What Do You Recommend for Healing Trauma?

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I had severe abuse leading to trauma. Causing depression.

I think truamas need tending and understanding. I can suggest mdma therapy

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/highAF94 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello my question raises the issue of trauma people having survived earthquakes climbs car accidents what would you recommend for their practice I'm a crime survivor and sometimes dealing with heavy pain body attacks or difficult emotions during meditations thank you thank you do you want to say it again because we never know how long the quest the answer is going to be it could be a minute it could be 30 minutes it may well be that for humans who have suffered trauma catastrophic events anything of that kind deep suffering it may well be that not necessarily but it may be that during this lifetime they will not become entirely free of the remnants or the energy left behind by the trauma but the important thing is the realization that there is in you a dimension that is beyond anything that could ever suffer and you have to get in touch with that in you that has always been and will always be and always is the transcendent the formless dimension within you the formless essence of who you are and of course this is our entire reason for being here is to go deep enough within where you encounter that presence of that spaciousness within that presence of spaciousness it can still happen that the old pain from time to time arises or it could happen that the presence gradually consumes burns up the accumulated pain from the past the pain body either way is fine even if the presence does not completely burn up the accumulated pain or suffering and which therefore then occasionally resurfaces at least you know your essential being to be the spaciousness so from the difference from not having access to the transcendent I mentioned within yourself and having access is when you don't have access to it you're completely in the grip of the pain it it occupies you completely you become it it may also use your mind to renew itself because then you remember what happened and then by using those thoughts you feed the old pain so the memory of what happened and so you're trapped in it it has a grip on you now when you have access to the transcendent dimension you realize that you the pain is there but you are there so here's the pain and and you are the space PB in the more you practice the more you realize you are the space around it or another useful practice is to when you feel it to accept what you feel at any given moment the present moment except when it arises but no that's that it is the old pain and the acceptance itself creates the space and so you more and more you who you are is not lodged in identified with the pain but who you are so the what I'm saying is the sense of self begins to move out of the pain all of the pain may still be there the sense of self shifts from being identified with the pain and the suffering me to being the space behind or around it and it's a very subtle thing you have to practice the important thing is practice being the space when you are not tucked times when you're not in the grip of the pain because then you need to see if you can be the space in ordinary circumstances and surroundings and especially here of course a great opportunity for this identifying from all the mental emotional content that still lives in you some find some painful some extremely painful but to disidentify from it so that it no longer has a sense of self in it including all thoughts thoughts still arise but without the the me in them emotions still come painful emotions come but they become divested of the sense of self and that's a big difference between feeling that you are you are the pain it has taken possession of you completely and it it can easily define your sense of who you are especially in the case of deep trauma the pain can easily define your sense of identity and so I have encountered people I'm sure it's not the case with you I but I have had sometimes questioners and people who have asked about their deep suffering and they were so identified with their old pain when I suggested a way of going beyond it they got angry because they felt that their sense of self had been threatened and then in a few cases when I pointed that out to them they realized in one or two cases they didn't want to realize but when I pointed out candy can you feel that you are angry now because I just made a suggestion that it may be possible to not perhaps to eliminate the pain at once but to transcend it and then so the egoic sense of self because here too whatever you identify with becomes part of EGH or pumps and it can happen that people identify with some pain or something they suffered in the past it's in fact it's almost a normal process and it needs to be pointed out you need to realize that is not who you are and compared to who you are one could say it's like a bad dream compared to who you really are you are beyond that and have always been beyond that you have to access that in you which cannot be touched by that and it doesn't mean you cut yourself off as you know the difference is make sure your sense of identity is not in the old pain that is very important because if it is you will always fight any attempt to get rid of it it's an unconscious attempt of the ego to survive very normal ego ik motivation it wants to survive so the same thing can happen with deeply held viewpoints or opinions you if you have certain whatever it is political religious or whatever thing you might have seen on the internet which suddenly has taken possession of your mind and become a kind of mental virus in your head that has taken over 75% of your thought processes and then your identities in it and you don't want to let go or the ego doesn't want to let go so a presence access the presence when the pain is not obvious at those times so that when it comes you can be continued to be there as the accepting witness or presence behind and around jet assault yet when it comes you accept it it forces you to go beyond identification with form and a point will come where you are thankful for anything even though it seemed at the time seemed terrible for anything that forced you to dis identify from the egoic sense of self that's why retrospectively often people become thankful for their suffering but then you have to realize you can't just go through the motions it has to be a true thing and that may happen to you also let's see the important thing is that the old pain is no longer able to use your thought processes and control your thinking so that you can feel when it comes it comes in waves occasionally it comes up so that you can be there as the presence and accept it without it moving into your mind and make you think the memories of what happened and so on all kinds of thoughts associated with the energy of the pain that keeps it in place and renews it all the time and then you get into a vicious circle so and for this is why it's helpful to be here as you sit here even if you don't do anything presence power grows in you so it comes more and more and then that begins to surround so to speak that begins to surround the accumulated pain it made is of it don't know but even if it doesn't basically if you are no longer self identified it you are free already so it's a and in the the strange thing is and you may not realize it until later so I'm not trying to convince you that what I say is true that it is often humans who go through intense pain of that kind and sometimes already children have to go through it it happens it's often those that that are that becomes their their opening into the transcendent dimension because the pain is too much and the crack opens in the ego the opposite can also happen that the pain solidifies the ego and then the human being becomes totally enclosed in their painful identity and it goes like oh it could potentially it can always be the the opening the crack in the shell of the ego so there may be quite a few of yous I don't know what the percentages is who have suffered traumatic events and all of you who have had certain forms of pain in your life as a child as an adult my my childhood was there was not one traumatic event but the whole thing was traumatic so it it wasn't concentrated in one event it was dispersed not as intense as one traumatic event would be but dispersed over a period of whatever of 15 years of my life and especially the first 12 years when my parents divorced at the age when I was 10 then for two or three years after that you were still very unpleasant every day nobody's fault every human being acts according to their level of consciousness you you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 263,504
Rating: 4.9170628 out of 5
Keywords: healing from our trauma, how do I get past my trauma, healing from trauma, overcoming past trauma, healing from the past, trauma and the brain, eckhart tolle healing, eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle 2020, spiritual healing, childhood trauma, past trauma, mental health, healing trauma, trauma healing, attachment trauma, anxiety, depression, healing, trauma, eckhart tolle
Id: dZ2GfrendQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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