What Makes FARAMIR So Special? | Lord of the Rings

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through Shadow to the edge of night faramir is not just another Warrior he's someone very special unlike many others in his world he doesn't just use his strength to fight battles he's wise he's kind and good at making tough choices so today I'm going to look closely at Faria and his moral Integrity especially in the face of the One Ring his role as a Visionary leader and Scholar that's deeply connected to his gondorian Heritage and those compassionate decisions that he makes during those moments of Crisis so let us find out what makes faramir with his blend of strength and gentleness not just a great hero of his time but a Timeless figure of inspiration and admiration build me worthy of [Music] within the Lord of the Rings Faria of Gondor distinguishes himself not through martial prowess or the pursuit of power but through his remarkable restraint and moral Integrity if we just look at his treatment of Gollum it is marked with empathy it is marked with respect and this vividly contrasts with how many others would act in an aggressive way during those times of War this restraint is a defining feat of faramir's character setting him apart within the narrative while many in Middle Earth are drawn to power or driven by desperation faramir maintains a level of self-control and ethical Clarity that is rare and admirable this is notably encapsulated in a pivotal moment in The Lord of the Rings where he resists the Allure of the One Ring a test that many others fail if we look at his words From This Moment here but fear no more I would not take this thing if it lay by the highway not were Minas fallen in ruin and I alone could save her so using the weapon of the dark lord for her good and my glory no I do not wish for such triumphs Frodo son of Drogo you can see how it highlights his commitment to a greater good that transcends personal Glory or gain tolkki's portrayal of faramir underscores the theme of integrity and moral fortitude even in the face of overwhelming challenges his character exemplifies the strength found in wisdom and the courage of ethical conviction serving as a Beacon of Hope and a reminder of the power of restraint in a world besieged by the shadows of greed and conflict Captain faramir you've shown your quality sir the very highest Faria emerges not just as a leader but as a Visionary and as a scholar being uniquely suited to guide his people through times of not just War but of Peace as well finding a leader who is good at both is is really rare his character which is defined by profound intellectual curiosity and also his deep understanding of the law of Middle Earth shapes him into that leader of incredible depth and wisdom unlike his brother bamir whose tragic narrative is intertwined with the Ring's Temptation Faria exhibits a deep understanding of its corrupted influence he perceives the ring not merely as an object of power but as a force that can consume one's will and Humanity this perspective demonstrates a wisdom that is crucial to his role and decisions throughout the story again unlike Boromir whose Valor and martial prowess are legendary faramir embodies a rare blend of empathy strategic foresight and scholarly Insight toing describes him as a captain worthy of following highlighting his capacity for thoughtful leadership that extends beyond the battlefield this contrast between the brothers is pivotal illustrating phia's distinct approach to challenges marked by a keen understanding of the broader implications of War and Peace far is frequent visits to the archives of Minas tith underscore his dedication to learning immersing himself in ancient texts he cultivated a strong connection to gondor's Rich Heritage his interactions with Gandalf also known as mithia to those in the South were more than just meetings they were exchanges of wisdom that deepened his knowledge of midlist history and its current threats he stands in contrast not just to his brother but also to his father denior Deni Thor's characterization in toi's narrative is complex he is a wise man yet one whose Despair and obsession with the palena lead him down a path of increasing hopelessness and skew judgment this despair fueled by the deceptive Vision shown by Sauron blinds him to phia's True worth and clouds his decision making faramir's relationship with denior is marked by a lack of recognition and favoritism towards Boromir despite this Faria remains loyal and steadfast his actions driven by an unwavering love for Gondor and a commitment to what he believes is right this dynamic between faram and his father adds depth to faramir's character highlighting his resilience in the face of familial and political challenges and underscoring the contrast between his moral fortitude and his father's tragic fall to despair in addition to his scholarly Pursuits faramir's prowess as a military leader is a significant facet of his character that really does deserve attention too his strategic Acumen and bravery are prominently display during the defense of ailith as a good example in The Lord of the Rings Faria leads the defense of this key City against overwhelming odds demonstrating not only his courage but also his keen understanding of military tactics his leadership during this critical battle shows his ability to make Swift decisions and Inspire his men in the face of dire circumstances this episode in the story underscores phia's role as a capable military leader balancing his intellectual wisdom with practical Battlefield expertise far's ability to lead effectively under pressure and his dedication to protecting Gondor from sauron's forces are key elements that Define his character and that of as a true leader of men one who inspires both respect and loyalty from those He commands his multifaceted leadership combining a deep knowledge of law with practical military skills truly sets him apart as a special figure in token's world and if we move forward in time now to after the War of the Ring Faria stewardship under Aragon the king's Reign marks a transition towards a new era for Gondor his escape from the tragic fate set by his father and his subsequent role as Steward signify the dawn of an age where wisdom empathy and a deep respect for the past are crucial to governance faramir's philosophy is clearly expressed in his conversation with Frodo where he says I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness nor the arrow for its swiftness nor the warrior for his glory I I love only that which they defend this really highlights his preference for peace and understanding over conflict and aggression in faramir tolken presents a character whose strength lies not just in his ability to lead in battle but in his profound understanding of History his deep empathy for others and his commitment to preserving the beauty and wisdom of his land his unique blend of scholarly knowledge and empathetic leadership makes him a notable and enduring character who is a truly special one doesn't this look awesome I just wanted to give a quick shout out to the dragon Workshop they were amazing in sending us this C of the fountain Court Helm it is just incredible the size is lovely the quality is incredible it just it just looks so good if you're interested in getting anything like these for display pieces or even to wear I can't recommend them enough I really felt like they just deserved a shout out because like I said everything about this is just quality so please if you're interested at all head over to to their Instagram or any of the other links I put in the description below the dragon Workshop incredible stuff but now let's get far's character is deeply influenced by his Heritage by his familial bonds and this paints a portrait of a man who is both grounded and extraordinary so I thought it would be good to dive a little bit deeper now into how far's family really molded the man that he became born as the younger son of danior the steward of Gondor Faria grew up under the significant Legacy of his forbears Gandalf saw in him the true qualities of the men of westernness marking him as an individual of profound depth and potential this connection to a lineage known for its nobility and wisdom is reflected in faramir's inherent sense of justice and his ability to see beyond immediate gain as seen in his interactions with Frodo and his rejection of the one ring that we looked at earlier far's relationship with his brother baromir was one of deep mutual respect despite their 5-year age difference faramir admired baram's Valor and strength drawing inspiration from his Elder brother's courage this Bond influenced phia's sense of Duty and honor as he consistently uphow these values even when bmia succumbed to the Ring's Temptation fara's ability to resist the ring where bmia failed can partly be attributed to his admiration of his brother's strengths while being acutely aware of flaws as well the untimely death of their mother too fuas had a profound impact on faramir this loss during his formative years instilled in him an empathy that contrasted with the more martial disposition of barier and the stern nature of their father denior such empathy is evident in faramir's treatment of Gollum and his understanding and compassionate approach to Frodo's burden showcasing a leadership style that is inclusive and Humane though trained in the art Arts of War faramir's true strength lay in the contemplative nature of his ability to empathize which set him apart from his more Warrior likee brother and father this Divergence in character and an approach to life and Duty underscored the uniqueness of faramir's path in gondor's history his choice during the war especially his decision making during those critical moments like I mentioned the defense of osth reflect a balance between tatal acumin and a deep rooted sense of morality shaped by his family's Legacy the bond between the two brothers was free from rivalry a testament to their shared upbringing and boria's protective nature towards faramir their physical resemblance dark hair and eyes bellied their distinct personalities and destinies this familial connection further influenced faramir's perspective on duty and sacrifice as he sought to honor his brother's memory and fulfill his responsibilities to Gondor with integrity and compassion far's Journey from the son of a proud Steward to a thoughtful lead leader reflects the intricate weave of his num manorian Heritage and gondor's Marshal tradition his character is a blend of wisdom and strength a testament to the power of empathy and thoughtful leadership in a world often dominated by the might of The Sword and the Allure of [Music] power good speech nice and sure Le more time for drinking far's defining moments are marked by his steadfast compassion and his wise leadership especially when you look at the cases of when he's in ailith or his interactions with Frodo and Sam these instances collectively showcase faramir's depth of character empathy and foresight if we step back to something we looked at earlier faramir's encounter with Frodo and samon aelan brought a significant moment from his prophetic dream to life leading his men bravely against the herad Faria demonstrated not only his tactical skill but also his inherent wisdom his insightful conversation with Frodo about the One Ring where he as I said earlier declared Fe no more I would not take this thing if it lay by the highway reflects his strong moral principles and understanding of the greater threats they faced this Integrity extends to his decision at the Forbidden pool where respecting Frodo's plea Faria chooses to spare gollum's life going against the harsher laws of his land his choice to Aid Frodo and Sam defying his father further underscores his ability to prioritize the greater good over immediate power and obedience a trait that sets him apart as a leader of rare empathy and wisdom moreover faramir's depth of character is further illuminated in his tender and understanding relationship with aowin towards the end of The Lord of the Rings faramir's interactions with aowin in the houses of Helen offer a poignant glimpse into his empathetic nature recognizing her Despair and her need for a purpose beyond the confines of traditional roles Faria shows patience and compassion he does not rush a healing process but offers companionship and understanding saying I do not press you to leave your healing in the hands of others acknowledging her autonomy and respecting her journey this interaction underscores phia's ability to connect deeply with others seeing beyond their exterior to the turmoil within and offering Solace their growing Bond marked by a mutual respect and a shared sense of loss and Recovery exemplifies far far's ability to nurture and Inspire hope in others far's proposal to AO in where he says but I also am a steward did you not know certainly implies his role not just as a steward of gondle but As a caretaker of Hearts including his own this aspect of his character adds another layer to his leadership qualities showing that true strength often lies in the gentleness and emotional intelligence one can give if we now actually step back again for a moment we look at at a critical juncture which followed the shared prophetic dream he had with bamir foretelling dark times in a quest involving a broken sword in rivendale this dream as described in the fellowship with the ring sparked a series of events leading to bia's fateful journey and untimely demise faramir upon discovering his brother's body on the banks of the river andwin faced not only a profound personal loss but also a turning point in his life this moment marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of a another thrusting faram into a role of increased responsibility and challenge far's character thus tested and refined by these defining moments emerges as a beacon of wise and compassionate leadership in all of token's world his reactions to critical events like the Battle of osth to his interactions with the hobbits and the handling of the news of boria's departure paint a portrait of a man deeply committed to the values of Mercy foresight and the greater good this combination of empathy integrity and the Strategic Acumen firmly establishes Faria as a special and admirable character in the realm of Middle Earth I know this video today is about how special Faria is but I did also want to take a quick moment to look at how he was adapted for the movies in The Lord of the Rings trilogy he isn't the same faramir he was changed when comparing him to tolk's original narrative it offers a fascinating look at how character adaptations can vary between book and Screen the screenwriter Philip aboyans faced the challenge of conveying the one Ring's corrupting power in the films this was a difficult Challenge and this led to a key change unlike the book where faramir instantly resists the ring the film shows him briefly tempted simply to emphasize the Ring's danger but this does Almost Do a disservice to faramir this alteration reflects the different demands of film as a medium in toi's narrative far's resilience against the Rings ofure is a testament to his mental strength yet in the fast-paced world of cinema this immediate rejection could lose its impact on viewers who have much less time to delve into his character if you want to think of something completely different as a comparison consider the Council of alant in the book it is a detailed lengthy event but the film condenses it for time and pacing similarly the film admits scenes like the encounter with Tom Bombadil indicating the need for Consciousness in movies the decision to adjust faramir's character was likely influenced by these kind of constraints whether at the end of the day you think that was for right or wrong the film adaptation this presents a different dimension to faramir's character one shaped by the medium's limitations it is an interesting case for fans sparking discussions about the nature of adaptations and the interpretive variations that they bring far's character in the films invites audiences to explore how different portrayals can influence our perceptions of his role in talking's world some people are going to like the change some people are going to hate it and some people couldn't care either way it's just one of those things that sometimes has to happen so long as it is done in a respectful way so there we have it it's really is clear how faramir's depth of character sets him apart from so many others in Middle Earth his moral Integrity which we see very clearly in his rejection of the One Ring exemplifies his wisdom and his ethical fortitude unlike his brother bamia or his father denior Faria combines scholarly Insight with empathetic leadership defining his unique role in the role of Gondor his upbringing marked by both personal loss and the legacy of numo shapes him into a compassionate and thoughtful leader his actions during pivotal moments whether in battle or in interactions with other characters showcase his empathy and strategic mind faramir's character stands as a Beacon of Hope demonstrating that true heroism encompasses wisdom kindness and moral strength ultimately faramir emerges as a Timeless figure in literature embodying the power of Integrity compassion and balanced leadership so at the end of the day you really get to see that phia's story goes beyond the confin of Middle Earth you really get that essence of true heroism from him and really as this all comes to a close I feel like it is pretty easy to see what makes Faria so special with that now though it is time for my question of the day which is do you think faramir's adaptation in the movies was great acceptable okay or maybe it was just a disgrace let me know all of your thoughts and opinions on that in the comment section down below and now to shout out our patrons you guys are continuing to support our short short film the guard we are making good progress and I cannot thank you all in N we of course have the fire demon tier member of nashe and the wiard staff tier members of Andrew and Hunter so finally if you've managed to reach the end of this video today and you've really enjoyed what you've seen then please do consider hitting that subscribe button and getting that Bell icon with all notifications tick so that you will know when all future uploads go up and so thank you for spending just some of your time with me today and I will see you next time on the broken [Music] sword also just quickly at the end here guys I'd love to know from all of you do you like the setup for this piece to Camera Part as part of the video as well or would you prefer I just capture the art only sometimes it's good just to try and mix things up a bit so I'd love to know from all of you what you all think anyway thank you for sticking around to the end today I'll see you next time
Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 23,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Tolkien Lore, Lotr lore, faramir, faromir, faremir
Id: DOiRDMvem9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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