The Giant Crocodile Attacks!!! - The Isle

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[Music] [Music] oh yep i'm working oh is it day is it night lord knows baby i hear carnose i smell dead bodies guys i'm back we're back in the game yes i'm actually recording this before the other videos even edited i don't want to know how many hours of footage hold on oh my god there's like seven hours of footage so i just heard car nose i'm really thirsty when we last left off um i was outside the water for ages absolutely ages so with that in mind hold on let's have a sniff did i just scare a baby oh there's another dino don't know if he wants to go for me or what but i do want to drink can you drink swamp water i don't know if you can there's a baby i was gonna say don't you try it this is what i was doing the whole time the other day oh yes he's being bitten oh god he's being absolutely destroyed he's running into the water [Laughter] connor absolutely wrecking him well he tried it he tried it i'm not going for you don't worry i'm just wanting a drink because i'm apparently parched there we go there's the water i got him brilliant annoying [Music] fempo you got big i remember fempo yeah you're you're remember the same size as me and you maybe a little bit smaller not fully grown doesn't look like you're fully grown you say not a scratch yet there are scratches on you and you are bleeding alrighty let's go into the great unknown into the unknown fishy i feel like with this guy unless i'm ganged up on by multiple cannibal dino circuses i think i'm okay i don't think there's much that can really take me on i think i see something in the water it's probably a croco [Music] he was scared oh my god he he really did run didn't he you think he would have just stopped right you would have been like well if i'm gonna die i'm gonna die and then realize there wasn't after him but no he was not risking it he was still running hell master were you the one i chased damn you agree yeah boy of course i grew i wanna know what's over here that died i hear carnose oh no what is this what idea look at me land crocodile ah al is it utah baby utah what are you don't care i'll pick you oh your baby tanato poor bobby boombie that's all nice the fudge the guys like what the hell yeah i got one it was already dead though i bet you're right there aren't you yeah now if that ain't suspicious i don't know what it is so you can kind of trick a trandon if you wanted to but it's kind of obvious because like you've got the snorkel bubbles there like they'll see it from this angle and be like oh fish oh wait no croc i feel like i just want to go on land that's what i want to do just stay near the water in case i need an escape but i think my best bet is just to go up if i want food if i'm up on land it's gonna be way better for me that way i get warmer too because i'm a cold-blooded reptile i assume no one's gonna expect the crocodile on land it's like being in florida florida man pets dinosaurs but here one there he is look at him getting a bit hungry like i might try i might try and take one of those fish where the hell was that that was brilliant he didn't see that coming at all he was looking at the fish he looked so funny from my ankle didn't expect the attack from the side of the behind i wouldn't say i'm inconspicuously the big brain croc moves that's a good idea there's water coming from this way though so you know what sonic i might as well oh no that the food's still there apparently oh i've never been this way may as well try it if it's a land carnival baiting here there's a baby stego here i don't i hate i feel like i heard something oh poor baby stego well i guess i'll take that hang on go away oh hello mr raptor this is mine no no no mine mine no no no no i am this it's mine sorry just you wait i know you want to die oh cocky and the raptor go search out pray and bring him to me okay and i'll go kill him it's my little friend [Music] there looks to be water over here is that water lord knows he's like i'll stick with him i'll be friends with the giant croc this definitely isn't any normal way in which your predator hunts that's for sure i wish i could talk to them bring a car no to me or something [Music] well you know what they they've left it i earned that one i'm gonna eat it not gonna eat your baby but i will eat this because i found it so it's mine wait what they were bitten to death adult frogs were bitten to death bit to death by what oh they've been to death by these guys i'll eat this oh yes oh this is just tonato's attacking each other interesting you guys oh you want to kick well if you're gonna kill these baby crocs i'll take it well they actually just gave me loads of food i want to know what happened to them did they really just die is this dead tornado oh it's a dead tornado there's a bottle here sweet oh it's an adult as well oh my god yes give me give me all the food get it to me please don't know what tyrandon's on about well i have no idea where those other crocs went where a killmaster whatever he's gone disappear to i thought i was on i thought i'd seen them with a stomach this full i could migrate somewhere completely different across land where should i go it's gonna be tricky it's really gonna be tricky because i kind of want to make for pocket falls but at the same time that is absolutely miles away i am rather tempted with a stomach this full all i need is water i just need to get up to the delta river at some point and then cut across [Music] i don't know what that was but i ate it i think it was probably just like when those tiny little fish won it he take my fish look i've been a little baby croc i know how long you can last without fish it's amazing i think this is it guys and if i just keep on going that way straight i will eventually hit pocket river but it is going to be a journey oh my god is it going to be a journey enemies and foes friends i mean they're probably all gonna be foes i'm not worried about food running out i'm worried about water so that's the radio tower and where the radio tower is basically below that is the pocket pool and stuff as long as we don't attract too much attention and even then if something does try to kill us the only issue for me is it's slowing me down because i need to get over there uh before my water goes i don't really need food like i said it's just water that's a little bit of an issue i mean i can move like this for a bit but then back to nothing this is what it's all about the great unknown exploring adventure mystery and intrigue at any moment a pack of carnos could run past like whatever that was although it looks like it was tiny by the looks of it i mean my last line of defense is to go into one of these big bushes if i run into one of the big bushes chances are they won't be able to get me because then they won't know which way i'm facing and then they'll be scared because they know if they enter from the wrong direction one bite and they're dead their toes get it because they're gonna be gone i think it's doable just going to take some time to get there because i'm so freaking slow unfortunately there's no other bodies of river i can take let's go for a little run shall we speed things up a bit oh hello little raptor how you doing or where you running from should i say you're running from anything in particular i wish i could move like you that would be nice it's not food that's the issue it's uh it's water but i think i see some i think i see in the distance yes i think i see it reflecting oh we're gonna do it i'm gonna make it see when they put t-rex in the game you can't do this because you will easily get picked off by a t-rex here there's nothing you can do picanos nope carnos are good i feel like i could probably still put up a fair fight against a carno run rings around me but a bite from me might do a lot of damage to it dead carcass where the frick is that oh there's a cave multiple carcasses in cave oh what are you a tyrannodon yeah you're a trandon you know what i'll take it where's the other carcass oh as a floaty dead fish yum yum yum yum i don't want to know if it's a big drop i don't want to go it's going to say don't get stuck now don't get stuck now okay there is carcasses on the other side of this place no way to get there oh hello i did not see you i didn't think there would be another another crocodile here you're not gonna attack me are you cause i'm bigger than you no i'm getting the feeling he might attack nope he's gonna rub alongside me i think he's really trying to see if he can attack me because he's like am i bigger am i bigger no oh look at that beautiful daylight oh stego oh that's a big stego oh i'll take that though um well there's loads of them here god i don't need to worry hold on let me get that other catfish is it a pteranodon is it freaking another pteranodon did it drown well guy i don't know about you but i'm not in the mood to really take on stegosauruses so i'm going to go on my normal mission that i was going before go to bumpy swamp or do we fine let's follow the stegos we're going to die one way stego might as well be it ah that isn't a shot oh dear though if i remember right guy there's a lot of pills here so um we're definitely not going to be staying in the water for too long yeah this is where i was when i was um i was a tyrannodon i was drinking from here and i don't know if you can get up from this way it's worth a shot we'll give it a shot nope we're gonna have to walk it buddy we need to get high we need to get over there go the way the stegos did is he still coming or is he stopped oh i think he's in the left group or he's stopped he's like yeah i'm not going to go this way anymore [Laughter] i think he turned around went yeah nah i'm good this isn't how you're supposed to play until this year oh someone making a call there because that wasn't me [Music] oh here we go at the top oh it is hello well it was a bit crook there seemed friendly didn't say anything i don't think these river types do oh this ah this is where the stegos went oh he got bit there's a little raptor attacking can i attack a stego seems stupid right that i wouldn't be able to attack a stagger so you're coming over here what's he coming over here for you threatening me is that what you're doing [Music] wait i can't eat you i thought i got you did you just need backup [Music] this is constantly threatening now is it because he's got backup oh hello how much damage they do with a whack is the question so we can't [Music] a little rafter trying it whoa was that spit i'm actually not having to hold my breath here wait if we get hit once by a stego is that it are we done won it from a stego kills us oh they need to fix that no way yeah i can't see another another crocodile coming all this way i don't know about you [Laughter] i came a long way i mean the stegosaur has the advantage right it can attack us while being like 90 degrees away or something oh god i'm gonna die oh god hit oh hit badly oh god [Laughter] so does that mean i'm dead i took a hit i also bit him does that mean i'm gonna die now he didn't see me oh no how much damage i did to him yeah i mean i'm bleeding but i don't know that really didn't i mean maybe he didn't hit me properly [Music] oh looks like we got three meal here [Laughter] did you see that did you see the fish got break [Music] oh i should have let him have it oh damn i'm sorry i'm sorry little bird oh he got hit twice there i'm just kind of curious i want to know how many hits i can take from a from an adult stego oh the hit is in the head oh so we're going to be hitting the head oh okay so if we get so we want to turn away from so we might turn away turn away from the tail basically nothing the baby's tigger was actually going to go from the log was in the way there yeah he's going to go around i thought the adult would come over i didn't get him didn't get him but i didn't try it's nice actually being able to take it and be like oh okay i can try that again well most of the times in the air when you get hit it's like oh well that's it you're done your blood is giving me away ya dafty see told you oh god oh god oh god oh god stop fighting stop biting oh god stop biting yeah i think we really screwed each other over we both saw the opportunity oh they're gone now though they're gone now though i think he took damage we didn't coordinate that one very well let's just say but they have also got they've also disappeared oh yes i got the plus on the health that's good me blood's going up oh yes get that blood sugar up oh my god the crocodile's there i think he's all the way down again at the [Music] bottom oh there's three of us now [Music] i could kind of surprise them oh what the hell many crocs are here now oh jesus well this is interesting in it oh god one of them just got absolutely messed up wow well he's dead and he we get like four crocs up here and one gets absolutely blown up look at that i think he's actually supposed to be on the tail oh god oh god what what what's going on here what why is there a crocodile after me what what i am so confused why why is this happening why did like two of the crocodiles go for me [Music] i have no idea where those crocs attacked me what what why what i just got killed like that wow wow wow what just happened why why why why there was multiple crocodiles all of a sudden just spawned in and then they killed me oh i i have no idea guys i have no idea why that happened i was completely fine with one crocodile and then all of a sudden just the the ones that appeared i think they were a group they must have been a group who just decided to uh oh wait did he just die okay i thought i thought you thought you just lay down okay i have no idea absolutely no idea why what are you doing yeah no why come on then you want some you want some i'll give it you i i honestly have no idea what happened there like all i can think of is that they were like oh there's another crocodile here oh start this let's eat him instead so guys it's definitely not the ending i was expecting um i was running away from the stagos thinking oh i'll um i'll go into the safety of the water and then ended up there not being any safety at all and i died i go get him he hide in bush oh wait did he die [Music] wait i bit you i got you hey stop it no no yay i win i'm about to die anyway i killed something well guys that is that's kind of a wrap of that like i said all i can think of group of people who knew each other were like who's this guy let's just kill him and that was that i don't know who died who got killed by the stagger maybe that was my friend i did not expect to be freaking ambushed by other crocodiles i would have kept running if that was the case i thought they would have given up the ghost obviously starving well anyway if you enjoyed this video leave a like until next time i'll see you later bye [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,597,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: 6QuV3zl6xAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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