The Full Story of SAMWISE GAMGEE! | Lord of the Rings Lore

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Sam wise the brave I want to hear more about Sam in the heartwarming tale of the Lord of the Rings a humble Hobbit named Sam wiise gamji steps out from the Cozy corners of the Shire and into the pages of History known to his friends as Sam this kind-hearted Gardener isn't just a sidekick he's the backbone of an adventure that would shake the very foundations of Middle Earth walking beside the brave Frodo Baggins Sam proves that the greatest heroes often come in the smallest packages build me me worthy of don't forget to show your support for this channel hit that subscribe button give this video a thumbs up your engagement will really help the channel grow I think I'll just have another ra oh no you don't go H before Sam gamji ever dreamt of dragons or dark Lords he was just Sam a hobbit from a snug little place called the sh in the lands of arador the sh was a peaceful and beautiful land filled with Rolling Hills babblin Brooks and sweet smelling flowers it was here in a cozy Hobbit Hall that Sam's Story begins Sam was born on the 6th of April in 2980 of the third age to a proud father hamast the gaffa gamji who was known for his wisdom as much as his skill in attending Gardens the gaffa worked for many years in the service of the baggin's family A respected name in the Shire Sam followed in his father's muddy footsteps learning the trade of a gardener which was more than just a job for Hobbits it was a way of life they grew not just plants but they loved for all things green and growing as a boy Sam spent his days with dirt under his fingernails and the sun warming his curly hair surrounded by the smell of tilled Earth and the blooming flowers the baggin is especially Bilbo were quite fond of Sam Bilbo The Hobbit who had once gone on a Grand Adventure of his own would often have Sam around it was in Bilbo's Garden that Sam learned more than just how to grow the best potatoes he listened to Bilbo's Tales of mountains that touched the sky and creatures that stood in the dark these stories planted seeds of wonder in Sam's heart seeds that would one day grow into a yearning for his own Adventures even if he never quite knew it himself Sam's father the gaffer always had a saying or two to share and while he might not have intended it his words often shape Sam's view of the world for example in The Lord of the Rings the gaffer shares a bit of Hobbit wisdom elves and Dragons I says to him cabbages and potatoes are better for me and you don't go get him mixed up in the business of your betters or your land in trouble too big for you I says to him this simple line found in the early pages of The Lord of the Rings shows the gaffer's Practical nature which Sam admired but also grew Beyond as his own Journey unfolded it the gaffer's downto Earth advice and the wonders of bbo stories mixed together in Sam's mind creating a hobbit who was as practical as he was imaginative it was in these early days amidst the lilu and the laughter that the roots of Sam's character were nurtured roots that would hold firm through the winds and storms to come in this peaceful corner of the world under the watchful eye of the gaffa and the inspiring Tales of bbo Sam grew strong and true but even the most shouted Gardens can't keep the outside world away forever little did Sam know his hands used to soil and stem would one day hold the fate of all Middle Earth don't worry Sam Rosie knows an idiot when she sees one does she one day in that quiet Shire where each day rolled like the gentle Hills Sam wiise GJ's life took a turn that was as unexpected as it was extraordinary it All Began on a seemingly Ordinary Day in the April of 38 when Sam was doing what gardeners do best tending to the flowers and herbs outside the window of bagend the home of Frodo bagin unbeknownst to Sam inside that cozy Hobbit Hall a conversation was taking place that would change the course of history Gandalf the gy a Wandering wizard of great power and wisdom was speaking with Frodo about a ring a ring of terrible danger that had to be kept secret kept safe curiosity can be a funny thing it can make you stick you knows where it perhaps shouldn't be and stick it Sam did right up against that window his ears straining to catch the Wizard's words but Gandalf was no fo he caught the poor EES dropping Sam right in the ACT have you been Eaves dropping I ain't been dropping no Eaves so honest Sam's heart was pounding like a drum in his chest his cheeks as red as Tomatoes he so lovingly tended in that Garden yet it was here in this moment of Mischief that Sam's true Journey began faced with the fear of the unknown and the stern gaze of Gandalf Sam made a promise a promise to stick by Mr Frodo and and help him on his journey the wizard saw something in Sam that perhaps Sam didn't even see in himself a loyalty that was unshakable a courage that was yet to be tested and a heart that was larger than the Shire itself with a gentle but firm nudge from Gandalf Sam stepped outside his beloved garden and into the pages of Legend if I take one more step it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been although this conversation happened in April Sam and frod along with peragine toque or Pippen would not leave the Shire until September and their Journey began with Whispers of danger and the weight of secrecy the road from bagend to rienow would be long and perilous yet Sam's determination did not waver the plan was to get to Frodo's new home in cric Hollow in the Eastern lands of the Shire where they would then go and meet marad do brandyb known as Mary and Freda buer known as fatty as those two had gone ahead with Frodo's belongings as they reached Woody end the terrified and nasgul were already on their tails the first they hid from after barely setting off and then the second would come close not long after however a group of elves including gildor in glorion an elf who already knew of bbor and Frodo kept them safe at this time Sam had always dreamt of meeting elves so this moment it was like living a dream for him in fact we later learn that it was at this time that Sam showed another instance of The Hobbit that he was be coming we Glimpse Sam's true loyalty with a snippet of his conversation with them after Frodo Reveals His intention to openly leave the Shire if you don't come back sir then I shant that's certain said Sam don't you leave him they said to me leave him I said I never mean to I am going with him if he climbs to the moon and if any of those Black Riders tried to stop him they'll have Sam wise gamji to reckon with I said they laughed as the next day came the elves were gone and the hobbits had to Journey on eventually they came to Farmer maggots after one more Black Rider had been cited farmer maggot was a brave and kind soul who offered them refuge and guidance he revealed to them that there had been a Black Rider snooping around his Parts asking for a baggin he was extremely helpful and gave them a ride to buckleberry Ferry where on their way they also ran into Mary again who had come back to look for them now at Frodo's new home in Crick Hollow Frodo tried to reveal his plans only for Sam and the others to instead reveal that they already already knew everything the conspirators were at large they decided that Sam Pippen and Mary were going to go with him and fatty was going to stay behind in the house to make sure that it looked like it was lived in so Sam now found himself entering into lands that he had never dared go as far as before their path first led them to the Old Forest a place of ancient trees and Whispering leaves where the very Woods themselves seemed alive with a will of their own the hobbits including Sam were no strangers to tales of the forest strange temper yet nothing could have truly prepared them for the reality of it the Old Forest played tricks on their senses the paths seemed to twist on themselves the hobbits soon found themselves trapped by the old will of old man Willow a malevolent tree Spirit it was here that Sam's Stout heart and practical nature first Shone through as he refused to abandon hope or his master froder however hope wasn't going to be what saved them instead their rescue came in the form of Tom Bombadil a merry and enigmatic figure whose songs H sway over the ancient spirits of the forest in Tom's house Sam witnessed The Peculiar magic and ancient law that lay outside the Shia's borders the comfort and Hospitality they received in bombadil's home were a brief aspite and Sam's eyes were open to the depth and Enchantment of the world Beyond leaving bombadil's care they traversed the Barrow Downs a land of grave Mounds that held the remains of ancient men here they were ens snared by a barrel white and when once again faced a Peril that threatened to end their Journey prematurely however Tom came and saved them again and they could now finally make their way to Brie when the hobbits finally reached the Bree land Sam was already much changed from The Hobbit who had timidly e dropped at Bag End he had encountered wonders and dangers that those back home would scarce believe enough Journeys for an entire lifetime some might say but we are far from done yet as they arrived the gatekeeper of Bri eyed them with suspicion and Sam with the other found the first sting of being an outsider in a world much bigger than they had known in the Inn of the prancing pony Amit the noise of unfamiliar voices and the stairs of the Brie fol they came to meet a mysterious Ranger a man who called himself Strider later known as Aragon Sam was initially wary of this Ranger his mistrust reflecting his loyalty to Frodo yet in time he would see the kingliness in Strider learning that even a weather-worn exterior could hide a noble heart after hearing strider's words and Frodo receiving a letter from Gandalf the hobbits agreed they could really trust him and so decided to leave with him and make for rendal the home of Lord aland another elf the group would buy a pony for their Journey too one that Sam would love dearly naming him Bill the road from brie to rienow was a stark departure from the Cobblestone Paths of hobbiton they traversed the midwater marshes and reached the old Watchtower of weathertop in early October here the black Riders struck the witch king of Angar stabbed Frodo Aragon fought them off and then they had a Race Against Time on their hands to get the wounded Frodo to rivendale 2 weeks later they reached the Fords of Bruin where Frodo weakened from his wound would have been taken but for the courage of his friends Sam though terrified was unflinching ready to throw himself against the tide of evil if it meant safeguarding his friend and as the waters Rose at alon's command to wash away their foes Sam beheld the power and grace Of The Elves in a way that songs could could never really capture upon reaching rival Sam was enveloped in a world that surpassed his dreams here was a sanctuary of peace and ancient wisdom a stark contrast to the darkness that had chased them his arrival at the house of Alon marked not just the end of one Journey but the beginning of another grander one and as Sam rested and healed in this Haven his Spirit tempered like steel ready for the trials that awaited him beyond the safety of rivendell's borders Mr Frodo's not going anywh without me just a few days into their stay the Council of aland was held Frodo volunteered to take the one ring to Mordor and Sam would not leave his master's side even if he hadn't been invited to the council in the first place The Fellowship of the Ring would be formed with nine members two men one elf one dwarf one Wizard and four Hobbits and 2 months later on December 25th of 38 to be precise the fellowship departed from rendal Sam wise gamji trod with heavy feet lader not only with his pack but the weight of a promise he followed his Dear Mr Frodo into the wild their first path was to take the way of the red horn pass but the weather turned against them this way so they had to turn back and so by January 13th the West Gates of Moria loomed before them an ancient Testament to Dwarven grander now whispered as a name of dread it was here at the dark Waters Edge where they encountered The Watcher in the water the Beast with tentacles like writhing serpents struck with sudden ferocity it was a battle that demanded all the courage that they could muster for Sam though the Hover was twofold as his faithful Pony bill was forced to flee into the wild as the mines were no place for him the L struck Sam with grief as sharp as a blade bill was more than a beast of burden he was a friend and Sam mourned his parting the party would then make their way through the mines and they would fight the Orcs in the chamber of maabo here it appears that Frodo is mortally wounded however thanks to a handy gift of meil from belbo Sam does not have to deal with that loss as well moving shortly on gandal Falls after standing against the bwog at the bridge of kazad Doom with both ultimately falling into the unknown depths below and so Aragon takes up leadership of the fellowship as Sam is left dealing with the losses of both Gandalf and Bill into February now the fellowship have made their way into the golden wood of Loth lauan under the watchful eyes of Lady gadriel and Lord kelbor Sam has offered a glimpse into the mirror of Galadriel through that watery glass he saw the scouring of the Shire his home and heart's Delight laid waste his Spirit wavered Torn Between the quest and the Shai's need it was a crucible of loyalty where the depth of his Devotion to Frodo and the task at hand was sorely tested after a fierce internal battle Sam's Choice was made he would not abandon Frodo the sight of the shire's ruin planted a seed of determination within him to protect what he could and mend what he might should he ever return home on February 16th Sam and the fellowship embarked upon the waters of the anduin at their parting from lauan galadrial gave Sam a box containing Earth from her Orchard as the fellowship journeyed down the river the Ring's presence became a silent Whisper of dread threatening to unravel their Unity on February 26th Frodo decided to leave the fellowship on his own after a confrontation with barir however the ring bearer's intended Solitude was shortlived as Sam ever watchful and unwavering perceived Frodo's intent and without hesitation he plunged into the water his determination to accompany Frodo outweighing his lack of skill in swimming as Frodo grasped Sam's sinking form their bond was sealed tighter than ever and together they set forth on the path that would lead them into the shadow of mortal with it now just being Frodo and Sam they made their way into the Towering Cliffs of the Emon wheel where the Rocks seemed to Claw at the sky here Gollum a creature Twisted by the Ring's dark influence emerged from Shadow to reclaim his Precious on February 29th the creature pounced with wild eyes and wicked intent Sam's hand reached for his blade his mind set on ending the threat yet it was Frodo who stayed the killing blow binding Gollum with words of Promise a vow to lead them safely to Mordor a vow on the precious Sam watched with wary eyes his heart filled with mistrust but Bound by fro merciful command their journey to reach the black gate although tense with heavy presence of lurking foes was not too bad despite passing through the dead marshes and culminated on March 5th as they reached the gate that stood as a daunting Sentinel and watched over by many cruel eyes of all kinds of evil they realized that the way was barred the path seemed lost yet in the moment of Despair Gollum spoke of a secret way a path untrod by the enemy Sam's suspicion of the creature grew every hiss every furtive glance suggested betrayal nonetheless they followed for the quest demanded risk even if it meant trusting the untrustworthy as the trio ventured Southward the year passed into March and through the virgent land of aelan the war of the Ring revealed its far-reaching grasp an olifant massive and Majestic crossed their path bearing Warriors of haret Sam ever the dreamer of tales and wonders found a moment of joy in the midst of fear reciting a poem about the Beast of leg he never thought he'd see Sam stood up putting his hands behind his back as he always did when speaking poetry and began gray as a mouse big as a house nose like a snake I make the Earth shake as I through the grass trees crack as I pass with horns in my mouth I walk in the South flapping big ears Beyond count of years I stump round and round never lie on the ground not even to die olant am I biggest of all huge old and Tall if you ever meet me you wouldn't forget me if if you never do you won't think I'm true but told o Fant am I and I never lie the Wonder was shortlived for soon after Faria captain of Gondor brother of barir took them for spies in private Sam accidentally let slip about the ring but faramir managed to resist it and in turn both parties gained each other's trust and they were let go the next day their Journey continued they passed the crossroads of the Fallen King and then onto the dark of kungle by March 13th a place where evil slept but never died as they reached Minas morgal Gollum showed the hobbits The Secret Stairs that led up to the home of the great spider shop a creature from nightmares Gollum had set them up and it was here that Frodo fell to her poisonous sting at that moment Sam face Terror incarnate with the light of galadrial in one hand and sting in the other he fought with a courage that defied his small stature being the first person man elf dwarf or Hobbit to ever inflict a wound to the Beast the spider retreated bested by the might of a Hobbit's heart with Frodo seemingly lifeless despair gripped Sam the weight of the Ring was his to bear and with a heavy heart he resolved to complete the task alone for Frodo but fate was twisted again when orc voices revealed that Frodo was in fact still alive captured but not lost Paralyzed by the poison of the spider Sam's Journey had led him to the darkest pits yet with within him burned a light UND dimmed a hope unquenched that's for bro for the that's for my old Sam gamji driven by loyalty and love scaled the all cunted passages of kyth unle Frodo lay in the darkness bound and helpless but Sam was on his way Sam found a far emptier place than he had expected due to the internal Slaughter of the battle of kungle so upon their reunion he returned the ring to to Frodo illustrating his remarkable resistance to his malevolent pull the departure from kungle on March 15th was but the beginning of an arduous path through the desolation of moror the very air was a poison and the landed Testament of the Dark Lord's ruinous rain it was here on March 18th they are then forced to join a line of Orcs marching towards the black gate the next day with cunning and quiet tenacity they sparked confusion and slipped from the clutches of sauron's minions The Plains of gorgoth lay before them an expanse of barren waste that dra hope with each passing step over the next 5 days the hobbits traversed this halish landscape driven by a single purpose of destroying the ring upon reaching the slopes of Mount Doom on March 25th the burden of the Ring weighed heavily upon Frodo Sam ever the source of steadfast support reminded him of the Shire of the memories of home that they fought so hard to preserve yet Frodo ens snared by the Ring's crushing influence admitted that he could no longer recall such beauty when Frodo's strength was F in Sams did not he took his friend upon his back carrying him up the mountain embodying his earlier vow to carry Frodo and the ring could not be carried alone it was on this harrowing climb that they encountered Gollum once more in a scuffle Sam proved his Metal By wounding The Creature but not killing him for he now understood what it meant to be one of the Ring bearers what that ring truly did to a wearer's mind but in the cracks of Doom also known as samtha Sam's Journey reached it Zenith he witness Frodo unable to relinquish the ring claiming it for himself the ring is mine it was then that gollum's intervention though violent and tragic led to the Ring's End in his lust for the precious Gollum secured his own doom and inadvertently tripped the world salvation as he tumbled Into The Inferno as the ring melted away so too did sauron's Dark Dominion Sam knocked down could not have known how close they had come to failure nor how their smallest of Deeds had led to the greatest of Victories the Rescue by Gandalf and the Eagles marked the beginning of the hobbit's return to the world that they had saved the Shire awaited though they had been changed by their quest in ways that their fellow Hobbits could scarcely understand samis gamji the heroic Gardener had journeyed from Frodo's capture to the very brink of Doom and back again his humble courage his loyalty and his heart and spoiled by the darkness of the Ring carried them through his deeds were the quiet acts of bravery and love that echo through middle Earth's history a reminder that even the smallest of creatures can change the course of the future however as much as you think this should be the end Sam's journey is not over yet Sam sat back now that the quest was completed he and Frodo were honored at the field of coralan and were there at the coronation of Aragon into King alisar 2 eventually by the beginning of November after a stop Gap in Rivendell on their way he would come to travel back to the Shire with Frodo Mary and Pippen when they finally set foot back in their home he found not the peaceful green fields that he had left behind but a land shadowed by trouble it was a shock that would stir any heart a stark contrast to the memories of home that had been The Guiding Light in the darkness of Mordor the Shia had been overtaken by Ruffians and despoilers and the Very Earth that Sam loved was crying out for Aid however this was of course not the same Sam who had left he was not simply the same Hobbit that had once tended the gardens and he was now prepared to heal his entire Homeland they discovered the leader behind this atrocity was someone called shaki who they discovered to actually be Saruman the disgraced wizard he had polluted the sh wanting revenge on the halflings but with the return of the hobbits Saran was overthrown the very essence of the Shire was resilience and strength a parallel to Sam's own nature in the restoration that followed Sam's efforts were akin to tending a garden after Winter's harshness remember he'd been given a box of Earth by the lady galadrial a gift with properties of renewal and growth the finest Garden in the sh he said intent on bringing life back to the places where Darkness had passed he planted he nurtured and with care he watched the sh Blossom once more under his hands and in those hands the hands of Sam gamji the Shia found its heart again and in its healing so too did the rest of the hobbits find their own resilience and hope rekindled with peace restored to the Shire Sam gamji began a new chapter of his life one marked by love leadership and Lasting legacies Sam married Rosie cotton a cheerful Hobbit last that he had long long admired the life together was filled with laughter love and a growing family becoming the father of 13 children Sam was also honored by those of the Shia by being given the name of gardener for all the healing that that he had done to their lands in time at the end of the third age Frodo would leave those lands and sail to the West the wounds that he had suffered could never heal so Sam was left back end as well as being entrusted with the red book of West march by Frodo which contained the history of the ring and its destruction although he never truly felt like this was goodbye Sam's role in the Shire blossomed Beyond his family life the hobbits recognizing his courage and wisdom elected him the mayor of hobbiton not once but seven times as tolki notes a testament to their trust and respect for him his leadership was gentle yet firm kind-hearted yet wise and also with the good of the Shire at heart Sam had vowed that the Shire became more beautiful than ever with Gardens blooming in vibrant colors and trees Standing Tall and proud the years passed and sadly eventually his dear wife Rosie passed away and Sam knew that his time in the Shire was now drawing to a close too in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings tolken reveals a poignant and Final Chapter to s story with Rosie gone Sam passed the Red Book of West march to his daughter Elanor then as it is told Sam rode to the gry Havens where he boarded an Alvin ship to sail across the sea to the undying lands a place of Eternal rest and peace where he would once again be reunited with Frodo he was granted this gift and honor as even if it was just for a short time he had been one of the Ring bearers this departure is Rich with symbolism Sam who had not only been the steadfast guardian and healer was now entrusted with his own healing his journey to the undying land signifies a reward for his undying spirit and a testament to the impact one individual can have on the world it echoes the Bittersweet nature of life itself where all stories no matter how full of heart and courage come to an end Sam's last sight of Middle Earth would be the white towers gleaming in the Setting Sun as mentioned in the last lines about Frodo surely Sam would have experienced the same thing and the ship went out into the high sea and passed on into the West until at last on a night of rain Frodo smelled a sweet fragrance on the air and heard the sound of singing that came over the water and then it seemed to him that as in his dream in the house of Bombadil the gray rain curtain turned all to Silver glass and was rolled back and he beheld white Shores and Beyond them a far Green Country under a swift Sunrise so there we have it Sam gamji tale from the Shire to the undying lands is a moving example of the greatness inherent in the seemingly ordinary beginning as a gardener his Fidelity and bravery sculpted him into a hero of middle Earth's law showcasing that true heroism Springs from the gentlest of beings his story unfolded gradually each stride from bagen to Mordor revealing his true character when fate called Sam showed that the smallest can shift the course of history resonating with one of token's core messages the impact of Sam's Deeds is lasting reflected in the shire's healed Beauty and the enduring theme of tolk's work the profound significance of kindness and the narrative worth of every individual Sam The Humble Gardener turned hero exemplifies that bravy has many faces and steadfast love lights even the darkest roads Sam's epic is more than fantasy it is a parable for our potential for greatness a testament to the strength of a good heart and an enduring Beacon of Hope Sam wise the hero Gardener endures as a source of inspiration within tolkki's Legacy and Beyond yes Mr bro it's over now and with that now it is time for my question of the day which is do you agree with the statement that Sam is the true hero of the Lord of the Rings or do you think that it is in fact someone else probably Frodo let me know your thoughts and opinions on this in the comment section down below and now to shout out our patrons you guys are continuing to support our short film The God we are making good progress and I cannot thank you all enough we of course have the fire demon t M of nashe and the wids of Staff team members of Andrew and Hunter so finally if you've managed to reach the end of this video today and youve really enjoyed what you've seen then please do consider hitting that subscribe button and getting that Bell icon with all notifications ticked so that you will know when all future uploads go up and so thank you for spending just some of your time with me today and I will see you next time on the Broken [Music] Sword potatoes boil them mash them s him in a stew
Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 28,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Tolkien Lore, Lotr lore, samwisegamgee, sam gamgee, the hobbit gardner, after the lord of the rings, after the war of the ring, before the lord of the rings, before the war of the ring, what happened to sam
Id: sZlqFJyxTO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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