The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns

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oh my God it's got the rare one in one one billion oh my God I'm so lucky ever wondered how far players will go just to fake their way into Minecraft speed run Fame today we'll be uncovering the most laughably bad attempts at cheating in Minecraft speed runs our player spawns in a Savannah Biome and quickly punches a tree together would they craft a crafting table and make wooden tools in a Flash while exploring they find a conveniently located village with a blacksmith what's weird is that this blacksmith is just in the middle of the village and this is not what it's supposed to look like this is the player goes up to the blacksmith then goes through the door this is just so cursed they go up to the only chest that is inside of the blacksmith our player opens the chest and it contains diamonds and iron tools a little suspicious but I'll let it slide just this one time they leave their suspicious village house and then proceed to steal some wheat from the villagers for their Journey after they grab the sufficient amount that they needed they stumble upon a cave that is also in the middle of the village when they enter the cave they're greeted by the walls being filled with iron and cold ore I gave them the benefit of the doubt the first time but after this stunt not anymore apparently glowstone naturally spawns in caves now was this in the caves and cliffs update they mined the wall of coal and iron and then smell all of it down and craft it into gear they randomly mined into a wall and find an already lit nether portal I'm guessing this is one of their ruined Nether Portals instead of Saving Time and going through the ruined portal they just leave the cave and grab a water bucket then go to a lava pool that's conveniently next to what I'm guessing is a ruined end portal they attempt to build another portal emphasis on the attempt the speedrunner then successfully builds the nether portal I'd rather become mossed and continue watching this monstrosity of a speedrun even though I'd rather stop watching the runner is now in the Nether and somehow there's already an icebridge that goes in a specific Direction They craft a boat and of all wood types they use acacia wood I've lost all hope for Humanity They Ride the boat on the ice bridge then coincidentally find another Fortress somehow they find a hidden chest within the walls of the nether fortress and the chest contained enchanted golden apples I wish I had this guy's luck they explore the nether fortress for a bit and find a room with not one not two but five lace spawners they collect some blaze rods from the blazes using their iron sword that somehow one shots everything after getting a lot of Blaze around today removed the flooring of the Fortress and find a ton of double chests that are filled with ender pearls I'm guessing that the Enderman just left it there for them they steal some ender pearls from the chest and use them the eyes of Bender they leave the Nether and throw an eye Avenger to find the stronghold I wonder where it is the nonchalantly turn around and jump into the ruined portal and enter the end the first thing they see is an emerald staircase they walk up the emerald staircase and to make sure that they don't chicken out they burn their Bridges well in this case destroy the bridge they destroy all of the end crystals and then build a pillar in the middle of the island when they try to beat the Ender Dragon they accidentally fell into the end portal that was somehow already lit and beat the game the mission failed successfully our runner starts off in the main menu contemplating the meaning of life or perhaps just deciding which key to press a quote unquote create a new Minecraft world if you look closely you can see a cut in the footage where they suddenly go into the Minecraft world obviously this is a fresh new world they start in the middle of a village which is highly unlikely they go into the village house that is right in front of them when they enter the house they find a smoothing table and a crafting table and two chests this is totally possible the chess has a stack of iron ingots and a stack of netherade ingots the second chest has impossible amounts of diamonds so far so legit for the legit metals that they found they create full netherite armor which is needed when doing a totally legit Speed Run we then create the world's best item questionnaire time what do they create a a diamond sword B another right sword C another right shovel or D another right hoe you're wrong it was four Diamond hoes yeah I'm confused too to further our confusion they convert the diamond hose into netherrite now I'm really confused after that Fiasco they quote unquote find a ruined portal that's completely finished that's one in a hundred thousand in the chest it had a netherite sword and a protection for another right chest plate a piece of obsidian and Flint they use the flint and steel from the chest and light the portal they go through the nether portal and find a Wild Blaze spawner why did nobody tell me that Mojang turned spawners into mobs they collect some Blaze ones for their speedrun and then leave the nether instead of looking for the stronghold like a normal speedrunner they go back to the village and then try to commit breaking and entering then they step onto the pressure plate summoning a creeper behind them that's one weird looking creeper the creeper explodes making a crater in the ground and the player falls into a giant hole that conveniently leads into the stronghold while he's in the stronghold he creates the Eyes of Ender then places an eye on each slot of the end portal then takes a leap of faith into the portal he kills the dragon and beats the game finishing that totally legit speed run real quick while you're enjoying these wild Speed Run fails I want to let you on in a little unique challenge I got a fantastic Discord Community for a Minecraft Enthusiast and we're spicing things up for every new member that joins I'll place a TNT block in Minecraft leading to an unforgettable explosion you can find the link in the description below this video now let's get back to those mind-blowing fake speed runs this next Speed Run starts off with the player already being in the Minecraft world and has the menu on this is definitely not allowed they spawn with their own starter chest which is not allowed according to the rules but hey let's just roll with it and see where this adventure takes us inside their starter chest they find a full set of nether at gear enchanted golden apples potions of healing and even totems about dying seems like they hit the jackpot right from the start as they explore further they stumble upon a weird Golem thing that's made of all sorts of Vlogs one of its hands is holding a chest containing a stack of End Portal frames okay that's somewhat normal fine compared to the previous Madden second chance that the discoverer has a simple flint and steel now why would they need that along with the end portal frames is beyond anyone's guess it's like bringing an umbrella to the desert is stumble upon a random hole in the ground and there's already a fully lit end portal just waiting for them this must be the stronghold instead of Saving Time and going through the end portal in the stronghold they go to a comically large ruined nether portal that's somehow already lit I'm guessing that the player forgot to make the portal ruin before they started to run the funniest part is that the runner breaks the ruined portal then places the obsidian back where it was and re-lights the portal they go through the comically large nether portal and they don't spawn next to another Fortress finally something different they kill some places for blaze rods obviously for some reason this blade spawner looks oddly familiar then some Enderman for Ender Pearls at least this time they weren't given the materials on a silver platter after getting what they needed they lead in another and then go back to the stronghold they must have forgotten that the portal was already lit because they try to place the Eyes of Ender into the slots of the frame they go into the end and the ending is the same on to the next speed run this next speedrunner starts off the run with them already being created obviously this is going to be a legit speed run before they start the Run they do some breathing exercises [Music] wait you do what you got to do to beat dream they go into one of the village houses that have one of the longest staircases that I've ever seen they then find a chest that contains a mass amount of diamond blocks eyes a vendor and another right blocks why do speedrunners put so many of these items in the chest let me know your answer in the comments below once they leave the village house they forgot that what they needed iron so they totally mined the iron that they needed using the power of the chat they then create the netherite tools and armors with the legit materials that they found in the village house I can't believe they would steal from a villager and then proceed to use the materials right in front of them to then magically teleport to the stronghold while they are there they start to suffocating the walls so they go into spectator and fly their way to the end portal they place all the Eyes of Ender into the end portal legitly go through the portal then use the netherite that they have left over create another right blocks what a flex they kill the Ender Dragon using commands and the ending is the same I'm not sure why they didn't just use the netherite that they had this next one starts with the player looking at the ground which obviously indicates that the run is going to be real they then explore the village and find nothing useful with the fishing rod that they found in the village they grapple themselves on top one of the village houses then they get into a fight with a paper and nearly lose the Run suddenly they have the materials to build a house they jump off one of the obsidian pillars in the end they use TNT to put on some Minecarts and then orders to McDonald's wait a minute this is the wrong footage this next Speed Run makes me lose brain cells just keep watching and you'll see for yourself it starts with the screen where you create the world and the world's name is so Speedy you can't see me what an interesting name let's just hope that they keep their word so far it's a normal and legit Speed Run they spawn on top of a mountain and they go into a random Direction and mine a tree just like a normal speedrun then they make sticks and a crafting table along with a wooden pickaxe they mine three stone blocks for a pickaxe I'm assuming and a few seconds past said oh come on a jump cut happens in the video and it shows a player shooting the Ender Dragon with their enchanted bow and the dragon dies in one shot and they beat the game why can't anything be normal this next speedrunner walks off the edge of a cliff into the ocean the player then swings to the bottom of the ocean into an underwater cave and this is the deepest water cave I've ever seen after what seems like ages they reach the bottom and start mining down they break the block and what is that
Channel: Dufji
Views: 460,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake minecraft speedruns, fake minecraft speedrun, fake minecraft speedruns be like, fake speedrun, minecraft speedrun fake, mincraft, fake speedruns, minecraft speedruns, minecraft manhunt, ayundaru, linus studios, funniest fake minecraft speedruns, ayundaru fake minecraft speedrun, speedrun, fastest speedrun, doors speedrun, dream world record, technoblade speedrun, speedrunning, fake minecraft world record, minecraft in ohio, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.19, Dufji
Id: T0K8CxfQgeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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