Dune Imperium: Uprising Leader Tier List!

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today we'll be ranking every single leader in dude Imperium of rising and I wanted to wait a little bit to make this video I wanted to make sure I had a lot of experience with all the leaders and I wanted to reach out to the Dune Imperium Community to get their thoughts on everybody so in addition to just my tier list at the end of the video I'll also be posting a community tier list as well so let's just hop right in so our first leader all the way in D tier is unfortunately going to be lady Amber matuli Her base ability is called desert Scouts and on reveal you can Retreat one of your troops and her signant ring is called Phil coffers when you play it you get one salar and if you have a faction Alliance you get one spice and she's the lowest ranked leader in my tier list just CU she doesn't really do anything that great sure the resource generation from The Ring can be nice it can get you like three to four salari throughout the game if you're playing your signate ring every time you see it but you're really not even incentivized to play the signate ring that much because it isn't doing that much for you of course it does help getting your sword master your High Council seat a little bit earlier but I just don't think it's impactful enough to really matter and I will say the passive isn't that bad it's a lot harder to come by troops in dude Imperium Uprising so anything that lets you conserve them between rounds or get more troops is going to be inherently more powerful but with all that said lady Amber M still is isn't very good you do have to decide on that troop withdrawal at reveal so if you're one of the first people revealing you have less information to make that decision with and she's just pretty boring to play she doesn't do anything that cool I don't enjoy playing her I don't think she's very good and that's why she's in D tier and now our next leader joining the tier list is going to be stbon tuck and CER they are the most complicated leader in the game so it is a little disappointing to stick them so low but I do think it's Justified so their Bas ability first of all it makes it so that you have to start your game without diplomacy in your deck and the second part of the base ability is called smuggle spice whenever another player sends an agent to maker board space you are spying on you get one spice and the significant lets you put a spy anywhere on the board which is really good and if you place it on a Green Spot you can pay one spice to gain three Solari or if you put it on a faction spot you can pay two Solari to get one entry card and honestly the abilities are pretty good it's the drawback of not starting with diplomacy that really just drops the bond so far I've talked before about how important it is to get your faction points if you get a friendship with every faction that's four free points every game it's so hard to win without those and the problem with Theon is they are so incredibly dependent on that opening imperi row and whether or not you can get more faction access in your deck saon either wants faction access or spy access spy access also works because you can put a spy on a faction spot and it becomes faction access in a way but if you're playing with other competent players at the table they know how badly you need that faction access or that spy axis so they're going to potentially reveal early and take those cards away from you and if you playing saon without those cards it feels so incredibly bad you're pretty much locked off from hitting the faction spots the whole game so it honestly it just becomes impossible to win and you're just locked out the rest of the game it feels so bad and good players are going to do this to you they are so if you pick the bond you pretty much have to early reveal round one in order to get one of those cards you need and even then someone else can early reveal before you so it's not even guaranteed with the early reveal and I don't think saon is good enough to justify early revealing on your first action without sending a single agent in order to get one of those cards additionally all of the cards the bond wants the Spy access cards the faction access cards other people want them as well so they don't even have to go that far out of the way that blocks the bond they want those cards anyway so not only does it enable them to get those good cards but they're also hurting someone else in the process so it's a win-win so your opponents are going to be incentivized to do it more often on the flip side though thebot arguably has the best resource generation of any other leader worms are such a big part of D Imperium mu Rising that people are going to be hitting hagab Basin like every single turn so if you can get an early spy on the hoga Basin that can easily end up being five six spice throughout the game and that's a lot of resources to get for free additionally using your ring to put spice on green spots to sell for Solari enables you to get very very early sword Mas there early High counil seat which can just catapult your game it enables you to buy much more expensive cards let you get a lot more action efficiency but that action efficiency only matters if you have good cards so if you can get that early sword master that's great but the value definitely drops if you don't have the cards to support it I personally do not think the strengths of saon outweigh the volatility of not getting that good card that's why I'm dropping them down to seat I think it is very hard to succeed with staban that said it's still early maybe there'll be a big breakthrough in stabon gameplay that we're not seeing right now but for the time being I think they have to fall in steeve okay our next member of the tier list is going to be lady Jessica falling in the B tier and this is another complicated leader likees Theon and I don't think she's being played ultimately right now so I could definitely see her tier Rising but as she's being played currently I think she has to Fallen be so lady Jessica actually has two sides to her card so the base ability is called other memories and when you set an agent to a Ben andester at board space you may return all of your memories to your supply drawing a card for each one then you flip this leader over not sure what memories are Well the signat ring is what enables you to put down memories and it's called spice Agony you pay one spice to get one entry card and you can move a troop from your supply to the bener area of the board this is now considered a memory so you use your signate ring you pay spice you put these memories on the benest spot and then when you finally go to the benest spot you can take back all those memories and draw a card for each one so once you finally flip over Jessica she becomes the Reverend mother Jessica and the base ability is called reverend mother once during each turn when you send an agent to a benad jesser or a FR in board space you may spend one water to repeat the effects printed on that board space so if you get FR kit you can draw two cards by spending a water if you go secrets you can draw two intry cards by spending a water it just lets you double those spots and then the signate ring becomes Water of Life spend one spice to get one water so a strength of Jessica is that she can be very flexible with her resources in the beginning she can turn her spice into intrig cards and delayed card draw which can enable her to get more expensive cards like some powerful acost cards kind of turning Jessica into a deck building leader almost and once you flip her over you can turn that spice into water as well and you have additional uses of that water by being able to double these Ben of jesser and fman spots so it's kind of interesting she has a couple of different strategies she can go for she can go for a heavy deck building strategy getting those memories getting a big card draw so she can buy an expensive seven or eight cost card and then once she's flipped over she can use that additional water to get more card draw to buy more expensive cars or spice some slows in the lake game or she can also get a double trash off by going desert tactics and paying an extra water to get two car trashes off which is really strong and of course with that sign ring ability you are able to generate more water which if you want to go for a combat strategy that's also very valuable you can use that extra water to go research station you can use that extra water to get worms into the combat it turns lady Jessica's water into not only a very powerful combat resource but also a very powerful spice must flow generating resource by being able to go to Secrets Espionage desert tactics FR kit and double those spots but with all of those strengths said the unfortunate reality is Lady Jessica is a very resource intensive leader so if you're not able to get that big chunk of spice in the earlier game if you're not able to generate consistent water you're not going to be able to use these abilities to their fullest because her abilities are all about converting things into something else so if you don't have the spice to convert if you don't have the water to convert she pretty much becomes a blank leader for you and her game can easily fall apart if she doesn't get those resources so why I think lady Jessica's good and she has a ton of potential in her current state the way she's been playing the way I've been playing her the way I've seen other people playing her I think she's only beat right now and the other leader joining lady Jessica and the B tier is going to be princess eron and I'm going to admit it I think I Am Lower on princess iron than pretty much everyone else in the community her base ability is called Imperial birth rate when you reach two Emperor influence you get an entry card and then the real power comes from reing which is called chroniclers Insight it's really hard to say you may choose acquire a card that cost one persuasion to your hand or trash a card from your hand if it has a cost of one persuasion or more you get two spots first first of all the passive ability is weak the emperor spots are the least powerful spots in this game so you tend to get that friendship later in the game so you're usually not getting that entry card for a while and I get everyone's love of being able to trash to build up a stronger deck but trashing from hand feels so much worse than normal trashing there's an immediate cost to that trash if you're trashing something with persuasion it's hurting your deck building ability you're not going to be as proficient as getting these early strong cards and the earlier you get these strong cards the more you're able to cycle through your deck and see them over and over again so princess iron is considered to be this deck building leader but it's harder for her to get these really strong cards and deck build at the same time now don't get me wrong if there's a one persuasion cost card in the row she can use her signal ring pick it up get one persuasion back and that can enable you to get a bigger buy but if you're doing that you're cluttering up your deck more so you've effectively increased the size of your deck by two cards instead of one so now you have to use her ring again to trash again to get back to that neutral and as a deck building oriented leader she feels so dependent on getting these really strong early cards and if you can't do that what's the point of all this trashing you want to be trashing so you can see these strong cars over and over again but if you can't get any for whatever reason maybe the dead maybe you can't hit the persuasion you need to get one of those strong cards now our ability feels kind of useless until you get a strong card to use I think our game really depends on deck building and if you can get a strong deck going I think she can really high roll for you but I think those situations are rarer and harder to pull off than people think and another downside is even if she's able to get a really strong deck going Uprising tends to end around the first or second tier three combat so you might not even have the time you need to get the value out of that deck you've built with all that said the resource generation is also pretty nice you can Trash cards from persuasion with your hand so you can get two spice I always talk about how spice get be pretty hard to come by an uprising so anything that gets you two spice is going to be pretty good of course it does come at the cost of persuasion or daggers or something like that and if you have a spice and slow in your hand trashing that to get two spice always feels good although if you think about it it's only a net of one spice because if you Reed it you would have gotten one spice anyway so the two spice can definitely bail you out of some awkward situations in the midle lake game and I think I've undersold the ability to get a one cost card acquiring some of the one cost cards to your hand can be very impactful acquiring A Spacetime folding to your hand can give you that highlighter access you need in late game or acquiring an unswerving loyalty can give you an extra Troop that you need to win that combat there are some flexible moments in this game for sure it's just hard for me to consider her a deck building leader when her inherent abilities delay her deck building if that makes sense and sometimes you're incentivized to buy a lot of cards as earon so you have more cards with persuasion to trash to get your spice so I don't know I'm not sold I still think she's good don't get me wrong I think she has the potential to High Roll I just don't think she's as good as everybody thinks she is and that's why she's in beer tier okay next we have lady Margo fening being our first leader in the a tier her base ability is called loyalty and when you reach too influenced with a bener you get too spice and her signat ring is also pretty simple whenever you play her signate ring you get to put a spy on a blue City Spot and you might be thinking those are some pretty simple abilities to justify an a tier ranking but I do think spies are incredibly strong in this game and especially spies on these City spots because they do a couple of things for you first of all in the early game it enables you to get extra card draws off remember you can pull back a spy to get a card draw so if you get an early spy on ER Keen you can hit ER Keen get two card draws that could enable you to buy some really strong cards in the early game and additionally getting that extra cycling when you get those strong cards enables you to cycle back into those cards faster and play them more often so there's a lot of good deck manipulation deck building that lady Margo can do with just the city spies additionally As you move into late game a lot of these City spots tend to be filled up resar station especially getting two troops for two card draws it's a really strong combat spot it can able to get spice of slows in late game so having the spies available in the late game to guarantee yourself a research station play can be huge and if you're the first one there getting three card draws out of research station is going to enable you to get spice and slow more than often additionally getting a free source of spies from your signate ring can enable you to get much easier intri card synergies off and it enables you to get some nice card synergies off as well the bened operative card that lets you pull back a spy to get two troops usually nobody else wants that so if that's in the opening Imperium row and you pick lady Margot fendering you're usually guaranteed they get that card nobody else wants it because no one else has the free access to Spies Like lady Margo does and just getting that one card gives you so much combat potential over everybody else getting two troops are free is a huge deal and you got to remember that all the city spots are combat spaces as well so if you have a decent Garrison at the end game having a guaranteed way to put more troops into the combat is always going to be really good for you and the base ability although not insane getting two spice is a pretty big deal in this game so i' say overall her abilities are very good and they're simple so it doesn't require too much crazy decision- making to get the most value out of them her biggest weakness is going to be if the city spy spots all get clogged up during the game there's only three of them and other people like putting their spies on City spots as well so if they get clogged up and you can't use them it ends up feeling really bad and now you're pretty much playing a blank leader but otherwise she's usually pretty flexible usually there are other spots people want to put their SP more than on the city spots so it doesn't end up being a big deal but if you're playing with a smart table they will be more incentivized to block your city spies but yeah good overall leader our next leader joining the a tier is going to be none other than muad mu adib's base ability is called unpredictable fail and on reveal if you have one or more sandworms in the conflict you get an intri card and the signal ring is pretty simple same as it was in the last one it's called lead the way and you get one card draw whenever you play your signal ring when I was first introduced to M everyone was talking about them like they were the most crazy s tier leader ever it was impossible to leave if you got them in second position but since those times mu has definitely Fallen my ranking 2 a and don't get me wrong mu has a lot of things going for them the worm strategy and Uprising is incredibly strong being able to send worms into combats getting double rewards even if you don't win enables really strong resource generation that can fuel your engine send in more worms if you get more water it's just a tri intrude method of winning games and mu's even better at it because they get a free entry card every time as well and like I've said before card draw is really good in Uprising because it enables more deck manipulation it lets you get more persuasion for better cards it allows you to cycle back into their strong cards so the sign being a card draw is also pretty good getting a double card draw off of AR Keen or accept contracts can really help you move through your deck but mu's biggest weakness is how linear their play style is everyone at the table knows that you want to go to the fragment spots you want to go to seat the board get your worm Hooks and send worms in over and over again so it's pretty easy for a good table to get in your way people can block you at fman so you don't get your worms people can block you at SI Tabor so you don't get your Hooks and people can block you at hoga Basin so you can't get your worms and these are all spots other people want to go to as well so they don't have to sacrifice their game too much in order to stop you so people are going to do it especially if you're at a good table and the downside is mu's game plan kind of falls apart if they can't get those worms I don't think the signate ring alone is enough to compensate for missing out on that base ability additionally m is going to be more susceptible to combat RNG than other leaders if there are a lot of Walled combats where M can't sit in their worms and the walls still up then their ability is doing nothing for them and all of that time they spent getting those worm hooks is also not doing much additionally they're very water intensive so if they spend up their water and they're not getting combats that reward water for getting second third first place then they can easily find themselves running out of water and now the worm engine falls off as well so there's a couple of things that have to go right for the MU player but if they are able to get that engine going get those worms in over and over again get those resources they can have an incredibly strong game and the T needs to recognize that since they are somewhat easy to block that's why I have to put them in a but they are definitely a noob stomp leader if people don't know how to counter more you are going to have a blast you are going to crush your friends and yeah that's why they're an A and now we have our first s tier leader of the video none other than shadam Kino ivth shadam base abili is called Sardar commander and at the beginning of the game you set aside both Sardar contracts and only you can acquire them during the game and if you're not familiar with what those contracts are they require you to send an agent to the SAR spot one of them gives you double card draw and the other one lets you pull back a different agent effectively giving you an extra action that round they're signif ring not only has the coolest name but it's also the strongest signat ring in the game it's called emperor of the known universe units cannot be deployed to the conflict this turn but it'll give you one salar in a troop or you can pay three SAR to get a faction bump of your choice it's so so incredibly strong first of all it's great Solari and Troop generation it's immediately better than lady Amber mul's ring because it actually gives you a troop instead of just a Solari and being able to buy faction bumps in this game is so huge faction bumps are much harder to combine Uprising you really have to plan efficiently in order to get your friendships throughout the game and shadam is just so much better at it than everybody else because they're able to get these bumps with their ring the general strategy for a shadam player is going to be hit deliver supplies twice go to deep desert to collect like six or seven spice and then since they hit deliver supplies twice they can go to shipping use that spice they got from the deep desert and if they go there with their ring they get two bumps because they get one bump from Shipping by itself and then they can also pay the three salari to get another bump when you consider that a friendship is a two faction influence sending your ring to shipping becomes a one Victory Point play every time which is so incredibly good shadam is the best faction climber in the game they can easily get five to six victory points from factions from friendships and alliances and if you consider that they're generating all this extra salari it makes it much easier to get their swordmaster much easier to get their High counil seat so that they can get Miss flows if saddam's allowed to do what they want to do they can play their own solitary kind of game they can would get involved in combats and they can easily get first or second place in most games shadam is a really strong counter meta pick when you consider how strong worms and combats are in Uprising a leader that benefits without even having to get involved in the combats is going to be even stronger because of that but the major weakness of shadam is if they're blocked if they're blocked their game goes from being insanely good to dropping off precipitously sham players do have routes of getting around that block it makes their life a little bit harder and it does balance them and another weakness is their ring can be a little bit awkward not letting you send troops into combat it can feel really bad if you had to hit research station with your ring and you can't send those troops in but I think shadam strengths outweigh their weaknesses and the fact that they are a non-combat oriented leader that can win games just makes them incredibly strong in this meta if people don't know to block you at deliver supplies and block you at shipping you are going to have the time of your life and now the next member of our s tier is going to be fader Alpha har Conan their base ability is called devious strength that lets you pull back one spy to get two swords and their signate ring is called personal training whenever you play your signate ring you get to move your fade token one space to the right on your trading track earning the reward of the new space so the first time you play your ring you can either grab a spy or you can pay one salar to get a trash the second time you can get a trash and so on and so forth important to keep in mind that once you hit the end of the track the sign ring no longer does anything anymore you don't just get to keep getting the spy in the uh troop over and over again that was a mistake I made when I first started playing the game but fade is one of the leaders that Rose in my rankings the most I wasn't too impressed at first but they are an incredibly good leader so first of all this passive ability is really good in the early and mid game getting two swords on reveal can get you really strong second place Rewards or it can win you combats and with your sign ring you have a guaranteed way of getting an early spy down I find that their personal track is very fun to play around with it's not an obvious decision of which way you should go if you want to go for a more deck building oriented strategy you can go the trashing route if you need those spies if you need that spice you can go on the bottom route it's very fun and engaging and it's very flexible to what you need in the moment and the real benefit is the trashing doesn't have to be from your hand like erolon this trashing can be from cards in play it can be cards in your discard which is just so so much better they can play any strategy pretty well with a deck building strategy they can go for faction points they can go for slows with their spies they can also go for combat oriented strategies they just do everything really well in a hidden picks meta where you don't know what other leaders people are picking Vader Alpha is a really solid choice because if two other combat oriented leaders are picked you can just pivot your game into a less confrontational strategy I think fader Alpha is incredibly strong easily deserves F tier but unfortunately they are not strong enough to take the top spot of s tier that is going to be reserved for our next leader gurny HCK gurny H's base ability is called always smiling during reveal turn if you have six or more strength in the conflict you get one persuasion and their signaling ability is called warmaster it gives you you one troop on play so gurny is an example of a leader who has both a really strong passive and a really strong signate ring and they synergize together getting that extra troop from your signant ring makes it much easier to hit that six strength threshold so you can get that extra persuasion and getting extra persuasion and extra troops throughout the games makes you really good at deck building buying spice and flows and doing well in combats G is a really solid all-around leader that can do everything the passive ability makes it much easier to buy expensive cards in the early game and if you get lucky you can also get an eight cost carard in the beginning additionally I've talked about it over and over again how hard it can be to get troops in uprising and gurnie siging ability of getting that extra troop might not seem like much but an extra troop is so impactful in this game I talked about how Lady Amber mul's withdrawing a troop ability is good because it helps you conserve troops gurny just gets that troop for free and it can enable gurnie to go into combats over and over and over again because they have this extra resource of troops G is just really good at combat they're really good at getting expensive cards they can just do everything so well and they're relatively simple so it's not even that hard to do these things they have no glaring weaknesses they're just good all around I love gurny H they are the best leader in the game the top of s tier and that's the tier list here's the community tier list if you're curious what they thought and here's Lannister's tier list as well if you're curious what his tier list is thank you so much for everyone in the community that contributed to the poll let me know if you disagree with me in the comments and I hope you have a wonderful day
Channel: Orski
Views: 8,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EiEJjFp0Zqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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