The Full Story of MELKOR! (MORGOTH!) | Middle Earth Lore

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I didn't watch all of it YET but I got pretty far into the video. Very interesting, especially the fact that he's been real close to taking over the world in the first age (correct me if I'm wrong).

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ripoff_Gandalf 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

Is Melkor even mentioned at all in The Hobbit?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CastroAlessandro 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to the broken sword today we are looking at the original dark lord malcorp [Music] malcolm also known as morgoth was one of the almighty divine spirits these divine spirits were among the first creations in tolkien's own world all created by eru iluvatar this means these divine spirits also known as the inur were created before even time itself had started of these we know the names of the 15 most powerful spirits later known as the vala these were the ones behind the shaping and ruling of the created world and there were seven lords seven queens and one other the seven lords were manway king of the valar almo king of the sea owlay the smith or rame the great rider mandos judge of the debt lorien master of dreams and desires and tolkas champion of valinor and then we have the seven queens of vada queen of the valar yavana the queen of earth neenah the lady of mercy este the gentle very the weaver varna the ever young and nessa the dancer these fourteen followed the ways of aru and were great followers of him however like in most stories there was one other the one that we are here to focus on today malcolm so you are probably wondering here why is a malcolm even on this list why is he not amongst his fellow spirits what makes him different well let's jump into it and to understand this a little better we first need to understand aru's thoughts when creating as when ever created these valar he did so while giving each of his creations just a glimpse into his thoughts and ideas and therefore each of the valar end up as basically specialists in different areas aspects and thoughts of every however one of these is not like the others one was not created equal and that is malcol malcor was created with a greater level of power and knowledge than those around him meaning at this point there is only one being one entity who is more powerful than him and that is of course aru itself so although in theory the other valar may be slightly more powerful in one certain degree for example tolkas had the ability to be able to just about physically overpower him as a whole none can come close to matching him this extra knowledge led malcolm on a slightly different path straight away for malcor had knowledge of this thing in tolkien's world called the flame imperishable and what does this flame do you may ask well this is the term that the power that arrow had was known by which was the power to create and i mean truly create not just alter or corrupt this is what gave things life and gave them souls and a little thing here this is what gandalf refers to in his speech on the bridge of kazadoom when fighting the bauvog when he says i am the servant of the secret fire with that secret fire being another name for the flame and perishable meaning he is a servant of aru a servant of good to fight this servant of malcolm but anyway that is not really too relevant right now so during the beginning of time malcolm had gone in search of this flame as the thing that he truly desired was to roll and create himself he wanted to be in charge he wanted everything bent to his will not someone else's he basically just wants to be god however when he realized that this power was more a part of aru as opposed to being an item he knew that this was really a battle that he could not win so all his time searching in the void had really been for nothing now at this point i could not exactly say that time would pass but after malcolm failed with his plan of for gaining the power to create every would bring the einer together for an event called the aina lindale this would be when the music of the i know would come to be every would teach each of them music and song and together they would sing for eru creating the vision of iluvatar which would be the vision of the world we would come to know however during their harmony of a song that would not be heard again one spirit broke this harmony he sung his own song and you get no prizes for guessing who that was malcolm his song was so strong that some of the i know became confused as to what song that they should be singing even beginning to sing his song over arrows so a second song is sung by aru but again malcolm goes against this new one too and again this swings some of the iner to his song not arus so once again for a third time eru sings a greater song even trying to bring malcolm's song into his own now but malcolm will still not back down however in the end aru sings his final powerful note to end the music ever addresses malcolm he tells him that he created everything everything malcolm is came from him so whatever he thought to do everyone already knew he could not overpower him malcolm was furious with this but hid it from all the others this is then where the vision of iluvatar i previously mentioned gets shown to the einer by aru and the aina wished for this to be real once they've seen it and so eru created aya and this term air is what everything that exists refers to or in another way the universe which means you have air and the void being the created universe and the timeless planes outside of it so with a yet now a thing that meant that arda was now in it which is the name for the world as a whole when the einer saw this they wished to mold and help form it into a wonderful place for the children of louvitar except one again and surprise surprise that one is malcolm yet again he saw this world as not an opportunity to help and support the creation of eru but instead a world for him to control a world for him to rule a world of slaves to serve him as their ruler and god nonetheless malcolm was still allowed to enter into aya along with the other i know with those who entered first being the most powerful and becoming those i listed before known as the vala with then lesser spirits go into which would become known as the maya but they come slightly later and you may wonder at this point is malcolm still on his own though well he has actually already turned many of the maya over to his ways some will openly support him in his thoughts and others support him in secret under the face of serving a different valor so no he was not alone he was already building up a team behind him meaning there was already a battle going on between the valar or malkor against all of the others after all malcolm would not exactly hide his ideas now even saying directly to manway's face with manway being his brother that he would rule this world as the most powerful amongst them all at this time manwe would not fully understand the idea of evil and corruption but knew that he and the others must prevent malcolm from ruining aye as a beautiful and peaceful place and this is where the wars of the valar really begin the valar were trying to shape this clean slate of a planet and form it into something beautiful however everything they tried was countered to the opposite by malcolm for what really appears to come from just pettiness and a want to do things his way malcolm just simply wishes for nothing to be in the vision of the other valar and this went on for a time until the last of the valar came to aye taking on his physical form with this one being tolkas the most war ready and champion of the bala and here by the way this whole idea of the valar their powers and what taking these physical forms mean to them is a subject of its own really for a video so if you would be interested in seeing that video get made then please leave me a comment below of the valar just to show me that there is some interest in seeing this but now back to the wars of the valor with tolga's now entering this plane of existence malcolm becomes more wary for although malcolm is a more knowledgeable and powerful valor in most respects tokas is so physically powerful that malcolm is slightly taken aback therefore at this time malcolm is driven away and a period of peace is brought to the planet which means the rest of the valar are now able to finish their wish of establishing the world of arda the world they ended up forming was a symmetrical one where at its center was the land that the valar themselves chose to live and this land was called alamaran and upon this land the valar created two great lamps to finally bring light to the world with these being called illuin and ormal however this light would not quite reach all corners of the planet so some darkness remained and within this darkness malcolm still dwelt plotting his next move molding those he could to his ways and waiting for his moment to strike he would not have to wait too long for when the valar came together for a feast of celebration at the completion of their task tolcast both married nessa and then proceeded to drink far too much becoming too merry and fall asleep so with malcolm's greatest threat now incapacitated he knew the time to act was now malcolm came out of the darkness over the walls of night and moved into the north where he would come to build his almighty fortress of uttumo and for those of you who don't know the walls of night were the outer walls of the world that surrounded arda in the outer days but anyway as tolkas slept for so long malcolm was able to complete the building of utumu and due to this evil gradually started to flow from its walls disease death and foul weather gives a hint to the other valar that malkor had indeed returned which one thing you also have to remember at this point is that the planet does not spin here there are no seasons to speak of in order at this time so for cold weather to appear is something purely of malcolm's corruption the valor knew that they need to find him and stop him before his evil could spread too far however before they could do anything malcolm strikes first the valar are taken by surprise by this and malcolm comes out on top he destroys the two lamps bringing complete darkness back to the world and claiming victory over the other valor it is said during his attack that it was so great that not only were the lamps destroyed but also the land of aomaren along with them and again along with that the entire symmetry of the planet got broken too you may be wondering though surely couldn't all the valar together have overcome and attacked malcolm and won well it's not quite as simple as that melkor had used such a great amount of his power to destroy everything that the valor needed to use their powers to prevent the entire world from collapse which left them really unable to have any remaining fight left in them to fight back against him so unable to pursue malcolm but having stopped the end of their world and let it fall into ruin the valar now needed to find somewhere new to reside and so this is where they chose a man across the sea building valinor upon its land now living in their new home of valinor the valar need to establish a new form of light for the world however they do not build two lamps as they did before instead this time they go for a different structure this time they build two trees instead one of gold and one of silver and they are named tauperion and laurelin this angers malkor as it now meant he must defeat them all over again however malcolm was still not ready to launch an attack on the valar once more and with tolkas this time awake he was wary that they would rise up against him with their combined might so instead in these next years malcolm would build another fortress with this one called angerband and this was located beneath room in the iron mountains in the north of middle earth here malcolm would place a certain commander and his greatest servant that many of you may recognize and he was called saron so malcolm had now managed to build up an almighty army that consisted of evil creatures including the likes of balrogs along with near unbreachable strongholds this would not stop the valar though and they would launch an attack on malcor and this would fail and the valar would get pushed back to valinor malcolm would not sit idle in his victory though and he would continue to delve deeper into the earth and build more to his great fortresses he would also come to learn of the awakening of the elves at this time too malcolm made it his mission to find them which he did before any of the other valar managed to themselves he killed and captured so many of them with this being the event that it is believed that caused the creation of the first orcs which came as a result of the unimaginable twisting torture and then breeding forced upon them it would not take too long before the valar found the elves themselves though as they feared that malcolm would capture warp and corrupt all of them and so they came back at malcolm with furious anger and this led to an event called the battle of the powers also known as the war of the gods the valar knew that this was the time to stop malcolm and his corruption over middle-earth before it became too late to stop them and so with their combined power and determination they marched straight to malcolm and his forces the valar would leash the power that would destroy uttumo and lead to the capture of malcolm himself he was taken unchained by angeno and sentenced to be imprisoned in the halls of mandos indefinitely however the valar did make a mistake here for they did not push on to round up and wipe out all of the evil that malcolm had corrupted instead they needed to recover this meant that many of the evil creatures just went into hiding until their leader returned and this even included sauron and so for three ages malcolm remained in chains and this was said to be around 2 900 years of equivalent time after these many many years malcolm came to beg to manway for pardon although the thoughts of revenge were ever present in him he pushed it aside to beg from his brother somehow malcolm was trusted here at least to a certain degree as manway granted malcolm what he asked this was not a decision agreed with by all though for the likes of tolkas and omo were very skeptical of this call this meant that despite the chains being removed the valar would not permit malcolm to leave their sight however this does not stop malcolm from making contact with the elves that lived here as he already had a plan up his sleeve this did not mean that the owls were all willing to listen to the words that came out of his mouth though the group of the owls known as the vanyar did not even humor him as they did not possess an ounce of trust in this spirit the talari were at the other end of the spectrum in that malcolm did not wish to waste his time with them believing them to be too weak for his grand plans however the noldor would just like that third bowl of porridge just right they had a greater wish for knowledge and skills which meant their wishes were closer to that of malcolm's and so malcolm approached the one amongst them closest to himself feyenoor another powerful reason for malcolm to approach feyenoor is that at this time he was also creating the cell morels and malcolm desired these more greatly than anything else malcolm would begin to weave his poisonous words into feyano's mind spreading rumors of the coming of men raising doubts about the true wishes of the valor trying to turn them to his side however malcolm could not keep his meddling quiet enough as feyenoord began to realize that his lust was there for the silmervilles and he rejected malcolm and so his words ended up reaching the ears of tolkas who decides at once that malcolm needs to be returned to his chains he cannot be trusted he cannot be left to roam free malkor had seen this come in and he fled south before he could be confronted malcolm traveled to a land known as avathar southeast of valinor where he came across a dark creature who had once been allied to him the spider-like spirit known as angolian even though angolian had previously rejected malkor as his leader after he had been defeated malcorp managed to convince angolian to serve him once again with the offer of riches in return malcolm wishes for both the silmarils and to destroy what the valar love and so he uses angolian for her ability to weave a cloak of shadow to hide them from the sight of the valar by this method they managed to reach the two trees and malcolm pierces them draining them of their essence with angolian then drinking this sap to power herself once again this leaves the world in darkness in the confusion and the chaos that this creates the two then travel north to formenos where malcolm steals the great jewels that are kept there including the silmarils but not just this malcolm also slays the first king of the noddle finway as well as the darkness still reigns over everything malcor and angolian flee into middle-earth by way of the icy passage known by the name of how correct and by this route reach maoko's stronghold of angopat this is where a betrayal occurs for angolian wished to devour every single jewel to destroy all that they had taken and although malcolm initially allows her to do this he will not allow her to take the selma rails as well malcolm would struggle to defend himself though for although angolian was novalar all the evil acts that he had committed had taken great strength and energy from him which had left him in a much weakened state whereas in goliand she had been revitalized and swelled with power after drinking the sap of the trees so she had become too much for even the greatest of the valar in his current state golian managed to trap malcolm in her webs and began to torture him up until the very close point of devouring him as well however malcolm screamed such terrible screams that it awoke the balrogs that slept deep beneath angerband these bow rocks led by gothmog the lord of balrogs came to malcolm's rescue just in time and managed to drive angoliant away with their whips of fire with malcolm now free of her wept and angolian having ran far away malcolm returns into angband and he would go on to create a great iron crown for himself that would house the three silmarils that he had so greatly desired also as an important point here if we take a quick step backwards when malcolm had stolen the great jewels informing us and killed fenway feyenoor had cursed malcolm naming him now morgoth which is the name that he was only called by from that point onwards by any of the alda as they believed his valar name of malcolm was no longer worthy of him so their created name of morgoth was more suited and so that is now how i shall refer to him for the remainder of his story morgoth has now settled back in middle earth to the north of belarian in his rebuilt fortress of angband and he comes to learn that the lands in the rest of valerian have come to be settled by by the owls during his time in chains this irks malcolm he cannot accept that the owls are free he believes that they should be under his control that they should be his slaves so of course he cannot just let them live here without interference this is where the wars of belarian would come to be and i will say here i do have a more complete video on the battles of the wars of belarian if you would like to check that out in greater detail but i will run over more goth's involvement in this war in broader strokes here so morgoth's first plan in what becomes the first battle of the war is to send out his armies of orcs and cut off the owls of ellu thingol and the sindha in doriath from kierdan and the talari in the phallus which he succeeds in doing however out from the opposite side thingle manages to send a request of help to denathor and the nandor in austrian who comes to his aid with an army of his green elves these reinforcements make it too much for the orcs of morgoth so they retreat but they are then utterly defeated in their retreat by the dwarves that appear from the blue mountains after they tried to return to angband despite that loss for morgoth he was finding more joy from his orc that was still attacking kierdon though keeping him trapped next we get to the second battle of dagor nooin giliath or battle under stars and the return of feyenoor in morgoth's life feyenoor had brought a force of elves from a man who were a far greater foe than those elves who had stayed in middle earth and they marched all the way to thangoradrim with the orcs unable to match these elves when feyenoor pushed on to the gates of angband he was separated from the main force by morgoth's orcs this is where morgoth knew the time was right to send out his balrogs led by gothmock although feyenoord put up a fight and i mean a good fight too he suffered too many wounds and was struck down by gothmock so although the war was not really going his way at this point the achievement of killing feyenoor was a softening factor to that then we have the dagor aglarep or glorious battle this third battle of the war involved the coming of fingolfin to the war like the second battle had with feyenoor he had also come over the icy passage halcrax with a certain galadriel alongside him as opposed to taking the ships like feyenoord did but the full reason for that being important is also one for another video but let's just say it involves a kinslayer so now more noldor have arrived and fingolfin has teamed up with mythros where they march in a great victory all the way up to the gates of angband trapping malcolm in sight this is where the siege of angband begins by the elves despite their strength the defense of morgoth was far stronger morgoth was then stuck here for a great time but he does not sit idly by a moat no he uses the extreme size of his underground realm to rebuild and improve they are at a stalemate but that is until morgoth regains his strength and finally in time sets forth his dragons which is what now leads on to battle number four the dagor ragolak or battle of sudden flame morgoth sent forth the population of angband led by glaurung the dragon and gothmog lord of balrogs he also sent fourth great rivers of fire onto the fields for his forces of dragons balrogs orcs and other evil creatures to take the fight to the elves this well and truly broke the siege of angband the strength and timing of this attack meant that the elves stood no chance morgoth not only broke the siege but also now too controlled a great amount of the north of belarian with it however something happens next that morgoth does not predict the alpha finn golfing the high king of the nodule rides to the gates of angband alone to challenge the great valar morgoth in single combat even if there was amount of fear of death within morkoth he would also never truly believe a small child of a louvitar could have a best him a valar so he meets fingolfin and this jewel was one of legend and on a personal note here one i would love to see a live action or animated version of at some point so give me a like on this video if you agree with that but anyway fingolfin managed to deal seven separate wounds to morgoth as he was powered by anger at what morgoth had done to his kin however morgoth was still too much for him after all he is one of the valar morgoth managed to knock him to the ground on three separate occasions but fingolfin would rise from each of these knockdowns nonetheless eventually it would become too much for him and morgoth would bring him down by the use of grond his hammer weapon and shield with morgoth about to crush fingolfin under his foot fingolfin got one final stab into morgoth's foot which is said to have left him with a limp for the rest of his time just before morgoth could deliver the final life-ending blow snapping fingolfin's neck he is saved by the intervention of the rondor the greatest of the eagles of manway who struck morgoth's face and carried the body of fingolfin away there would be 16 years before the fifth battle in the war but this was not 16 years of nothing one of the legendary stories of middle earth took place during these years and that was the quest of baron and luthien you had baron of bale's house in doriath and luthien to nuviel who was the daughter of ellu thingal and melian the maya they would wish for this silmaril as that was the only way thingel would believe baron was worthy of his daughter's handed marriage so together they disguise themselves and enter into angband however the disguise is not great enough to hide them from morgoth who is aware of their presence but allows them to appear before him curious as to what their plan may be as morgoth planned just what to do with luthien as she stood before him he let her dance for him and she managed to send him to sleep through the power of her son very much something morgoth did not predict baron then cut one of the silmarils from morgoth's crown as he lay their unconscious however the knife would break and stir milk off as the two then realized they must escape quick which they managed to do and this left morgoth with just the remaining two silmarils now a few more years on morgoth would reach the fifth battle of the wars of belarian the ninayath annodiate or the battle of a numbered tears there are now men within belarian as well and they choose now to try and team up to once and for all push more god's evil out of their lands however morgoth is no full and is aware of their up-and-coming plan and he too has brought men to his side the ones known as easterlings which is basically just any of the men who lived to the east of the blue mountains during this time which means for more gas side this gives them a great surprise attack from the site morgoth comes out the great winner of this battle of chaos and death and any survivors on the side of good must flee to their remaining safe places like that of the hidden city of gondolin and one man to mention from this battle though is that of heroin of who the stories of the children of heroin are written after for he is captured and taken alive back to morgoth who places him high upon thangorodrim and curses him to watch his family including of course his son turin who are also cursed and heroin isn't able to do anything to help them and can only be forced to watch there is also an elf to mention here too a traitor elf called myklin thanks to the betrayal of myklin morgoth was able to discover the location of gondolin and so he laid siege to it with morgoth's forces being able to bring down this one last defense of the elves this was not a flawless victory though for morgoth lost one of his mightiest servants of gothmog lord of balrogs by the hand of acthelion during this battle and along with this too another small group led by glorfindle managed to escape which would be so important in time as it included a certain seven-year-old child named erendil son of idril daughter of kinturgon of gondolin who had fallen with gondolin and two all of the house of huddle and brother of heroin as we previously mentioned a minute ago but we will get back to why in a moment morgoth now feels confident for despite losing gothmog and one of the silmarils he now controls basically all of valerian and still has the likes of sauron at his side too he is not exactly in a powerless state however that small child aerendal some years later believed to be when he was around 20 to 30 years old went on an unheard-of quest he built a ship with the help of kierdon the shipwright and he would name it vingelotte and he would take this ship and set sail for the land of amman now for those of you who wonder what is so unheard of about this it is that no man had ever set foot on this land this land was for the divine spirits and the first children of iluvatar no one else however with aerendal being half elf this is likely what made it at least a little bit acceptable for him to take this path as well as him also having his path guided by the light of the silmaril that baron had previously cut for morgoth's crown and along with this too as he had taken this quest on behalf of both elves and men as a representative and not just on a selfish quest just for himself like others would attempt to do in the future so arendelle would appear in front of the valar and begged them for their help he says that without the morgoth would win and everything would come under his control willingly or as slaves and so the valar answer they bring forth the host of the valar and that would include the likes of raya vanya and noldor still in valinor and these would ride for middle-earth however the tulare would not join due to their feelings from the first kingslane that i very briefly mentioned upon earlier as they still felt two strong feelings against the naldol for their actions it is believed that some of the valar themselves may have come too but there are never any clear indications whether that is true or not but you think if you're going to challenge morgoth you're going to need a few valar on your side this is where the final battle of the wars of belarian takes place the war of wrath or the great battle the numbers that took part were too vast to count and when the smoke settled at the end of it all the hosts of the west came out on top ayorendel had killed the great dragon and caligon the black with the help of the great eagles nearly all the balrogs were destroyed and those that did survive hid themselves away far and deep and the orcs stood no match themselves so were basically all wiped out to the point that all morgoth had left was angerband itself however with his power weakened too and no defense left in front of him this meant that the hosts made their way into the dungeons of angband where morgoth had hid himself and they captured him morgoth knew he did not possess the strength to win this fight alone so he attempted to negotiate for peace but this time he was not human in any way they hew his feet from his body they cut the cell morales from his crown and once again that chain of ungyno was to hold him as prisoner this war had left valerian completely ruined and mostly sunk afterwards the elves split themselves up either over middle-earth to the east or back into valinor the men were given an island called andor later to be named numenor for their part in the fight against morgoth and the other men who fought with morgoth ran as far east as they could and then you also have the dwarves of the now ruined no god and bellagos who also had to find new homes too then as for morgoth himself whale bound in his old chain he was sent through the door of night beyond the walls of the world and into the timeless void here in this everlasting and ancient darkness morgoth would be left to simply exist but not to be able to fully influence anything and this is where the known story of morgoth comes to its end however it is thought that this may not be the end of him entirely he was not killed so somehow someway there was a possibility that he could return it is believed in prophecy that there would one day be one last battle best known as the dagor dagarath or the battle of all battles which had been prophesied by mandos it is said that this event would bring the true end to morgoth at the end of it all it is worth noting that christopher tolkien claimed that from his notes j.r.r tolkien had abandoned the idea of the dagarath as a prophecy of mandos but it is still one many people know of regardless it is said that morgoth would be slain by turin taramba the son of heroin that morgoth had cursed all that time before but only after morgoth had still managed to destroy nearly everything that existed bringing the end to the world that is when it is believed that a second music of the aina would take place this time without malcolm and it would bring forth a new world free of evil and corruption but really who knows how that would really end up evil seems to always manage to rear his head one way or another probably just through some other form or it becomes the idea of paradise and in that new world they just managed to live happily ever after so there we have it a look at the full story of the dark lord malcor later known as morgoth he is the one who is well considered as the big bad main enemy in all of tolkien's works after all he is like the lucifer of that world he's a very interesting idea for a character too as arrow claims that he knew malcolm's early thoughts however he did not intervene and stop him aru let malcolm go about his ways corrupt all those things that he did and did nothing about it very strange when you think that he was directly going against arrows wishes this could well hint though that even though malcolm always wanted to show his power rule over everything bend everything to his will he could never in a million years come close to arrow at all perhaps it comes back to that idea that no matter what evil will appear so if aaron knows about it that's a safer thing than it's somehow appearing from elsewhere you don't really know but there is one thing i do find quite sad about the story of malcolm though and that is that we just don't get more detail of it there are several instances where many many years pass on by with nothing of note happening there could be so much more from tolkien's mind that sadly he never managed to put onto paper or it could just be that actually as one of these divine spirits time just means so little to him so those long breaks of what appear as nothing happening is just perfectly normal to that kind of entity it could be either way but when you have an enemy like malcolm you just want to hear more stories about it but now that we have reached nearly the end of the video i actually want to end all of this with a quote from the children of her and story where morgoth is talking to her in as i feel this sums him up as a character quite nicely about how he felt towards the children of iluvatar and the world with her in start in this quote yet so it might be if they willed for the elder king shall not be dethroned while ardor endures you say it said morgoth i am the elder king malkor first and mightiest of all the valar who was before the world and made it the shadow of my purpose lies upon ardor and all that is in it bends slowly and surely to my will but upon all whom you love my thoughts shall we as a cloud of doom and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair wherever they go evil shall arise whenever they speak their word shall bring ill counsel whatsoever they do shall turn against them they shall die without hope cursing of life and death so on that very very happy note i hope you all enjoyed this video for today but this now leads me onto my question for you all and that is do you prefer malcolm or sauron as a big evil of tolkien's works do you think malcolm being the original makes him the best or do you think that his disciple sauron is in fact a better and more interesting evil instead please let me know all of your thoughts and opinions on this in the comment section below and now firstly quickly to mention all of our other channels including the new bat cave channel if you like your batman content please check those out as links will be in the description below and also to shout out our patrons firstly our divine power to your members of kevin abraham and matt you are all awesome and a big thanks to our fire demon tier members of nasheed denver steel and gregory and as well i cannot forget the wizard staff to your members of john andrew and finrod feligun as well you are all true legends of the bro herem finally if you've managed to reach the very end of this video with me today i really hope that you have enjoyed it and i hope you will hit that like button leave a comment and hit that subscribe button too if you have not already along with hitting that bell icon with it so that you can be notified of all of our future uploads so thank you once again if you have managed to reach the very end with me and i will see you 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Keywords: The Broken Sword, History of Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Lore, Middle Earth Lore, The Silmarillion, Tolkien Lore, melkor, morgoth, melkor morgoth, full story of morgoth, full story of melkor, origins of melkor, origins of morgoth, the silmarillion, melkor lord of the rings, melkor song, melkor vs tulkas, melkor vs fingolfin, morgoth lord of the rings, morgoth part, morgoth vs sauron, morgoth curse, morgoth's ring, melkor total war, morgoth total war
Id: DzIhTkqYzNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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