How Did SAMWISE GAMGEE Resist The One Ring? | Middle-Earth Lore

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somewise gamji the ring bearer the god hello and welcome to the Broken Sword your YouTube home for all things the Lord of the Rings and Jay are Tolkien today we are looking at how Samwise gamji was able to resist the magical powers of the one ring [Music] one of the many qualities of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit is its vast and diverse cast of characters of them there are classic heroes such as your aragorns and boromias or theodens and aomias men who represent the height of power bravery and honor perhaps one character who is often overlooked is the much beloved Samwise gamji humble son to a humble servant as his father is quick to defend Bilbo Baggins against the barbs of the townsfolk when the tongues are wagging in the local pubs Sam is equally quick to defend Master Frodo Baggins from the barbs of the great spider shelob and defy the Great Dark creature who has been around for thousands of years to see his friend and their cause to a happy end yet a great man such as Boromir gave into the temptation of the power of the one ring and some did not or did he at least not completely but how what can we see from the texts that show us why Samwise was above the likes of Boromir the captain of the White Tower time and again sampruz suited to his charge the moment where he really shines takes place at the conclusion of the two towers book or you may know it from The Return of the King movie with Frodo paralyzed and dead by the looks of it Sam must overcome the Dreadful Sheila after Frodo is way late with one sting Frodo is paralytic and cold dead by the power of His Face In This Moment Sam knows that he must act despite his uncertainty Whatever May Come he is stricken by guilt at the thought of taking the ring from Frodo as it was never trusted to him in explicit terms in the end he decides the burden is his now as he sees no other way to continue this fight there is some debate among fangs though at this point of just how long Sam Actually wears the ring for at that moment this one Hobbit is able to summon all his courage and will in the face of not just a wounded and potentially dead comrade but a potentially dead best friend and somehow saved the entire world he decides to carry the ring into Mordor on his own he would simply walk into and through Mordor take that Boromir One does not simply walk into Mordor a group of Orcs sees the limp and frigid Frodo and carry him away while some is left to Now understand these Orcs but alone for a moment the temptation of the ring is upon him with force and speed the Ring's magic begins to invoke Visions Sam sees himself now as a true hero Samwise the strong hero of the age and his blade goes before him a light with flame as he drives the darkness back armies surrender and join him they flock to His Banner as he marched to destroy the Fortress of barador in his most heroic moment driving back a spider of great Terror he is tempted by visions of what the ring could give him the life of a hero as he understands the word like the people in those stories of which he remains so fond Sam does experience temptation but he is able to resist this is no small accomplishment as we see very few characters able to resist it such as Galadriel who is much more powerful in law and the Arts of someone like melian but no one outside the race of the halflings will endure the ring as long as the likes as Frodo or Bilbo or even Gollum and we see what it did to Frodo costing him his great love the Shire in the end and not to mention Gollum as well the ring would cost him his life and we must understand this is not a mere magic ring it is the one that works on the minds of those nearest it it actively manipulates and seduces those who would bear it as it possesses the spirit and is of the sorcery of Sauron to contend with the ring is not unlike contending with Sauron himself Frodo was unable in the end to resist temptation but he have done all he could he had gone far further than nearly anybody else thought possible and his failure should be seen in this light maybe not as a failure but when Hal of an achievement his thought turned to the ring but there was no Comfort there only dread and danger no sooner had he come in sight of Mount Doom burning far away that he was aware of a change in his burden as it drew near the great furnace's where in the deeps of time it had been shaped and forged the Ring's power grew and it became more foul untameable save by some mighty will as Sam stood there even though the ring was not on him but hanging by its chain about his neck he felt himself enlarged as if he were robed in a huge distorted shadow of himself a vast and ominous threat halted upon the walls of Mordor he felt that he had from now on only two choices to forbear the ring though it would torment him or to claim it and challenge the power that sat in its dark hold Beyond the Valley of Shadows already the ring tempted him gnawing at his will and reason wild fantasies arose in his mind and he saw some wise the strong hero of the age striding with a flaming sword across the darkened land and armies flock into his call as he marched to the overthrow of barrador and then all the clouds rolled away and the white son Sean and at his command the veil of gorgoroth became a garden of flowers and trees and brought forth fruit he had only to put on the ring and claim it for his own and all this could be Sam is not taken by this illusion and the image of green and good and The shire's Rustic life in lower case wherein their lives might be right small on the broad pages of history in their own shires and Hobbit holes each are heroic and valued in their Quest the one small garden of a free Gardener was all his need and Jew not a garden swollen to a realm his own hands to use not the hands of others to command another debate among fans concerned Sam's initial hesitance to return the ring to Frodo whether it is the residual magic of the Ring which urges him on or the concern for his friend now that he is fully aware of what carrying the ring means what it feels like and what this burden truly is does he want to give this back to his master and see him slowly breaking even further we could see it either way but Sam is pure he is great at heart that last quote shows he doesn't need a realm just a small garden that he can tend to himself this doesn't sound like someone who is going to steal the ring more someone who is concerned for Frodo as someone who works closely with the Earth his father was similarly grounded he was a salt of the earth type possessed by Dignity of honest labor and the keeping of the faith between family and acquaintances Keeping the Faith has a special meaning here as we learn how Sam was able to resist the magic of the ring and the will of Sauron in that hour of trial it was the love of his master that helped most to hold him firm but also deep down in him lived still and conquered his plain Hobbit sense he knew in the core of his heart that he was not large enough to Bear such a burden even if such Visions were not a mere cheat to betray him afterwards Sam would offered to carry the ring at least twice once shortly after he returns it and again later when he sees the extent of Frodo's pain whether he is motivated by desire that of possession and greed all of pity and compassion is not spelled out and is ambiguous for a reason the joy of literature is that of engaging the text and trying to understand them as best we can and some answers are not definite some experiences forever ambiguous and vague it is possible Sam's motivations are somewhere between pity for Frodo and the magic of the ring but honestly here we will hear nothing against Sam as there is an argument to be made that he is the true hero of the Lord of the Rings and The Character tolki most adored I mean I have put out a video on Samwise being the true hero of the Lord of the Rings so if you haven't seen it and you like the idea please go and check that out but that he sees the return of the ring as a burden to his master we very much think this speaks strongly to the subtlety of the Ring's magic and the vastness of sauron's ability to deceive and consume really playing on Sam's true feelings but it also makes you question is there anything more powerful than Sam's true loyalty [Music] so there we have it a look into just how an everyday Hobbit a gardener not a warrior or King was able to resist the lure of the one ring some may try and dismiss this as just Sam didn't have the ring for long so it couldn't have affected him too bad however remember he was in close proximity to the ring for the entire Journey a man such as Boromir gave into this far sooner for far shorter of time so not only did Sam carry the ring directly wore the ring directly he was also in close proximity to it for a very long time too the will of such a good and simple Hobbit and I do mean that in the best way is what makes Sam so great and shows why he was able to resist it you couldn't tempt him with a realm of beautiful gardens he just needed that one small garden to tend to that he could put all his love and use his own hands to tend and that is what makes Sam so great he is the person we all wish we were and he's the best friend we all wish we had and it's one of the reasons why Samwise gamji is one of the greatest characters Tolkien ever created but now these kind of videos are fun sometimes it is great to do the big in-depth topics like how Sauron makes war or pitting someone like Tom Bombadil against Sauron but also sometimes it is just as great to go back to the texts that started everything off and have a look at something a lot smaller but no less important if you like this kind of dive into things make sure you leave a like and a comment on the video and if you don't know what to say in your comments why not just simply put Samwise the brave [Music] with that now though it is time for my question of the day which is what do you think Sam's motivations truly were did he want the ring for himself or did he just want to protect Frodo from its harmful effects let me know all of your thoughts and opinions on this in the comment section below and now to shout out our patrons you guys have been amazing in supporting our short film Project we are making great progress and I cannot thank you all enough we have the divine power tier members of Kevin and Abram the fire demon tmms of Nasheed them still and Gregory and the wizard staff tmms of John Andrew Jennifer and Hunter as well every single one of you is a true legend of the Bro hero finally if you've managed to reach the very end of this video with me today and you are enjoying what you see on the channel then please hit that subscribe button with the Bell icon too all of those notifications will get ticked so you will know when every video goes up I hope you're all having a great time have a great weekend and I will see you next time on the broken sword foreign
Channel: The Broken Sword
Views: 173,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Hobbit, Tolkien Lore, Lotr lore, samwise gamgee, the one ring, the one ring powers, what powers does the one ring have, how did sam not give into the ring, how powerful is the ring, what power does the ring give you, sam gamgee, sam speech, sam speech two towers, that there's some hope in this world, mr frodo, sam and frodo, frodo and sam
Id: yGSqW2DgEg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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