THE ABYSS (1989) Breakdown | Ending Explained, Making Of, Special Edition, Analysis & Hidden Details

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul in this video we're breaking down the abyss nicknamed the abuse son of abyss and life's abyss and then you die this movie went through an insane production that almost led to several drownings head Harris hit James Cameron like the like button and lots of the casts stormed off like hurricane Frederick Cameron also went through divorce during this it was a on his personal life and he separated with longtime collaborator Gail and herd he since admitted this is the worst production he was ever involved in and several actors on it refus to work with him again see this is a director who's worked with the same cast on a lot of his Productions and it kind of highlights how much of a mess it was still though I think the movie is worth diving into and throughout this video that's what we're going to do in it I'm going to talk about the making of and also the things that you might have missed in it if you enjoy it then please subscribe as we do big classic movie breakdowns each and every week and we'd love to have you as a member of the crew without the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into the abyss now the abyss began in James Cameron's head back when he was a high school student writing a short story for a project this spawned the bare bones of the plot with it containing a lot of the structure that gets brought into the movie it featured a group of scientists on a lab in the ocean discovering something lying in the abyss the ideas for this apparently came from HG Wells who s to be the first person to introduce a sea alien lying underwater that came from the 1897 short story in the abyss which Cameron of course used to create the film's name this idea was lost for a couple of years but when working on Aliens he watched a National Geographic documentary about submersibles deep in the ocean this made him recall it and his interest in this would obviously change the trajectory of his life obviously when you made a couple of big Blockbusters you're going to look back on your old ideas in a complete completely different light that's something Cameron did with his story and he altered some things based off what he learned audiences responded to instead of focusing on scientists he changed the group to blue color workers so that the characters could come across as way more relatable at 9 minutes 30 we can see license plates lining the hole and in the end this helps to play into this Vibe Cameron himself was a trucker before he made films and at 11 minutes he has catfishing Bud rocking trucker hats the corporate suits are also present here too with Burke being a big villain in the movie Aliens Cameron K was always battling with her suits trying to get these movies with insane budgets off the ground now in the original story the scientists went to explore the Cayman trough one by one with each of the characters going in separately none of them were ever heard from again and we finally saw it was there with the last scientists traveling into the void this took them on a psychedelic trip similar to the ending of 2001 Space Odyssey that movie has massive influences on this without that final Journey being shot in a similar way the helmet and visor creat similar motifs and there's also clear influences from Close Encounters the N are something that's obviously like aliens but they not from outer space the way I took it is that we all come from the ocean but some of us decided to remain down there they took a similar sort of path and created their own civilizations and Technologies and this is the event that brings us back together it starts off a you don't know civilization in which we move away from war and don't spend all day arguing online on Twitter about completely meaningless things congratulations if you managed to not do that today we also took experience is from his real life with them basing lindson gilan herd as you mentioned the pair separated during this which the two main leads are also going through Cameron had an affinity for building relationships on set and he of course married Linda Hamilton and later Susie Amos on Titanic you son of a strong women are often characteristics of his films with them pulling heavily from real life to help create the narratives now speaking of creating narratives originally that was the idea they' do this as just a novel instead that's because of the insane cost associated with the fell but in the end they pushed through and decided to do for real Cameron ended up writing three chapters when creating that though and this fleshed out both bud and Lindsay's relationship these events occurred before the film and it gave the actors outlines to help develop their characters now we begin with the sound of a sonar of the 20th Century Fox logo which is where we transition into a quote from n arguably one of the most famous Saints of all time this opening line has a lot of meaning to it in order to understand this though we have to look at the full quote as it's in this that the actual context is provided that is he who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster and if you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you the first line is very straightforward and it basically warns about what you'll become if you strike out evil with evil it's basically saying that everything comes with a cost and sometimes in Victory you can lose something in yourself with a lot of cameraon movie is the stories are metaphors and in the case of the Abyss that's no different looking at the way the world was at the time we had one thing going on that lay the seats for this that was of course the cold war with the ntrs being a metaphor for Russia there are something the characters just don't understand and because of this some of them seek to destroy them however in the end in creating peace we better each other and create a different world it's some that's still wholly relevant today and the next line plays upon the ideas of similarities the abyss is the unknown and when staring into it we are the viewer however in doing this long enough it creates a Persona on the other side that two looks at us and creates something in us too even though there's nothing really there we can create something in our minds that may cause us to be afraid from this we may act differently but in reality it's us that's created this fear if nothing's there it's just a reflection of us and our mind's going to our deepest darkest Parts well we all see what we want to see coffee looks and he sees Russians he sees hate and fear you have to look with better eyes than that what the characters see in the abys is just a reflection of them some see things positive whilst others act brashley and all in all it leads to their own conclusions this idea of Reflections is seen in the film's most famous shot with a water tentacle creating the face looking back at it the idea of opposites coming together is symbolically seen in every aspect of the film you have the surface in the Deep Russia and America and even in the two leads man and woman this is about opposites coming together and the abyss here is more positive than negative however it's a warning because we can fall into that abyss and lose who we are due to our own nihilism we must remain helpful in the vast emptiness and stay strong in the free spirit that caused us to confront the abyss in the first place at least that's how I've always interpreted it and I know it's open to its own thing so if you have different thoughts then leave them below it's very much its own Abyss in which you form it and the quote itself Den notes what version you're watching as well why this shows up in the EXT Ed Edition where the themes of the Abyss are formal present and that's the version that I'll be focusing on today why I will talk later on about the craziness that was its physical media release but I'm so glad that it's finally getting that 4K love and they do a brilliant transition with the logo and take us from the Y right into the ocean this diving down then opening up gives us a sense of space and it's here that we join the USS Montana this follows the pattern of ballistic submarines which are normally named after US states picking up a mysterious crap The Vessel ends up sinking near the Cayman trough I have to say Cameron really Nails this opening and makes you realize the terror in the Deep not only are there strange things down there but the environment's deadly too which is something this introduction really gets across watching the water pour in and wipe these people out it's such a terrifying thing that you really feel a part of here we also have the actor Michael Beach who I believe was put in Aquaman as in not this film in the opening we see him playing black man his dad and he two drowns on his sinking sub like how he does here I guess you could say Michael's beat you then you die however it's not all a loss as we have the captain ordering a boy to be fired this will give The Rescuers a fair idea of where they are however it inadvertently starts a sort of arms race with both Russia and America trying to get to it now this video is sponsored by pork porkbun dcom offers over 500 domain extensions including compr Tod and XYZ with you can choose the perfect domain at the lowest price available every domain comes with who is privacy an SSL certificate web and email hosting trials Link in the bio tool trials and everything you need why pay more for stuff that should be free if you're someone who loves new tech check out their new AI generated Search tool using chat GPT that's changing how people search for domain names all these incredible features are backed by 365 days a year support and they've got more five star reviews on trust pilot from real customers than anybody else the porkn website's also simple they use and navigate you can manage everything about your new domain 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something is there something you're trying to tell us there James however I do think deep down at some point he did want to salvage things which we see in the character bud at one point he drops his wedding ring down the toilet and has to put his hand in to pull it out this hand remains blue for the rest of the movie and the stain remains is a reminder of the choice he made to save it in the end this ring is what saves him which we'll talk about as we get into the film now it's also here that we learn the company's name which is benic petroleum this appeared as an Easter eggon Terminator 2 with its logo being on the abandoned garage that the heroes hide at the name Ben thic means deep in the the ocean and th it sums up the drilling core used to get their petrol The Wider shots we often see of the ship were also created with models with Cameron bringing in large scale replicas this was so big he had to register it with the coast card but it helps to make it seem like the ship's a real vessel from here we travel down and then meet with the divers which is also something unique about this film you see normally you'd hire in divers and then dub over the top of them with the cast doing ADR here though Cameron wanted to really show the actors were doing it which helps with the feeling of the film's authentic ticity the cast and the crew were trained extensively in underwater diving with nearly half the movie taking place submerged so when you see Lindsay being dragged under water later that's really Mary Elizabeth Master Antonio stuff got so bad that had Harris almost drown a few times as well with a safety diver putting in a mouthpiece upside down this caused him to suck water in instead of blowing it out and cinematographer Al Giddings had to quickly give him his own regulator to help save his life another time was the scene in which he Dives and they had a machine Towing him along after he ran out of there he tried to signal for oxygen but his safety diver got stalled and just couldn't get to him upon getting out he reportedly punched Cameron in the face and this was because he kept filming whilst Harris was clearly drowning since then he's refused to speak about the film and has compared it to asking a soldier what Vietnam was like Mary Elizabeth Master Antonio also said the abyss was a lot of things with then saying fun to make was not one of them shade as something else Cameron often does is that he creates new technology for shoots with these elements being something that really really set his films apart on Avatar they of course revolutionized 3D oras yeah was their communication system this allowed the director to talk directly with the actors and for their line to then be recorded onto tape this was the first time that something like this happened making it a groundbreaking move for deep sea entertainment in regards to filming they scouted several places including the Bahamas and also Malta however neither were able to provide a controlled environment and th they moved out to the Cherokee nuclear power plant this had been a band by duuke power who'd spent 700 million constructing it from the ground up the call was something that they never put in place but this vast reactor provided the perfect place to shoot two tanks were constructed with the main one being 18 M deep and 70 M across this took 5 days to fill and was the biggest freshwater tank at the time as an audience it makes you really feel the depth of the situation they're in and around every corner is a threat of danger I love how as we see Bud move through the Carters there also a sign that says Safety First below it it says a fire today no job tomorrow a chilling reminder of that opening scene this also pays off at the 57 minute Mark when a fire starts to tear the station apart we also see hippie t-shirts say doomed and later at 47 minutes we get a better look at this this has a man and woman on the front perhaps playing upon the idea how bun Lindsay could be doomed they're not though and in the special edition we see the team going about their day today so we really get to know them the alien influencers also come across here clearly too with them being offered bonus that are three times their pay just like the Nostromo crew though there's doubt about doing the rescue but the Deep core crew end up accepting it on the surface the weather worsens we then get this line well it's official sports fans they're calling it hurricane Frederick now this might be a richair but I always felt this was a ND to Fredick n who provides the films opening quote this allows bird to say Hurrican should be named after women which let let's see if you notice this very very subtle metaphor I don't know man I think hurricane should be named after woman don't you bloody Virgil you wiener okay Virgil you wiener you never could stand up to a fight bye-bye we taking the seals down a deep Co it's here that we really get to meet Michael Bean's Coffee unlike his previous thrs with Cameron he's a mustache twirling villain who helped to develop the character with the director originally he was just going to be evil but be wanted to add more motive to it suggesting that he suffers from hpns this helps to add y becomes more and more Brash let's watch each other closely for signs of hpns high pressure nervous syndrome but uh one person in 20 can't handle it they just go bugo this line was added in to explain why does things against common sense and ultimately nly causes a war we get a hint to this at the 19 minute 40 mark when we can catch his hand trembling away now on the inside of you podcast with Michael rosen born it's my point of view this the side of you with Michael R and born that one well he said he was underwater during a power cut that left him in complete darkness for 2 to 3 minutes he said being in Pitch Black like that you kind of lose all sense of time and that it seemed way longer than it was he thought that he might not get out of there and it kind of freaks me out thinking about being stuck in that Darkness now bu lindsy go back and forth down there and I got a lot of hand and Princess layer Vibes you want to know what I think not particularly I think you were worried about me on we need you we need yes or what about you need I need I don't know what you're talking about probably not then that must be it no seriously I think you were come on it's okay it's okay you can admit it where she keeps talking about the divorce going through he holds on to his wedding ring in the hopes that the divorce isn't final trying to like go is something he just can't do and guys is willing to go through the toilet literally just to get her back and from this point we get a scene that made the movie ban in the UK that is the rat drowning scene and I'm going to have to blur all this stuff due to due to YouTube probably flagging it up for the same reason that's meant the 4K release has been completely banned here classified by the bbfc they have strict rules on cruelty to animals so it was completely cut from the UK theatrical and TV releases Cameron was then asked if he would cut it for the 4K but he refused to give his final approval so I've had to buy it from abroad and import the Blu-ray in order to get it for this video I VPN the Apple release of it because I didn't want to wait until after that D from the abyss I'm a big physical media collector and if you are too then definitely check out our partners at Arrow they produce a 10 4K blu-ray releases on lots of major classic movies they just launched carry and Invasion of the Body snatches the both of which look absolutely incredible if you want 10% off then we've got you covered and just use the code heavy spoilers when you get to check out they'll give you 10% off with the code heavy spoilers so get saving on them deals the fluid that you see the r breathing is completely real with it being oxygenated at per fluro carbon fluid got that right in one and and and this allows mammals to breathe under water it's similar to what babies do in the womb and I love how they kind of looked at signs to help play out this Scene It was shot five times with five different rats and all of them lived through the test the last one however suffered Cardiac Arrest but Cameron was able to revive it through doing chest compressions he then kept it as a pet and has assured all the sensors it didn't suffer any harm however due to experiencing real life Terror and getting pulled out by the tail they still thought that this scene went too far kind of makes me wonder how Apocalypse Now got past it cuz that's got a real life sacrifice at the end of the film holy God what either way when Cameron says no the man gets his way which is another reason why a lot of his movies take so long to get those physical releases he has a clause in his contract to mean that any version of the film has to be signed off by him personally however he's way too busy to give them the time of day and the now playing podcast went into this quite a bit steuart on it used to work at Fox and he said he was constantly waiting on Cameron to call back ring damn it ring guy never did cuz he was apparently too busy and I think his Library suffered because of it the Terminator 2 4K looks absolutely terrible and I've heard the True Lies On's really bad as well the abyss on the other hand it does look great and yet definitely pick it up if you want the best version either way we then see them descend into the mini subs which were models rather than real ones most of these shots were achieved by placing screens inside of them with projections of the actors playing at the scene arriving at the sub they then start to explore it and come across Ross the corpses of the crew coffee grabs the key off the captain and we can see that his name's cresmer this is an OD to Auto kashma the highest scoring submarine captain of World War II you also see as they come across a crew member with a crab in his mouth this is actually James brother Mike he apparently had to hold his breath under 25 ft of water and then put the crab in his mouth and let it crawl out yikes the further they go in the more death they encounter and the rope tied to the end of B ends up snapping Jammer also encounters an NTI which leads to the character almost drowning put in a coma he can't report what he saw however Lindsay Witnesses the two but nobody believes her later at the hour 12 Mark she manages to finally get a photo and I feel this kind of pays on the TR of mysterious sightings and unexplained occurrences you have to remember this was a time in which people weren't walking around with cameras all the time and there a lot of people believed clearly faked photos whether it was the lockness monster Bigfoot or UFOs who was a following around these types of photographs now this lack understanding really placs into the Cold War paranoia with coffee believing that it's a Russian sub I think he's put in place to show Cameron's thoughts on the war and he has often criticized the actions of the military a lot of his movies have them as villainous characters and it's clear he thinks the West just as much to blame in raising Cold War tensions maybe believes in conspiracy theories as well and though the Russians deny attacking the sub No One Believes them on the surface we see a report carried out by Bill Tyler who's played by William Wisher this is C 's longtime collaborator who helped with a screenwriting on the Terminator movies Wisher appeared as a carp in Terminator and he also took the photos in Terminator 2 right after Ry was thrown out the window at 48 minutes 50 we also have the Anchor Man Joe farago who appeared as an anchor man during the Terminator it's in these reports that we really see the reactions of the world with the theatrical cart being more of a self-contained Story one of the people interviewed says hey I mean they love their kids too so why are we doing which may be not dis Thing song Russians about the Cold War I Russians children coffee returns in order to take the nuke from the sub but this wastes valuable time and they're unable to detach deep core this pulls the crane from the ship and drags the station down into the deep it's an incredibly thrilling scene that pays off the attenion so far and really puts you in the shoes of those experiencing this nightmare we see hippie manages to save his rra but someone else gets pushed down by the mini sub but the solders also trapped under some gers which is not too dissimilar to what happened to Cameron he was held down by a giant water tank during filming and the assistant director had failed to fill his oxygen according to IMDb trivia Cameron called to help to underw EPL gings however gings couldn't hear him due to him being near air from an old diving bell accident realizing he was about to drown he quickly released his helmet and started to swim with great speed to the surface on the way up he was given a regulator but this had been damaged and just produced water the diver who gave him it held on tightly because he believed he was panicking until Cameron punched him in the face he managed to then make it at the surface which is where he then passed out in these moments you really get that fear of drowning and watches water rushes through the station but ring helps to hold open the door and thus he's able to them be rescued it's true this that he and Lindsay start to rekindle their relationship with the abyss or rather the reflection of it being what brings them together Lindsay goes out looking at a damaged sub which is when she sees another NTI after this team's heard not be a threat she then has her first Contact and reaches out touching the largest ship this is why they then naturally gravitate towards her as she's the first person that hasn't been a threat the design of this larger vessel is of course based on a stingray and Lindsay manages to get a shot of it swimming away according to VFX artist Steve Johnson the main design was supposed to be a jellyfish some species have bioluminescent bodies which Inspire the lights that we see upon the creatures now even though Lindsay makes it clear that these creatures live in a dark trench and definitely don't speak Russian coffee still can't get out of his own way the abyss he's staring into is a reflection of his fear and it heightens how irrational he ends up becoming his paranoia is seen amongst the rest of the crew too and they spy on coffee working on the bomb confronting him he then stands with his hand behind his back and he I think think there might might be a gun there mate think think it might be a gun coffee starts acting jittery and we then see as he stares out the port window this is him of course looking into the abyss and at this point the abyss looks back cutting to Lindsay we then get a bit of a gaff as we can see the monitor says the dates 1987 the movie is set during 1994 with this being confirmed by the remote control Rob that explored the sub earlier at this point we then get the most famous shot in the movie which is when the tentacle comes out the water it's sort of its own probe which is reflected in it first looking at the remote control one after iten is now this completely revolutionized visual effects and showed us what the next chapter in the medium would be up until this point we'd had the morph effect in Willow and also the night thing in that Young Sherlock Holmes movie Tron and implemented them as well but here was the first attempt to make something further realistic coridor crew have done a big video talking about the process behind it in which they tried to recreate their own version one of the main things you have to bear in mind though is that this was done from the ground up without them being able to Google how to do these effects there wasn't any plugins and initially they considered using clay and filming it with stop motion techniques however Phil tippit suggested hitting up PM which were the ones behind the Young Sherlock Holmes effect here Dennis Mur had set up a CGI division with them building the effect fully in a computer this scene was one of the first things to be filmed and this it gave them the most amount of time possible to carry it out s Penn so they could remove it if they felt the CGI didn't look right taking 9 months they managed to pull it off with all that work basically being used for 70 seconds of film this would of course become the prototype for Terminator 2 with the liquid metal effects building up out from this it's pretty quain but I think it still works and I can't even imagine what would be like to see this at the time this ended up netting the film it's only Oscar with it getting it for visual effects it paved the way for what was going to come and opened up computers being used as a standard in film making we see that it's here to scope out the nuke and I'll talk about their motives later in the video served by coffee it then Retreats into the water almost appearing like a leviathan as it pulls away I love how as it fleas you can see the sonar going back to normal and a tentacle on the scanner going back into the deep coffee makes it clear that they can't warn the surface F and the seals are the only ones that can be counted on this kind of a fake out where we have coffee seeming like he's about to do something really bad to Lindsay but then realize that he's just taping up her mouth this is something I've wanted to do since we first met something you want to tell us about how you feel about your ex-wife there James T me now it's kind of wild the only person she really gets on with this movie is the NTI and a subtext to Cameron's marriage right there if you want to see it now eventually pulls a gun on board and attempts to fire it but it won't go off it's not revealed why in the film with many speculating it's because the gun powder was wet however I have found some that have said it was his partner that emptied the gun and we do get this hint towards their divide get your SE blasted shut up shock wave will kill us quiet later on he's seen emptying a clip they just don't explicitly say that the two are [Music] linked jamers the one who then wakes up from his coma and lets them out which allows bud and catfish to swim to the other side cat abandons him and then Bud goes up through the moon pool however cat does return and helps save the day attempting to sneak up on coffee then breaks out into a fight and shout outs big teas on red for Ping out you can catch a single white frame just as cat punches him this is an affair Cameron used on Terminator to add a bit more impact to the pipe bomb scene apparently it's stun to mimic The Flash that you get when you punched in the face and I've also heard it similar to what happens when you smash that thumbs up shabow see I told you now escaping into the sub we see cat firing at the water which was achieved by using live rounds this is how the water Springs up from it and the underwater rig was at man so that no one was in danger descending after him we see coffey's vessel implode with these kind of accidents gaining a lot of attention recently there was a big story of the Titanic tour implosion in 2023 with Cameron going on several news stations to talk about the accident when Cameron's not filming movies he's going off into the D and is one of the foremost experts in the field he's Jam Cameron and last I checked he holds the world record for the longest solo dive taking his seven years of planning he traveled 36,000 ft and spent over 3 hours filming the bottom of the ocean his movie Aliens of the deep explored underwater mountain ridges and deep sea challenge 3D documented his dive I feel like the guy's basically just making his movies to help fund his passion which is this kind of exploration guy of course did it throughout Titanic and Avatar the way of water featured it as well whole whole career is just to pay for this but it hats off to he's found a way to make it work just involves torturing actors and putting them in very precarious situations now this idea of a true implosion seen in the film when we can catch the water bubbles rising from the craft this bubble's smaller than the oxygen that would be in the craft and this is because the pressure compresses the oxygen down this breaks because lindsy and Bud crash into it which forces his vessel down into the deep cracking from the pressure then ends up leaving them trapped as well at this point butd says we got to get this flooding St God damn it need a goddamn Crusher Rich ironically one of these was in the mini sub as we saw it being used at the 31-minute mark But actually almost grabs it at the 1 hour 48 mark but instead he takes the Rope to type the vessel leaving them stranded Lindsay lets herself drown and this is how she can be carried and resuscitated on the ship obviously you watch this scene mate it looks like a nightmare to film and she had to act unconscious in freezing cold water all the while Ed Harris is dragging her along which leads into another scene that caused a lot of issues Mary Elizabeth Master Antonio was given eye drops to dilate her pupils which left her blinded throughout most of the scene she also had her shirt open was soaking wet and freezing cold and had to lie there and take it whilst Ed Harris hit her he insisted on method acting and found constantly hitting and slapping her what was really demanding he realized through a tag that one of the cameras had run out of film but neither the cameraman or Cameron yelled cut upon hearing this Mary stormed offet and shouted we are not animals she refused to to come back and finish the scene which meant the only option they had was to film Harris laying into sandbags eventually the creative team managed to convince her to return and she shut the rest of the takes God damn it you you never backed away from anything in your life now fight all right camera mate de dear mate tell tell us how you really feel about your wife in the end though this wakes her up and this is a sort of second life that makes her realize what she's lost just loves seeing them strugging each other and wait is that guy still got that dirty toilet water hand dear me now at this point har goes into the depths using the breathing liquid that they tried on the rap before now for this they had to use some movie Magic and they didn't use the real fluid as it was way too experimental so instead what happened was he had to hold his breath for each take and pretend like he was breathing underwater all the while he was drowning and the chlorine in the water was burning his eyes yay they quickly as much as they could and then rush over an empty it but when he was already underwater it was worse in this channel it apparently got so bad for some of the actors that the chlorine in it ended up turning the head green this bit always reminds me of that radio head video and I can't imagine how difficult this stuff was to film at haris apparently was driving home one night from s and he just pulled over the side of the road and broke down into tears not nice H but while he's descending Lindsay ends up talking to him and she says it's not easy being a cast iron James dear me what what are you trying to say about this character and your wife anyway according to I'm trivia she was originally going to explain why she was such a tough person apparently she grew up with five older brothers and had to fight to stand out and be noticed typing out basically drunk texts as a response he starts to lose it the further he goes in the ROV implodes but he finally makes it down and lands right next to the nuke as you look down we see the lights of the NTI and I kind of take this as being like a test they could easily intervene and stop the nuke themselves but I feel they wanted to see if humanity is going to do it this is in order to see if we're worth being saved and it leads to a scene with a lot of tension buds un able to see the color of the wires cuz the green light he's using doesn't allow it to be perceived black and white wires were used to make sure they looked identical with this setting up a 50/50 chance he of course almost goes to go one and then slices the other and it's at this point the guy of to World War now tier where the special edition really adds stuff in and we get way more time with the NTI you see a 3our theatrical release that was considered too much of a risk at the time and test screenings hadn't gone down well either during these he to use placeholder drawings that were meant to give the idea of a title way moving out people hated it they thought it was terrible and this he ended up shortening the climax years later though he realized people were probably too stupid to understand it was a placeholder and this is when the extended C started getting worked on it's often mean thought it was the studio who forced him to cut it down but he has said that they'd argued against it he was the one who had the final card and led to a rather dumb down ending in the wake of Blade Runner people had start to see how director's cut had turned things around and they became a big thing so Cameron ended up revisiting the movie and adding in several scenes to how flesh it out we then see Bud getting approached by an Angelic NTI that reaches its hand out in order to grab his the two coming together as reminiscent of the creation of Adam and this has two species uniting as one kind of wish it was revealed it was all just a hallucination and he's seeing all this as he dies on a rock yay now but the creature takes them to its giant City with us getting those Illusions to 2001 that I talked about before Cameron had also apparently learned some things from Aliens and he did two subtle things in the creature design you see giant mouths like what the Queen alien had they make a beast seem more fiercesome and deadly little or no eyes make them seem like a predator and thus the N are the exact opposite they have giant eyes and Small hidden mouths so you instantly feel like they're a bit less of a threat however we discover that launching tidal waves and have Canon measures to wipe out the surface inside their base they then start playing news footage which includes Humanity's worst acts of war and among seas are nuclear tests a lot of which are carried out on the ocean huge shout outs to high beam on Reddit for pointing out they show the bail op execution which is one of the most famous moments from the Vietnam War this turned the tide in how the public viewed the conflict and it's an aspect that made the war even more unpopular on the surface we see it say stall the title waves and it's down the bud to show that we can be buds they play his own words back to him in the water again playing on the idea of the Abyss reflecting your own qualities back to you because Bud told Lindsay he loved her they see that Humanity can have good within them on the surface we then see that the storm stared and the ship ends up reaching out to deep core now though it seems that this is shot during summer they actually ended up rolling cameras in the Winter According Ely be trevia they all put ice cubes in the mouth to mask the fact that you could see their breath sounds lovely but the aliens have been keeping an eye on us and now the self-hate getting a bit out of hand time to end Wars mate and make peace and do the the bloody Michael Jackson thing and put down the guns now as they pulled up quickly they also realize they now don't have to do decompression because the NTI have made it so it's no longer required I think they could have skipped over it cuz no I didn't know about that but uh they felt like they had to throw that line in to explain why they get to the surface so quickly in real life though the crew had to of course do it and it often had them watching daes and reviewing footage while I waited for things to clear we end with a species coming together and then watch bud and Lindsay kissing on the ship the Opposites that we've seen throughout the film have finally decided that we're stronger as one and if you stare into the abyss the abyss gazes back and nailed that one but she finally accepts his surname again and we get a wide shot of them kissing in the water this was actually done long after principal photography rap though and the people here are in fact extras either way don't let it spoil the end of the movie for you and I have to say I really enjoyed going back through the film however and unfortunately wasn't that well received and there were a number of Tanks both on and off screen along with the tanks used on set the movie also tanked at the box office shabo now this is Cameron's only film to not debut at number one won and though it made 9 million over its budget it was still seen as a flop movies at the time of course got a big Boost from physical media sales and they then be sold onto TV network so overall it was profitable but still showed a in the king of the Box office's armor we often associate him with these major hits and Avatar is of course the biggest film of all time I think he really shut the naysayers up with its sequel but there was a time when there was a lot of doubt about him duude barely making money and all the issues on set it really started make him look like he was a bit over hyped any other director it might have destroyed their career but he has really gone from strength to strength this movie's Legacy is also a major thing too with it of course pioneering visual effects for the rest of time though it has its problems I really like the film and I think the special edition Do's a lot to show all the talents Cameron has also shows Ed Harrison a completely new light and yeah he he could have been a '90s action star had he chose to do that as for Cameron it kind of feels like sometimes he just makes movies to fund his love for submarines but you can see a lot of the groundwork that would play off in his later films I definitely recommend you watch it if you haven't seen it for a while or haven't seen it at all and hopefully youve enjoyed coming back on this journey if you have then please hit a thumbs up and just a reminder that everyone who's a channel member gets access to these videos early with just 99 p and 99 cents a month you'll get all our content before anyone else and it really makes a massive difference in videos like this getting made but out a community post the other day and someone was like you do you think your Netflix or something stay humble and I'm like I don't know how I think it's pretty humble begging people for money but if you enjoy the channel we we do appreciate it now if you want to me I'm still humble I promise guys if you want some else to watch then check out our brighten of Cameron's Terminators which will be linked on screen right now we've also gone over aliens as well so whatever Direction you want to go we've got a breakdown for you but out the way thank you for clicking this I've been Paul you've been the best and I'll see you next time you take care a p
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 100,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the abyss, the abyss breakdown, the abyss ending explained, easter eggs, hidden details, things you missed, the abyss movie details, the abyss movie breakdown, the abyss explained, the abyss movie reaction, the abyss movie easter eggs, ending explained, the abyss things you missed, the abyss analysis, film analysis, the abyss making of, the abyss behind the scenes, james cameron, the abyss hidden meaning, the abyss 4k, the abyss 4k review
Id: _qgsA1bxNpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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