Showing @Rarran the most TOXIC cards from Magic: the Gathering | Legends

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] nice [Laughter] hello hi it's me it's CGV and raren is here say hi raren hey he left the pet his cat she's no she's in my frame she's in my frame she she's just on the couch behind me what's your cat's name her name is Moon all right right all right so hi it's me it's cgb we're here with moon and someone named raren to uh rate and review Legends cards cards from the that are not legendary necessarily but they are from the set Legends are you hyped to rate and try to guess the price of some old cards yeah absolutely especially after it went so well last time I remember I actually have a it framed on my wall I'm just not going to turn my camera so you guys can't see it it literally says I did perfect in the last cgb video not not prices though and like not prices it's hard to do well in prices but that's all right that's part of the fun so the we're going to get the expansion stuff right Legends this was released on June 1st in 1994 my God were you like alive nope I was was 1996 oh my goodness so we're talking real Boomer magic cards here yeah this this set was the first set to introduce multicolored cards which would go on to be a serious staple for magic every set has them now and if you I know that you've talked about this uh you're a Hearthstone player in Hearthstone the ability to like kind of Smash classes together or create like your own mix of classes uh would be pretty cool right it would be the greatest thing on the planet also they've done dual class cards before and they have been very successful uh but they didn't introduce dual class cards until 2020 uh so it hasn't been that and they don't do it too often either I listen I behind the scenes I have been begging the developers to give us something that lets me do dual class cards thank you for listening if any developers are watching I was I was with you at BlizzCon we sat next to a developer you Ted talked them hard for like for really long so bad okay you you were pitching like an elevator like Silicon Valley teex start going to go to raner but listen if they're so successful in Magic right if people love them they continue printing dual class cards in Magic I haven't I done it in stone let me make a deck with warlock and Rogue and let me see what happen sorry I'm going to cut him off cut him off show him a card I'll just stick a card in his face here that'll help so here's your first card we're going to start off with some of the multicolor Legends for you to evaluate okay I'm waiting oh I sent it to the wrong person I should have just not s anything and just see where you no just keep waiting it's fine oh my God I forgot how ugly these cards look ugly they just hurt my eyes looking at it these belong in a museum these are relics of our past they really do is this daon D maybe Black Blade D Black Blade Two neutral one black two blue one white the Stars below equal oh okay like the stats okay the stats below equal the number of lands you control oh so in order for you to play this card you need what six Mana which you know in turn basically means six land so when you play this card on average it's a 66 for six that's not very good this card does scale and in Magic I I was reminded of this recently cuz I I started play Magic again uh your stats or you get fully healed at the end of your upkeep right or end of combat forget what it is the yes the creature does not keep damage from turn to turn so that's a big deal um and the more you summon CU you can like there's instant lands right I'm not sure if it was during this kind of set but your opponent can go for a like a an attack and then you instant summon a land and it gets bigger and then they get absolutely rolled because they're like what the hell I am unaware of instant summoning lands okay just listen I was dreaming big right um you've been listening to chat too much I'm imagine if that was in the game I'm just saying it would go hard I I will say there are cards that there are spells you can cast like instance that can potentially put a land onto the battlefield but lands themselves can't be played as instance okay now were those kind of spells that you just described in the game during the set no oh okay I'm going to be honest with you I wouldn't really want to play this card just because of the fact that it is kind of just like a vanilla creature that scales I guess a little bit more every single turn you can play a land but by the time you play this I feel like there's way better stuff you can do cuz what is this a 66 six Mana for 66 that's not good enough I feel like that's better stuff in Magic uh almost guaranteed right and you show me like last this is the set after the last one you showed me right uhhuh yeah this card's Bad final answer uh you are you are correct I I was wondering if you'd remember kind of where our meta lives at this point where it's very hard to get a good creature and it's very easy to get a lot of ways to deal with creatures and Magic is mostly about card advantage and kind of grindy windc cons creatures themselves didn't end games very often before this set came out and there was a lot of interest right away in the legendary creatures but this was not one of the better ones however the one thing I want to tell you with the introduction of legendary creatures so um we know a little bit about commander in the future Commander the rise of Commander as a format would mean that legendary creatures kind of get this second life because they're the champion of your deck you start with them in your command Zone and you can play them every game and you build your deck around their identity the other thing about Legends it's a new card type at the time you could only have one of the Legend on the field at the time so okay like your opponent couldn't have a Dak and Black Blade as well there's some history to the legend rule actually comments go ahead and write me a novel about exact the exact history of the legend rule I believe the way it worked at this phase was if I played a dhen and you had a daken you could not play your daken what oh wow in the future in the future you would play a dhen and I would have to sacrifice my daken that was a legend rule there was also a period of time where if I played a dhen and you played a dhin both daens died like the legend there could only be one or none or something I don't know it was bizarre the way the legend rule works now is each player can only control one makes sense but back then I'm pretty sure you could just only have one on the field at all I'm surprised they changed the rules so often for that I I it's I mean it has been like 30 years that's I guess that's fair I I'm surprised I didn't think of it like imagine buying this new set and you're like oh I can't wait to play with dhin but like and then your opponent plays you're like oh I just wasted all this money and now I can't even play the legendary cards like what if there's one thing I plan to prove to you with these old school videos it's that the player experience wasn't a very high priority uh so yeah dhen was potentially big tough dude with sword but big tough dude with sword not good enough for back in the day makes sense makes sense I'm I'm calling so let's see if this was good enough [ __ ] is that oh I know this guy he's the big dragon in Magic arena in the tutorial uh Nicole Bolas right that's his name uh two neutral Mana two blue two black to Red flying an opponent damage by this card must discard entire hand ignore this effect of opponent has no cards left in hands pay one blue one black one red during your upkeep or this card is buried what does that what does buried mean it goes directly to the graveyard and you can't regenerate it or save it with other effects uh nowadays it would be templated as sacrifice it okay so but when your upkeep happens you get all your Mana back right you untap your lands and you yeah can use them again for a turn cycle yes oh my God okay okay so so you have to hit them without your opponent blocking this card and during this time minions weren't very good this is very expensive very expensive but if you do get to swing with this that means your opponent can only have one card ever just because of the fact that they have to like they get to draw a card on their turn but I don't know I feel it's really bad just because it's so expensive and probably by that point in the game I don't think youron is going to have a lot of cards to begin with unless like actually you did show me a lot of really good draw oh my God see now this is weird because I I think he's such a significant part of Magic's lore that I feel like if they printed a card for this character like he would have to be good but I don't know man this is like it's way too slow in Hearthstone like what is this eight Mana if I got to attack your face you discard your whole hand like that's nuts this is flying too I guess so your opponent does need another flying minion or I forget what the other mechanic is to block a flying minion reach reach um God I don't this is tough cuz I don't know how much it really matters to discard your opponent's hand at that time cuz if if you're going to hit seven you're going to hit seven face you're probably already winning the game I I don't know I think this is a win more card I probably think this is not very good you are very correct this is a winmore card that is not very good it was probably the most popular of What's called the Elder Dragon cycle there are five of these and they each represent a three-color uh they would go on to be called not wed Shard they represent A three-color Shard three different colors playing together um and there were so there were five of these dragons this was the best one that captured the most imagination but still at the end of the day too expensive and not very good people definitely tried to force it and as cards were printed in Magic there's a card called shallow grave which says take the top creature in Your Grave yard put it into play Give It haste it can attack this turn then sacrifice it that card was only two Mana so there were a lot of things that you would use shallow grave to cheat into play to get their effect some people did that with Bolas but when this card was new when Legends was the new set this was a card people tried to force but was not actually good okay now we didn't we didn't do price guess I was going to say that to you I was going to say that yeah we missed it we missed it uh let's let's revisit dhen really quick okay cuz D and sets a good Baseline many of these cards have been reprinted I will let you know in anytime it's reprinted cuz that's only fair uh dhen has been reprinted how much do you think an original Legends print of Dak and Black Blade and especially with legendary creatures Commander was a factor I would expect something like this that's been reprinted a bunch of times to not be you know more than $10 but commanders from the first set with Legends it might might help a little okay so these are more expensive than that but it seems like they're not super expensive let's go with 150 150 for dhen yeah how about $81 didn't quite break a 100 didn't quite break a 100 he he isn't the most popular of the commanders either so all right we'll take that information cha-ching cha-ching and we'll apply it to Nicole Bolas who did capture for at least a period of time the hearts and Minds uh fun fact about commander commander as a format was originally developed around it was called Elder Dragon Highlander it was called that because the people who originally invented the format would each pick one of the Elder Dragon Legends see on Nicole Bolis where it says Elder Dragon Legend yeah so that the original commanders were the Elder Dragon Legends each player would pick one of them they would build with only the colors represented on the card and that would be their Commander so in ways Nicole Bolas is one of the fathers of the format one of the first commanders ever used shout out to Nicole Bolas who also looks very very nice reading his book oh yeah he's he's very grumpy though if you ever meet him on Arena he says a cool voice lines did you ago holy [ __ ] is that him that was me are you impressed I remember kicking his ass in the tutorial though yeah you're very talented thank you thank you he said I was like the best duelist he's ever seen I don't know if he said that to you it's nothing like beating monor red is it oh it you know what it does feel really good to be monor red one of the best feelings in the world especially when they missplay it feels really good yes it gets me excited it's an immediate recue uh for price by the way for this one I'm going to go with 250 250 for an original Nicole Bullis yeah I forgot to mention it has been printed but that's fine uh you did good anyway uh it's uh I'm it's 185 okay I'll take good yep 185 pretty good I bet it's been 250 at a few times in its history by the way just looking card and for Card Market like like the market was at a like Peak during pandemic and it's kind of trailing down so I bet during pandemic this was 250 okay I'll take it okay so I've showed you two unplayable Legends uh here is another one another Legend Soul canar the swap the oh my what did I just say the swap the swamp King two neutral one red one black one blue uh this card controller gains One Life each time a black spell is cast and it's a 5 five okay but like here's the thing right you have to do one red and one blue like this is this is insane like you're the way your lands have to line up feel like it this is just not worth the the actual condition here also how Okay has this always been a rule cuz I noticed this in Arena yesterday is that you can go above 20 Life Like There's No Cap correct so you could keep you can go like 21 22 23 at this point in time yep okay and it's one black spell but oh no controller gains I was going to say whenever why is the text worded like this too it's kind of like really weird like how it just says swamp walk and then it just moves down cuz I guess swamp walk's actually what the effect is called but then what uh no swamp walk is something else would you like to know what swamp walk is oh is it a mechanic it is oh okay yeah that's probably important for the analysis here cuz I'm going to say this car is bad until you said that okay are you ready yeah what is it swamp walk means if your opponent controls a swamp you cannot block this it's like it sneaks through the opponent's swamp and hits them in the face okay so okay hold on that makes this a lot better uh wow okay hold on a second cuz you're showing me all these like multicolor Legends which means if I had to guess people were definitely trying those out like the the multiple lands and such and I'm sure there's like more supporting cards that wants you to play with multiple lands so the chance if your opponent having a swamp is pretty likely I would imagine uh which means this is like a free five damage every single turn unless they can actually interact with it I mean that's better than the other two cuz it it's a wind it's two sorts of win condition the life gain and the five damage to go I mean this one's yeah it's better than the other two the question is it actually good cuz it's also cheaper that's a bigger deal I mean the con is not that expensive but this is I'm going to say this was probably pretty good I think the ability to like gain life is just very rated probably at this time there doesn't seem like there's a lot of cards that actually did that and it's a free five damage as well and then you can block whenever you need to I guess it Taps when you attack still right yes no I still think it's good it's probably it's better than the other two so I'm going to go with it's good nicely done uh Soul canar the swamp King was actually played and a decent card uh much to the surprise of many people it is not a great card by any kind of modern like standards but in its day when you're talking about the creatures that you could play we showed you zuam Xin during Arabian Nights that was four Mana for a 55 right if your opponent had the xinn and you had the soul canar like the you could you were your 55 was unblockable but you were gaining life when they cast Black spells and when you cast Black spells so you could often win that race even though you were a Mana more expensive yeah that black was a really popular color so this G life when the opponent cast spells as well and it was just kind of a like oddly a decent card compared to cards like this this is not a card for you to evaluate I will tell you it's trash right now but this is like it's really funny that they created this set called Legends and then they released cards like jedit o oenin and it's seven Mana for a generic five5 like most of the Legends were terrible yeah the fact that it doesn't even have like an effect either that's just like flavor text as well right I will say my God that is a scary looking tiger thing the cards were really popular because the art and the multicolored was something people really wanted like it gave them reasons to try these combinations of colors but most of them just aren't good and it's a very strange characteristic of a set that introduced legends that most of the cards are so bad that Soul canar the swamp King is one the rare exceptions and I'm impressed that you got it because I wanted to show you these creatures up front to set the stage for maybe some of the other cards so that you'll understand how it's all going but you're you're you're on top of it you got this I will say because you showed me that one after the two other ones it was just more of like comparing it like that it can't be the worst thing in the world if if I'm comparing it to the other two so I I'll still take it I'll still take it too easy should I well if it's too easy guess what here comes the price guessing right right um now the real question is would this card be more valuable than bullas I don't know I don't think so good question this card has been reprinted I don't know let's go for like let's go for 100 $100 for so canar the swamp King Legends Edition yeah $51 51 it didn't and the test of time nobody really wants to play this anymore there's such better cards how is daon worth more than that though he like so daon is an interesting like weird Commander card in the fact that there are very few esper cards deon's like a green card there are ton of cards in green that say power and toughness equal a number of lands you control they're almost none in esper so it's a bizarre building experiment for people who like having a lot of lands but don't like playing Green if that makes sense it's a it's unique in its role I got you I got what you're saying um what the hell is esper oh good question esper is the it's the codish name The Shard name for the color combination of blue black and white okay I'm just going to call it multicolor boy I don't know and I'm not going to sit here and try to tell you what grixis and bant colors are cuz you won't remember anyway and the comments just have at it there's there's absolutely no way I would remember them 100% 100% all right I am going to show you another Critter but then we're g to move on to some other fun card types okay o more fun card types what the hell is this okay so this a completely different color so this one's actually all red so that means that that actually Chang to a red background see that pickup right there that was crazy good job dude look at the text on this card what the hell okay one Mana 3 red Tempest I think that's a e or is that a g uh it's an e e EIT EIT Tempest EIT sure we'll go with that um I think that the little T is tap correct correct okay pick a so you tap you pick a card random from your opponent's hand and place it in yours bury this card in your opponent's graveyard the change in ownership is permanent what that's awesome play as an interrupt but opponent May prevent effect by paying 10 life points or conceding the game before the card is Switched is chosen if this is wait I'm sorry are they saying like you get to you're you're now the owner of that card they are so you're basic if my card is worth $500 and you're about to steal it from me I just have to like pay 10 life points are conceded so you don't steal that card from me who's enforcing that like what bro I would shake the guy in the parking lot if he thought he was gonna take my $500 card what okay sorry if this okay sorry play as an interrupt but opponent May prevent a fact by paying 10 left points or conceding the game before it can be switched as chosen if this is done Tempest effort is buied effects that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter this loss of life remove this card from the deck if not playing for anti okay so if your opponent doesn't agree to the terms and conditions of this card you have to remove it that is what okay I I I put this in because I wanted to do a little I wanted to share the the rule of anti with you most people are unfamiliar with this if they started magic outside of the 9s and I think it's fun to share with the audience in Magic was designed to be played for atie it was in the original rule book The first thing you do in every game you bring your deck opponent brings theirs Shuffle cut the opponent's deck flip the top card you are playing for that card The Winner Takes all oh okay both players are supposed to anti one card every game and Winner Takes all that is incredibly spicy that is how magic was meant to be played as Richard Garfield intended is the meme that people use cuz he designed the game um so there are cards that specifically relate to anti I doubt I'll show you other ones in the future they're just banned all over the place um and because of that they're kind of just little side note to Magic history but they do things like you may switch the anti card with any card in your deck and you have to anti an additional card to get this effect but yeah there's about 10 cards of Magic history that are just basically messing with the stakes of the game and who gets what cards when you win what do you think playing for atie would be like as a new player it depends who I'm going against and what cards we're talking about here if the cards were given to me or they're from like a commander like pre- pre-built deck I think the the stakes matter a lot less but if I'm playing like my command like if I'm playing like what's his name go let's go back in time here for a second to the con right and you think you're stealing my the con for example with antie my God I would be infuriated yeah I wouldn't play the game like I I wouldn't I think like I'm not personally a gambler um I don't bet like ever so the thought process of like oh I just want to play a fun game of magic and then you go to the table and the guy's like what's your auntie and then you flip your card and you saw that I I just get up and leave there's no way yeah grab your stuff and run right and just don't play the game yeah like no you can't make me you over you know from my cold dead hand you will take this card in the parking lot I and and that honestly was the experience you know I started out we read the rule book my sister and I and we played for anti 90% of my anti games were against my sister and yeah i' just go into her room when she wasn't home and steal my card back [ __ ] you you don't get to keep this it's my card that's incredible I I couldn't imagine I really couldn't imagine it's it's also in I think it's very smart from other card games that they didn't pick up that rule cuz that is that is too scary dude I couldn't imagine especially cuz cards are so expensive when you're young like buying a booster pack feels like I'm I'm literally paying for a down payment on my house when I was like eight or whatever right so I couldn't imagine pulling a good card and then you have to put that up for Stakes dude I would lose my mind that would be atrocious now at least it was your sister cuz you know same household I'm sure you can get your card back but against a random opponent like it it becomes so much more stressful unfun you really lose what makes m exciting I would imagine because you're just also it's also a trading card game right so can you imagine losing the game maybe some cheap salty Ali from Cairo BS right and then the person takes your card looks at you and goes what's it worth to you I have like 20 of these but you know what are you going to give me for it just to taunt you that's crazy I I have never I have never been able to really fully wrap my head about why it was a part of the game and and it's definitely not a part of the game now I just wanted to like I really want to share it with you I listen Okay I'm going to take a very interesting perspective here which is have you ever watched the Yu-Gi-Oh anime before do you have any idea how the Yu-Gi-Oh anime is ran I saw the very first episode with blue eyes white dragon and basically there's a concept in the show that like if you lost you got sent to the shadow realm right so you you add like it from an audience perspective Ive it adds a little bit more Stakes you're more invested even though it's like a children's show like you're way more invested to see who wins the battle because you know if yui got sent to the shadow realm you're like oh [ __ ] like what this is a big deal now right so I'm thinking from that perspective like from an audience perspective if they wanted the game to be more exciting for like people who are not invested into the card game themselves to be like oh like you hear the the murmurings from the you know picture this right you hear the murmurings in the audience like yo that card's worth $100 he's going to lose him oh my God and then the guy who's like doesn't give a [ __ ] is like holy [ __ ] actually $100 and now they're invested right yeah so I that's true I think that would be the perspective now from a game design perspective dude that was that's the stupidest decision I've ever made in my life cuz if if that's the if there was there wasn't a card game really before magic right like that was the card game to play yeah the first TCG yeah collectible card game it's weird that they thought that that was necessary to put in because they want people to get into this like Niche but why would I want to get into this Niche if I'm about to risk something that's worth like you know a pretty substantial like price point it's it's very very interesting I think it's from like an audience perspective but I don't know it'd be interesting to see what has he ever spoke about it now and like I'm sure I'm sure it's somewhere online I've never like read anything about that they've said about the development of anti but that is interesting maybe you can do the history of anti someone someone in the comments write a write an essay for me please yeah yeah point us in the right direction uh anyways this card by the way in case you curious about that I think it's bad um unless you're playing for anti like I feel like it's really hard to evaluate this because you're you're probably playing this card specifically because of the anti rule so if that doesn't apply then like this card is just unplayable I'm sure you can come up with all kinds of terrifying scenarios where they played this and oh my God what did I do but yeah this card was banned in all forms of compe Play Because anti itself was banned in all forms of competitive play which is in itself a weird development from financially speaking this card got reprinted in fourth edition which is a couple years away at this point which means they were still holding on to atie like oh I was to ask did they reprint it yeah cuz if if they reprinted they keep they kept the exact same text on it right they yeah one time they reprinted it so what the hell I mean I mean if it's banned it can't be that valuable right I don't like I don't 15 bucks $15 yeah $16 good job dude let's go huge nailing it oh my gosh that might be the closest we've uh come on a straightup guess I think so I don't know such a it's a really strange design really strange it and now I got to have my auntie talk and I'm very happy uh I think in a virtual setting I think it's a it could be a lot more fun like if I was cuz Haron I don't know if magic does this but Haron has these sometimes they do these things called heroic Braums which is you put up $1,000 $1,000 1,000 gold and what I was like if it was 1,000 bucks would be insane but you put up 1,000 gold which is roughly 10 packs in Hearthstone it is 10 packs not even roughly I know what the hell I'm saying but uh basically like if you lose three times you're out of the bra CM but the more you go up to 12 wins the higher rewards you get and it is a lot of fun because it adds a competitive aspect to the game cuz Hearthstone is mainly casual I wonder what the game would be like like in Magic if they had a rule set that was like you put up a card and that's what you're fighting for and see how popular that game mode would be cuz I wonder if people would like really appreciate the competitive aspect of it now if you lose your car to a monor ret I mean you may just uninstall magicarena I'm not sure but I I might it could be could can you imagine the rage quits oh my God maybe oh my God probably you know in hset maybe they ban monor right I'm not sure that would you know that I would that would be a price I'd be happy to pay that would be nice there's actually okay uh there is a developers have talked about this in hearstone I don't think they're ever going to do it I think it' be like a bad decision but they've talked about how when you queue up for ladder you can ban a class you don't want to play against um would you pay a premium so that you never have to go against monor red yes what is it take my money yes knowing Wizards 10 grand a year or a day I mean a day would be crazy they they know how to get money out of Wales dude who knows oh yeah oh yeah it's just interesting to think about it because like if you did the how The Meta game would change so drastically because you wouldn't have to consider like monor red and etc etc but I don't know God I'm trying to think think of what that number would be the one that wouldn't make me feel stupid but would be outrageous enough to make me pause but then I eventually pay it when I'm angry enough is it like 50 a day is it 60 a day 100 a day well if you think about okay this is we're going really off tangent here but think about it 50 if you're if you have the money paying $50 a day you never see monor red again you would play a lot more magic theoretically right so if you really enjoy magic and you think monor red is truly ruining your experiencing your experience in standard like it you know is that is that worth it for you to get your entertainment for magic maybe we got to shut this down we have to shut this down because the second they get there like Wizard's ears ever hear this I'm going to be broke but if okay we're going up another level here theoretically if they do implement this in the game right it' be like this conversation potentially right so then you could sue them for rights Andor I don't know your property and then maybe they just give you that access for free I would like to say here on uh in public with absolutely no pressure on me whatsoever I I I yeah don't don't be mad at me Wizards there that's it I would totally not sue you for taking things I would sue how yeah okay yeah anyway this guy might all right uh cool lawyers let me know do I have a case all right so tangent we got to get it we got to get off this it's going to cost problems it's going to cause so many problems all right I've shown you some creatures you have some context let's talk about this card nether void uh three neutral one black enchant worlds okay so this is what an artifact a land it is an enchantment an enchant world is a new type of Enchantment okay all spells cast are countered unless the Caster play their Caster pays an additional three bner holy [ __ ] so an enchant world is basically an enchantment I know stupid but enchantments just sit on the battlefield like artifacts you know they're an effect you put it on the battlefield and it's an effect that applies to some part of the game uh they're permanent they stay on the battlefield until removed by a card that specifically removes an enchantment or permanent an enchant world is a new type of Enchantment there can only be one enchant World on the entire Battlefield at a time now let me ask you a question mhm uh does black in this expansion or I guess with the cards available have the capability of a building like an aggro type duck with creatures wait when you say all spells that is that creatures as well yes creatures are spells wait this is huh to answer your question potentially like but like is it going to be a beautiful one two three curve as you know it probably not it's going to probably be Mana cheating early to cast one of those big black creatures and hope it can run away with the game I got to think about Hearthstone terms here would I pay four man Mana to basically say all spells cost an additional three that's really good if I can build my deck for that but I have guaranteed Mana so I don't have to worry about drawing lands and I can get stuff on the board early enough potentially for this to be a really really good card that being said majority of the time this probably hurts you just as much and you also are the one paying the uh the Mana to get this in play so you would have to really build your deck for this to be so annoying for your opponent but doesn't matter nearly as much for you but I still feel like this hurts you just as much if not more like I don't know why you would put that I obviously there's there has to be something that was release with this that like helps you win the game or maybe they just printed this just to be funny I'm not sure I I can't see a world where this is insane like like good good I feel like this is bad like for you specifically all spells are countered unless they cast Cas pay additional three I mean the only real circumstance I think this is going to be good is if you have creatures on your board already and then you drop this so the question is How likely is that to be the case I don't know if that's that likely without seeing the rest of the pool so I'm going to go that this card is bad but I'm going to take a little bit of a cop out here like I think this card can be broken if you can build a deck for this but it's it's really hard to gauge whether or not this card is playable just depending on what the rest of the cards look like but I'll go to bad just to give an answer okay I think I'm going to give you full credit of on that one because this card is a skill test and it was amazing for Pub stomping because people who had like some fast Mana like the moxes or just played with dark ritual Black Lotus would get out one of those black creatures xam Xin from Arabian Knights or hypnotic Spectre which is a two Mana tutu that when it hits you you have to discard a card which is very mean it's a flyer too um Solen AR swamp King that we covered they would just basically try to get out one big creature and slam this card and because a lot of players didn't know how to build decks back then they just would not be able to cast spells the rest of the game and it was a very much a Pay to Win card in that way because if you had the best cards you just played some of those cards that were better rate than your enemies and then you play this and they never play anything else I yeah I can see that it very mean like and like I remember when I said that during this period it didn't seem like they really valued the player experience this is a good example of that can you just imagine having to pay three more for every spell yeah some decks just lose right yeah it and there were there wasn't a lot of understanding of curve that you're supposed to play a oneon-one a two on two and a three on three back then there was just a lot of here's my cool cards here's my dakam Black Blade right here's my Nicole Bolas yeah but yeah so nice of them to print those huge expensive leg legends that were very with with cool art cool characters that you want to play in the same set they give you this one they they they give you this you never get to cast those things they were expensive already just forget about it yeah yeah I can see what like this is like in if this was printed in Hearthstone this would probably be like the most one of the most hated cards in the game um I'm yeah I'm going to get a little Flack for saying it was a skill test and that it was actually a pretty bad card at the time but that is I think a good good St have looking back on the situation people will swear by this card but it was very much like okay I get ahead because I have Superior cards and then this locks it up whereas when you played this against somebody on an even setting if you were like at parody or behind this card didn't do much other than extend the game longer and longer so yeah yeah yeah it's it's what it's not like maybe it's described as a win a win more card maybe like it's it's weird cuz in the right I would describe it it doesn't win at all it's it's like a just nobody wins in a way what I mean is like if you're ahe on board already and then you play this card like you probably won the game like how do they how does your opponent even interact with what you're doing at that point like they're so far behind every single time and you're getting this chip damage from Minions that you or creatures that you already have on board but if you don't have those creatures on board like this card is nothing so like it only I think it would only be considered like a win more card like how else do you play this card I don't know it's really it really really horrible design like just strictly as a game design like it's it's not it's not fun for anyone like it just makes the overall experience worse with what what you're describing but most importantly I feel like this is the type of card that would leave such a Negative impression on your experience that you wouldn't want to play Magic for a little bit or ever come back to it like it'd be such a detrimental experience that you'd probably be like why like what are they doing like why would they print a card like this and like this is after like what this is like the fourth expansion third expansion so yeah we are on expansion number three so counting the core set where four sets in so they're they're they've already learned like a little bit I theoretically I guess they it's not the same cuz they can't get like immediate feedback from like the internet but I don't know that's that's tough that's that's tough this was like probably a big learning experience for them hopefully hopefully oh my God I can't wait to see what you think of some of these other cards um so nether void what's also really funny I swear to God there was somebody in very early game design who just loved keeping everybody from playing Magic because this would be an ongoing theme but this is still a thing like there are there is an audience out there for people who just want to stop everybody from playing Magic and turn it into whatever this does just uh it is weird prison they call it prison type effects where you just lock everything down um anyway you got some guesses on this card this nethervoid this enchant world how much it would go for and I'll tell you let me tell you first okay they didn't reprint it it's on the they did not reprint it okay and it's on the reserve list it cannot be reprint so this one's actually worth probably more money uh just as a collectible of what was for magic so let's go for like 250 250 yeah it would go for $542 for a nether void I would say by the way like out of all the art you showed me so far I do think this one is the nicest looking like I think the overall like art fits really nicely on the black border of a card and this was something I would hang on my wall I don't know if that you feel the exact same way I think it looks art is subjective this looks like a this reminds me of What's called the sandboard on Arena it looks like [ __ ] I don't know why you said that I hate the sandboard on Arena it reminds me of the sandboard on Arena maybe you'll learn someday I think it looks pretty nice I don't know I like it like it's like a dragon or something that's like coming out or like a big lizard I don't know let's keep the fun designs coming Moe okay uh two neutral two white non-flying creatures cannot attack okay so this is this is an enchantment wow that's just it just it's right to the point just [ __ ] your [ __ ] your nonf flying creatur wow that is dude okay I know in the context of magic currently you said creatures are generally just not great but imagine you're paying like so much money for let me go back in time here real fast for him is bullas flying he was flying okay yeah for uh the SW Black Blade the swamp King sure he is and you're like yeah I just spent all my Mana for that card I can't wait to play it and attack with it and then they play this hell let's go back to Colossus of sardia the 99 for9 yeah like you play your big meatball you're so excited to swing with it because one of the best feelings in hearstone is when you attack with a big minion cuz like the you you hear like you feel the noise is how I'm going to describe it because it just feels so good to swing with it and they play Mo and you're like okay I guess I'm just not playing this game anymore because this card is again it's like a it's almost like uh nether void but this is actually probably even worse to play against sometimes just because this might just stop your entire wi condition like they if they don't have a card in your deck that says or their deck sorry that says destroy an enchantment and their entire win condition is based off creatures that don't fly like how do they win the game like they're just going to sit there like you just have to get up and lose you lose your anti as well potentially right so I don't know man I feel like this was good like this is a good card it's not that expensive it doesn't hurt you whatsoever because you can build your deck for this I obviously don't know what flying creatures White had at the time but this is a card that can single-handedly win you the game game so I'm sure this card was played this card is busted okay it's so good it was so good back in the day they didn't know what to do when it hit the battlefield oh my godh it remember when I told you about my Library of Alexandria that just nobody knew like I had it they didn't and I just got to laugh at them yeah moat was like that too you just slam a moat and they look at you like huh what yeah if I played this today against my wife who I've been teaching Commander for the last few years she would quit the game like it she would be gone out the doorame whatsoever dude this is gross this is a gross card this is like oh my God yeah it would be especially in the early days of har why did they design these cards what the [ __ ] another beautiful piece of Designing for the gamer experience maybe for this set they were like okay we're going to really try some stupid stuff and see what sticks and what doesn't like what what we can design for it cuz I I I don't know the logic behind this card but it is yeah it probably shouldn't be printed this card would be banned I think in Yu-Gi-Oh that's how atrocious card is and Yu-Gi-Oh has some pretty [ __ ] cards like that's wild all righty this card is on the reserved list it cannot be reprinted um so it's only here in Legends how much would you pay for a moat okay if nethervoid was 500 ot's a better card than it uh but it's not a black card it's a white card I'm still going to go for like $ 750 $750 yeah you can get aote for $1,090 one90 you could you could you could probably get a real mode around my house for about that much probably [Laughter] less that's L wait is this C legal in any format this is legal in Commander it's also legal in Legacy and vintage but Commander is the one where I'm pretty sure if you play this you're going to get like run out of the store oh oh my God yeah you you'd be banned they put a moat just for you yep yep that's disgusting I and and the interesting part I didn't get it ready for this video it's it's over there in a binder I have a moat a real one right right here right here in this Dojo of mine and every week when I make my commander video I just I wonder if today's the [Music] day I can't wait to see what's after those manage R oh God two blue counter Target spell at the beginning of your next main phase add X to your Mana pool where X is the casting cost of the target spell that's broken that's insane I don't even have to review this card it' be played in every like if this card is in hard it would be run in every every single back could be played in there is some context you need oh the rules of magic have changed over the years as we kind of revealed back in the day if you had Mana left in your Mana pool that you did not use you did what was called Mana burning you took one damage for every Mana you didn't use the turn when you get okay when you go back to your main phase you have a bunch more mana and then potentially you take damage CU you can't SP all that Mana that's what you're saying yep I listen I'm going to be honest with you I'm sure that was sometimes really relevant but most the time I wouldn't give a [ __ ] I think this is broken I think I would play if this card said to me next turn in Hearthstone take one damage for each unspent Mana you had I would still play this card so broken this is an instant right it is yeah broen yeah this card's [ __ ] busted dude it's so good sorry I was going to let me just pop off for a second here who cares about taking an extra point of damage because if you're putting manage right into your deck you could decide whether or not you want to counter a spell regardless but also if you have the Mana to spend the following turn this card is insane like arguably this might be the best card you've ever shown me like this is this this card is nuts this card is nuts sorry continue no you're right and what was it was really funny cuz back then counter spell was a real card counter spell is an iconic Magic card it's just blue blue counter Target spell incredibly popular card um that would eventually like they reprinted it a bunch of times in early magic and then they stopped reprinting it because it was too powerful the idea of Mana drain was that it was balanced around like use if they don't use that Mana you take a ton of damage what a crazy idea that was by the way the other cards I've shown you so far are rares manad drain is an uncommon oh so it's more popular yeah it was it was easier to get it was in theory cheaper it it's insane a insane card you know why honestly that might be the best card I've seen in any card game like I I this isn't this is a really broken card like if you're maybe not in Yu-Gi-Oh because yugu doesn't have a Mana resource system but like in harston this would be it would have to be nerfed like almost like the day it was printed yeah the the Mana you get is colorless so it can only pay generic costs but still that's just not like none of these things seem to matter when Mana drain happens uh it it really happens dude and this is a this is Mana cheating but like you also get to defend your this is gross like I hate look get it off my screen yeah in One V one it's that disgusting this card is not on the reserve list because it's an uncommon only rares got put on the reserve list was it reprinted though yes oh it's been reprinted it's been reprinted six times five times five or six times the important thing to know is that these reprintings were in commander sets these are not standard legal reprintings they were print reprintings specifically made to go into Commander because this card is very popular in Commander very popular oh it's okay I'm going to go with like probably for this one like 250 if they 250 yeah I this yeah yeah I think 250 is fair I don't it's it's really tough because I think owning this card like the original would be like a huge Flex because of how good it was but God I loved my copies what happened to your copies I sold them at some point a lot of these old cards I had but I sold when I went to college to pay for college right right right yeah yeah but my god did I love my Mana drains this disgusting the card's current me median price is $200 okay the card sold for $250 as recently as March of last year okay so it was $250 one year ago all right I'll take it good job not bad I found an easy way to pull up price history so I can even give you credit if it like sold recently for that amount nice yeah yeah now we're you're really getting there now gaming let's go man a freaking drain baby oh my God that's pretty nice it might be the best card I ever showed you it might be it legitimately has it's up there for sure top three I I'm trying to think of other cards I would I would think would be I mean Sher zad's the best card I've ever seen so that's number one what the [ __ ] is this art oh my God okay you're not going to put that on your wall obviously I'm putting that on my [Laughter] wall land tax for one white this an enchantment during upkeep if your opponent controls more land than you you may search your library and remove up to three basic land cards put them into your hand and reshuffle your library holy [ __ ] um God that sounds really good for one white you could just if you're going second you just your opponent you you put your you put your land down you play this card your opponent goes then your opponent gets a turn they play another land and then that you could use this effect every upkeep as long as they keep playing lands isn't that just broken like am I am I missing this text as well that if you're going second this is game wining on itself cuz that's insane um if you're going first I mean you could just skip a land but that doesn't sound optimal so 50% of the time you're you're doing really well I mean I'm going to be honest this card also seems very strong I'm sure this was banned as well cuz this seems very good yeah land tax is a very good card interestingly took a while to catch on um it was yeah yeah it it it wasn't like right away it wasn't right away in fact they I I would say when it first came out I didn't see it at all uh pre what we call fourth edition in like the early days of prom magic I didn't see it anywhere and then it got reprinted into fourth edition and it did get played a lot uh in the future and it when people did figure it out like they really figured it out at some point this card was restricted I think it was even banned for a period of time I want to tell you about the kind of game states that this creates so I've already shown you nether void which is things pay three more so lands are really valuable access to a whole bunch of land if you can picture that with nethervoid is like kind of like oh if you have land tax with the nether void then you have way more land than the opponent if you get even one activation off this means a big advantage in that scenario right right do you also remember some of the other cards I've shown you in the past like strip mine sacrifice it to destroy Target land a land that just blows up another land oh yeah oh this so this card turned into the weirdest games and what would happen often is somebody would play this card and again since the format wasn't super fast and creatures weren't that good and there were a lot of ways to Nerf creatures like it was all about this resource accumulation so if you play a land tax on turn two like you were saying it was often and it would happen often opponent just doesn't play a land and you just stare at each other so it's like go yeah so just go to endep discard to hand size because you can only have a Max of seven and you have to discard a card and players just stare at each other until somebody thinks they can like get enough of an advantage by breaking the LX standoff that somebody does something yeah that's dude that's a this it's so bad the design philosophies here are crazy that's really it was toxic man it was it was a horrible gaming experience and then of course if you just play into it your opponent's going to have all this land they pile lands into their hand they usually end up discarding hand size but it was still a thing to just get the lands out of your deck so you picture one the disadvantages of Magic versus Hearthstone right is you've got all these lands in your deck if you draw them at the wrong time right it's not a good draw well if you get all the land out of your deck yeah you're just always drawing good it's crazy it's crazy no it's yeah no dude I don't know that's uh I mean I just said manage ra might be the best card you showed me that's a it's a pretty nuts card for one white that's really that's insane that's a see so many they learned from this they didn't reprint this card did they this card is currently on MTG Arena oh what is it good it's only it's legal in two formats Timeless and historic brawl in Timeless it's not very good because Timeless is a pop off and win combo format picture like wild for Hearthstone yeah like but like really insanely pushed and brawl it's pretty good like if you you I've had LX standoffs like I discussed in Brawl where the opponent just refused to move cuz they would give me the lands so it's like it's a thing man it's really funny to do on Arena cuz it's like okay how long can we do this that's crazy but yeah this card is is absolutely Bonkers just another example of like these cheap resources that continue to provide no incentives to play creatures really like when you can just do stuff like this I don't have anything to say I mean that's [ __ ] up that's it you can you can say how much it how much you'd pay for an original copy of L tax you can say that was it was it reprinted it's been reprinted a good number like into into just a set like a set set for standard it was only reprinted once in fourth edition then it was reprinted for a commander set and it was reprinted in a bonus sheet without going too deep they're not legal in standard all right let's go for like that's I don't know um 1 170 170 for an original land tax it might be more just because the current median price is $64 ah interesting yep yep it this one is it's way better in standard it's way better in smaller formats the bigger the format gets there are two big drawbacks to the card one it operates kind of slowly obviously if you don't get time to play all those lands they don't really matter right right and so if it's a combo pop off format like often having three or four lands in your hand isn't the difference in the game you only get to play one a turn the other thing that holds this back is it's only basic lands and as magic has become bigger non-basic lands have become better so fetching basic lands in particular is less useful in a shorter game whereas non-basic lands become very powerful and you want to get more of them in your deck makes sense that that makes a little bit more sense why they decided to reprint it cuz I was like why would they keep reprinting a card that like basically stops the game from happening I love that this card exists in Brawl because there are a lot of people on my videos who leave me comments they don't understand why I play land tax they don't think it's good because they're so used to like curve out meta so if they're going first and they play this like it doesn't do anything and I'm like you guys don't know you don't know how you don't you haven't been in the trenches of just play turn one land tax and stare at each other yeah it takes one bad experience to realize what this car can do you know that's that's what it is most people will not realize that the live in ignorance was just for the best I wish I can repl or remove this card from my mind but you know taxes that's what it is let's continue to prioritize the gamer experience okay I love that the abyss oh God okay three neutral one black another enchant world all players bury one target non- artifact creature under their control if they have any during their upkeep if you play a big minion that's not an artifact and then I play this minion on I play this on the following turn that big minion you have to sacrifice yeah and that happens multiple times or okay oh yeah play another big minion see what happens I mean God that seems remove every turn and again this is a card that you could build around because you just put artifact creatures into your deck if you want to play them so you just as long as you get this card good card I mean I know it's not the deepest analysis but I love the reaction I love the reaction the last three cards oh maybe not maybe not Mana drain but but definitely Mo uh LX in the abyss I'll say basically the following line is like if you're if you build your deck around this you probably WN the game it's a lot of big middle fingers to creature lovers isn't it it's it's uh it's an experience that's disgusting like what is how many of these cards do you think it takes before they figure out that like like they're just making creatures completely irrelevant and unplayable right I mean it's it's insane so it it's weird cuz Okay I'm going to give I'm going to play the devil's advocate here okay this is 1994 what feedback could you realistically get from your card game in 1994 people mailing in letters telling you you how the hell did you guys create land taxs right like it would be very far and few between like you'd actually get real reviews of like what your game is doing right cuz in their mind as long as you're buying the cards like who cares like what like if you bought the cards already you already got the merchandise right nowadays let's say these cards actually came out and this is the start of magic you that I don't know how this game would survive if they kept printing cards like this so my only my only hope here is that as we continue going through expansions you show me cards that are better designed then hey just win the game if you build for this so I would hope that they would look at the designs they're having and maybe there was tournaments and then like they would see like oh like people really don't like this card for this reason so let's try to not build cards like this does that actually happen I have no idea I can only really base this off Hearthstone and Hearthstone still does the thing of like oh this was really bad to play against let's not do this again then they reprint it years later in a different version so it's like does magic learn from this I don't know I don't have to wait and see I don't know how they I don't know well they don't make them they don't make them like this anymore there's definitely at least they learned eventually eventually like 30 years later they don't make them like this anymore uh it is kind of I I do love this cuz people look at everything like in the past it was better right false false false false I love showing you cards like these mainly for the reaction obviously it's an insanely stupid card but the just for the Boomers out there who are like oh God I remember back in the day when this and this it was like no we we had our opponents casting the abyss and just making sure that we never played a creature they Mana drained our big spell they used the Mana to cast the mother [ __ ] Abyss see it sucked hearthstone's only been out for 10 years man and people think that like the early days of hearthstone were like the best moments of hearthstone and I don't think like I think the basic set of hearthstone is really welld designed because they knew every interaction in the game but like the mistakes and the card designs that they made in the early days of hearthstone some of them are atrocious and if they printed them today people would give them so much flak for it but then you have those people are like oh it was so much better in the early days don't you remember but they're looking at the their their old times with Nostalgia with rosecolor glasses only remembering the good moments when there's so much dog [ __ ] in these games and I can't even imagine in Magic after showing me these cards holy [ __ ] but it's I will say sorry I got to rever I got to I got to defend one game here one game as far as I'm concerned which is Yu-Gi-Oh okay Yu-Gi-Oh as much as it probably had ridiculous cards in in the early days of the game I think a lot of people really remember Yu-Gi-Oh as the best parts of what Yu-Gi-Oh is because the game wasn't just insanely complicated like it is now so maybe Yu-Gi-Oh is the only exception but my God okay s continue what were you say wow did you say a nice thing about Yu-Gi-Oh I I AR you a known Yu-Gi-Oh hater I have to give credit where credits to I think uh Yu-Gi-Oh was in the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh when the game was just about summoning creature or like playing big monsters and maybe like killing them with trap cards I feel like that's what Yu-Gi-Oh so I don't know I I love that just the Nostalgia you know Nostalgia is it's fine it's nice to enjoy Nostalgia it's important not to take it as like the lesson or the mission to go back and do exactly that thing again because often it sucked way more than you remember yeah I it's it's the same thing with like TV shows and stuff right like sometimes like I have movies that I know are really bad but when I was younger I was like oh I really like this movie but if I rewatch it now I'm going to be like H it wasn't good so like maybe I just liked it cuz it was Dumb and I didn't really understand um and you can say the same thing that happens a ton of things with card games right so I don't know Nostalgia is interesting but cards like the abyss make me not would make me not remember magic fondly I would remember that more than like the good moments agreed agreed now here's something that people might have fond or unfond me memories of Mirror Universe what a the Arts crazy in this six neutral Mana so if you tap this you sacrifice during your upkeep and trade your number of life points with your opponent for example if you had two life points in your opponent at 10 you would now have 10 life points your opponent what have two man if they didn't explain that I think i' would be lost facts that prevent or redirect damage may not be used to counter the change of life this is a really interesting card um the problem with this card is unless this card is guaranteed going to win you the game I think it's unplayable uh and I'll give you like a good example of this at least from Hearthstone hearstone has a card called ice block have I shown you ice block before you've told me about it but you have not shown it to you so ice block is a three Mana secret for mage that uh when you would have died it prevents the damage and you can no longer be damaged for the rest of your opponent's turn which means you guarantee get to live one turn okay but the really good thing about ice block is that it's three Mana that you can put way before you're probably going to die to your opponent this card is six mana and you have to pray to God your opponent still doesn't just kill you the following turn um which is probably at that point going to be very very very unlikely and even if you don't die the next turn your next turn has to be really insane for this card to make up for the loss of Mana that you just spent on this card so I think this card's bad without seeing the context of the rest of the cards I think this is a horrible card I wouldn't see play I will give you one more bit of context because back then the rules were different oh okay back then you could go to negative life and you didn't actually die until the end of the phase so you go to negative life you swap your opponents you swap Health with your opponents and then the end of your turn happens and then they would die mhm the end of the phase not the end of the turn so you would have to like the end of your upkeep to basically change your life total in a way that you would not die yeah that's pretty broken okay hold on like that's that seems really nuts on how do you go into negative Health well I may have described something to you a little earlier in the video discussing manag drain about a a little piece of the rules called Mana bur so Mana Burn's just a way better card if you made Mana with and didn't use it you took one damage for the Mana God that's really tough H man I I I still think it's bad but I mean that's a pretty sick win condition I'm not going to lie to you if I lost that way I'd be like holy [ __ ] that was that was pretty incredible I don't know man man Mana drain's a really good card if you could set that up like pretty consistently this is a good way to win the game cuz how does your opponent interact with this they can't right they just lose like if this is played it's and you go to negative health and just the game's over you do have to do it during your upkeep which means it's on the board for a whole turn cycle before you get to do it cuz the upkeep happens at the beginning of the turn okay fair enough I ah God I I'm still going to say it's bad I'm still going to say it's bad I think that's not likely enough to happen this card is the only legitimate win condition I've shown you today because there was just nothing else you could do to kill somebody I all the other cards I've shown you right basically like mean you can't kill them creatures are irrelevant right just mess up creatures this was one of the only things you could do there were not many wions to people who knew how to play the game and what was going on and this was one of them you would play Mir Universe the turn cycle would go around it would come back to you you would mana burn go to negative life total sacrifice mere Universe trade life points you win that's a pretty great experience it is I would agree that in so many ways this is bad like by every like type of modern analysis this is bad in the day this was the wind this was like a a WIC con you could actually rely on it's it's really tough cuz I think like my my 2024 brain makes me think that this is unplayable because I feel like there's just better ways of winning the game right that's usually what it comes down to with these weird ass win conditions but if you're telling me like this is the only way to win the game or one of the few ways then like this the stalks on this card go infinitely up so yeah it makes sense why this card would be good it's that's that's a really tough card to evaluate because it really depends on what the metag game is looking like but I guess if people are not efficient yet you could this is like a wi condition that's probably more obvious than other ones so ends up being a lot better it's a cool win condition I'd rather die to this than lose the abyss and be like why the [ __ ] am I playing this game so no no no no come on now let's be real we play the abyss and then 20 turns later we pull this off that's also true that's also true it's is it's like delayed BM I don't know how to describe it like you're just delay it's so [ __ ] up okay anyways anyway it's so bad back in the day this my deck did have miror universe and moat and Mana drain and the abyss and that was like what we did here that was how we got down with magic the Gathering back in the day this I don't know how it really helped that I owned these cards and other people didn't and back then they weren't they weren't this expensive but they were hard to find and they were expensive for the time you know as a kid like I had to work a lot of jobs to get to get these stupid cards yeah pay to win yeah I basically paid to win from the get-go I hustled for it but it was still like other other kids weren't buying these cards they were trying to win with craw worm 64 no text you know it's like six Mana 64 and it's like oh that's cute I have the abyss I still do have a copy of Mir Universe over in my binder um which I I bought it years later I didn't keep it from back in the day it's not the one I mana burn switch with people by the way Mana bur no longer exists nowadays extra Mana just kind of dissipates and nothing happens so you can't win with Mir Universe like you used to I have it just for Nostalgia I see so how much do you think it's worth 80 bucks 80 bucks for Mir Universe yep dude I I don't think there has been a card that I've talked about today that more says like the Nostalgia Factor on price than this cuz I don't know where anybody would ever play this card but it's currently selling for $700 damn I know wow you you make it seem like it's un playable now so yeah you're literally holding it for like like the Nostalgia Factor but I guess Nostalgia matters a lot right I guess the median price over a year is like $487 but still that's way higher than I would thought that's pretty impressive like it really is wow it yeah um so are you enjoying your like tour of all the torture and Magic the Gathering well hey I'm not I'm not the one getting tortured I'm just like a bystander so I'm okay this is fun good good good love that let's try this one the Tabernacle at pendrel Veil All Creatures now require wait this has doesn't even have a cost All Creatures it's a land oh sorry you're right it's a legendary land All Creatures now require an upkeep cost of one in addition to any other upkeep cost have so this is one extra Mana for every creature yep Every Creature you have on the board every upkeep start of your turn you have to pay one the creature is not paid the creature what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's so gross buddy what is this like you're [ __ ] your opponents are playing checkers you're playing chess with this this is [ __ ] this is miserable and then they have to be like man if they only have enough Mana to save one creature they have to be like oh which one do I save like which one's more important dude this is game ruining experience and it's broken absolutely broken huh yeah oh you're going to tell me it's not it's a legendary land so you can only have one of them on the field and are you saying one is all you need one is all you need what are you talking about dude if you put this in city tax in the game like it's it's cooked like what do your what does your opponent do like there it'd be it'd be so cuz you could play like you play your land you play the city taxs with it the next turn you just play this card and then like your opponent is literally crying their eyes out asking themselves why they even split money into this game I think this is broken I think this is insane this card is another just another beautiful example of how much they hated people who play creatures they just hated them they hated them deep this is very gross I cannot believe the number of cards in this set when I was looking through this uh set for cards to show you I basically ran into two types of cards overpriced useless Legends creatures that the set is like built around it's called Legends and those are the cool thing in the set right made to sell the set and cards that were just toxic as [ __ ] and that's about it like like it was a it was actually a big conundrum on what to show you so I went for the just holy [ __ ] factor and you have not disappointed it's I don't like I don't know I feel like recently I have I've been how do I describe this uh I've been shown a lot more [ __ ] right throughout card games just because I've you know I've played more Yu-Gi-Oh I've seen Magik cards I've seen other games what they're capable of doing and harson of course has its you know its own share of it the cards you're showing me today are just horrible like it's just it it it looks bad and it actually blows my mind that magic is as successful as it currently is I just like after seeing these cards CU this is a set where I'd be like hey why am I still playing this game yeah and people are genuinely excited when you talk about Legends like they like when you talk about the set Legends people are like woo like it's got like that kind of mystical factor and I don't know I feel like we have to expose it for for the scum it should be canceled Legend should be canceled that's the bottom line the crimes that these cards committed back in the day imagine how big magic would be if it had been fun to play in its first several years it's actually okay no but it's actually like the reverse of Yu-Gi-Oh like legit I I I think one of the reasons why Yu-Gi-Oh is so successful is because the game was legitimately fun to play like in its Inception right I don't know how magic pulled through maybe it was just because it was the only card game at the time but this is it it's it's crazy like it actually is crazy that it's managed to make it itself so big after all these years for what this is how much do you think people would pay to inflict Tabernacle at pendrel Veil which by the way as a land you can just play on turn one so nice aggro deck is this uh is this legal in any format so good good you're asking these questions um it is part of the reserve list it was never reprinted it is currently legal in Legacy vintage those are just Boomer format and it is legal in Commander people actually play this in Commander what an interesting question do you think they play this in Commander I well if they're really trying to win yeah cuz that's [ __ ] up um that's a gamewinner right there I'm pretty sure but like you're you're not going to have any friends anymore so um I'd probably pay like 500 for that if I truly wanted to play it I don't know it's that's tough cuz I I think it really comes down to the specific person but I feel like it's probably worth around that this price more than anything in magic in my opinion says just how much we'd love to destroy people $2,077 e is the current price for this card so that must mean that this card is actually still so powerful till this day mhm and people are willing to spend that much money because they know if they play that in their commander game they're probably wouldn't even a game buy a mile the most expensive card today yeah I I don't even I've never seen one Commander because again like you said if you play it you have no friends they they're done with you it was it was interesting cuz I was talking to uh I think it was my chat yesterday I was playing Magic and someone asked me like something about Commander like how do you feel about like someone trying to win a commander and I think my response was something like I think if you're playing Commander you're there for the experience and like the people around you right like the game is just a vehicle for you guys to have fun with one another right that's my logic but I don't think you're playing Commander to win that's just me as a player though so this is the type of [ __ ] where like you're probably not a very liked person like personally in your front group if you're probably dropping this on the regular now is that happening probably not but like I mean this is a trump card right if you really wanted to win here you go dude I don't know are they just driving up the price cuz obviously small print run Reserve list but that's been true for a number of cards we saw today are they just driving up the price of these people who are like getting these and being like I'm just waiting for an excuse man I'm just waiting for the day that they all piss me off and I can come in and drop the Tabernacle hammer on them cuz you're not doing this every week like nobody would put up with that no no no no this is when like you're losing you've lost 10 sessions in a row the alcohol's finally getting to you you didn't sleep that night and you just need to win just to feel something oh you have that deck in the in the box like okay we're going we're going nuclear nuclear option that's like the radiation symbol on the deck box like this is it this is the day I'm I'm [ __ ] done ah any final thoughts about Legends this game sucks best game in the world I actually again I am very surprised that it's this successful after seeing this set like I mean the other sets are like there's some egregious stuff in this but this is like the definition of egregious this is some crazy crazy crazy cards in this oh well thank you for hanging out and looking at this absolute pile of toxicity if you have some cards I should have shown raren that he would have enjoyed more leave what cards those are in the comments maybe I'll even do it at some point and thanks for joining me
Channel: CovertGoBlue
Views: 140,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: covertgo, covertgo mtg, mtg, mtga, mtg arena, magic the gathering, deck, decks, gameplay, guide, legends, classic, magic: the gathering, old school, commander, review, podcast, rarran, reacting, worst cards, toxic cards, broken, hearthstone player, reacts
Id: paL4gBZQFx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 36sec (4896 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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