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maybe this moe saw is going to oh god okay never mind we'll take it back hello everyone and welcome to a special look at all of the aquatics that have been released so far in jurassic world evolution the game of of course it hasn't came out just yet as of recording uh but frontier have been very nice very kind to give me exclusive access you know to sort of get content ready uh for the embargo date so here we are in what i could only call my aquatic research facility so we're gonna take an in-depth look at every creature uh they've all got different skins on and uh we'll also of course end it in the only way that i think we can end it and that is releasing them all into one enclosure and letting them just fight and have fun you know all of the good stuff so first off we're going to take a look at the creature that's lowest on the pecking order and that is of course unfortunately for it the ichthyosaurus turns out that it's not but we'll get to that in a minute uh this is the little little dolphin thing so we're gonna release them one by one and i put a pattern on it and it looks absolutely gorgeous so one thing right off the bat when it comes to aquatic creatures um is that you really can't do much with them and this is how they look and this is pretty much it you can't change the enclosure you can add fishes you can add viewing domes and um and it's also floating out of the water uh but that is i've i've never seen that before oh well we've gotta we're a flying theater so that is amazing well the first one i showed we got a glitch that will probably already patch out anyway uh so we'll have a quick cycle through of all the other different colors i think this is that's the base one i think we saw this uh we've seen this before it might have been a glitch just with the way the land is and he's also going to do it wow well anyway have we got another one that's not flying here's a different skin tone uh can we have a look at what it is it should show us uh what we've added on to it so all of these i mean every creature in the game uh has like um traits and stuff that are bad and you need to genetically modify them to make them all right and all of these should be uh pretty good uh so we've got a paler green one here uh so there should be five in here and that is the other skin that we saw with the striped one these little guys can pretty much be killed by anything uh they're very low on the pecking order i've played this game for about 30 hours now and i've had to make everything in order to showcase it to you right here you see that's what they should be doing just sticking out the surface there you go not not actually doing what that was doing and flying out of it but they look absolutely gorgeous pretty sure i lowered all the stands oh well anyway here we go will we be able to see any is the question no oh there's one kind of off in the distance their ginormous eyes are beautiful um they're not too fussed this enclosure i think is just two um lagoons put together and if we have a look at their preferences it's a little bit small but that's probably because there is um five of them in here so two is not the best idea if you want to house them so let's move on to the next creature which i think is what i want to do here there please you saw here we go let's release so all the ones i'm releasing will have the pattern on them and every creature and i think every dinosaur in the game at the moment has two options for patterns and that's a base one meaning no pattern and a stripe so this one should also have a stripe pattern on it uh pleaser source was one of the first creatures i think i got in the game when i was like so base uh testing it out and there you go whoa that looks so cool so these guys have the snake pattern head to them uh we'll see how they're doing so he's probably still forming territory um as they're going uh if we have a look there you go okay so the space is probably too small yeah so it seems like most aquatic creatures need at least three lagoons unless they're by themselves uh to be happy so i'll have a quick look at the other skins that is the this is the lovely base skin love this sort of king cobra head that it's got going for it there and we got a dark green one we've got a so every aquatic creature starts with four they have four base colors um and i think when you um you play campaign or at least uh challenge mode uh you unlock other skins with it uh so in order to unlock skins i think every creature probably has one extra skin really not too sure about it um but they all start with a base of four so we've got like a dark skin there and then we got the red skin and then we got this skin with that pattern on it so you can imagine that pretty much all the other skins are basically the same as this one with this pattern just alternating color and i've got to admit i thought they were all going to be stripy because the the preview showed that they were all stripey but obviously not um but i think i prefer them with the pattern on it they look gorgeous anyway um so out of all the aquatic creatures that we've seen so far they get thumbs up i like these guys we're about to trade into some weird territory now though so we've seen the pleasure source how about we look at um something that actually has been previewed in the countdown and that is the liporidon so let's have a look at light plural tell me what you think here we go yes there it is the crocodilian headed sk it's basically a crocodile with flippers um i mean cool i guess i mean it looks gorgeous i will admit for what it is it looks gorgeous but at the same time it kind of is just a crocodile um so it seems like the the designers for this game went with two styles they either went for baby smooth and snake-like or they went for crocodilian like um and here we have crocodile now i don't know how paleoactor this is again we're talking about you know jurassic world are we gonna get paleoaccuracy no we're definitely not also checking to make sure we are recording because i've had errors in the past but we should be good this time fingers crossed so we'll have a look at the other patterns so we'll go to the base one uh baseball looks quite nice go to the other one it should be able to tell you what they are maybe i'm just missing it uh it should be on here but it's it's not telling me it's not in there so actually yes we should be looking at the likes and dislikes so they like small marine reptiles and but dislike tyler saws and marine medium basically like pluridon gets on with plesiosaurs um but it will kill ichthyosaurs everything in the everything you'll see will kill ichthyosaurs unfortunately um so it doesn't so it's marine medium so i think the only small marine uh reptile is the uh ichthyosaurs i do want to just have a look back at those guys just to see what they like uh we got a dark color there almost brown to black and then a green one and then back to this one those two of the same pattern oh we need a feeder resupply oh dear um and yeah i mean there's a little bit of red on it it's it's up to you really all these creatures also feed on fish only the only creature aquatic creature that feeds on the shark feeders you know jumps out and eats the shark is the mosasaur itself so we'll have a quick look at the plesiosaurs because i didn't have a check of this either it uh no likes pieces and dislikes marine small so basically it will either kill everything or get eaten by everything and i'd love to see what the uh ichthyosaur uh i'm pretty sure there's been nothing yeah nothing as well bless it oh that i mean we're seeing almost in a different light here there you go light plural is the start of the um the crocodilian and how about we keep going with the crocodilians with elasmosaurus uh another creature that was kind of held to the end and only uh spoken about in one interview that wasn't uh it was i don't know it's like some sort of game game article where they interviewed um one of the lead designers and i think uh heads of uh this project russell evolution too so let's have a good close-up look at you and also there's drones as you can see here they sort of go out and they'll uh dart anything that needs to be darted um or refill fish feeders so this is the biggest of the plesiosaurs in the game and again it's been dragonified or crocodilified um it likes small marine reptiles probably because it will kill them um and don't be don't be fooled by that i've released copies into raptors raptors say they like copies and they just eat them it likes them because it eats them basically and i think that's what's happening here the only small one and this is a medium as well which is interesting because it's actually quite big so it's got the pattern as well which is the red on it if we go backwards we see it without the pattern on it and there you go oh floating again out there it's beautiful it's probably because i flattened all of the area and it's still like playing off the original unflattened land which will probably be patched so we'll go to the base genome there it is sand beige beautiful um this is a green eel it kind of looks similar to the beige it's it's a little bit darker okay it's a little bit darker and the other one is completely it's albino elasmosaur beautiful and then we go back to the pan one let me know what is your favorite so far we only have three left to show and how about we take a break from the dragonified creatures to attenborough source of course named after david attenborough i'm also getting a phone call oh no i need to close that there we go there it is you know it looks chunky it's good you can only get this in the derox edition he forgot to mention that the tiny head so this is a bit of a mixture between the snake and the crocodile i don't mind it it's this one i think is supposed to be a large no it's a medium as well but i like this guy yeah look at that head it looks gorgeous um like small again and dislikes medium again basically everything kills ichthyosaur and then they either cohabit or they don't um i think elasmosaur kills these guys pretty much you can't put any aquatic creature in with another one um unless i mean you can but they will eventually kill it it might take you know 10 minutes it might take an hour it might might take two hours but they will eventually kill them uh which is a bit unfortunate but i love this color look at that that's gorgeous uh let's have a look at the base color not bad i like this i don't know what you call it when it's lighter underneath the darker on top we've got a green version i think can i can i show that and hide hide the statistics i can okay um and then the lighter one and then i think that's the same yes this one has the pattern which is very very vague as you can see here it's just on the uh the ridges there of its skin yeah and this is it without it and with it so subtle i think basically if you want to see a dinosaur have more detail put the stripes on it because otherwise it's just that i mean it looks nice pretty cool um hopefully we can see some of these feed um i think the requirements are pretty good though i think i've hidden them no they will eat they will eat um but i mean you basic oh there's the drone look at it go i kind of want to just get a nice look at the drone there i don't know where he's going he's probably going to the feeder that's what he's doing he's probably coming over here uh there look at it ah that's so cool so i was wondering how you dart and you were you sort of um like interact or heal the flyers and the aquatics and this is how you do it right there so attenborough source out of all the pleasure souls is probably my favorite oh that's sort of nice uh next one i think oh i think is it feeding i mean if we just have a look content content content yeah they're all content favorite one out of the police stores is definitely attenborough source second is plesiosaur followed by elasmosaur and then followed by like plural very low but we haven't seen the large carnivores yet how about we take a look at kylosaur that's right tyler saw was the hidden one here we go in the second smallest one or second biggest i should say tyler's source also i've put them all in with their max uh eggs so you'll be able to see what they hatch like so here we go dragon syndrome oh it's all like knobbly and i don't know it's it's it's chippy and rugged and spiky and that is the tyler saw these guys again they all kind of work together most species i think it's only a mosasaur which doesn't like to be with its own kind or at least you need a big open space to have multiple mosasaurs so this is the first large population five dislikes uh like pluridons in particular i don't know why and marine large i that they're very i mean maybe it'll be patched i don't know it says it like small ones but i'm pretty sure this will you can eat ice via so i don't know yeah we'll see we'll see so there it is with its pattern it's moving really quick actually when i first made these i thought that um they were gonna be able to eat out the shark feeder turns out and this is what we thought was a megalodon we've also got oh let's have a look in here we'll lower the stand and show you so i think when i saved it and i logged back in i put all the stands down but then they all just automatically went back up uh again it's really hard to see out of these things it's a cool concept but because the lagoons have to be so freaking big in order to house something uh you need to put the fish or something nearby them so you can actually see otherwise this is your view and it's it's not the best i'll admit it's not the best uh so let's have a look at all the different colors and schemes so we've got a brown one there oh god how do i how do i change again there we go left arrow that's it james we got the green one i think this is the one with the pattern or maybe it's not it's that too uh we've got one hidden in the dark there oh there we go a little bit of green and then the one which is red and then this one should have the pattern yeah there you go so it's it's got a very i don't know it's it i feel like i'd touch it and it would it would be like a very hard leather um oh it's hunting prey oh let's see it on prey oh did it just eat it i think i think we just saw it eat its prey and it just goes and the final mosasaurus the king of the sea the only one that you can only get a batch of one so this is pretty much the best you're gonna see also every time you release dinosaurs it changes the view and it oh i love it yeah look at it gorgeous i love that they've actually played with the way the camera is instead of just a set like three you know like three different angles they actually move the camera around just to show the colossal scale of these creatures so this is a mosasaur with a pattern on it uh we'll have a look at what it likes it like small again just so we can eat them and marine large it doesn't like which is basically itself it's just talking about tidal soil it's and the thing is right you've got marine medium but that's not listed here so does that like it or not like it i'll i'll give you a hint they don't like them they will eat them basically so most so it can be the only creature that will be able to eat out the shark feeders so i think this is the base genome very very green uh second one oh a lovely brown almost like a mosasaur gen two from jurassic world the game uh and we've got another greeny one and this is the one without the pattern and then this is the one with the pattern gorgeous not really much to report i mean that has a pattern on it and i think it's really only visible on the the spikes oh oh oh there you go that is how you turn a moses saw oh it's feeding oh we're gonna see it eat from the uh yeah here it comes but that is the mosasaur so that is all of the aquatic creatures let me know what's your favorite but it wouldn't be viewing all of the creatures if you know we didn't put them all in the same enclosure so let's release ichthyosaurus instead this is eight the max batch you can see and let's have a look at all of them yeah look at them that like this is the most satisfying bit when you just see them all come out they look so cool so there they go the prey off you go i mean i'm hoping in the future we get stuff like the shastasaurus you know which was the massive ichthyosaurus uh megalodon i know i'd really love to see a megalodon maybe we won't because it's not a reptile but i don't know it's been in stuff like jurassic park builder jurassic world the game it has been in universal franchise games so oh god jesus uh but uh there is a chance that we will see megalodon more than a chance i wouldn't be surprised so uh what else have we got light plurid on the most amount of light pluridons that we can release five of them yeah sometimes you get cameras that are above the ocean uh the only way to get under it under to see into the lagoons is to actually click on a aquatic wait what's he doing oh oh okay [Music] kind of locked into a camera angle it's a shame we couldn't see it underneath the water but actually this kind of looks cool yes look at the oh my god there's five i thought it was only four even though i just said there was four ah this is what happens when you're sleep deprived and you're actually starving let's release three elasmosauruses the max you can do for a batch you see that's way cooler so they do often change the way they come out depending on how many there are um some i mean i think so anyway i think there's probably like three two or three base um ways that a creature can come out oh god there's the drone and oh look at that oh this is about to get hectic let's release two more so instead of three we got two and does it change uh there was definitely one up in front which could be that i suppose okay so they won't attack each other at the moment so let's have a look at dinosaur tyler saw three batch i mean i haven't even seen these so this is gonna be cool i think that's if you just release one this guy oh that looks so it's so bad it's like freaking avengers or something well they all come out like you need some music five attenborough resources to release here oh yes so many aquatics i don't even know what to do for the thumbnail oh yeah this is over oh i thought the corner is always going to eat them there i haven't seen them fight each other at all so i am looking forward to this uh what's in here oh five more atomborosauruses basically i think that there is a limit on the way you can play this game now it felt like with the first game you could have hundreds of dinosaurs and it would be okay it might lag a little bit but this game because they're they're all like real time working off each other and stuff and they're not you know standing still and killing each other um the game i've experienced a little bit more lag than maybe what would be normal so here we go four please you saws oh different angle oh this is so good i love it oh the side view of the gorgeous this is a big lagoon though uh and once we turn on the fighting i'm sure it's all gonna go the heck we're probably gonna be following one creature and then it's going to be eaten by look they're already panicking you can tell oh there we go he's panicking right he's like oh lord there's so much stuff i haven't even introduced the one that's going to kill you all and another batch of eight ichthyosaurs oh this is gonna be so fun i bet this is the come out they just panic right it's roaming it's where it's content at the moment actually interesting has it finished its swim oh there we go now it's panicking now it's kicked in now it's kicked in and let's release the moose assault now the moses orb i'm pretty sure can't be killed by anything because this thing is absolutely ginormous gargantuan guide you even oh don't even hear it's raw because it's underwater i think you would hear it underwater wouldn't you and uh thank you for getting the frontier oh thank you for supplying this got something they drink meaty out of now so yeah as you can see shared with tyler saw does not like it says it doesn't mind like pluridon elasmus or an amber source it's a lie because it'll eat them yeah i mean it says it doesn't mind it and it likes ichthyosaurs because it's food it'll probably just swallow it in one gulp uh let's release another mosasaur because we just like to see things die don't we oh and the five please you saws already as well oh this is beautiful let me just look from the sky oh it's um you can see the ones panicking there that are churning the water a little bit and here's another five please you saws and then should we just follow one we'll follow one creature and just see what happens once we turn the fighting on and stuff like that i've already got three on low health but i'm assuming that's the please resource in the other planet because um i don't think there's been enough time for something to starve to death here oh maybe the house maybe the house no that hasn't there we go oh it's oh there's a load of them okay let's just grab something and have a look in the water there oh oh that is good just look at the ball it's like right where nigel marvin swimming with the creatures oh this is amazing wow wow okay okay i kind of want to follow an ichthyosaur because he's probably gonna be the one that's gonna swim about the most and is most likely to be eaten who do you think could break the game that's also an option have i made too many creatures i wouldn't be surprised if i've made too many creatures and i'm just going to crash the game every time now [Music] oh we're good things are going to start happening right i want to find a nick thea saw here we go here we go let's get nick this all let's just watch yeah their comfort's going down now we've got one death so far or maybe we should follow a mosasaur uh oh an undiagnosed ailment oh they're getting ill and stuff now oh this is good here we see a little ichthyosaur we'll turn off that and just see how he does really this creature should be with a shawl of its own kind however it's finding itself out in the open it also looks like it's swimming way quicker than it should be um i mean oh look there they all are they sort of congregate together oh maybe there is a pack instinct or something like that oh it looks like he's calm now he's calm no he's still panicking he's probably just always running low on stamina ah that might be a thing oh god oh god oh moses or oh look at all the elasmosaurs sticking together as well maybe they do they do move in herds oh should we make oh we should probably turn off the starving thing so they actually get hungry haunted oh the pleasure sauce do get hunted by thing i thought they were the ones that hunted the um the what oh there he is [Music] i thought they wouldn't be killed by the ichthyosaurs but apparently they do oh lovely shot of the coroner source there see i'm so used to i look at that face and i think that's a cronus or like a crony it looks like a crook like a crocodile nope that's a light plural how could they do this to you my babe i i i i'd much prefer the walkway dinosaurs one oh i can't wait for mods to come in well seeing as apparently the plesiosaurs are the one i should be worried about maybe we'll follow one of these guys so far only one out of all of these guys has died everything else it seems to be getting on i'm just hoping they don't starve to death oh there's the drone [Music] it's absolute chaos here maybe there's too many maybe they just won't fire won't kill each other i tell you what it is it is a a breathtaking thing to behold it is gorgeous in here oh look at this size between atomborosaurus and please you saw there i always thought they were the same size it's definitely not the uh battle royale i was expecting i'll i'll give it that i mean how are they doing for open space and stuff oh the area's actually okay for them uh it's just that they're missing fish and cohabitation which is on 222 but the the open space i think is all right we've got something with an ailment there something big that's got to be a moses all right yes of course it is right your population's okay because you've got two but you need shark feeders and you just don't like tyler salt i tell you what there's nothing near the mosasaur it's like everything is deliberately avoiding them yeah look at this they're all hiding up here away from the mosasaur oh oh this must be the ichthyosaur that killed the eplesia soul that's what i'm assuming because he's got an ailment it's undiagnosed his health's pretty low maybe when it gets to a point something will pick okay we're back and this time nothing is released so i think it was an issue that um oh god here he goes here's owen grady when i worked with dinosaurs it's not even your garfield now or mario just not yourself apparently um but yeah i think the problem was that it was just too many creatures and that's the main difference between this game and the first one is that because everything's so interactive and like bounces off each other that when there's just so much like literally the game can't handle it um so it's like okay i think the the the the balance between having so many dinosaurs but limited animations and now better animations but now you can't have as many dinosaurs i think i'd rather have that i'd rather have that than like loads of dinosaurs that just are potato cut outs of each other you know what i mean so we saw the the plesiosaur did not like the ichthyosaurs so what are we gonna do of course we're going to release the ichthyosaurs with the plesiosaurs and hopefully we'll see some battles between the two because they were the ones that instantly attacked each other and i think um if the game could do it and could handle it we would have seen loads of attacks happen because as soon as i like released everything and turned the option on there was instant death so the pleasures lost out to the ichthyosaurs so we need to keep an eye on this and just see if something happens here now they don't have any food so i just don't know if they eat each other or if they just attack each other i think it's probably just attack i don't know what that guy's on where are you going what are you doing i feel like i've got to be vigilant now i can't tell where they've all sort of split up from each other oh that could have been something it could have been the thing is now these creatures they don't have like a tell like the other game did where they'd be like oh i'm gonna present my butt to you whereas these ones they just sort of like walk around normally i think maybe with the land dinosaurs there is a bit more of a tell but like i said i haven't even seen how these guys interact to each other so right okay now the competition's starting to be an issue it's cool just flying around the water to be honest oh we might have something no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it looked like that might have been a battle but it wasn't oh this guy's got injuries on him how did that happen maybe maybe i missed something did they actually have a fight okay because there's only four of them right okay this this poor booger has been in a fight and i missed it oh god yep we've got a dead one i'm assuming that's a pleaser so oh no it's an ichthyosaur killed by a police you saw see it can go either way interesting oh oh oh oh oh oh there it is oh man that's how it happens oh damn i didn't know it right that was really far away that they just sort of went for each other oh god there's another one oh i don't oh we killed him oh oh down he goes oh don't know where he went is he gonna float back to the server yeah he's slowly going to the surface okay so it's like a quick like bite one one of them bites the other one and then that's it it does seem to be the police you saws are winning though hunted down by ichthyosaur okay there's not many pleaser souls left oh oh is he going for one he's swimming really fast oh again bye on the face oh i think it's dead yep it [Music] splash oh well there you go we lost another one he's twisted twisted round is it oh i think he's he's locking on he's locking on now he got bit as well no i haven't seen the battle the other way around okay what about the other one no we've got one dead right two left oh oh no the police just also get ripped apart only two plesiosaurs remain and uh they're not looking in the best of shapes this guy looks very pale oh they're fighting on the head not quite and he's gone there's only one left oh looks like it might be starting to fight with this all that one oh it's gonna be this one oh god yeah they don't stand a chance these people that's it please you're sores out oh dear so in the end one two three four plesiosaurs died and uh one ichthyosaur died a mosasaurus i think this should pretty much easily clean up uh the ichthyosaurs but we'll see maybe it's a vegetarian imagine you get very far who's a vegetarian but you never can tell who am i to question oh look at that refraction that looks so cool i'm isaac clement together we'll create the most spectacular dinosaur park imaginable and hopefully not die in the process really i don't want to die oh it got one oh just saw it oh god eats it oh what was that it said what did it say about uh liking things oh it like sick thea so yes it likes to eat them for breakfast oh yes there it goes shop cop cop cop this eats it all nothing stands a chance however i do want to see how it fares against an elasmosaur well let's just get their bodies out of here i don't think they can eat carcasses but they do eat things whole now actually did that affect it no i don't think eating ichthyosaurus actually gives it any food oh things oh i don't know yeah he's gonna go for it [Laughter] oh wow that looks so cool how does it do against an elasmosaurus or two i guess this is how we're gonna have to do the battles unfortunately it's kind of scary actually like not seeing stuff like i don't know where this mosasaur is and the ichthyosaurs are just slowly dwindling down what are you like oh no you like ichthyosaurs huh you just don't like marine medium oh that'll be the lie pleuradon okay so these guys shouldn't attack anything or maybe they will attack the ichthyosaurs because they like them a bit like the mosasaur likes them i know what's a medium as a marine reptile is the kronosaur seeing as we've lost all the ichthyosaurs at the moment here oh my god that looked so cool see that was a better view that looks awesome wow look at that oh there's so many of them that looks so cool [Music] now that's a shot damn right so these are mediums and i think the elasmosaurus won't like them yeah elasma saw they don't like each other right let's see if we can oh we have interactions already jesus but it's it's kind of the same as it is with um what'd you call up the uh please you saws oh the elasma sword didn't get off there like it's on 24 percent and the lipourun's on 71 yeah he's looking pale he's probably got some like internal bleeding or something here oh here it is oh no yep and it's gone now there's only one left and are you also dying yeah yeah you're also going to die too oh when you pause it as well the way they look like they're floating yeah he's going for it and bam and there you go so chronosaurus or sorry light pluridon kills elasmosaur good i know which creatures don't get on and that is mosasaur and tyler saw so let's see what two giant mosasaurs look like when they're they're not very happy with each other release the dinosaurs i'm expecting tyler saw to lose this battle seeing as it's probably half the size of them as a regular mosasaur but you never can tell moses saw gets on with like pluridon so there are some combinations that work i mean we'll see maybe this moe's saw is going to oh god okay never mind i'll take it back they don't it just killed it [Laughter] just after i say they get on look okay nothing gets over the moses so moses so kills everything wait did it just turn around like 90 degrees together it did as well no beautiful baby well it's killed elastic this so let's see oh yes it take on the tyler so oh my god it just rips it and it's dead in one oh my god just straight for the body that was right after killing an ichthyosaur and it just went for the tyler saw yeah they don't start much of a chance it moses or will kill everything it don't matter what it is i'm pretty sure i've i might have seen it kill the please you saw the same way it eats the ichthyosaur in one and it has it a guess that it pretty much kills the elasmus all the same way as well one light blurred on has had it oh there he goes oh that is so good okay so guys we're gonna leave it there i hope you've enjoyed this video we've shown all the aquatics so far i can't wait for them to add more i'd love to see a megalodon and some other aquatic creatures that have like featured in games like just power builder and just world of games unfortunately the only you know universal games that we've had that have had aquatic creatures until evolution and it's unfortunate that we can't have a giant battle arena like we normally do but you know what i'll take it this is just as good this is a shame that we can't do it all at once but if you enjoyed this video guys leave like and until next time i'll see you cuties later oh bye bye you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 769,248
Rating: 4.9215016 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: hUhnXjccSNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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