Cesar Montano Testimony

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and uh do you need the acoustic guitar to help amen praise the lord let's welcome brother sister montano the lord you pray for him that god will bless his life and become a powerful witness for the changing power of jesus christ in his life i met him in the golf course he's a good golfer and then praise the lord and he shared with me his new song that he wrote during this pandemic times and i think it's gonna bless your heart as he sings this song [Music] it is really a great honor to be here thank you uh mr dave for inviting me over it is good to be in the house full of hope i i don't stand here before you as cesar montano i stand here before you as a fellow believer in christ jesus oh i'm nothing without our christ i surrender myself to him so many times already but recently about two years ago i surrendered totally i committed and you are committed you submitted one hundred percent information half big an article has to be 100 because our lord jesus christ our god is savior 100 percent hey my mother was a seventh-day adventist so uh probably you know what seventh day saturday adventists so i i think you you know that saturday adventist glory [Music] the praise the it is a bad thing no it is the best thing that's ever happened in my life to be able to uh to train myself worshiping god you say it's good to surrender your life every morning your will lord not my will for your will is perfect because you're a perfect god can you imagine perfectly so the first church of catholic was is constructed and created in uh baklao in the south so while we were all leaving seven we were all living in a in a confused house my catholic my uh my gospel seventh-day adventists it was it has been a confusing world for us but god is so gracious and god has been very faithful blocked us out all of us from this confusing deceiving dark world that happened not the pagan god but the true god god of abraham god of jacob god of moses our god our deliverer our god is a very hopeful god foreign because god was training peter for a big for a bigger challenge he was training peter i've been to so many struggles in my life i'm pretty sure you know my my life has been very exposed to public power where we are all struggling not against flesh and blood but we're struggling against authorities in this dark world and for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed him shall not die but have everlasting life abundant life go by somebody's forbes park housing 500 million to 600 million to one billion lottery pentagon foreign i thank god that i met the brother dave we we both play golf together we love golf and the sports of golf is the only i think one of the few sports to boost our immune system i don't eat meat i'm a plant-based person uh love your neighbor i should love yourself what is the prerequisite of that may pronounce it love your neighbor as you love yourself a prerequisite is love yourself how can you love others if you don't show to yourself that you love yourself is but i gave them all to god cast your heavenly burden upon me and i will give you rest that's why i find peace with jesus christ we should try to pray for one another ask anybody who you will be can i how for my next song [Music] is but let me continue my my story about my father and father and at the 11th 11th hour of my foreign i will pray for you you have to accept lord jesus christ as your god and savior that is the only time he humbled himself before god and accepted jesus christ after that after a few weeks he passed away [Music] foreign [Music] recently but i want to sing a song for you [Music] one friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh all because we do not carry everything to god [Music] please bear it's [Music] foreign [Music] foreign a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] a [Music] my [Music] [Music] i [Music] boy [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] happy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] praise god give the lord a big club offering for his life
Channel: WOHEDSA DeafMinistry
Views: 6,742
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: kAAxaGC9L7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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