The Futility of Egoic Reaction & Navigating Our Awakening

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you switched off your cell phone so here [Music] and what about your mine's not as easy because it's not just well it is a voice in the head but over the years and centuries and millennia it's more than just a voice there's an int of entity it has turned into a kind of entity and me not ultimately real but seemingly real enough when you are when you confuse who you are with the talking and reacting entity in the head energized amplified by emotions in a vicious circle the emotions are created by the whatever the entity is thinking and the energy of the emotion further amplifies the entity eagle eagle and the strengths of that varies from person to person in some way we could say that the entity is an aspect of karma what is in the East is called Karma it's a patterns inside you inherited patterns inside you that you confuse with who you are consciousness identifies with the patterns and in some humans it's a very heavy entity extremely dramatic or angry or very heavy and sad easily upset always looking out for some perceived injury or slide always ready to jump to its defense even questioning somebody's viewpoint because you identify with the the mind which is ego so any viewpoint is invested with a sense of self the ego is in your viewpoint that you're expressing about this or that so even somebody questioning your viewpoint can lead to extreme defensive measures or aggression as you can witness everywhere on television or in daily life they're peaceful discussion with that entity is not really possible because of peaceful discussion about something implies that there's some degree of dis identification from that mind made entity there is at least a little bit of space in you and the other person primarily in you that's the main thing is not to demand that there should be space in the other person but to make sure that there's space in you when you're discussing something and you can see if the other person is already getting upset you can see why immediately identification with a mental position ego the entity feels threatened and is barking back at you some dogs do that also but the same as in humans in evening vicious dogs they are only vicious because of their past underneath the viciousness in every dog there is a goodness and underneath the madness of the egoic entity there is also the truth of who you are or who that other human being is so your task as you're confronted with these entities and you are all the time occasionally your own still takes over perhaps one or two of you may still experience it occasionally the task is to to be there as the observer or witness of your mind then you are no longer in the grip of the end egoic entity so ego then is the unobserved mind complete lack of awareness in other words there is only mind and that's the state of one could call it not excite or dreamlike state in which you dream up your life and then things happen around you because in every human per every person's life they are you come into this world here and there are you're surrounded by certain situation things happen to you you react the the entity reacts without any awareness it reacts according to its aggressive defensive conditioning so it's completely at the mercy of what happens around it and it perpetuates its own state so an event that for somebody who is relatively free of the ego at least in that particular area of their lives the same event happening to one person it's relatively unimportant Oh akka didn't reply to my email to one person that is he must be very busy or maybe he doesn't even read it and that's just how it is and the other person feels deeply offended I wrote to him three times nothing didn't even bother to reply to me and that's the beginning of the story and that proliferates into how dreadful a person he is and then you find other things that you can focus on and that's how the the entity strengthens itself it gates grows it inflates itself by this reactivity so a relatively insignificant thing is this entity across personalizes everything that happens it's to do with me they're trying to do something to me he's ignoring me how dare he and so it grows the next thing is the emails become angry and accusations or phone calls I'll get you that's how it grows next time you walk out of your house I'll be behind you it's how it can grow these are in more extreme forms but not uncommon so no it's doesn't matter to what extent it grows but you can see the simple fact of somebody not replying becomes something dreadful that's happening to me and proliferate into a story it can occupy a large section of your life and another person said oh that's how it is when the the power of now first came out some people suggested to me it would be a good idea to send a copy to Deepak Chopra and I did because that maybe he'll read it and the hill there was only it was published published in three thousand copies the first edition which had to be taken by carriage to book stores in the paper in a plastic bag and so I signed it to him and nothing as if it had disappeared into the whole and now this is what happens when people send books to me but and now I know why because you can't even read them all you can't possibly read them all the manuscripts and the books but luckily that entity was no longer operating inside me so there was no complaining that Deepak had not it just there was no reply well that's just how it is he must be busy maybe he read it didn't like it maybe didn't read it who knows the moment I interpret something I'm projecting so it's futile to interpret something - you have no clue why it's it's just that's how it is it's the simple isness of fact and of course the truth is sure he never even saw it because he gets too many but it's impossible by the way later when path na was already doing very well he did write an endorsement or it wasn't needed anymore but that was very nice but if I had sent him angry emails I still have not heard from you after three months of sending ten emails you still neglected to inform me whether I was Hitler cetera then I don't think he would have written an endorsement so your reaction determines also what happens next so if your reaction is it an egoic one it's not simply the reaction to something that has happened in the present moment it also determines how the events unfold from now on so if the egoic reaction is aggressive negative demanding complaining whatever the ego does to strengthen itself to feel stronger then that creates an echo in the external world it's like you're shouting a particular sound you're sorting it out into the world and then it echoes back so what you're putting out then as in your reaction which comes to words and actions then comes back at you people react to your reaction because they are not perhaps totally enlightened in which case they wouldn't react to your reactions but they are also they have their egos so they react to your reaction and you create a whole train of reactivity and this is how the drama develops and grows and it's all taken for absolutely real and that's how it is you don't realize the entity doesn't realize it's creating the whole story and all its years back is the echo of its own conditioning coming back to you from the external the outside world and so and of course that then serves as a very powerful confirmation that your initial interpretation of events was absolutely correct so because he says you see I he his original intention was to deceive me to whatever and then when I confronted him he got angry because I was right it's so intense and if you've ever tried to argue with the egoic entity with someone you can see the futility of it it is impossible you cannot convince this egoic entity of its own illusory nature you can't you only strengthen it arguing with the ego is quite funny ultimately but it's an absurd enterprise on its own level it will always win and it will draw you well the more you start arguing with the ego you're already trapped in your own mind patterns so the Karma then this being an aspect of karma karma is what happens usually people say karma is what happens to you but more importantly karma is how you react to what happens because that is what perpetuates the conditioning and that creates what you experience as your life and it creates how other people react to you so how you experience interactions amazing so often I observe the the futility of egoic reaction unit nothing to reacting to nothingness and blowing it up like a huge soap bubble talking about it for days on end until finally reality confirms you were right on a normal it's quite a trap so you need to the the heavier the egoic entity in you is the more dense it is because the density we could call it that of the I'm talking about ego the emotional aspect of ego is - is a large part of the emotional aspect of ego is the pain bodies they pain body really is the emotional aspect of the egoic entity and the density of the ego in you varies from person to person there is probably nobody listening to this here or there this is the wormhole of the camera through which the words are reaching out and this somebody the other end not just somebody far more people than sitting here the thousands of people at the same but there's nobody people sitting here or at the other end of the wormhole whose ego is extraordinarily dense or if they are they won't stay here for very long or they would switch off this green thing this is awful there's nothing that the ego likes less than to hear about itself so it is then not so likely that in you there is this great density of the ego and plane body but you still encounter in your daily life you will still encounter many humans who manifest extreme density of ego and pain body and of course those people create suffering for themselves and others that's their purpose in life that's where they are at in their evolutionary journey they are here as spiritual teachers they are creating suffering which eventually will awaken them when when they realize that the suffering they experienced is self-created but that could take a while before they realize that in the mean time they might attempt to create suffering for you at the same it's because they go together and so they become your teachers because they force you into more intense presence or they draw you into the egoic unconsciousness so when you are confronted with dense egos this one spiritual teacher in India called them ego G's G being a term of respect so eat the ego G's you are still many around and they're here to to teach you more presence of course that they don't know that that's what they're doing but within the totality that's ultimately what their function is in the evolutionary journey of humanity you [Music]
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 538,987
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Keywords: the futility of egoic reaction, the futility of the ego, the path to awakening, how to handle difficult situations, eckhart tolle awakening, eckhart tolle youtube, eackhart tolle 2020, eackhart tolle ego, overcoming the ego, egoic reaction, emotional response, ego reaction, ego death, ego, consciousness, enlightenment, awakening, spirituality, eckhart tolle
Id: _9DCVEwd6Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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