The Full Story Of Divinity: Original Sin - Supercut

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in the days of old the sorcerers of river lung cured the sink and healed the wounded through a great power called sauce but a terrible darkness invaded the land and sauce was forever tainted the sorcerers who once healed now only destroy and madness has overtaken them a few brave source hunters are all that stand between River lon and the dark power that threatens to destroy it wherever source appears hunters follow rise and shine master saw some turns the cam wants you up on deck yeah them coals means were close to shore don't ever you're going there muster saw Santas said he's full of undead hungry enough aboard but you're supposed to investigate that murder nature they say its source that did the counselor it source in a city like sisal nowhere safe any more they are cancer God's blessings on you hunters you'll be happy to hear we've reached sighs yeah but there's trouble offshore so we'll have to sail in carefully here have a look those are or Gibbs and they're blocking our passage we'll get you as close to the city as we can drop you off in the beach be wary now orcs are on the attack undead have closed every route out and there's a sorcerer or ghost if we were to get justice for the counselor who have to it's about you may the luck of the gods be with you what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you the full story of divinity original sin finally the more modern games so a couple of caveats jumping into this especially if this is the first full story of series of mine you happen to be watching pretty much just gonna cover the main plot like I'm not really gonna touch on a ton of side quests that kind of stuff pretty much just focused on the main narrative here so with that in mind divinity original sin and its sequel original sin to are gonna be a little more difficult to do that with because as opposed to the old games which were designed around a pretty straightforward narrative like a clear main story there is a main story in original sin it's just that the game can also be completed in like 30 minutes and you can skip tons of it and never see any of it and it not really matter so it was a little harder to nail down specifically what to show at least for me personally so again just trying to follow the main narrative arc here is really the point so that may lead us to a few side quests here and there but I'm not really trying to cover a ton of them so just be aware of that so the game starts out as the cinematic at the beginning of this video told you just outside of Sai Co we are to source hunters sent to investigate a murder that happened in Sai ceil due to an orc raid that is happening near sisal you're unable to actually get into the city proper and you have to be dropped out onto the beach nearby now once we actually come to and can control our characters we have the option to read our orders which basically just tells us the captain of the source hunters has sent us to size seal to investigate the murder basically stuff we already know but if you want a little more context and some lore flavor text if you will you can read those and find out but going up along the beach the first person we run into is a sorceress named the conduit who pretty much attacks us on site by summoning undead she herself runs away but the dialogue she talks in the meantime specifically mentions plumbing a tomb for a stone of some sort now after we defeat her undead minions we have the to explore said tomb which primarily just serves as a toriel area for the game now you can completely skip this there's not really anything important in their story wise however there is a tiny bit of foreshadowing at the very end of it because apparently there was a stone in the tomb that was stolen by the conduit and her followers moving further up along the beach we run into two guards guarding a bridge they are guards from sisal we can confront them directly or have them lead us to the wizard who summoned us depending on your dial our options you will either have to fight and kill them or they just lead you farther up the reach so if you go farther up the beach you pretty much immediately run into an orc raid right outside the city that we saw earlier than the cinematic now we have to kill the orcs they are being led by a human which is an important thing for later so once we get this done we can head to the city gate proper where we are immediately met by a man named R who now people who have played divinity a ton will realize our who is actually been in most of the games I think the only one he's not and is while two of them actually is beyond divinity and dragon commander that said his role in divinity 2 was like a tiny little cameo in the very in cinematic so there is that but whether or not you know our suicide he gives us important information that he was the one who summoned us to investigate the murder of a man named counselor Jake who died under suspicious circumstances to say the least now what are who actually does is tells us to go speak to captain our arias I believe his that was pronounced and get permission to investigate the crime scene because captain arias right well he is not the mayor is ultimately kind of the leader of the town and you need his permission to do so now if you choose to speak to our who you can also get more information from him basically the prime suspect seems to be counselor Jake's wife Esmerelda though nobody really has any real proof of anything she's actually done wrong so there's all that going on but basically he gives you leads to investigate in this murder so from here before we actually go cat sea cat Canaries I recommend scouting around town a little bit because you can run into four of the possible companions which is all of them pretty much around town now you can only choose two of them to adventure with you at any given time but you can pick up all four of them a little later but we'll get into that in a while these are Medora the retired horse hunter who you can meet in the inn there is bear doter which is the wild woman who attacked some guards and is thus in a jail cell there is wool graph the mute thief you can find in a cavern below the city and there is lastly Jhon the demon hunter which a lot of people will recognize from divinity original sin - but you may or may not have known up to this point is that he was actually a playable companion in divinity original sin and obviously where divinity original sin is set a thousand well about twelve hundred years before divine divinity even that makes Jhon very old much like it does are who and a couple other characters all that out of the way we can go speak to Captain arias so was speaking with Captain arias the main thing he tells us is basically that he doesn't like us and he wishes you weren't here that's pretty much it he also does give you permission to investigate the crime scene which is the main thing and much like our who you can get his perspective on possible leads during the case but nothing really substantial basically he tells you that if you can provide proof he can have people arrested for you which is important and now we go investigate the crime scene is really the next big step from here we obviously go investigate the crime scene now the crime happened in a room at the king crab in which is the big in on town we go to that end we investigate the crime scene and upon giving the guard that the heads-up that we are given permission to enter the crime scene and you know as an interim crime scene we can pick up a stone called a star stone and we are immediately teleported away to a strange place otherwise known as the end of time so this is where the game takes a bit of a different turn going up the little path here we can run into an imp named Zig sex which is also a recurring character from divine divinity I guess originally he is the IMP that is immortal and happens to Chronicle all of the things that happen and as you might imagine he is very shocked to see you here at a place called the end of time so basically he says a lot of lore stuff but the main thing is that he wants you to look through his telescope to see what he sees and once you do so you see the void dragon which is basically hastening the end of time which is why you're here now while you are speaking to zig zags about this a portal opens up behind him and zig zags puts together that not only are you here but the portal seems to have reacted to your presence and that he thinks he knows where it might lead but hid rather he show you then you know just tell you so all of you jumped through the portal and just as zigzix imagined you arrived at a sanctuary of sorts but again basically still in the end of time and this is where you meet the Weaver of time which is another chronicler of time much like zig zags himself so it's interesting with these two because basically their chroniclers of time they're like two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways but they're almost cosmic forces more than anything else really it's just strange that their avatars for them but the Weaver of time explains to you that basically huge chunks of the tapestry of time are missing and if you recover more star stones she can basically tell you who you are because for whatever reason you and your counterpart source hunters are absent from her tapestry but if she believes that if you collect more star stones it'll become clear as to who you are and why you're missing from the tapestry and they think that if you do this that might help somehow stave off the void dragon that is consuming the world or the end of time if you will so from here you can go back to size seal because you will have activated rif traveled this part of the game activates rift travel which basically just lets you hop to waypoints like you can and original send two from wherever you open up the rift travel menu click on the way shrine you would like to teleport to and off you go now upon arriving back in sai seals we are met by our who who explains that well he didn't want to tell you this at first our who is actually an agent of zigzags they met sometime ago and that they are aware that there is a sect of humans who are involved in some nefarious deeds that are somehow connected to councilor Jake's murder which is why he actually summoned you as opposed to you know just a routine investigation of the death so our who explains all of this and basically tells you to keep him posted of anything going on so he can coordinate his exams basically now he also gives you the teleporter pyramids well at least one of them which is awesome always nice to see those returned love the teleporter pyramids in classic teleporter pyramid fashion because this is literally every game they come up in you only get one you are instructed to use it to find the other one because it'll teleport you to it in this particular case when you use it you get teleported into a bathroom where a woman is taking a bath for a little bit of a laugh so after that awkward thing aside this is where I have been holding back from you guys a little bit so this investigation at this point can take a ton of turns and classic divinity fashions so depending on who you talk to and what you discover when this quest can actually take a ton of turns now there are as you might imagine an optimal couple ways to do things to maximize experience and things like that and while I'm more or less gonna stick to that kind of line of thinking I just wanted to mention that you can just straight-up find things around town that will tell you about this stuff new if you like if you know where important quest items are located so you've played previously like you can just go pick those up and be like oh you were investigating around town you discovered things or you can for instance another option you have is to actually talk to Jake's dog in the cemetery which if you have pet powell you'll learn that it that is in fact Jake's dog and that he's staking out his owners grave but in talking to him the dog will mention that it doesn't actually smell like Jake and then you can dig up Jake's grave and it turns out that Jake's body isn't in there and then you can go from there you can also then bring smelly items back to Jake's dog of the prime suspects and then Jake will basic or Jake's dog rather will basically tell you whether or not he can smell Jake and is thus related to the crime in any way but all of those possible options aside the typically speaking most common thing for you to do at this point would be to go back to investigate the actual crime scene as you are interrupted in doing so last time now in examining the crime scene here we can actually discover a note inside a locked chest in the room where the murder happened and inside is actually a love letter from the Duke of Farrell to Jake's wife Esmerelda that specifically mentions killing councilor Jake which is as you might imagine pretty suspicious and we can confront the Duke of Farrell directly because he's in the inn you can talk to about this he basically who says I was exaggerating for a poem obviously and moving up from here because we know that the body is already missing we can go and speak to Robert the mortician in town you know in theory where the body should be right so if you before is going upstairs of the morgue to actually speak to Robert the mortician investigate downstairs you can find his ledger which explains that he is very certain that councilor Jake was murdered and he gives a list of suspects in this ledger which includes a mayor because the mayor has keys to all of the shops and things in town and could have stolen Jake's body afterwards captain arias because captain arias was very suspicious after the murder happened and apparently showed up to Robert the morticians house super early in the mornings a day after the murder esmeralda because of a for mentioned affairs and everything else going on and everyone seemed to think she's the prime suspect anyway and lastly Evelyn the local town doctors apprentice because she could easily transport the corpse since again Jake's body is Miss now that's basically all the information you can learn from Robert the mortician and taking his ledger back to captain arias we can't have him arrested if we so choose because he did kind of cover all of the body snatching stuff but we can take this ledger with some incriminating evidence back to captain arias and have Robert the mortician imprisoned but ultimately that's pretty useless because Robert the mortician while guilty of some more really interesting crimes has absolutely not actually killed counselor Jake and thus isn't really the subject of this investigation now from here because of the love letter from the duke of farrell we can actually go speak to lady Esmerelda to question her about her husband's murder now she maintains her complete innocence kind of explains that there is no proof there's nothing going on and is incredibly adamant about it if you questioned her however if from here you go upstairs you can find a key to her shops back door now if you then go through that back door you can actually find a book titled the perfect murder as well as a bloody knife in her basement once we have all three of these items we can actually take them to as Murrell de and confront her where she once again is like first of all don't appreciate you sneaking around the house as you might imagine second of all she has an explanation for all of them says as much and also herself mentions the fact that Evelyn the local healers apprentice has been seen doing suspicious stuff and Esmeralda is very certain that well Evelyn may we didn't actually kill Jake that she's somehow involved and basically kind of gives us a lead in that direction however before we get to that we can't take all the evidence we found back to captain arias and have Esmerelda arrested for killing her husband Jake however upon doing this it's made almost immediately clear afterwards that she's not the murderer because as Medora puts it so well if you have her as your companion despite the fact that the evidence doesn't look good for Esmerelda and that she was definitely cheating on counselor Jake ultimately she isn't a sorcerer and counselor Jake was killed by source magic as been stated a cup times by a couple different people up to this point because obviously your source hunters and they called you to investigate a murder involving source so there's that for you but you can falsely imprison Esmerelda should you so choose now from here we obviously have one clear-cut lead to follow and that is Evelyn the local healer cell RIANZ apprentice I want to mention that the local healer cell run is actually I believe supposed to be the cell rung from divine divinity that is causing Mar Danis to go insane I believe this is supposed to be that same character prior to him dying and turning himself into a lich after he moved to the kingdom of Pharaoh I believe it's supposed to be the same person which is just a really cool aside with that out of the way we can go speak to fel ronk and basically asked him where Evelyn went because if you've already talked to her up to this point she then disappears and basically he says that she left in some huge rush didn't know what it was about but she left a bag of her belongings in the next room if you go to that bag of belongings you can find a key to Evelyn's house you can then of course use this key to go to Evelyn's house where you can find a bunch of damning evidence that while it doesn't directly state that she killed councilor Jake she clearly took his body if you combine this evidence with the evidence of everything else you find in town that said it also reveals the location of her hideout as well as a reveal spell to reveal the entrance once you get there so with that guys this is going to wrap up part 1 of the full story of divinity original sin so we found out who the prime suspect in councilor Jake's murder is and where to find her after she fled town and next episode we are going to investigate that lead outside of sy CO and see where that leads us so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please subscribe to sick around for more reserves obviously more videos to follow this part 1 but like comment subscribe do all that YouTube stuff but either way have a great day what's going on everybody modem here this time bringing you part 2 of our series about the story of divinity original sin so last episode we left off by finding the main lead inside ceil about who murdered counselor Jake and we need to go follow up on that however first things first before we jump into anything if you're interested in drawing the channel as a member and supporting all of this content you can for a buck you guys get some cool decent little parks and I get a dollar which really helps the channel grow so if you'd consider doing that I'd appreciate it moving forward before we actually get back to the actual story that we're going through something I didn't mention in last episode because I wanted to start talking about it during this episode is that in addition to the quest plot lines there is a bit of a side storyline now in the last episode we mentioned the end of time and we went there we met six acts and the Weaver of time and basically found out that we are partner and I as source hunters are absent from the tapestry of time for whatever reason now as we play through the game and do what the Weaver actually asked us to do which is come into contact with star stones we find as we find them that the more of those we find one each is that rooms in the homestead hall otherwise known as the end of time open up as we find star stones so the more we find the more rooms and lock so we find this out by finding our first one after our initial trip to the end of time because the first one after that trip then unlocks the Hall of Heroes finding these and unlocking these rooms is a bit of a two-fold reward so first of all you actually uncover more of the past of the to source hunters as well as each room having its own specific functionality for you to enjoy so the Hall of Heroes is arguably one of the more important ones and at being the first room you unlock that's pretty convenient so what the Hall of Heroes actually does is up to this point if you take one of the extra companions that isn't a sort one of the main to source hunters like Jhon or wool graph or somebody and you dismiss them from your party they actually just go back to wherever you found them originally however once you have the Hall of Heroes unlocked instead of going back to their original point they just get teleported to the Hall of Heroes which makes them super easy to recruit because they're all in like a low lined up position now when we first unlock this particular room we run into a sort of sprig aney looking type woman named Astarte which we know by hovering over her now she makes some vague allusions to knowing who we are and that somehow we deceived her in some way and then left so this is important later it's intentionally vague at the moment but this meeting is important which is what I wanted to mention it now up to this point of the story we do have the ability to find one more star stone and unlock the second room I forget the actual name I think it's a inner sanctum or something is the name of the second room but basically it is a bedroom of sorts where our to source hunters it would seem used to stay at one point in time and moreover this particular room actually has a magic mirror in it which if you're familiar with original sin' - it all allows you to respec and redo your character's cosmetic options so that is something that was in original sin as well and getting the second star stone after the initial one will unlock this room which gives you access to the mirror now in this room we meet a second character called the trife the trife fun fact seems he's referred to as a demon but he's often it would almost seem that he's the void in some way like a void woken of some sort because if you talked to the weaver of time after this she actually specifically mentions the trifa's like the father of the void which is especially interesting given what we know from original sin - so either they retcon this little bit and decided to just like you know pull back the tribes meaningfulness or he's just straight up the father of the void itself which I find hard to believe given that we know the god Kings thing so I think this is something that winds up being retconned if I'm just being real with you guys but nonetheless the trife is referred to as the father of the void by the Weaver of time the trife is the counterpart if you will to the woman we've met earlier a start a so the trife is not a good person as you might imagine by being the father of the void he and a start a seemed to have a bit of a weird relationship where they're not killing each other but they definitely don't get along so that's interesting obviously we don't have any more star stones as I just mentioned so we do have to put this particular story on pause and get on with the other part of the story which is tracking down councillor Jake's murderer so as we found out in the last episode Evelyn our main suspect has ran off to a secluded beach hideaway that she mentions in her diary and we have to go find it now in talking to a couple people about this leave and also just exploring ourselves we find out that in order to reach this secluded beach we need to go through a cave north of Sai seals so the cave itself is easy enough to find there's a few annoying fights when you get there but essentially go north of Sai Co for long enough and you're gonna find this cave when you get in the cave is when the fun begins as you walk down the path you run into three adventurers who talk about the fabulous five and how they were deceived so the fabulous five is a sort of mercenary group that you can meet inside seal technically it's part of a side quest but like you know you literally have to go through this cave and this cave is thus part of that side quest as well so you kind of have to interact with this at least a little bit so the fabulous five are again a bit of a mercenary group what they've been doing is actually hiring people who don't have any experience and sending them off to do dangerous mercenary work and then when through sheer number of these idiots that get sent to basically be killed doing this various mercenary work eventually succeed through sheer number the fabulous five collect their reward and skip town without ever actually rewarding the people they sent to die and then whoever happens to complete it so in this particular case the fabulous five were sending people to this cave to attack something called the spark master 5000 so what I haven't mentioned about are who up to this point is in addition to being a wizard and a guy who transforms into a cat at times he is actually also very adept with magical engineering and he likes to create magical technologies that are usually weapon ish in nature now if you've played original sin 2 again you'll know that because that's a huge part of the plot towards the end the game in this particular case I'm speaking about two instances one are who is responsible for the magical ballista that are protecting Sai seal from the dead plague that is going around which we'll get to here in just a minute we'll circle back to that part and then he's also responsible for having made Li spark master 5000 now this fight can be difficult but also really easy if you've done your background and research so up to this point you can actually go and talk to our who about this if you find out about it before you leave sigh seal and he can give you a remote that will just like straight up skip the spark master five thousands turns if you put the right combinations in so you can literally just like shut the spark master 5000 down and make this a super easy fight but all that aside once you've got this done if any of the people of the fabulous five mercenary group survive you can send them back to town and protect them yay but either way once you go back and talk to the fabulous were try to talk to the fabulous five you find that they're missing and then if you go talk to the mayor he says he gave them the reward for this and then they just bailed as I just mentioned a little bit ago so once we're done with this we can continue through the cave exit the cave and come to the secluded beach which is where we need to be now in order to get to the part of the beach where we need to use the reveal spell we were found we found in Evelyn's house to reveal the hidden lair she's been hiding in we need to make our way of course down the beach now there are two fights in particular to look at here there are a couple side quests things going on but again I'm not really covering a lot of that in depth there is one I do have to mention there's a guy called Dee Tamar Dietmar something like that he is part of a side quest and technically if you talk to him he does say he is here protecting Evelyn's hideaway however you can completely skip this fight I only mention it because he specifically says he's guarding everyone's hideaway but despite that you can totally just like walk around this whole group of people and not engage them at all second of all we have the sunbather near where we actually need to use the reveal spell now there is a guy just kind of sunbathing over here near where we need to use the reveal spell act this is probably one of the funniest boss fights in the game I really enjoy it so if you talk to this guy he openly admits to being a sorcerer which a were source hunters weird thing to admit you can either talk to him and engage combat direct you can hit him and engage combat if you use the reveal spell for Evelyn's hideaway he attacks you again so basically this is a boss fight and there's like you're not gonna get around this guy you're gonna have to fight him however he's actually really funny cuz you know he's in his boxers he turns invisible summons a bunch of likes and golem type things but he's not a super hard guy the main thing is when he's invisible if he's an AoE spell to reveal him and focus on him and kill him all of his golems will die that's really the best tactic also if you're careful you can drop something heavy on him or you know sneak up on him while he's before you start engaging and talking to him and just kill him outright if you know there's a fight coming but if it's your first time run into him obviously it's gonna be a little difficult now once this guy who is guarding our entrance is dead we can use our reveal spell to of course reveal the entrance to Evelyn's hideaway and then of course enter from here we enter into the hideaway and the first thing we run into is a guard with basically no health who's clearly in a weakened state who tries to alert everyone else but you killed that person and then she will usually have the key to the door and by usually I mean she should unless the game glitches she'll have the key to the door up ahead now once you walk up towards that door you'll find four orcs well typically four depending on the difficulty here on who are banging on that door and asking to be let in and ultimately being ignored by the cultists inside now the orcs once you go up and talk to them you can actually convince them to just leave through charm and stuff if you have the stats to pass that check otherwise you have to fight these orcs and kill them open the door into the next room which is actually filled with weakened cultists however you can if you are careful just walk through this room without disturbing any of them which your source hunters will actually mention in their little dialogue out loud they'll say that these people seem super distracted with what they're doing and if you just cut right you can totally skip all of this which I recommend because there's a ton of them it's ridiculous and then once we get out of that room and go down the stairs we come to the woman we saw on the beach when we first arrived incise you'll notice the conduit speaking to Evelyn now this conversation right here between us Evelyn and conduit is a very revealing conversation we learned a ton of stuff from this so the gist of it is Evelyn did not kill Jake she only stole his body and is trying to resurrect him to learn what it is that the conduit entrusted counselor Jaquith because we also learned that councilor Jake is actually working for the conduit and the conduit is basically a profit for a new religious order known as the Immaculate now up to this point of the game we do not know what the Immaculate Saar actually trying to do so I'm obviously not going to reveal that here but we learn all of that from this conversation and in addition to that we also find out that the conduit is absolutely not happy with Evelyn because Evelyn again stole Jake's body to have him resurrected to find out what he knows now the conduit obviously just tells Evelyn to kill us all because Evelyn ultimately created this mess by absconded with Jake's body and resurrecting him and thus drawing your attention here which the conduit absolutely did not want now from here we actually have to fight Evelyn now on her the first round of this combat she will summon several guards this is a probably the first challenging challenging fight of the game I would say typically so she will summon two like fiery dogs in addition to her guards and those dogs actually explode when they die so if you focus on them when all of the enemies are still grouped up you can actually do a ton of damage to everyone by getting those R and things to explode near everyone enemy wise so that can be a good strategy but regardless once Evelyn lies dead and you can carry on you can actually talk to councilor Jake because Evelyn successfully resurrected him and now he has become zombie Jake which is of course a reference to the zombie Jake in divine divinity as well as divinity to now because of how far away Sai Co actually is from the Dukedom of Pharaoh where divine divinity takes place as well as some of the divinity - you can't definitively say that this is D zombie Jake from those games or if it's just a reference so say if this is like literally the guy because timeline-wise this is like 1200 years before either of those games so it's possible like somewhere in his zombie life he just moved over to those lands so this might literally be that zombie Jake but were not 100% sure on that now a cool thing you learned from this conversation is basically what happened the night of councilor Jake's murder so it turns out the counselor Jake is actually also working for the conduit because of his obsession with the star stones that were trying to find for the Weaver of time he collects them and as it turns out they can be transformed into something called a bloodstone now the blood stones are made basically by killing tons of people which again we learned from this little interaction here and that they have incredibly potent healing powers after this is done now we don't know why they're being made or anything like that but we know that the immaculate Tsar trying to make star stones into blood stones and that for whatever reason it seems nefarious and it revolves tons of sorcerers which is why it's of interest to us source hunters so from here counselor Jake goes on to detail exactly what happened with his murder that basically the conduit asked counselor Jake to accompany him or her rather to the in the king-crab bin where counselor Jake died now the conduit a woman otherwise known as Leandre by the way which again we learned from this conversation meets with a hooded figure at the king-crab in and he basically describes his experience guarding this person and for whatever reason that meeting turns sour Leandre rushes out of this room and basically tells counselor jake to kill the man on the ground inside which counselor jake goes to do and in his attempt to do this to kill that person laying on the ground he is then murdered by Leandra's twin sister acara we learned this directly from counselor jake himself the person who actually murdered counselor jake was none of our suspects it was Leandra's sister a cara otherwise known as the white witch now at first it might sound like you know a pretty terrible thing that this white witch who's supposedly a good person totally murdered counselor jake but then remember the context of this conversation counselor Jake is totally admitting to being a cultist and was literally in the act of trying to murder someone that is why counselor Jake died peppered in to this conversation and the previous one was Evelyn in the conduit they actually mentioned the source King raucous Rex which as far as I know is the first reference of Broca's Rex in any of the games now what the conduit and the Immaculate Saar actually trying to do in and around sy Co is resurrect Broca's Rex the problem is they're only just now trying to like basically get a pin down location of where broadcast Rex was actually buried so because of this they had actually been plaguing sy SIA with undead for the last couple years which is a which is a big part of the subplots going on around sighs heal as all these undead attacking as I mentioned earlier now from here with all this information we can actually head back to town and run into our who who will go on to explain who a car actually is you will mention a woman named Cassandra who we have yet to meet and that basically he tells us we can do basically two things we can track down acara in the bucola forest to the north of us and basically get her side of the story and try to see what else is going on there because you know ultimately she did still murder a guy and there's still questions though about like you know why and what is the conduit trying to do and also we can handle the more pressing problem of these people trying to resurrect Broca's Rex nearby sisal which we can then track down and deal with as well so for our next episode we are probably going to look in to tracking down Broca's Rex since that is a big part of the story and frankly I just think it's awesome because it's raucous Rex the source king the tyrant the guy so there you go guys that is gonna wrap up episode 2 of the full story of divinity original sin so with that in mind again just remember next episode we're going to look into defeating Bacchus Rex after he is resurrected by the immaculate s' because they believe they have found his body nearby under a church which we learned from artemis so there you go guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please like comment subscribe stick around all that YouTube you jazz but thank you so much for watching and have a great day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you part three of our full story of divinity original sin so last episode we left off by finding exactly who killed the counselor Jake and we also picked up a couple leads exploring the larger plot behind his murder and basically all the things going on surrounding that and all these suspicious stuff going on with the cults that we have been running into whilst investigating this murder now last episode we mentioned that the next thing we were probably gonna do is guide to track down Baracus Rex's tomb and basically stop the cult of immaculate that we mentioned earlier from resurrecting Baracus to that end we need to explore the eastern side of the map now this is where the higher level enemies are there are a couple things we can do before we jump straight into the church where we believe Brock is to be buried so if you do a little exploring there is an imp trap workshop we can explore and on the other side of that we can run into one of the minions that has been raised by a mysterious necromancer that has been causing the undead problems his name is Diedrich as it turns out he is actually the old general of Baracus his armies now I mentioned this guy because from this conversation we can actually learn that a necromancer has been resurrecting people with the intent of resurrecting Baracus rex so whoever this necromancer is that's doing this is directly working for the conduit and trying to further her goals for some secret that Baracus apparently knows that's all things we can learn from this conversation another part of the map you can explore is actually a burning ruins near the churchyard itself that is actually caused by one of the undead abominations that has been raised that is called the twins joined by fire which is basically just a fire monstrosity it doesn't talk there is no dialogue we had here but it's just another one of the minions that's been raised you can kill it move on but being optional you can actually just completely ignore this one if you wanted to but killing it for the xB is of course recommended now the last thing I want to mention before we actually get to where Broca's is being held is that there is a small hut just north of the area in which we fight Diedrich so this particular hut is important because if we if we arrived here before we go to the church we can either pick the lock or destroy the door and avoid a few traps to read a bunch of notes from none other than fel Rhian from the village the healer from the village that is so these notes and things explain a ton about DeLoreans kind of backstory and what his goals were so it turns out that the healer in town is actually also working for the conduit but not so much as a subservient person if that makes sense so they'll Ryan had enough intelligence to realize that while the conduit is definitely not the Prophet she's masquerading as he understands that she is still very powerful and that he has things he can learn from her because they'll Ryan's goal from reading these Diaries we can find out is to give a true second life to his love who passed away Mallya now while salary on has been dabbling in necromancy and has thus discovered the power of the blood stones we mentioned from the last episode as well on his own he also knows that he doesn't know enough about them to give someone a true second life which is considered the ultimate power of the blood stones really because up to this point all he can really resurrect his like skeletons and things and basically we read from these Diaries again the conduit and theory on came to an agreement that basically the conduit would give this information to Del Rio and if Sal Rhian could find and raise Broca's Rex from the dead in order to learn what Broca's knows about breaking a soul Forge which is of course important but these specifics on why we'll get to a little later so that's all information we can find totally before we go to the abandoned churchyard once all that's wrapped up I recommend actually doing any like quests or anything like that side quest wise leveling up that you can do around the area first because the fight with Broca's is difficult he's kind of like the the main boss of the first area of the game and after we kill and defeat him eventually we'll be moving on to lekawa forest which was the other lead we received after dealing with evelyn and council jake that being to head to la couleur forest and tracked down the white witch acara but before we get to there we are at the churchyard so you actually have to walk around the church in a clockwise fashion in order to reach the entrance so you're basically walking through a graveyard and yes you can totally dig up all the graves there's actually a quest or two involved in that mostly just involving unlocking some chests and then there's like some ghosts you can talk to for instance that kind of thing there is a fun fight in the middle of this graveyard where you have to fight the crazed graveyard caretaker and he summons a ton of exploding skeletons who will do crazy damage to the oil and poison barrels all around them and cause just hilarious explosions it's it's a fun fight it's not meant to be difficult like truth be told if you sneak up on this guy and kill her you know just hit ignite one of the barrels that he's standing next to you can kill those dude pretty much immediately but it's just kind of a fun fight to kind of explore some of the mechanics that are used by divinity original sins combat system so it's just kind of a fun little thing you can do I've always enjoyed this fight personally always gotten a good laugh out of it so I wanted to mention it but once we've had our fun in the charged graveyard and we've made our way around to the entrance upon clicking on the door we are immediately stopped by the statues actually on the outside of the door now I actually do not like this interaction personally because they explain that only people who are dedicated to the Immaculate cause basically are allowed inside the church they test you on your knowledge of this because they can tell you're not part of the Immaculate just by looking at you apparently and the part I don't like is the question they ask you you as a character know would know the answer to just fundamentally it's the conduit basically they just ask who the Prophet is and what does she go by in her pursuit of whatever goddess it is the Immaculate actually worship so to this end it's like my two characters any two characters up to this point in the game like unless you came to the church first before you knew any of that that would be the only time you don't know it but even if we've dealt with all this other stuff first we know the conduits name we can't just tell these guys it's conduit we roll a persuasion check that the game uses and it goes off of that whether or not you succeed which I just don't think it's like I can I'd know empirically what the answer is why can't I just answer it so I just think that's kind of a strange interaction I don't really care for but nine out of ten you're gonna wind up fighting these guys they have a high defense stat as you might imagine being statues but they're not super hard you can usually beat them with no no problem but that brings us to the inside of the church where we immediately run into none other than the conduit herself and several of her immaculate followers clearly having killed several people in this desecrated Church but basically from this conversation with the conduit we can learn that obviously she's planning on resurrecting Baracus but more importantly what her larger goal with the cult of this immaculate religion is actually going for which is essentially oblivion for all of Rivlin in the name of peace like basically saying that if everything is dead and gone everything is inherently at peace which is a twisted way of looking at things but nonetheless that's resolved so from here she runs off down below to presumably resurrect Baracus or you know talk to him or do whatever it is but she disappears down below so from here what we can do is of course kill her immaculate followers and then in Zell RIANZ Hut as well we actually learned the secret of how to open the altar back up where she disappeared - because she disappeared down the stairs and unlocked the altar above the stairs behind her but if you picked up the notes in Bellary ons Hut that I mentioned you can actually find out that all you got to do is click on the portraits around the room revealing four buttons click those four buttons and then it will unlock the door down below so once we get down below the altar and actually explore a little bit we run almost immediately into cell Rhian who explains his side of the story again if we found all these notes and everything we should already know most of the information he talks about but more specifically he likes to tell you about what it is he was trying to ascertain from Broca's Rex so what the whole reason he was trying to resurrect browser Jacques Rex was to learn how to break a soul Forge now this is incredibly important to Leandre that otherwise known as the conduit because she is actually soul forged to her twin sister acara and they are two very different people who are trying to accomplish two very different things and being solfege to each other is a real hassle present now if you don't know what a soul Forge is basically because they can feel each other's emotions and wants perhaps more importantly if one of them dies so does the other one which as you can imagine for two people who do not share the same goals at all it can be quite the hassle now Broca's Rex is considered one of the couple of masters of soul forge magic and he apparently knows a way to break soul forges permanently now this is the whole reason of course that del Rhian was trying to wreak resurrect Bacchus Rex and endeavor he ultimately succeeded in however Broca's Rex being the source King the tyrant like the literal like as far as brutal tyrants go he's the pinnacle there were literally wars waged to kill this guy which is the entire reason the source hunter Academy that we belong to exists armies were raised to kill the students you know as you might imagine when Del Rio Nass practice what the seeker was practice wasn't inclined to help because he's a terrible guy and he just killed Del Rio an outright well mortally injured him so we could talk to him and then he died now in the next room is none other than Baracus rex so we can talk to him before we actually fight him of course which isn't a huge surprise so basically he tells us much of the information we already know he was resurrected to Leandre with her soul Forge problem he pretty much knows that's what she wants he flat out refuses to help because he's the source King and he doesn't have to basically most of his conversation is telling you about how he died even so if that's something you're interested in it's and it's pretty cool he does not like the fact that you were source hunters but he also like many of the more demigod divine beings that we tend to keep running into can tell immediately that you two are more than just source hunters as has been stated to us several times by a couple different people at this point that's really all the unique stuff he has he doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know just kind of goes into detail about what a Cara one's just his perspective of things really and lastly if we mention Cassandra because our who mentioned Cassandra to us to Broca's he explains that Cassandra was his sister and that our who and his sister used to basically serve Him which was many many many many many years ago that's pretty much all we can learn from him from here it's just a fight so he summons the three undead lieutenants that you can find around sigh seal two of them I've mentioned Diedrich and the twins joined by fire there is another one called the ghoul that guards the White House that I didn't mention specifically until just now but he summons those three to fight but the real problem we're gonna find with broca's is that he starts the fight if you're too close to him by casting a level 15 spell called meteor strike that at this level on tactician mode even can just straight-up kill your whole party so basically the easiest way that I have found to do this personally and that several guides actually recommend doing is send one person in to talk to him and initiate combat and then immediately rush back to the doorway leading into his room and for whatever reason Baracus himself will refuse to actually walk down there to the doorway but all three of his minions that he just summoned will actually swarm the doorway making them easier to kill so you can kill his minions and then deal with him separately just because for whatever reason he refuses to let go past a certain point in that room so that's probably the easiest way to deal with a McCrea happen to be having trouble so there you go guys that is how to kill raucous ranks but however we are not done yet once we've killed broca's looted his room gotten you know all of that done and we head back to town we are immediately met by our who who expresses his great relief that Baracus rex is finally dead again so our who goes on to explain his side of the story that yes he did used to serve raucous Rex because he was friends with Brock as his sister Cassandra who was apparently a sweet girl who would like just barely turned 18 when they matched I don't remember if I mentioned up at this point or not but Cassandra and raucous Rex were actually soul forged together and much of the experimentation Baracus did on finding out how to break soul forges was due to this specifically now because of this obviously brakesh would never kill his sister Cassandra despite being a huge tyrant so he would basically just torture our hoo and cassandra whenever he felt like it was kind of more what was happening and at some point Brock has decided in order to one of the ways apparently that you can break a soul Forge is to turn one of the persons in the soul Forge into a lich apparently that just breaks the spell by the nature of the dalish never being able to die so brakus forcibly turned his sister Cassandra into a lich and using this happening our who actually took the opportunity to escape his sort of imprisonment between Baracus and his sister and according to him he never really looked back so he always felt sorry for Cassandra of course because once this happened she was never really the same afterwards as you might imagine because she had just turned into a lich and they're notoriously bloodthirsty so that is our who's side of things once this is dealt with again we only really have the one lead and that is heading up to talk and far we'll find and talk to the white witch acara in loon color forest but before we wrap up this video in killing bronchus we actually find another star stone in his room so this unlocks another room for you in the homestead hall otherwise known as the end of time and this particular one gives us the last star stone we need to get the first piece of the source hunters history because again it's mentioned that they are more than they appear to be long ago two great generals lead mankind in a terrible the dreaded void dragon threatened all of existence gods alike join swords to stop it the two generals were celebrated as the rulers of all and even the gods paid them tribute and as the cinematic will revealed to you the to source hunters we're playing used to be generals of great renown in none other than the war against Broca's himself and in fact they did such an amazing job during this war that they were basically made leaders afterwards of this Empire whatever it happened to be considered at the time and that's the little bit of history we can uncover again as the cinematic has a horse shown you at this point that guys is where we're gonna wrap up this particular episode of the full story of divinity original sin next time of course we are going to start exploring new color forests to the north of sisal and seeing if we can't track down the White Witch and what that entails so we can learn her side of the story and some more information on what's going on with the cult of the Immaculate because a czar who himself puts it we have foiled one of the conduits plans as she was very clearly interested in breaking the solfege between her and her sister but whatever the conduits larger plot is to hasten the void a shall we say has yet to be uncovered with that guys I'm gonna leave you hope you enjoyed the video if you did like comment subscribe all that YouTube jazz but thank you so much for watching and have a great day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you part four of our full story of divinity original sin so last episode we defeated raucous wrecks resurrected by fell Rihanna's village healer and pretty much wrapped up everything that we needed to do in Sai Co so we move on to the second portion of the game the loot color forest at this point so in order to get to the color forest you pretty much just go straight north of Sai seal near where we fought the twins joined by fire there is a roaming tree enemy of sorts that kind of blocks your path but if if you were able to kill Brocken strikes this guy should not be a problem so you can kind of just clear him out and then head up the path and you will hit another way shrine as well as some immaculate cultists who will usually have a star stone with them if you haven't picked it up already and then you'll unlock another room in your homestead but we'll get back to that part later so upon entering blue color forest which we do hit a loading screen for that so it loads a separate area in upon entering loot kala forest we immediately run into our who are who interrupts us and tells us that a car as cabin is nearby and we need to focus on finding her first that's obviously very important because that's our really our only reason for being in the colour forest at this point is finding out what is going on with acara from here just to let you guys know you can go investigate the town of silver Glynn and kind of use that as a town hub and kind of do a few side quests here and there that kind of thing however in new color forests the levels are very strict like if you don't do this more or less in the order they want you to do it in the level curve is gonna beat you to death with that in mind I highly recommend if you just get to the color forest to do the part with acara first so obviously that's where we're gonna follow anyway because that's where the narrative is leading us but like going to silver Glen and getting lost in side quests and trying to go other places is not recommended with that in mind we can head towards a Cara's hut on our way to a car is that we're going to run into a guy called the immaculate high summoner now when we talked to him the first time there is a chance to persuade him to just let us investigate the cabin and leave us alone however it's pretty likely you're gonna wind up fighting this guy he summons a bunch of void woken and ultimately you have to kill him himself around a Cara's hut when we finished that when we get to a car has had a proper like actually see it it's surrounded by a big barrier now in order to break this barrier basically I have to look around and there are two mushrooms you can talk to nearby called mushroom Akari and basically they're magical mushrooms that acara has been growing out here in the forests that she guards so basically you have to either kill or talk to this mushroom to get it to give you the spell to pull down the barrier now it will ask you a series of three riddles which are pretty easy to answer and then it will give you the spell if you mess that up you have to kill the mushroom to get the spell so that's pretty much how it goes now once you're inside the cabin the only thing really important here is that there is a giant mirror and you need to use that mirror to be teleported to a cavern below the cabin itself in this cabin our important thing is to navigate it and as we walk by pools a voice will start calling out to us and telling us to basically navigate the cavern towards the back and eventually we'll hit a lake an area that overlooks a lake and the voice will call up to us again telling us that we need to get to the lake now while we're doing this we can run into an imp and this this imps voice is so annoying but none of them are especially great as far as employers go but I don't know why but this guy's voice just grates on my ears but that said the IMP will explain basically what happened to a car that she came back to the cabin after everything happened in Sai Co and was basically abducted by immaculate cultists and brought to a place called hiber Heim which is an alternate dimension that can be accessed through the lake which has been turned into a rift to high Burhan so much like nemesis is an alternate realm hybra Heim is like a fairy realm of sorts now this conversation is basically echoed by the enemy guarding the lake of a Liana I guess is how you pronounce that she will tell you basically the same thing that acara was taken to hiber hime to be punished or you know held indefinitely and that she's not gonna let you pass and then of course you have to fight Bailey on it to gain access to hide behind by reading a spell at the lake so once we get inside hybrid I'm we need to follow the voices that's coming out of the Sentinel statues now there are going to be a couple fights with some like mechanical imprudence that kind of thing once you navigate this path so eventually run into a woman named al Mina now in talking to al Mina it turns out that al Mina is actually acara's apprentice and she will explain that the reason the fairy realm is so out of sorts and the reason you're having to fight all this stuff on your way there is that king Boreas the elemental Lord of winter as taken control of a fairy realm typically ruled by four elemental Lords all of this changed Wendy conduit contacted King Boreas and traded him a staff of elemental power in exchange for a giant star stone that had fallen in the fairy realm and in addition to this he also gave her hundreds of imps to be slaughtered to power this star stone into a huge bloodstone they're not sure what she was using it for but that's what happened so using the staff of elemental power King Boreas managed to trap all the other elemental lords and has basically thrown the entire realm into a frozen wasteland because he's the winter king as we start exploring hiber Heim we're gonna notice that there are immaculate pretty much everywhere and eventually we're likely to run into a prison imp or King Boris's Castle no we can't get into King Boris's castle right now because it's guarded by a barrier that we need to find a way past now if you keep exploring you're going to eventually run into an imp who is surrounded by dead imps and dead immaculate and if you talk to him he thinks you're there to kill him to start with but basically he explains that the well I just mentioned already just in more detail that the conduit has been murdering imps to power the star stone and he will tell you a way into the castle to find a Cara where she's being held cuz he also tells you that she's being held in King Boris's castle which we basically knew already he tells you that in exchange for learning how to access where she is he needs you to head north to a elemental forge that is part of the realm and basically kill all the immaculate s' there once we head to the elemental forge northeast dish of where we are we can fight a ton of immaculate OUTFRONT this is actually a difficult fight if you don't know what you're doing because there's just a ton of enemies you have to fight right here at the entrance to the forge now once you get inside we learned that basically what we already know again we run into the conduit herself in the middle of finishing charging the giant star stone that she had gotten from here and that she had killed hundred of Em's to power this thing now this is an important conversation with the conduit because this is where she concedes that she is not a prophet for this goddess that she keeps pretending to be an basically she's lying to the Immaculate to further her own goals so we learned that from this conversation technically if you didn't already realize that's what was happening she also explains that she gave Boreas the staff and all of that again information we could have already picked up at this point once you finish this fight it's not what the conduit her self she turns the four immaculate people with her into demons of sorts and once you beat them you can pick up a scroll to open the castle nearby however we're not gonna do that just yet we can go down to the IMP that we just talked to who can reveal the location of the secret entrance into boria's prison where a Cara is being held now before we actually go into that prison to rescue a Cara you should really kill King Boreas first so in order to rescue a car you have to kill King Boreas so you can go to the prison and find a Cara first you can totally do that but it's gonna be a waste of time until Boris is dead because he has to be dead Norbit for you to free a Cara once we go to Boris's castle and used the scroll we got from the conversation with the conduit that fight to open the way to Boreas we can then of course kill him he drops an elemental staff now upon picking this staff up the elemental Lords trapped inside are going to talk to us and basically tell us that if we take the staff to the elemental Forge from earlier it can be broken thus releasing the other three elemental Lords now the elemental Lord of fire sua offers to help us free a Cara if we can find her so once we go then explore the prison find her we can talk to sua who will teleport there once we use a rune nirakara to teleport into Boris's prison and then use his incredible power as the Lord of fire to melt the ice that a Cara has been trapped in this entire time and you can't break this ice in the other way so you have to get Lord sua to help you once a car is really she explains exactly what happened with councilor Jake's murder so she actually has this awesome cutscene to say about it so here's this one night as I slept I had a sudden revelation no dream but a vision my sister Leandre and my lovers under law I didn't understand but I recognized their location sigh seals king crab in I arrived and looked through their window but inside everything was wrong Leandra had fled and councillor jake stood over the wizard a knife in his hand and hate in his eyes as I watched he drove the dagger deep into Xander's heart and I was too late to stop him in that moment I broke I saw before me not a man not even a beast but evil incarnate and I used six to slay on the floor leis and allure in my hands I held a Jake's like force I had sworn never to use sauce but I couldn't walk away and so I did the unthinkable I used the councilors life to save Xandar laws he was alive but only just betrayal murder sauce we were all of us guilty now so this is a pretty great cutscene and conversation actually because it explains that Leandra acara and Xan dolor as you learned from the trailer have actually been together for a long time so zane dolor found these two wild children basically whose parents were killed by source hunters and he trains him in the way of the source because he knows that they're potent in it and in doing this he and acara start a relationship and become lovers and when it turns out that a car and zan dolor have fallen in love Leandra of course reacts very poorly and runs off and hasn't heard from in two years so two years later when the game starts just about zan dolor meets with Leandra in the king-crab in which is of course how counselor jake winds up getting killed because he's basically cheating on Nakara and from here of course the game starts and we're basically caught up with what's going on now at this point we can all head back to the end of time where we can meet up with a car again she can kind of explain what her next move is Oh Cara again after explaining everything going on between her Leandra and Xander lore is explaining that Leandra her sister otherwise known as the conduit has been stockpiling resources at a nearby mine in new color forests now she doesn't know what it involves using the sole forage between the two which of Cara explains has been frayed and is starting to break she knows that Leandra is stockpiling things there because she still gets flashes of what Leandra is up to so using that information we can of course to do so the next thing we need to do is go see what we Andra is doing in these mines nearby and given what we already know about the fact that she powered up this giant bloodstone using all of these hundreds of imps whatever it is it probably isn't good and probably involves that star stone in some way with that we are going to wrap up this particular episode of the full story of divinity original sin however before I actually leave you guys at this point we should have gathered enough star stones and blood stones to unlock the next piece of the source hunters backstory if you will kind of explaining why it is everyone keeps referring to them as eternal beans acara included after this we get the star stones together the Weaver of course reawy three weaves a portion of the tapestry of time thus releasing another portion of our history back to us and we get this awesome cinematic after the war was won the void dragon remained a great threat to all existence and so upon the anvil of creation the god box was crafted the void was locked within but still the question remained who would guard the box the two generals offered themselves they would give up life and glory to stand Sentinel transformed into immortal beings they would be the boys eternal Guardians they placed the box and the guardians in the first garden home of Astarte and of the world's most beautiful power source for time immemorial the Guardians stood by the god box no longer human in body or in mind but duty personified so from this cinematic we learn that after the generals had led the battle against the void dragon in which they help the gods they were of course revered and thanked for their duty and the gods created the god box to contain the void but they needed someone to guard that box and the two generals are to source hunters volunteered for that position and the gods turned them into eternal demigoddess beings and had them forever guard the box as the cinematic puts it they became Duty personified and it changed them they were no longer mortal or their minds weren't even mortal at that point there's some more cool history for you guys our next episode of this series is going to be exploring what Leandra is doing in the bucola mines because again it's important to follow the narrative and new color forests because the levels are very set in stone like I do not recommend deviating from this because you're setting yourself up for a bad time you color mines next episode thank you guys so much for watching please like comment subscribe all that YouTube stuff but have a fantastic day either way what's going on everybody modem here this time bringing you episode 5 of our divinity original sin walkthrough full story of sorts so in our previous episode we rescued acara from hiber hime and the clutches of king Boreas and she filled us in on some of the story again as you can see in the previous episode if you so choose but right now she directs us to the loo column mines where her sister Leandre otherwise known as the conduit has been stockpiling resources and where she took off - after she fueled the massive bloodstone she got from hiber hime at the beginning of this series I mentioned that I wasn't going to cover a lot of side quests however for this particular part of the game I would be remiss not to cover about three of them right here so the entire point of covering them in this particular instance is the fact that they give us context into what we're walking into in the mine so nearby where a Cara's Hut was and we entered hybra hime is actually the town of silver Glen which truthfully if you were playing the game you probably would have been to already so there are about three particular side quests that we can pick up in town to give us context to what is going on at the mines before we actually head over there we can speak to a woman named Nadia and find out that her husband died of a disease called the rot and she believes that the head of the miners guild Lawrence at least here in town not the entire guild knew that the substance they were mining in those mines known as Tunis briam was causing the rot and basically told the miners to keep mining anyway and she feels that her husband died as a result of Lawrence's oversight and she asks us to prove this also if we speak to Lawrence directly we can find out that the mine has recently been taken over by goblins forcing everyone out - he would like us to go into the mines and basically figure out what's going on with these goblins and ideally get rid of him and then lastly we can talk to a third guy this is actually probably the least important but talking to these guys does give us the cage we need which I'll get to in just a second Brandon who we will meet when talking to Lawrence because he's talking to Lawrence when we walk up for the first time asks us to go into the mine and fetch some tini briam for him to basically sell for his retirement plan and he also gives us a bloodstone cage or some sort of chest basically now this cage we get to keep even after the quest is over and it allows us to safely transport Tunney briam items because as I mentioned just a second ago and as the miners told us to nee briam causes a disease called the rot that is not just a gimmick if your character uses Tunney briam items without tony briam resistance you will straight-up get the rot it's a very real thing that has to be then cured it's a whole thing so avoid getting it it sucks so with that out of the way we can go ahead and head towards the mine so we do this by heading through the forest slightly north of a cars cabin down a different path now this will take us into several orc patrols now when we kill all these guys I believe it's possible to charm your way through them but for the most part you're going to kill them so once we kill all these orcs we can actually find orders from one group tilde from hunters edge now again if you'd been playing the game yourself you would have heard hunters edge come up a couple times here and there before this and basically it is a town to the east that was recently taken over by orcs and we'll get to it later but basically this is just a Porsche ad owing for later these orc tribes that we're fighting in the forest on our way to the mines so once we do that we actually come up on some goblins now from right at this point there is a very long gauntlet to the entrance of the mines that is crowded with orcs now the game actually recommends that you sneak by them subtly like when you come up to the first one your characters will be like oh we could probably sneak past this guy just kind of outloud ambiently so that's that very viable option but basically you'd be skipping a ton of experience if you did that so personally I prefer to kill all of them which I do but once you get to the end of the gauntlet here as I like to call it and to the entrance to the mines you find out that it's actually the Immaculate who are in charge of the mine and not the goblins because you see the goblins speaking to an immaculate just outside the entrance asking where their leader is and why they haven't seen him in a while the goblins that is which obviously implies some level of cooperation between the two now we unfortunately don't get to follow up on this conversation yet as approaching them does combat and we have to kill all of them now once we get inside the mines we'll be kind of notified over to a barrel hiding spot where we can meet a man named milkis milkis is awesome because he gives us a ton of context as to what is happening milkis explains that lawrence actually hired these goblins that are in the mine the goblins pretended to be immune to rot so lawrence thought he could hire them and then they would mine the 'tony briam being immune to the rot however once the goblins got control of the mines they immediately handed it over to the Immaculate because the immaculate are actually employing the goblins because the goblin leader saticon drous who will learn about here in just a second is actually looking to learn more about the blood stones and the conduit basically promised him knowledge for his health the orcs and that rated hunters edge that i just mentioned a little bit ago actually gave the citizens of hunters edge to the immaculate s-- well to the goblins specifically as slaves and the goblins gave those citizens again to the immaculate and the immaculate have turned them all into the undead so when we see these undead enchanted miners here in the mine that's how they got here the immaculate have been basically killing them and raising them as servants because obviously the undead don't you know have to worry about the rot i've heard now from here if we destroyed the cave-in to our left we can actually head up around to the side and meet some immaculate members now it's possible to persuade them that you are friendly and that will basically give you a little more context but honestly even if you kill them you'll get basically the same information so basically all these guys are protecting this bone totem now this bone totem is what they are using to control all of the undead miners so if we killed them and then break this bone totem it will actually set them free because if we had gone a little farther up this mineshaft will actually run into a bunch of the enchanted miners who basically asked us to go do this so if you want to just jump the gun a little bit you can destroy the totem which frees the undead you can have a short conversation with them a little later and then they all die but basically they're just thankful that they're not undead slaves anymore so to the right we can actually find drex's in a cage now Drex this will explain part of what i just mentioned earlier that their leader saticon drous actually wants to learn about the blood stones however the Immaculate have no intention of actually helping them they're betraying the goblins as well because that's what the Immaculate do so they've actually locked up their goblins of the minds leader drex's the local leader and several of his goblins in a cage and they plan on turning them into undead slaves as well real quick the side quest for Laurence actually wants us to deal with the goblin problem so if we killed rexis we can get Drex as his head and then before we continue on with this quest if you want the reward for that you need to go back to Laurence immediately and turned it in for reasons I'll get to later but I just wanted to mention that right here in this part of the walkthrough that if you want the proper reward for that side quest you need to killed rexis get his head and then immediately go back afterwards to silver Glen and turn that quest in because once we've resolved all of those things we will have also learned from these conversations which I've been holding back a little bit from is the immaculate have been raising something that has been referred to by a couple different names in the conversations up to this point he'll lords from is my personal favorite actually their death Knights so the Immaculate in this mine have been raising death Knights who are on patrol in the mine shafts were about to get to thing is the death Knights are in vulnerable you cannot damage them in any way so you're basically forced with sneaking past them because you will not win this fight your teleporter pyramids also don't work so you have to sneak through here in this mine like legit there is no way to kill these death Knights with that in mind the easiest thing to do here is if you have a character who has the invisibility spell from the scoundrel tree is to send them up ahead by themselves by turning them invisible I'm not even bothering to sneak sending them through these mine shafts until you get to the way shrine slightly farther along mine shafts and then using your other three party members send them to the white shrine at the very entrance to the mine and then click on that way shrine and have them teleport between the two-way shrines because you can do that but you cannot use your teleporter pyramids or rift travel in here but using that method you can get basically your whole party past the main bulk of the death knight patrols pretty easily eventually once we navigate all these death night patrols we're going to come across a locked temple door so once we get to the door and again you would have known this I didn't want to mention that right off the bat but need a password for this door the password if you'd were paying close attention to conversations earlier is actually the Goblin leaders name saticon drous so that's literally the password you need to choose for the door is the word SATA conscious now once we get inside the temple we will find a death knight Forge where they have been forging these invulnerable death Knights from and once we go a little farther past this Forge niandra pops up stops our whole party if your entire party isn't present for this conversation she teleports all of them in and then Leandra explains that the reason she has been killing things in mass to power these bloodstone she's been creating is to make the death Knights because the death Knights are immune to damage they cannot be harmed so with that in mind her end goal for bringing about the void that we saw in our end of time bits of the game the void Dragon is looming you know threatening to bring about the actual end of time in order to bring about that fate Leandra is planning on using these death Knights in Mass to basically make an unstoppable army that marches and kills all now Leandra is controlling the death Knights by basically adding little bits of her blood to the magic with which she is creating them making the death Knights loyal to her so she explains all this now that we found the forge anyway and she takes this opportunity to do the standard villian thing where they're like now my death knight shall destroy you while I leave and don't bother to confirm that you died so from here the death Knights in the room she four of them nose three sorry and you have to run away and you will eventually get to a mirror of Astarte at the end of the path that you are running away from the death Knights from so this mirror of a start a will let you teleport to other areas which you will then be safe from the death Knights the rest of this part of the video is basically just going to be exploration and learning some lore through environmental storytelling from jumping around from the mirrors of a start a through this ruins we can go to the Crypt the high priests chapel and the entryway so if you want to leave immediately you can just go to the entryway because that's where the actual exit is now however if we go to the Crypt we can meet a ghost of the priests that used to actually occupy this temple when it was used as an actual temple this priest will actually explain that this temple is a temple to Astarte the goddess of source now this is the first mention we have of a start a being an actual goddess and I'll get into the lore implications of that towards the end of this video I will take some time to talk about that but we'll go over it for now in addition to this if we go to the high priests chambers through the mirror of Astarte we can actually find le'andria's little safe haven that she's been using and we can get a lot of more background information on her relationships with some of the other characters that we meet but most importantly we learn from her journal here that she had actually created a spell to make the death Knights vulnerable to damage because just in case they ever tried to turn on her specifically because like you know say it's a blood part of the spell failed or something and they weren't loyal to her she's been working on a spell to basically kill them just in case so this spell takes her actual spell and combines it with some of her blood and uses that to make death Knights vulnerable to attack so we'll find the spell half of this right here in this little safe-haven area now as the safe-haven area might tell you and all of the fire raining down around us something I didn't mention up to this point is the reason we wanted to turned Rex's head into Laurence immediately after getting it is that once we get to this part once we have that conversation with Leon at the entrance to this temple that we were just in the entire mine gets flooded with lava and is no longer traversable so once we escape this area it's done there's no way out once we get the information about Astarte and the information from Leandra's little safe chamber room we can then head to the entryway through the mirror of Astarte and traverse the burning path down to another mirror that will actually let us leave so once we were out of the mines again they are completely gone so we can go back to town and turn in our side quests if you waited to talk to Lawrence until this point he will basically refuse to give you a reward because you know the mines are destroyed however you can help him get his proverbial comeuppance for basically selling out his mind to not only the rot but also the goblins you can complete Nadia's side quest to help with that as well and then Brandon just gives you a flat reward if you give him the tin you briam that he requested lastly we can go speak to acara after we have now found out what Leandra was doing in the Luke Halle mines saqqara will be like oh my god she's raising death Knights they haven't been seen since Broca's Rex's reign and you know when the source hunters destroyed all of them the last time death Knights before this were actually weak to some things they were still very strong warriors but they weren't like literally immune to damage apparently being empowered through the bloodstone says is what specifically has made them invulnerable so just something to keep in mind that's why they're so strong in this particular game and lastly acara now that we have this information and we were basically able to figure out what was going on the coal mines mentions that basically we need more information about what they're planning to do next and she sends you to infiltrate the immaculate because the part of silver glowing that I did not mention is that the silver Glen town is actually a hub of immaculate activity because the conduit came there cured several miners of the rot so basically they see this woman and this religion as like this huge savior organization that's doing amazing things for them but of course as we know they're actually lunatics who are murdering people in mass but the villagers don't know that they just know that these people are working literal miracles basically to heal miners sick with the rots so we can use this to our advantage as acara mentions and infiltrate them which we'll get into in our next episode so next episode we'll be following that infiltrate the immaculate quest line and seeing where that leads us so that is going to wrap the story part of this up I did like I mentioned want to talk a little bit about Astarte so she's mentioned as the goddess of source so two things with that if you've played original sin - you know that technically there's only seven gods of Rivlin or seven known gods as far as the ones that came from the race of Eternals now Astarte is seen at the very least working with the seven they actually mentioned in one of the cinematics from earlier that the gods when they made the god box now specifically chose to put it in the first garden with a start a the thing is and the reason I bring this up is that when we speak to the Weaver of time earlier she actually mentioned that when she saw a start a she didn't think Astarte was a full-blown goddess so it seems in my speculative opinion on this particular thing that a start a is less of a full-blown goddess and more of a representation of a facet of the cosmic powers so to speak she's basically like the representation of source physically she's like an avatar of it that's how I personally like to think of it especially seeing as the Weaver literally says that she doesn't think a start a is a full-blown goddess the way the actual seven gods are so just something to keep in mind whether or not she is or isn't shouldn't really make a difference to this story or frankly the overall lore of divinity because as we know these seven gods are actually phonies anyway and it's very possible that Astarte is more of an actual force of creation of sorts rather than a God in the traditional sense of how the seven gods came to power so she might be more of a representation of an actual facet of the universe so to speak that speculation aside that's gonna wrap up the video guys I certainly hope you enjoyed it hope you stick around for the next episode if you did be so kind as to black comment subscribe all that you to be jazz but thank you so much for watching and have a fantastic day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you episode 6 of our full story of divinity original sin so last episode we explored GU color mines and discovered what Leandra was doing with all of these blood stones she's been creating and collecting which is nothing else besides forging and vulnerable death Knights however we also discovered they had a weakness in acara after learning of all of this requested that we find out exactly what it is the Immaculate SAR doing in the loot color forest in order to do that we need to head to the town of silver doin last episode I mentioned briefly that it was under the control of the immaculate because Leandra had come to the mining town which was plagued by a disease called the rot and used the blood stones to heal several people to spread her immaculate religions and because the blood stones cured what they considered an incurable disease that was basically guaranteed death they were like holy cow what's this all about and jumped on board most people blissfully unaware that the immaculate Tsar basically a sort of death cult in order to start exploring what is they're actually doing we can head to the Immaculate Chapel in silver Glen and talk to the high Abbot there I think is his actual title but he's like a priest his name is Loic now through Loic we can have a conversation about how to join the Immaculate and he gives us a book called the book of the Immaculate to think actually part one I think there's a total of six parts total but we need to read parts one through three and answer loic's questions to complete this part of the test so basically the books of the Immaculate basically explained that the lesser Bloods or otherwise known as the lost ones you'll sometimes see the game call them are basically the right of the people who are above them to kill them and slaughter them for their blood so in the more trivial sense and the way that this actually spreads through normal people is that most people seem to think this involves like animals and stuff the way people you know will eat animals that thing and then you know just also use their blood to create blood stones that's the kind of gist they seem to have been going for at least on the the surface level that seems to be how they attract people and basically this book explains that the blood of lesser beings is seated to the higher beings that kind of stuff so it sounds about as crazy as it actually is just remember these people are like Loki killing people so there you go now that said we need to talk to Alec again after reading a couple of these he will ask us a series of questions which require us to answer truthfully which if you read those books it should be super easy there's not a lot going on they're basically just asks about what I just mentioned is the lesser blood used in service of the greater blood that kind of stuff so it's pretty basic as long as you read the books then after doing so Loic will give you his blessing which allows us to travel up the western path of silver Glen up to the windswept plateau area of Lucca LaForest and it's not really a forest at this point unit there is a small checkpoint of sorts along this road that is held by immaculate sand basically what it serves as is if you talk to the guard right here you'll actually tell you if you're high enough level to venture on because as I mentioned one or two episodes ago the level curve in new color forests is very important you'll get here at like level 8 or 9 and if you go straight to this you're going to be fighting like level 14 enemies like immediately so obviously that's a bit of a problem so they set up this little checkpoint and it basically serves as a you are or are not high enough level to do this right now kind of thing so basically as long as you've been following the stories of them laying them out you'd be fine if you've gotten up to this point this is where the color forests actually kind of separates because we only need to go so far up this path and then see the big giant skull cave thing that Loic told us about and that's pretty much where we need to go however this leaves about half of the loot colour forest map to basically explore and just do like side quests and stuff so I just figured I'd mention that too like we're only gonna explore like maybe half of this forest for the sake of the story so just there upon entering the skull-shaped cave that I just mentioned and moving forward a little bit we are confronted by a statue who explains that basically we're gonna face a series of trials if we want to become part of the immaculate religion the first thing we do is head forward down an open corridor and at the end of which all of our characters that are in the room when this happens are infected with none other than the disease called the rot now we don't really need to worry about it right now it doesn't actually do anything in this particular context that is of much concern but after this we can head forward to our first real trial so the first of these trials and Berbick confronted by a statue who sort of gives the gist of what we're supposed to do in every trial room so for the first of these trials really all we have to do is put the appropriate amount of weight on the couple switches that are laying around on the ground and when you put weights on them it will tell you a percentage of either too much or too little and basically you're looking for a 100 % when you do it I think the actual weights are 1 5 7 and 9 kilograms total so you can either bring something with that exact weight or play around with some of the bases and stuff and try to get it to work but either way you're gonna have to balance these weights out in order to get some force fields down and that's how you do that particular trial and the next trial is actually even easier than that you just have to play around with some levers until you get the right combination and hit the one in the middle of the room and if you did it right the door will unlock if you do it wrong you're attacked by a singular mob that'll happen and then the next room is actually less of a trial and more of a conversation so there will be a star stone in the middle of the next room we can walk up to it and using our ability to absorb star stones do exactly that and then we can explore the room a little more and then find Loic now alternatively you can skip around the star stone and then go speak to Loic as well but ultimately the result will be the same because Loic presents the star stone and tries to get you to kill a chicken to power up the star stone into a bloodstone and then heal you of the rot however if you already approach the star stone you're again ability to absorb the powers from star stones we'll have done that before hand and he will notice that and rush off alternatively he presents the star stone and then the same thing happens so regardless this is gonna happen so Loic upon realizing that you've absorbed this power from the star stone runs off and then comes back with several immaculate enemies that we then have to fight and kill for our very survival so once this is done and we kill Loic and get his key to the church which is what we need to move forward and your character should say something about it when you pick it up we need this particular key to go back to the immaculate Church in silver Glen and use the hatch in the corner of the room that you probably noticed before now this takes us down to low X person umber x' where we find a portal and two blood stones so pick up the two blood stones you're just gonna use those to unlock rooms in your homestead because you know we unlock a room every time we use them as up to this point we have done many times and more than likely this will also trigger a piece of the source hunter's history to also fall into place which have you been following the series you learn I'm talking about and we will get to those towards the end of the video for now we're just going to carry on uninterrupted so if we use the portal that we find in loic's chambers we get taken to an area of the color forest known as sacred stone and in order to from here find out what the Immaculate have been doing we need to basically hunt out their leader in probably what they would consider the most sacred place around so we can't explore the actual town of sacred stone a little bit if you have their daughter with you which is one of the Companions this is where her companions story will reach its conclusion by the way we don't and I'm not really covering knows in this particular walkthrough so we're going to carry on now the village of sacred stone has a few things you can do but honestly it's not really what we're focused on what we need to do is go to the west of sacred stone to a path that is blocked by noxious bulb traps and we need to navigate this path all the way down to the end of it where we will run into some orcs holding a bunch of people prisoner they will attack us immediately and then we kill them and then after that is done we can talk to the guards at the door slightly to the north these guys if you have an enlightened amulet with you which you should have gotten one from killing Loic or a couple of honestly up to this point however if you have the enlightened amulet on you and you didn't like say sell it or something you can just pass the right by these guys like completely unbothered otherwise they'll fight you so once we get inside the temple we need to light the four brassieres that are around which will unlock a path into the actual proper Church from here once we get to the altar we are confronted by a man named man goth who seems to be the leader of the immaculate s' right under Leandra herself man goth explains basically his feelings but doesn't actually reveal anything we don't really already know up to this point so he summons a bunch of demons we have to fight all of the demons while the two demons he summons and also some followers of his and then he disappears now we actually need to find him and if you go up to the second story you can speak to a ghostly woman called the librarian who basically seems annoyed with the immaculate presence but it's not actually gonna do much about it she explains that man goth probably went under the altar somewhere because she sees them going in and out of there and if you look around the room behind some of the pillars you can find a lever that will actually move the giant stone altar in the middle of the room now once you go down here there will be another slight puzzle to solve in one of the books in the room it will actually tell you the order of the switches you need to press that are around this there's four switches in the room basically and one of the books will tell you the order that you need to press them in which is like basically just counterclockwise really so once you press all four switches the room in the center of the room pops open and once you go to enter Atman gospel then show up again and this time he will attack you directly instead of running away and you are forced to kill him now once that is done you will be able to read the diary in the room that just opened up which is Leon Drew's diary in which he explains that basically the Immaculate SAR supposed to disband if she dies because in her goal to bring about the void she believes that she's the only one that can do it and basically without her if she dies for any reason she wants the immaculate stew disband makes that very clear however we are not done just yet if we use the hatch behind the altar or the podium where we just picked up the diary we can go down into what seems to be a second hiding place for Leandra and the blue-collar forest so once we move about this area we can read a couple of her books which explain her side of things and how basically that she is you know trying to do what she's told us she's doing up to this point which is to bring d'void it just gives us a little more context into that and what she's planning on doing when basically what she's planning on doing is ambushing Astarte the goddess of sources we learned from the last episode with not just the void dragon but also other forces that will make it basically impossible for a start a to win because what we didn't know up to this point is that the reason Astarte has been kind of flitting in and out of our view is because she has actually been fighting the void dragon since it was Unleashed from the god box which we also learned last episode of the episode before I don't more exactly which but we learned that the void dragon was released from the god box it was imprisoned in and a start a actually fought it so we can learn all of that and lastly we can pick up a vial of Leon Drew's blood now if we go back and talk to a car up because we basically also find one last thing in this room I just for at the mention is that she is headed for the source temple in the phantom forest which is a slightly deeper part of the forest and she is trying to finds and allure because Zanda lore is a keeper of the source basically Zanda lore is part of an order that takes the source very seriously as you might imagine and for whatever reason Leandra needs and allure present for something at the source temple so she can bring the void dragon close her finally and then finish her plans so we know what Leandra is doing next which is heading for the source temple in the phantom forest so we can bring all of this information back to a Cara who obviously requests us to go to the phantom forest and put a stop to this which brings it into the bucola forest portion of our walkthrough which is brings us to the last third basically of the game which will be a little shorter probably two or three parts but before we get ahead of ourselves we also found that vial of Leon draws blood that I mentioned just a little bit ago so we can combine this with the Leandra spell that we found in the mines from the previous episode and if we craft these two things together we can make deaf night vulnerability spell which removes their invulnerable status and once we make this book we can actually use it to teach all of our characters the skill it was not consumed on use from this we will have gained a way to harm the previously invulnerable death Knights which will assuredly have probably caused a death or two on your part and with that we have our next goal for our next episode which is entering the phantom forest and seeing what we can do to finds and allure in the source temple and dakara gives us the perfect place to start because it turns out that Xander lore has a house in a town nearby the phantom forest known as hunter's edge and she suggests that we go to Xander's house first to discover where he might be or how to get ahold of him basically so that brings us to the last part of this particular video which is showing you guys the cinematics that will have unlocked from all the blood stones we collected throughout the new color forest this first cinematic which you'll be watching right about now for millennia the god box was flanked by the two devoted Guardians but a starties playmate a creature called the trife turned her attention to the forbidden box I may know a way to destroy what's inside hissed the scheming creature together we consent the Guardians free open its Linda Astarte and we can have a look together a start a trusted her friend and assented she pitied the Guardians and welcomed a chance to free them let me help you she whispered into the ear of one I know you duty but you both deserve a chance at freedom haven't you suffered enough of this chore she asked the other look your companion is free already the Guardians unaccustomed to such attention started she had planted a seed of curiosity within them rekindled a desire that had for eons laying dormant slowly they glanced at one another and the trife's trap was from shows how the demon known as will the void woken retic known as the trife tricked Astarte in the first garden after the god pox was placed there into persuading the guardians the to source hunters were playing now into leaving so she could potentially see what was in the god box so that is the first cinematic and we will likely have gotten enough blood stones and star stones gathered up to immediately unlock a second cinematic which actually explains what happens after that with the Guardians distracted a start a lifted the lid of the god box what she saw was nothingness a start a had called forth the void dragon whose sole purpose was to undo all creation court of God and terrified the guardians sworn protectors for Lent but a start a stir into the reaches of the void here she battled the dragon for all eternity for his deception the tribe was cast out of the first creation he fell to River LAN a monstrous creature unworthy of the realm of the gods since that terrible day sauce has been tainted by the presence of the void a once a beautiful power has become corrupted and those attempting to wield it often go mad in the process and of course the second cinematic showing that Astarte has been battling the void dragon for quite some time basically forever almost since the trife convinced the source hunters to abandon their duty well trick to start a into convincing them to abandon their duty and a start a opens the god box the void dragon is then unleashed and being caught unaware the guardians the to source hunters were playing in a previous life so to speak just vanished they dipped out a start a has been battling the void dragon keeping it at bay ever since but lately has been unable to continue to do so for the reasons of Leandra killing all these people and everything and powering up all these blood stones and using them to call the void dragon closer there is all of that information for you guys that is gonna do it for part 6 of divinity original sin the story of so our next episode again we will be entering the phantom forest and beginning our search for Zane de lor so we can see the source temple and basically try to see what Leandra specifically is trying to do there now with that in mind guys thank you so much for watching I really appreciate you guys if you'd like comment subscribe do all that YouTube stuff I'd certainly appreciate it definitely helps the channel grow but even if you don't you guys are a legend thank you for watching have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you episode 7 of our full story of divinity original sin so last episode we wrapped up things in the bucola forest by finding out exactly what the Immaculate had been up to in the town of sacred stone so with that in mind we are ready to follow the advice of acara and the information that we found while tracking the immaculate activities in tracking down Leandra in the phantom forest because she is going after a source temple that is located there so upon entering the phantom forest zigzix actually interrupts and speaks to us about how the homestead is actually under attack by avoid demons and that how he knows the source of this attack is actually originating in the bucola forest in the northernmost corner of the area now he informs us that demons have basically been summoned here using blood magic otherwise known as blood stones of course so so he directs us to d'void temple - of course deal with this problem and save our homestead at the end of time he also explains that there are three paths that we can take to reach the bloodstone in this temple the one on the Left which is teeming with immaculate Switch probably the easiest one the middle path which has less enemies but they are giant demons who are only vulnerable to Tunney briam and then the right path which is full of environmental risks like lava which basically means instant death so with that in mind we rush off to the void temple to solve this problem as it pops up so this is pretty easy I prefer to take the left path and kill everything all you have to actually do is reach the bloodstone at the end of the path and once you destroy it all of the demons and enemies then disappear and zigzix informs us upon returning to the homestead that they've finally pieced together the last of the source hunters history as the guardians of the god box so here is that cinematic for you the Guardians had failed sauce was tainted the void was loosed and all that stood between Rivlin and annihilation was a starting herself overcome by guilt they hoped to undo their failure by undoing reality itself and so they ripped their threads from the tapestry of time so becoming unknown to history and unknowing of themselves eternity [Music] as their threads felt over the room like shooting stars they hardened into crystals the people called star stones so from this we learned that after the Guardians fled from their duty of protecting the god box once the void dragon was unleashed in their shame they ripped their very existence from the tapestry of time which is why there were holes in it and those threads of fate fell to the earth and became the star stones so in fleeing from the void dragon they not only abandoned their duty but also inadvertently caused the blood stones which are of course being used to draw the void dragon closer to the end of time basically all of this is their fault moving on heading back to the phantom forest will come upon a log that is glowing green now you'll learn quickly from stepping in this that if you try to go through it you will die so it first it'll poison you in the log and then once you get past the log you die instantly this is of course reminiscent of death fog much like the first game divine divinity had a reference to death fog as well but at this point it still isn't called that that is an invention of divinity original sin - though the concepts were very much so in game before hand which is why I mentioned it now we'll have to get back to this because obviously there's no way to pass it right now and we're gonna head south to Hunter's edge so upon arriving at the entrance to hundreds edge we can speak to a undead merchant as well as our who who basically explains the state of the goings-on in hunters edge basically hunters edge was taken over by orcs a while back which at this point in the game we would likely have heard from either our companion Medora whose companion quest by the way resolves in hunters edge or we would have seen the foreshadowing in nuka-cola forests which specifically meet mentions the all mother grew tilde having taken over hunters edge and has been selling the citizens of which as slaves to the goblins in the blue color mines episode 5 our goal in Hunters Edge is to of course track downs and allure who we know was at some point living in hunters edge so we need to get him to his house now in order to do that we have to pass through the immaculate and or confessed in town of hunters edge we can enter the town and pose as an immaculate envoy ourselves at this point you can head straight to Xander's house but upon arriving you're gonna find out that the entrance is blocked by a magical unpassable barrier and then basically we're gonna have to find another way into the house to learn more about what Zanda lore is doing and where he went so if we do some digging around town we can learn that the orcs and the mountain folk or the immaculate tribe here are at odds they do not like each other atoms and we can of course use this to our advantage by basically sabotaging them left and right through side quests which will make the ultimate goal of having them destroy each other much easier so as we do this we will also learn that the immaculate sand orcs are searching for a group of three villagers that they aren't able to find now in investigating this we can learn that there are still prisoners from the town being locked up in a dungeon which we can choose to investigate however there is an alternative to finding these villagers but we'll get to that in just a second as I've mentioned up to this point we can push the orcs and the mountain folk tribe into fighting each other which is obviously advantageous to us because their presence here is a problem and all of them are terrible people really if we speak to the mountain folk leader yeha row we can find out that the blood stones he was tasked with guarding were stolen in the night and he's pretty sure that his best soldier and right-hand man Garrick was killed in the fight because no one can find him the orcs of course have accused Garrick himself of being the one who actually stole these things from the tribe and is thus blaming the mountain folk for it so yeah Haru will tasks you with helping him find the actual culprit and we can track this lead down which is pretty straightforward all you got to do is walk into the next room where the blood stones were hidden and then follow the blood trail outside of town slightly to the north which brings you to a temple where obviously someone was killed we can then explore said temple find out that it's garrix body that was dumped into the temple through a grate which is what we had found earlier and not only that he also has the broken horn of one hornless Gorog on him which is one of the orcs in town who is missing a horn and we can find that horn thus proving that the orcs factually stole the blood stones and basically giving the mountain folks the ammunition they need to start full-blown attacking the orcs in the town I tell you that but this is actually mostly just a side quest but it's heavily involved in the area of hunters edge so I just wanted to go ahead and get it out of the way and then of course at this point we can report back to you Hara who openly attacks the orcs and then you can basically clear out the town of all of the enemies that way and while that's fun it doesn't really solve our problem of needing to get into Xander's house which requires us to find the villagers because they had actually worked for Xander lore prior to the invasion of the orcs now the most fun way in my opinion to find these villagers naturally is actually through the use of the pet palette in exploring the town we can find out that the orcs have employed an orc known as the rat catcher to find these villagers the rat catcher is doing so by basically using hordes of rats to sniff them out now if we used a pet pal part we can talk to the cat in the middle of town called janessa janessa will tell us that she actually is the cat of the family that is in hiding from the orcs and the mountain folk and as such janeshia will ask us to kill the rats for the rat catchers so what we can do then is do exactly that kill some of the rats we find around town once we kill a rat in town all of them will scurry back to their nests and we're forced to find a more creative way to deal with them so all around town there are these rat holes everywhere so what you can do is get a block of cheese and a bile of poison from the tavern in town combine the two to make poison cheese and set that outside of one the rat holes in town and the rats will eat it they'll die of poison and then you will actually be confronted by the Rat King the Rat King will then you know ask you to kill genex of the cat which you can do or you can of course kill the rat king Forge Nixa who will then tell you where her family is hiding or alternatively you can help the Rat King by killing the cat thus helping the Rat King succeed in his mission of finding the family however this will result in their death just so you know you know if you do this you are very much so helping the evil people killed captives that they've been searching for whereas if you kill the Rat King you can choose to you know be the good guy and thus saves the family from the orcs and mountain folk that they're hiding from so just some stuff to keep in mind now either way both of these options you will find out that the entrance to the hiding place is actually hidden under aim is actually hidden under a giant boulder behind the house of the family that is hiding and that the key to the hatch under that rock is actually in a beehive behinds and allures house so we can go get that key go destroy the boulder that is hiding these people enter their hideout and then speak with that family themselves now they actually have a lot of good information for us we can explain that we are here on Cara's behalf searching for Xander lore and we can prove this by giving them a ring that a Cara gave us to prove to them that this is the case basically just to prove that were with a Cara ends and lore and once they receive this ring this family will actually give you a bunch of information that Xander lore told them before he ran off to the source temple and that basically he was headed to the source temple and that in order to enter the source temple where you need a room from an entity known as the spirit of the forest because that's the only way you can actually enter into the source temperance and then from here this family explains that there's a teleporter in the room with them that you can use to enters and to Laura's house now once you do this you're immediately gonna set off a bunch of traps you have to head upstairs hop through some more little hoops and then you can hit a lever which disarms the traps and here you will find an M that will protect you from the death fog like substance in the logger that I mentioned toward the start of the video this is paramount that we pick this up we will need it we have to have it to get through there without dying or other alternative means that are pained so we want to pick up this amulet and then at that point we can of course head back to the family downstairs and past the portal back into the little cave hiding spot therein and then once we speak to them and we tell them that the path out is clear if we haven't gotten rid of the orcs and the mountain folk yet they will go to the way shrine ins and euler's house and escape that way and they'll give us a reward as compensations there's another side quest for you so guys that is pretty much everything there is to do in hunters edge we can set the orcs and mountain folk against each other killing them which you know helps us in the long run really because the orcs are awful awful monsters we can resolve Medora our companions quest here we can also of course get into Zanda Laura's house and learn where he went which is the source temple and another piece of vital information that we need a room from the spirit of the forest to intercept forest and then lastly we can of course get the amulet that we need to enter the phantom forest proper now from here we can head back to that log and our who will actually explain that he isn't actually human at all he started his life as a cat a cat who just so happened to be friend Cassandra the twin sister of raucous Rex which we which we found out about in episode I believe it was three now our who is telling us this information before we enter the phantom forest proper because he knows that Cassandra who was turned into a lich is actually the phantom of the phantom forest she's the reason it is called the phantom forest and the forest is her domain and we're gonna have to deal with her to pass through it so guys that is where we are going to leave this particular episode episode 7 next episode we will probably be exploring what is with Cassandra and the fandom for us because we're gonna have to deal with her to get to the source temple at the heart of it so I really hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please let me know in the comment section below like comment subscribe do all that you to be stuff but honestly just thank you guys so much for watching and have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you our final episode of the full story of divinity original sin so last episode we explored hunters edge and basically handled all of our affairs there between the orcs and the immaculate as well as explored Xander's house and figured out that he actually left that house and his servants to go explore the source temple in pursuit of Leandra himself so our next step is to of course now that we have the means to enter the phantom forest which prior to this would have been deadly we can now explore search for the source temple and find Xander lore in order to do that we need a room from a being known as the spirit of the forest and this rune is required to open the door of the source temple without it the door will not open it basically serves as a key upon arriving in the phantom forest we can of course begin our search now we know in addition to the spirit of the forest we know because of our who telling us that the phantom forest gets its name from a woman named Cassandra who was actually a lich she is the proverbial phantom of the phantom forest so here's a bit of a qualifier for you guys the first town of Sai seal and the phantom forest I think are some of the best most well done parts of the game the phantom forest as well as the town of Sai shield all have a lot of interactions and you can interact with a lot of them in a lot of different ways there's a ton of ways the events of the phantom forest can play out so with that in mind I can't guarantee you that I'm going to mention every single one of them I'm just going to try to explain them in the most narrative ly comprehensible way so if I miss a specific interaction sorry I'm just trying to give people the gist of the narrative here it's very possible I won't cover literally every option I am going to try mention as many of them as possible though so upon arriving in the phantom forest you're likely to run into two things one a human being decaying but also grown into a tree there's a couple of these actually scattered throughout the phantom forest and they will stop you when you walk by them and they'll basically explain that Cassandra the Lich and Phantom of the forest is invulnerable she cannot be hurt by normal means and these people for lack of a better word also explained that in order to hurt Cassandra you're going to have to burn her corpse her original corpse her actual bones and they kind of point to where those probably are which is a tomb of sorts not too far from here I think they call it the hall of the Dead or something like that the other thing you're likely to run into in the first part of the phantom forest is an earth elemental being harassed by some enemies now once you saved this earth elemental and speak to it it will explain that it is actually the apprentice of the spirit of the forest whose actual name is chiara which is basically another earth elemental and chiara or er is apprentice rather will explain that Chiara has been captured by a demon named balberith in the right side of the phantom forest and basically asks you to find a way to save the earth elemental now balberith if you are playing with Jhon as a companion should sound familiar because balberith is the antagonist of jehan's companions story first we're gonna deal with Cassandra so Cassandra if you talk to her before going to the tomb to destroy her corpse you will discover that she has captured our who and is keeping him prisoner now you can talk to Cassandra and she'll basically be like she's invulnerable here but she needs your help in recovering a stasis fern to basically force our who to stay a man forever because again as we learned last episode our who can change into a cat because he was born a cat it was actually Cassandra who granted our who a human consciousness and basically allowed him to shift Cassandra did this through her use of the source she basically turned a cat into a human being sudo so be cuz of this Cassandra wants to keep our who as a man forever because she loves him they were like a couple before she was turned into a lich now in order to do that cassandra needs a stasis firm which is ironically enough an incredibly rare plant that is held by none other than the spirit of the forest now I just want to mention that you can totally do this you can find the spirit of the forest go get that stasis fern bringing back to Cassandra and totally let things play out that way absolutely however as I think most people will agree Cassandra is an awful human being and you would rather save our hoo from a fate he does not want and do you know basically kill her so in order to do that we need to find the tomb that I referenced earlier now we can learn from talking to those people that are decaying that I mentioned earlier also when it comes to that tomb that the only things that can enter that tomb are the dead so we have to get a little creative now in walking up to that tomb there are actually sentinels which are basically just giant stone statues and if they see you they will actually trigger a lava trap that will of course kill anybody that hits the lava so we have to get again a little creative with how we get into this tomb the easiest way to do it is actually just use either an invisibility potion or someone with an invisibility skill to turn themselves invisible walk past the sentinels because this bypasses them seeing you and then when you get to the elevator that actually leads down to the tomb instead of trying to use it yourself because you're alive and thus you can't go into the tomb click on the corpses that are already on top of the lift put a teleporter pyramid in their inventory and then sin the lift down with the teleporter on that corpses inventory and then use the other teleporter pyramid to then teleport your party down below into the tomb which is pretty cool so and then you know don't forget to retrieve the teleporter pyramid that you put on the corpses inventory so there you go that's pretty much the easiest way to get in there and once you're inside this tomb we're basically going to search for Cassandra's corpse which just requires little rooting around the main thing you have to watch out for here in this tomb is there's a lot of traps like it's you know it's a trapped area there's a lot of environmental traps like stunning I think there's a little bit of lava even if you - careless so just kind of be careful where you step but if you explore long enough you're eventually gonna find casandra's corpse you need to attack it to destroy it and this will actually render Cassandra vulnerable to damage cuz prior to this she's invulnerable you cannot do damage to her much like you can't attack death nights without making them vulnerable first the only other thing of note in this tomb is a crazed Alchemist who was actually working for Cassandra he doesn't fight you he actually serves as a vendor if you so choose however I mentioned this guy purely because there's an item in his lab that relates to the companion quest for wool graph which is a mute scoundrel guy you can pick up part of his companion quest will lead you down here you need an item from the alchemists lab for that then of course we can go back to Cassandra now that she's been made and vulnerable once this happened and we talked to her she immediately initiates combat she turns into her true Lich form and you need to kill her after this are who basically says that he's upset it came to this but you know he kind of gets it and he slinks off to do our hoo stuff that's pretty much how you take care of the Phantom of the forest which brings us to again the right half of the forest where the demon balberith reigns supreme so if we explore that side of the forest we can find a bunch of roaming demons that if they see you they will shoot toward you and blow up and likely kill your entire party so either send one person at a time through this part of the forest to explore and kill these demons that explode a kamikaze your party basically you don't want to stand too close together is what I'm getting at so either send one person or sneak through do whatever you get do and eventually you will find a shack that is guarded by cyclopean horrors of various sorts so once we kill all of them and step into the abandoned shack Jay Han will explain that by the way I am just a real quick aside I know I pronounce his name differently all the time I'm doing my best I pronounce this guy's name I'm terrible at remembering stuff like that so there you go either way he will explain that he knows for certain bow breath is nearby because again it is Jay hands goal to meet balberith once we go down into the basement of this Shack we can find out that bow breath is actually holding the spirit of the forest hostage if you have Jay Han you basically have to kill bow breath you don't like literally half - J hen doesn't initiate combat but it does make the other part of this quest a little awkward because if Cassandra is still alive and you've gotten to this point you can basically strike a deal with balberith to go kill another demon that is not too far away who's also equally difficult to kill and if you do that bow breath will just let the spirit of the forest go which will you know then allow you to get the stasis turn and go back to Cassandra as well as the rune for the source temple door interestingly enough and again one of the reasons I like this there's a lot of options here you can totally just like pickpocket the rune off of bow breath because he's the one who actually is holding it so that's something you can do you can actually just kill balberith outright which is easier all sorts of stuff like that there's plenty of options is what I'm getting at personally I prefer to just kill him because why not so once he is dead or which other method you chose to use we can free she-ra who will then give us the rune to the source temple door and basically thank us for you know protecting her from balberith Jay Hans companion quest will complete upon his death as well you can talk to him about that fun fact Kevin killed balberith basically renders Jhon immortal if you're ever wondering why he's so damn old in divinity original sin - in his specific case this is why we will get to that in another video after this series has concluded however but for now we have everything we need to carry on with the main story and infiltrate the source symbol now you might be thinking oh sweet we've got this room I can just walk up to the door of the source temple and enter well you'd be fantastically wrong and clearly never played a divinity game before in order to get to the main door of the source temple you have to first solve the environmental puzzles around the source temple proper in its little grounds so basically there are 4 switches hidden around various traps and puzzles all around the source temple and what you need to do is click all four of those switches which will turn all of the runes in front of the door to the source temple green which will then allow using the lever to open the source temple grounds door work not the actual source temple itself but the door that blocks the main entrance door I should say like a like a weird foyer almost but with that in mind we can navigate these puzzles this isn't a guide for those puzzles those guides actually exist just search him if you're curious like I don't think you're watching this part of the video for me to tell you how to solve these puzzles we're just gonna skip over that part using the magic of YouTube once we get to that part we can again just open up the door to this weird outside lobby of sorts where we can find none other than this really big demon I forget his exact name or how to pronounce it but this is the demon balberith actually wishes you to kill should you have chosen to make a deal with Bal Buress you need to kill this guy one way there he is in your way he's pretty unavoidable and honestly it's pretty easy to kill him like he's not super difficult as far as boss fights go he's a lot of fire damage so keep that in mind once he's dead there is nothing stopping you from entering the source temple so upon entering there are a couple things we can do so when we freed chiara from Bal breath if we chose to kill balberith to do that chiara will explain that there is a secret path in the source temple that will allow you to skip what's called the trial of ascension which is you know a trial obviously if you have that information from shiera and a character with a high enough perception you can find a false wall that will give you access to a mirror of a start a that will allow you to skip pretty much the entire thing having a character was high enough perception is kind of a pain and it's easier to honestly just go through the actual trial because even if you don't have that perception there's actually a way to choose the trial that makes it literally faster than getting a character with high enough perception so basically in addition to that alternate path we can also find a mirror of a start a that's already broken that Leandra used to teleport to the end of the trial herself with that in mind we can find a button on a rock which will explore a false path that will then lead to the actual trial we can talk to this big intimidating door on the wall who basically tell us whether or not we are prepared for the trial I believe this is just a straight-up level check like this door is checking what level you are and bay Clee saying whether or not you can pass based on that however like most things this is very achievable if you get right up on the door you can actually throw a teleporter pyramid past it and then teleport your entire party past this door regardless of your level which is part of the speedrunning process for this game in case you were curious and then that will give us access to the trial of trials of ascension so what you are actually supposed to do here is navigate this little maze like puzzle of sorts and at the end of those puzzles you'll find keys to other doors of the trial or at the end of a path you will find information about how to light the candles and do the ritual and the main room that will allow you to continue forward so here's the thing if you already know which candles to light in which order you can just choose this and walk right by it or if you just look up the patterns you can just walk right by it that combined with a teleporter trick on the front door makes this pretty much the fastest way to get through here it's very for the sake of this video we're gonna skip through the trial because I just explained it to you and that's basically what I'm doing for most of us anyway so now that we have passed that we get teleported to a molten firey pass and at the end of it we find none other than Zanda lore and a broken portal to the first garden so this is where's and Ellora explains that Leandra was trying to find the source temple because it contained a direct portal to the first garden which is of course a realm of a divine being is specifically the goddess Astarte and it is also where the god box which contained the void dragon had been held nows and Ellora basically explains exactly that that he chased Leandra here but he was too late they came into direct combat but with her death Knights she was able to overpower him however she did choose not to kill him because she easily could have after basically knocking him unconscious in their fight from here a carro will appear and basically say much of the same thing however in finding this portal to the first garden we actually managed to unlock the portal to the first garden at the end of time or our homestead at which point a cara will teleport us back and they'll basically say wrap up your business because this is the final leg and once we enter the first garden there's no real going back so we can do exactly that this is your opportunity to wrap up any quests you haven't finished do anything you haven't done explore everything and if you're like me and make a million save files that won't have been an issue anyway either way this is your last chance to do all of these things before carrying on into the first garden and what is ostensibly the end of the game I considered ending the episode here and then doing this last part for a separate episode but then I thought to myself why not just make this a really big last episode so that's what we are going to do now when we get teleported to the first garden after a short conversation with all of our companions up to this point explaining that there's no turning back from here we will find ourselves teleported to a floating kind of weird astrally space like place and a giant stone Leandra will basically shout how terrible we are while we try to navigate this place and at the end of every little island is a portal where a Leandra voice will call us a bunch of names and a failure and you basically have to agree to get the teleporter to let you use it and this goes on until you find a big portal at the end and once you use that you get teleported to a facsimile of sorts of the king-crab in now the king-crab in is actually pretty cool like I like this part of the game it's just kind of neat because what they like to do here is a as you probably noticed they spell everything backwards so like the king crab in is like the it's like pig latin I guess where it's like the same word backwards kind of thing I guess that's how they they do that in addition to everything being spelled backwards you also run into characters from various quests here but like everything is just ever so slightly wrong like you can see Evelyn and the two people she was struggling to debate which one she should heal at the beginning of the game and sigh seal but now Evelyn is the one who is sick and the two are deciding what to do to save her so like it's like all the little side quests you were doing but like a little twist on them I thought was really neat and of course you can see a lot of the characters that you basically just encountered throughout the game but what you need to do is head down into the basement where you will find a book now once you click on this book you'll be stunned immediately Leandra will taught you some more and you'll be able to get up once you get up you need to go back to the main floor head into the room where there is a glowing cupboard that you can see through the map you open this Leandra once again knocks you to the floor and taunts you a bit before walking off then you need to click the cupboard which will teleport you to a room upstairs now this is where a lot of weird stuff starts going on like this is like a lot of lot of giant crabs that kind of thing but basically what you need to do is keep hopping through portals until you get to exit all of the individual in rooms and basically just kind of enjoy the views they're hilarious now once you get out of all of the actual like rooms you will get into the lobby and be able to walk down the hallway now if you walk all the way down the hallway you're gonna hit a locked door so what you want to do is take the open door to the right on your way down and through there you eventually find immaculate Saul circled around a dead goddess Astarte and what you have to do is actually attack a start a and she will burn to cinders all of the people surrounding her will disappear and on the charcoal pile of ash that is now a start a you will find a key now this is the key to the door at the end of the hallway so once you use this key you can escape into a like a ruins of sort that doesn't make any sense but once you walk up you will run into first a woman known as general Alessa so what I haven't mentioned up to this point is in addition to the two source hunter generals there was actually a third general called general Alessa in the final battle against the void the to source hunters lost their faith basically and general Alessa used her power to save them but it cost her her life so it's not a fond memory for the source hundred that you might imagine and as you talked to her she's of course taunting you because it turns out that it's not general Alessa it is actually the trife which we met earlier on in the series he is basically the voids avatar of sorts and also the being that originally tricked Astarte into tricking the Guardians to leave the god box so a start a could open it thus releasing the void and this is where we get to finally kill the trife so his characters are really annoying like by himself he's fine but like he summons these guys that will cast I forget the name of the spell but basically it makes it every time you cast any abilities you'll take damage for it so it's kind of annoying but once he is dead you will need to destroy the crystal horror that he is guarding behind him and once that orb is destroyed you will once again get knocked down this time you will wake up in a bright and sunny garden and Zanda lore will explain that you guys were trapped in something that is known as horror sleep that the trife when you teleported to the first garden originally actually trapped you guys in a sleep-like state and basically tried to kill you that way now once everybody wakes up you can carry on and you will find none other than Leandra in front of you contrary to what the game would have you believe I actually think this is the hardest fight in the game you're gonna have to fight Leandra there's no two ways about it there's no way you can talk your way out of this fight we'll get to some of the options that you can do after the end of it after the end of it but you do have to fight her some form or another but again she is if you do not choose to choose it one of the hardest fights in the game so what she'll do is she always gets the first turn always no matter how high your initiative is she gets the first turn if you initiate combat period she will summon three demons first off and foremost then she will summon four void Knights some things to keep in mind what the demons are gonna do on their turn is cast void aura on two of themselves and Leandra void aura makes things immune to damage which is annoying by itself and then furthermore Leandra will then summon on her subsequent turns and arcane vortex the arcane vortex has a physical immunity aura so in addition to the blanket aura through void aura that the enemies will cast you can also summon on subsequent turns as arcane vortex which will make enemies in the surrounding area immune to physical damage now on higher difficulties of the game she will actually then summon on the third round a magical immunity sphere that will make things immune to elemental magic so as you can see through what I honestly think are just Chi's mechanics and making themselves immune to basically everything this is a very annoying fight if you choose to do it legitimately now what you're supposed to do is kill one of the three demons that doesn't cast void aura on itself or Leandra so you'll kill that one first and then the two demons will then cast void aura on one of themselves and Leandra then you can kill another demon so on and so forth and eventually through many turns the demons will die they'll stop being able to protect Leandra and then you can kill her which if that was the only part of the fight it would be fine but then again you also have to deal with these physical and elemental immunity mobs that are the most annoying mobs of all times so the physical immunity mob will straight-up teleport if you hit him which is beyond frustrating and then the elemental mob by the time he gets up he's basically immune to everything so you have to kill everything else first it's a nightmare however there are many ways to choose this fight if you have high enough telekinesis you can actually kill viondra in one shot with the white mechanic chest trick before she even spots you to initiate dialogue so like you can literally one-shot her with this the problem I don't like about this specifically if you don't do if you do it like exactly like this by just throwing it with a really high telekinesis is if you don't kill her in one shot she initiates dialogue and then you can then kill her sure but at that point your kit your two main characters will be stuck in a permanent dialogue loop and there's no way to fix so if you're gonna choose it what I recommend doing is using either a enough weight in the chest to kill her immediately without initiating any sort of dialogue if you don't have a weighty enough chest to do that what you're gonna need to do is throw down a smoke screen like a like a fog smoke grenade something like that so it blocks her field of vision and then you can usually hit her twice like that and then that will help a lot and will keep your characters from getting bugged out but after you defeat her if a car is with you you can use the solfege repair scroll that you got from killing Cassandra to fix the soul Forge between acara and Leandra which will then turn them into like a super mage of sorts because it turns them into one person thing is I don't really recommend doing I think you should just kill Leandra because if you do this if you turn them into that one mage they will actually wind up turning on you in the final battle which is a little spoilery sure but just to let you know I think Leandra should die she's an awful person from here Leandra drops a wand that instantly kills death Knights and it also expunges the void from things now you need to pick up this wand equip it and use it on the big portal behind Leandra to purge the void from it thus activating the portal so once that is done you can of course then go through the portal and this is the absolute final map of the game just so you're aware so you will travel forward a little bit until you run into about 6 death Knights now if you're clever with the wand and play just at the edge of the range you can usually kill all six of them without even actually initiating combat because if you initiate combat with these death Knights they keep coming and waves and waves and it's an awful fight so I actually recommend you kind of just get at the very edge of the range of the wand and just kill them all out right it'll save you a lot of hassle the experience isn't gonna matter this late in the game - just do it and with that we can walk to the bottom of this map down this big hill and this is where it's awesome so once we walk up a start a will summon herself I guess I don't know she shows up to the fight here she summons herself in front of the god box the god box as you can see is still intact so that's useful and a start a will basically say that this is it the void dragon has come prepare yourselves and then you know sure enough the void dragon comes this is a really cool fight it's pretty difficult honestly if you do it the right way the main thing is that you need to focus on the void dragon all the things he's about to summon don't matter they don't make him immune to anything there's no like big mechanics focused the void dragon if he dies you win period and then of course you can also choose him on any difficulty with the weight chest trick you can hit him with it a couple times once you find that sweet spot he'll die he'll die like a bag of rocks so pretty tough fight if you do it normally though just because there's a lot of summons and everything it's a lot of turns but if you did all the things in the game you should haves ándale and akaru with you and Astarte at the very least plus your four party team so you should be decently okay but it's a tough fight you know it's the last fight of the game so once the void dragon is dead Astarte traps him in the god box and purifies the source which she explains to you and we get this awesome cinematics proving it now once this cinematic is over we can basically request that a start a send us back to where it all started because a start a releases the source hunters from their duty guarding the god box and she makes it her duty to guard the god box basically releasing these mortals from a lifetime of servitude to a cause they didn't ask for and upon doing this she will teleport you to back to the source Academy West which is where you started technically and you can move through here once you get to the door of the actual proper building you none other then captain waitress will talk to you the guy who actually sent you on the mission to investigate the murder of councilor Jake himself you can meet him and talk to him right here if you tell him the truth about what happened he obviously doesn't believe you and sends you on your way but basically you can explain that what happened to count so Jake and you can technically wrap up that murder investigation finally and move on about your business however he does explain that you have some visitors and inside you can talk to you are who acara people like that just anybody who happened to kind of meet they can all kind of meet in this room you can put a nice little wrap up on your companions and then once you're done with that you and your source hunter companion can walk forward to the door at the end of the walkway out the back of the building and once you click on this door that's the end it actually pans out it shows zigzix telling this story to many imps some of which are like what it's a it's a fun little framing thing and then the credits rolled so that guys is the full story of divinity original sin I hope you enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed the series I had a blast making it it was a lot of fun for me personally following this up there will be a discussion video about the goddess Astarte and the void and original sin compare - original - I kind of want to talk some about that kind of explain some of the lore and my takes on some of it because let's be real there's some plot holes here I'm definitely gonna make a video about the background of je Han because he has just hands-down my favorite character that is non-player like he is my favorite NPC in the original sin games like he's so cool but that aside thank you guys so much for watching really from the bottom of my heart I appreciate it thank you guys so much have a fantastic day and I'll catch you guys soon [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 182,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Divinity, Original Sin, Story, Companions, Jahan, Bairdottr, Wolgraff, Madora, Arhu, Councilor Jake, Zombie Jake, Evelyn, Cyseal, Investigation, The Conduit, Source, The Immaculates, Source Hunters, Zixzax, Homestead Hall, End of Time, Astarte, The Trife, Trife, Leandra, Icara, Braccus Rex, Death Knights, Luculla Mines, Hunter's Edge
Id: mLeQfJIIzR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 17sec (8897 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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