Dune Imperium: Uprising Strategy Guide!

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today I am joined by Lannister ex-friend of the channel and suspected war criminal to help me go over our top 10 Dune Imperium Uprising tips he's an extremely experienced player at the time of this recording had over like 80 games played so he definitely knows what he's talking about anyway let's just hop right in so the first thing I wanted to talk about and I feel like it's an even bigger issue in Uprising than it was in immortality just because faction bums were so free in immortality and it's the importance of faction bumps and not missing them in this game I feel like in general it's a lot harder to get extra faction bumps with the shipping track out of the way a lot of the overpowered card combos so making sure you're playing your faction access cards and actually going to the spots to get all full over your friendships if you can maybe picking up an alliance or two along the way just goes a long way towards having a stable transition to the mid and end game absolutely I think so too but just to further expand on that I think it's important to know what direction you're going with your faction bums for instance um there's certain contracts you can pick up let's say for ESPN should you complete the contract you get three salari you pick those up and your next action is to go ESPN gain three salari with that action as well so you want to condense your actions that you can get more value out of it you don't want to just hit the fashion spot with the sake of it so have a clear focus and have a clear direction and you should do fine but otherwise I totally agree with what you said what's your uh what's your first tip the first tip is usually you should try to get something for a high buy Power this game uh enables you when you have a lot of powerful cards your first step should either be for PR kit to draw a card or to go deliver supplies in my opinion so deliver suppli gets you to water and you can go your second turn to research station or fing kit into a ke that also does it for you the power of cards is so strong in this and it's it's important to pick up a really strong card in the first two turns otherwise you're going to be really far behind in this game yeah I completely agree the cards just feel so much more impactful to how fast you're able to accelerate through the game we'll get more into some of the like stronger cards too a little bit later in the tips but being able to pick up a big five six seven eight cost card in the beginning and getting access to that card multiple times throughout the game it's just just nuts to where I even think like early revealing is a lot better in Uprising I would agree with that too because the impact of you getting a really strong card early is much more substantial because there's so many more ways to cycle like back then when you have a dune that desert with a dead card in your hand but now you can grab contract cycle to draw a new card go to friend kit draw a card aing draw a card Espionage draw a card every everywhere you're drawing a card so it's like you're you're cycling back into your Power Cards really frequently so it's worth giving up one action not two but one action to get a really good card for deck building purposes it's important to be a little bit fluid you don't want to just power into one thing completely like I think the biggest mistake a lot of people make is they see still guard they just stuff nothing but F into their tent and then the moment that City spaces get blocked and kind messed up so just try to be more versatile with your factions and I'd say don't be afraid of adding new cards into your deck as long as you have at least one and four or one and five ratio for diplomacy related cards you have 15 cards you should have at least three cards that have you know relatively fluid uh faction access for yourself is that because in general you want to be playing one faction access card a turn would you say or yeah you also want to be able to cycle into them so um you want to be able to hit one faction spot and then contribute into the city axis because you want to lent in with troops we'll talk about that later but you want at least one faction hit and one uh combat Square for yourself every round even though you're not necessarily getting heavily involved in combat my next tip is going to be a bit more of a general tip and it's going to come down to more of like playing to the strengths of your different leaders and it seems like an obvious tip but I do think it's something that can be left behind when you're presented with all the options the board has to offer you so if you're playing a leader like mu de that has a huge benefit from Sand worms in the conflict you're going to want to make sure you go to the fman spots you get access to your Hooks and then you can start getting in those sand worms so you can start turning out entry cards and obviously getting double rewards from the combats along the way also a leader like stabon T they don't start with their diplomacy in their deck so you want to make sure there's some faction access or some spy access in that early row so that you guaranteed have a way to get those friendship points throughout the game nothing feels worse and I've only had this happen once but picking ston someone early reveals for the faction access you needed and you're just stuck for the rest of the game can't get any faction influence and uh just feels bad it's definitely uh as you said very important to kind of focus on your leader strengths and weaknesses for example um if you're using Amber I guess the color female mnon um hitting a faction Alliance early actually makes a very big difference in ter of the sign rank spice and Solari one spice and one Solari might not seem significant but well with the course of the game it'll make you much more capable of doing things so so you find yourself getting the uh like trying to rush the alliance pretty quick quickly with Amber yeah for sure I always do that yeah I mean it makes sense you got to because it's like money on the table why wouldn't you take it right and I find like especially in this game it's so much harder to steal alliances outside of like some overthrow or some other card like you're not going to get your alliance stolen that easily as you know so quirky stuff happen um with regards to that shadam uh these heavy into tracks so I would say to think he should focus on is uh the shipping track for example so spacing Guild and they just keep hitting the shipping track get spice to go up a track and then you get Solari to hit the sign ring to go up another BMP so he gets a double bomb which is huge what we got here Maro Margo should focus on city-based cards such as Rebel supplier and uh spy access cards one of my tournament matches I was able to hold my ground against a uh a worms B mid for five round straight just by using the rebel Supply combo alongside think it's unswerving loyalty uh one thing you do with with Maro ring is you place a spy down on a city spot and so you use Rebel supplies to put in two troops assuming you go to a keing has three troops and assuming your Garrison is Bing up you have two troops there so it's five and then you do a double draw and you draw into absorbing loyalty and that's a six troop in the combat one and the nice thing about um Rebel Supply too I feel like it's not the most attractive card for other leaders Jessica Jessica is really good with uh water-based U cards like northern waterm and southern water Master one of the things I saw was her accumulation of water was so significant that at the the turn seven person had like seven or eight water and she hit the the great Flats with three wor two worms and then uh the person recalled an agent with the Menat location and then went back again for another two worms and then oh okay they had they had the the Intrigue which you paid two water he summon a worm so he had five worms and then his final action was um I think he went to Great flats for another one so it's like six worms not including any troops it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen wow so yeah I mean in my like Theory crafting playing this at the event I feel like I was mostly focusing on the Ben Trac just drawing a bunch of cards with the spy on Espionage and kind of going like [ __ ] slow strategy it's kind of cool to hear that there's like a very viable combat strategy to play with as well yeah I flip her immediately I don't even care about the draw like the only time I would care about it is if like there's a high cost card up there in a row and I'm thinking of trying to aim for it in second or third turn but aside from that like um if my key characters are taken then I just go for her and immediately turn her over to or flip side and you're not using the water for the r mother ability you're mostly using it for like water Like Water for um like spice and worms and stuff yeah exactly doz if you think about it this way and in all the in all the matches that we've had like probably going into second third fourth fifth turn you know you're feeling like there's like this big shortage and troops and right like you're like trying to limp in with troops but it's so hard to find those troops to limp in right oh yeah big time yeah so like when she has like all that water she can hit research station more often she can uh uh go to hug a basin or great Flats with the worms and whatnot and yeah she she's just constantly andcat even for like the the little itty bitty bits of the rewards and you know she's always capitalized on that too I kind of left with that okay sweet you good you want to move on the next one or uh okay um so I would say ration your troops it's very important to keep your troop counts sustainable and it's actually in my play group I would say it's very underrated you to go to GA sport I actually like Gaba suppor water it's a spot you can go for zero Solaria for two troops or two solar for two troops on the water I prefer the bottom action of it the two solar for two troops in a water because I feel that's much more impactful um the main thing is um when you're going into combat you're always trying to lump in with at least one and that one makes a big difference though like let's take a look at the tier ones and two conflicts and let's take a look at the the secondary and tertiary rewards that you're getting so first tier conflict not much to talk about just T salari ntri spice nothing right talking about let's take a look at the T Plastics this one is your water two Solari two troops intri spice sh like all of these give you so much more than you put in like if you can put in one true when everybody else's flat out of troops you're profiting big time like imagine if you got one troop in and you got a second place and you're probably wondering how's that possible the reason is possible is because there's only a limited number of squares that you can produce troops on first one is a king second one is research station third one is highliner the fourth one is Desert tactics those are the only troop generating location you can go Siege Taber but the access there is pretty locked out so I would say in the first round the biggest mistake most people make is they just go all in because they see you know three Solari from this yeah everyone goes Ham on this one and i' I've made that mistake before and they're like oh I'm just going to get my S now and they spend all their troops and one guy's left with all their troops and every round he's just thought we're just going to limp in with this and he gets all those rewards because everybody's you know flat out of gas they can't generate more troops because you know Mr yellow here just hit hits aen and it's all over like they they can't afford to spend anything else to produce troops and so the rationing of troops is very very important um it it will supplement a lot of things that you want to do like more water work troops more spice like you know you you're thinking of hitting Imperial Basin haab Bas and replot you don't even need to do that if you hit with one troop in most of the time you'll get second or third place which is sufficient so would you say you're not committing to win combats that often um it only matters in the context of two things um if you are matching it makes sense if it's an orth opter it makes sense orth opter is one of the three symbols so there's a mouse a Tris knife and an or opter so green yellow blue if you happen to be green for example and a green CLA shows up go for it go hand if you're green and a yellow shows up can limp in an ornithopter shows up you go for that reason is because uh ornithopter are typically combats that other people avoid because you don't start with on thopter simples so uh you need a pair of those to make a point but um it'll be easier for you to hit your pairs because not a lot of people are willing to commit on these uh inconsequential ones in the beginning just because like Everyone likes g me DC benefits I'm more and less combative I'm more combative on the ones that matter and I'm less like I think I'm avoiding 70% of the combats throughout the game and then you see me like just completely nose dive on like two fights and I just call it it's after that yeah I think that makes a lot of sense and crazy how big of a difference it feels compared to the base G Doom about how many Warrior or troops you end up not having When You Reach like round two round three if you're going as hard as you used to go on those old combats I feel like you definitely have to make a big shift there and yeah for sure like the only cheap way to get two troops is gather support and I feel like no one ever really goes there it's kind of it feels bad like does everyone like to go Assembly Hall and get their Intrigue you no who doesn't like intrigues but I I have to say the other support actually has much more value overall than uh assembly the reason I say that is because uh when you go to Assembly Hall like what are you hope hoping for now bumps or you're looking for swords right well what if I told you this is worth four Swords right two troops four Swords right there save you the trouble you don't have to worry about whether or not you have the swords you literally have the guns ready and people see it you know in your Garrison and they're like I don't want to those four Swords versus maybe I have four Swords or maybe I just have jaction BMS maybe it's just reveal to get an extra troop for purchase or or some other yeah inconsequential Intrigue the intrigues are powerful in this game but they they've been watered down in comparison to I and immortality I I'll take the for SLS do you find yourself paying for the water often or not really yeah for sure yeah as off like I I won't say 100% of the time but if I see an empty Garrison I'll I'll go there right away and then even if it doesn't get me the the water but the water is pretty pretty massive it's uh if you're the one holding the water you can do a lot of damage for example just one Gall support and then one secondary combat and you're ready for resar and when you have like two water on hand people are worry about you know pushing into you because you know at any time you just Stomp Them with mega true um with regards to rationing troops um it's important you ration your troops but it's also important to deny people the the truth so for example if a turn seven combat is about to happen which indicates that it's going to be a 2 three four five six comat and your opponent behind you is the one to receive the benefit of first turn on this um it's important that if he limps in that you deny him every resource available so if he's limping in and he's hoping to get you know orar in the troop it's your job to push him down and spend it because the first person act on turn sevens going to do a lot of damage so you need to know when to push someone down with that extra value like this this whole game is Just economics on a much more tense level like in in doing it or immortality like you get blocked it's not a big deal in in in Uprising you get blocked it hurts it hurts like how like um when you get blocked at resin a place with finery and you're looking to go get your sword master NE it hurts like H and when you have that six salari ready and you're ready to jump to get your sword master and someone just reveals that stupid two salari Intrigue and jumps ahead of the queue you feel it biged no yeah like losing in action in this game is huge like I I I I'm a big proponent of no sword monster I I still can do it I I have done it but it is really tough like if if I win with two actions it's shely by the skin of my teeth so uh I will say it's important to deny people because in this game denial is huge and you ration your troops but you you push people down as well as best as you can okay I think it's my turn yep okay so we've already kind of touched on this idea um the importance of strong cards as early as you can just because you cycle back into them more you're getting stronger effects throughout the game um so I figured it'd be helpful to go over what some of those really strong cards are at least in my opinion and I'm sure uh Lanny has some good suggestions as well um some cards that I think are worth early revealing for as well uh one that came up pretty early in play and it's not uh it's not what you would expect uh guilt spy incredibly strong and it's for that reveal ability first of all it's really good it gets you a spy off the bat so it kind of helps play into its own ability I find most people don't end up playing it for the Faction ability if they can afford the [ __ ] flow obviously but if you get this card and you manage to get two or ideally three spies on Faction access spots you're pretty much playing Solitaire your goal is to buy as many [ __ ] flow cards with this as you can and just take friendships take a line and just go to town this is an incredibly good card to get early in build around and if you do get it the rest of the table needs to coordinate and try to get spies down on the other faction spots as quickly as you can no absolutely it's a it's a pretty big nightmare card on it I'm on the track that it's really good card but it it it kind of kind of gets the whole Fellowship of the Ring formed on you when you do so you gotta watch out for it too oh yeah for sure I think in competitive lobbies will know what to do but it's it's definitely a good like Noob stomp card if no one knows like what's going on yeah ab ab I mean like just even if you only hit this off once that's equivalent of two points slow right oh yeah uh other cards I feel like Victory Point generators will always be good in this game uh especially in this game just because of uh how hard it can be to come by I would give between these two I would probably give the edge to Corin City just because it generates so much more resources if you're not buying the points being able to get five salario on reveal is just insane helps you get your sword master High Council seat so much faster I feel like the spend five to take your High Council isn't as good I mean it saves you an action for sure which can be good but I'm probably revealing this for the resource and then trying to get as many points as possible out of it same with Smuggler Haven I feel like it's a little bit hard to get Spice in this game which makes Smuggler Haven a little bit lower on my list but I don't know what your thoughts are um I'm actually on the same boat as you I think cor city is the better card overall um but why not we do B let me show you something that I did in one of my moves all right so I went with corn City to the emperor spot R the contract discarded these two cards when you discard these cards you get two spice of pop and guess what this card means y so I got what a disgusting combination yep faction bump half a point faction bump half a point each gave me a point so that's three points in one play uh that must have been a fun game yep they were they were disgust they were thoroughly disgusted like how did we let this guy get this card yeah it was it was it was great so yeah I would say corn City gets the nod but you know this is like the dream you know this is like I don't know what you call it Exodia I guess ah nice yeah this Exodia if you get this complete combination I only pulled it off once but I don't think I'll ever see it again like people will not allow me to have that MH it's it's a really good card I I would say it's one of the best five cost cards um only one other five cost card I think is better than it but um this one has so much flexibility like um if you need spice you can you know find ways to discard it and you get uh two spice uh on reveal it gives you two persuasion and if you want to you can pay Three Spice for a bum like this card is really flexible it's really good it it helps you beat other people down in Alliance battles and it's so hard to win an alliance battle because it's so much investment it it just it it's incredible card I'd say do you find yourself paying for the bump a lot with this it just it felt expensive it feels expensive but it is it is expensive I ad I admit this should not be used in mid or early to mid this is only used in late game okay late game to secure an alliance or like you know bait someone in like uh if I see you chasing me down I'll I'll purposely leave that Gap there just to like make you like that's the whole thing about making people spend things is I'll spend a little bit but I'll make sure you suffer twice as much so that you're not a threat the next round because if you spent your two actions chasing me down and then suddenly I got like two bumps out of nowhere you're pretty far behind and that pretty much means the end of you oh for sure and I put this in the category of cards you have to remember your opponents have yeah there uh there's definitely a certain subset of cards uh cards that give you bumps there's a big category obviously big combat cards um cards that make you discard cards as well they're all a big uh threat to your game so yeah always important to keep track of this is also one of my major uh favorite cards it um it's good on play and it's good on reveal I personally like the uh the onplay effect and I like to hit the Menat along with it so captured Menat goes to Imperial privilege and so let's just say you you got a really bad Intrigue so you got this intrig now you can discard a card draw a card and you get an Intrigue so you get another Intrigue and now you can exchange one of your intrigues that you didn't like say this one for another one and you don't like this one either so you just keep cycling back and forth and the good good thing about this is in Uprising I believe there are only a limited number of intrigues about 44 so throughout the game if you cycle seven or eight intrigues back and forth you're pretty much guaranteed to get a VP Source or a bump Source just cycling through this thing will generate points on itself for you also you know it always feels great to use uh captured mad to discard a spicus flow or a a cruddy dagger and drawing into your two persuasion that always feels great right gildon boy is another favorite of mine uh there's a lot of space and Guild cards guess what he is he is also a spacing Guild card that cruddy spice bu flow that you hated drawing into now you love when you have Guild on boy because he gets discard a card and if it's a spacing Guild card he draws two cards so you can Chuck this rubbish away and you get two new cards yeah and I feel like this is a card people don't realize that you have to discard it when you play it and some people at the time will think oh okay this kind of sucks then you know faction access great in this game we kind of already talked about how U you want to have that ratio of about like one faction access card per five cards in your deck so this kind of already helps you with that requirement and then yeah just icing on top and yeah I feel like people also forget the spice and slow being a space and gold card oh yeah so just a couple of other like crazy good cards and they're not going to surprise you like some of these won't surprise you too much just because their cost reflects how good they are overthrow is insane getting two faction bumps every time you play this card it's just so incredibly good um kind of solves that issue of not having enough faction bumps throughout the game makes stealing alliances super easy and consistent if you can Trash your deck down and play this like every other round maybe if you're really cycling through your deck every round you're just uh it's you can win games off of this card alone steersman is also very good it's the new quiz at a het of the uh game getting extra actions also very good in this game of course and the carard draw cycling itself out is nice and it doesn't even feel that bad if you end up drawing it as your last card because it gives you some resource generation as well um a card that I kind of slept on at first I recognized that it was uh like good but I didn't realize how good Interstellar trade is an insanely good card first of all the faction bumps are great but then the one persuasion for each contract You' have completed if you get three or four contracts which is not hard to do throughout the game this can like get you [ __ ] M slow cards on its own pretty much you get this up to four persuasion that's so so good I love this card you know how in uh the previous video you noted that uh I abandoned you for the game with Paul Den yes so in that game with Paul Denon he went the contract strategy and he fulfilled seven contracts throughout and he revealed this for seven one God it was so it was so disgusting it it was so disgusting but I I I I admire the guy for that so yeah I just wanted to point that out it's a valid valid strategy I mean uh other insane cards prices No Object very good salari generation giving you two Solari on bu and saying has good faction access and then the ability to acquire a card to your hand using salari instead of persuasion very flexible very good and when you keep in mind that spice Miss flow cards can be acquired with this card for nine salari that just makes it so you it's a victory point generator as well on top of everything it's an expensive Victory point you might only be able to do it once but I think the flexibility is just so good and then even if you're not buying victory points with it being able to acquire a card to hand is also just insane it just it makes you hard to play around and so it it just has so much flexibility to it like when you have options on the row that you can link up with like for example the corn City into the Smugglers uh facing guilds favor or even you know something as simple as a as a captured Menat or or whatever it has so much flexibility like even a two Coster to get you that spice plus flow right you just pay two salari and you add this to your hand and now you're pretty much guaranteed to get a spce flow at hand so yeah it's it's a really good card it gives you a faction bump and it guarantees you another point on top of whatever you're doing or a combat and then a couple of other cards um public spectacle I don't know I don't know what they were thinking about this one this one is so so good this is a power play every time you play it if you have a consistent source of spies it makes it even better um I don't know I just think this card generates bumps like no one else I I I think in uh our Circle um it's regarded as one of the top cards like if not the best for its cost value so yeah I I'm total agree with you we nicknamed it the web power play so yeah it's it's freaking sick on reveal and stick on play and it's got so much flexibility for you the most popular move for public spectacle is to basically push the um the spy on the on the Benny Jer location so that you can go Espionage repeatedly because it doesn't matter where you remove the spy from so let's just go here doesn't matter where you remove the spy from as long as you remove the Spy it can go up any track you want to so you just keep spamming the same spot and you just keep getting bums for days and there's nothing else that any one can and then these cards are also good they're not as powerful as the cards we just talked about this is just a cheap power play pretty much I think there is a card in the game I can't remember the name of it that's does this but it gives you a spy when you buy it I feel like this is so much cheaper and easier to get you know it just and you can play it over the Spy access is good like I think either you said or you'll be getting to and then strike fle is just a really good combat card even if you're just revealing this for the three daggers it's good if you have a leader with consistent spies being able to put in three troops over and over again can feel broken at times I remember in my first uh Tournament game I had strike Fleet with uh Marco fening and it just it felt insane just throwing in troops over and over again that really no one else can keep up with because we talked about the scarcity of troops in this game yep for sure um I would say that uh you know alongside uh strike Fleet there's um diet strike fleet called Rubble supplier this is amazing one this buy this when you can when you have a good source of spies um also back to what orski and I were discussing um cycling back into your Power Cards is very important and one of the ways instead of just drawing is to cut the you know the rather useless cards for yourself so like um Dune or Recon or uh daggers whatever it may be just these cards anything that has a cut capability is a premium so things that allow you to cycle back into your stronger cards is really good for you and I would say uh calculos of power and chaki jali are one of the top picks so um if you see the three costers over here um this is one of the picks you want to go for um outside of Guild spy I'd say for a three Coster that calculus power is my number two pick for a three Coster just call is also another great one cuz you you can destroy a card from your discard pile to draw a card this one is so strong like there's no other card that can kill cards from the discard pile and get you a card agreed and then being able to get a passive bump every now and then if they kind of look into it you know also very strong y absolutely be spoils okay it's a great card H let's not talk about any other abilities just three daggers on reveal so strong like we talked about how one troop living in can do a lot of damage well imagine one and a half troops this is this is so beastly it's if you got like the Chris knife and the uh the ornithopter symbol it's better to be on play but you know just revealing this feels so good every time because you know you're going to get you know second or third at the very least with this card like I I buy this time every time every time of the day I would say this as a final this is a really good card as well um mainly because people focus on highliner a lot and not so much on sard car because Sardar isn't Deployable this is your secondary option so like why is this such a good card for me is because highliner is always the first spot people take but Sardar is almost always open for you and this allows you to deploy any troops you create that charm through um the spaces so um even if you know someone took S car you can still go gather support and you can do that or your secondary option if you had a high Council you can do a second High Council and you can get three troops here too so it's a lot of flexibility here and flexibilities is are important because as we know that um if the if the third player starts to turn and he has the resources Highline what are you going to do how how are you going to stop seven troops right away and this is one of the options for you unless you already have a spot H so I I'd say this is a very key card for secondary options that agreed I'm also surprised this card reveals for two persuasion it kind of does everything in that way it's a very good combat card and it can help you get spice slows and and this thing will usually uh reveal for like two or three decks because like he includes himself and if you have like price no object or you know calcul of power that's like two more daggers so like three daggers on top of what it does if you just reveal with it it's it's a lot of flexibility yeah there are a lot of good Emperor cards in this game so it's not common to just have them in there like yourself I'm I'm really surprised that these cards are worth two like wow okay uh my next point is to value your water um it's important not to waste all your water right like a lot of people will say well you told me to go research station I said go research station first turn don't go research station every turn try to High Roll It something um it's important to have the water on hand because the great Flats as you may ever great Flats forly now deep desert now requires three water and this will easily build up three or four bonus spice and you want to be the first person to be able to snag it up because the first person to get 78 spice has access to Highline for multiple rounds and so uh I would say that beyond the first and second turn start saving up your water it's very important and any combat that gives you secondary Water Resources you pay attention to those you you save up to for those situations as they will get you that water and bearing in mind um worms get you double the resources so if you for example got double this you double the water second place in this one's so gross it's so good with yeah yeah like four troops four Solari two water holy that there also comes into play the cards that give you water so cards that have onplay water effects or on reveal water effects are really good so those situations where I'm at one water you're at two water and then suddenly I can go get two water just by going to sieg with this card will definitely screw people over and it a position where you can block someone from doing what they want to do and uh in this whole game it's it's about blocking people unfortunately so yeah I feel like people ball out on desert tactics a lot to try and get seats to Bo a little bit earlier I feel like people aren't as afraid they'll go like early Haka basins and stuff so people will waste their water in research station too and I feel like deep desert will sit with like three four five extra spice sometimes and being the one to get that spice is just so good it's actually I feel like it's a lot harder to get Spice in this game because of worms because once people have access to worms Haka Bas is never going to have any bonus spice on it pretty much someone's going to be going here every single round deep desert is hard to get to once that first person goes there it becomes um pretty much a worm spot like mostly um as the game gets later in the game it feels like you got to get the spice early be prepare to get the spice like early mid game and then if you kind of miss your shot it gets a lot harder to get spice and if it's a lot harder to get spice it's a lot harder to get the troops and stuff you need for combats is at least has been my impression yep 100% that's uh 100% what I agree with so yeah I feel like this next one's a bit more of a gimme uh but I feel like it wouldn't be a complete tips video without touching on it the value of High Council and swordmaster it can't be overstated how good that extra two persuasion is from The High Council I feel like it's really good in this game and that was an impression I was getting when I was playing at this event as well was that two extra persuasion to be able to tack on those spice [ __ ] slow points and mid game/ late game it can be the difference between winning and losing a lot of the time and it just feels so impactful the sword master the fact that the first one cost eight and the second one cost six I feel like sometimes you can get into these positions where there's kind of a standoff on who gets the first sword master sometimes someone will just have a ton of solar from whatever combats and they'll just get it really quickly but other times the sword master can sit unoccupied and if a couple of people are sitting around five or six being able to get that High Council and kind of get those stronger cards like we talked about earlier just feels really good you know I don't think you have the rush sword master as heavily in this game as you did in immortality rise ofix and um yeah I mean both of them overall really strong spots but I'm not as inclined to go sword master first in this one I don't know if that's what your experience has been that's kind of been my uh kind of experience with some limited games my experience is um the card quality comes first and then you get your sword master because um if you're getting multiple actions for round that's great but if you're not getting any value out of it what's the point like I'm getting one spice here and there no no it it it makes a lot more sense to build up a qu quality first and also um to your point I think High counsil matters a lot especially to a character like gurny like um he's basically meic film on a s um so he gets you one extra persuasion if you have six or more powered but Conant um when you're heading into turn five six seven 8 9 10 combat you're always going to have that much strength and imagine you have a high Council and that's three extra persuasion in your hand this is almost a guarantee SCE it's slow for up every time an extra point every round is huge it's massive so to your point there I think a high council is very important what do you uh who what have you found with regards to High councel versus swordmaster what do you think people are going for more often uh people are still going for swordmaster first um but I would say that sword master is usually a turn four turn five proposition um and then people normally aim for High Council on turn five turn six depending on how quick they were um High Council normally doesn't take presidents right away simply because a lot of people are trying to do blocking plays and so I would say that um swordmaster is usually followed by eye Council a turn later um because it's when you have those extra actions it's easier to get the salari because you know first person who goes there has to pay eight and the other person pays significantly less at six and so everyone's trying to get on the discount train so you end up in combats with secondary rewards with Solari and whatnot and it becomes much more easy so I say it's not usually a term one two three sort of like we did in exor immortality um but it certainly is still important and it's much more impactful when you have those cards so I would say high counil is good but sword master should still take priority unless you have some god tier cards in your deck want to keep cycling it all right so uh I came up with respect the easy contracts so what do I mean by that there are specific contracts out there okay so respect to easy contracts I would say um a lot of the times people have complaints about the emperor track because contracts seem like they require multiple actions to do um beneficial things and those beneficial things um take time for fruition and that is true um the the track is a little bit slower on that end and so it's important for you to kind of dive into easier or more uh high output uh contracts so for example um swordmaster requires six salaria to your second place and eight Solari to your first so if you're able to get two Espionage contracts uh either through accept contract or through beautiful service this basically condenses the amount of actions you need to um get your sword master because now you upon hitting ESP once get six lari um or for example if you go to research station and you get five salari and spy that's pretty damn good too so you know try and match the pairs when possible um but I would say in prioritization sequence if you can't match them the blue ones are quite frequently the easiest and most valuable ones like getting an extra water or two two draws on spice frying this is so sick like this good yeah it is like the best of Beyond this this is like s tier but this is like right right underneath it or in the same value like it's so you got it if you see this you got to take it away from people because this is a research station that doesn't cost water so yeah um match them first you can't match them uh go for the blue ones can't go for the blue ones um go for uh the the ones that give you bumps and whatnot so faction bumps such as Benny bump spacing bump really good um Harvest 3 is actually pretty easy overall um you're going to find some difficulty at hagab Basin but I got another small cheeko G cards like this supplement this so if there's only a single bonus spice that's two spice plus this card will make a GRE spice and you'll need that condition so if you find like you're not able to meet those conditions cards such as this will supplement you to finally realize it so um I would say respect the contracts because you're going to have to hit the emperor track at some point and if you're leaving it alone it means someone else is Domin that track and that means they're uncontested and so find a way to make it worth your while and the the easiest way is to match them or go for gloves yeah and the thing I also like about contracts too it it can give you some outs you know there are certain cards that will give you victory points if you have a certain number of contracts done if you can pick one of those up later in the game that's a point right there there's an entry card there's um the card were talking about earlier that reveals for a bunch of persuasion if you have a bunch of these completed it's just kind of nice you're already getting a decent effect from them um it's great action compression especially if you can get a couple of them like the two High Council ones for example really satisfying to get off gives you a two Solari High Council like a zero faction bump as well like um but yeah just having the flexibility of having a few completed contracts on the side just makes your life a lot better if you end up kind of drawing into some of those outs yep for sure sure and like it's nice to have that supplementary uh resource from out of nowhere like if you suddenly you know land yourself five salari for doing something that you're going to do anyway it's all the better right yeah that is hard to get salari on this new board if you don't do contracts I mean spice refiner is like the big obvious way but you know other people are going to be going there so if you're if you're not taking advantage of these you're counting on combat or maybe shipping if you uh you go the shipping route so these these cards although looking good on paper they actually hurt you so badly it has zero persuasion and you need four contracts F fielded and it's a high cost to buyo there was many games where I was involved and it it killed my game completely because I was trying to meet these conditions and it just created dead draws where I was like oh a persuasion and this and I was like oh my God just don't do this like you get you can probably win you can be stubborn about it but it's not worth it it's not worth the pain I I've I've done my reps I know what I'm talking about it's all I would feel much more comfortable picking them up if I had like three completed you know like if you're almost there but yeah picking these up from scratch early on the game I don't know it's like a gun pointed at your head like okay you better get these contracts done so my last one's a little bit more General but it's still important to point out and it's just having a game plan having a path to Victory because there's so much stuff going on on the board you can buy cool cards you can do all this stuff but if you're not ticking away at the victory points as you go through if you don't have a plan on how you're going to get them you will lose many games and it was true of the old dude Imperium it's even more true now because you can definitely get lost in some aspects of this game and end up at like three points at the end and you feel stupid you know it's just not a good feeling to have so having some goals as to how you're going to get these victory points I think makes a lot of sense I already talked about the faction tracks it's a g guaranteed way to get four victory points if you at least pay a little bit of attention to it throughout the game it can be even more victory points than that if you end up getting some alliances you get some synergies that allow you to play these uh to these faction tracks more we already kind of talked about how you want to have a decent concentration of faction access in your deck so you can be playing to these spots and um like other ways you can get points putting more persuasion in your deck maybe getting that High Council seat so you can get spice Miss flows through the mid late game um additionally certain cards obviously if you can pick up Victory Point generators that's going to be good for you playing into the entry cards you get of course as well and then kind of a big component of the game um and can be a very big path to Victory a lot of the time is preparing for that big three-point or fourpoint Victory combat at the end if you had you really it's so important especially if you're like third position or fourth position like you were saying Lannister being ready to go in on a big tier three combat with a worm to get all of these points in the end game I've seen so many games end like this so many games end in tragedy as well if you are planning to do it and someone comes in over the top of you you just need to be prepared for that last combat or to deny someone else that last combat because that many victory points can steal the game if the person has been doing their due diligence and getting the other points they need along the way so doing that due diligence means having the five Spice for highliner or the four Spice for Sardar if you have the card that lets to stand those troops in having like a reasonable Garrison going into the tier 3s having worm access so you yourself can double the rewards if you happen to win it's just a lot of things you want to keep in the back of your mind because you don't want to be caught off guard at the end of the game when there's really nothing you can do someone else is just marching off to Victory because they're the only ones with five spites at the board uh I don't know if you have any other uh kind of thoughts on all that uh I would say yeah managing your resources is very important um going back to what you said as well I think this a very key to it um when you have that choice of using War City and uh P it out again this so um for these particular CS they're really great for Point Generations but you need to be cognizant of what state of gameplay you're you're so what I mean by that is if it's turn six and turn seven at the end of turn six you can choose to spend this stuff but you have to manage your resources well if you elect to spend this on turn six you're you're saying to yourself you're leaving the mercy of the table in other people's hands what does that mean if you spend Four Spice How likely are you to be able to imun a highliner or a sard of car not very likely and if you spent your salari how like there you can meet that combat condition of paying 12 salar for initial two points not very likely so when you use these cards turns two three four five no problem spend them however you want to spend them but be very cognizant that if you want to be battle ready and if you if you see someone threatening something you might have to give this up and just wait the turn so like uh for example if I'm holding coin City in my hand and turn turn five uh sorry turn six and I know turn Seven's coming up and no one else looks prepared I might just get the five instead of playing it together or or this I might just you know reveal for an extra two spies if my spies on the biger because I would rather have the resources on hand to combat the person who's about to end the game because a tier TI three conflict has so much potential look at this double points double points that's four points if it's matching it's five point you can't outpace that with your horn City and your SP saen like even if you you talk about the combo I did that's three points in one turn well look at that that's five points right you need to weigh your options and make sure that you're managing your resources very well especially on turn six turn seven turn six if other people are ready if the other people are prepared to take on the the the big dog at the table third third position being the big dog go ahead spend your stuff but if everyone looks like they're gassed out and you are the only one left with the guns you got to got to get ready to do that you can't just solitary your way like that'll just lose you the game and I think that's a very take guys and you were saying earlier you haven't been uh depending on these big combats as much to like in your more recent game to get those wins which is surprising to me because my impression like first learning this game was like yeah like I think everything's going to be about these big tier 3es you have to be ready if you don't win it you're going to lose that kind of stuff so I'm interested to hear like what has your path been to get these wins without these conflicts the path to victory for me is f and bumps and get [ __ ] some slows very very quickly so a lot of times people are um aiming for this their spico slows around turn five turn six I actually get them as early as turn three turn four so I have an accelerated level of play and I also Target my uh my pairs very aggressive like people know that they will have to spend the whole town on me if they challenge me on my Pairs and um I can lead pretty well in regards to combat so it it helps um so I can manage myself like I can elect to you know lick my wound and save my resources or I can Hammer home like I'm pretty precise when it comes to combat so when I aim for I usually get it or I go up with minimal losses set go for back so um Point generators are very good but I would say um a lot of the first three four turns is me ignoring combat and five six seven I just that that point yeah and I think you have H one tip left Lin whenever possible always Lin it it's so in you got to you got to get your resources from that and you can deny resources from that it's really really important it's if you empty out your garrisons and you just are not participating in any conflict with three straight rounds let's just take three random conflicts if three people are in conflicts every round and one person is putting in one troop every round that's three spice or sorry two spice a water and two troops for the third place ver every time that's going to come back by because when you're chasing traps you're not getting these resources either right but imagine this guy going to per Basin getting two spice and now he gets Three Spice in a troop right that's that's massive that's that's like halfway to a high ler where you going to get that right so you got to limp it whenever possible don't necessarily aim to win but always look to limp and when you're done charging up that limp resource you just charge in on one or two combats and you should you know succeed yeah agreed it goes back to the importance of having that Garrison so you can limp in like we were saying and then additionally the third place rewards like for one troop in general are are very solid like very good and a lot of times you're getting that troop back so you can Li it in the future and then sometimes like there'll only be two people in the combat so you can get a very cheap second place and some of the second place combat Wars in this are just so good this one gives you four Solari and a troop very good for getting your high ccel sword master online yeah I completely agree no I I I think uh for one particular time I saw someone live with one worm and got second place and that was eight Solaria and two troops there so gusting I know the worm limp you know the hoga Basin with a troop or two yep I mean we we went through a lot of stuff but I would say the most important thing is an early game concept build your deck it's a it's definitely a death Builder it's very important don't kill your your troop base that is also very important um and don't spend your water aggressively um spend it aggressively in the first two turns but beyond the first two turns you got to save up that water and I would say that's one of the most important things the water saving uh the deck building the first two turns and as well as linking it those those are my top three I would say important things for up if you can manage those three things you can probably succeed pretty okay perfect any uh any other thoughts to add before we uh finish this up um no I I just I'm just glad that we uh we had a a blast and uh um I can't wait to to play as man in person so oh yeah I'm excited too although you say this now we'll see we're gonna we're gonna be back be like please forgiveness please n I'm just kidding thank you so much for joining me your Insight is like invaluable you have so much experience you're very talented at this game and I'm sure a lot of people appreciate it as well no I like I said I I've always been a big fan of yours so you know I just didn't know I was a fan of The Iron Giant so yeah I know I have to make myself look taller on the cam now stretch out a little bit I feel like CJ looks tall when you see him you know yeah yeah absolutely I I I I expected him to be the hype was but you totally catfished me so
Channel: Orski
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Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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