I Survived 100 Days as the GRINCH in Minecraft

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we've all heard about Santa Claus the big fat man that delivers gifts to all the good kids all around the world but of course there's always someone trying to ruin all the fun and that's the Grinch a stinky green man who wants nothing more than to steal gifts and ruined Christmas and now I've added the Grinch into Minecraft trying to do the exact same thing every single day one present will spawn randomly in our Minecraft world and it's up to the Grinch to collect all 100 gifts by day 100 or he loses on day one I spawned in as the baby Grinch a he's actually kind of cute oh yeah I failed to mention that I'm playing as the Grinch meaning I have 100 days to collect 100 presents now the second I leave this platform a present is going to spawn randomly in the world so as you can see at the top of my screen it literally says I have to capture all 100 gifts and the first gift will spawn the second I leave this platform but uh I'm going to have to battle these three whoos for that gift so uh it's not going to be easy to get so while we try and get that gift I'm also going to use my Grinch upgrade menu to get my first Grinch power called light lasso which should help me get that present so let's just start that Quest and now let's get ready to leave this platform and get that first present okay let's just walk down these stairs and a present should spawn let's see oh yeah here we go a present has spawn 37763 234 that's the coordinates and those coordinates are this way okay I'm off the platform oh they're coming they're coming they're coming you don't Ste back here babying get that baby okay now I got to be careful cuz right now that I only have five Hearts the who are definitely going to try and attack me and try and stop me from stealing all 100 of their presents now we only get ow oh that hurt that was a lot of fall damage okay there's a village up here let's get to that Village the present is probably in this Village based on the quartz it's somewhere in this direction okay let's go this way let's get some food first cuz we're going to need some of that uh okay let's go here just grab what we can there we go we got some food let's go up here where are the presents now let's go up here let's go this way there it is there's the present it's in the middle of the ice Lake wait what it's my present I have to right click it for them go go go go go go go that's my present don't you dare I'm gring I'm supposed to steal the presents no P5 okay they got the first present get away from me now the only way to get presents now is to kill them for that present back let's see if we can quickly get our light lasso okay they're running away with that present there they go yeah they're gone they took the first present oh we got it now I can't win this challenge unless I get all 100 presents so I'm going to have to steal that back at some point but uh in the meantime let's just focus on getting our first upgrade cuz they're not only faster than me but they're also stronger than me in general so we need to get stronger before we can even fight for these presents honestly so let's just start by doing the basics let's just grab some of this wood right here now let's take this log and turn it into a crafting table now let's go ahead and let's make ourselves a wooden pickaxe and now let's go grab some Cobblestone okay now we'll just make some more sticks real quick and then we're going to make ourselves a stone sword and a stone pickaxe and now we just need to literally go into the to get acquiring Hardware okay and down in this cave we just need to grab some coal and some iron let me just grab this coal real quick and now that we got the coal we just need to find ourselves an iron ingot now that looks terrifying going in there but let's do it anyway cuz I don't have much time and we got to get moving okay there's one iron literally right next to all these mobs okay there we go we got him now let's just kill the spider come on die there we go spider's dead now let's just line up that iron wow that really was just one iron now let's just make ourselves a quick furnace and smelt this thing and there we go boom we should get acquiring Hardware okay I just had to re log and reset my advancements cuz they were bugged out but I grabbed the iron ingot and now I do have the advancement I need you can see our first Quest is officially green meaning it's done and now we just have to go ahead and take reduced fall damage using a hay bale and we have to kill one player so let's hurry up and find a hay bale we can take reduced damage on and then catch up to the who so we can take that present back okay well this Village is kind of useless there's no Farms here or hay bals that I can really work with so I'm actually going to start going this way which is exactly the direction that the who went in and then we're going to try and catch up to them to get a kill on them or till we find a hay bale whichever comes first but we need to catch up to them cuz I need a kill well after I loot that anyway what's this have in the chest okay two two obsidian three golden apples a golden helmet and a fire charge already that's actually huge then we'll just go and grab this gold block cuz I think I can mine this nope well the more you know let's go catch up to the who I still don't see them there's a village up here that's a good I'm going to check the village I'm going to check the village they've got to be around here I don't see any names oh yeah look there's hay bals right here we can do the hay B Quest right here let's get up on this tree and then donk oh there we go take reduce fall damage using a hay bale is done now we need to kill a player they definitely went in this direction I saw them going this direction so I see him I literally see him look look look look they're over there they're on the other side of the village oh my God this is going to be huge oh she's done she's done she's done yes she's done there's another one over here he's running he's running keep him in sight keep him in sight where' the other one go there he is there he is there he is I'm going to get him I'm get him he's trying to use a shovel he's done there we got him yes okay where the other one go need you to save me stop him oh go kill him kill him I'm out of here bro I have the present I have to go oh gosh oh God the other one's the one that had the present if I kill him I'll get the present back where did he go wait what where did he go oh my God he's gone lost him well that stinks he's gone so I guess we're not getting that present back right now but we did manage to complete our first Quest so we can lock our light lasso at least and this is our light lasso a whip that I can kind of like throw at mobs and uh reel them in and then we can kind of attack them and I can keep reeling them in until they die so yeah the light lasso is pretty cool and it will also help me reel in anyone running away with presents but the sun is starting to set so instead of just chasing them down endlessly let's start on our first Grinch base cuz we're going to need somewhere to start upgrading if we want to get strong enough to steal our presents back anyway let's go find a place to build our first Grinch base so we can come commence on our present stealing after finishing the light lasso it was time to work on our first Grinch base somewhere I could keep working on my Grinch upgrades and not have to worry about being attacked every day oh yeah and just to make matters even worse while I was busy getting my base set up the hoos were busy collecting all the gifts that kept spawning in around the map okay so welcome to the first Grinch base I decided to take over this Village and make it my own where I secretly live at the bottom of this ice area here you just jump on this ice go down this ladder and you're inside the base and once you're inside the base you're going to notice I basically just hollowed out an old abandoned M shaft and then I just added a bunch of doors so nothing can actually get through but you'll see we have our main survival area here with our chest crafting table and furnaces we've got our bed right here some water right there and then a bunch of different caves we can choose from to actually mine it but we don't really need to do any more mining the base is done we've got full iron armor so I feeling pretty good to start upgrading again which is kind of important cuz our next upgrade is actually going to give us an infinite food item called the gingerbread man now real quick question for you in the comments who here is actually eating the gingerbread man cuz I've never eaten one now tell me where are the others eat me in fact I don't even think I've ever ever even seen one so if you've eaten one let me know in the comments down below but anyway I'm going to go and unlock this little man we just need to get a saddle a glistening melon slice and warped fungus on a stick now the easiest thing of that list is definitely the glistening melon cuz you can make a glistening melon just by surrounding a melon slice with a bunch of gold nuggets so we just need to go find a jungle get ourselves a melon and make it glistening but uh not going to lie I have no idea where to find a jungle so we're going to start looking now got a village up here oh I see Hunter okay go this way go this way go this way I don't want to deal with him right now I don't want to deal oh he sees me oh I see a cre running by get him get him go after him yeah yeah they're coming in oh God go this way I don't want to deal with them right now I literally just want to get my gingerbread upgrade first I don't want to deal with them I still only have five Hearts oh God yeah they're coming in they're going to try and kill me okay hold on how can we lose them here let's go I got an idea let's use this ice I can lose them here I can lose them here I can lose them here go right here dig down two block think I just buried myself I think I'm good where are their name plates he's right next to me there's no a Grinch in here is there no there's nothing in here bro bro where did he go no he must was someone else he must some else please let me get away with this please let me get away with this oh my God the other one's right there are they leaving they might be leaving they might be leaving I think they're out okay now let just dig our way out now just go straight back and let's go find ourselves a jungle I don't see them I think we're good yeah I think we got away yes let's go let's go find that jungle okay so we found a jungle now we got to actually find some melons inside of here which really shouldn't be too too hard literally right here yes let's go grab a bunch of these there we go we have over a stack of melons now let's just combine them with some gold and turn them into glistening melons ready and transition he would you look at that we're back at the base now let's just grab our raw gold and let's get that smelting real quick and now we'll turn one gold ingot into a bunch of gold nuggets which we'll put in a circle like this put a melon slice in the middle and we get ourselves a glistening melon which means just like that I need two glistening melons okay well you know what I got enough stuff to do just that okay there we go now the first Quest is complete and we just need to get a saddle and a warp fungus on a stick now to get the saddle it's kind of just luck we just got to explore and hope we find one and then there's obsidian which is honestly super easy to get we're going to need that to make ourselves a nether portal so I figured let's just explore this abandoned M shaft so we can either get some obsidian or till we can get ourselves a saddle okay I found a giant lava pool here that we can make obsidian with so we're going to start by doing this all we have to do is get some water put it down like so that's going to make a bunch of obsidian and under to mind that obsidian we just need some diamonds but there is tons of diamonds down here that I haven't mined yet so let's just mine up three diamonds real quick and then we can make ourselves a diamond pickaxe to actually mine up that obsidian boom there we go two diamonds right there oh wait literally two more right there we have all the diamonds we need in this one room now let's go grab these two over here now let's go ahead and make ourselves a diamond pickaxe real quick and now let's just m up this obsidian so we can make ourselves a nether portal and get that warp fungus on a stick okay there we go we have 10 obsidian now just build ourselves a nether portal right here now let's just go grab a flint and steel which we can make like that and now let's light this bad boy off and let's go get that warp fungus on a stick Okay so welcome to the nether uh this is an okay spawn but it is kind of nice at least our nether Portal's hidden anyway now that we're in the nether getting the warp fungus on a stick is super easy like literally we just have to get a warp fungus and combine it with a fishing rod so let's just go this way real quick okay and I found the biome we want to get to it's that biome right over there with these blue trees so we want to actually work our way around kind of this way till we get to those blue trees so that's where we're going oh God that's why I got to be careful cuz even the littlest fall can kill me right now okay let's just climb up here okay there we go the blue tree should just be right through here right around this corner yep here we go oh we're here no way I can't make this jump can I oh we made it okay we're good yes we made oh I you just keep almost dying of fall damage this nether is brutal just go there okay let's just go get that warp fungus and get out of here boom a warp fungus give it to me now that we got that let's turn all the way around and walk all the way back to get back to the portal and now that we are home we just need to make some sticks combine those sticks with some string to make ourselves a fishing rod and then combine that fishing rod with the warp fungus to get a warp fungus on a stick meaning the second item on our Quest is complete and all we need is a saddle wherever you find that now I've had pretty bad luck with saddles recently but I think because I live in an abandoned M shaft they should be pretty easy to find oh mine cart mine cart please have a saddle oh it does it has a saddle first mine cart out a saddle let's go okay well we got a saddle in the first mine cart we needed which means we officially can unlock our gingerbread man which is this cute guy in our hand here now we can eat our gingerbread man and it not only gives it brings us back to full but you'll notice we now have night vision so we can see better we have water breathing regeneration and we have haste but now that we're back at full HP let's make our way to the surface with our new gingerbread band in hand okay we're back at the base now let's just reset go to bed in the next oh no no no no no no no Hunter's here he SE me oh let's get him let's get him okay keep that there keep that there hold on hold on hold on we're in trouble oh they're trying to hit me they're trying to hit me oh I'm at a block oh this is not good oh this is not good go deeper in go deeper in go deeper in there we go I made a gap eat our food oh they're building up we ready and jump go go yes yes we made it across he's running back he's running back let's go let's go huge we're in the build let's go up here let's go up the ladder oh go go go go eat some food okay they're Chas ing that should hurt that should hurt him a lot oh nope oh gosh oh I killed you Jan I'm sorry nice he killed his teammate that's huge oh I got him to kill his teammate she jumped right in his face keep fighting each other the other one's got to be low God oh God oh God oh God hold on he has the gifts he has the gifts he has the gifts we can't let him run oh you're not getting away no dude the presents he's done he's done he's done we killed him we killed him we killed him oh that's huge eat some food watch this and got him again oh he's done he's done oh no next he's done yes yes oh my goodness we are barely alive right now we almost died so many times during that and because we killed the who who've been collecting gifts this whole time we now have 13 total gifts captured so that's good but what isn't good is they already found my base and it's only day 13 so what we need to do is quickly pack up all of our chests take all of our stuff and get the heck out of here my first base was already found what I legit only got to live in that thing for a few days and now I have to waste time building another base meaning I can't even get the presents that are spawning in the world either and I'm the Grinch stealing gifts is literally what I'm supposed to be doing okay welcome to the Grinch base version 2.0 this base is down here in this cave and I put it in a space that's actually pretty hard to see when you look down in this cave there's actually a water pool right here that you want to jump into and then right back here is the actual base itself now once inside this is pretty basic you have our survival area right here our chest straight across and our bed right right here then we have this nether portal right here where if we go behind it there's actually a secret Escape Tunnel right here and hey look we're back outside but that's not all this base has to offer because if we go down these trap doors right here you're going to see that we go to an infinite lava source which we can find right down here and then uh this is the mine so nothing too fancy about it the base just has everything we need to survive so that's good and now that we're done with that base it's time for us to work on our second combat upgrade called gift launcher now normally I would start by working on the tier 2 Evolution upgrade which in this case is teen Grinch and I do that so I can get to 10 total Hearts cuz right now I only have five but a gift launcher that makes exploding presents and because I'm the Grinch that's the one we're going to get now to actually unlock this gift launcher there's three things we need to do we need to get the not today thank you advancement kill one witch near its own home and then kill three Hunters with our light lasso and since getting not today thank you is super easy to do let's just head down into the caves and let's go find a skeleton to shoot us with its bow okay here's some skeletons here oh we blocked it we blocked his shot and now we just need to go kill a witch near its house that'll get light lasso kills but I'm going to wait till later to do that now to kill a witch near its home we're going to have to actually find a swamp which I haven't even seen a swamp yet so we're going to have to go look for a swamp find a witch hut and hope it has a witch inside that we can kill there's like three total steps to this with step one being to Simply find ourselves a swamp Hut so I went looking for a witch's Hut which turns out are fairly rare but not like super rare where it should take more than a day or so to find however it took me 2 days just to find a swamp so that should pretty much tell you how my luck is going oh we found a swamp there we go finally found a swamp Okay now we just need to find a swamp Hut so we want to look around the water oh wait I think I see one oh wait wait Behind These trees behind these trees it is literally right here oh this is huge okay let's eat this we want to get in here quick to kill this witch ready here we go we're going in ready and don't even let it hit me yes yes we killed a witch in its house but now that we're done with that we just have to get three kills their light lasso on the hunters so I went out looking for The Who base which wasn't really hard to find but it wasn't really easy either you'll see what I mean in a sec but the base isn't really what I cared about it's the presents that the who's have you see if I simply kill them I'll steal all the presents they've collected up till now oh and I'll unlock the present launcher which is nice too okay so I was just going back through footage and I believe there's a chance they're BAS is over here yeah yeah yeah I'm almost positive in fact yeah there's these wool candy canes that are in the village and I didn't put those there so I'm pretty sure their base has to be in this Village cuz I don't know why else it'd be candy canes there so let's start by quickly just destroying and getting some wood so we have some blocks to place during this battle cuz if they do live here it's about to be a big battle okay let's take all these logs turn them into planks so we have some stuff to build with now we're good I see name plates they definitely live here we got to hide wait a minute we don't even need three kills with our lasso that Quest says reel in three people with your lasso so does that mean I only need to like hit them with the lasso and then pull them one's getting close I'm going to go for the one close and reel them in ready ready ready ready ready they're right in here I missed I missed I miss oh we got her reeler in what's up man oh there's there we go that's one how we got to do that two more times run watch this ready and go this way okay we're up on this building now we can re them in oh God okay there we go get her there we go that's two that's two come on oh one more one more one more wait present located hold on what were those cords it's this way it's this way it's this way the present's this way oh I think they're going for it too go go go we got to beat him there is it this way no it's more this way oh no no he's going for it he's going for it can we get him with our light lasso we got him pull him away pull him away no the other one there's two there's two oh he actually got you dude rest in peace nice he's dead he's dead he's dead where is it where is it it's right there I literally see it did he get it I just heard it click I heard it click I heard it click wait what were the presents gone oh God there's two of them coming in why did that just explode the present literally just exploded hi future Ry guy here I'm going to tell you why the present just exploded because I don't think it was very obvious basically the whoos who are hunting me down have an item called a present tainter and that item basically allows them to claim a present and then place down a fake one that explodes when I touch it anyway that's why it exploded she's got to be low right I hit him once I hit yes she's dead she's dead she's dead oh God the they're going to come back oh God oh God God pull them in oh God oh God we got to get we got un knock our new ability we got un knock our new ability I got an idea I got an idea to quickly get it ready okay let's unlock the new combat upgrade there we go we got it he's down bro I'm going up no we got rid of him okay we have the gift launcher in our inventory oh they're trying to hit me down with snowballs that was close okay let's fire this gift launcher off and see if we can get one of them oh oh that's so cool oh yeah you're in trouble oh they're trying to come up oh you're done see you later buddy oh that didn't feel good did it okay they're swimming up they're swimming up ready and you're dead bye-bye oh yeah there's two of them here there's two of them here oh that was spot on okay let's kill this other one keep him in the water oh that's CR he's low he's low we got him trapped here oh my God we got him trapped here he's dead he's dead he's dead oh my God he had 14 presents on him we now have 27 of the gifts captured oh run run run run run that means there's a gift missing right now there's a gift missing right now oh God get away get ready and nice he's dead she's stuck she's stuck she's stuck okay that should almost kill her nice she's gone there we go get up here and go go go we're just going to get of here we're going to get of here go go go go this way here definitely can lose him in this ice up here okay there we go oh yep he is right there there we go got him got him got him now let's go this way oh they're way out there they're way out there if we go quick we can get we can lose them here we can lose them here boom and just like that we're out of here there's no way they catch Us in fact let's make sure they don't catch us ready make a boat boats move so fast on Ice there's no way they catch us now bye-bye okay day 29 anyway now that we've unlock this gift launcher that uh does this we're honestly pretty broken so while we're in this good position let's keep upgrading our next ability is called ornament escape and this ability should let us absolutely vanish from thin air and honestly that would have been super useful in the last fight since I kept getting hunted down when I was trying to leave so as much as I'd like to get the teen Grinch and just get more Hearts I'm going to focus on the ornament Escape for now cuz I actually think it would be quite broken so let's get ornament Escape by simply getting 16 sweet berries one spy glass and one lecturn which is actually a lot easier than you may think okay so first things first the easiest item to probably get on that list is the lecturn because we can simply just go into a village house like this one right here and uh steal this lecturn that's right here and now that we have a lecturn let's go grab some sweet berries in a spruce Forest which uh we still got to find and we found sweet berries luckily these things can actually be found inside of spruce Villages so they're not really that difficult to find once you know where to look and once we break a few of these bushes we should have enough berries and just like that we have two quests complete and now all we we need is a spy glass and to make a spy glass we just need copper and Amethyst so we're going home now I currently don't have any copper or amethyst well I guess I do have some copper now we can just take that copper and throw it inside of a blast furnace to start smelting real quick and that should spit us out a few copper that we can grab and now that we have that we just need to go get an amethyst which can be found inside of a geode like this one up here other up here you're going to see these Giant Crystals and if I break one of these crystals just drop A Shard and now I can make myself a spy glass which means I can zoom in on anything wait what happened to my gifts why are my gifts at zero did they glitch again gosh darn it my gifts glitched again okay View I got to fill you in on something my game keeps bugging my gifts keep resetting and we don't know why so I'm taking a pause here to fix this glitch okay I'm back and the problem solved we now have gifts again you'll see we have 27 out of 100 gifts everything is back to normal which is great timing because we can unlock ornament escape and show you what it does so basically I can throw this ornament anywhere and after I throw it it will blink for a few seconds and then explode so that was a white one so it didn't really blink but if I throw a different one you're going to see this one will be like red and white it blinks it explodes when it explodes it explodes in colorful particles that make it so the hunters can't see meaning I can simply run away and Escape back home but with that unlocked there's only one more tier two upgrade to go and that's to become a teen Grinch which honestly we got to do cuz if you look at my hearts I'm still on five hearts of HP and that's got to change cuz right now we are super squishy so let's just head on home real quick and now let's get more Hearts all we need are 16 Nether Bricks an enchanted iron helmet and one recovery compass and the first thing we should get on that list is definitely Nether Bricks cuz they're super easy to get and if I go through this nether portal you're going to see that there's a nether fortress literally right there I'm going to patch that so hard anyway as I was saying we have to go get some Nether Bricks which we get at a nether fortress let's just grab a nether brick now how many do we need to get this Quest completed wait what no way wait it doesn't want Nether Bricks it wants a nether brick meaning it wants me to smel Netherrack into Nether Bricks hold on so let me just mine some of this up how much Netherrack is that 26 okay that's enough now let's just head on home real quick and now we just have to go over here to our furnace and start smelting a bunch of this Netherrack it does it does turn into Nether Bricks perfect which means our first Quest is officially complete with 16 Nether Bricks and now we just need an enchanted iron helmet and a recovery compass and since I don't know where an ancient city is let's start with that iron helmet now we're definitely going to need to make an enchanting table and to make that we just need four obsidian two diamonds and a book now I definitely already have the book taken care of so let's just grab ourselves four obsidian down in the mines we already have the water bucket on us so let's just get going okay so let's just put some water down right there that's going to make a bunch of obsidian and now let's just mine that obsidian up okay and there we go four obsidian now we just need two diamond ore and we'll be good to go that's one I was hoping there' be a second one well that's one which it turns out is actually all I need cuz I have a second Diamond at home which means now I have everything I need to go ahead and make ourselves the enchanting table with two diamonds for obsidian in a book and now I can simply put this in the corner for now grab our iron ingots make an iron helmet grab our lapis and now I should be able to enchant this bad boy with the lapis and the iron helmet and we can get ourselves aqua affinity which means two quests are now complete on teen Grinch and now what we need is a recovery company so let's go looking for an ancient city real quick there is a lot of skull below our base so it's actually very possible there's an ancient city down here oh it is an ancient city oh it is one oh let's go this is huge okay we found an ancient city officially could be very careful getting down here let's put water up here so we can get back up okay now let's go ahead and let's loot this this place all we need to do is get a recovery Compass which if you don't know how to get one all you need is Echo shards and a compass to make it so let's start by getting a bunch of echo shards we just got to check out the chests that are around here to see if we can get it okay be very careful there's a chest right there but there's also a shrier yeah there it is I did not mean to set that off dang it okay just go to the chest go to the chest go to the chest any Echo shards I don't see any oh cat no the worst music disc psych okay another cat disc oh my God what is with all the cat disc and nothing really else except for two enchanted golden apples okay this is definitely setting one off let's just be quick about it nope no Echo Shard no Echo Shard oh this one has four four Echo shards that's nice another cat disc what is this one also going to have cat okay no at least this has no cat in it but it also didn't have any Echo shards check this one oh we got one in this one there we go another cat disc oh my God I just can't get away from this song okay check this one out oh there it is we got four more that's all the echo shards we need and we also got the silence armor trim but with that we officially have all the echo shards we need to craft ourselves the recovery Compass let's just make our way back to our water pool real quick so that way we can head back to the surface and now that we're done in the ancient city we can finally stop having five Hearts so say goodbye to this cute adorable baby Grinch and now we become the teen Grinch who's really just a little bigger and a little more unhappy but I do have 10 hearts of HP now so we are a lot stronger and funnily enough that is not the only thing that this new Grinch gets because on top of looking a little bigger and having a few more Hearts this Grinch actually has a lot of power ups including strength one jump boost and speed one but on top of that you're also going to notice he has plus two blocks of reach and resistance to freezing meaning I could to build a base under powdered snow that you'd have to freeze in to get to unless you're me I think you get the idea there's a lot I can do with that ability but with that being said our tier 2 Grinch is unlocked meaning it's time to move on to our tier three upgrades which include snowstorm Max you know the dog from the Grinch and well the Grinch I would say these are probably our most important upgrades because not only will I become the Grinch but I get his dog Max which I feel like is essential if you're the Grinch plus who wouldn't want a cute dog on their team but anyway now that we don't take freeze damage let's get to work on our tier three upgrades now I feel like I should start with snowstorm because this is a Christmas video and I live in a grass biome so I feel like I need to be able to turn this into snow somehow so let's go ahead and let's unlock snowstorm so I can at least winfy where I'm living so to actually unlock snowstorm there's three things we got to do first things first I have to get a terrible Fortress advancement and then on top of that we have to trap the hunters using ornament escape and then we need five kills with our gift launcher I'd say we're in a pretty good spot to finish these quests pretty quick let's goly head back to our base cuz one of these quests is actually really easy to beat right back at our base and that's to get a terrible Fortress the advancement cuz all we have to do is a nether fortress and that one should activate now if you were paying close attention you already know I got this advancement because I already have entered a nether fortress several times but you'll see I just got it again and I'll explain in a sec but I don't want to die I basically just had to delete the advancement because otherwise there was no way we could complete this video in its current form so I deleted the advancement repped in the nether fortress now I'm going home before I get burned to death okay now it's time for our other two quests which both require us to battle the hunters and I know just a way to find them since it just turned to Day 36 it means a present should be spawning within 5 minutes or so and when that present spawns I'll get the coordinates and I'm almost positive I'll find the who's there so we'll just go to that present take out the who's and get all the kills we're going to need to unlock snow stor oh present spawn it's spawn it's spawn it's spawn okay I'm pretty sure the X was like 1359 I think this is the cords you see on screen right now so let's get going to those real quick cuz that's where I'm going to find the who's where now we can kill them and finish up our quest to unlock snowstorm oh there's a village up here it's literally we're getting close we're getting really close to this thing ooh a hunter a hunter hunter the who are literally here okay yeah they're here for the present where is it where is it where is it he got it he got the present hey you looking for this it's mine he got the present he got the present he got the present if I get him with this light l so we can we can catch him nice now we can reel him in yeah boy oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh no you can't oh yeah there we go you can't get away if you're on my light lasso buddy just keep getting him keep getting him he can't get away on the light lasso nice we got him yes and now we have 28 presents which means that present is ours but we only got one kill and it wasn't even any of the kills we needed for our Quest and there was only one of the who's here now I'm battling three who's so that's kind of confusing than why there was only one here but after sitting here for a sec I think I figured out exactly what they're doing see what you don't realize is the who have the ability to trade gifts with each other so what they're doing is sending one person to get the gifts and then they just trade it to their other teammates who are back at the base so that's where we're going to go back to their base so we can seal all the gifts that they have and of course finish up our Quest okay I'm back at their Village we fought them just around this Village we never actually found out where their base was oh I see a name down there see if I can get his attention yeah I got his attention I got him I got him I got him reel this buddy in and and boom no no no no no nice that's one kill okay he should be spawning down there oh yeah I see his name I see his name I see his name now let's throw the ornament at him I'm going to get you I'm blind oh he missed okay he should be blinded I just hit him with the ornament and we trapped him with ornament Escape so now that's another Quest complete now we just got to kill him a bunch of times with our gift launcher like that and now we just got to do that exact thing three more times come on Big Boy where you at I don't want to destroy their beds oh he's above he's above he's above oh that did a lot go this way go this way go this way yep here it is here here's their back door I found a little back door uh-oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh that hurt that hurt that hurt he's low he's low he's low three hits with the gift launcher let's get four there we go that's four we just need one more we just need one more now he should start coming out this way is he coming with the water oh what got to break the dirt or he's going to drown there we go got him we got all the gift St let's go this way and he's dead there we go there we go there we go you know what's really weird there's still only one of them here okay he should be low oh here's their base I found it I don't fit okay we're at to dig into the base nice we're in there's only one bed what oh oh sniped okay he's not respawning anymore but on top of that there was literally only one of the who's at this base I'm so confused at what's going on or I should say I was confused but after sitting there for a sec I figured out what was going on each of the whoos that I'm stealing gifts from each have their own base now that way if I attack them I can't steal all the gifts I can only steal from one person at a time and since the who can trade gifts with each other that makes it even harder I have to think of a plan to find each of the who bases but I also have to steal gifts from all three of them yeah this challenge just got 10 times harder okay so yeah I'm pretty sure that's what the H are doing but at least we finished our quests so we can unlock snowstorm now you know I got to try this ability out so let's just quickly head outside so we can try it and now that we're in the middle of a little island here let's go and let's use the Ability and uh see what it does oh at first I thought that did nothing that very much did something look at all these snowmen they also don't have their little pumpkins on wait a minute they have faces under the pumpkin is this natural or is this something we modded in I don't even know let me know in the comments if that's natural or if that's a mod that's doing that they're all dead so yeah that's the snowstorm ability and uh normally those Snow Golems would basically attack everybody nearby but uh it was just me anyway end up fooling around because the next upgrade we get to work on is actually Max the grinches dog and I'm not going to lie I love the fact that he only has one little antler on I just think that's super cute and now I need to unlock Max Max will be mine and luckily Max is easy to unlock all we need is an observer a respawn anchor and Diamond horse armor and luckily making being an observer is literally super easy so let's start by heading to the Nether and grabbing some nether quartz now just grab some quartz now let's go back home and now if we can bind together a bunch of our Cobblestone two of our Redstone and one of our quarts we'll get ourselves an observer and with this observer in hand we officially have the first Quest complete and unlocking Max and now there's only two items we need a respawn anchor which we can make with six crying obsidian and three glow stone or Diamond horse armor which we can get in an ancient city well since we have the Observer done let's start by heading down into our cave and heading to the ancient city where we can easily get ourselves some Diamond Horse hour okay here we go we're back at the ancient city now let's just go find some Diamond horse armor okay nothing in here and there we go Diamond horse armor we got some and with that in hand we have everything we need so we can get out of here and head on back up to the surface ooh a diamond and now the last item we need to get is the respawn anchor and the easiest place to get that is the nether so let's get going to the Nether and let's see what we find okay so now that we're in the nether we just need to go ahead and find some crying obsidian and some glow stone which isn't going to be too too difficult to do oh my God look at that fire oh I'm getting hit from all sides I'm getting hit from all sides oh my gosh wait oh there's a hunter right there I don't even know if they noticed I'm here hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up look at this look at this they don't even realize I'm here oh oh oh what the heck oh my God G no oh my God we just took her out yes she had presents on her she was just grinding blazes we just got two presents out of that oh that's huge now back to getting that respawn anchor first things first let's just get past these blazes run all right now let's just go Ahad and grab some glow stone up here okay we got 22 glowstone dust which we can turn into five glow stone which is more than what we need to actually make the respawn anchor now we should need six crying obsidian and there's two places to find that and the first place is right there at a Bastion so since that bastion's so close we're going to go check it out to see if it has any and if not we'll go ahead and get some in another fashion okay cool this is definitely a bridge I can tell just with the way this gold is set up in the back so normally I would grab all this gold in the back but we don't really need it right now so I'll come back for it later for now let's just dig into this place and we need to find the chests to get some crying obsidian okay here's a couple chests boom one we got one crying obsidian in this one okay let's check this one out okay no crying obsidian in this one at all oh we got a bunch crying obsidian 1 2 3 4 5 6 we have seven that's all we need and an efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe oh my goodness yes I'm taking that and now we officially have everything we need to unlock Max so let's head on home and let's get him okay right so first things first let's make a respawn anchor by surrounding some glowstone with some crying obsidian and we get the anchor which means now we can unlock Max the grinches dog who I can summon by simply pressing a button and then he's right there oh my God look at him oh he is so cute he even has the one little horn on top wait did you just give me 10 extra Hearts I have no idea where these bonus Hearts came from but I can HP on top of Max and ride on him and he's super fast like look at this is crazy okay well now I know how I'm navigating the world I literally have Max to navigate the world for me with Max unlocked we officially finished another tier three upgrade and now that we finished unlocking Max it's time to work on our next upgrade which is our final tier three upgrade the Grinch now obviously this video is 100 days as a grinch I have to become the Grinch eventually so the Grinch really isn't too hard to unlock all we need to do is get eight beetroots 128 glaze terra cotta and 16 dark oak sapling and since there are literally a million Villages around here I'm going to start by getting those beetroots just cuz they're really not that hard and I'd rather start with something easy okay this Village has two Farms they're literally right next to each other so I'm going to loot these now let's see if there's any beetroots in here did I get a single be oh I did I got three beatroot seeds we're good okay now that we have beetroot seeds we have to actually make a farm so let's just dig into this wall a little bit there we go now let's make ourselves a stone ho till the land and let's plant the three beetroot seeds now currently we only have one bone that we can turn into bone meal grow one of the beetroots break it and now we have a beetroot and two beetroot seeds which we can replant and now we just need a lot more bones and the easiest place to get bones is once again in the nether in fact the biome I'm in literally should spawn bone blocks right there so let's just go down here go over these bone blocks let's break them there we go we now have 21 bone blocks that we can turn into a bunch of bone meal to then grow all these beetroots up nice and strong okay there we go we have eight total beetroots now which means we've officially finished the first Grinch Quest and now we either need green terra cotta or dark oak sapling and we're going to start by getting the dark oak sapling Lings first because there's literally a dark oak forest right next to our base now we should have to cut down one of these massive trees so uh okay so off that tree we got two dark oak saplings and in total we need 16s let's just cut a lot more wood okay I just realized while cutting down the trees I found a way faster method I can just shoot these dark oak trees with my presence and hey look a bunch of saplings and just like that we have 22 that was so much faster hey look we're done and now there's only one thing left to do for the Grinch and that's to get 128 green glazed terra cotta and well that might be a mouthful to say it's actually pretty easy to unlock we just have to get green terra cotta and smelt it into the glazed kind which means we're going looking for both some green dye and some regular terra cotta to start dying okay cool I found a bunch of Terra Cotta right here next to the desert so we're going to grab a bunch of this terra cotta real quick and now we should need green dye which we can get from cactuses this might take a sec okay cool we also officially have two stacks of cactuses now which means I have everything I need to make 128 green glazed terra cotta so let's head on home and let's make it okay so now let's go ahead and let's add our green cactuses to our furnaces and I believe that should turn these cactuses into green dye oh yep there we go they're officially making green dye and once that's done we just have to put that green dye in the center of a bunch of terracotta to get the green terra cotta okay there we go officially the green dye is done and now we're simply going to surround that green dye with a bunch of terracotta and just like that we have two stacks of green terracotta now which if we put that into these furnaces should start turning it into glazed green terracotta and there it is now we should have wait for this to smell and there we go it's done and now let's become the Grinch oh my God he's so angry he's getting angrier with each upgrade but not only is our Grinch angrier he also now is speed two jump two and strength two and according to this he also gets plus four blocks of reach which should mean I'm able to oh my God I can I can hit these blocks all the way over here against this wall I mean look at this I can literally reach blocks all the way over there that's crazy but anyway now that we're the Grinch it's time to move on to tier four upgrades okay so now that we're the super angry Grinch we're officially on to our tier four upgrades in fact our first tier four upgr upgrade is the grinches sleigh which is going to allow me to fly and uh drop nukes now to actually unlock this thing we just have to kill nine guests kill five players of a snowstorm and get the hidden in the depths advancement Now hidden in the depths is literally just obtaining ancient debris in the nether which is super easy to do so let's start by doing that and grabbing some ancient debris by heading to the Nether and then making our way back to the Bastion nearby to see if it contains any ancient debris itself okay so this is the Bastion right here so we just got to dig our way inside real quick now let just leap our way to the bottom real quick okay now we need to see please have ancient debris no it literally is a netherite Ingot but it doesn't have ancient debris that's okay whatever we'll at least grab these Gold Blocks while we're here okay so this Bastion literally did not have any ancient debris all it had was a netherite Ingot so I'm actually just going to make my way all the way down here real quick I'm just going to start digging my way around down underground real quick in the nether to see if I can quickly find myself some ancient debris oh we found one yeah there it is Agent debris and we got hidden in the depths which means our first Quest is complete and now there's only two more to go and one of them is actually in the nether as well we just have to take out nine Ghasts let's get to work on that there we go that's one gas down and we got return to Center get this guy here we go that's two down oh we sniped him oh we got him again if we hit this everyone has to like And subscribe on this video here we go it's not even close no you should still do it cuz now I just feel bad killed him and now we just need one more he's done see you later and there we go nine out of nine gas dead you're still dying over there just so you know oh we actually hit that anyway now we need to kill five of the hunters with our snowstorm ability speaking of can I use that the ne there's no way right I can't just cause a snowstorm to happen in the nether I literally can it literally just rains snow all around me well anyway now that we're done with that let's go ahead and let's head back to the Overworld because to get the five kills on the who's we need to fight we obviously need to make our way over to their base all right let's go back through the portal and let's go find that who base oh I just burp that sounded so weird I'm going to redo that line oh oh uh oh God yeah that's right that's right turn my base oh God oh God okay they're in my base we got to be extra careful here hold on let's how can we do this oh no they're coming to me they're coming to me O Okay snowstorm get him Max get him oh also enjoy the snow get them boys yeah get them Bo oh my God look at this they're getting destroyed by these snowmen oh ow oh they're coming for me oh God I was busy looking on and oh yes okay she's gone she's gone she's gone oh my goodness he's trapped he doesn't even notice me above him dude this is insane let's just blind him to make it fun get him he killed Max that's it no no God I'm dead if my health wasn't getting low I would have toyed with them a little more but it was definitely getting a little low there so hold up okay what did they do the Bas okay so they definitely took some of my stuff okay well a few things to know from that battle some of my items were stolen and I noticed that one of the who's still isn't here now if I hit the tab menu you're going to notice that there's a username named Rex the dino I haven't seen him in like 30 days meaning he's got to have all of their presence so from here step one is to take this base and move it somewhere else and then step two is to find Rexx and get those presents from him okay so it appears the who are working together even though they live in different bases which is a problem because that also likely means that they're trading presents around to make make sure I can't get them but whatever before I focus on the presents again I have to focus on getting a new base okay so welcome your faces to the Grinch base version three this base is massive with everything we're going to need to unlock our tier five upgrades now this may or may not be obvious but we still need to get five kills with snowstorm to finish up our last Quest and unlock the Grinch's Sligh and we need it I want to fly so let's go back to doing what we were going to do before which is to Simply look for the who's new base or uh bases cuz I think they have multiple and so I went searching for the who's base and because there were multiple bases hidden around it really didn't take that long for me to find one and it actually turns out after I destroyed the first two base perm more the one who lived there moved in with one of the other whoos is that a farm down there oh wait wait oh I see one look look through the glass let's leap down for now I need to get them out oh they're already outside okay perfect oh well I'm in the base let's drop the ability hurry up land okay there we go get him snowman get him oh God not this again not this again oh they died they died they died one died to fall damage one just died to my thing okay they should spawn in again right here let's get another one down more Snowman no dude oh nice that got him that got him that got him he's dead okay that's two down that's two down ready to spawn more here we go and BK one just died one just died come on get her get her get her she's got to be low she's got to be low come on get her yes oh okay we just need one more kill with it I got an idea I pulled him in oh I killed him with that get him boys get him come on snowman take them out this is impossible this is impossible one just died to the snowball that's huge that's it that's what we needed right there go over here now let's go do our combat upgrades and unlock Grinch's sleigh now let's try this ability out if I hit two I spawn in the sleigh which would let me fly like I'm in creative and then if I left click I think I drop a nuke a right click oh oh my gosh I can literally drop bombs they're trying to Bow me let's see if we can drop another okay it looks like I can only drop one bomb so you know what I'm going to use this chance just to fly away now that we've unlocked Santa slay oh God it's gone let's respawn the sleigh let's hop back on and let's get out of here okay so we've officially unlocked Santa's sleigh I guess in this case the grinches Sigh and this thing is sick we not only have Max riding the front of it but that we have this giant sleigh in the back and this sleigh not only lets us fly but it also can nuke enemies by dropping present bombs on them which by the way speaking of presents if we look at our present meter I still only have 30 out of 100 meaning neither of those who's had any presents meaning it's just like I said Rex the dino has all the presents meaning he's the who we got to find cuz again if I don't get all 100 gifts by day 100 I lose and because I absolutely hate to lose let's work on our next upgrade decorative defense it's the tier four utility upgrade right here that basically lets me put a tree on as a shield now to unlock it we just need a trident 16 amethyst clusters and one skeleton skull now I'm not sure if you know how to get an amethyst cluster but it's actually pretty annoying because if you break those clusters you'd get amethyst shards but they don't drop the cluster themselves so what we need is a silk touch pickaxe that can actually mine that up so let's just grab some of our diamonds from this chest and our lapis and then let's go ahead and let's make a fresh diamond pickaxe and now let's see if we can get silk touch on this thing boom there we go we got silk touch so now let's take this pickaxe and let's go grab some amethyst shards and now to actually get the amethyst Shard I think it's this we got to break right here boom yep we got an amethyst cluster that's our first one and there we go we officially have 19 amethyst clusters which is all we needed and now the next Quest we have to complete is getting a skeleton skull surprisingly regular skeleton skulls are actually harder than wither skeletons because to get a skeleton skull we have to kill a skeleton with a Charged Creeper and to do that we kind of need it to be storming if we want to make a Charged Creeper but now what we can do is take our copper ingots and make ourselves some lightning rods so that way if it starts storming we can make a charge creeper but since it's not storming we'll just hold on to these lightning rods and instead get the third Quest item which is trying to get a trident and to get a trident we just have to kill a lot of drowned in the ocean so let's go find a drowned with a trident oh it's storming this is exactly how we get the skeleton skull we need it to be storming then we put down lightning rods lightning just struck over there there's a creeper Right Here We There we go we found one we found one we found one we just need to get some lightning rods near this guy okay here we go don't blow up yes okay we got a charge creeper now we just got to get that charge creeper to blow up the skeleton yes we definitely just got a skeleton skull no we did we got a skeleton skull it's right here and now all we have to do is get a trident okay we did it we officially have this trident in our hand and with that we officially have everything we need to unlock decorative defense so let's unlock it and let's use it and get our Shield oh my God wait a minute do I just turn into a Christmas tree this is literally like using the bush ability in fortnite oh yeah real camouflag I'm just a light up Christmas tree in the middle of a Minecraft forest luckily that's not what this ability is about though this tree is meant to act like a shield oh oh I was about to look at its description and it just exploded so apparently after a little while the tree explodes and if you're hit by one of the ornaments that are falling you take a bunch of damage but with that tree unlocked there's only one more tier four upgrade to go and that's to become the merry Marauder which is our tier four Grinch now to unlock the tier four Grinch we need three disc fragments a nautilus shell and two ominous banners and since I just had to kill a bunch of drowned I'm not doing that again to get that nautilus shell first I'm going to oh I fell uh let's just start by getting the disc fragments okay no disc fragments in the first chest we check out we got two right here okay there's two disc fragments how many do I need oh I need three we literally just need one more this is turning out to be way easier than I thought okay none in this one cat there it is one disc fragment that's literally all we needed we have all three we need which means our first Quest is officially done for the merry Marauder and now there's only two left to go and honestly I'm going to go for the nautilus shell next which is just an item that a lot of people don't even know exists in Minecraft but if you watch my videos you definitely know what the Nautilus Shel so let's go kill a bunch of drown and see if we can get one to drop okay done I got the nautilus shell and now we literally just have to go get two ominous banners which are these banners you see on screen right now it's the one that the pillagers hold once we get two of those from a Pillager Outpost we'll be able to do this upgrade and then there's only three upgrades left to go till Grinch reaches max strength and hopefully we can then steal all 100 presents with EAS but uh I'm not going to lie only having 30 at this point does have me a little bit nervous that I'm going to lose simply cuz I won't get all the presents back okay let's get this ominous Banner this guy has one in his hands right there okay we just got bat Omen that Banner should be on the ground somewhere did we pick it up already we did we got one ominous banner and now if we sit around this Pillager Tower more of these guys will spawn oh right there got it boom and that's all we need so let's get on out of here oh that's what I would say but because I got an ominous Banner we now have the bad Omen effect which honestly I'm just going to go dump off on a random poor Village and uh I'm sure they'll be fine okay perfect here's a village let's go on in a raid is now starting I wish you the best of luck Mr iron golem okay so with those two ominous banners in hand we can say goodbye to the Grinch and hello to the merry Marauder and now he's so angry his smile has turned upside down he's happy but anyway now that we are the merry Marauder we get strength three jump boost three and speed three and of course we get even more block reach with me being able to reach blocks six blocks away but with us officially unlocking this merry looking Grinch and still needing 70 presents let's move on to tier five so we can steal those presents so we have three tier five upgrades to go all of which seem to require something from the end and to go to the end we're going to need to make some eye ofender so let's start by getting that blaze powder for some blazes okay so first things first we got to take out a bunch of blazes we officially have nine blaze rods that is more than what we need so now let's just start going in this direction and now let's just make our way to a Bastion we may have just found another Bridge yep it's definitely a bridge two gold blocks right there so now let's just go over here to this gold here grab this gold block here and now the piglin that fell in there we can actually just take these Gold Blocks turn them to ingots and get him trading so let's just throw him down there to him now we'll let this guy keep trading and working or we go get more gold okay we got a bunch of extra ex Gold Blocks a netherite scrap another netherite upgrade a bunch more iron blocks and we have a diamond chest plate and extra diamond helmet and now let's just go grab the rest of the gold on the back side of the Bastion okay there we go we now have 32 blocks of gold now let's just go back to our piglins and trade them the rest of the gold okay that's done now we should wait here till they're done trading and hopefully we get a lot of Ender Pearls 1 minute 37 seconds later we actually have 18 ender pearls which is actually all we'll definitely need so now with our blaze rods and ender pearls we can make a bunch of IE ofender and start making our way to the end which is exactly what we're going to do okay so now to actually go to the end like I said we're going to take our blaze rods turn them into blaze powder and combine that up with our 16 ender pearls to get 16 Eyes of Ender now we'll just store some of our stuff up to clean up our inventory and now we're finally going to get rid of our iron sword and we're going to make ourselves a netherite sword and we can quickly throw an enchant on it sharpness four Fire 2 perfect and now with that in hand we're ready to take on the Ender Dragon okay so let's throw the First Eye of Ender off here that Eye of Ender just went this way I think the Eye of Ender may have exploded too I don't even see it on the ground okay whatever let's hop back in never mind it disappeared anyway the Eye of Ender went this way let's start going this way oh it turned around it turned around it turned around okay let's throw the next one off right here that go ground okay let's just start going down right here don't Breck oh it's right here we're here okay now we just got to find the actual portal room which uh oh we found the portal room already let's go wait ice spy oh two of them got ice spy all right let's stop that Grinch wait what oh they activated the portal wait what they must be at a different stronghold what the heck uh hello oh he's here he's here oh one of them's on me we officially made it it's time to battle the dragon let's start taking out these towers oh that just did 20 Hearts okay one of them's trying to come up here I threw a bomb down that should blind them I think a present is Spa oh wait a present spawned in the end that was 52 60 30 something okay okay she should die nice she's done we need to get that present where's that oh it's right there it's right next to me it's mine yes I got it that is huge we you got to take out these portals now okay now let's take out that one oh we sniped him and the thing no no dude oh they're coming back they have beds there's another one in here come on there we go fire yes we got it we got it they're all down they're all down okay we got the Christmas tree shield on now now we just got to take out the Ender Dragon one just died to intentional game design was that a bed nice he's done he's done he's done yeah oh we sniped him okay that's one down right click the egg okay I teleported it break yes we got the egg yes now let's go to the other end so we can get the elytra and the dragon head now let's throw an end Pearl through there we go boom we're in the other end yes okay now we just need to find elytra which we can find inside of an end City in the other end I went around searching for elytra using my sleigh but even that didn't really help because of how slow it is and I'm guessing that's because it's the grinches slay cuz you know Santa slay is super fast okay we finally found an nend City and it does have an elytra ship there we go boom we made it we just made it now let just break in here grab this elytra now let's just loot these chests for any extra loot now just build our way back out of here let's hop back in our sleigh and now I normally say let's fly on home but we're not going to do that cuz there's still one other item we need from the end so let's just hop off our SLE and now let's use our silk touch pickaxe to mine these chorus flower that's one Quest complete on Grinch's bag and two quests complete on destroyer of gifts unfortunately we weren't able to finish any of the combat upgrades for now let's just fly on home and we'll finish them there okay so we're officially done in the end and there's only three upgrades to go and actually to finish those three upgrades there's only a few things we need to do to actually unlock them first things first on that list I need to go to the Nether and get a netherite hoe then I need to get hot tourist destination the advancement and then there's only a few other things we have to do which include looting a jungle temple nuking two of the who's at once getting the snout smithing template and then getting two nether Stars which Yes means I have to fight not one but two Withers oh and just to make matters even worse I still need 70 gifts to get to the total of 100 we got a lot to do and I think we should really focus up on the upgrades first cuz once we're done with those we can just focus on stealing gifts and then staying alive and capturing the gifts that spawn in after that time so let's start by getting that netherite hoe cuz I really don't think it should be too difficult so yeah I literally just have to go get a few more ancient debris from the Nether and we'll be able to get this netherite ho no trouble okay we're at a Bastion let's check this out and see if we can get ourselves some netherite there's nothing in here we got a snout armor trim wait wait I think we needed that it is we literally just got an item we didn't even think about nether inot we got one okay perfect we can now get out of this Bastion and head on on home where we can now make ourselves a netherite ho okay so now that we finished up with that let's just go ahead and get hot tourist destination done with and we just have to step in every biome once in the nether which actually really isn't too difficult okay so if we look at the nether upgrades we're going to see that I've currently only explored one Nether biome but if we just simply head over here real quick you'll see that we can upgrade that to two really fast okay let's just build our way up here real quick that should get us onto this now this should be biome number two yep we've been to two biomes now okay let's get to our third biome it's literally right in front of us we'll just jump down to the Soul Sand right here get into this Nether and this is going to be our third set okay perfect here's the red tree biome we enter this one right here and now that should be four total biomes it is and now we just need to find this exact biome but instead of red trees we got to go to the blue tree one okay perfect here's the blue tree biome the second we step in here we should get hot tourist destination which we we do there we go okay and now that that's done there's only one thing left in the nether we have to do and that's to get two nether Stars so what we're going to do is we're going to head to a nether fortress real quick get ourselves six wither skulls and then we'll simply battle two Withers in the Overworld okay perfect we have all the Wither Skeleton skulls that we need we got six in total so let's grab all of these back and then we're going to go grab ourselves a bunch of Soul Sand which we need eight of that and then we can simply go battle the Wither in the Overworld okay perfect here's some Soul Sand let's just grab some of this okay now let's just battle the Wither inside of this ice field we'll put our soul sand right here put three of the skulls on top now let's go spawn in our SLE oh we're beating him up he's done well first one's dead which means now it's time to fight the second wither so let just heal up real quick let's put the three skulls back on top top back in our sleigh in a moment here we just need to go backwards here we Go's dead grab that nether star did we get it we did it we got two nether Stars yes yes which means we have everything we need to unlock the Grinch's bag now I'd show you how this bag works but this bag item literally only works on the hunters and when I right click him with it they get stuck in the bag like I kidnapped them inside of this red bag but the best part about it is even if I don't kill them just sucking them up inside the bag steals all their presents but uh we still got to finish unlocking present Mayhem and we have to finish becoming the destroyer of gifts let's go make that netherite ho make ourselves a diamond hoe now let's bring that diamond ho over here if we put that with the upgrader and a netherite Ingot we get a netherite ho which gets us this serious dedication advantage ment and allows us to turn into the destroyer of gifts not only am I extremely buff as this Grinch and obviously I now have a boatload of Hearts but I mean look at me I just look like the Hulk and the Grinch combin I'm huge I'm green and I'm a mean fighting machine but the best part about this Grinch actually is the fact that I don't even need a sleigh to fly anymore I can just fly like I'm in creative and that's going to make navigating a million times easier but even with this tier five Grinch unlock we still have one more upgrade to go and that's to unlock present Mayhem which will make a bunch of explosive presents rain from the sky and once I have that getting the presents back from the who is going to be a piece of cake anyway now that we can fly this next Quest should be pretty easy all we have to do is find ourselves a jungle temple in fact I couldn't find a single jungle temple anywhere and you would assume with flight it would be easy to find one nope even with flight it took till day 86 just to find one oh I see one yes jungle temple we got one lot a jungle temple the quest completed I guess that counts just cuz I touched it either way let's go inside let's see what we can find let's break through this floor now we can open the chest we we get a free diamond and some extra gold get these diamonds and these irons and now let's get out of here oh my God my body is just clipping through the ceiling and now just like that we are out of here with only one more Quest remaining nuke two of the who's at once for the next couple of days I went around searching for the who's so I could nuke them and steal their presence and I won't lie I found one of the Hub bases but of course there was one major problem someone may live near here boom right there door and window and torch I see it right there let's see if it's them or if this is like some old B they had let's find out oh God oh God oh run run run hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide oh definitely their base oh ow ow oh it's coming from the ceiling go away okay that should destroy the Redstone oh my God look at all the poison potions oh my God we need to get in the Sigh the whole goal is to get the nuke on them let's now go inside their base here we go here we go and nuke boom what let's see what happened to their base are their beds still here dude I don't think there's anything left to this base that base is toast in a matter of seconds and now that we're done with that we can unlock our last ability present m Mayhem which is our ability that does this basically I have this item in my inventory called present Mayhem I put it on the ground and now it starts raining explosive presents from the sky that explodes and you'll see that when they explode they spawn a bunch of mini grinches that will all fight for me so if I punch this zombie oh he's dead okay what about this zombie get them grinches get him so yeah you get the idea wait am I being shot from oh wait it's a hunter this whole time I thought I was being shot by a skeleton oh he's getting attacked by a bunch of the toys let's end him okay he's dead and of course they had no gifts and that's because Rex the dino has all the gifts meaning now that we're fully upgraded I'm done with them it's time for us to go find Rex so yeah I can't find Rex anywhere and he likely has all the presents for the who's right now or that's what I would say but after 5 days of searching I finally found Rex's base over 5,000 blocks away from Spawn that's something we found it we found it we found a base we found a base what name is that Rex the dyo knock knock who's there he's under the floor somewhere oh I found him oh he sees me let's drop some presents let the battle begin get him GR is get him there's like a million toy bears on me please pop the totem we pop the totem he's done 94 we have 94 presents we're literally just missing six gifts which the one today hasn't even spawned yet is his bed down here wait what that's not his bed where's his bed oh I found him I found him I found him a present I have to go get that okay you know what let's just quickly kill him off nice he's dead he's dead he's dead where is he spawning where's this bed there it is no more respawn for you and now let's head to that present let's see if we can get to it in time okay the present said it was spawning somewhere around here but I literally do not see this thing anywhere no it literally should be spawning right there on that stone so the fact that it's not spawning means someone got to it first meaning someone besides Rex now has presents so I spent the last few days just getting all the presents from Rex just to now have to go look for someone else now we need to go look for Goldie and permo who likely stole that present actually wait I have an idea the sun's setting behind me so why don't we just wait for the present to spawn tomorrow and then we target that present and find the who's there that's it that's the plan oh a present spawn 53879 2073 I got it let's let's go get that present we got to be the first one to that present that is key I think it's going to be right on this island there it is I literally can see the present it's right there now that we found the present we're not going to take it we're going to leave that there we're going to fly all the way up in the sky and using our Zoom ability we're going to spy on that present and we're going to follow anyone that takes it oh I see one lers I see him I see him I see him look at him he's looking for it oh he sees it he sees it he sees it he grabbed it okay now he's leaving now we're going to follow him we're going to keep our distance I don't want to be spotted here so just keep our distance oh my God he's like the tiniest dot in the world oh we hit land oh wait it's literally right there I found their base all right guys I'm back I'm back with the present oh this is huge now we just need to kill them and take the gifts okay let's get him first cuz I know he's going to have at least one of the gifts oh my God oh my God what we got a present from that okay he is the other present we can't let him get away we can't let him get away oh my God he's still alive pop that totem yes oh he got me no okay we have 96 presents we officially have all the gifts in the world that have spawned that is huge all we have to do is fight for the gifts I'm not even going to stay and fight them there's no point because from here I just have to fly around the world and collect all the presents till that bar up top reaches 100 so after stealing steing those few gifts back from the who's all I had to do was collect the remaining gifts on days 97 98 and 99 then I'd win however it turned out that the who had one more secret weapon up their sleeve and that weapon might just beat the Grinch okay a final present spawn 166 53 that's where we're heading that's the final present well supposedly I only have 98 out of 100 and it is day 99 so I'm technically missing a present right now but I'm guessing one of the who's has it and I just somehow missed it well luckily if we go to this present I'm sure the who will show up eventually and we can just kill them for the last one hey that presents coming up it's right over here somewhere oh wait wait could be in this cave oh my God there's a ton of them to end it are they fakes wait what oh no I think it's a trap he's trapped get him get him get him get him get him slay spells oh my we're free oh my God we're poisoned blind them oh dude he's poisoned he's poisoned you get in the bag okay I dropped one in the bag I dropped one in the bag oh God I can't fly I literally can't fly okay we atat the god uple eat this to heal okay throw down the present mayam throw down present mayam oh God one of these has to be real no wait what I'm so confused oh my God I'm going to die I'm going to die one of these has what is happening why are they all fake they're all fake I got it I got it I got it stockings there we go oh God we're die fly oh we're we're on half oh God eat some food get some health back go go go go no no dude they kept taking my Flyway I just lost I have no presence the sun's going down on 99 and I just die meaning I lose like once I die I'm out well I guess that means the Grinch loses which I guess is kind of fitting cuz who likes the Grinch anyway thanks for watching oh and if you haven't already head over to Ryu do shop we got some awesome merchandise available
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 605,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as the GRINCH in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Day Grinch, Minecraft Grinch, 100 Days as a Grinch, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: C7iRz37V2yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 19sec (3379 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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