The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER

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look at this brand new um wait what is that destroy the stupid Android or God yeah people who cheat in their Minecraft speedruns are hilariously bad at the game these are the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns okay before I click play on the speed run listen I I know it's fake but this kid's microphone was so funny there was just no way I couldn't include this in the video the speedrunner falls down a hole with a chest at the end of it and just listen to the reaction to what they find oh my God all right all right that's enough of that so yeah the speedometer finds some amazing loot in record time and they also just happen to be right next to this conveniently placed end portal they jump in the portal and yeah they're still screaming in their mic but wait a second did you see that I'll go back and play it again in a matter of literal milliseconds there's a cut to the speed run and the timer somehow jumped ahead by 24 minutes honestly I'm pretty curious what happened during that time the rest of the speedrun is pretty normal you know they die one two times their timer resets to zero seconds and they find a chest with Clinton stealing it as if that's gonna help them I mean come on buddy you have 640 golden apples and you've still managed to Die Twice But hang on a second is there Minecraft skin the rock this speedrun is causing me physical pain the speed Runner manages to die again and they suddenly jump cut 27 minutes later but they still have not beat the dragon but it's okay because their friend ends up killing the dragon for them and it wouldn't be a fake Minecraft speedrun if their timer didn't malfunction again for the fourth time this Speed Run is gonna haunt me in my dreams this speedrun is well just wait they get very lucky by finding a village the speedrunner equips their shears and wait what just happened did he just remove that villagers oh that is nasty this speedrun starts off by finding a ruined nether portal they do get very lucky by finding exactly what they needed two Fire charges three iron ingots and two obsidian just enough to complete the portal and light it they enter the Nether and here's where things get wacky we all know trees can spawn in the nether but this speedrunner finds an oak tree I just face Palms they break the tree and use their Newfound wood to craft an iron pickaxe but they waste a ton of time mining Netherrack wait what is he doing I am absolutely flabbergasted well they enter whatever this portal is called and it brings them to the middle of nowhere but they literally dig down a few blocks and they're in the stronghold okay so this is clearly fake but it can't get worse right well they find a painting on the wall which is impossible because paintings don't spawn naturally they right click on the painting and it opens a chest with a homing missile intimidating and then I take back what I said this one's legit this Speed Run starts off mostly normal but hang on a second did you see that I'll play it again yeah this is Minecraft's first sighting of an unidentified flying object well they carry on with their speedrun and break some trees for wood but then they say this I think I'm lighting a little bit I think I'm like oh I think I'm lagging yeah I guess lag is the only thing that'll explain what just happened so they take their newly found 31 oak logs and make a crafting table and some tools and mentally prepare yourself because I think their computer is gonna start lagging again they break this bush immediately look up and literally one Freeze Frame later and there's diamonds ah yes the dead Bush Minecraft's newest speedrun strategy in a record time of 40 seconds this speedrunner gets full diamond armor and then they start attacking this innocent squid well if I pause the video here you can clearly see what looks like particle effects in the sky and then you can barely hear the speedrunner whispering to someone saying this wow that sure was lucky who knew squid dropped 14 cooked steak so the speedrunner approaches a cave and they find iron blocks which were clearly spawned here in creative mode but they're so bad at cheating they quickly realize they can't even mine iron blocks with a wooden pickaxe you need a stone pickaxe to my iron blocks oh my the speedrun not only became night in a split second but it also looks like the speedrunner magically shaved off a minute from their time they find a water bucket lying around conveniently next to a lava pool but if you ask me I've never seen a naturally occurring lava pool like this they proceed to show up their extreme speedrun portal building skills well after self-sabotaging their only chance at going to the nether the speedrun suddenly cuts to them being in the ocean and luckily they do find an underwater ruined nether portal but after failing to mine the stone and quickly running out of air the stone blocking their way completely disappears from thin air uh their computer is probably just lagging again then the speedrunner enters the Nether and says this guys I think I'm lagging a little bit but as he says that the speedrunner shamelessly types in a locate command reveals he's playing on a server by accidentally pressing Tab and teleports himself to a fortress and this next part is my favorite dude that perfectly cut screen gets me every time after the speedrunner escapes like a thousand near-death experiences they turn around break the blocks in front of them and they conveniently find a blaze what is it doing hiding there yeah somehow the speedrunner negotiated a peace treaty with the Blaze and got the rods without actually killing it shortly after they find a piglet but they throw diamonds at them and say this and they get ender pearls from the trade dream take notes buddy the speedrunner returns to the Overworld approaches this very inconspicuous Enderman and says this uh here attack them I have Enders and lead me to the stronghold so the speed Hunter follows the Enderman and at the end of the pilgrimage they must have gone so fast that they went back in time because their timer says 10 seconds what in tarnation they dig straight down right into the stronghold portal room but wait a second where did the end portal frame go was this true Enderman fix it right now or I'll kill your entire family okay well after the speedometer threatens the Enderman it fixes the end portal and they enter the end and believe it or not the speedrunner proceeds to have the most scuffed conversation ever with the Ender Dragon crystals huh you can talk yes I could what else come down there again come down there let's try again stay back stay back stay back let me win or I'll kill you all right come on whatever go with oh that was easy it's a world record okay honestly if there was such a thing as Minecraft pacifist speedrun this guy would be number one this speedrunner spawns in a village and finds an iron golem they run through a Savannah Biome fight a ravager then Vanquish the Ender Dragon wait this is the wrong footage this speedrun is pretty special because we were lucky enough to get subtitles yeah this is gonna be hilarious oh yeah I forgot to mention they're literally in creative mode they change their game mode back to survival and they do say sorry so I'm willing to give them a fresh start the speedrunner breaks the wood blocks and wait this doesn't look like a block oh yeah of course it gets the wood man the sweeper gets very lucky with the amount of wood they get and it's all thanks to this very new and very legitimate mob what have I gotten myself into the speedrunner crafts some tools and then they start mining stone but after a very suspicious cut in the haste icon appearing I'm beginning to think a wooden pickaxe is not actually this fast but hey I mean there are making great time after crafting new tools they test out their stone sword on the seemingly regular Pig and everything looks normal but literally one Freeze Frame later and suddenly the drops multiply to 64 cooked pork chops I'll tell you buddy these are dream level odds the speedrunner says okay guys so I can't find a lava pool to go to the nether but I have a solution I'm actually scared hey yo God can you spawn a nether portal for me okay I'm sorry but if he really thinks that God is just gonna descend from the heavens what all right I stand corrected so they enter their Heavenly portal and enter the Nether and after spending like five seconds trying to find a fortress the speedrunner announces that they just can't but when they turn around they find the netherman this must be another one of those new Minecraft Mobs so the speedrunner proceeds to follow the netherman and what do you know he's brought directly to the nether how convenient goodbye another man The speedrunner Kills some blazes gets eight blaze rods and returns to their nether portal once they return to the Overworld the spirit claims there is a one in a trillion chance you could find buried treasure with ender pearls in it you learn something new every day so they start digging into the sand and you and you can guess what's about to happen totally legit so the speedrunner craft size vendor grows one and travels in that direction but after a while of traveling they start to get frustrated so the speedrunner asks is there anyone that can help me and after a while of just pure silence they find God literally and just like the stories in the Bible God goes into creative mode and makes the end portal the speedrunner enters the end and they fight in a grubby battle against this Walmart Great Value Ender Dragon this really was a blessed speed run this next Speed Run is Danny DeVito eating a dozen eggs oh sorry but speaking of Danny DeVito please subscribe so we can pass him in followers it's my life's dream
Channel: Ayundaru
Views: 6,027,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake minecraft speedruns, fake minecraft speedrun, fake minecraft speedruns be like, fake speedrun, minecraft speedrun fake, mincraft, fake speedruns, minecraft speedruns, minecraft manhunt, minecraft 1.19, ayundaru, linus studios, funniest fake minecraft speedruns, ayundaru fake minecraft speedrun, speedrun, fastest speedrun, doors speedrun, dream luck, dream world record, technoblade speedrun, speedrunning, fake minecraft world record, minecraft in ohio
Id: kZh8GJ5iP-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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