Being At Peace | The Present Moment

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just checking if everybody is present [Laughter] especially important as you begin to move the round again believing here many of you one little thing if you remember to live this little thing that would already significantly change your state of consciousness and that little thing to remember not as a memory as a concept that you remember but to remember to apply every moment is organs the value that you attribute to the present moment whatever may may be happening in the present moment and the usual mistake or dysfunctional way to of living unconscious way is as I've mentioned before is devaluing the present moment and over valuing the next moment that's so unconscious that most people have no idea that that's how they live because everybody lives like that and everybody has been conditioned to live like that but that is a significant factor in unskillful living unconscious living and it strengthens the ego enormously ego lives always with reference to past and future for example I come here I emerge from behind the curtain and then I walked in the chair walking to the chair has as much value as arriving in its air so by giving your complete attention to every step this you you actually honor this moment fully instead of unconsciously devaluing it because you believe you need to arrive somewhere else which is promises some measure of fulfillment no matter how small or sometimes some big fulfillment but no matter how small so if I walked in here in that dysfunctional in unconscious way the steps that I'm taking to motorists air would be devalued in my mind as being less significant than arriving at this chair or starting to speak and the arriving is always very short is arrived and then it's over so if you now is if you begin to travel again from here to home or from here to somewhere else if you can remember that the present moment is all you ever have and carrying your suitcase from here normally people don't carry a piece they've got wheels till these days so wheeling your suitcase from here to there or wherever it is to the bus to the car to the airport of the train station is not all those moms are not inferior come to enter any next moment because then what and then you arrive at the train and you look for something else too you know I need to get neat again the mentally are always somewhere else instead of giving forest attention to this because this is the most valuable moment why because it's the only one the present moment so to live as if the next moment were more significant and more important is a very unconscious way to live and you the strange thing is you never really ultimately arrive anywhere because the arriving is never enough the arriving is immediately replaced by some new mental projection some next moment even on a big scale often people experience that some huge success that they've been striving for for years and finally it comes and then this they're in their big house often that goes with success but or whatever through their private jet and it feels good for a while special invite other people who don't have private rates then it feels even better because it enhances your fictitious sense of self but after a while even that wears off so you have arrived you've made it let's say pretty big English expression I made it made what value in case you don't know that English expression it means I have succeeded in my endeavours I made it idiomatic expression strange one so the world is full of people who want to make it and when they make it there's a brief moment of satisfaction that's the arriving then they go okay down water the same dissatisfaction the rises again with the and then do you have to the making is not enough you have to make more so a small-scale and large-scale just this little thing give you a fullest attention to this moment because it's not true that the next moment is more significant because he never comes so it's a way of living absorbed in thought if you always live for the future you're absorbed in thought because future is the thought it's never experienced as an actuality so essential part of being lost in your mind is to be lost in the future because to be lost in the future always looking to the next thing is to be lost in your mind because that's where the future is not here and now this does not mean you will no longer make any plans that doesn't mean that on a practical level you can plan and say okay it's such such a time I need to be there where I would ever use or you're planning probably a device and then if your old generation like me you go like I need to be there and you're tapping where you need to be in your diary or if you are with younger generations your fingers move in a different way they like that all the old ones they go and still getting wrong everything is wrong so there is a way of being totally present in the planning for them the net for the future this so this is actually you're very focused in planning the next the next your next destination of what time but do you arrive there what do I need to do when do I need to be ready and you can write it down and you can feel fully present in that and once you've done that your tension is again here and now it was even here now when you were planning it because you were not mentally devaluing the mom this moment of planning here and the strange thing is you begin to enjoy now all the small things in life that before you had overlooked or neglected because the mind projects the bigger thing and even a small scale it's the bigger thing like I need to pack my suitcase and I need to get the bus that's that is it on a very small scale the next big thing that I need to get to in the meantime you devalue the moment between now and getting the bus or the train so that's and then once you're on the bus you think okay now I need to be then you get your get off the bus and then you know where do I need to go I need to go there now [Music] and then your if-- there but of course that's only a very temporal relief because now you know geo somewhere else [Music] and when you're sitting on the plane or whatever they are in the car you mentally project yourself to tomorrow morning there's always a more important moment and it's in the future now what you neglect then and what you continuously overlook is all the small things that actually make up the vast percentage of your life it's all the little things that before are relegated to the periphery of your life what are those little things well whatever for example things that you handle in your life things that you take pick up and put there and objects around you the world around you walking breathing looking at the sky looking at a tree seeing breathing in the air looking at another human being sensing the deeper aliveness they're all the little things that constitute life even if you are a so-called VIP in the eyes of the world which is pretty in meaningless is just a narrative and you go from one significant thing to another but all the steps that you take even if you get picked up in a limo as I sometimes do when I go for talk the organizers sent a limo of what a big Copic sub is lunch ready aroma in the back lets anymore and you can stretch your legs so then it's just just very little things you walk to the car and you breathe and then you get in and you say it ok well it's just you're sitting somewhere breathing and looking you're looking out of the window it's and then you arrive at a venue and you take a few steps into the inn you sit again and when you walk onto the stage it's all little things and even the weather I fear the Pope or the president of a huge corporation or the president of a country it's still the same life consists of small things all the things that look at just your relationship with objects this is usually overlooked because every object is treated as a means to an end but if you live in a way that is more present then the objects may still be a means to an end but they are also giving just short attention just picking up a glass there is pleasure in enjoyment in even just looking at a glass in the water and drinking and to realize that most people realize it for the first time if ever when they take certain types of drug like acid because it amplifies your sense perceptions and it shuts off your thinking mind and then for the first time you pick up a glass of water and you go oh so amazing so amazing I can't believe it and it is and then you drink and the taste is so incredible water it's amazing it's they quit alive its alive its liquid no I haven't taken acid before coming it's just giving it your fullest attention without interference of thinking just awareness and all this the background then to do that state of inner peace or contentment is all the aliveness of everything around you when you you pick up something put it in your suitcase pick up something else unfold it that's a nice thing to do taking a fruit maybe peeling it or biting into it the present moment in its richness that is usually overlooked because you're looking for something more significant but even the most significant thing let's say you got the Nobel Prize can come to Oslo I think there's one dumbbell price that goes from people come to Norway for this piece so and then you stand on the balcony of that hotel that overlooks the square where the parliament is I think apparently that's where they go there you are I have made it you're just standing on a balcony looking and breathing [Music] unless you live through and for a narrative in your mind that you completely believe in and that the complete becomes a conceptual sense of identity I am such a jutsu person who has achieved this and that introduce all the story lets me and a big narrative that gives you your sense of identity sorts thought movement and then you feel bigger while you stand on this balcony and then you feel deflated when you step off the balcony oh let's tell you your pop star what's the word that you a rock star that's that millions of people say wow wouldn't be great especially youngsters wouldn't it be great to be a rock star you can do anything in people and of course they experience this in a magnified way they on stage and energy moves through them and then they walk off stage and they are regarded as gods by all these by the audience [ __ ] Tony let me only touch you I hope nobody does it to me but let me only just touch you they say to the rock star and the rock star then having in most cases not that much awareness they've become feel their mind more like a God because they believe in the narrative that all these unconscious people have meant mentally manufactured for them and then they begin to believe in it and then they comes to the huge conflict or discrepancy when they go off the stage and they sit in the green room or somewhere and then they have to take drugs because what happens there's a sense of lack returns much more strongly than ever before a sense of lack and insufficiency so that I need another fix drug or me to smash up my hotel suite it's what they do rockstars apparently and that enhances their sense of self a little bit more sober people live for many people live for for something that's going to happen in the future and of course of course you may succeed in your endeavors it's just a nice thing but it's not going to give you long-lasting and ultimate fulfillment or tell you who you actually are it's not it's it's fine to achieve things especially if they are beneficial but for Humanity and the totality on the planet it's lovely to have that but they don't even that doesn't make up your identity you you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 690,339
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Keywords: eckhart tolle present moment, the present moment, how to be at peace, the power of now, how to be present, eckhart tolle presence, eckhart tolle peace, power of now, fullness in life, conscious manifestation, eckhart tolle youtube, present moment, tolle, presence, fulfillment, eckhart, present, mindfulness, spirituality, eckhart tolle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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