How Do I Keep From Being Triggered?

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This dude knows his shit

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Xanthotic 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
my ego is really aggressive it comes up without me knowing only after the ego is gone do I find out how can I manage my ego sooner that is not uncommon there's probably more than you the questioner who has that your experience is that as more presence arises so first of all it's important to invite presence into your life in ordinary situations when you're not being challenged by another person the anger mostly is probably with people or situations for most situations involve people so bring be present when you're out in nature by not labeling things by being by observing in that state of a lot attention and presence then emanates more and more through you this doesn't mean that necessarily you will next time the ego comes up being aggressive it comes up so quickly that you can't catch it in the moment but as more as the presence in you grows manifests more strongly usually what happens is the time period that elapses after you've been taken over by anger gets shorter until you reach a point where a few seconds after it's happened you suddenly realize it's happened again be always before you might even read it several minutes or even an hour in some cases to the next day Ria's what was that we and you you had a huge drama with somebody probably involving the pain body the pain your pain body is probably but predominantly has the anger vibration predominantly and pain body that is not recognized as pain body becomes part of the ego in the same way that any thought that you are completely identified with becomes part of the ego in the same way an emotion that you completely identify with becomes part of the ego once you recognize the pain but he asked the pain body that it is an energy field in you that still operates but strictly speaking it's no longer your ego ego can only operate as long as you're unconscious so although sometimes people say to me I'm able to observe my ego now in the way I use it from ego that's no longer true the moment you become aware of your ego it's not really ego anymore it is still a behavioral or mental emotional pattern that operates in you but you are present when you know that there is this pattern operating in you then you are not it it operates in you and you are the space around it which is the consciousness you know it's there then before it was ego yes but when you recognize it Road it is it's no longer ego ego it means unconsciousness ego means complete identification so whatever you recognize in yourself isn't really ego anymore and so then as presence grows in you reach a point when immediately after this episode pain body epi anger episode has just happened you suddenly realize oh they traveled again and then I predict if it hasn't happened to you yet it will at a time who comes prayer very soon when in the middle of it your it already has taken you over and you're salting at someone and in the middle of it you realize what's going on that you've been taken over by that he still may not be able to stop it no don't have to but the awareness is there in the middle of it and then we haven't many times and then you may find the awareness is there just the moment it begins to arise the moment the anger pattern wants to come in your awareness is also already there now whether or not at this moment you can stop it we don't know and never stop it by suppressing it it you stop it simply by by shining the light of awareness on it let's that eventually stops it so you can and then at that when there is presence is strong enough for that then you actually begin to have a choice do I choose to engage in the same way through my pain body in this situation is this the pause is this the best way of dealing with the situation you may not literally ask yourself that question but it is implied in that state of awareness you have a choice you can eat no longer at the mercy of the the old conditioned pattern then it begins to dissipate so I predict that this will happen that presence more and more will come in at earlier stages and then in the middle of it and then at the beginning of it but you need to cultivate or invite presence into your life in ordinary City in helpful situations so that it can be there in challenging situations don't rely on challenge and situations alone that's not going to work invite it into your life in situations where it's easy situations that lend themselves to presence nature walking in nature looking at the sky what you can't get out into nature look at the flower just for half a minute a minute and not just look while you look at a flower and it's just one example could be any net anything natural why do you look at it from our not only are not only aware of what it is you're looking at the sense perception you don't need label the name of the flower is irrelevant all that you don't need for this you look at the flower you can not only see whatever it is that you see with your visual sense your are your sight but there's more to the flower then what do you see with your visual sense and that is an alive presence very hard to talk about it you remember the I believe I quoted it the other day the from the saying from Saint Exupery all that is essential is invisible to the eye whatever what is all that is essential is invisible to the eye so although the flower is beautiful within the flower there's hiding scape a presence that is invisible to the eye the flower has a presence there it is it's not by accident that in many spiritual traditions flowers are sacred symbols in Buddhism for example in other traditions certain flowers are sacred symbols the mandala itself the the sacred mandala paintings there or they're written basically many of them are based on flower designs flowers are naturally occurring mandalas and so you there is what is essential about the flower yes there is the external beauty but the real meaning of beauty is there is an inner essence there but you cannot sense that when you are looking at the flower through the screen of conceptualization so you have to drop the screen of conceptualization which is thought and look at the flower and give it a little bit of time and then you begin to send something but where do you sense that you sense it in yourself what it is the what is it that you sense in yourself when you look at the flower it's it's it's both in the flower and in you it is the essence the animating consciousness behind this manifestation of this beautiful ministration manifestation of form there is beyond the form that is we could call it the animating spirit and that is the same animating spirit which is consciousness that is in you when you have access to it in yourself you can sense it there and but giving complete attention for example to a flower can be very helpful in deepening the access you have to it in yourself so the flower can teach you stillness because the flower is very still and teach you other things that because stills is only one particular signposts that we use to speak of it so you sense it the basic the essence of the flower which is sacred and you can sense the essence of yourself which is sacred and you can somehow sense that the essence of the flower and the essence of yourself are one and the same and that is the recognition of oneness which is all all the ancient mystics and so on spoken about this and that is just what you love it basically that means that is what love is you recognize yourself in the other it doesn't have to be another human being or it's beautiful when you recognize yourself in another human being but you also recognize yourself in nature so these is important because that brings you so allow nature to teach you stillness now nature of course is a Duke embodies a completely different degree of consciousness from yours I will now make a mystical statement you don't have to believe it the flower loves it when you give it attention because you add something enormous to the flower by giving it attention the flower is not aware of its own beauty it just is and when when when you unite your consciousness with the flower through you because there's ultimately you're not the separateness that we see in the physical isn't is not really there through you the flower gets a glimpse of self recognition the flower recognizes itself so when nature is waiting for you to recognize it and what nature alone is also involved in this part of the evolving universe that is becoming more conscious in humans an essential part of that on this planet so when a human becomes conscious of nature the nature through the human becomes conscious of itself and it's a it's an amazing process whether or not this is true it's you have to kind of find out for yourself by being more attentive in in nature and giving honoring what's there and as much as possible relate to nature without the screen of knowledge when you need it it's fine or if a child asks you what's the name of this flower you tell the child what the name is but hopefully you don't say this is a rose hopefully you say to the child it's called the rose this is very different big difference between saying this is a rose because that we would be saying to the child that's that this concept is what it is that the sound rose is that no it's only a name the name of it is rose and so to prevent the charge from getting lost in concepts at an early age always once you've taught a word always bring the child back to the actual experience of it so that the child does not come to the misperception that the name of the flower is a flower there's a depth to the flower that it's totally covered up when you mistake the name for for the flower so that's why when you truly want to see it you have to remove the mental label and you can only do that by being present the alertness rises and then you communicate you relate to the flower without the screen of concepts so was something to do with presence this part of the answered I went some distance away from the list the answer of anger arising and catching it so this is it's vital to in to generate presence to in normal life in nature and so on so that it's there when the pain body arises [Music] you
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Views: 1,687,457
Rating: 4.8868713 out of 5
Keywords: How Do I Keep From Being Triggered, how to stop being triggered, emotional triggers, being triggered, Mindfulness, egoic mind, negative thinking, mindlessness, eckhart tolle 2019, eckhart tolle ego, Eckhart Tolle, triggered, dealing with anger, eckhart tolle anger
Id: lAaBXlC8-bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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