Transforming Fear and Anxiety in the Process of Conscious Manifestation

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welcome to the second part of this special video series on conscious manifestation 2020 in this second part Eckhart Tolle addresses how once we've developed a level of presence and awareness of thoughts and emotions how do we work with anxiety or fear that keeps erupting that we keep feeling in our felt experience here's part 2 of conscious manifestation 20/20 with Eckhart Tolle now what about the fear what about the anxiety the anxiety that has been in you for many people it's in the background most of their lives some fear some anxiety and when they're being challenged as now the anxiety that is a kind of background distant background noise for some people it's almost always there but sometimes obscured but in a second that suddenly becomes very pronounced this anxiety in the face of a challenge the anxiety that had already been there in the background the fear that now comes out fully and you are in the grip of it and now you become aware of the link between your thought processes and your emotions and you realize that your unconscious thought processes such as boring actually fuel the emotion that we call fear or anxiety continuously so a vicious circle arises and then the emotion that you feel which you feel it tend to feel it in your stomach in in this area here you feel it a contraction almost a painful painful think dwelling in just in your stomach or solar plexus area it but it can affect the whole body the whole body can be can be tense it interferes with the harmonious functioning of your body so it's very this anxiety Louis you're in mune system on the physical level they even even mainstream medicine recognizes the fact that what they call stress which in the stress is mostly fear and anxiety makes you much more ignores your immune system and you're much more susceptible to illness it doesn't mean if you're not anxious you will never catch the illness but you're much more susceptible to being sick when you are in an almost continuous state of stress or anxiety so then the the fear of course write this up back into your mind and creates more emotionally charged fearful thinking which is not just fearful thinking it's now emotionally charged fearful thinking and that creates even more of that emotion this is why it's called a vicious circle the fearful thinking feeds the fearfully emotion with energy the the mark would say the fearful thinking vibrates at the same frequency as the fearful emotions so it is food that the emotion lasts so it's it wants more of it once you and the grip of worrying anxious thinking you don't want to stop well you might want to stop but you're not even there when you're completely identified it does not want to stop so you are trapped in a fearful this fearful vicious circle of emotion fearful will start fearful thinking creating fearfully the emotion of fear and the emotion of fear rising back up into your mind and creating a emotionally charged fearful thinking and when you are in that state you cannot think clearly whatever thoughts that arises what do you what do you have to do now what can I do know it's very unlikely that you will have a creative and useful thought whatever your action you take on the basis of fearful thinking it is likely to be not wise not effective and probably wrong it leads to more suffering whatever whatever in whatever way you interpret the world through the veil of fearful thinking in whatever way you interpret the world when you're in the grip of fearful thinking is going to be a complete misinterpretation but to you when you identify with it it's the reality so the first thing is to become aware of thoughts and emotions and then so the let's that means the awareness is has arisen it's there then what she recognized the futility and destructive nature of certain types of thinking you're able to increasingly let go of it and replace it not immediately necessarily with positive thoughts but it's better to because you still have a negative emotion there so if you immediately replace the unconscious fearful thinking with positive thoughts there's a conflict between the emotion that is still there which is the fear and the thoughts that are floating on top there and so and you will feel there is something not right because the emotions it says you're in a critical state and your mind has a thought it all is well the live life is good I'm going to be abundant it's unlikely that this will be effective so again realize what kind of thoughts go through your mind recognize the futility and destructive nature of these types of thought and then replace these thoughts not immediately with positive thoughts but with awareness replace the instead of engaged in negative thinking be more present as much as you can be more in the present moment because after all that's all day of Arius mind doesn't seem to know that all there ever is is the present moment there's nothing else ever in your life so you might as well give it some attention you might as well make it the focus of your life because that's that is it unfolds in this mouth moment everything future never comes it's always now when the future comes it's a now when the past happened it wants to know when you remember the past you remember right now when you think about future you think about it now there is only now so you might as well give it your fullest attention make it the focal point of your life and then see what you can do with the so-called future but first you need to come into a relationship with a now that is helpful sane and that is friendly become friendly with them when when you when you enter them now you see the now is not really that is not a threatening place most of the time except when your is emergency happening then you have to do something and immediately Matt life-threatening whatever it is but the the now is actually a much more benign place in the mind would be able to recognize but you need to before have your awareness there you have to you need to be aware you need to be present in the now in order to recognize that now is actually can actually be your friend and not doesn't it's not your enemy then now it's your friend you become friendly with the present moment that's it however so you begin to you begin to cut the link between your thought processes and the emotion because you let go of these fearful thoughts you recognize the futility instead you're much more present thoughts will occasionally still come in and then you recognize them let go be more present however in that presence the emotion of fear may not and probably will not immediately disappear because it's been there for a long time so even if you no longer fuel the emotion with your thinking you become present and you may notice yes I'm aware of more way of sense perceptions the aliveness of this moment you can see perhaps beauty in things where we the things that you didn't mean in give any attention to before however you can also still feel this anxiety of fear living in you still there even you're no longer feeding it with your thoughts you can still feel it that it is and that becomes part of your experience of the present moment that anxiety now what do you do with it the normal tendency would be to say I want to get rid of this I shouldn't be feelings I don't want to feel this and some people just cannot cannot tolerate the anxiety so they need to they might go to their doctor and say please do something about this anxiety the doctor will then you give you a prescription in some extreme cases those things may be temporarily helpful in except on extreme cases but a lot of the time you would have missed an opportunity and that is the opportunity of evolving through facing pain or suffering if you face the emotional pain that you feel that it's anxiety or fear and not even not try to run away from it or say I can't stay biggie become so uncomfortable being in your own skin can become so so unpleasant and uncomfortable that you just want to run away or say a please give me some things to do it I don't have to feel this anymore but actually it doesn't help to want it to want to get rid of it it just creates another layer of anxiety or problems on top of the in on top of the emotion now I suggest as no alternative approach is to make the emotion that you feel that still lives in you part of your experience of the present moment and accept it in the way you accept the totality of the present moment that's a new way of living a very powerful way of living a very powerful way of connecting with a deeper level of consciousness in you of finding enormous power that dwells in you if you can except the present moment as it is internally externally and internally so it's not going to kill you the anxiety is there but it's not going to kill you it might kill you if you react to it and create further anxiety and you then allow the anxiety to be there as it is completely it's almost like saying it sounds a little strange it's almost like saying I don't mind being anxious it sounds very paradoxical it's it's it's a but it's a very interesting experiment you can conduct any form of unhappiness of course some some unhappiness is telling you that something is wrong in your life that's it's a different story but habit you I'm happiness that arises in you no matter where you go and what you do I'm happiness arises in you we're way to where you go and what you do fear and anxiety are there and they say this applies to countless humans on the planet no as an experiment as I said what happens when they say I don't mind being unhappy I don't mind being anxious but of course you're not feeling the anxiety with your thinking you're aware of your anxiety so if we reach that step where you're no longer giving it further fuel or food and you're becoming aware of the anxiety and then you become what it there isn't as you place your attention on it which is part of the attention that's in the present moment you become aware that it's actually it's very intense energy in that fear almost a burning energy in that fear but the energy is not a flowing energy it's it's trapped energy it's like being in there like a boiling kettle you're holding the lid down it's at the energy is trapped for days in Tulsa there is enormous life energy in that fear and if you can completely accept their fear in this moment would have without feeding it any more on gap with your thinking just being aware of it so that's what is you may find in a very subtle ways it trades happening and the Train is it's a transmutation of this energy of fear when you accept it completely a transmutation of this energy into intense presence so the same energy that performers fear but is completely accepted it suddenly goes and there's enormous power that was in there trapped and suddenly it becomes fewer for your consciousness becomes transmuted into presence awareness when it's completely accept and then it's no longer fear it's just in suddenly intense awareness and that intense awareness is like a one could only say yeah a higher intelligence it suddenly begins to operate in you you're no longer just reliant on your the conditioning of your mind there's an it there's an intense presence there and it okay now it doesn't mean it happens once and they then it's never fear gained after the that experience you have to experiment it may not last very long the initial transmutation then you book may fall back into fear and the fear mate can repeatedly try to rise back up into your mind it makes you think fearful thoughts and from time to time it probably will succeed again and you fall back into the same pattern but then more more and more it's shorter and shorter intervals you you wake up again and you realize that this is what's happening and so and then again you come to a place of just acceptance and then notice that the transmutation happens again and this is how is it is not just fear it can be with any kind of suffering in your life when it's completely accepted the transmutation begins to happen and that is the how suffering is actually an essential part of the evolution of human consciousness because even you reach a point where suffering can be transmuted into a higher consciousness awareness of presence becomes fewer for presence you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 659,486
Rating: 4.9123378 out of 5
Keywords: The First Step of Conscious Manifestation, eckhart tolle Conscious Manifestation 2020, Conscious Manifestation 2020, eckhart tolle Conscious Manifestation, Why manifestation works, manifest, transform your fear and anxiety, fear, anxiety, eckhart tolle fear, eckhart tolle anxiety, overcoming anxiety, excessive thinking, the present moment, the process of awakening, eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle 2020, eckhart tolle
Id: P7gqK_poDME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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