven't read it already I am about to reveal to you the true appearance of the Goro say that's right all five of them all right they take forms that no one would have ever expected so if you don't want to be spoiled you should stop the video right now okay are you ready for this I had to put on my glasses for this all right yeah totally all right here we go Goro say reveal in three two one oh my God look at them they're so terrifying they are truly Eldritch monsters from Lovecraft himself okay so um okay honestly though not that far off not that far off Oda made this fairly easy for me I kind of feel like like I'm a doctor right now like we're taking like some kind of psychological test I'm like all right what do you see here when you look at this image right here what do you think of how do you feel you know okay but no seriously uh last chapter chapter 1085 we get the garosea's appearance we also get eem's new form as well because eem also transforms but we're gonna save eem for a later video all right today we're just gonna be talking about the Goro say all right so the Garo Sayer there in front of the empty Throne uh cobras talking to eem or moo however you want to you know say their name now because the Goro say still referred to them as emu and then emu refers to themselves as moo whatever like I said later time later later video okay a lot of stuff to unpack here okay so Sabo jumps out from behind a pillar he was in the room the entire time he attacks the Goro say he'd like he gets that hustle he's like he even says I just wanted to take you all out at once which you know what like that's pretty good because the idea of the Revolutionary Army and Sabo even says this to COBRA because Cobra was kind of a little surprised on why Sabo the chief of staff of the revolution is saving him where Cobra is a king that is part of the government so Cobra was a little bit like why are you here to save me and Sabo even clarifies like our our beef lies more with the people that are above the Kings and the Queens okay we're dealing with the tenorubito we already knew the Goro say we're tender rubito that was already confirmed so it makes sense that while Sabo was running through Pangea Castle uh because he was looking for the keys to free Kuma from his collar and the rest of the slaves right that's why he was there he was at the guard quarters and he ran into Bonnie but you really get the impression Sabo was just like you know what I'm here I might as well just swing in and see if I can kill all of the goros say because this has been a thing for debate for a while now and I don't even think the Revolutionary Army knew this um Can the Goro say fight are the goros say strong or are they just there as like uh you know a governing body you know they don't really have any real capacity to fight on their own yes they probably can fight a little bit like Samurai Gandhi has a sword obviously we don't even know exactly how much the general public knows about the Goro say like do the Garo say regularly appear in the in the newspaper um do they do interviews you know tonight on one piece channel nine Morgans has a sit-down interview with Samurai Gandhi you know like like does that happen in the one piece world I would imagine I would imagine considering the whole premise of the world government is there's not a single person ruling it I mean there is but ostensibly there's not I would imagine the general public should at least know what the five Elder stars look like like their images their appearance should at least be known through the world so the world like at large the citizens of the one piece world can say hey we don't have a single king or queen ruling the entire world it's ruled by committee and that committee is well the reverie Council but also the five Elder stars and here's what they look like you think they would at least know that much so um the debate would be and this was even in the fan base you know as reading the one piece story are the goros say strong or are they just there and a contention to that point was like well if the girls say are not strong then it's not going to be any fun pretty much you know if they don't have any forms if they don't have any devil fruit abilities or hockey it's like what's the point but then when Eames showed up it was like all right well you know maybe the Gorham say are just puppets of eem the entire time you know and so that would make sense why they can't really fight or they're not strong at all here um so Sabo probably didn't know that was the point Sabo knew the Garo say were there he like everybody else assumed they were the ones that ruled the entire world government they were the head honchos they were the ones that were in charge Sabo did not know about eem until the last chapter um and so Sabo was like you know what I gotta try I gotta see if it would work I mean like let's assume for a moment maybe the Goro say don't know hockey maybe they don't have double fruits maybe they don't have any special abilities you know it's not like that we would know they spend 99.9 percent of their time in the room of authority sitting on their comfortable couches at marijuana on top of the red line inside of a heavily fortified Castle you know like sabo's like I gotta swing by and see if I can one shot them with a fire fist who knows maybe it would work I swing by fire fist oh okay all the goros say are literally piles of ashes on the floor of the throne room okay great revolutions going swimmingly right now okay awesome sauce um and if it doesn't work it doesn't work but at least you know you got valuable information and Sabo does on top of Sabo learning about eem's existence he can now report back to Dragon and ivankov in the Revolutionary Army at Large hey yeah by the way I tried to fire fist the Goro say didn't work out too well they didn't even really seem phased by it also they all have weird ass forms that they can take so that if anything thing this is definitely an unknown factor all right I'm pretty sure like the mystery of eem I'm sure the majority of the people in the one piece world and that doesn't just include the civilians that includes the Marines that includes like even like sakazuki and sengoku who are Fleet Admirals I'm sure even they did not know the Goro say could take these forms okay I'm sure that they might have just thought of the Goro say as a governing body and nothing else okay so starting with this one right here on the top left um this was the Goro say that was to the immediate left of Cobra who was uh Saint J Garcia Saturn the one member of the Garo say that we actually have a name for the one that is currently headed to uh Egghead right now in the story might actually already be there something else I forgot to bring up is remember at Egghead we saw a mysterious silhouetted blob taking out the visual den den mushies in the lab and now we get introduced to all these Goro says weird silhouetted blobs so that might actually be an effective way for Oda to Showcase like all right here's kind of a hint of what they all look like and then when we cut back over to Egghead we're going to be focusing on one Goro say who's going to be this one right here from what we can assume if this is the one that's to the furthest of the left of Cobra and the positions did not change this form right here is Saint J Garcia Saturn okay uh you know in the chapter review I I assumed it looked like uh like a devil you know because it's got the horns and everything like an Oni or something like that honestly kind of looking at it again I think he resembles more of like a bullfrog I know bullfrogs don't actually have giant horns coming out of them but it's Oda and he loves puns so a bowl frog I don't know you know what it would be weird if it's like okay Oda could go a couple of directions with this now that not the goros say have an ability by the way we don't even know if these are devil fruit Powers I hesitate to even say that for one reason it's because like okay let's say they're mythical zones or ancient zones the reason I hesitate is because we just just got done with a huge story arc wano that was all about mythical zones and ancient zones out the was Zoo okay all of the Toby Ropo had ancient Zone abilities and then we have uh king and queen that also had ancient zones Jack as well don't want to forget about Jack actually we're going to be mentioning Jack a little bit later um kaido had a mythical Zone Yamato had a mythical Zone you know what I mean like there was just so many zones Luffy was revealed to have a mythical Zone during wano for God's sake it's like we've done we we've really played up the mythical and ancient Zone angle in this story so that's why I kinda hope that oda's not I mean like it's okay for like one of the Goro say to be in like a mythical zone or whatever like I'm okay with that but like if if the gimmick with the Goro say is they all just ate five mythical Zone fruits I mean that's fine but it's like ah we just we kind of already just did this you know what I mean you know okay so that's why I hesitate to say it they might not even even be devil fruit abilities they might be something else they might be some kind of weird demonic power given to them by eem okay another idea is they might actually still be extensions of eem because eem took a similar form a giant silhouetted blob that emerged from the empty throne and came down and began to attack cobra and everybody and chase after Sabo they all had very similar appearances so one of the reasons for that could have just been oda's artistic style of like I don't want to reveal any of them like what they really look like yet just their vague Silhouettes and their Blobby shapes and everything like that I'm going to draw them all in the same way another way to look at it is well what if eem has this power and gave the power to all of them what if the Goro say are just fragments of eem you know and then e maybe changes their appearance every couple of decades or a century to you know it's like oh yes these are the new gorose but they're really just fragments of their power could be something like that but um yeah I mean like hey if we're just gonna go with this Oda could go really cereal with all of them and they all have really badass like like forms of essentially Japanese deities or something like that or we could just go like yeah this guy's a bullfrog just like why not he's a big frog that has horns sticking out of his head that's cool right so this should be Sanchez Garcia Saturn uh moving on to the one here uh this is the one that should be samurai Gandhi and the appearance definitely fits because he has a little bit more of a human appearance uh kind of a long neck and has like the ribbon thing kind of going around uh the sort of like mythical Zone ribbon thing but might not be indicative of that um you know I would imagine because uh Samurai Gandhi has a sword which is most likely the show die katetsu I would imagine whatever transformation Samurai Gandhi goes into they would still be able to use the sword you know he would still be able to pull out the sword and use it to fight so you know if Samurai Gandhi transformed into something like this you know that looks like the scream all right you know like I don't know if you could really use a sword like that this one looks like a bird Birds can't use swords no yeah birds cannot use swords that would just be silly and this one down here looks like a mammoth so you would assume the one that would look the most human with like arms and legs maybe not even necessarily legs but definitely like a slim human appearance with arms to move around and swing a sword it would be this one that has the ribbon and that would be samurai Gandhi okay so let's just go with that one right there uh this next one appeared a little bit later in the chapter see this is what confused me because in that initial I have it pulled up here the initial appearance when Sabo appears and then all the Shadows are behind him okay you see four of the Shadows of the Goro say very clearly and then you see the big Shadow emerging off of the empty Throne which confused me because it's like I'm only seeing five Shadows here the five Goro say but then there's also eem so eem definitely transformed as well because eem like ate the fire the uh the smothered mate that uh Sabo fired at them okay so then you know em appears in giant form okay okay so that was definitely eem coming off down the throne it's just that we didn't see one of the goros say or or we did in that panel but it was kind of obscured but there's a panel later where we see all six we see the five Goro say in their monstrous forms charging at Sabo and Cobra as they're trying to get away and in the background of all of them we just see The Giant Eyes of the big one which is eem like you will not Escape you know something like that okay so this is the dude right here who kind of looks like the scream just yelling at them like don't don't Dave we we need you to stay you know so we can murder you you know or whatever okay so uh yeah we got that and uh by going by the same format here this should be uh sanji's uncle or judge's brother uh I think I might I might have called him sanji's dad back in the day but then we actually found out what sanji's dad looked like they just look very similar he's the one he's the youngest member of the Goro say that has like uh the uh the blonde beard and hair uh he's the only member of the Goro say that has hair that's not gray because Samurai Grande is bald okay so all the other gorus say have facial hair that's gray or white and he looks like the youngest appearing member um he also has like a scar I remember on his chest um so I guess the scars were indicative of like they have at least fought before you know what I mean but like there's a difference in one piece between fighting and like all right are you strong or can you handle a point-blank fire Fist from Sabo strong you know what I mean kind of thing going on here so this is probably sanji's uncle right here this dude and then uh moving on to the burb we have this giant bird who is the one that's like they think the most um detailed out of all of them in terms of the silhouette like it's very clearly a bird um you know it has the beak outline we have the the wings the feathers looks very similar to big news Morgans Morgans has just a regular Zone he has the Tory Torino me model Albatross he turns into an albatross so if there's one out of okay if we're gonna go down the mythical Zone angle like all five of the goros say they just have devil fruit abilities they're not abilities that were given to them by eem or anything like that they are just devil fruits and they abide by the same rules of the devil fruits that we've had up until now which by the way that's something else you can't even take for granted with them because it's like maybe they do have devil fruits but they're super special devil fruits that aim themselves found or created or modified or something like that or they ate a devil fruit and then eem artificially awaken them or or brought some other power to them or or something like that you know what I mean you can't even take that for granted but if we're gonna go along the logic of let's just say they do have regular devil fruits this one having a mythical Zone I think would be the most sense and a lot of people have brought up uh the mythical birds of of your of history of Mythology so I'm a really big fan of uh Native American you know lore and mythology and the deities that they worshiped and I always love the Thunderbird for that reason so if we had a Thunderbird mythical Zone in one piece I would love that um also people have brought up the Garuda which you might remember because when um when the German double six through their transformation they all have a title right okay so you have like poison pink winch green Den Genki adengeki blue sparking red when judge transforms he's just you know Garuda Garuda is a large mythical burb okay and so boom maybe this is the Garuda right there okay this is uh uh Gand off or gone Fall's brother I I always found it very interesting because when the goros say were first shown um I think it was right after Jaya or Sky Pia it was right around there because I remember seeing Sky Pia reading Sky Pia and seeing gonfall and his appearance like thin dude with a Long White Beard and then we see the Goro say a little later not long after that and then sure enough the Goro say there's a guy there that has a long beard and I'm like that looks they look very similar you know so I was like is this Gandalf's brother or or gone Falls brother Gandalf gone fall both bearded old men there you go so uh yeah they transform into a bird and then finally this is the one that kind of messed me up because like the perspective was like bugging me like I thought it was a wing or a tail um I think it was a Tusk is what most people are looking at here so there's this one off to the right so this should be uh Gorbachev the dude that has the birthmark that looks like you know Gorbachev um you know in the giant mustache um and that would actually be very fitting because they transform into what appears to be some kind of mammoth-like creature now Jack that's what I mean like Jack already has the ancient uh Mammoth zone now you know maybe he has the Mastodon ancient Zone maybe all right there's others but this is what I mean by like I think Oda is going to be a little bit more clever than that because if this is the appearance right here if this is the appearance of like some kind of elephant Mammoth it's not something else maybe the silhouette is off or whatever but you know everybody seems to be on the same page it's some kind of mammoth-like creature some kind of elephant-like creature um you know it has to be something more than just like Mastodon it's like all right we just did that with Jack I mean this is the Goro say aren't they gonna be more you know impressive than that but luckily you know we do have um a basis for this we have zunisha who is a long-limed elephant that is extremely relevant okay an elephant that's relevant exactly so maybe there's some connection to zunisha there also there's the story I think it's in uh Hindu teachings that's the uh the world is supported by you you have the turtle as the base and then the elephant on top of the turtle and then the world is on top of the elephant you have like something like that so there you go right so there these being literally be mythical zones that are straight up gods or deities in human lore um you know what I mean like dragons like kaido is a mythical Zone he turns into a dragon dragons are often referred to as deities uh Yamato is essentially a guardian deity as well but like these things are like even on a higher tier than that like if we're gonna go mythical zone for all five Goro say you really gotta amp it up a little bit here you gotta you gotta go to the next level here you gotta go to straight up Gods all right like each of them have names like maybe maybe Oda might take a page out of Lovecraft and just name one of it like here's the Cthulhu Zone it's like all right you know what if you're gonna go that Direction with it I'm okay you know it's like that's how it goes you know these are literally like like this is the Thunderbird it's not just like oh he has the appearance of a Thunderbird he can shoot a little bit of lightning no he's literally the Thunderbird he can sail through the skies and create thunderstorms and bring down Divine death whenever they desire you know what I mean like if it's that level then it's like okay cool um or something completely different where we're gonna shift over to like they are all fragments of eem they all share eem's power it's something similar to devil fruits maybe but even greater also if we're gonna go along with the logic that um let's say eem is this ocean god um because or mother nature mother ocean as vegapunk spoke about them uh the whole point was that mother ocean detests the devil fruits they're like an abhorrent existence to Nature itself like they are the antithesis of nature okay or the human desires bringing devil fruits into this world okay so if that's the case then it wouldn't make sense for the Goro say and eem to have powers of devil fruits if that's the direction we're going with it it would make more sense that eem's ability is something separate from devil fruits on a Godly level but can give this power out to the gorosei or you know we might not even have to do it like the Goro say are fragments of eem like literally like birthed from eem or anything like that you could literally just have the Goro say be regular humans or at least they start out that way they start out as regular humans they join the court and then eem like provides them with some part of their abilities of their power and then they transform like this but then maybe they're still mortal they're not you know they're not Gods themselves they will eventually die and when they do that power is returned to eem and then another Goro say is selected another Elder Star is selected and then passed down the power and then there you go it could have been something like that too so let's talk about planets we all love planets I love planets all right so um let's see here if I was gonna go along with like I said the the order uh here we would have Sanjay Garcia Saturn being the bullfrog demon looking thing um the general consensus is that Samurai Gandhi is going to represent Mars because Mars is the god of war and if Samurai Ganda uses a sword and also like you know the demon katetsu if it is the shoedai kotetsu a lot of people have been putting their uh placing their bets on Samurai Gandhi being Mars so we'll go with Mars with that um now uh I was a little bit upset here here's a little bit of a of a conflicting thing but I I realized something about Gorbachev uh you know about about one piece Gorbachev not actual Gorbachev and um so if this is Gorbachev down here which I'm pretty sure it is because the giant tusks are reminiscent of the Epic mustache that Gorbachev has okay um in the chapter I mentioned that he's got like ears that look like wings or feathers and that's very indicative of mercury or Hermes that is the messenger of the Gods that has a helmet that has wings and we see that in the silhouette however something else that I realized Gorbachev has the birthmark on his forehead this giant red Splat on his forehead okay guess what Jupiter the planet the gas giant has a giant red spot right on it so I'm like okay as much as I like the idea of like the little feathers because Hermes I think it would make a million percent more sense for Gorbachev the gorosei member the that turns into a massive mammoth elephant mastodon-like being um and by the way there's other related species that I think might even be bigger because you gotta understand like the mammoths lived like during the time humans were walking around but there might have been there was you know ancestors to them they even stretch back even further so who knows you know maybe there was even a bigger one and that's that's what this thing is but anyway yeah so Jupiter with the red spot Gorbachev red spot birthmark it might have been once once like a call back to Gorbachev himself but also like oh Jupiter if they're all named after planets I wonder who's gonna be Jupiter maybe the one that has the giant red birthmark okay there you go yeah there we are so and also giant Mammoth Jupiter is the largest planet largest gas giant you know Jupiter is Zeus father of gods so yeah sure go with it all right so yeah I'm I'm going with okay I'm going with bullfrog demon being Saturn obviously I'm going with um you know human-esque ribbon guy uh spooky sword dude being Mars um going with giant Mammoth Mastodon elephant being Jupiter so that leaves Venus and that leaves Mercury okay and now it makes more sense because Mercury is the messenger of the Gods is very fast and has wings or winged shoes kind of um you know doesn't have wings himself but he has like like sandals that have wings that make him move Mercury moves really fast and so okay in that regard we have a giant bird okay now people have looked through this and been like oh well the bird could represent Venus the bird could represent Mars the bird can represent Jupiter because there's just been so many there's so much similar ISM with the planets obviously throughout the history and the gods that they're attached to that you could pretty much find a similarity between any of these to any of the planets if you really wanted to stretch it but if we're just going literal here you know big giant Mammoth dude is Jupiter and the bird that can move really fast probably and fly around and as a messenger I'm gonna go with Mercury and then just by process of elimination that leaves the scream dude being uh being Venus which like I said doesn't really fit super well but this is the one we see kind of the least so so maybe I don't know maybe there's something that Oda could spin there with with Venus representing this dude and then there's Earth which could be uh eem himself although I've seen another theory that's really cool that eem because referring to themselves as moo nothingness void it can also represent infinity maybe either eem represents a black hole you know like like sucking everything into it or represents just the vacuum of space just space itself void you know either or and also it's kind of funny and we'll get into this when we talk about eam in their dedicated video but um the fact that it's the empty throne and it's like well nobody sits on the empty Throne because moo void emptiness sits on the throne it is an empty Throne just not in the context you thought see I love this with Oda I love it it's like it's the empty Throne meaning no one will sit there no it's the empty Throne meeting void sits there yeah there it is right okay so there you go anyway um yeah those are where I'm placing the bets right now um so yeah we're gonna go uh Saturn Mars Venus Mercury and uh Jupiter down here and then of course Uranus Neptune and Pluto or pluton you know the three ancient weapons Luffy is the Sun God and then the moon uh could represent a few different things but um and then the Earth itself the Earth itself could be um let's see if eem is the void of space and or like a black hole or something else some other nature thing maybe I don't know you you could kind of go just like oh the the Earth represents Humanity or something like that you know or like maybe not a specific character uh but you could definitely do that as well but uh yeah so that's the video hope you guys enjoyed let me know what you think about the five goruses appearance and now we're moving on to a new animal fact letter V we're talking about vultures I don't have an intro for vulture facts yet let's see what tune can I do for vulture facts okay I'm trying to think it's it's been so many animal facts at this point I gotta figure out with another beat here okay let's try this vulture facts vulture facts everybody loves those vulture facts vulture facts vulture facts eating that carry on it's vulture facts all right there we go all right so vultures you know vultures get a bad rap you know a lot of people look at Vultures and they just like he's like ew vultures disgusting you know because most of the time when you see vultures and they live in this area you know where I live Pennsylvania a lot of turkey vultures around here um you'll see them on the side of the road beaks you know covered in just blood and viscera and organs as they're just gnawing away at a dead deer on the side of a highway look listen it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it can you imagine what the world would be like if scavengers and decomposers did not exist you know like oh my God the dead bodies the the corpses would just be rising up you know what I mean like now we have plants and fungi that are decomposers as well that break things down but sometimes you need something a little bit more direct and that's where you get vultures okay vultures are there to exist on Scavenging they're they're there they eat carrion that's what happens oh a dead deer on the side of the highway that's yummy and then they all come down and they flock around the dead deer and then they Peck at it and rip it to pieces and then boom you don't have rotting meat anymore and plus it's going to feed another life form it's the circle of life it's truly beautiful right of course um I think it's because also you look at a vulture they don't look particularly beautiful okay just like oh they're ugly so here's some vulture facts for you there's currently 23 extant species of vulture so that's actually less than I thought that's worldwide too that includes Condors in case you were curious where Condors fit in Condors are a species of a vulture let's see there's new world and old world vultures so there's vultures you know when the split happen you know Pangea and everything you know South America into the new world and then Africa is the old world you have vulture species that live on the plains of Africa and then you have vulture species over here in the Americas like I said like turkey vultures exist around here now there's a couple of things about vultures that is really fascinating one of which is kind of disgusting but you know they're vultures a lot of stuff that they do involves you know disgusting things so um they have a really cool way of thermal regulation I think a lot of times when you picture a vulture you'll think of a vulture like like circling overhead in the middle of like the Mojave Desert or something like that so they have to have a way to keep cool and to keep warm depending on you know during the day in the desert is very hot the night in the deserts get very cold so during the nights um they will actually have this very hunched form you see a vulture kind of like hunched over that's their way of staying warm during the day they will flap their wings a lot you know you know increase air and just like air flow and just like they'll stretch out their necks a bit but they also have another method of keeping cold uh during the day and it's um it's it's uh they pee on themselves which okay now it's like all right so these things dig around all day in the corpses of Roadkill and they pee on themselves in order to stay cold yeah there's a reason why vultures have a bum wrap but you know what I mean it's like now it's just it's like sure all right hey they're out there doing their thing all right yeah all right anyway that's that's beginning oh and yes the um uh the term for a group of vultures is called a kettle a kettle of vultures and the term for when you have a bunch of vultures around a piece of carrion actually eating it on the side of the road is uh awake which I feel like is kind of funny it's a little bit because it's like get it it's awake you know you go to a wake for like a dead relative and oh there's a wake of vultures devouring like you know a dead uh dead bore or something you know what I mean there it is okay well hey man you know roadkill free food Somebody's gotta eat it you know what I mean all right thanks for watching Everybody Tech egg signing out later glasses no glasses glasses no glasses I mean at some point in our lives we're all going to have to at least wear reading glasses I mean eyes you know they degenerate over time so at some point probably when I'm in my 40s or 50s I'm gonna have to wear glasses anyway I think I could pull it off you can pull it off pretty good yeah I'll be all right
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 156,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, gorosei, five elders, imu, mariejois
Id: 4L98VMVqpfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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