Confidence and The Source of True Satisfaction

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a couple of weeks ago I spoke briefly at a conference in San Francisco the big conference close to 10,000 people annual conference mostly for business people but always towards the very end they have a spiritual person which is better than no spiritual person and then the organizer invited a small group of people who spoke at the conference and some who attended the conference to his home for dinner small group meaning 150 and he organized even some entertainment the main person providing the entertainment is the kind of yogi magician nobody knows exactly what the other he's more for yogi or more for magician or whether is it's a combination or whether everything is just tricks anybody this person the main entertainment of the evening when people had eaten in the garden there they had erected a tent a big tent enough 450 people in the middle of the area there was a raised pedestal and on it was a gigantic water tank glass transparent with a few fishes swimming in it and then it was announced that this man would now come and get into this tank and hold his breasts for seven minutes and that's what happened he came still wearing a few clothes and he climbed up submerged himself in the tank and of course everybody could see him he was floating in there and there was a countdown and for seven minutes and while he was in there he he looked at everybody from inside the tank like a fish would look at him but completely under still and he managed to hold his breath for seven minutes and then finally he came out and then after he had recovered from that ordeal the organizer wanted me to meet him so there were a few people standing around and he was there and one of the people standing around so can you do that he asked me and I said I don't think I can but I can stop thinking for seven minutes the man who had been in the tank said it's very much like that he meant I suppose being in the tank and he probably meant when he's in the tank he's not thinking because if he were thinking he would last for 7 minutes presuming that it's not a trick we don't know but it didn't seem to be a trick he was just in there holding his breath so I mentioned this story because I want to emphasize again this afternoon the main point of why we're here and that is to fully realize that there are two dimensions so to speak to who you are the one that is defined in form which includes the physical form and the psychological form and the thinking entity so your consciousness is has the two dimensions there is an intermediate area but we don't need to go there there's the conscious dimension of thinking and that creates your conventional sense of identity and there is the deeper space where there is a vast consciousness that is not defined in form so there's the two of you the known the person and the unknown the undefined or as the Buddha called it the unmanifested the unborn the uncreated and the Buddha added this is one of the sutras in my free translation we said there is the unborn the unmanifested the uncreated if there were not sorry the sutras a little bit repetitive if they were not the unborn the unmanifested the uncreated there would be no escape from the born the manifested and the created and I I'm adding in my free translation and you would be completely stuck in it and with it so there is a dimension in every human that is far deeper than what you conventionally consider is the eye so you cannot say there is a there is the eye that it is defined through thought and there is a deeper eye that is not defined and the purpose of your existence really is in evolutionary terms is to find that deeper being the undefined the unknown and bring that into this dimension and into your life and you you all make that you have made the discovery already that you don't need to think continuously and that your deeper sense of who you are does not depend on what your mind is saying about who you are there is a more immediate much more real sense of I then you could ever find through thinking about who you are so to to access the unmanifested the unborn the uncreated if you want to use those words you have to find within yourself the space of no thought which is always there is just covered up by continuous thought doesn't have to be so gradually you find that the unknown you comes through more and more first you have to become become comfortable I mention it briefly the other day first you need to become comfortable when you enter that space with not knowing anything because that is the you're accessing the unknown the undefined which is primordial intelligence itself not intelligence it has become thought that's the only thing you can measure to a limited degree but there's primordial intelligence in order to access that you have to give up not completely because it's still there but your reliance exclusive reliance and main reliance on [Music] accumulated knowledge and on thinking if you don't give up your reliance on conditioned knowledge and thinking you can never go beyond so you would be very limited not be creative and ultimately not wise you can have a highly developed mind but lacking in wisdom and to have a highly developed mind and lacking in wisdom as an underlying guiding force and that comes from the deeper level to have that highly developed mind whether it's a person or a society culture is a dangerous thing because that mind can create havoc for yourself to others and the more developed it is the more destructive it potentially is also so you find that often with people who some people who run countries of course they have a university degree and they well not all but some might be considered intelligent in conventional terms and yet very often their actions are actually very unintelligent they don't don't take into account the totality of the situation the deeper implications of their actions so they are not whatever they say or do is not connected to the realm of wisdom don't need to mention any names but look at any politician that comes to mind look at the past 20 years some may come to mind such lack of wisdom quite amazing and then you have the highly developed industry that creates dreadful weapons of destruction and these people who make these they're all intelligent they otherwise they wouldn't be able to do that but the peer how can you build an atom bomb without intelligence it requires highly intelligent people so wisdom intelligence needs to be guided by something deeper and that deeper then needs to can actually use the the mind the human mind as an instrument for its expression and so again in order to get to that place which is not a place it's just a deeper dimension to who you are you need to give up that reliance that that unconscious belief that you continuously need to think to work things out because otherwise you things will get out of control so every moment you hit need to have some kind of comes to some kind of conclusion about this what's happening at this moment you immediately have some kind of opinion in conclusion and call it something and often at school that quick like the quick R is like very quick comeback is often encouraged some people who are when the teacher ask questions the one who can give the quickest answer is usually considered the best and then there are others who may be slower and they don't even have time to raise the hand because they haven't it hasn't sunk in yet the question hasn't the question needs to sing in for and then at some point and an answer may come but they don't wait for them there was for example when when Einstein was four years old his parents became concerned because the serious concern was that he might be mentally because he was so slow it was sinking so we need to have that courage to go into that unknown place and what is that unknown place which is not a place it's not to impose immediately interpretations on the world and on situations and on people and whatever arises so to be able to just look at things look not just visually but look in also use metaphorically which means to give attention to whatever is here now and to feel the power of your attention itself which is intelligence like a light light shines on a situation on a person and to feel that inherent power of consciousness that force is not doesn't is not produced by you it comes through you then you feel a knows amount of so-called self confidence not egoic self confidence but you are connected with you can feel there's a power at the depths of who you are and that power can flow into this moment and it is there when you give your fullest attention to something and you're not thinking about it you're just looking you're just giving attention it could be a situation a person you're looking at whatever it is you're just there as a field of attention of awareness and so you are the bringer of awareness and that flows from a deep place that is far transcends who you are as this physical form that that deep lace connects you not only with others or other humans it also connects you with the source of all life and so you are not disconnected you just seem to be and the ego is a disconnected sense of self you are not disconnected from the totality of the universe you are an aspect of the totality of the universe you're not autonomous that's the delusion that every person is considered to be an independent consciousness whereas the truth is every person is an expression of the one consciousness so when you can't feel that one consciousness as presence within yourself you don't go around in continuous anxiety anymore what's the next thing that's going to upset me and of course it always comes so in other words a certain confidence comes in that is not based on anything that you have perhaps achieved on the level of form it's not confidence because you have an important position it's not confidence because you have accumulated wealth not confidence because other people think you're great or not confidence because you have a certain ability that you have to develop that you're better at and most people usually those things on you look you look better than most people at least above-average either good looks or you have a great body so all those things could give you your sense of confidence so a person who is very good-looking would gain most unless there are other factors where that person is even more remarkable but in the absence of other factors the good-looking person what predominantly gained self-confidence from looking in the mirror and seeing other people's reactions to who they are which could be admiration and envy depending on who is looking at you and the ego would quite love that it loves admiration and envy and so it feels you feel confident because you're so good and good-looking and that last four could last for a few years and then it gets shaky because good looks neck don't last indefinitely and that's just one example but whatever it is it could be wealth it could be what other people think of you so you derive confidence from some source but it's always very shaky you you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 1,371,377
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Keywords: the source of satisfaction, how to find true satisfaction in life, looking for true satisfaction?, true satisfaction, satisfaction in life, eckhart tolle ego, eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle 2020, self confidence, self growth, self-improvement, personal growth, ego, satisfaction, happiness, confidence, eckhart tolle
Id: wD5BpD77-UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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