The God Start? - Dune Imperium Immortality + Rise of Ix

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what's up I think I'm live but you never know Jan sir let's go you got this horse key thank you we're gonna continue our quest to get very good at ixane mortality I feel like I'm already pretty good but I'm not tournament ready for sure so we are here to grind and my grind I mean play one stream game and then we play a bunch of games offline uh I just don't feel like I have the mental fortitude to stream and talk these like competitive games that many in a row but you know what tournament games it's gonna be one at a time so I'm also prepare to uh put it all out there for one game and see how we do I do have the looking for group up in the TDS Club Discord so if you want to play with me feel free to hop in there we'll get the game going as the Sooners that fills up but yeah how's everybody doing Beautiful Sunday Labor Day I actually have off today which is sick did my fantasy football draft last night turned out pretty well I think we'll see I got trolled a little bit one of my friends kept bidding me up on certain players that I wanted but you know what you are going to get trolled in fantasy football it is an inevitability so just gotta happen sometimes I was playing a bunch of uh games yesterday offline did okay um did a couple red games did a couple unrent games but yeah people are good at this game and it shows we're gonna make it out of groups we got to continue continue to push some things that I have been working on with regard to Hero picks because I've been trying to figure out what leaders I should be picking and there's the obvious like high tier leaders that you should always be considering like the baron the Beast like uh elbonne I will once again acknowledge that I was wrong in my rankings video tessia is insane I feel like we've always known that she's insane but yeah she's insane um oh you know what else I gotta do I believe we are what 28 days away now so I need to update the counter correct me if I'm wrong but 28 days until the tournament starts so we have some work to do I should move it a little bit too it's getting a little blocked there we go yeah 28 days but yeah so last position which makes a lot of sense when you think about it going the leaders that do well with ment especially to coletto because what ends up happening a lot of the times first position ends up either going to smuggling so they can get double smuggling into swordmaster early or they go fold space so that they can go fold space fold space get Interstellar shipping access a lot of the times the first player is just going to end up taking the smuggling I found and then a lot of the times the second player ends up going to fold space of course the plan falls apart a little bit for second place if they don't end up drawing their faction access cards separated from each other so let's say they end up drawing their yeah what's it called diplomacy and their Sikh allies in their opening hand then the wheels kind of fall off a little bit you know we get into a little interesting state but assuming they go double fold space to get Interstellar shipping Access Blue is usually going still suits or hearty Warriors depending on what the combat is if it's a really good combat maybe a bump in Solari for example one of the best uh they usually just go into the combat if not if there's a nice three specimen card up here like Gola or I don't know I know it's kind of hard to see you actually infiltrator although that's only two so usually not as relevant for these but yeah Gola is always a big one pull it out Gola is insane stitched hard is insane so like these three specimen cost cards I actually also have found contaminator nuts I've been getting that every opportunity I can it is so good sander you gonna play any more Arc Nova anytime soon I am going to play it once I am done with the um once I'm done with the dude Imperium grind but I am preparing for this tournament so we are going to push all in on Dune Imperium for a little while but yep definitely coming back dark Nova I've kind of screwed myself on my karma on October too I didn't realize like searching for ranked games if I cancel it even though I haven't found a game yet they still counted towards the karma thing so I don't even think I can play A ranked game right now in Arc Nova so I'm going to play some casual games to get it back up a little bit but um what was I saying yeah third place usually ends up going still suits are Hardy Warriors and then that leaves fourth position which is obviously the weakest position on the board I think usually ends up going well to meant it could also consider going something like karthag you can take the other one not chosen between hardy Warriors and still suits but if you go with someone like ilbon that gets that extra card draw you can uh you can hit wealth Medtech get a bunch of extra cards and get that early nice card by get the extra persuasion you need to hit that play likes you master or something else and you can always say Thomas the road there isn't something there so you can go dig in a little bit cubes you can't play table stop simulator against bots fight no that would be interesting uh I don't even it would be so hard to code bots in tabletop simulator I'd have to imagine oh yeah it looks like we got the first person in might as well sit down while we wait but yep just need two more then we can get this game Flying here a little it is a little bit early on a Sunday so I understand the uh the slow nature of filling games right now cubes yeah no problem there is a solo mode you can do I tried it out a little bit at first when I was first learning dude Imperium it does get you used to a lot of the mechanics and everything so I'd recommend that if you're starting out I don't know if this actually supports a solo game mode though I haven't tried it in a while since this has gotten super upgraded for the reckon you got me to TTS ah nice good to hear I uh I'm glad that uh the community's been able to grow a lot um it's a very approachable game I feel there's always a lot of people looking for games so it's usually not too bad to fill but oh it looks like we actually got the game filled as well so we'll get this game moving shortly let me get all my canvas uh sorted out here I've kind of screwed up so let me uh let me just fix this there we go I have a physical copy so I might try that again sometime yeah you should I will say even if you're a little bit nervous about hopping on um people are generally pretty nice to newer players I've found if they put clocks and it seems like and it's ranked then I wouldn't do that one because people do get a little bit antsy in those but uh there are newer players looking for games in my Discord which you see in the link and then also I think TTS Club has a beginner's area as well where um they help people find games for beginner players so this is there's never been a better time to get into the community I will say and even if you do lose you get dominated you're learning you know everybody starts somewhere only way to learn is by playing and by watching the stream of course okay Cactus what's up I've been playing this sometimes but I never win so I might try that sometimes just to hold my skills yeah unfortunately with a lot of online board games You Gotta Lose a little bit before you start winning but that first win feels really good once you get there and uh I feel like the nervousness of this does uh get better pretty quick so we are going to go hidden picks and I think oh let me Shuffle this up real quick uh hi are we playing ranked yeah I'm down to do ranked um I don't know how to submit this stuff though okay I guess it's automatic uh okay yeah we're doing a ranking then we can't Shuffle though I don't know what's going on oh already done yep uh okey-dokey ah I don't know oh I see you okay let's get this game started ranked game to start us off today how many games are you gonna play today probably one so get in here my brain can't take more than one stream game I've found um this row starting out does not look interesting at all these are so okay this is probably one of the best cards Imperial spy is fine but I guess here but overall this is the kind of rug you see like halfway into the game when no one's buying cards anymore so I'd imagine that gets bombed but we'll see opening text chamber key won't matter until later disposal facility can be interesting for some deck building strategies like I don't love it and then invasionships can work with a combat strategy with like romber but text also not that interesting the best card in the row right now is stitched horror for three specimens so I'd imagine this is what most people would be going for a guilt impersonator is okay but it's also kind of you know it's kind of a niche card so we'll see how this goes we are going in third position which is not a bad position to go at all and looking at a rose I I'm feeling a baron Vladimir hakunan game we are playing to win at all times so we will Andre was also good don't get me wrong but I think Baron edges the map uh join the club at jeebus yeah like Shadow what's up it is is it scripted 4312 no uh okay yeah this is also something people have been doing which I think makes a lot of sense um first position picking before second position picks because second position is the best position to go with um we I think the community has decided that we were going to kind of balance the game a little bit by allowing red to pick first so what you're seeing here is green gives the list of leaders that are left red decides which one they want and green will pick what they want from the remainder and then red can pick the last one it would be nice if the mod supported like automatically doing that I don't know how hard that is to adjust though but I do like to change a lot I think it's needed so uh for people that aren't initiated our leader Baron Vladimir Conan at the start of the game we're going to secretly choose two factions and then when we deploy four plus troops in it to the conflict in a single turn we reveal those and get an influence with each so a nice little to influence bump pretty much uh free of charge a lot of the times and then we have scheme which is once alive for one entry card going before us is vacant Tundra mortoni a shipping leader they start the game looking at two entry cards keep one put the other one back on top and they can ship with their Signet ring armonda Caz a deck building leader they can acquire card that cost three less and then if they send an agent to at least two of these board spots they can Trash one card in play and then the beast in third we'll go over the beast in a second we will pick usually it's a pretty obvious pick here there was a bit of talk about maybe updating the uh metaphor in but I feel like most people are picking um these two fremin and the guild yup Beast combat leader they start with a couple of extra resources which are very important actually and then their signalring gives them extra troops starting out the game red goes to full space immediately makes a lot of sense and then interestingly a wealth play from our boy of account Hunter more Tony so maybe no one drawing into orange access but it's very irregular for us to be able to go here so um we will play our experimentation too smuggling getting the extra Solari with the baron harkodin with our significant using one Solari to get an entry card is amazing starting out and we will take our specimen to start out so nice start overall and the combat is skirmish for a bump and a Solari so if it comes back around to us and somehow hearty Warriors isn't taken we will absolutely slam Hardy Warriors but no need to rush it just yet honestly I think there are arguments to be made to go Hardy Warriors immediately but uh with the beast in the game with their signal ring it's a less straightforward decision although we do have two daggers behind so we might end up just doing it anyway dagger here for Archduke Amanda Caz they are going to go mentat so kind of a rough draw it seems for kez feel bad for them black shadow wall right was also going to do stream games today but we'll let you play first we play for the last time yeah I'm only doing one so if you want to start up after me feel free where are you from orski I'm from Philadelphia reconnaissance they draw a card in a troop so it's always so easy for me to go to uh Pax and plugged I've I went for the first time last year it was a great convention so I'm excited to go again I think we do hmm I would love to hard commit to this but the Beast has an extra action behind us although both City spaces are taken for now hmm I think we do hold off and we go for second place in this combat I think that's reasonable both City spots are taken unfortunately we can just grab a little bit of spicier but I think we definitely want to get troops in other options for us here not many we could just go still suits and get two in I actually don't hate that we give up our ring but we keep the slower which is fine yeah I think we can still see it we're not beating the Beast uh in this combat even with our two daggers if they have a single dagger behind and they go to a spot to get those last troop and we do lose so it's never Worth US committing here we do we will just commit one troop for this alarm I think we only really lose the green if they have two daggers which I'm okay with we really need to hold on to two troops behind so it's easier to get our Master stroke off so it's kind of is where I feel comfortable drawing that line for now we have an experimentation for your blue so they were always going to put that extra troop in so it would make no sense for us to put in four troops they do take the experimentation do they put the extra troop in now probably not a dagger here for Armani kez they're gonna go to Tech negotiation I have to imagine this was a terrible draw for your cash which feels really bad it's great for us but not ideal for them we have a reveal here for hundra mortoni six persuasion and they are gonna bomb the road which is great for us so we'll have well we have one persuasion so it doesn't really matter for us but big bomb Oh God okay the strongest card in the game this is gonna be taken every time so green has instantly become a threat to win this game based on Justice card alone I will explain why that card is so good in a second we reveal our hand uh luckily we are going to get uh second place here with just one troop which is pretty nice for us one persuasion nothing really we want to get here we could start a car but I don't think we're gonna do that we will pass this round but play relaxing Master it's the reveal for those two research icons that's so insane it lets you race through these two tracks so fast and then once you get to the end every research icon you get draws a card so when you're revealing a card and drawing two cards with it it makes getting spices flow so easy so they are a threat uh for persuasion reveal and a dagger for the Beast they grab negotiated withdrawal which is an awesome card they are gonna want to start holding troops in reserve so that they can make use of this retreatability and um they do have two troops in reserve which is really nice a monocaz also grabs the negotiated withdrawal so these are cards you have to remember your opponent has because they can sneak alliances away from you little unfortunate both of our opponents have it yep grid even says there will be a lot of Retreats which is very true so you can't take anyone's huge commitments of troops uh too seriously here blue will dump a strategic push which makes a lot of sense just to get to two Solari from it they don't need it to actually win the combat we get the reason why from this which is huge for us hopefully we get a good combat next round we would love to shove all in with uh Hardy Warriors here blue does take their bump with the guild which is always going to be a good play green does have their uh I believe seek Allah is one of their defaction cards coming up so they will be able to get Interstellar shipping access this round which is not ideal as someone playing against hundred but what are you gonna do the row is suddenly dead once again so we'll not expect too much from this side of things but fortunately we went still suits so we could go uh reconnaissance try to hit our negotiate or our experimentation here they go to full space they have Interstellar shipping access as we expected the combat is machinations which is awesome and the Beast already use their Signet ring so we are going to slam it in here every single time and hope we can get it people are looking at our discard to see that we have um our daggers in our discard which is a little unfortunate but we have City access behind so we can always make this work we deployed four troops so we will flip over both of these tokens revealing our fremin influence and our Guild influence and we're really hoping no one fights back too hard here red is the one that can mount the greatest offensive with all the troops they have in reserve we have a diplomacy here for blue they immediately pull it back though we have an experimentation so they are going to take the smuggling we could have taken smugly may have been the right play to do that but I feel like machinations with with uh Baron is just insane value starting yourself and if we win it we get shipping next round do they put in two here we're hoping they don't go okay yeah they're gonna just put in okay they put in two I think that's reasonable I think we hit carthack here if it's available to us okay there's the shipping place for hondro No One's Gonna be expected every single time we are going to immediately carthag we're going to try and get as many troops into this combat as humanly possible to try and win that is an interesting one a little bit nervous here we would have loved to have a combat entry card that gave us swords but what are you gonna do let's see here it's the best card if you hit it within the first rotation otherwise it's a good card but not the best is the retreat Force no it is not it is optional no Chris knife Strat uh we'll see I have five Persuasions so I think I'm gonna look for something a little bit better than the Chris knife but you never know uh green forgot research oh yeah thank you for pointing that out we have a um hearty Warriors for the Beast they just put them in actually who went hardly worse oh it was that was me I'm dumb um looks like red where did red go oh they went to Resource station okay so they could put two more troops in I don't imagine they do uh they would have to have a lot of daggers in hand even tie but they can perfectly calculate and ties if they want to if they had two daggers I don't know if they actually do that please pass your turn okay they do take the research oh and they don't put any troops in excellent so we have this Combat on lock here a reveal for green two daggers and two persuasion they are just gonna take an Iraqis layers on here I think that's fine just so we know resource station was taken by a cast so if they were able to hit their experimentation they will be able to grab Stitch Tar this round we will reveal ourselves we have uh no swords but we do have a specimen which we will add and then at five persuasion I think that is our lucky number with his garbage row to try and go uh fishing a bit and we get some interesting options here power play to Second kit to Second kit is a very very good card and I'm tempted to take it over power play but I power play is such a good card this is not an easy decision at all the second kit is a victory point generator and it thins your deck and it gives you specimens oh man this is actually really I value these cards very closely despite their drastically different um cost and this might be a little bit crazy I think I'm gonna go for the second kit here oh plan coupling is a nice one to get so we'll take that every time Guild Chief administrator comes off good card as well uh but I'm very happy to pick up uh the pairing there's a nice little uh bonus off this side and we'll see where red reveals here we might be able to get off a cheeky gruesome sacrifice oh and we will I think they do grab the stitchar they were able to hit their two experimentations looks like it was their uh cards in the right of their hands so they did draw into it risky play but I like it going for gold here very powerful card so we can lose two troops in the conflict and still be in first so we are going to do that very powerful star for us unfortunately the cards we have access to are not the best so we will just be uh most likely spending these for the beetle bumps they do grab an Imperium ceremony as well red with a very nice deck building Strat right now that not easy I think you don't need power play so I agree with you here yep yeah I think so as well we're gonna have shipping access now we have a nice lead on the Freeman so we do take down the combat we will play gruesome sacrifice here we lose two troops we are still in first though one two three four we get the beetle bump we gain two specimens which is very nice for us unfortunately we can't use them just yet and then we get two bumps here so I think our first one will be taking the shipping access for our next round and then secondly I think we just take the alliance here yeah we're rushing the alliance screw it so three points right away not a bad way to start the game uh did we get the water we did so we do have two waters still for all this spice as well so this is a really nice setup for us we're hoping to draw two of our orange accesses next round pretty dead uh combat too so we have time to rebuild come on Orange Texas okay we get one we get one so we can't go shipping here and we will yeah we absolutely will here I mean I mean honestly we can still use our significant to get an entry card too so this is a pretty nice uh setup we have going here we would love to draw into our extra access so I think we will throw out the plane coupling just to draw a card see what we get uh yeah so we're doing this every time I'm just deciding if I want to throw out the plan coupling or if I might want to go to Ben adjustment later and I think I do just want to see what I get so we will throw it out here just the cycle and that's the nice thing about this it never really cost you a spot unless you draw it as your last card so we are going to go up and down here we'll take two troops we will take the slide be the first ones with sword mat actually Beast is going to be just the swordmaster a little unfortunate but what are you gonna do um we will spend one Solari for our signal ring to get the entry card quid pro quo not that relevant yet but that could be huge for us later we draw one card please be an experimentation it is not so that is a little unlucky um so we won't be able to get the spice this round which is kind of awk but I think that's oh and we have to take our bump as well and a lot of the times here I'm just going to be Shoring up my alliance with the fremin and this game it is important to just take what you can get we could go research station um well actually not really um yeah now we can't it is unfortunate actually I think we just blocked still suits if it's available to us coming around so that no one else can get the uh no one else can get there we want to deny water to everybody else hey do you play in a tabletop simulator mod yes I do uh the link there is a link in the description on how to play this a man can dream the best uh the Beast got unlucky the draw said I know I know a dagger well you know what the Beast got the dagger for the swordmaster so they might still have a good drill I think we um we go still suits here and we deny anyone else from getting water allows us the hostage the great flat for another round let us get a trooping and it maxes out the front of Lights which is all things I want to be doing so three water we'll be able to get six spice next round hopefully I think we throw in do we throw in two here I think so no one's really gone into this combo yet so can't hurt getting too slow in an entry card is always a nice for us here and no one has no way to get any more water no one has seats to more access so water is shut down unless they get um the entry card that allows it blue gets Interstellar shipping access which I'm fine with I would rather blue go shipping than hondro because we are going after 100 every round so this was really the only round we were going to get shipping so I'm fine with that I met unlucky as a no green access uh they did get green access though I believe we have an experimentation here for red they are going to take smuggling surprise smuggling uh was free for so long I would have expected green to go there but green just wanted to collect that spice which is also valuable don't get me wrong we are pretty much we're actually guaranteed to draw into our spice next round so we will collect a ton of spice and really get our engine going here we have a lot of uh beetles to Gaiden now especially once we get our dissecting kit online unfortunately not able to use it to great effect this round we do not want to be trashing our diplomacy or or our Signet ring at this stage but getting fuel for a quid pro quo is gonna be huge for us here having a Max that Alliance on turn three is nuts oh sad that they did get it oh yeah I know that would have been still funny if they didn't it would have been very unlucky rev red you're seeing their signal ring or green using their signal ring so they are going to collect here get troops into the combat perhaps I don't hate the play it is a big commitment for a minute but an extra action is an extra action pretty good in this game I don't see any reason why you don't the only issue is you do uh oh they're taking back the turn you do limit yourself from going highlighter which is a little unfortunate but it looks like they're just gonna go for one of these instead maybe a disposal facility get a deck building strategy going no okay Invasion chips it is they use all of their spice oh memo quarters comes off that is an S tier tech for us we would love to get that one on board I'd have to imagine the ghost before we get there green with a million uh units behind so luckily we're gonna take this combat before they get too involved here two persuasion and a dagger so we go up to five this is not turned on for us yet too persuasion here I don't think we take anything but we do take our Beetle bump we get first ones to get an entry card Guild authorization okay we are we are cruising right now I love getting this this and this this is another Alliance baby we have experimentation for blue they are going to grab that Imperial Basin spice really nice value they'll throw in one troop for too slurry also a good value they get an entry card as well for moving up to the second spot on the track so hopefully they didn't get a combat card and here's the Imperium ceremony for red oh man I love this card looking at the top two and keeping one you get the hunter ability every single time you play it nuts it gives you the better selection between two entry cards which can already be really powerful Point generators and you get information on the next one so that's another thing we're gonna have to remember here is that red will know the next entry card if we decide to draw it an interesting thing to keep in mind too and it's probably worth it but blue did commit a troop so they only have one troop in Garrison so if they want to get three troops in for their negotiated withdrawal they're gonna have to get uh like a hearty Warriors or maybe visit two City spots or something they could also go conspire which is probably what their eyeing up I'd imagine but it does make getting off their negotiated withdrawal turns a little more Awkward having a blazing start here I know let's see if we can keep it going these are the kind of stars you love it would have been really nice if we could have gotten the sword match the round one or the first round but it's looking like we are going to get swordmaster here which honestly makes it a little bit even worse as to why um oh urgent Mission here okay but they definitely Hunter definitely should have used this to ship oh okay now we're talking if I know they had urgent Mission into Invasion ships to Interstellar shipping this makes a lot of sense so now they grab member quarters they're going to go for the alliance with the guild they get the double bump so they can just get it right now and they do we still have a pretty good chance of stealing it so that is a very nice combination of uh turns there they unfortunately still don't get any troops in the combat but not the biggest deal we will reveal the next tech which is trading Joe's not a bad one but it the value drastically drops off as the game goes on so we'll see if anyone ends up getting this that guilty administrator for the Beast a reveal of a freighter Fleet and a negotiated weapon to draw for red Unfortunately they do not have the three troops and they are gonna bomb the road though they have four persuasion to work with and uh playing coupling probably the best one here and they do grab it okay they trash freighter Fleet so they are going to go up and collect I don't hate the move honestly thin their deck out get these resources going I probably as them go for the guild here they could also start pushing for the emperor Alliance both are reasonable plays I think yeah they will go for the guild start working on that shipping access they have two rounds to get it before it's their first turn so they should be able to get some shipping access here there's the play lacks who Master reveal already making his appearance bottom half of the deck so very smart of them not to redraw and reshuffle the deck they move all the way up here blazing speed this card is going to be a nightmare for us we'll see if they can actually work it into uh getting what they need to get though they are the closest ones to getting that reward of two Spice from getting that Victory point the first fastest that with the memory quarters a lot of people have a nice setup here red with a beautiful deck building strategy green with uh if they'll actually match there Invasion ships just gonna go shipping Non-Stop and then us with also a pretty nice start here so we'll see unfortunately green is going to be able to deny oh green and red are both gonna be able to nice so we're gonna be the last ones with swordmaster so unfortunately we didn't miss the timing here but everyone playing really well to get that sword match they're going early true Sayer bye not a bad one not the best though combat I will pass so it is up to Blue if they want to play an entry guard passion blue and then green if they want pass okay so we got a free menta here and two Solari and an entry card I'll take it okay okay we're in a good spot now this is what we wanted to see um I think everybody took their Rewards oh yeah I think we're good okay they tied unfortunate for them great for us nobody with two water God draw I know this is what we need to see if we get this kind of look in the tournament we're gonna do pretty well you have gotten so lucky oh my God I know I know the off stream games I was getting insanely unlucky I was tilting it was insane and then you know what I fire out the stream and then I get stuff like this uh you gotta take the good with the bed we have a quick Interstellar shipping play from the Beast they go up and down and imagine spicy area yep set up for a highliner play We Are Dead on troops for now so it's gonna be a while before we build up for another combat which I'm perfectly fine with we're gonna be able to collect six fights this round which is insane value I do wish we could infiltrate to a spot so we could get our swordmaster eventually but that is gonna have to be on the back burner for a little while we do have an extra action with mentat that's around so we effectively had to win master for a round red just said they cry so unfortunately they didn't draw their dagger that is a disaster scenario for them oh no okay so they don't get swordmaster Green's gonna get it here well actually no they can still get it before me because they go first next round so it's fine they're fine they just have to wait one turn before they get their sword master we're still last here it's last card the ring one and six uh yikes yeah yeah that's unlucky I'd be tilted the ups and downs in a single end step I know we're feeling good right now I am going to hmm we'd probably take smuggling if it comes back to us set up for our future shipping play we have exactly these three cards mentat does not have an action associated with it right now so we could also consider going spice to trading drones maybe I don't know red is uh really lamenting their scenario here pulling their cards out looking at all the green access in their discard it's not that I really I don't think it's that huge of a deal at the end of the day they are going to get shipping or their swordmaster next round if they were going to go after me like I originally thought then it's a big deal a much bigger deal but they'll get it soon we're still last to get swordmaster red is gonna Force our action here make us go to um collect splice first by going up to two it's totally fine with that we can collect it first we really want to get our research going so that we can start getting value from our uh from our grafted card experimentation here every single time a boatload of value we will move up here one more and we get some extra spice as well we do have our experimentation in hand so we are eyeing up smuggling we will also go Imperial Basin or haga Basin whatever is Left To Us we're feeling good we're cruising we need to be working on these this helps a lot for this goal exactly so I kind of thought this was a dead card after green started pushing for the alliance but I'm feeling much better about it now we can a quid pro quo to get the other two moving the only issue is we have a single diplomacy and not a lot of faction access otherwise so we are going to a boundless ambition would be really nice for us here an experimentation into dagger Tech negotiation could be big we could consider buying trading drones actually uh we have a dagger here or we have a significant rather to karthag Blue is going to get involved in this combat and he absolutely should as the Beast they get a lot of value here and they are threatening highliners behind so even though they're committing four troops to Greens a million in Garrison uh green is still going to be very hesitant to go in here just because of the threat of Island I just play behind so I would be scared to put in if I was green here but you never know I'd have to Imagine Green will be uh going to Interstellar shipping with Invasion ships cake spice did I miss by somewhere we have an experimentation with a stitch tar getting great use out of that they'll get even more water going this might be a um negotiated withdrawal from Blue actually so maybe they shouldn't be too scared about this I believe negotiated withdrawal is in blue green Reds discard which it is so they're going to want to treat at least two troops in Garrison at all times I'd imagine the uh these two troops here will be the max they end up committing to this combat they will trash a dagger with their stitchar and take a bump you are always taking beta with starchar every single time you're pretty much deciding between the water usually you go the water uh red has three Waters so they're not going to so the trash is also nice their deck is also very thin already they I think they're only at 11 cards though despite multiple Buys so their deck building strategy is uh really heating up here okay we'll see it is still red turn trying to decide if they should commit troops here I I don't hate the troop commitment because blue is going to be incentivized do they uh their negotiated withdrawals in their Discord as well so no no withdrawals Happening Here I don't think there have been any other big combat cards or any other things that we need to keep track of just yet but sometimes this does require a bit of uh card tracking for some of the Power Cards especially when they are with regard to taking alliances or taking combats greens move here they will play a full space two Secrets okay not the strongest action in the game but it gets the job done we are pretty happy to go smuggling here go smuggling and then we can use our dagger air to hopefully get Tech negotiation but we'll see we'll hold on to our one water in case we want to get a cheeky Hardy Warriors going and also for maybe a future research station I think we're pretty much done with the combat to this stage we'll see we might end up going um highliners at some point but we play this every single time we get our second experimentation icon which is beautiful or for us we go up take a Solari we get our next research icon we get two more spice we're up to eight spice uh life is good and shipping is even more valuable for us so we can get our plans within plans within line so now we're hoping to get up through the five persuasion threshold we need so we can grab boundless ambition this round assuming uh it's still there when it's our turn blue will continue to hammer hone the emperor track and they play a chome shares okay interesting usually this is one you want to flip over later you want to hold on to the slaughter so it's a little bit more flexible as you go but they're just want to get it out of their hand now fine with it usually want to try to avoid revealing information when you can but a three persuasion reveal for red and they pass not interested in Oregon Merchants at all they do grab Carino genes revealing a face dancer initiate which we will take every single time we really need more uh access in our deck so Our Deck is getting a little thick keep that in mind but ler's ambition is a great card for us here and it even has our leader on the card so he's about to draw two entry cards you know what you are right and I'm dumb I forgot the uh combat kinda want to play trome share for a hand since he will win the combat yep completely agree and he's going fourth next round so here is that infiltrate to Interstellar shipping green is going to be oh and up and down no yeah that okay yeah that makes more sense they just go up do they use the signal ring to collect here maybe just go up one more or do they collect you probably just work on your guild Alliance here oh they do collect okay even more troops for the Garrison they only have two troops left in the bowl they are going to start working on the emperor not showing this up as a risky strategy to say the least I would be scared because right now we have a triple bump in hand so they should be scared of us a little bit here they don't know this obviously unless they're watching the uh the stream but our decision here we are going to play dagger detect negotiation every single time so we can hit that five persuasion threshold for boundless ambition which is a excellent card for us here as for what tech we want to buy so that's a different story I don't think we're ever getting disposable facility it's just not that great for us so we're between tramarky and trading drones we already have three entry cards so I think it's gonna be a training runs here make it possible for us to win a combat later you know we're still early-ish so this is a couple of troops for us as we go along so I don't hate this Buy yeah we'll go for this next one is restricted ordinance this only costs us two spice so we're still sitting at a nice spice threshold here we will flip it over now so we don't forget this to get the one troop put it in our Garrison for next round green is obviously set up to take a lot of combats in the future but we'll take what we can get this might honestly be a mistake it might there are worlds where it's better just not to take a tech at all but I think we um we might be able to squeeze out a uh a combat win here we have six spice we might as well uh go for it we have a shout out Mapes here interesting Buy and they also take the face dance initiate before we can get it which is fine as long as boundless ambition is still there we're feeling good about ourselves and blue did not bomb the row oh okay here's the uh it's like Master again for green they take the bump now they are racing ahead on this track and they get the trash card they're almost at the end oh no uh the only three persuas in this round though so grabbing the organ Merchants yeah I don't know if I would have agreed with that one miraculous liaison you do with lax and master you do want to pick up a few of these so you have more persuasion in your deck to buy splice later and they do grab it I agree with that we reveal here five persuasion we are taking with tech negotiation we are taking a balanced ambition every single time being able to get more entry cards is just going to be good for us and uh yeah that's a pass combat starting with blue yep they are the same person mathematic I know I know you risk your end game points yeah I would never do it um because we would get two entry cards so unless it's something to play in addition to go to authorization we could get unlucky and be stuck with four so yeah we never do it losing this loses us the game pretty much it is a nice Tech and I think in a vacuum with fewer entry cards I do take it but given our exact hand um I'm fine with just taking the training joints here we might be able to get some second place value with these trading drones you never know so now red is pretty much forced to grab their swordmaster here there is the Signet ring swordmaster so we are going to be last to get swordmaster which is fine we have both of our daggers in our dextel so we're guaranteed to get it next round because we also have our Signet ring in our discard so that's three cards with green access and a deck of five of seven so feeling pretty good with that regard we really we want to play our experimentation every time here so we can move up to start revealing our second kit so we do not want to play this this round I think we do play our plan coupling here with our experimentation and we go to Secrets unless shipping is left open to us which it could be you never know green might not feel pressured to go there first because they can infiltrate there but there is a component of denying it to your opponents which I think they should do but looking like they're not going to meant it Maybe oh okay select the breeding plan so they're going to try to cycle back into their play last and master ASAP continue to trash cards this is scary for us you can go Interstellar shipping first and then steal the alliance uh that I could that I could I was talking about how I have multiple bumps here quite scary for them I think they do protect a lot of the time here so if we collect and go up with a diplomacy to highlighter or fold space plus quid pro plus Guild authorization yeah yeah this is real sad for green I'm not gonna lie but I think we gotta do it to him so somehow we are gifted Interstellar shipping here we will hold on to this do we do we actually cycle out our airplane a coupling here um let's go through our deck a little bit faster what are we sad to draw because we're playing these two every time I don't think we're especially sad to draw anything and we kind of want to cycle back into our dissecting kit anyway so I think we will yeah let's just throw it out there we will go here we will go up then down before we have to decide on our words we'll draw a card first see what we get okay not bad we got a nice high persuasion around I'm really glad we drew now we gain our two troops we will gain our splice so we can still play our quid pro quo and we will take our bump with oh wait let's take our experimentation first so our dissecting kit is online we will be revealing this this around get an extra slide just because we will save our trading drones for our combat turn here and we will chase green on the good alliance green is uh green should be scared now three guys a little bit greedy and um it is going to cost them we have a face dancer initiate with a signal ring they are going to go to still suits here green seems awfully stacked in their Garrison lots of still suits planned possibly there it's gonna take a lot of time for them to get these out here so they should start hitting the spicebots or something we have an Imperium ceremony for grid they are going to go to mentat continue to cycle through their deck grab entry card after entry card they're gonna have to play something here they're gonna be stuck at they're gonna be left at um five did they draw two or just one they just do one which is interesting they do get the draw two with it I can't see my intrigue hmm yeah that fixed it okay so they're choosing between the Farah left two and it's a pretty quick decision which either means the other one is really bad or the other one's really good so whenever someone plays a card like that you usually don't want to be drawing the next entry card because it's going to be of lower average uh strength so it's something to keep in mind they do just wrap a favorite subject which is what they end up getting there so they're gonna chase blue for their Alliance okay so what does green do here they are in Dire Straits now I think you give it up if you're uh yeah they're just gonna give it up it sucks we are going to Max it out as well we are not going to get greedy they're just going to put some troops in totally fine we're gonna go all in on this combat and hopefully this scares away uh scares away the Beast here so we will highlighter I was just talking about how we're not going to get another combat win and then here we go we um so I think we can put in five from highliner plus so that's five then we can put two more because the combat space and then we can flip over our training drones to get one more troop and we'll throw that in as well and then we will play Guild authorization for a bump and now do we greet out I don't think so I think we just play the quid pro quo here to Max it out we could get greedy with this but we're not going to because getting greedy in this game with alliances will cost you dearly so now we have maxed out two different Alliance tracks and now we can take our time getting our last few points here uh poor green I feel for you green I do and I don't feel good about this I want you to know let's see what uh blue decides to do here yeah just lock it in yep I I have gotten greedy in the past and has cost me dearly so I think a rule for immortality is if you can lock in that Alliance you've got to just lock it in there's no reason not to it's interesting because they're actually addressing this uh design Concept in Uprising I didn't even notice you went up on that track xdl um because they're gonna in the next expansion they are going to be adding uh more spots for two influence and they're gonna be pretty good spots so it's going to incentivize you to want to get more friendships before pushing straight for the alliance so I'm interested to see how that design philosophy ends up working out here you should feel good about crushing green I don't feel great about it are they your enemy Cactus have they wronged you we have a diplomacy here this is great for us the Beast is going to give up on this combat they probably haven't negotiated withdrawal so I'd imagine three of those blue troops are going to come back why this got me nervous oh yeah so they're scared here now they're just going uh go at Emperor they see a three influenced deal now they're uh now they're scared I feel that here's an experimentation with pitch tar they're gonna play Stitch tar over and over again and they absolutely should they get great value out of the haga basin Four Spice for one water is beautiful value I don't think hey you could put troops in here but they might wanna save them yeah save them for the negotiated withdrawal they get their Victory point and okay yep hold two behind uh okay they use Stitch Tower Troop to uh get three in so they probably haven't negotiated withdrawal here so we're gonna reveal Beetle which is always nice green looking like they're not gonna get any rewards from this they could commit more troops if they want but might not be the wisest decision we have a lot of um a lot of space for entry cards now so we will be welcoming our Signet ring and our uh boundless ambition green says wait the green take Direction yet oh the big [ __ ] spice actually don't know what they did I should have a troop in Garrison I didn't put it in one two three four five six seven plus one this should be here I didn't put that in I don't think did someone else put it in for me it should be five plus two plus one for trading drones and we had one behind I don't think I put it in could be wrong it doesn't really matter I'd rather have the troop and Garrison in anyway unless blue has insane entry cards we should be winning this one I'm not sure what green is um kerfuffled about oh camera messed up okay no problem now it's just chasing the three points as quick as you can for the next couple of rounds yep we're gonna try and close this one out as quickly as we can we're honestly we're not that far ahead but we do have a lot of victory points that are still uh pretty easy for us to grab uh I've been on the losing side of so many games where my opponent feels bad for winning and then the game goes longer but I'm too far behind to recover go for mercy kill oh yeah I never I never do that like why why why why kill somebody slowly you know like they know they're losing but I want to say this game is far from locked up immortality there are so many wild Point swings in this game this is by no means one by mean it's a good start and we're gonna have to keep it going but yeah this is by no means a free win at all games have been lost from this position many times I'd imagine so now it's just pulling everything home here so we have one beetle great value for us here we have five persuasion Smuggler stop there if any play likes researchers three persuasion for us here I think it does the Smugglers out there most of the time it's just great value for us it's actually kind of close but I think drawing a bunch of cards just good most of the time see what blue decides to do here they have one action left they can commit to this combat they have now seen our reveal we have one entry card behind which they don't know what it is and we haven't been put into a position to play a combat entry guard yet so it could still be a combat entry card in their mind we've only held on to it for what two rounds now so it's not like we've been holding on to it from the beginning of the game although it is kind of hard to keep track when we're cycling in so many cards so many entry cards rather 16 Solari is a great spot to be uh you don't need the thought to point though track already failed up oh wait no I'm done oh yeah yeah no that's just for the car draw I think we're gonna try we're probably gonna end up um closing this game out with spicy flows I'd imagine so we're going to be looking to uh get some High draw rounds here use our water collect some spice so we can get research state or select the breeding a couple of times that'll get us to our point with the uh Ben adjustment we do we need six more bumps before this ends up paying us out so we'll see how that goes While Blue is thinking I will be right back my laundry has finished up I can let you still see the game if I don't shut it up it will continue to keep beeping for the entire game and drive everybody crazy including myself uh blue blue has not gone okay it's blue here oh they're thinking okay their hands moving uh so right now oh one sec we have a shout out Mapes here they'll go smuggling always a nice play to set yourself up for a nice Interstellar shipping it is going to be a little while until they get shipping but they'll get it eventually we have a dispatch an Envoy for red they're gonna play the reconnaissance to a faction spot and they do go to Secrets fine with that never a terrible play we're lucky they're not committing any harder to this combat I'd imagine red and blue might be uh withdrawing here which is probably why green decide to commit more green might not want to commit that many troops honestly planning for that but green grabs the Benny's latex researcher which is an insanely good card with latex Master because this is already worth three persuasion and uh if they cycle into it they're going to be buying a lot of space flow so green has an incredibly good setup right now we're gonna see if we can take down the early play last Master player of this game it is red reveal they only have one card so I can't imagine it's gonna be too high but there's the negotiated withdrawal that we were expecting blue doesn't have a negotiated withdrawal but I think you uh you would draw every time you're in last yeah just do it take your faction bump passive faction game passive action uh gain in this oh the chase blue yikes okay you're never happy to see that it's blue but luckily they only need one more bump there but it is a waste of time for them to do that flu does go before rednecks around so I don't know if I agree with that bump with red but the two troops is never terrible are we into combat now we are starts with green pass pass blue please tell me you're passing blue nice victory points on victory points we get our flag on air key not that we need more Solari but we'll take it so we're at six now first place by a decent margin right now I think everybody else has taken their salary probably so we move yep they have so we'll move on more spice building up on that gray flat it might be time for another spice collect round we do go before our other two uh big spice orders here Signet ring we don't end up hitting the oh yeah we don't end up hitting our uh Power card here a little unfortunate or um what's it called I can't remember uh we can get our swordmaster as our second action you know no need to rush that did we just grab the spice here did did they add a spite to the great flat I thought it should be a five now no is it still just a four I thought it was a four last round maybe I'm being dumb did anybody notice that did somebody collect Ray fly spice last round I thought it should be a five now this is Minto right uh we could go mental cycle through we do reshuffle with another card draw though which might not be a big deal we probably just don't go for another card draw other options for us here I would have gone great flat for the Spice first every time here but I'm a little bit surprised I guess I just miscalculated it but we got meant that we draw the card there's our balance ambition that we were uh sorely missing here next we will grab our swordmaster we will play our Signet ring we will play our bandless ambition we will get two more entry cards and we'll feel good about ourselves we'll just keep it rolling unfortunately we won't get the experimentation off this channel but it's fine there was no bonus spice on the great flat okay yeah I mean I don't know why I thought there would be more maybe I looked at a different time I don't know experimentation here for blue they're just going to continue creeping on up the shipping track this one I feel less strong about I think the second shipping here is a little bit worse because you're pretty much just setting yourself up for an uh Interstellar shipping play to go up and down I guess if they want one of these texts it's good but otherwise do you really think you're gonna hit Interstellar shipping twice before the end of the game tier 3 conflicts are coming up maybe they do but I feel like it's unlikely here's an expedite okay this makes a lot of sense now you know whenever I question people I should always wait for them to play the entry card that's in but incoming here they get the Carino genes of value with the uh the beetle okay we need to start working on our uh our factions here this is still not turned on we are going to rush factions as much as we can try to get Spike some slows and see how we do hopefully we can get some good entry cards from our free uh entry card generators not a bad combat here second to and third are both high value we are certainly not set up for a tier three combat but that is okay well we were able to snag a free one we have a strong arm here for red they will lose a troop and get another bump with the uh Guild or not the guild the Ben and Jester it so power play here for them we have a dagger here for hundrow they are going to grab their High Council seat I think that makes a ton of sense here their end game goal with style action Master right now is to buy as many splice flows as possible now we have our signal ring I'm very tempted to just buy a um to just collect the spicier to enable us to start hitting research station in the end game to get by some slows and I think that might be the best course of action for us here we have we will use our dagger for our last swordmaster and then balance will be adopting Our Last Action of the game of the round rather yeah having Four Spice is a nice cutoff for us here it also enables us to go chamber key if we really want yeah I'll take this we lose our two water we're down to one water we will spend the one Solari to gain an entry card and we grab really bad one not good at all actually it actually makes me tempted to want to uh trash and get a different one but we won't uh we will throw the one troop in with an additional Troop just in case we have a full space here for blue they will go to still suits they will get their victory points from there they get a water they will throw in one two okay we're happy if we can get a third place here honestly red is going to use their boundless ambition to go research station okay I don't hate the play and they'll put a couple of troops in as well anybody throwing a couple in here I don't feel as strongly about wasting some troops here just because I really I don't think we're getting any more combat wins this game so uh green to move they play their Signet ring they will just head on down to karthag gain an entry card gain a troop they have four entry cards now so they are primed for secret stealing and we will secret steal immediately if they don't get rid of one of them they spend one spice they will collect they get even more troops in this combat I think you throw them in all Yep they're throwing them all in here they are the shipping Master of the game they will take the Solari which is interesting uh okay there we go that makes a little more sense now oh okay they dumped this as well that is a free bump they are going to chase on this track and they get the bump from here as well so they will take the alliance from Red a lot of competition for this one still I think we end up just going Secrets here oh and a finesse okay so they actually get a little bit of value out of that field influence yep so this is the kind of stuff you want to do green is learning from their last lesson with the uh the guild and they are just locking this down as soon as humanly possible we take our swordmaster here every time not even a thought better late than never and then our last action will be a boundless ambition to whatever spot is open to us you could have drawn another Intrigue just saying says blue I'd rather secure Alliance and say oh because they would want to go up and down yeah no I agree securing the alliance is better than cycling this for an entry card blue throws a couple more troops in here we are not gonna place in this combat I don't think unless we decide to go Hardy which we are not going to do actually we get the water back but yeah now we need to start working on other factions here we have a diplomacy with a stitch tar they are going to grab secrets so we are going to be unfortunately just stuck with the um with the wealth play we really don't need this large but we might as well just take it we need to be playing to our faction spots as often as we can this is a huge Miss for US unless we can somehow get a combat but I really doubt it at this stage we do reshuffle next round which should be nice we're really hoping to draw faction access so we can start hitting select the breeding with this fourth spikes we have we run a cycle in we we just need to draw our um the second kit one more time to get one more Beetle and then we have two specimens already so that should be the third Galaxie Master drawing it early into your deck is very fortunate you want to be drawing this as your first card and then uh into two convincing arguments this is exactly what you want to see damn we will play our balance ambition here kind of boring we are going to go to wealth here we do not want to spend our spice we're just going to work on getting this Victory point we don't need the slower at all we will spend one to get an entry card hopefully we got something good here blackmail is interesting here it doesn't feel great though it doesn't feel great as far as convex go we'd much rather have an ambush here we'll hold on to it might be valuable but not ideal reveal here for blue oh there we go the grocery withdrawal playing around it for us so we will get an entry card or water here probably take the water so we can set up for a research station they will grab through for your hot what nice card we will see what blue decides or what red decides to do here big reveal here I have to imagine this is by some slow two four seven eight nine yep spice float is another point on the board our lead is evaporating a bit here should be a little concerning we still have a lot of easy victory points to grab but you know never never feels good we are tied with um red here and we have We're Not Gonna use this green gets a handy uh Victory on this one Louis set up very nicely for the conflict threes we go first next round which should be nice for us we'll see where we end up going it'll probably be either a research station or selected breeding probably research station first a lot of people with a lot of water left over and we want to be cycling through our deck as much as possible now a spiceman's flow is critical for us here foreign to persuasion and a specimen we will take our specimen we will spend our specimen we go first next round so it's not a big deal and there are no actions left so we can we can just take the entry card now hopefully it's something we can play it is I actually have a really good card for us I mean it's not that great but it's something we can play at least so we don't have to worry about getting a secret stolen here we have two persuasion do we grab the Iraqis liaison here how much influence through persuasion do we have in our deck not a lot and if we were trying to hit the spiceman's flow next round we're gonna need a little bit more so I actually do think it's correct here so we will pass with that pass some greed I pass for me have to imagine it's the past from Red here they do they have five entry guards so maybe it's not a pass oh it is a pass okay risky scenario for them we are going to take the water every time here I'd imagine red also takes the water time for uh second place means we both get third place rewards of course they take the entry card okay they're crazy I mean at this point when you have that many I guess it is kind of worth but scary I am tempted to dump this but I think um it has such anti-syngery with plans within plans this is such an ugly uh hand to draw they got their entry card oh okay yeah they're saying it cool next round I'm a little scared to have these two these are gonna die in our hand for a while not good two-point Victory combat let's see we're really hoping for a good hand here I'll take this I will take this we can reveal this we draw every time with this do we take more entry cards it's a scary proposition very scary proposition I think we do draw first though every time let's see what we get oh this is a nice one for us we will take our research which will be a bump of course we need as many bumps as we can and we get this other to the next bump for free pretty much where do we go here I think we take the emperor we're going to be going to the you know right nothing with the Ben adjustment so I think we take it here and we still work on a bed adjustment oh baby okay I think we have to drop the refocus here we should have done it before we drew but we do not want to sit at four entry cards so this that's a shuffle your discard file so technically we have to shuffle even though it doesn't matter at all and we definitely have enough for a um spice and slow here which feels good for the entry card so this is the big decision here I think we don't that might be dumb but I think taking the high variance play here for the entry card is not worth it and we've already seen a lot of the persuasion-based entry cards go so I just don't think it's worth so we feels really bad uh it feels really bad feels really dumb but if we draw something we can't play we're screwed especially if someone steals our entry card so I'm gonna play lame and not go for it if we drew a combination card there we're in tears if someone steals our place wasn't planned so better not play um better not play uh foolishly here six cards left can you set turn to Blue please Blue's turn uh they must have accidentally passed there we go uh okay so it is skipping blue for some reason I don't know why that is jumping straight to Red I don't know why they are next in the order as well here's a guild Chief administrator for blue they are going to hit Highlander every single time here it makes a lot of sense although you don't have to go there first no one else has the spice to go there but I guess they want to scare potential uh combatants away which is okay if we could sneak out a cheeky combat here would be nice looking a strong position but needs some Betty influence I know I know so the nice thing is we were able to lock down two alliances early but using all of that excess makes it harder for us to come back around and get the Benny and we didn't draw into either of our um Betty cards which hurts a little bit they do go for the discard to tr they okay the 16 Pro first draw two and now they're gonna discard the trash I guess they do have to discard first before they're allowed to trash I don't think the trash matters that much here honestly so I probably wouldn't do it keep your options available we'd love to go ment out here we didn't draw a dagger which is a little bit awkward so we'll probably play our Smuggler stop there next we could go Smuggler stopped her to um Imperial Basin refocus here for red so another spice must flow is in their future excellent excellent card they draw three they still have five uh entry cards no one's really going Secrets here which is surprising so they will play their own playing coupling we have so much fashion influence buried right now our diplomacy our planned coupling we have our um one that has the signal ring attached to it unfortunately didn't draw into much but we do have a Smuggler stop to here to try and drill it I would love to actually use the graft ability here but we cannot obviously we would love to close out the game this round that is our goal experimentation doesn't really do much for us here so here is the secrets play for red they are going to protect their own entry cards hopefully I don't think the only one that can infiltrate there now is invasionships I don't think anyone's played the infiltrate entry card yet could be wrong on that but with green having Interstellar shipping access handed to them this round I'd have to imagine a consideration for them to go secret stealing is in the cards here balance ambition thank you and it's also killing pwp I actually don't know what pwp stands for could just be dumb man not drawing either of our daggers kind of weird right kind of weird well Charlie with Smuggler stop there I would have liked to have grabbed High Council seat it's the only reason I say that if we could win a combat we would be in great shape but yeah it's not going to happen it's like the beating for green they are going to lock its lines in I would have attempted to go uh infiltrate there I think we deny the interstellar ship and play from Green now well deny they can still infiltrate there but it's actually not a easy decision I think going there to draw two cards it says is up for an experimentation to smuggling to get another influence in the event that we don't draw off action access but we have so much benefit faction access in our deck right now I would be very surprised if we didn't fall into it I think I got one too much I wasn't paying attention to their exact sequencing I'm not a great policer of the table oh plans for the plans yep there we go I know if we even one bump with the emperor gets us a point in the end game if so we are very highly incentivized to go Emperor here uh we we'd never play this I really I don't want to waste my reckless liaison on uh then test so we're gonna play our Smugglers after here we're gonna deny an Interstellar shipping play or try our best to deny it do we go up and down here I don't think so I think we go up twice and we set ourselves up for the faction bonus I think this game does go another round if we don't finish it here so I think it's okay we will draw twice okay so now we draw from our fraction axis both of our daggers are in our discard right now which is so very awkward I really just wanted one dagger fermented is that too much to ask for um I think we call it there we're not forgetting anything right I always try to make sure I'm not forgetting anything but we're not hide ship smuggling is bound to be open this round still our next yep also stopping control and defection excess yep we got some facts of faction access now which feels good we'd have liked to have gotten them into that off but it's not a big deal we'll leave our meant that open to our opponents no one's really going into this combat interestingly we could use blackmail with fremin pretty comfortably here uh no one that close we would never use it yeah we probably wouldn't do it on the guild people are a little bit closer on that one blue deciding if they should commit more troops to this I think you do just throw them in there really make it painful for someone else I want to chase you so now green does have a decision do they use their Invasion ships to steal a secret which is way less likely now that they've locked down the alliance so I don't imagine we see that they'll probably just go Interstellar shipping with it we actually do not have access to the guild or the Benny this round so this is actually really so we don't want to draw now because we want to have boundless ambition next around for uh selective reading we're going to go up to nine right now as is we unfortunately cannot get to that last minute adjuster point red deciding on uh whether to go here they do they are doing it with a stitch chart so they're going to get a couple of extra bonuses as well too slow they gift a spice to Green here see what they uh elected do they're gonna go they are the uh they're gonna go for the entry card trash into a card draw so maybe haven't gotten to this placement slow threshold yet we have the Solari player they do draw we have to remember we have this we don't want to forget our free troop right I'll throw in a little bit if they want it they can have it we're not going to commit heavily to this one green has two more actions left to get some troops into this combat I'd I uh this is reading like a negotiated withdrawal so we don't have to worry about those three troops they have actually drawn their whole deck so it's absolutely a negotiated withdrawal uh let's see what green decides to do here they're gonna play their Signet ring so they actually don't have to go Interstellar shipping here they can still go for the secret steel they're threatening it they go for their card draw they are going to put some troops in red is gonna negotiate which also we will get an entry card from this combat which is a little bit scary oh they're gonna go are they gonna go pretty hard into this one they're putting more in okay they're gonna give blue a run from their money which I really like blue should be threatened by this especially if they don't have common entry cards which they might not I feel like they had these when we were in combat with them earlier uh okay it is our turn here we have a lot of options available to us I think our option is going to be the most boring one I think we hold on to our Interstellar shipping player although we have all of our I think we have all of our orange access which is a little bit awkward so we're not going to draw into a next round we're going to draw the two daggers oh uh no we don't ever sing the Ring we'll draw the two daggers our boundless ambition and what's our last card here uh our blue access so we will have no orange access next round so we're actually very incentivized to draw here so we will play our planned coupling if we draw into our balance ambition we feel bad but I think it's okay how much persuasion do we have right now two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so we can absolutely play two cards here we will play our experimentation with our no yeah we will play our diplomacy with our plane coupling I think that's the move we unlock our first point from plants with implants and then we'll see if we can Rush down these uh beneficial value points next round shouldn't be too hard to do here we'll go to wealth we'll get one more we'll grab a little bit of Solari we will draw a card please don't de-bound this ambition please ah there we go okay I'll take it we will take our troop now before we forget we have our first point from plans within plans locked in we have a ton of resources that we'll never use but it's okay having 11 Solari in this game is not bad there are a lot of Entry cards that revolve around having uh 11 in the end game we don't really need to play our experimentation well not that we could to play it to there anyway looking like uh couple of units getting thrown around there blue Stern Signet ring so they are going to commit even heavily even more heavily to this combat Oh meant that play okay getting more troops into the Garrison is an interesting decision they do have an alliance so this is two troops that could go into the combat but they might not have any other green access I don't hate this play um the only way they'll be able to get the troops in the combat now is by going to a spicebot so max that can get two more in they could also go Hardy Warriors actually I take that back they have five water to work with so they are by no means uh running low on water oh man no Troopers yeah yikes all of their troops are currently committed and you cannot reclaim them from the specimen board unfortunately once they are there they are locked in so lost troops uh Mr you're so pretty sure I've seen cheeseable Place trading drones over top where they uh press turn button spawns so that you can't end reveal without moving it out of the way I like that okay I can start doing that little reminder jammerkey possibly very possibly although I'd have to imagine we're going to end up using that spice for selective breeding serving two purposes helping us to get another spiceman's flow and um uh enabling us to get some better influence so I'd have to imagine that's where we're going to spend this place but it is a thought in case uh we can't get there uh wait what's going on here oh you can't take it on the ml ammo board is it only the negotiators you can't take I should know this uh but if anyone knows in the chat let me know you can so you can withdraw specimens from here but you can't withdraw negotiators is that right somebody let me know KK my turn you can take back specimens but not negotiators uh okay okay that works then yeah selective is unlikely to be open possibly we'll see hopefully it's open you never know though I think there will be a high incentive to go research station as a very important spot green has Invasion chips so they might be more willing to put off going there to a little bit later it's unfortunate that no one has one bump on the shipping track it means people won't be going shipping before going select the breeding so it does make the likelihood a little bit lower blue is highly incentivized to go there because they don't have the victory Point yet it's a little bit less attractive for green and red because it's kind of maxed out already they're not generating points by going there but drawing the cards is nice for sure red has I'm sure actually red just revealing here or no they have a true uh a unit a worker there or whatever an agent rather yes but it does not work the other way you can take them from Garrison to put them in the IMO board oh okay ah I'd be tempted to lock down this point here this doesn't make as much sense this is if you want to deny me an entry card which I'm actually fine with I am fine with them I actually I am rooting for them to go Hardy Warriors here because I don't want third place rewards I don't want the entry card I'm going last next round it can absolutely be stolen from me please put in a troop and beat me in this combat please looking like they're gonna iron on that side and this is the awkward thing I didn't like to put the soup in is because I have the flag on air Keen is why that's in so and the reason I know I'm gonna get it because uh Red's gonna Retreat those troops green we'll put even more troops in very close combat right now blue should be afraid a little bit it is our reveal here we are going to get to nine big reveal so we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten for anybody wondering what the exact count is unfortunately we will be reshuffling that Spike must flow into our deck next round we get two specimens do we take the specimens I don't think we do because we are getting the bump here for nine thanks to our dissecting kit the specimens don't do anything for us but actually we can reclaim them from there so I guess it's not the biggest deal so we'll just take them just in case I was thinking those were locked in other things we get here nothing I guess yeah okay we're not see if we can bring this one home it's gonna be exciting to say the least we are in first for now but points are gonna start flying here we are hoping for blue to win this combat desperately green is in a much stronger position and they might be able to close out the game and they have end game victory points possibly to getting next round blue will put two more troops in by going to a spicebot I don't know if the um ended up doing as much as they thought I think going stigma ring just to get their troops into the combat may have been a little bit better uh red what does red do here they do have enough right three four five six seven eight nine they do get their Imperium ceremony coming in clutch multiple times in a row they do they Retreat for the bump honestly maybe not now it doesn't do anything for you right leave the troops and get your Rewards blue is making some gestures not sure exactly what they mean what they're getting out of here hmm yeah not sure okay they are communicating telepathically okay it looks like Blue's typing now sorry how do I change my hand to hand oh um there they go we have a reveal of two four five six seven eight nine ten for green they get their spice must flow everybody's getting their spices flows here a little bit scary this is the thing with Mo nothing's guaranteed combat time red did not withdraw which is great for us there was no real reason to oh wait blue didn't reveal okay well it's not like they were gonna buy anything anyway thankfully I think blue should win this combat but we'll see I will pass luckily we're not getting an entry card so we don't have to worry about these a lot of passes all around pass pass yep okay blue wins this one two victory points for blue coming down to the wire here they play Harvest cells as well why not this is another Victory point for him because they can immediately spend it uh do they have two of these they have two Harvest cells where did those come from they only have two entry cards right okay I think we're good we could cite we couldn't consider cycling out blackmail but we we don't have any persuasion we really want to give up blue is making indications towards me I don't know what they want from me yellow add your rewards I don't get any I don't think didn't right have three in oh yeah okay this is very very likely the last round it is a double VP combat as well here's our boundless ambition no yellow access feels a little bit bad here but we did know this possibility was coming we knew two of our daggers were in the basement here selective breeding is an S tier spot for us if we can get there maybe I should have dumped the blackmail and just gone down with the guild or the fremin may have been a missed oh boy going last here is rough I'd have to imagine blue Ghost selected breeding here or not selected breeding um research station or it's like the breeding actually hopefully they didn't draw access menta is also a possibility we would love to get a mental off if it's available we have a couple of options that work here um it's like the breeding romantic yep either one that sure is a hand yep hi now we knew this bad head was coming too we drew a lot of our good cards we have our diplomacy and our boundless though so there's a possibility we can go select the breeding secrets we draw into yellow access and then we get to smuggling that is the dream here uh guys I think I did research but I didn't take rewards if it's okay I can't yeah it's a little bit late for that I agree it's the next round normally I'm pretty okay with that but it's like I don't know like a whole it's the whole next round now you know it's a little too much okay we have a negotiated withdrawal research station it is that play always makes a lot of sense I think draw some cards take the research bump I understand why they want their extra research icon they may have they may not have taken it they may have taken it I can't even remember honestly looks like they're gonna go for the trash I'm a little surprised that means they probably have two very good entry cards they've been holding on to the whole game so they might be in games our plans with implants are still not online there's our number one goal here red is going to start dumping entry cards first Bindu suspension do they pass here this is a combat round for two victory points we would love a pass with the new suspension red said they got greedy okay I wonder what they got greedy for should have had get this oh they don't have highliner access oh that is a little unfortunate here they're gonna play Peter genius advisor excellent card it will enable them to get to the end of the research track getting another Victory point it allowed them to draw a bunch of cards to get a spiceman's flow here one card a lot of great rewards for them they are going to play it with a twisted mental to get an extra action this round as well they're gonna go meant that which is one of the options we were really hoping to get so now it is up to Green I'd have to imagine green goes highliner here I think the opportunity cost of a hot of a resource station over a highliner is a big one especially this is a very winnable combat right now no troops in Garrison we have red is threatening highliner now they even just said how they got greedy and should have gotten that so if they drew in the diplomacy they're gonna go there I think it would be a uh but you know what green can oh really oh Green's playing like they have plans with implants okay I'm a little surprised by this oh they're they're going for their memory quarters Point okay I think that makes a lot of sense we will go to do we do it we'll do it with our diplomacy first we'll go to selective we have to trash a card here at this stage last round we just thrash our diplomacy we paid our two we gained two cards Smuggler adapters have really nice one for us with a plan coupling huge huge draws okay that's it for now that is exactly what we want to see we're really hoping Secrets is available to us here blue is going to deny us the secrets play though little unfortunate they are going to steal from Red blue is always going to go here they do get a victory Point by going there I think it makes a lot of sense so we will not get plans within plans unless we get very lucky oh man this is going to come down to the wire we don't have a lot of great easy victory points left unfortunately there is a world where we grab chomarchy here with an up and down if Interstellar shipping is still available to us Hertz no oh man blue stole a big entry card from Red oh no just for people that didn't see blue typed hurts and then red type no oh my God that is not good for a Reds game at all honestly best case scenario it's the um uh corner of the markets blue doesn't benefit at all and ready to lost two victory points potentially assuming green didn't uh buy another entry guard this round red does go to highliner denying green the possibility well that actually I keep forgetting they have Invasion chips here so they can go there whenever they want breakthrough here for green so this is just cycling a card for them we have a Signet ring here this will be shipping every single time it is he killed me so we can still get a smuggling totally fine with it oh man okay we we have to go here every time we need our Victory point from the Benny we will collect and go down before we do anything Let's see we get three cards here which is beautiful Miss Miss okay we got a little bit of perspiration here special slow is not what we want to see but at least we got those we get two troops we will take the spice here for tie breaking purposes and we will take our bump with the Benet Jesuit one influence off of having what we need here is a little bit unfortunate the mintet oh okay they Twisted mental so that's why there isn't a spot here great spot to twist the meant that by the way uh because the value goes down drastically what do we have here two three four five six seven yeah we don't hit that critical threshold it's real unlucky for us you know what looking back in this exact scenario and it is kind of hard to predict this but maybe in the future we could because we have the spice to hit up a conspire now so if we were at two with the emperor we would have been able to get there later so even though selected breeding is a better late Game Spot Betty ends up being pretty packed in the late stages so I think there is a world where Secrets doesn't go this early blue isn't one away from getting the victory point from it but what are you gonna do Hardy Warriors here for blue they are gonna fight for this combat with red I think the winner of this combat will win the game we are only getting one point from Plants within plans here and we don't have a great spot for any more victory points unfortunately I think we just try to go for a um entry card here with conspire we could also consider going John murky for double entry cards try to draw into something crazy here we already know the spiceman slow is out though so that hurts us a little bit here other options not much experimentation I'm not going to look at the chat at this stage just in case people are typing what to do with this last action I tried not to take advice when I can sometimes I'm trying to read the chat though and it does pop up here and there I don't think we could consider going into this combat as well not a lot of great spots for us though Hardy Warriors is taken at this point hmm yeah not pretty I think we just have to go all in on a uh a chomarky play hope we get lucky we're at 10 so it's not the end of the world but it's not ideal red goes even harder in this combat yeah so there's no way we ever win this combat playing play relaxing Master Okay so they have a high persuasion hand I suppose did they take chamber key uh damn you we would love to see the one that cost two that gives you an entry card and lets you trash your entry cards that's the next best option here now I feel like we might want to play this we'll see though man secrets being blocked up hurts hurts hurts it's gonna be to the wire assuming red has no end games they would go to 10 with this which we are at 11. green having chomarchy is scary especially if there's some if they have some engine cards there I didn't see what did they grab uh oh Duncan Idaho okay not a bad one so they can get some common oh Flagship comes off if we had the spice for this it would have been beautiful fortunately we don't have to deny anybody this I don't think I don't think anyone can get there spice wise right now I would have loved to see that Tech just now okay so we have a couple of options here weight green we'll play a calculated higher there is no meant at oh they're just afraid of getting secret stolen can they use it if there is no mint head that is a good question I don't know anybody yes but you don't get anything oh okay yep so you can dump it so now we have a decision to make here do we forfeit our spice tiebreakers to go to conspire to get two entry cards with our balance ambition there will be people getting extra Spice from second and third place in this combat green did not put any troops in so we would if we put troops in by going to a still suits we would get three extra spice which would put us behind blue but ahead of red for tiebreaker purposes we never be green on tiebreakers it's actually close I think but I think going for the Hail Mary at this stage there's a lot of combat flying around there's end game points as well I think we have to go all in for a um man this is uh this is close I don't think blue winds is we're gonna assume red wins this goes to the 10. we can give blue maybe one more Point they'll go to 10. but they'll get second so they beat us on the tie Breakers no matter what so going to still suits is only a hedge against tying with red and I think in this stage we want to play to win and I think to do it yeah we're just gonna go all in this is funner as well and I think the tiebreaker should always be to have a little bit more fun so we will not go into the combat hmm we have a blackmail too is there a world where we ever win this no right no way if we go to still suits do we ever that would be four six plus out five storage Plus Seven Swords hmm red doesn't have too much right has two actions left though and there are City spots open we never win this combat okay yeah let's just go for it we're gonna roll the dice people vicious talents is not what we wanted to see we'll pay one more nope that's not what I meant to do I'm done sorry I'm at the challenge regard oh okay this is the nail honestly if we went to the combat and got this not bad uh but yeah I miss let's see what people are saying now since I have no actions left uh blue reveals two and one dagger oh are they gonna withdraw trips I mean I guess it doesn't hurt but the game does end now for sure these VP looking pretty even I know we spent all of our intrigues all of our points rather blue does have a sleeper awakened here this is looking quite scary for us if they have even a single more VP they are going to get three spikes from this combat you know what it's looking like maybe stillsus was the play uh let's see here a reveal from Red did they get the spice must flow two three four five six seven eight nine showing the supreme power of having a three persuasion cost card in your deck this has once again gotten them a spiceless flow which is excellent so that cut off between two and three they had not have high Council C and they have gotten consistent spices so good for them that is well played counter-attack here for green so they will get some troops in they will get the spices flow to go up to nine they are at 10 with memory coordinates it's all going to come down to end games here folks we will reveal a bunch of daggers which do nothing we gain two one spice one specimen which does not matter uh yeah we are already at the end and yeah I think that's it folks uh we'll do this just for complete mistake so I can say I didn't forget a single one combat time we are not in it unfortunately we have the if we had ever won a combat we've got a lot of rewards but we'll see so they have tiebreaker not that that matters at all really but they will go up pretty high not enough to win uh the combat from Red though looking like red might win this with the spice tiebreaker especially if they have any kind of oh okay we never would have beaten red on the combat but I actually think if we had gone for the still suits line here and we had the spice tie Baker because we're both gonna finish at 11 here I think we would have won right oh wait they finished at 11 right oh yeah they accidentally stacked them up wrong they get an end game from this one so they go up to 11 as well I lost corner of the market so interestingly despite the funner play being conspired for the double entry cards work so obviously misses uh they still Corner the market from red so unlucky uh red wins anyway though with four Spice for a tiebreaker if we had gone for the still suits play to get some troops in we definitely would have gotten we would have gotten vicious Talent so we definitely would have gotten Three Spice here we wouldn't have spent four we would have won the game we would have won the game holy crap so instead of winning the game we get second place which still obviously isn't bad but it's those kind of hairline decisions that will make or break things in most cases uh everyone wants to see my cards here they are close one yeah well played red let's see what people are saying in the comments here it's all rolling dice really alas should have went Basin if you um thought it was going to come down to tiebreakers yeah I kind of talked about my thought process for that one exactly the handful of combat entry cards is so sad when you aren't set up for combat yeah demand the respect yep think would have been a coin Victory yikes eek yeah I was wrong but only in hindsight I think there are arguments to be made both ways um but I think a stream game I'm always going to go for the more exciting option I do if I'm playing by myself in a tournament game I probably do go for the uh yeah we got second place good if only you had been able to get chamber key that would have been a nice one for sure uh although yeah because then we would have gotten these two entry cards we would have gotten these two we still wouldn't have done much for us but the tiebreakers would have been huge for us yeah chamaki would have done it too yeah so nice play by Green buying it there or yep green but I ain't there thank you everybody for watching I will probably play some more games if you're floating around TTS Club I want to play some more but this was a really good game I think it was fun great way to start the Sunday and uh yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Orski
Views: 4,651
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Id: lbX8br3FuD0
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Length: 103min 22sec (6202 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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