I Put Every Minecraft Texture Through Google Translate 1 BILLION Times...

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today Gamers we are going to Google translate the textures of Minecraft 1 billion times buckle your seat belts grab some popcorn and get ready because some of these textures are quite literally game breaking if you guys do enjoy this video remember to like consube as always and let's get into the video what is grass Google translated one billion times show me what show me show me showing me what I actually okay so we're gonna get a guy we gotta get a guy showing us something this this guy looks like they're showing us something right but the real question is what we should be asking is uh what is this guy showing us let's ask AI well they should show us AI let's get a random photo of this computer using a computer and the guy is showing us this image over the computer using a computer what a confusing start to this video I present this this is showing guy yeah so since we have the grass what do we have for dinner let's Google translate date one billion times in many parts so we're just gonna take dirt right and we are just going to split it into many parts that's many parts that is a lot of parts we've splitated to Laura plot okay so all of the three logs are gonna be the exact same so let's Google translate all of the three logs one billion times a good way so we want to be going the good way the right way so here I've got this image of the fork in the road uh and this right side is obviously the good way so we we want to go this way so uh we'll grab some red pen and we'll just point this way go this way and it's the same as the okalogues less all put the leaves together let's Google translate all of the leaves one billion times single oh man the leaves are now single no they've been through a tough breakup why the long face leaves the leaves even brought the flowers to the dead and they're still single they've been rejected now for all of the wooden tools let's put wooden through Google translate one billion times old old so what if we make all of the wooden tools look very old okay so we have the wooden pickaxe how are we gonna make this look older or if we add some cracks there's a little bit of a broken overlay on the pickaxe today right let's add more damage I want this pickaxe to look old and used and broken and smelly now we can add some cobwebs okay now that this pickaxe looks old and damaged what if we just mess around with the color just to make it look even more worn out yeah now we're talking and there we go there's the last tool done let's move on to the next item okay so how do we craft these tools a crafting table let's Google translate the crafting table for one billion times the app afternoon okay so we got a pretty cool picture of when it's the afternoon but I think I'm gonna change the sun into something special oh mighty crafting table in the sky amazing crafting table is the sun okay what about all of the planks in Minecraft Google translated a billion times more and more let's just duplicate plugs over and over again okay those are oak planks but instead of having one this time we're just gonna keep duplicating and spreading all of the oak planks around to have more and more and even more Awkward Flex okay there we go sticks we need Minecraft sticks to make Minecraft tools let's Google translate sticks one billion times there is more research to be done okay so this will be our stick but instead of this just being normally black like this we're gonna grab the oak plank texture okay there we go we have some stick research that looks pretty cool all right Gamers let's check out what we've Google translated so far let's do this okay we're in oh I already see showing guy everywhere okay no the leaves are sad oh what have we done piggy can you believe this oh no oh what have we done to the dead this massive chunks just holes missing from the dirt this looks so dumb already and we have showing guy presenting the computer on the computer whoa this is what I'd call like good start to one of these texture packs let's play the game as we're playing in the no okay so the tree is pointing us to go this way right grab some of these logs don't mind if I do okay now if we craft the oak logs into Oak planks what have we got here many many many many many more planks this looks so dumb in my hand it looks like I'm holding more Susie's crafted crafting table or should I say the afternoon oh we can craft research portions here we go very cool and now using these I can create old tools that don't even look that useful oh oh look at that ew my pickaxe is almost broken and I just crafted it this is a sad day and yeah this is where our game looks like so far we've made a decent start with all of the items but now we gotta do the water the stone the grass the flowers the animals the clouds everything else so let's get to Google translating the rest of the game since there was a lot of grass around let's Google translate The Tall Grass one billion times black grass okay so I've grabbed the texture of grass from Minecraft that is some black grass right now okay next up is Stone Google translated one billion times my freedom okay guys guys I have a perfect idea instead of me creating the out this time let's ask AI here are some Stones Fighting For Freedom yes I don't know exactly where the head is but I'm just gonna assume it's somewhere like here for Freedom yeah I'm just gonna you know Chuck in some American Eagles explosions yeah Freedom yeah wow now that is an art I don't know what is and that stone is definitely Fighting For Freedom let's start by doing some of the GUI and let's start with the heart Google translated one billion times I'm doing my job my job Java that's a reference Google translate you know what you're doing there they're referencing my job drama for the Hearts Let's have many my job Javas for that I know we might have done this before see it just has to happen what about the almost slots Google translated one billion times report report player okay so Minecraft has the player reporting button right here right so what if that was our armor slot we're just gonna squash down the player reporting button okay what about Hunger Google translated one billion times hunger is I'm starving that makes sense how about this very cursed Emoji okay ironically this actually fits pretty well what about the XP bar Google translated 200 times click here what if we get one of the like really dodgy like advert click here buttons that's definitely virus worthy okay last but not least let's do the Crosshair what billion times update what if we update and improve the hit markers like that that looks quite cool so we're gonna update it so it looks like it's a super mega hit marker I've grabbed an update button and we are just gonna stick the update button on top of the head marker okay I think that's everything oh okay oh no okay you can tell the Google Translation is starting to take over the world oh slore black grass everywhere our world is getting more and more and more Google translated we also got the scam click here XP bar with the hungry emojis mini my job Javas for health that looks all cursed ah oh yeah that's Freedom right there yeah Freedom we can't miss out the random cross here in the middle of the screen that is definitely not a mess and now I have one report button so before we Google translate more of the game let's go check out the other Google translations it's time Gamers to Google translate the inventory one billion times for friends yay I don't have any so I don't know what it's like but okay it's time to find a photo of friends that look like they're having fun so we're gonna change the background of the inventory itself of a group of friends for friends and now for the small area where your Minecraft skin is in your inventory we're gonna add pointing guy and waving Guy back to our texture pack for the item area itself where we keep all the items I'm just gonna get a literal photo of friends to show for the armor slots we'll have a nice squished image of friends after that we're gonna google translate Cobblestone one billion times gratitude nah I have a lot of gratitude for you Google translate we're gonna add this nice image of gratitude is the best attitude and give her a nice Cobblestone border so it looks like it's inside of the block gratitude is the best attitude alright Gamers let's Google translate stone tools one billion times Burger I don't know if this is big or is it like the food burger or if it's a different language but let's just do let's just make bigger tools okay so I've got a stone pickaxe and I've also got a burger so now we've got to merge the two and put a bigger on his stick for the burger pickaxe let's Google translate the clouds one billion times let's do this is it magic okay let's just grab all of these colorful magic particles and stick them in his clouds okay we're just gonna turn all of the clouds into this pink magic dust since we just did the clouds let's do the Sun a billion times for some unknown reason we don't know the problem let's give the sun like a kind of like an error I have such a good idea what if we get the Gmod error and turn that into the sun oh that is amazing right we've got the Gmod error as the son of Minecraft so we're back in this is normal bro ah no the sun hasn't loaded in properly the sun is one giant arrow in this guy oh that is quite that is quite horrifying that is huge oh seems like magic up there oh no I forgot about the inventory funny guy is hiding behind William get ourselves a crafting table again cut down this tree all right we've got to go mining for some Stone yeah Freedom right now if we grab our crafting table and use the experimental sticks we get our Burger pickaxe a burger ax let's go in mind even quicker with my bigger pickaxe me now I can build with Cobblestone and Cobblestone is saying the Gratitude is the best attitude I think Cobblestone is teaching us a good valuable lesson right here thank you Cobblestone very cool so you know what this texture pack is coming along pretty nicely I gotta say I think the sun is my favorite though because it's not even there it hasn't even loaded it my Gamers it's time to Google translate some new things let's start by Google translating the water one billion times soast oh spooky yeah I think that's quite a cool water to have add some spookiness yes let's Google translate this Minecraft one billion times it just quite literally said the letters er air what does that even mean air I found out what it means it means error let's get more arrows into the game alright Gamers we have another hot bar in ages so let's Google translate the hot Bar for a new game one billion times so lava is burning let's turn the half bar into some hot lava got the hot bike here now it's time to say goodbye to the heart bar and now say hello to the lava bar okay there's our lava ball done so that's Google translate the widgets one billion times damn it got this screenshot of us doing some damage in Minecraft there are some some nice damage right there and then copy and paste this okay there's a red version of us to a damage a noble version of us doing damage and a Green version of us doing that okay there we go there's a lot of damage on the screen right there I've done I'm doing a lot of damage to a lot of zombies we hover over them they go green oh oh no oh no oh there's a lot of Errors everywhere and the water is now uh possessed the world is getting way way way way way more Crystal let's go it kind of just looks like everything is just like trying to load in but nothing is loading in because the game's just broke I I wasn't even looking at the lava bar look at the lava bar that is that is so awesome all of the tools are all of the Woodland stone tools there are completely done all of the bigger and broken wooden tools safe to say I think that this world is coming along pretty uh pretty cursed even even the sun degrees Sun can't even look all right let's start doing the title screen and everything let's start by Google translating Minecraft 1 billion times it just says the word blue okay so instead of Minecraft we got just the word blue and what I kind of want to do is also make this blue blue perfect we just got blue just blue it's just blue right what's Java Edition blue something what is that something concept yeah concept okay and there's the art for the word concept so it's just gonna be blue content okay what is our background gonna be for this menu screen one billion times safety we've got to make sure everyone is safe on this menu screen okay so first let's grab this safety guy we're gonna Chuck this guy in here you gotta make sure everything is nice and safe and then also this danger sign watch your head mind your head guys very dangerous now we need to get a safety hat okay this is our safety hat everyone knows the safety goggles that we have to wait just be safe you know Safety First Safety First exclamation mark Safety First there we go this is our background you gotta be careful let's check out our brand new menu for Minecraft Google translated one billion times yes Safety First you use your use your helmets and goggles guys blue Concepts yeah you can't even see Safety First well guys welcome to Blue concept make sure to mind your head oh yeah I need I need to be very safe walking around these lands everything is very cursed the sun is not even there remember guys safety first I'll always wear your safety goggles and safety helmet guys I want to thank you so much for the support I've had for the last two years it has been insane so genuinely thank you so much you're awesome you're awesome for watching this entire video I can't believe you're still here if you guys want to see more Google translations make sure to like and Sue
Channel: ReniDrag
Views: 784,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: putting minecraft through google translate, minecraft google translate, minecraft, google translate minecraft, minecraft google translated, google translate minecraft 100 times, minecraft google translate memes, i google translated minecraft 100 times then made a custom mod, google translate minecraft 1000000, my job java minecraft, my job java renidrag, i google translated minecraft, google translating minecraft, google translate minecraft mobs 100 times, my job java, reni, renidrag
Id: eu2C-hGcPKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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