The Story Of Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Supercut

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our story started at the mansion of an aldori sword lord drawn by the promise of a most dangerous task and a commensurately huge reward heroes of all stripes gathered here what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you our story of pathfinder king maker so couple of qualifiers one only really focusing on the main story here not covering a lot of side content mostly just trying to convey the main story and all of the story beats that go with it as we traverse the game second thing obviously by the very nature of this video tons of spoilers which you think i wouldn't have to mention but nonetheless there's a comment on at least every one of these style of videos i do where someone complains about it now when we kick the game off we start in the aldori mansion the mansion of one jumandi aldori we are in a bit of a crowd of gathered heroes that have all been invited here for some reason now as our characters on screen are squabbling back and forth jamandi herself comes to address the gathering jumandi explains that she wants to establish a barony or at least several baronies in the stolen lands now if you press her during this conversation obviously she'll tell you that she's not just doing this out of the kindness of her heart she's doing it for the benefit of rostland which is where she is from which is the country that she is from now because you find this out fairly quickly i'm just going to go ahead and explain it essentially jumandi wants you to establish a barony in the stolen lands because jumandi and the sword lords are a prominent house of rostland which is a country in brevo brevo is actually a kind of like big country made up of two smaller countries rossland and isiah as i mentioned the aldori sword lords are the biggest house in rostland in isia there is another giant house known as house sertova these two groups don't get along and ever since the leader who united the two countries died coral the conqueror or didn't necessarily die but disappeared rather these two countries have been at each other's throats and basically jumandi is trying to establish allies for the inevitable future conflict as she sees it now once jamandi has kind of explained things she'll ask you to set off in the morning and basically enjoy the festivities and stay the night as soon as this is over we will meet a small halfling named lindsay who is actually the narrator that we've heard up to this point as well as writing the story of the game now once we've had this conversation we can exit the hall and go to spend the night however almost immediately will be woken up by none other than lindsay and she'll explain that the mansion has been attacked by assassins now this section of the game focuses largely on being a tutorial for mechanics and things like that but you'll be attacked right after lindsay rushes out of the room by an assassin you'll need to kill this guy and move on and a little ways up the hallway you can meet lindsay as well as tartusio now this guy spoiler alert and again you learn it very quickly he's not your friend as the intro might have told you as he's been incredibly rude the entire time but he'll join your party as you guys try to save yourselves from these assassins but also tartusio will give you a ring which is essentially a ring of protection but it's a specific item basically it just gives you a plus one to your armor class you can choose to put it on or not now as you continue exploring you're going to run into amiri another character from the gathering from earlier she is a barbarian obviously likes the straightforward options as she rushes several enemies you can help her in this fight and just pass this we'll go into a bit of an in-game cinematic where we see a large giant come in led by the assassins now we're going to cross this large hall that that happened in and find ourselves passing an armory now in order to get the key to the next room we have to go into the armory where the key is so as we're searching the armory tartusio basically is like hey man we should steal all this stuff you can choose to do so or not but once you get the key you can move up to the next hallway upon doing so you'll run into jaithal she explains very quickly that the reason everyone around her is dead and she isn't is because they hit a bunch of poison traps and she is undead and basically the type of damage these traps do don't do anything to her she refuses to explain how or why she's undead at the time but again she'll join your party and you guys can carry on this is where you'll run into treasure rooms up a bit from you so you'll run into some bandits talking about a hidden room in the mansion you can choose to take some time to find a hidden room with some treasure in it if you so choose there's actually two separate rooms here but basically these rooms with the statues you'll find just north of here if you can get all the statues to raise their swords and all of them to lower their swords each one of those options will open a room you can get some extra loot now once we get out into the proper courtyard area just past this area and we kill the assassins there we'll run into kayesi who is a tiefling she is actually a companion that is included with the wild cards i believe it is dlc but regardless she's a dlc companion i guess is what i'm trying to tell you and then we can also talk to harem so harem is a cleric and if you go talk to him as he seems to have been injured by the assassins it turns out that he's just fine he's just being dramatic because he is a cleric of grotus which is like the inevitable end kind of thing the dude's a bit of an emo but if we go forward here after we've convinced harem to join us we can speak with kesten kesten is like the head guard he's in the courtyard just next to this fiery door here now he directs you to go help lady jumandi who's you know presumably the target of all these assassins right and once you are done with this conversation and speaking with kesten you can move into the fiery room that you have to go through to reach lady jumandi and this is where we are introduced to text events so every once in a while throughout the game you run into these like text events where it plays out through these story choices and you know there's like skill checks associated with them that you can like pass or fail and ultimately you'll pass or succeed the event now in this event we kind of meet our next companion or potential companion valerie valerie is a tower shield fighter and she is trying to help some guards that are caught in this fire during the text event to safety you can choose to help her or not and once that's done the next room right after this area is the exit where we will then come to a bit of a boss fight of sorts where we need to help lady jamandi fight off the assassins as she fights the giant frost enemy from earlier now she's going to take care of the giant but all you have to do is kill all the other assassins in the room which isn't too bad because it's the tutorial of course now once jamandi has been saved we need to speak to her of course to carry on now this will initiate a bit of a scripted conversation and this is where we find out that obviously somebody let these assassins in somebody open the gate for them which means jumanji has a spy among people gathered here and our friend let's say tartusio immediately tries to throw you under the bus making it pretty clear he's probably the spy now if you have that ring on you actually like equipped that he gave you earlier then he'll try to use that as a means to point you out as the spot but you can deny it of course now regardless of whether or not you pass or fail any of these checks jumandi basically says that she can't definitively rule out either of you being the spy so she is going to split all of the people gathered here into two teams and send you both off to the stolen lands immediately while she conducts an investigation as to who the spy might actually be now this is interesting this part right here so depending on what you chose to do throughout this tutorial certain companions will choose to join you and certain companions will choose to join tartusio this is also the first conversation where alignment this is also the first conversation where alignment choices come up anytime you see an alignment in parentheses means that is the alignment associated with that thing you're saying and we'll move your alignment towards that anytime we see an alignment choice in brackets that choice requires that alignment as opposed to moving your alignment towards it now that ends the tutorial section of the game and we move on to the world map now the world map is pretty straightforward you can only really move along the dotted lines that you see and there is a fog of war where you will need to kind of you know move along the dotted lines of course to explore and find areas now you can see the map itself at pretty much any time but there's a small fog of war that will hide locations that you will then have to like explore around and find things right now our road only goes one way you will be accosted about halfway to oleg's trading post which is where we are headed first which is where jamandi sends us to first and once that encounter resolves itself the game tries to give you the tutorial on the rest mechanic which i'll spare you guys from but once that's dealt with and whether or not you chose to rest we can make our way to oleg's trading post now immediately upon arriving at oleg's trading post we see someone running out of the trading post and upon entering we see bandits accosting none other than oleg that the post is named after getting accosted by these bandits who claim to be collecting taxes for the stag lord now we learned at jamandi's mansion that the stag lord is our target she's sending us to the stolen lands to kill this guy and thus once we take him out of power we can stake our claim on his land thus establishing our barony now we can fight these bandits right here there's a woman named kressel who will leave this fight if it happens right here and we'll get into that a little bit more later so once we take out these bandits vetlana will come out who is actually oleg's wife and you can talk to them both and they will explain that these bandits will likely be back in greater numbers to basically assault the trading post after this just happened now we can take this moment to poke around the trading post and actually prepare for this fight so we can splatter oil near the front door if we find it we can convince the guy who ran out of the trading post when we first arrived to help us fight as well as set up traps in the oil and stuff that we lay down to help catch the bandits and when we are ready we can speak to oleg to initiate this fight by waiting essentially oleg will ask us if we would like him to use his alchemist fire to set the uh you know bandits on fire basically as they come running through the gate you can agree to that or not doesn't really matter so once these bandits show up after you've talked to oleg and waited all of the preparations that you've made or didn't make will go off and then you'll be forced to fight these bandits now once this is done oleg will invite you to rest upstairs as this is basically an inn so you'll need to do just that you'll need to go upstairs and rest so once you rest in the bed after a couple hours you'll be woken by none other than some sort of nymph like a spirit of the forest who tells you to call herself the guardian of the bloom now she'll beg you to help take out the stag lord which you know you're already going to do that anyway to establish your barony and she will point you towards the thorn ford saying that she used her powers to find out that some of the stag lords bandits are camped there she also explains that the stag lord seems to be responsible for a fog that is surrounding the area now this is important to note because all this fog actually is is essentially a barrier to the rest of the map to keep you in the appropriate area for the chapter you'll find stuff like this throughout the game basically areas they don't want you going to yet you can't because there will be some sort of barrier like this sometimes it's guards on the road type stuff in this particular chapter it happens to be fog but after this we complete our rest and now that we have a location to track down we can do so so oleg's trading post for the rest of this chapter will act as a bit of a base it is where we can rest safely without worrying about being attacked you can speak to your assembled companions as well as buy and trade things from oleg and boken boken is the guy who ran out of the fort earlier and may or may not have helped you he's an alchemist now as we leave oleg's trading post guaranteed we will run into a man named remus remus seems to be out of sorts basically he's meant to be like a crazy traveler guy and he'll say a bunch of crazy things to you and then out of nowhere he'll point you to tartusio's trail which is more or less on the way to thorn ford which is where we were headed to meet the stag lords bandits or at least find them i should say now this is interesting because if you head to the tomb that remus points you towards first you'll actually meet tartusio there now that's important because if you meet him there he's having the companions he took with him and some mercenaries look for signs of some artifact there but more importantly what you can do here is use the diplomacy skill to convince one of the companions he took with him to join your team which is a great opportunity to help fill out your team because you'll only have four members as opposed to the max of six now if tartusio is there and then he leaves as soon as the combat starts because you know he sicks his mercenaries on you and then like walks away basically but once this fight is over and we go to the exit a text event will start to track down tartusio you can fail this text event it's very possible to do so but it's not a big deal if you do if you do pass it you'll find yourself in a clearing where tartusio has taken on the guise of a kabold and is directing kabul's to help him search for this artifact that he mentioned earlier now again he'll run away here but you'll know that kind of where he is is around the area of the old sycamore now if you failed it you won't get this part either way we'll get back to that a little later for now we're headed to the thorn ford so we're gonna find the stag lord's bandits there you can kill them the woman cressel from earlier will be there and if you are a good aligned character you can choose to spare her which helps with the ending slides for oleg's trading post but honestly it doesn't really matter if you kill her in the bandits camp we will find a prisoner there we can release him his name is jod kavkin he is a cleric of a rastal the elk god who was sent by none other than a rastal himself because he got visions to find the elk temple as it has apparently been desecrated in some way he'll ask you to find it and says if you find it you know please tell him and he'll go back to oleg's trading post at this point now from here if we search the bandit camp we'll find two things of note one our written orders to kressel to go burn down this old hut we heard mention of this old hut from the nymph who mentioned that it's important to the stag lord for some reason but she didn't know where it was once we get these written orders the old hud's location will be revealed on our map and we can go there the other important thing we can find here if you have the appropriate skills to do so that is is a secret cache of wine in the bandit camp apparently it was supposed to get sent back to the stag lord you can choose to poison this wine in the hopes that you know it gets sent back to the stag lord's fort wherever that is and it gets them all poisoned however i will point out that you just killed all these bandits so how this wine is getting back there makes zero sense but nonetheless you can do it and then from here we can leave thorn forward and head out to the old hut that is now revealed on our map now upon arriving we'll meet with the nymph from earlier who will show us visions so to speak of the past as we explore the area it turns out that this old hut is the stag lord's old house where we can learn through these visions that he was actually abused by his father who was a very terrible person basically it looks like his mom died and his dad just kind of lost it and you know was an awful human being to his son who later turned into the stag lord somehow he managed to gain the confidence and overcome his dad and took him prisoner his dad is a druid now once we learn these things through these visions we can find a shrine of sorts to the elk god a rastal at this point the nymph will point out that it's probably you know a temple of the elk thing which we had just heard about from jodh as well so once we do this the temple of the elk will be revealed on our map and the nymph will explain that whatever is causing this fog that she needs removed to help you know reveal where the stag lord is is likely being caused by whatever is happening at the temple of the elk which would make sense because jod also told us that it seemed to have been being desecrated which is why he was receiving visions from his god now from here we're going to head down to the temple of the elk the nymph once you arrive at the temple will warn you of beasts which are kind of all around the outer edge of the map but the most important thing here is that there is a large bear attacking a man at the steps of the temple once we kill that bear and talk to the man who's being attacked it turns out to be a guy named tristan who is a priest of sorts who was there trying to cleanse the corruption himself it would seem now he'll explain that he thinks the fog is being caused by these beasts that have gathered around it after whatever ritual was performed that caused this fog so to clear it out basically you need to kill all of these corrupted beasts now if you've already killed all of them then it's done however if you talk to tristan and they're not all dead you'll have to go kill them and then talk to them again and then tristan will explain that this should clear the fog out but you know it'll be a waiting game now what this actually is is a bit of a hurry up and weight type barrier so essentially what you need to do now is resolve the quest around tartusio which will effectively then clear the fog out basically you have to do this as well as resolve tartusio's quest and then the fog will be cleared out at that point now tristan will offer to join our party as well which can nab us another follower this is a good time to mention that at some point as we're traveling through the area of the world map we will be stopped at a random encounter that is unavailable and it turns out to be a mage named kalana of the technic league the technic league are slavers essentially they try to take you and your companions as slaves obviously you can fight with them or knowing that you can't beat them so you know if you feel like you can't you can offer up one of your party as a slave and then track them down now once this event is solved it'll start another text event as soon as you leave the event area and you can use this to track down the technically encampment again it's possible to fail this at which point you'll just have to go find the encampment now once there we can kill all of these slavers in the area and upon doing so we can meet octavia and raganagar i think i'm pronouncing his name right i have no idea these are also two available companions for us and once we kill the slavers and free octavia and raganagar we can offer them to join our party and we can choose what to do with kalana either kill her spare her let the octavia or ragangar kill them whatever and we can and then you know have them as party members should we so choose now this brings us back to the old sycamore so if you failed the text event to follow tartusio from the ancient tomb and you go to the old sycamore first because you will have to do that then i'll explain what happens either way once you get to the old sycamore you're going to meet kestin from jamande's mansion again kestin will explain that they concluded the investigation they proved that tartusio was in fact the spy who let the assassins in at jumandi's mansion kesten will then if you failed the text event from earlier mark the location that completing that text event would have marked on your map and you know you would have arrived at immediately if you failed that text event you have to go talk to kesten go back to i believe pine patch is the name of the place have the scene with tartusio where he is disguised as a kabold and then runs off to the old sycamore at which point you have to come back to the old sycamore and then go about events there because if you arrive at the old sycamore without having done the pine patch part you can't get into the dungeon we need to get into to carry on with the story so essentially it will give you a different map of the old sycamore that doesn't let us do what we need to do but either way kessin will ask us to apprehend tartusio and sets us about our business so once we have that scene with tartusio being a kabold we can go to the old sycamore to you know find him as he continues to search for this relic he keeps mentioning that now he's trying to wrap these kabuls up in now once we are at the old sycamore and we have that part out of the way and we move up the path we will run into some mites and some kabolds in a disagreement shall we say about their respective relics and if you talk to them you'll find out that essentially what's happening here is that a civilization of mites and a civilization of kobolds both live under the sycamore tree they both have a sacred relic tartusio came the purple kabold as they call him and stole the kabul's relic in order to get into the inner sanctum under the old sycamore where he could then find this relic which is apparently where it is the kabolds thinking the mites stole this relic from them decided to steal their relic the mites relic essentially our long-term goal here is to get the mites relic so we can open the inner sanctum so we can confront tartusio because that's where he is we can learn that from talking to these two chieftains of each kabold and mites respectively if we are neutral we can actually persuade both of them to let us investigate while they fight each other otherwise you can pick a side you can either pick to side with the mites or pick to side with the kabolds or you can choose to just kill all of them now the best ending for this area in the in slides at the end of the game is to pick the neutral option now that is a required neutral choice so if you're not playing a neutral character you'll have to either pick a side or kill all of them now i chose to side with the kabolds in this particular instance because i'm choosing to roleplay a lawful evil character for this playthrough and moreover siding with the kobolds make it easier to go to the dungeon underneath the old sycamore map where we can then go talk to the kabul leader chief suit scale who will then just give us the mites relic that we need now from here we actually have to go to the opposite side of this dungeon which is where the might slayer is which is where the queen of the mites retreats to if we choose to side with the kabul's or you know regardless of how it plays out that's where she retreats to and it is from her little throne room area that we can get into the inner sanctum now this dungeon is actually separated in half and there is a second dungeon which is like basement level two shall we say where you can traverse to either side of the separated first level now once you fix the passage which requires you to be on both sides of it at some point you can then traverse that first level without too much of a hassle but regardless once we have the mites relic we need to go to the mites queen's throne room where we can find tartusio in the inner sanctum which we need the mites relic to open now obviously with us taking sides or not if we're neutral we can either choose to kill the queen of the mites or chief suit scale of the kabolds depending on you know who we chose that will become a small side quest if you chose the side with one of the factions if we are neutral neither of them will be hostile which makes this entire encounter so much easier but regardless once we have that relic we've dealt with that situation and we can get to the might's throne room we can activate the door with the mites relic to get into the inner sanctum where we can confront tartusio as we walk in we see tartusio using a portal to send whatever relic he gathered from under this tree to his master now if we press him about it during a quick conversation he refuses to tell us what it is because he's not that dumb as he likes to put it and you will have to fight him there is no way to talk your way around this so once tartusio is dead we can collect some things off his body but that pretty much resolves it and then we have to go back to kestin at oleg's trading post and explain what happened that basically we weren't able to apprehend him however as we go to leave the area we get a shortcut scene where a mysterious figure makes some weird comments and resurrects tartusio now we can't do anything with this at the time we can't go back and see what happened essentially we just know that he was resurrected and we can leave the area so we head back to oleg's trading post and once we do so the nymph will actually confront us at the gates and explain that the fog is cleared and she will reveal the location of the stag lord's fort to us now which now that this is done we can go take care of but while we're at alleged trading post we can go talk to kesten who is inside the inn tell him that while we weren't able to apprehend tartusio he is dead now kestin says great you complete that quest and now we can head out to the stag lord's fortress to kill him and finally establish our barony now we can go straight to the stag lord's fort nothing really stopping us at this point once we get there things get fun you this can actually go a lot of ways a lot goes into this stag lords forward area it's really cool so we can sneak our way in or we can go right up to the gate so if we go to the far left we can hop over the gate or we can go right up to the front gate we can try to bluff our way in saying that we are the new recruits it's worth noting if we go try to bluff our way in and we fail and then we go try to sneak over we'll instantly alert the guards so if you're gonna try to sneak in you need to do it first because if you fail the bluff check it just is what it is if you go up to the gates you can actually choose to just challenge the stag lord in honorable combat which is like the worst thing you can do because it'll skip to a fight you'll have to fight the entire camp all at once it's incredibly difficult would not recommend it so either bluffing or sneaking our way into the camp or you know just uh trying to go through the front gate and you know having to jump over the wall or whatever and then fighting all the guards as we fight groups of guards inside the stag lord's fort once they are down to one enemy in a group so there's usually like groups of three or four here and there once only one of them is alive they'll make a run for the alarm bell if he reaches the alarm bell he will set off the alarm and the stag lord will be you know notified and that fight sequence will convince it's important that that doesn't happen if you want to do like all the little side things you can do in the fort so you might want to save a lot in this area because save scumming might be your best friend right here so some of the things we can do here are convince one of his lieutenants to actually help us fight him we can kill two of his other lieutenants or let them go if we so choose or let one of them go rather and kill the other one if we choose to let him go he does pop back up later so honestly i just recommend killing him right here the one that tries to offer you a deal for the sake of his life and then lastly you've probably noticed an owl bear in a cage at the center of this fort we can go up to the gate if we pass a lore nature check we can convince the owl bear to actually help us and not see us as a foe we can lock the gate better so it doesn't escape or we can pass a strength check to just kill the thing without you know entering the cage now as a bit of a spoiler basically once the fight with the stag lord starts this owl bear is gonna break out of its cage if we don't do anything so we can either befriend it so when it breaks out of the cage it helps us we can lock the cage better so it doesn't get out at all or we can just kill it out right but all three require us to pass a check now once all of that's done and we've killed all the roving bands of bandits in the camp ideally we can approach the stag lord's fort at which point the stag lord will you know come out and start the fight now the difficulty of this depends on what you did of all of the things that i just mentioned also if you poisoned the wine earlier at thorne ford the stag lord will get a debuff as well again i want to point out that you killed every band at that camp so how they got the wine back to the fort or why they would trust that wine is beyond me but whatever at this point you'll have to kill the stag lord after you know all of the consequences of the decisions you've made up to this point play out if you can get the albert to help you out that that is actually really cool that was a fun time but regardless once you've killed the stag lord i recommend you loot his body he's got a lot of good loot especially at this level so take all of his gear and then you can explore inside of his little uh fort shall we say which is really just like a cabin to be honest but you can actually find his dad in there locked up in a cell if you open it he becomes immediately hostile and tries to kill you so you can kill his dad if you want to but once we've looted and done everything we want to do here we need to head back to oleg's trading post and tell oleg the good news that the stag lord is dead at this point oleg will recommend we head back to restov and explain to jumandi that you know we've killed the stag lord and we're ready to claim our barony however you can choose to be like you know hold on i've got some unfinished business now as soon as you tell oleg you're ready to go tell jumandi things you'll skip back to jamande's mansion and chapter one will end so that is going to wrap up part one of our pathfinder kingmaker story series i hope you enjoyed it it's a very strong intro to the game i actually enjoy it quite a bit but regardless thank you so much for watching more parts will hopefully be up soon until we have the entire story of the game up at which point i will make a super cut but again thank you so much for watching may wander in wisdom and have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you part two of our story series for pathfinder king maker just as a reminder we are only really focused on the main story we're not covering a ton of side content unless it specifically relates to the main story in some way and i'm not really going over the companions too much again except for the moments where the companions are tied to the main story last we left off we had just liberated a portion of the stolen lands from the stag lord and we needed to report back to jumandi about our success so we can speak to oleg whenever we are ready to do that and then it will teleport us back to jumandi's mansion where we started the game at we find ourselves in a small room where we can speak to jumandi and she will explain more of the political situation that i've already explained to you in part one of this series so we won't go over it again and she'll tell you that when she's giving you this barony she's going to assign you an envoy which is her adopted son casil aldouri then we find ourselves in a banquet hall enjoying the feast in celebration what we need to do here is speak to guests this is actually pretty interesting because we can meet some people of note there is lander labeta i think his name is as well as a woman from house certova which is the aldori sword lord's rivals natalya is the head like certova person and then she suggests maybe instead of taking casille as an envoy with you perhaps you should take on her envoy chandra instead and she subtly implies that you know your nation might not last so long under amicable terms with the sword lords again just exploring more of that political strife i've already explained lander is another envoy you could potentially take if you so choose you can also speak to magar varn who actually conquered varnhold which you can relive through the dlc varnholds lot varnhold is the area like directly next to the area you took in the stolen lands and we will actually talk more about that in a later episode we can also talk to one hannes draliv who is the third person that was actually sent to the stolen lands who's supposed to be taking over the area of glenaban we can also find kyesi again which is the chiefling from the prologue of the game who decided not to follow ourselves or tartusio into the stolen lands but rather stick around rest of she will approach us explaining that she has found word of a treasure that resides in the lands you are about to take over so once the ceremony is over she asks you to meet her in your capital or what will be your capital and talk to her about it which is how you can take her on as a companion provided you have the appropriate dlc to do so now when you're ready and you've spoken to all these people we can go talk to jumandi at the front of the feast hall and begin the ceremony now this is where we earn the title of baron and are formally granted our barony to start dealing with now it is right at this moment right before this actually you can talk to jomondi and basically demand a different envoy you can take her adopted son which is the default option you can take lander lebeda or you can take a chandra now truthfully the first option is actually the best option the adopted son of jumandi is actually probably the best person to take slight spoiler warning for future episodes but if you take the other two they wind up leaving you high and dry later in the game one of them will come back to help you later but honestly i don't recommend it you're probably just better off taking casille or castle how we pronounce that guy's name now after this the game jumps forward about six months or so and you arrive in your new capital you will be greeted by kestin the head of the guard for jumandi who has now been assigned to help you in addition to casill and he will give you a tour of the capital kind of explaining what things are where things are he'll also explain that this capital has actually been established in place of the stag lord's old fort so where that fort was is our new capital you can also explain that all of the companions we've picked up up to this point are in town somewhere and then right after our tour we get an explanation on kingdom management now for the sake of this playthrough we are going to have it set on automatic simply because it's not really related to the main story that much but typically speaking during the game you would actually have to manage your own kingdom i gave a bit more information on that in my review after 100 of this game if you're interested but suffice to say we're not really going to talk about kingdom management outside of how it relates to the main story now after this we will be greeted by jod and tristan they will explain to us that following the desecration of the temple of the elk there seems to be a spot nearby the capital where a similar magic feels like it's at play basically the area around there seems to be cursed so we're going to talk about this curse for a second simply because this is important so the ancient curse is a seven part quest i'm explaining it this way because what the actual ancient curse is is a time gate so essentially during each chapter of the game prior to the last few chapters which happened one right after the other during most of the chapters of the game you'll get an ancient curse phase where basically you're given an allotted amount of time usually like six months to a year of in-game days where the curse will be building in power and then at the end of that time the curse will come to fruition you'll have to head to a certain area to fend off the initial attack wave as well as do a kingdom management event to curb the curse and then it begins the next phase after that now each phase typically speaking outside of like one or two exceptions falls in line with the chapters of the game essentially the in-game chapters are timed by this curse you have so much time to complete them or your game fails because you didn't address the problem and it grew in so much power it essentially took over your barony is kind of the thinking there so basically just know that the ancient curse is a timer on the game now after this we can exit the throne room where we will be met by the nymph who was guiding us through chapter one and she will ask us to meet her alone at a location called verdant chambers there is a lot of foreshadowing that like maybe this isn't a good idea the journal's like i don't know that this is a good idea like even stuff like that because the journal is written as our companion lindsay's uh voice or whatever so there's a lot of foreshadowing now surprise surprise when you go there alone because it won't trigger otherwise but once you go there alone the guardian of the bloom the nymph that's been helping us actually betrays and ambushes us we don't get much explanation for this at the time simply that clearly she needed our help getting rid of the stag lord and then tried to kill us immediately afterwards now as an encounter i actually kind of hate this so you're alone she'll summon a bunch of very high level monsters to confront you in an effort to kill you obviously and you're by yourself this is an encounter where you're basically just trying to escape you're not trying to fight or kill these monsters because realistically while it is technically possible it would be incredibly difficult and require a lot of safe scum and lucky dice rolls now the annoying part about this is that escaping this encounter is actually heavily favored towards martial characters basically anyone with a high athletics or a high mobility skill because when you click on this tree in the middle of the area she's going to start the ambush and ideally what you want to do is pass the athletics check behind you scale the wall follow the wall down to a mobility check which will then lead you to an exit map and you'll only have to fight like maybe one monster the problem with this is if your character is not specced for the incredibly high athletics check climbing the wall behind you requires at the time it is a 22 requirement athletics check which means you need a 22 dice roll to actually pass it so you know your 1 through 20 dice roll and then modifiers to bring you up to 22. which at this point in the game is a fairly decently high skill check and again most martial characters should be able to pass this at the time the problem is if you're paying like a caster or a ranged character who's probably not going to have that athletics check that's going to be a real pain because at that point if you absolutely cannot pass this athletics check what you have to do is use a potion of invisibility to sneak past all of the monsters and around the wall of the castle or whatever kind of structure it is here to get to that second mobility check this encounter sucks it's not impossible it's just unnecessarily difficult and i don't find it very balanced for characters especially when they specifically send you there alone i mean i get that she's trying to kill you but also it feels just unfair on any difficulty you are on now around this time we will have been given a 30-day countdown to the initial start of the ancient curse that i mentioned earlier we have a couple weeks to start getting our bearings before things start happening with the actual next chapter that we find ourselves in so after a couple of weeks we will get reports of trolls causing trouble in our barony and the chapter troll trouble will start now you can actually go to the area's associated with troll trouble beforehand but nothing will be started yet until you get that initial report in your throne room about trolls starting to attack your barony now this usually happens with about a couple of weeks to go until the initial ancient curse which again is a 30 day timer so just keep in mind at some point you'll have to swing back around do the ancient curse part which will then give you like a six month timer to complete troll trouble in now the first part of troll trouble and keep in mind from here all of these might not necessarily be in order because of the way the game plays and flows i'm going to try to present it in a manner that makes the most sense but keep in mind some of this stuff might not be in order specifically as it would happen now very near to our capital a ford at skunk river i believe the location is called we can meet jubilost and tartuk remember tartuk is actually tartucio's disguise from act one but essentially at this ford in the river we can find a bunch of gnomes being assaulted by kabul's and after the initial wave is fended off tartuk appears and attacks you guys again after he buffs some more kabul's to send at you you can point out that he's supposed to be tartusio he gets angry and just you know buffs the kobolds and sends them at you and then nopes out and leaves now at this point we can speak to the gnome known as jubalost who can be our companion after this so what we need to do here we can either have him join us right now or we are forced to wait until later because his cart is slowly getting uh you know swept down rivers you need to save his cart if you fail the text event associated with that he will not join you until you discover the layer of the trolls however if you succeed in the text event he'll join your party immediately truthfully it doesn't really matter he is my least favorite companion but he has a quest where you need to take him to where the troll layer is so if you get him to join you immediately it just kind of helps that be a little less annoying i should probably mention that once we get that initial report of trolls our real goal for troll trouble is to investigate what is going on with these trolls where they are coming from and how we can get them to stop attacking our barony now the ultimate actual goal of this is to simply find their lair and take out their leader but we have to find all the relevant information first now at some point we will get a random encounter with a man named dalton after we save dalton's life from trolls he will explain that for whatever reason some of these trolls don't seem to be afraid of fire at all because normally what kills a troll is fire and acid and pathfinder you actually do have to use a fire or acid spell to officially put a troll down they will not be completely dead until you do so you can knock them to the ground but they will eventually get back up unless you actually use fire acid to kill them now dalton will explain that this is very odd of course and that you should go check on a mage who lives nearby who studies trolls this will give us access to the lone house where we can go and find a bunch of bandits in the woods we can kill them where we can eventually find our way to a house where we can meet bartholomew delgado bartholomew is a mage and he is out here studying trolls because he is trying to use their regenerative properties and you know use them on humans so they would maybe have the same properties now we quickly learn if we're following this that he's an unsavory guy he's doing this by absolutely mutilating a troll named dimwit however from delgado we can also learn that the reason some of these trolls are resistant to fire is because they are having a fire resist spell branded onto their skin now we can either tell bartholomew to cut out the experiments here or we can let him continue if you force him to stop the experiments he'll no longer talk to you and you lose him as a potential advisor which i'll get into a little bit later now the next place we can explore is the ruined watch tower this is where we can find another potential companion ikundayo so ikundayo was a carpenter in a village before his family and the entire village besides him was killed by trolls so he's been tracking them and you know slowly hunting them all down he has a bunch of leads as to where you can find trolls in the area and more importantly he has a quest where he wants to kill a very specific troll a rock troll to be specific named car god or car gad now unlike the trolls you've been facing up to this point cargad is a rock troll which means he is not able to be out in sunlight without you know petrifying now once we've recruited yukundayo and we have his leads that he can give us we can track those leads down two of them we can learn a bit more about the trolls and one of them is actually the location of the troll layer which normally you wouldn't know but you know we're getting to that the two that are not the troll layer we can learn that the kobolds are being treated as equals to trolls that kabold and trolls seem to be helping each other and moreover we can find a group of kobolds looking to go find tartuk which we know as tartusio and we can point them in the right direction we can kill them outright we can kind of do whatever but you know we learn some things from this conversation then we can go on our way the other thing we can learn is simply the name of the leader of the trolls her goka her golka is the person all of these trolls are rallying around which truthfully by itself isn't that useful in information because we'll have learned that regardless but at this point the only thing left to do really is actually go to the dwarven ruins which is the subject of harem side quest you'll have been given up to this point already it is also where jubalost would like to go and it is also where cargat is that we can kill for yukundayo however before you go to the troll place i would actually recommend waiting a little while because after we visit the mage at the lone house for the first time if we wait a little while we can get a follow-up quest in our throne room where essentially the troll attacks have increased in pace and specifically they seem to be trying to get to the lone house and attack bartholomew for whatever reason so you are sent there to check up on the mage a second time now this time when we go there we find all of his house and things under attack by trolls trying to kill the guy so if we get to him we ideally need to save him from the trolls however i will mention that on any of the higher difficulties that is pretty difficult to do if his health drops all the way down you can't save him he won't die immediately you will get to talk to him after the fight but if his health hits zero here then it's done ideally you want to save him but we'll get to that so kill the trolls including dimwit who have turned on bartholomew and have attacked him now once you talk to him if he is alive or if he's dying he will give you the same quest called a guiding beacon which will then reveal the location of the troll layer if you haven't already found it yet but again if you talk to ikundayo one of his leads is the troll layer so ideally you would have already found this out a guiding beacon can also give you the location in addition to this in addition to asking us to go find an item that was stolen by the trolls and taken to this layer which is how he's able to tell you the location of the layer to begin with if you do that quest successfully and then report back to bartholomew he can potentially be one of your advisors if you recruit him to your court that is important because those instances throughout the game are very rare most of your advisors are your companions so having advisors that aren't your companions are there's only like maybe a handful of them throughout the game let alone ones you can actually recruit so if you can stomach the fact that this guy is clearly a bit of a sycophant who is experimenting and mutilating trolls by all means recruit him to your circle now it's worth mentioning real quick before we get to the last part of this video that while he might be doing unsavory things to trolls you need to understand that in pathfinder trolls eat humans that is what they do we are like their number one food source if they can eat anything ideally it's us so keep in mind you know all that mutilation isn't wholly unfounded but you know it's still like not a great thing to be doing now when we're ready we can set off to the dwarven ruins now once we get there we quickly discover that this is in fact the layer of the trolls the trolls themselves are calling this tro bold which we can learn from the first troll we meet along the path named jazon now we can get quite a bit from jizon so we can attack him outright if we want yes but if we take the time to talk to him we find out that tartuk has actually been teaching these trolls common which is why jazon is actually so fluent in it and can talk to us basically as well as a normal human or you know cynthia being would talk to us now more importantly jizan is about as civil as a troll gets so if you are playing a lawful character you can use a required lawful choice to get brought to the inside of the keep and skip the outside portion of this area which essentially lets you skip a whole map and will save you a lot of time if you have the lawful alignment required to use it in addition we are going to meet jason later in this dungeon and as we use this lawful alignment choice we can actually spare his life and he'll just leave but either way once we get inside the keep we will meet her golka at the entrance he will explain that the reason the trolls have grown so bold and everything lately is that tartuk met her goka and was the first to brand him with this fire resist spell making them stronger and then tartook took the time to basically teach them so these trolls have become a real threat to you know regular villages and stuff that said her goka will run away from this initial meeting to retreat into his lair to prepare to fight you which is where we have to start making our way through the dungeon now if we go left of the initial entrance is where we can find kargad where we can resolve ikundayo's quest one way or the other ideally you want to have him with you but even if you don't killing kargad does resolve that part of the quest now after this we just have to make our way through the dungeon and find her golka and tartuk's lair now there is a lot of good treasure around the dwarven ruins not really the focus of this video but that dungeon is definitely worth like actually exploring and like finding everything because you get a lot of very good loot from this place now once we make our way to the very end of the dungeon we find her goka tartuk and a dwarven anvil that is obviously magical in nature so it becomes quickly apparent that tartuk found this dwarven anvil and was using its magic to brand the trolls which is where they were getting their fire resistance from and coincidentally it is this anvil right here that is the subject of harem's quest and why he wanted to go to the dwarven ruins to begin with so that's just a side note and speaking of juba lost quest you literally just have to bring him to the outside portion of the dwarven ruins and then that's it that that quest resolves itself it seemed a little pointless to me but nonetheless that is how you finish that one now when you meet her golka and tartuk this can go a lot of ways now you're going to wind up fighting her goku here pretty much guaranteed but again this can go a lot of ways so let me explain you can use a required evil choice to have her golka kill tartuk and basically explain that you know tartuk was using him which actually isn't true but you can use that evil alignment choice to have her goku kill tartuk and then you just have to fight her golka but assuming you don't use that choice you're going to need to fight tartuk and her golka depending on which one you kill first it matters if you actually killed both of them and if you just kill her goka then you know he's the kind of the default choice but the one you kill first matters because the one you kill first will actually die in this fight and then once you get the other one to a low health they will stop to talk to you both of them can then be recruited if you have a chaotic alignment you can actually vassalize the trolls or the kabul's ideally you want to pick tartuk honestly the trolls aren't going to help you out that much tartuk will explain that when he was resurrected from being tartucio under the old sycamore as part of part one it seems to have fully transformed him into the kabul disguise he was wearing so what was initially an illusion became his actual appearance because when he was raised as one it appears to have cursed him in some manner there is a very difficult to get ending to this game where that is required knowledge you have to like pick that up that tartuk was cursed in some way basically just any and everything you can learn about curses but we'll get into more of that at the appropriate time now regardless of whether or not you have the chaotic alignment required to recruit these two as vassals to your barony you can choose to just let them go now with her golka you won't see him again anymore or her i don't really know if you choose to let tartuk go you will see him again at the very very end of the game regardless of whether or not you could recruit him and that once that situation is resolved ends the threat of trolls to your barony which concludes the chapter two portion of the actual main story of this game however ideally you want to do this as quickly as possible because this will give you the rest of the ancient curse timer on part two of it to go explore and fill out your barony that is a running theme as that is mostly side content we're not really going to focus on it and our next portion of these videos will pick up where the ancient curse ends for part two and begins chapter three which will be called season of bloom but in the meantime thank you guys so much for watching i truly enjoy and love making these videos so if anybody gets anything out of them it means a lot to me can't thank you guys enough for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you part three of our story of pathfinder king maker series in our last episode we completed troll trouble and i was going through the interlude portion of the game until act 3 season of bloom started so there are two events in between chapters 2 and chapters 3 or acts whatever you want to call them that are noteworthy before we jump into things one while we are waiting for chapter 3 to start we will get remus in our throne room if you remember remus is the odd man we met as we left oleg trading post for the very first time he will be rambling about some goddess much like before he's a bit of an incoherent mess now truthfully how you resolve this situation doesn't matter all that much the main thing i want to get across here is that he's speaking about a goddess of the stolen lands the next random event well not exactly random but the next event we get in our throne room before chapter three starts that is important is with one wireless wheelis i don't know exactly how to pronounce that name gunderson and he will ask you to investigate an island that is supposedly cursed for him now in this particular playthrough had already been to the island and discovered what i needed to discover so i could resolve this immediately upon him entering the throne room basically you can explain that it wasn't cursed there were just you know some series of unfortunate events happening there and more importantly after this he heads towards varnhold and a section of the map called tours of lebanese i believe i've got that right and what this actually is is for shadowing for an upcoming chapter but it's important that you know that wireless gunderson headed towards varnhold after this is done once enough in-game days have passed after we've completed troll trouble eventually we will get an event in our throne room where our envoy will tell us that magic beasts are attacking the barony but luckily there's a group called the imbeth travelers who have offered to essentially host a hunt and kind of show you how they specialize in dealing with these monsters you can turn them away you don't have to do this part but it is kind of the introduction to chapter three season of bloom and there's an achievement for doing it properly so i recommend you do so now that usually happens at the same time that part two of our ancient curse that i mentioned in part two is resolving so you'll likely have to deal with that roughly around the same time but once we're ready we can make our way over to the hunting lodge which is very close to our capital where the in-beth travelers will explain that all of the gathered nations will essentially compete to kill the most magical beasts now in actual game terms in order to win this we need to well in order to get the achievement you can win it multiple ways in order to get the achievement you need to kill two of the magical beasts saving one of the nation's envoys while you do so and then arriving while the third the imbec travelers actually are fighting the third one and you need to not poach their prey from them basically you need to let them kill it and be done and just win with the other two heads it's important that you actually see this third monster while you are trying to get that achievement because if you just get the two heads and then don't interact with the embed travelers the achievement won't pop which is strange but nonetheless while we are participating this hunt we will likely find the goblins praising one of the beasts or just a group of goblins praising a beast and calling out to someone named lamash to the beast will eat one of the goblins and then they'll all run away once all of that has resolved itself we will return to the hunting lodge from the hunting grounds and the winner of the hunt will announce be announced however that was resolved and while that is happening a servant nearby will explode into a monster they will just get like transformed explosively into a magical beast which will of course then be fought by you and everyone else in the room and this combined with the fact that we already knew magical beasts were attacking our kingdom clear that this is becoming a rather dire situation so you'll have to decide what to tell the common folk of your barony honestly i recommend that you don't tell the common citizens of your bearing anything but you can choose to do what you want to do here and after this you will have to wait until your council gathers at the capitol this usually takes a few in-game days at the very least now once this council finally gathers they'll explain that the situation is very dire people are dying and they are transforming into magical beasts that are kind of ravaging your countryside in addition to this in addition to all of the beasts that is goblins are starting to appear everywhere praising someone they call lamash to like we saw in the hunting grounds now this is where we are given several leads to follow up on so for starters the goblins appearing everywhere if you kept the situation quiet agents of your bearing shall we say are already uncovered the location of the goblin village where you need to you know go follow up with the goblins if you didn't keep it quiet they were busy and you have to find the goblin village yourself that said it's pretty close to your capital it shouldn't be all that difficult to find in addition to this jod comes up to us and tells us that kestin one of our head guards has been tracking cultists of lamosh to in the area and he sent a letter asking you to meet him at the shrine of le mash2 which is south of your capital at a very specific date or a specific date of every week and then lastly jod leads us to a surgery scene where essentially they're performing an exploratory surgery trying to figure out what is turning these people into beasts now this is largely a text event that happens however i want to mention that if you manage to recruit bartholomew delgado from part two he will actually be able to assist with the surgery scene making it very easy now you will pretty much find the cause of the transformations regardless of how this text event plays out but you can fail it the woman involved can die essentially you know just stuff like that it can resolve a number of ways that don't really matter a ton but the key information here is that we find the source of the transformations which appears to be a seed that people are somehow ingesting and then it is growing inside of them before it turns into a portal which then rips the person to shreds before portaling in a monster now that we understand what is turning these people into monsters they can begin to cure it now that the surgeries can have some focus they can get rid of these seeds which leaves us to follow up on our leads now as we go to leave the capital we can encounter a scene where people are scared and leaving you can you know chase them off essentially you can tell them to go ahead and leave you can also use the diplomacy skill check to try to keep them here if you are of neutral alignment you can use that option to guaranteed keep them here as opposed to potentially failing the skill check truthfully i've never seen any real ramifications to this actual choice kind of regardless of what happens here i've never seen like any follow-up choice or like consequence to this so just letting you know i guess so that brings us to the goblin village which is our next place we are going to because it's right near the capitol and easy to find so once we arrive at the goblin village we will find that they are hurting all of these magical beasts now as you enter the village all of the goblins here aren't necessarily hostile but they will be trying to trick you and attack you or release beasts to attack you and you can kind of have some fun with that but the main thing you're going to try to do here is make your way to the arena at kind of the center of the village center like top part where we will see a scene where the goblin village specifically a shaman are trying to have a specific goblin named knock knock executed knock knock claims to be the seer of le mash2 and after we kill the beast that was trying to kill knock knock and several of the other goblins in the area we can speak with knock knock the important information we gain here is that the goblins think their goddess lamashtu sent them these beasts they are not responsible for their appearance they are just you know enjoying their presence because they worship a deity known as lamashtu as i've said several times and lamashtu is considered the mother of monsters so the goblins see this as a bit of a blessing and are thus trying to be respectful of the beasts and herd them and basically just enjoy what they see as a blessing from their goddess now knock knock can actually be a companion so you can choose to recruit him if you show shoes and then you can decide what to do with the remaining goblins in the village you can kill them let them go you know whatever floats your boat some companions will have some things to say about it but it doesn't make much of a difference either way now from here we can follow up on the shrine of lamash2 that we got sent to by a letter from kesten now once we arrived there as i mentioned you have to arrive there on a specific day which means you might have to like rest to cycle days here until you get to the appropriate day which i believe is moon day the first day of the week they call it interestingly enough you can visually tell if you're here on the right day because the two guards standing next to kessin one of them will be up on the rock like looking past as opposed to just standing next to kesten so that's a weird visual cue that you know you have the right day now once you guys ambush the cultists of le mash2 that then gather here at the shrine you'll kill several of them but one of them will get away you'll have to chase this person which is a text event now pass or fail you should pretty much wind up at the secluded lodge which is an area right next to this on the world map now from here we'll be investigating this in because that's essentially what the secluded lodge is is an inn there are several people here you can choose to investigate yourself or have kestin round up whoever he thinks it is you choose to do so yourself a very short interrogation should tell you that it is tasana the cook because no one's seen anyone come in but the cook has a back door that she came in she also has a limp which the text event would have told us that the cultist had as well now coincidentally tasana can be recruited as a potential advisor depending on how you resolve this situation she is a chaotic evil i believe person however though so that may or may not align with you just letting you know that you can potentially recruit her as an advisor that is important because she is one of the only other counselor advisors besides tristan you can possibly get in the game which is why i make a note to mention it tasana will explain after she attacks us and is defeated once we point her out as the cultist she will explain that all the other people here in the inn have actually come here seeking the blessing of lamosh to so they haven't done anything illegal per se but more importantly tasana also explains that she has no idea why these beasts are attacking she is part of a cult that warships lamosh too but they have no knowledge of what is going on with these magical beasts attacking our kingdom now from here you can resolve the situation however you like you can have everyone in the building executed you can have just asana executed you can have them all arrested that kind of stuff whatever floats your boat now once this has concluded you will be sent back to your capital to have a second council now once this council happens from the conversation you guys will come to realize that in addition to clearly being ingested from the surgery we saw earlier all of the spottings of beasts seem to be along or at least most focused along the gudrin river so you guys believe that most likely the seeds are being spread down the gudrin river where villagers are then drinking from the river thus becoming infected now as this is going on there will be a riot inside your throne room or at least outside your throne room i should say now you will go outside to deal with these peasants you can either talk your way out of this through skill checks or use a required evil or a required good option to instantly resolve it without killing anyone you can choose to just attack the mob and kill all these peasants but regardless this will have to be resolved one way or the other now with the information we just learned we know that we need to head up the gudrin river which is like the river that meets our capital to the east now what we'll actually be looking for is a goblin fort but before we do that i want to mention one side quest that is rather important and that is a companion quest from tristan tristan and the side quest itself isn't necessarily important but the content of it is or at least one part of the side quest tristan will come to us in our throne room usually right after that council meeting happens and he'll explain that there is a cult of sorts that seems to be gaining traction in your kingdom known as the kingdom of the cleansed and he'll ask you to investigate it and when you do that you'll eventually be led to a clearing where the kingdom of the clintons are having a meeting of sorts now when you arrive there you will see none other than remus they are preaching to the kingdom of the cleansed about the goddess of the stolen lands again because the kingdom of the cleanse worship this same goddess as remus now this is especially noteworthy because you can have ordered remus killed including doing it once personally twice up to this point and he will still be here regardless which is a bit of foreshadowing that maybe remus has some other stuff going on but we can't do anything more than that i just mentioned it because that is when that side quest pops up and now we will head to the goblin fort up along the gudrin river when we get there we will meet kesten and he and his guards are under attack by goblins we'll fend off these goblins and we can speak to kestin now he has saved a bunch of prisoners from the goblin village already but he also tells us that for whatever reason the goblins are bringing all of these people before a shrine of lamashtu before taking them to the river to drink now if we piece all this information together we can you know obviously figure out that what is happening here is the goblins enjoying these uh you know beasts as their goddess says to do are intentionally infecting people with these seeds from the gudrin river now at this point we can either kill all the prisoners that kesten has already saved though kestin will not be happy about that and we can also make a decision as we move through the goblin village to continue killing or saving prisoners but keep in mind all of these people are infected so you kind of got a moral decision to make there but eventually we are going to make our way to the main part of the goblin fort at which point we will have to kill the goblin king and the goblin shaman now as the shaman is dying he will explain that they've already found where the seeds are coming from but obviously he won't tell you this but we do get the name of it the womb of lamashtu basically all of these seeds are coming down the gudrin river from this place and he will also explain right at this moment is when all of the seeds should be coming to fruition so basically everyone who's been infected or is infected should be simultaneously bursting into monsters at roughly the same time now this is interesting because if we spoke with kessin and chose to save the prisoners we've been sending them back to kestin at the beginning of the goblin fort so we need to rush back to casting at the beginning of this map and save him from whatever combination of beasts are there now here is something that i actually don't like about this particular thing if you chose to be pragmatic and kill all of the prisoners up to this point instead of the prisoners turning kestin's guards will turn into monsters which i felt was kind of cheap it's because like i clearly did the thing and you just worked around it anyway but regardless you'll have to save kestin for monsters and then you guys will have to decide what to do because the capital is full of infected that have all decided to simultaneously burst into monsters as chapter three comes to a head now at this point what kesten will want to do is go to the womb of lamash2 by himself and send you to the capitol to defend it if that is what you go with someone is going to die so if you don't have the required lawful option to send kesston back to the capital forcefully someone unfortunately has to die here because if you let kesten go to the womb of lumash2 that leaves jod unaware to defend the city by himself and that leaves kestin with only a small group of regards he has left to go to the womb of lamosh to at which point you will have to decide which one you're going to first which will save the person either jod or kesten that you go to first and the second person that you go to will die but if you have the required lawful option to send kestin to the capitol you can then resolve this however you so choose without any consequences like someone dying which is obviously the recommended option if it is available to you so from here we need to do one of two things keeping the consequences i just mentioned in mind we need to defend our capital and we need to get our way into the womb of le mash2 now we're going to start with the capital because it is the closest to us and in my particular case i used the required lawful option because i'm playing a lawful evil character so we head back to our capital it's been destroyed there are beasts everywhere we need to kill all of them save as many people as possible and then fight our way to our castley fort of sorts now once we get there we need to save highland which is our actual captain of our city guard which we may or may not know up to this point you can also not talk to him but you can also talk to him in your capital up to this point so you may know the guy you might not but once you save highland and speak to him an absolute unit of an owl bear will come forward to attack you now once you kill this owl bear the capital will be successfully defended coincidentally this owl bear was also used in a lot of the marketing so you know you might see it in like uh some of the art for pathfinder king maker sometimes now once this is done we'll need to head to the womb of lamash2 now this is actually on the other side of lake silverstep up the gudrin river so once we follow our way up the gudrin river we'll eventually go across lake silverstep and the womb of lamosh 2 is right there now once we get into the womb we need to fight our way to the very back of it until we wind up in a place called the first world essentially while we're traveling through the womb we'll start seeing more and more flowers and stuff come up and the next thing we know we'll find our way into the first world now as i mentioned before the first world was used as a bit of a rough draft for the gods as they were you know working on basically what they could do and what they could create and it is the home of all of the fey creatures of pathfinder now while we are inside the first world we will witness the nymph the guardian of the bloom from the previous chapters being cursed by an eldest the lantern king to be specific though we don't know his name at this point now it would appear that the guardian of the bloom has stolen something from the lantern king this is a vision of the past so we don't have all the details just to be clear it seems the nymph stole something from the lantern king and as a way to make her repent for this the lantern king curses the nymph she has to make a thousand nations fall in order to remove the curse from herself which should explain why she betrayed and is now trying to kill us the founder of the kingdom now right nearby we will be able to pick up a bird which you need to add to your inventory now as we walk into these foggy parts of the map it should teleport us to various places now we need to do this until we find a gnome camp right near the gnome camp is a rock so we need to go put the bird on that rock and then speak to the gnome the gnome will explain a few things but most importantly he'll give us a magic lantern and also importantly the gnome here will specifically refer to the nymph as the goddess which is where you should start starting to put some of these pieces together because as i mentioned the goddess of the stolen lands has come up multiple times and this gnome refers to the nymph as the goddess we've heard remus and them call her goddess up to this point as well we'll call someone goddess so it should start becoming clear that this is all the same person now after we speak to the gnome we need to rest at his campfire once this is done and we come to the bird that was on the rock should now be nothing but bones interestingly enough we need to grab those bones and then we need to use the lamp we got from the gnome which should shroud our party in a pretty obvious like mystical aura this will allow us to pass through the big bits of fog without teleporting once that's done we can find a pool which i believe is called the pool of regrets but once we approach it we will see the nymph play out a little scene where she was lamenting what was taken from her because during the earlier vision we'll have seen the eldest strip her of something something kind of metaphysical it would seem something inside of her like a longing or her ability to love maybe something like that she in this vision refers to it as potentially being like her actual heart it's left a little vague as to like what specifically was taken from her but we do see it happen and we'll get into more of that at another time but once we find this pool we need to take the bird bones that we had gotten and throw them into the pool and after this we need to retrieve water from this pool which will give us a vial of poisoned water now at this point we need to keep searching the area until we find a flower now while we're looking for it we will actually have one more vision where we find out that the nymph had someone create what they're calling the ever blooming flower which is creating the seeds that is then turning all these people into monsters so once we finally find where the flower is by deactivating our lantern at the appropriate location and walking through a cloud to teleport us to where the flower is we'll have to kill the monsters around it and then approach it now if you just destroy the flower physically it almost immediately grows back what you have to do is use the poison that we got from the pool using the bird bones to kill the flower now once this is done the old gnome will show back up again and he'll explain that you have to kill this flower in both the first world and the physical world at the same time at which point you'll have to split your party i have jaythal with me who gets animate undead as part of her side quests which summons like four to six i think it is undead warriors for you so what i did is i just split jathal off by herself but ideally you want to split the party however you so choose now once this is done you'll have to fight the monsters that are teleported in right where you are now once you speak to the gnome and let them know that you're ready to begin and once you kill those monsters you'll click through a portal and then it'll skip to your split party member in my case jaithal and you'll have to kill a poison fly trap enemy by yourself once that enemy is dead the rest of your group will join you and you'll have to kill the rest of the monsters that are summoned in at which point you'll be able to destroy the flower in the physical world and after having destroyed it in the first world will permanently destroy the ever blooming flower which was responsible for the seeds that were turning your people into monsters at this point we have to return to our capital city where we can have a quick meeting wrapping up basically about how we're trying to undo all the damage that was done and at this point we are at another interlude section where you will have whatever in-game days you have left on chapter 3 of the ancient curse before chapter four starts which i will be running through obviously in the background and our next video will be about chapter four of the main story thank you guys so much for watching i truly appreciate anybody who hangs around and finds anything interesting about this kind of stuff so truly thank you may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you part four of our story of king maker series last we left off we had just dealt with the season of bloom chapter and typically speaking after you wrap that up there's some time in between the ancient curse timers in which you can handle kingdom management but obviously these being store story videos we are going to skip right ahead to chapter four which is called varnhold vanishing now roughly two months prior to the end of the chapter 3 ancient curse we will receive a noble at our court looking for his missing brother this is technically not a required main quest though it is classified with the varnhold vanishing quest and is a bit of foreshadowing to people in varnhold being missing closer to the timer being up we will get a letter from jamandi about varnhold no longer sending correspondences and you being right next to them she asks you to go investigate which we can do now i do want to take this time to mention that if you did varnhold's lot or if you have a save file for varnholdslot you will be prompted to import that save once varnhold vanishing starts however you won't be able to deal with the ramifications of your choices in that dlc until after this chapter is over so the first thing we want to do is of course head straight to varnhold that said the second we go to leave our capital for the first time after receiving that letter from jumandi we will be pulled into a meeting with the nymph where we can speak to her and basically explain that we know that she's been cursed due to our trip to the first world in chapter three and then this meeting can kind of have some back and forth and you get some dialogue and extra character development for her making our way to varnhold once we arrive there we find that the town is empty but as we make our way to the fort of the city we can find that there are spriggans all over the place and as we make our way to their leader we might also see ravens watching us everywhere now once we make it inside the main fort of varnhold we can speak to the chieftain of the spriggans now if you have some diplomacy skill you can find out that these spriggans were actually chased from their cave and they came to varnhold which was already empty when they got there you can kill the chieftain spare him get this information it's possible to miss this information and have to look for the cave that we're going to next but basically the spriggans were chased out of their cave by a group of humans and then came to varnhold so the next thing we can follow up on is going to that cave to see who kicked the spriggans out now on our way out of the fort a raven will stop to speak to us and it won't have much to say besides calling the people of varnhold thieves and then it just kind of runs off now this brings us to the overgrown cavern which is where the spriggans were from i do want to point out this weird like dialogue inconsistency when you're speaking to the spriggans they say they were kicked out of their cave to the north though the overgrown cavern that is marked on your map when you pass the checks talking to the spriggans is to the south of varnhold so i don't know if that's just like a mistake in the dialogue or what but we actually go to the overgrown cavern to the south not the north now we find the overgrown cavern full of barbarians this chapter is where having a miri in your party is actually pretty helpful because if you have a miri in your party she can just speak to the barbarians at the gate and they'll just let you in and you don't have to pass any checks now they will explain that they are the tiger lord tribe if we actually take the time to talk to them and we can ask about varnhold they will have no idea what happened they were actually here looking for ruins or something because their leader dugoth and the sisters have sent them out on this mission you can ask bulga the leader of the barbarians in this cave and she can kind of explain a few things the sisters she mentioned are actually witches in service of armag the tiger lords chieftain and she can actually explain some things about their chieftain our mag twice born armag was once a warrior of old who supposedly was killed by pharasma the goddess of death herself and according to bulga here has recently come back to life but that is actually just foreshadowing and we'll circle back that around to that later the main thing we get from bulga is that the barbarians have a camp nearby which is where we should head next because she posits that the sisters might know something about varnhold now once we come up to the barbarian camp we're going to get hit with a text event at first if you have a miri with you you can pretty much automatically pass this but you do get some dialogue regardless here so during this text event you might notice a defaced sister in the text event and then after it there will be an argument between dugoth and the defaced sister that is in camp so do goth will explain that he doesn't know what happened to varnhold the tiger lords are here helping the sisters look for whatever it is they're looking for but they don't know exactly what it is because the sisters won't tell them and if you speak to the defaced sister she will explain that her sisters are missing there's actually three others here that if you can find her three sisters collectively they might be able to tell you kind of what happened to varnhold and she will also give you a special magic word of sorts that will open up cyclops doors because all of the ruins around here are from the ancient cyclops empire which died out long before this game ever started so our goal after we leave the camp is to find the other three defaced sisters and now we have the word to open cyclops stores that is going to allow us to do this the deface sister says that the word she gives us is actually the cyclops word for darkness as they are evil creatures so apparently that was like a commonly used password for them or something now we have to find these to face sisters to carry on the easiest one to start with is to the south it is the forsaken mound this is purely a text event if you pass it you'll find out that the sister is dead and you can actually use this text event to see the mat like take off the mask that are covering the deface sisters face and this is where you find out that a they literally don't have a face so defaced is very a real thing to say moreover you can note that they are fey they are not barbarians like the rest of the barbarians that are with the tiger lords here but it's important to note that they're fey so you might not want to trust them up to this point now from here we can head to the city of hollow eyes which is actually to the north of the barbarians camp we can meet a barbarian hilla here who is helping the defeat sister that was sent here look for the artifact but hilla is mostly concerned with her barbarians at the moment as they are fighting cyclopses around the area if you go and help some of these cyclopses and tell hilla afterwards what happened with the defaced sister she'll give you some gold but our main goal here is to find the deface sister which is in the tomb or barrow or whatever you want to call it to the northern end of this map now once we get there we can use the magic word to open the cyclops door and enter the tomb to speak to the deface sister you can choose to kill this woman or basically you know free her now that she's not an imminent threat of dying to undead cyclopses and she will head back to the barbarian camp which is what the other defeat sister in camp asked us to do now if you kill her you get an incense burner as well as an incense burner from the woman at the forsaken mound now this brings us to the sepulcher of forgotten heroes which is actually just a puzzle dungeon which involves pressing a bunch of buttons and some are timed some aren't and opening doors around this dungeon it's probably my least favorite dungeon in the game to be honest but we can find that barbarians were led here by one of the defaced sisters where they were ultimately mind controlled by these undead cyclopses here and it would seem the defey sister brought them here to die so once we make our way to the deface sister after speaking to a dying barbarian who gave us this information we can again choose to kill her or spare her if you have a miri with you still at this point she will definitely want to kill this to face sister for getting a bunch of barbarians killed after this we've found all three deface sisters we need to head back to the barbarian camp so we can go speak to the sisters ideally about what happened to varnhold it's worth mentioning that up to this point i actually recommended that you killed some of the defeat sisters and the reason why is when you return to camp all of the deface sisters that are still alive which is a maximum of three but potentially only one will essentially try to get dugoth and his barbarians to kill you saying that you are the reason all of their sisters are dead even if you didn't actually kill any of them this will happen because as we've found while exploring it these witches are actually fey and they're not really helping these barbarians any they're essentially using the barbarians as fodder as they search for some artifact that is supposed to be nearby if we killed some of the sisters which is what dugoth subtly hinted at that he wanted we actually can pass a religion check during this conversation to basically say like you know guy aren't you guys tired of following these witches who are just getting you killed kind of stuff like that's not really what their god gorham is all about and you can potentially persuade about half the camp to help you instead of following the witches in their attempt to kill you so if you've killed all the witches up to this point this is actually not all that difficult because you can then persuade do goth to help you and then you're only dealing with like half the barbarians in the camp as well as just one to face sister if you kept all of them alive you don't seem to get the option to persuade dugoth to help you so you have to fight like the entire camp plus the sisters also you will run into dugoth a little later in the next chapter if he lives now regardless of how this pans out after this fight is over you'll get a chance to speak to dugoth potentially before he dies and he'll explain that they actually already found the place that they believe the item the sisters were looking for is dugoth just didn't want to send his people there to what he figured would probably be death so he'll mark it on your map for you it's known as the valley of the dead we could have gotten some incense burners up to this point otherwise they are on the deface sisters bodies if they were all alive you need to loot all of all three of these cyclops incense burners off of their corpses because we're going to need them in just a minute but before we actually head to the valley of the dead i want to talk about something there is as i mentioned a little earlier a raven that has been following us around you'll speak to him at various points throughout this little bit of exchanges and he really doesn't have much to add he's just in general being annoying calling you thieves saying he works for some master if your name comes up it cuts to the raven and it like flies off with your name so i'm going to go ahead and spoil this a little bit before we actually get to the part where it's important the raven is actually a soul eater soul eaters are stronger if they know your name at first i thought potentially once i played through the game and saw that these were soul eaters maybe if you withheld your name you would like you know be helping yourself out in the long run that's not true actually as it turns out the raven will no matter what find out your name which feels cheap because they clearly try to make it like you don't have to give it your name or there's ways to like hide your name and there's just not this raven will learn your name regardless because even if you do all of that hiding when you go to the barbarian camp and the deface sisters accuse you they will say that they've learned your name even if you've kept it hidden up to that point and then the raven overhears this which i think is just a cheap move to be honest now on our way to the valley of the dead we will be stopped in a random event that is mandatory meaning you can't evade it so when you go into it you will speak to the raven where his master who he names as vordecai formally invites you into his lair because apparently what the raven has been doing up to this point has been gathering information on the new world because vordecai has been long dead much like the cyclops empire it would seem he was awoken by something and has just been finding out information so this is obviously our best lead as to what happened to varnhold and it's an evil undead cyclops lich so we could probably investigate now right after this if tristan is not in our party he will appear to us saying that he knows the valley of the dead as being a great place of evil and he wishes to accompany you on your trip to the valley of the dead so you can choose to take tristan with you or not now once we arrive at the valley of the dead there will be a gate blocking our way now you can come here early and try to use the word that the deface sisters give you to open this door but it won't work what you actually need to do is take the incense burners hang them on the door then speak the word which will then open the valley of the dead door and then we can make our way through the valley of the dead to vordecai's tomb vordecai's tomb is a giant pain in the ass so if you have not been paying attention to mechanics this is where the game is going to punish you because even if you know what you're doing this is a long dungeon it can be a huge pain if you're just not prepared for it and in my experience is typically where most people who are new to pathfinder and this game tend to fall off this is a rough dungeon so once you step into it and you talk to the raven who will meet you at the door and you know ask him like if you're ready to go in he'll open the door for you but he'll also close the exit which means save scumming is pretty much your only options at this point so you need to bring a lot of rations with you so you can rest because you can't hunt in dungeons as well as just generally be prepared for a long haul this is a long dungeon it's probably the first real challenge of the game now as we make our way through this dungeon we're gonna speak to this raven several more times where he'll ask the name of our companions and even if we don't give it to him for whatever reason your companions pipe up and offer their names instead again pointing out that you just cannot keep these guys from getting your names which i think is annoying additionally as we're making our way through this tomb we will learn about an artifact called the oculus of abaddon which it would seem is the relic that the deface sisters we're actually looking for here and on the end portion of this first floor is where you'll run into the soul eaters i've mentioned now this is where the soul eater will pop up it will speak the names of at least three of your companions two plus yourself usually and then you will go into a battle with those soul leaders so what them knowing your name allows you to do means that if they speak your name the only person that can fight the soul leader that spoke your name is you so you can't use minions you can't use anybody but yourself to fight the soul eater that said your name there is no way around that you just have to be strong enough to kill the thing which isn't too difficult they're just regular soul eaters as opposed to the more powerful variant of ancient soul eaters but nonetheless once the ones who shouted your name are dead you'll then have a fight with four ancient soul eaters and as you might see the room right before this i actually made a mistake against two of the giant cyclopses that you can fight and i got amiri killed so she'll be dead for the rest of this dungeon but it doesn't really matter as that fight with those cyclopses is honestly the hardest fight in here now on the second floor we can encounter two things of note one we will have to fight a mage as we enter the second floor called cephel laurentis he is from varnhold's lot if you're wondering why there's just a random named enemy in here he's from the dlc and then we will eventually come across the ghost of none other than wireless gundersen or willis gutterson i don't know how to say this guy's name it's weird if we chase his ghost down a hallway where we have to fight a ton of undead we can eventually speak to him and wireless will explain that he is accidentally responsible for waking up vordecai as it would turn out the nymph who has been causing us much destruction as we found out in chapter 3 is actually not responsible for this which means that what she told us at the beginning of this chapter where she will say that she knows who's responsible for varnhold vanishing but it wasn't her it turns out she was actually telling us the truth because wireless gunderson stole a bracelet from vordecai's tomb which inadvertently woke him up when vordikai woke up he needed to basically take stock of what the world was like now so he sent wireless and other people he found under his mind control using the oculus of abaddon which is a dark artifact from the four horsemen of the apocalypse specifically sharon they rule an evil realm called abaddon hence the oculus of abaddon so vordecai using the oculus of abaddon sent wireless to varnhold where he then followed and used oculus of abaddon or at least its power he didn't actually go there physically it would seem to mind control every single person in varnhold and force them to make their way to vordecai's tomb this is where vordikai used the oculus's power to comb through all of these people's memories and stuff and just kind of acclimate himself to the world which is in theory where a lot of these undead warriors were fighting came from now after that we will actually be pretty close to vordecai himself there's just a couple more rooms in between wireless and vordecai now ironically enough once you get to vordecai we'll have that conversation but i just want to mention that ironically when you get to him vordecai is one of the easier fights in this dungeon if you can get to vordecai you can kill vordecai now you can have a conversation with vordecai at the start but basically he's just aggressive so the fight starts once you get vordecai down to half health if tristan is not with you he will teleport into the room at which point he will steal vordekai's eye which is actually the oculus of abaddon which vordikai had to cut out his own eye to replace because the oculus has to be put in someone's eye socket to be of use so tristan effectively betrays us by taking this artifact and then he teleports away and leaves the party if you had him in your party and leaves your companions if he was in your companions and seemingly betrayed you now once this is done we have to finish killing vordecai again not a very difficult thing to do but once we get him down here's where the options start popping up so if you are an evil character it is possible to recruit vordikai as an advisor he actually will give you a little bit of information about a quest later on which is about the only benefit of doing so but just letting you know it's an option you can recruit vordecai as an advisor if you have an evil character however even if you are evil i don't really recommend doing this because if you do so you have to sacrifice magar varn and if you sacrifice megar varn you don't get all the varn holds lot dlc follow up if you took vordikai as an advisor because all of the follow-up from your dlc choices hinges on magar varn coming and speaking to you after varnhold vanishing do what you will there just keep in mind if you want vordikai as an advisor it requires you to sacrifice maegar varn's essence thus making him unsavable as vordecai is dying we can free mega varn's soul lessons from a bottle nearby which will pop mega varn back into existence he'll be kind of disoriented and will need to go into the next room where it would seem the essence of all the rest of the souls of varnhold are and we can choose to take all of these back to capital and sell them which is an evil thing to do or we can set them free which is what i recommend you do regardless of alignment if you don't set these people free you then have to repopulate varnhold if you want to do anything with it kingdom management wise because right after you exit this and you go to exit the dungeon you speak to maegar varn and he willingly allows your barony to annex his barony so if you chose to bring all of the essence back to your capital and sell it you will then have to spend a bunch of kingdom resources on repopulating varnhold so i honestly recommend you just save maegar save all of his people even if you're playing an evil character you can actually for the most part avoid good choices while still getting to that outcome so it's not necessarily like a counterintuitive role play thing to do either but after this we head to our capital and we wrap up varnhold vanishing because now we know what happened to varnhold and we managed to save the day that said unlike the previous chapters after you finish varnhold vanishing you don't get the grace period normally where you can wait until the next chapter starts regardless of how many days are left on the chapter or part 4 of the ancient curse chapter 5 will start immediately which is known as the twice born warlord which i won't get into until the next video because that's the point of these videos i just want to mention that unlike previous chapters the next chapter starts immediately once you get back to your capital from defeating vordicai what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you part five of our story of pathfinder king maker series and last we left off we had just finished off vordicai as i mentioned at the end of our part 4 video the next part of the story starts immediately upon returning to your capital which is unusual because normally you play out what's left of the timer on the ancient curse the exception of that is chapter 5. now before we get into it i do want to make one slight addendum to my last video that i forgot to mention when tristan is either with you or teleports into the room where vordecai is if you have done some very specific things it is possible to make him destroy the oculus of abaddon instead of stealing it but he does still leave at that point that is important for reasons we're about to get into once you leave vordikai's tomb head back to your capital the next chapter starts which is kicked off by castile castle i cannot pronounce these people's names but regardless he will tell you that jamandi has sent us a missive saying that the pneumarian barbarians are marching on restov and she needs help immediately to head off their advance you also simultaneously get word that something is going on at lake candelmere with the bloom which is a solid lead for where tristan might have ran off to and you are told to go track one of these leads down so here's the thing these two things are exclusive to each other time wise meaning doing one first changes the other one so because of that for this part of the story i actually kind of have to explain these choices because what happens in vordekai's tomb as well as this follow-up chapter has huge implications on the end of the game so we're going to run through basically what doing each one first tells you if we go to lake candelmere and investigate what happens with tristan first we will get to talk to him when we go to lake candle mirror we won't learn much essentially we'll just learn that he's actually a deva who has fallen from grace from serenae or sarin ray his goddess who he quite literally served not just as a cleric but like as one of her hands so to speak at which point he will run off and we will have to chase him and we will catch a vision through the portal he runs through of a temple with a stag head otherwise known as the temple of the elk which is where we have to follow up at the temple of the elk we will be able to enter the first world run through a bit of a dungeon where we can find tristan and narissa so after this dungeon you'll come to tristan and narissa so it turns out as we'll learn from this conversation that the guardian of the bloom that has been hounding us and causing our barony all this trouble her name is actually narissa it turns out that she managed to lie to and corrupt in a way tristan the details on that are a little vague but essentially she lied to him and convinced him that she had cut him off from his goddess and somehow turned him into a mortal being as opposed to a deva and she used that leverage to convince tristan to do things for her such as help her plant the ever blooming flower from chapter 3 in two worlds simultaneously that's how it was growing in the first world as well as galarion which is the pathfinder world so basically tristan has been her spy this whole time now the more important thing because we learn this information pretty much regardless of when we come to this part of the quest however what we do learn extra if we come here first is that the reason tristan stole the oculus of abaddon from vordecai was so he could give it to narissa who could use it to find hidden things which is like the main thing that the oculus of abaddon does it reveals hidden things and while we don't know it just yet she is looking for something very specific the only way to keep her from finding it herself which i will actually get into in the next part of this series but for now just know that the only way to keep her from getting it herself is to have done the specific things to make tristan destroy the oculus instead of stealing it it does not ruin anything if tristan does steal the artifact instead of destroying it you can still complete the secret ending which is like the true ending as it tends to be called but suffice to say if narissa gets her hands on the oculus of abaddon that ending becomes more difficult not impossible but more difficult so ideally you want to have tristan destroy the artifact but it's not a huge deal if he doesn't it just makes something that we'll get into a little later more difficult that i'll cover more in the next chapter because it's not revealed here so i don't want to review it in full but just know that if we come here first we get all this information about who narissa actually is and that she had the oculus of abaddon you know found because she wants it to use it to find something very specific that has been hidden from her now at this point we can deal with tristan regardless of when we came here and we can kind of you know decide what we want to do with him you can kill him the best thing to do is spare him which i highly recommend you do because he is the best counselor in the game and chances are depending on your actions he might be your only option as the counselor which is a kingdom management thing so if you kill tristan there's very real possibility of you leaving yourself without an advisor for a position which needless to say is absolutely crippling in terms of kingdom management now the only other thing that we learn if we come here first and speak to nurissa is that she is the person who manufactured everything going on with the defaced sisters in the last part we learned that the face sisters were actually you know faye and everything well in this conversation we learned that there was actually eight of them and that they had collectively raised a human that they named armag filled him with a bunch of stories about how he was the armag of old reborn and then sent him to the nemerian barbarians to lead so narissa has orchestrated everything going on with the barbarians attacking restove as well as sending the deface sisters with the barbarians to the area of dunsword of the stolen planes to look for or the stolen lands to look for the oculus of abaddon so narissa is behind all of that however she was not behind vordecai waking up so that brings us to our next part the other part of this as i mentioned was jamandi sent a request for aid in heading off the barbarian army headed towards restov which is the seat of the aldori sword lord's power in brevo now this part is actually heavily tied in with amiri's quest so while doing tristan's part first won't necessarily break amiry's side quest it becomes infinitely more difficult and if you're playing on automatic it's actually very likely to go ahead and break it still chapter 5 and the auto kingdom management mode do not play super well together suffice to say the best option is honestly to go to jamandi's side first and then go track tristan down because if you already know all of the information about what narissa is looking for outside of the game then having that knowledge on your person you know in your own head basically gives you everything you would have gotten from going there first so the best option is kind of really to go help jamandi first if you go there first you'll actually be stopped by a group of barbarians a small group led by a man named guart i believe it is and he explains that a lot of the tiger lords think that armag resurrected apparently our mag is not actually that great of a leader and they would like him gone so amiri's side quest involves her being a barbarian sneaking into our mag's barbarian camp and basically saving her friend nylak which is part of her side quest as well as challenging our mag to a one-on-one fight she won't actually be able to kill him but it is possible to win which affects her side quest but suffice to say her saving nylak is all that needs to happen for her side quest to continue and we'll get into why that's important for all your companions later on but i'm just kind of explaining that nuance so once that is done regardless of how it plays out it will cut back to your group speaking with jumandi this time instead of being stopped by a guy named gwart if you arrived at the battlefield first jumandi will basically ask for your help on the battlefield you will do exactly that you'll help her fight the barbarians and the giants they seem to have aligned with somehow and once you get to the camp you find out that armag apparently learning the location of the tomb of the original armag essentially fled the battlefield with the defeat sisters and just left his army high and dry in the middle of this fight thus making the aldori sword lords here the winners of this fight which of course is helpful if you want to remain loyal to jumandi let's say you do this part second when you show up to the battlefield if you've done the second you still run into guard like normal however once you get to jumandi you learn that her army has just been absolutely decimated armag will still have fled after learning the location of the tomb of the original armag however most of jimandi's forces will have been lost now this is important because if you remember in previous parts of this series we talked about the political situation in brevo where the aldori sword lords and house sertova were basically in a tense standoff kind of a mutually assured destruction situation with each of them trying to gain the upper hand on the other jumandi losing most of her forces to the barbarians essentially is handing house sertova the win but we will get into that in a little bit regardless of how this plays out when you arrive there what you'll wind up doing is routing the barbarian forces that are left here in the flintlock grasslands which this is actually happening and when you go to leave you will confront both natalya certova as well as jimandi aldori the leader of both house certova and the aldori sword lords now this is a very fun part because again regardless of whether you not you you showed up here first they will decide that you've done so well here that they're deciding to not only grant you you know your barony but you'll essentially become king of this new realm of yours so your barony will become a kingdom now this is where showing up to the battlefield second actually doesn't end well because you can choose basically where you want to sit within the political strife that i just mentioned now if you showed up late you basically absolutely cannot side with jamandi because she'll flat out refuse to side with you because you you let her forces be destroyed the evil option is to in fact side with house certova which you can do without being evil but it is decidedly the evilish option alternatively as a required neutral choice you can become a peacekeeper of sorts between the two nations which is the best option for the long-term success of the country of brevo or alternatively you can essentially deny being allies with either of them and decide that you don't need their permission to become king and you just do it which weirdly enough natalia certova backs anyway which is strange until you realize that the whole point of your barony existing was to give jumandi allies and if you're not giving jumandi allies then that also kind of helps house sertova but they will explain that in order to crown you king you first need to deal with the bloom which you will have done with tristan that's all you gotta do is you just gotta go track down tristan and deal with that side quest and then you also need to deal with armag because he fled the battlefield with the defeat sisters that were still alive to the location of the tomb of our mag which he had learned now at this point you will need to return to your capital or you'll have a quick meeting with lindsay about you know where to find the tomb of our mag yourself she will suggest some options but essentially it comes down to two things you can find some books in the little dungeon area where you find tristan which will open up a kingdom event which will give you more information about where to find our mag's tomb the second thing about this is that there is an event in a specific place in glenabond which is the region where our mag's tomb is that you can run into it's a text event and if you complete this text event it's like an old man in a boat or something and once you've completed this text event you have an increased chance to just naturally find rmax2 which is exactly what doing the kingdom event does as well it just greatly lowers the dc on the perception check on the map to find rmax2 doing either one of these lowers it enough to where you might actually be able to do it technically it's possible to just find this tomb without doing either of these but the perception check on the map is just insanely high but basically what you want to do here is complete those events if necessary and pass the perception check to find armag's tomb on the world map just a little south west of the flintlock grasslands actually so once we come to the tomb itself we'll actually find a bunch of barbarians gathered out there and if you speak to them they're actually a bit conflicted because most of them don't trust the deface sisters they're not sure how to feel about armag fleeing a battle when he was trying to advance his armies on rest off and then even if he was successful in fighting them off he still just doesn't follow through with that at all and there is a defeat sister guarding the tomb now it is possible to pass a diplomacy check and get the barbarians to fight the deface sister with you but even if you kill her solo without their help that no one really cares that the defeat sisters are gone most of the barbarians left don't trust them now if dugoth was still alive at the end of chapter four when you dealt with his camp then he will likely show up in the barbarian camp before we left the grasslands but he will show up again in a more important role here in a little bit which is why i mentioned this at this time and then we want to make our way through our mag's tomb truthfully kind of just a standard dungeon run there's like a little trap gauntlet that was interesting but for the most part it's just a standard dungeon run and at the end of it you of course come to armag however right before you get there you'll actually meet a guy named zorik who was a cleric of gorham the barbarian god who served the real armag in life and he has a bit of a test for you basically to see if you're worthy of entering the two you can pass a bunch of diplomacy checks and stuff to basically be allowed in and pass this guy but even if you have to fight him he's super weak so i don't really understand what the challenge here was but either way once you deal with zorik you can go on to the next room here and speak to armag or at least attempt to speak to rmag here's the thing finding this tomb is actually a little bit timed as well so if you arrive at our mag's tomb and talk to him before a certain amount of time is passed you'll get a different result than if that time has passed and then you find our mag's tomb so essentially what armag was doing as we're about to learn in searching for this tomb was he needed to reunite with the actual armag in his words essentially the deface sisters have told this guy his entire life that he was our mag despite that obviously not actually being true armag was losing the battle to you know go to rest of one way or the other he realized he couldn't advance on rest of he just didn't have the forces so in realizing that as well as learning the location of our mag's tomb he decides that he needs to go there so he can reunite with his soul as he likes to put it because on expressing this to the defeat sisters apparently they just told him this now what this is actually doing is that when he picks up the ancient our mag sword from this tomb the actual armag soul is trapped in that sword and upon picking that sword up the current armag had everything revealed to him by the old armag so obviously very upset with this information the current armag murders the defaced sisters and everything like we saw when we walked into the room and then attacks you so the difference between getting here on time and getting here later is a the difficulty of the fight but b if we wait too long the soul of the actual armag possesses the real you know the current armag and thus he becomes unsavable however if you arrive here on time the fight is a little easier as well as giving you the opportunity to spare the current armag who has for his entire life been lied to and used by narissa and her defaced sisters so it is very possible if you arrived here on time to spare our mag and you know give him the chance that a life he you know never got up to this point which i think is probably the nicest ending for armag himself but you can also choose to kill him as well and put the poor guy out of his misery but either way we will have solved the crisis and put an end to the threat of the pneumarian barbarians to your kingdom as well as the kingdom of brevo now upon exiting the tomb we will be confronted by the tiger lords now this conversation can go a few different ways depending on you know is our mag alive for starters but there will be a lot of conflict about whether or not to split the tribe into two people some people especially if our mags are alive you know definitely wants to like keep him as chieftain whereas some people don't because he fled a battlefield if do goth is alive he'll have some things to say about it guard has some things to say about it if amir is with you she can have some things to say about it this is a very complex conversation but ultimately it all results in the same endings you can offer some of the tiger lords a place in your kingdom you can basically tell all of them to get the hell out and go back to numeria or you can involve yourself and kind of you know give them advice on who should be chieftain whether that's armag do goth or gwart but regardless of your choices here once we're done we can head back to our capital where we will be crowned as king of our brand new full-blown kingdom as opposed to just a barony and that pretty much wraps up part five guys so we won't get into part six and chapter 6 until after the ancient curse has blown through part 4 if you were still on that timer because like i said the twice born warlord chapter begins immediately after varnhold vanishing so it's very possible to complete twice born warlord while you're still on ancient curse part 4. so you'll still have to run through all of that timer as well as the part 5 timer until you get to chapter 6 which can leave you quite a very long chunk of time to focus exclusively on kingdom management which is very helpful i do want to mention before we wrap this up the ending of chapter four and how you deal with tristan and vordecai as well as chapter five here has just a ton of decisions that greatly impact the ending of the game a lot of the decisions about ending slides and stuff gets decided like right here but we will talk more about that at the appropriate time in the meantime thank you guys so much for watching i really appreciate all the support everyone's been given the channel so i truly appreciate absolutely anybody who watches this stuff especially if you get made it this far regardless thank you again may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you part six of our story of pathfinder king maker series in this episode we'll be discussing chapter 6 war of the river kings in between chapter 5 and chapter 6 there is really only one interesting thing that happens as we wait for chapter 6 to start and that is that tristan will explain his involvement in opening the portals that the ancient curse operates through so with the ancient curse timer that's always in the background of everything we do in this game after a set period of time usually between six months to a year of in-game time a portal will open and flood our barony or our kingdom with monsters that kill a bunch of people and causes problems and as we learned just last chapter that tristan was actually helping nairissa the nymph behind most of our troubles he will take the next passing of the ancient curse to explain his involvement in that if he is still alive or with us and to quickly sum it up while he's not directly responsible for the monsters coming through he is responsible for giving nairasa access to a more stable portal to send forces through which i thought was interesting so i figured i'd share it now chapter 6 properly starts a little while before the beginning of the ancient curse part 6 in which lindsay will explain that we are being invited to the rush light tournament the rush light tournament is a kind of festival of sorts held by pitax which is a kingdom to our west which up to this point in the game has sent tartusio at the beginning of the game to uh kind of cause all of those problems that he wound up causing in the earlier parts of this series as well as a few dignitaries of sorts to and from our kingdom will have interacted with them a little bit and basically all of our encounters are decidedly negative but now that we've been crowned king we're invited to this tournament that's held every few years now while you don't actually have to accept the invitation to this kingdom it is a pretty fun event and if nothing else if you go there you can actually get amazing stuff from the vendors there there are some very good items that are definitely worth it especially if you're playing a kineticist there is a headpiece there that is phenomenal once we go to the rush light tournament in the rush light fields of pitax now that we're actually able to go there because up to this point if you tried to enter pitax you would have been turned away but upon arriving will be greeted by king irovetti who is immediately described as being kind of gross in my opinion so they describe him as like having greasy hair and like oily stains and stuff all over his clothes and just generally kind of a gross not well-kept dude but anyways as the tournament carries on we can explore the grounds kind of interact with a few people but mostly we need to talk to nunzio arpaia to actually kick off the tournament and it consists of two text events which you can pass or fail which will result in you either winning those particular branches of the tournament or not and then there is the melee which is the last event of the tournament now the melee unless you are a monk who is specked into fist fighting you're probably not going to win this unless your like difficulties like impossibly low because it is a bare knuckle brawl in which you have no armor on so very difficult to win unless you're like actually specked into unarmed for whatever real clash you're playing but after this happens king irovetti will hold a speech to announce the winner of the tournament if you don't just leave outright and throughout this speech he will basically try to humiliate you and talk you know trash about your kingdom and you can attempt to pass diplomacy checks to circumvent this happening and then the winner will be announced which you know may or may not be you and then you can head back to your capital after that now this is where a few different things start to happen here and not necessarily in a ton of order but i will try to make it make sense as best i can but keep in mind the next few events might not necessarily happen consecutively so after some time passes you'll eventually be contacted by lindsay again upon visiting your throne room and she will explain that gangs of bandits have been raiding your kingdom from the pit tax side of the border monsters have just been randomly appearing throughout the entire of your kingdom going crazy until they're put down as well as bards from patak sowing descent at your borders now lindsay points out the obvious and that king irovetti is clearly responsible for this he brought you to the rush light tournament to kind of sum up you know you as a ruler and instead of attacking you outright with armies he's trying to sow discord through your kingdom which he's pretty successfully doing at this point interestingly enough if you attended the rush light tournament the severity of this will actually vary a little bit depending on how well you handled yourself at the event and of course depending on which of the checks you passed like did you win the tournament did you successfully pass the checks to call iravetti on his trash talk things like that so what this ultimately boils down to is solving three separate problems dealing with the bards the bandits and the monsters being teleported in now you can take care of this in two ways and i highly recommend one of them basically each one of these problems is a specific little icon on the world map in pitax so all you really have to do is go there find where it is and then handle the associated problem at the associated place alternatively if you don't want to explore pitax you can use your kingdom management screen if you're playing on not auto mode to solve events that will like basically kind of tell you where like the stuff is coming from they'll investigate kind of stuff i highly recommend that you actually just go explore pit tax because it's way faster than kingdom management because the other side of this coin is while each of these things are going on you will be getting problem event cards if you're not playing on auto mode for your kingdom management where basically all the problems they're causing are causing you know actual problems for your kingdom that you as the ruler need to solve and the longer that takes the more problems you're more likely to fail thus causing you a great deal of issues so with those things in mind let's start with dealing with the bards because you can actually learn about the bards at the rush light tournament you can talk to anime bellavara as well as the headmaster of the academy of arts that king irovetti has installed in his kingdom of pitax because apparently king iravetti was actually a bard before he became king but at the rush light tournament we can learn that king irovetti is using his academy of arts basically more as a disinformation and propaganda machine than actually patroning the arts through it and we'll learn at the again at the tournament that this is happening in little town so while we're exploring pitax we can actually find little town if it hasn't been marked on our map already from that conversation at the tournament now once you go there you'll have to kill all of the bards and pitax soldiers that are hanging around the inside part of the town and then you can head to the inn where you can pass a diplomacy check if you learned about things at rush light tournament to potentially turn some of the bards to your favor there is also a required i believe it is neutral option to do the same thing and then you'll have to fight whoever's left that doesn't agree once this is dealt with the bard's sewing discord by you know slanderizing your kingdom will have been dealt with that brings us to the bandits this one is actually incredibly simple you go find their bandit hideout which i believe is the riverblades camp and you go kill them all real easy peasy stuff now they try to offer a little bit of explanation as to why these bandits are doing it but i mean they're bandits you go there you kill all of them one or two of them will try to explain that eurovetti gave them no choice he tracked them down and told them they either had to attack your kingdom or it killed them but it's like they're bandits and also he's not personally there there's not soldiers with them they could have literally just came to you and been like hey he's paying us to try to like take out your kingdom and then you could have like you know sent them on their way or something my point is i don't really buy this excuse i think it's weak storytelling to be honest nonetheless bandits are attacking you kill them problem solved i do want to mention that if you spared one of the stag lords lieutenants who like begs for his life at the stag lord fortress he's actually with these group of bandits so just something worth noting i guess and that brings us to the monsters that are popping up everywhere as we explore pitax we can find a cave where there are a bunch of monsters guarding the place and as we make our way through we will eventually find the gnome from actually jubilost's sidequest i cannot pronounce these gnomes names and i'm not even going to try but you will have potentially met him before and basically gnomes in pathfinder are subject to what they call the bleaching where essentially they have to keep searching out new and like exciting experiences or they literally kind of turn white and die it's known as the bleaching so this particular gnome has taken great fun in setting up a magical teleportation ring in which case you know he's teleporting all these monsters into your kingdom from here so you kill all the monsters kill him because he will attack you regardless and then that will take care of the monsters while that does solve all the initial problems facing our kingdom at this point we can head back to our capital and before we can actually do anything else this next part has to happen and i'm not wild about it because it feels a little out of sequence but nonetheless it is the way that it is required to be played so here we are potentially you will have already gotten this quest up to this point but i feel like this is the best place to mention it when you return to your capital at some point during all this you'll probably be confronted by lindsay and a guy named the storyteller who's a guy who's been with you the whole game you turn in relics to him he tells you stories about the history of the stolen lands well lindsay and the storyteller have found a way to use bardic magic to enter nairissa's dreams where you can you know learn more about her and what she's after her goals and motives so they will ask you to use kingdom resources to prepare for the ritual which results in a kingdom event which on auto is you know pretty much immediate and then once that is done you can go speak to the storyteller to begin this sequence where you intern irisa's dreams and you learn a lot about her now this is actually a pretty cool quest i enjoyed this quite a bit so it starts with a small rehash of what we learned in chapter 3 that nairissa was cursed by an eldest of the first world for doing something that we're not really sure of at this point in time however she seems to have stolen something as the eldest puts it and cursed her and we learn right here that she was required to destroy a thousand kingdoms and for each one it would fill a cup a magical cup called the apology with grains of dust for each kingdom destroyed and the lantern king demanded she do this literally 1 000 times and at that point she would be forgiven her trespass which we learned very shortly after this so i'm just going to go ahead and tell you was apparently that she was like queen of the nymphs at one point and she aspired to become an eldest herself and she challenged the eldest power and the eldest are like just shy of gods they're not true gods but they're very powerful and they don't like that power being questioned or challenged so they sent one of their big servants to fight narissa and she lost thus leading to the curse now as again we learned in chapter three something was taken from narissa when this happens and this is where we learn exactly what it is and i can take some time to talk about the briar so what was taken from narissa when she was cursed was literally her ability to love the eldest gave it a physical form and thus it became the briar and then he hid it somewhere in the stolen lanes and that's the primary thing we learned from this dream sequence now coincidentally if you have a good aligned character it is possible to go slightly deeper in this dream and learn more from nairisa which helps if you're going after the secret ending quite a bit however it is not required it does make it easier though and we will be talking about the briar again in a little bit more detail in just a little bit at a separate part of this video in the last part of the stream we get a little bit more detail about what narissa's been doing where basically she's just been manipulating people like ourselves the stag lord king irovetti actually armag from chapter 5 into creating kingdoms and then she destroys them to fill her apology cup but more importantly we learn that she's very close to finishing it she only needs two more grains of dust now and if you're keeping count that's your kingdom and king eurovetti's kingdom so she's planning on letting you two duke it out and because she you know likes a good laugh she decides to go tell you in the stream sequence when she kind of like lucid dreams and realize that you're in her dreams tells you that iro vetti rose to power quite suddenly through a terrible act and she tells you where to go learn about it the white rose abby now obviously she's the one that orchestrated this and knows all about what happened because again king eroveti is working for her if we hadn't figured that out up to this point already at this point we can exit the dream and we can go explore white rose abbey white rose abbey is a very tiny map in the upper corner of pitax so again very small little map area it's literally just a straight shot there's kind of a big fight some traps and you'll fight a guy named the gardner at the end of it in front of this fancy looking little prison cell if we break that prison cell we can talk to a neriad named ivendra yvendra was actually just in the dream that we were in so avendra was one of as she calls herself nairissa's cousins avendra upon being freed explains that she has that nairissa has told ira vetti that you're coming for him and have discovered his big secret and that the big secret is in the lake right next to ivendra yvendra will also express interest in coming to your capital to help you discover ways to free nairisa from her curse you can choose to do this you can let her go or you can kill her i don't recommend killing her because there's like literally no reward the experience is awful she has like one gold on her pretty much a waste of time unless you just want to do it for the sake of doing it if you invite her to your capital talking to avendra at your capital is where you can learn a lot of the information about exactly what it is nairisa did to the eldest which i already explained just a bit ago so if you already have that knowledge you can just turn her away and it doesn't really make much of a difference however after this conversation we can dive into the river or the lake rather in this little cave behind us and we will find out what king irovetti's secret is king irovetti had a bunch of the noble families of pitax children murdered it would seem that he used this event to rapidly rise to power basically he killed a bunch of people and took over the resulting power vacuum now at this point we have nothing else to do really so we head back to our capital where we should be greeted with a kingdom event in our throne room where the ambassador from pittax stefano manoski monsconi something like that shows up in your throne room and basically tells you that king irovetti knows all about how terribly things are going in your barony from the events that he caused and invites you to come to pitax to surrender your crown and submit to him under his new rule you can respond to this and you know basically say like yeah all right i'll be there or you can have stefano here murdered which i recommend you do because if you don't kill him here you will have to fight him in just a little bit you don't have a choice he will fight you however if you kill him here your guards will take them away and it's one less powerful guy you gotta fight later so i recommend killing him right here because you don't even have to fight him so then we make our way to the capital of pittax now when we arrive at pittax you actually want to take this opportunity to go around town and talk to people because we can use the secrets we just learned about the noble families of pittax and talk to their leader and convince the nobles to support our fight with kenya vetti we can also talk to the captain of the guard and potentially even convince her to help us out so basically you just want to take this opportunity to talk to some of these people and try to bring them over to your side and when you're ready go confront king irovetti in front of his palace where he'll basically ask you to surrender as i mentioned and funnily enough you can actually do that you can surrender your crown if you do that it's just a game over that's all that happens now obviously we're going to fight king irovetti now a small scene will play out right in front of the palace where the small factions of pittax will declare their allegiance to either you or irovetti and then you'll have to win the resulting fight that can you know be a varying difficulties depending on whether or not people are on your side or not and then we can enter king irovetti's palace this palace is actually really cool it's a small dungeon it's not super large by any means however there's a couple different ways to tackle it there's a little event at the front gate where some of the guards try to kill you but you just put them down real fast it always struck me as an odd event because like obviously they're going to try to kill you but they decided to give it a bunch of dialogue for seemingly no reason but from here we can either rush straight forward which will get us ambushed by a ton of people or we can explore to the left and right of the entrance which will allow us to slowly and systematically kill a bunch of people guarding the palace we can find secret rooms that have backup enemies like just waiting around in them that if we were to run straight up and confront europe eddie when the fight starts all of them would come pouring out so if you go up the sides you can discover those rooms as well as a lot of other cool stuff in the palace some stuff's not related to the fight with eurovetti but exploring gives you an opportunity to find hidden rooms open locked doors that allow you to confront one-on-one some of the stronger lieutenants and things ira betty summons thus making the actual fight with him much easier which i highly recommend you do especially on higher difficulties also a weird random thing i don't know because this has actually never happened in any of my other playthroughs every single person in this palace right here just like beelined for tristan this time i don't know what i did differently exactly but the ai would just not leave tristan alone like all of them even if i put tristan on the other side of the map in here and then engaged in enemies they would completely ignore the people right in front of them and go running across the castle to go attack tristan it i don't know it's just very strange i've never seen that before i don't know if that was a bug or what but it was a kind of fun little anecdote so i figured i'd mention it to you guys now eventually you're going to come to the fight with king iravetti himself he'll have a short conversation where a fight will ensue now before that fight ensues you can ask him what the deal with tartusio was all about and he will very quickly explain that tartusio was simply trying to help him find the briar and spoiler alert he found it the artifact that tartusio recovered from under the old sycamore was in fact the briar the physical manifestation of nairissa's ability to love king eurovetti while maybe not the most morally upright guy isn't an idiot if nothing else and he realized that nirissa was planning on killing him in some way so he was trying to find leverage on her and he was using tartusio to do that and tartusio surprisingly enough managed to actually find the briar which he then transported to irovetti in the portal scene that we saw and i believe it was chapter one or part one of this series but as we're killing eurovetti chances are you'll see the scene play out where he calls in english which is like a naga and then he'll attempt to command her using the briar however at this point nairissa will more than likely come into this fight chastise irovetti for trying to keep the briar from her and then sick english on your avetti who will kill him and then you'll be forced to deal with english which is usually an easy fight she actually has a heal ability that's really strong that she'll use over and over again even on normal modes you kind of gotta be prepared to deal with that but otherwise she's not that difficult and upon finishing this fight that will actually wrap up what we need to do for the chapter but i want to talk about something else in the last chapter i spoke about how nairissa was after something she wasn't able to find and that she was using the oculus of abaddon to find it well what she was trying to find as you might have pieced together by now is the briar if nairissa is allowed to get her hands on the oculus of abaddon in any way she finds the briar she knows that king irovetti has it before we do and then she will go find it and then have it replaced with a very sophisticated replica resulting in the scene we just saw now in order to free nyrissa from her curse which is the actual secret ending i've been slowly hinting at throughout this series you need the briar it is required if she gets her hands on it first you can still find it it's just very difficult we'll talk about that in probably the next part actually if we are able to meet the requirements to have tristan destroy the oculus instead of stealing it from vordecai to begin with then nairissa will never learn the location of the briar and thus the briar that we find on iravetti's corpse will be the real briar which again makes the secret ending a little easier which might save you a headache or two so after this we will have officially conquered pitax we can return to our capital where either through kingdom management or the auto scenes we will be able to deal with the resulting aftermath of pit tax assign a new governor deal with the city guard deal with the thieves guild there which is kind of like the bandits and stuff and basically decide how we want to run the kingdom of pittax now after this the only thing left to do is finish out ancient curse part 6. part 7 is actually just a freebie part of the curse you will have the entire timer of part 7 to explore and focus on kingdom management which is a great time to wrap up things like achievements now what i actually recommend you do is the explore part of that finish out exploring now ideally up to this point you'd only have one part of the map left which is a place called thousand voices which part seven is a great time to explore that instead of right after part seven because part seven is the last part of the ancient curse at the end of part seven the end of the game is kind of thrown towards you now at the end end there's actually still quite a bit of content left but it's less about kingdom management and more about a narrative to the end of the game that will be the next part of this series which is why i'm explaining it here i hope you guys are looking forward to it thank you so much for watching this video it truly does help and it means a lot to me so again thank you may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you our final part in our story of pathfinder king maker series in our last episode we successfully defended our kingdom from an invasions of sorts from iroveti the king of pitax so after that concludes we need to wait for whatever's left of the ancient curse part six to carry through and then we get a bit of a freebie part of the ancient curse timer that is part seven now at the end of part 7. during which you will have been able to basically just freely explore the map and focus on your kingdom management but at the end of part 7 you will be directed to head to a spot on the map called thousand voices specifically an area called the castle of knives now this is where your kingdom will start to crumble pretty quickly so up to this point the ancient curse has been establishing portals at the bald hilltop and as this curse has progressed that portal has become more stable and now it's finally stable enough for you to travel to the first world to confront nairisa now in your capital you will wind up having a small council with all of your companions where you guys basically say okay now we need to go confront nairisa and wrap this up and put a bow on it from here the rest of the game is more of a narrative experience as well as combat the kingdom management stuff falls off the timers are still kind of there here and there however most of the other stuff kind of falls away now i do want to mention that if you are thinking well i'll just take my time and continue on until you know i'm ready to go i wouldn't recommend it because if you are playing with kingdom management on you're going to be given three problem events a day until eventually you're not going to have advisors to deal with them and then they will continue because most problem events take at least seven days to complete so essentially you're going to be overwhelmed with kingdom events until your kingdom falls or alternatively on auto you'll just hit a timer that ends your game you need to head to the castle of knives and thousand voices now upon arriving at the castle of knives you're going to run into the nerly witch as well as the wriggling man and they'll be arguing over something and they start fighting shortly after this an entity called shaika the mini will appear to you shaika is actually one of the eldest of the first world herself or his self or itself so shaika the mini is more than just a title for this person shaika is actually an arcanomancer so to speak that is to say a master of time now as the title might imply shaika takes on many forms they all speak with the same voice and they all have the same powers it can be a man a woman different races all sorts of stuff hence the name shike of the mini but shaika will explain to us that the nerly witch and the wriggling man are nairissas lieutenants and chief advisors and they are fighting over something called the first crown that has been lost the first crown was the crown of the king from the very first kingdom that nyrissa destroyed to fill her apology cup so the outside portion of the castle of knives you will be able to track down the three pieces of the broken first crown that you can then assemble and take back to shaika here where you can make a decision you can give it to an inquisitor you will have met while doing this quest that's kind of the neutral option it gives the cursed king in the crown rest or you can keep the crown for yourself you can give it to shika or you can potentially free the spirit of the king that is trapped in this crown now like i mentioned giving it to the inquisitor is kind of the uh real option without too much of a hassle if you give it to shika that has big implications keeping it for yourself has a few things here and there but isn't that big of a deal and then freeing the ghost has some ramifications as well so freeing him will actually call for his help in a later battle whereas giving it to shika has a much bigger consequence that i will discuss at the right time but suffice to say it's a pretty important quest now once you get this done you can head farther up into the castle of knives where eventually you will find a portal and out will walk a guy called the horned hunter who says that he guards well helps guard the portal and that he works for nairisa at which point he will summon a couple of jabberwocks to fight you and once they're dead you'll be free to enter the portal to the first world now when you enter you're going to wake up alone but you'll see a vision of nairissa guiding lindsay into this house now once you wake up properly and come to your you know senses where you can move around you will meet yvendra evandra being a character of course we met in chapter six and is nairissa's neread cousin avendra will explain that nairissa has taken your companions and scattered them around through her house at the end of time which is kind of like her seat of power in the first world yvendra will also explain that if you haven't found the briar that is to say that you didn't get the actual briar from iravetti that the briar is in the house somewhere yvendra will actually just offer up this information for you and because she offers it up i'm going to explain real fast if you don't have the briar up to this point it's still possible to get it it's just very difficult because you have to pass a very high perception check on the second floor i believe it is and then even if you pass that perception check you then have to pass the very high lock picking skill check next to then get the briar so it's very easy to miss even now that we know where it is again because you have to pass two very high checks to find it and then actually be able to get it so ideally it is actually easier to get it from eurovetti if possible now like i mentioned we came to all by ourselves and that our companions are scattered around the house so once we enter the house we need to start picking up our companions now this is also a very important part of the story because as i mentioned in a previous episode i believe doing your side quests for your companions is important and this moment is why if your companion side quest was not successfully completed they will die here basically if any of the side quests failed for any reason they will die or leave in the case of amiri they leave because amiri is like an iconic character for pathfinder so they didn't want to like actually kill her off so she will leave but everyone else pretty well just dies when it comes to the side quest you don't necessarily have to resolve them a particular way there are multiple ways for each of those side quests to resolve themselves thus affecting the in slide that you'll see for that companion at the end of the game however all you have to do to keep them alive here is successfully complete the quest in some way so once we gather up all of our companions which involves fighting a couple people specifically the horned hunter again as we pick up lindsay also if lindsay dies her consciousness gets transferred into the book she's writing so she can continue writing it because she is of course our narrator as well as the person in charge of writing the journal entries for all of our quests and also it's important that you fought horned hunter right here now while we're picking up lindsay she will explain that there are keys that lead to the shrine where the apology is kept because that's what we're trying to get to because if we can get to the apology we can force nyrissa to appear and confront us because until then she's not the type to confront people herself as you might have guessed from her backhanded tactics up to this point in the game so finding the keys to get into the shrine involves exploring the sanctum a little bit here so the nearly witch and the wriggling man that we met earlier will both have one of the keys the nerly witch is in the basement the wriggling man is up on the second floor ironically enough they hate each other and will both task you with trying to find the other one or you know killing the other one for them and then the third key is actually hidden in a missed puzzle in the basement as well which is a bit of a pain but as long as you're exploring you'll eventually find it and all you have to do is solve that puzzle kill an enemy and grab the key from them now when it comes to the nurly witch it is possible if you have the evil alignment to convince her to just not fight you at all and just give you the key which is pretty nice actually now if you choose to fight her and you set the king from the first crown free from the crown he will actually assist you in that fight with the nerly witch now as for the wrigley man he has some stuff going on but you know you can also just kill him for the key he's involved with like a side quest and some mirrors and stuff so again it's a thing you can do but honestly you just need the key from him now once you have all three of these keys you can enter the shrine where the apology cup is being kept and thus nairissa will finally confront you now this is a very important scene it's potentially the end of the game even when nairisa pops up to confront us we will actually see the horn hunter chained to a tree where he was punished for failing nairisa by not being able to kill you but as we're talking to nairissa a few things come up here one if you have the briar you can attempt to return it to her which opens up the option to not have to fight her but while it is part of the secret ending it's not the whole thing in order to unlock the secret ending which kind of begins to see its fruition right here you have to have been trying to romance nirissa the entire time which of course involves not completing a romance with any other characters as well as researching 13 of the 16 available curses through kingdom management so you can have an understanding of curses as well as getting some specific dialogue options from tartuk as well as vordicai it involves of course finding the briar and giving it to her so basically what needs to happen is when you give the briar to her she has to a want to accept it which requires her to be in love with you right so if she doesn't want to accept the briar then the fight just happens like normal but if you've romanced her enough through conversation options with her up to this point she can accept the briar from you which is great you get to skip the fight however you might not know how to then free her from her curse from the lantern king which is where all the research on the curses comes in and then even then with all that research you still have to have the conversation options from the two individuals i mentioned earlier to actually then trigger the final parts so again there's a lot going on but that is what involves the secret ending it kind of sees its comeuppance right here we will finish that once we get to the appropriate part now once we fight nirissa if that's what happened or you know we skipped that fight the horned hunter will reveal himself as none other than the lantern king himself as he easily shakes off nairissa's spells holding him to the tree as punishment he then transforms into remus the guy we've met when we first left oleg's trading post as well as again through a couple quests throughout the game that i had called attention to he also reveals himself to be the gnome that we met in the bloom in chapter 3 and then he explains if you chose to spare nirissa's life here that he doesn't appreciate his toy being taken away from him because you and irisa will have teamed up to form an alliance after she was defeated because her kingdom falling with her defeat will have been the thousandth grain in the apology cup but again you'll be able to form an alliance or spare her life just in general and the lantern king won't like that basically and he will then depart to go attack your kingdom as a bit of a revenge type thing for sparing narissa's life now if nairissa dies right here that's it game over that's just the end of the game it's not necessarily a bad ending but it's not the actual ending and because ironically enough people don't like nairissa despite her supposed to being like a tortured villain type thing this is also kind of an acceptable ending to the game but there is potentially one more chapter which we're about to get into but before we do that one last thing if we gave the first crown to shika the mini and we either did not give nirissa the briar or she did not accept it then what shaika will do is use the first crown and her powers over time to essentially take a grain of dust from the apology cup thus resulting in nairasa's death without you actually having to fight her again giving you the ending of the game right here let's assume you either went with the secret ending that required you to not fight nirissa or you fought her and then chose to spare her life and made an alliance and now the lantern king has departed in anger trying to destroy your kingdom you will have to follow him through a portal when you are ready and you've explored all of the stuff in the house that you wanted to explore and you're ready to move on when you go through that portal you will find yourself in your capital again you will meet with the lantern king where he will explain that the very first time he met you outside of oleg trading post he said some very specific things to you about he who inherits the stolen lands inherits its pain and its death turns out that was actually a curse and the lantern king formally curses you right here you will have to escape this little area of the map which involves just fighting through some weaker monsters and you'll probably quickly notice that this curse is debilitating it is a status effect that gives you minus sixty percent damage like a thirty or forty percent chance to like re-roll your crit rolls it's a pretty brutal curse but you'll have to escape and you'll meet the storyteller just towards the entrance the storyteller will then kind of lead you to a bit of a clearing where you can gather your forces and he'll explain that you know you're cursed and basically what you need to do is go around your kingdom gather up your allies and things and through gathering them that should weaken the lantern king's curse on you now lucky for us the traveling is instant it's not like the world map we were using earlier it's just a text event where you click where you want to go and you're there now you can't rest here outside of talking to the storyteller who will then help you rest which is important because that passes time you have about 20 days or so to wrap all of this up or the game ends and you fail now as i mentioned in order to clear this curse from us which will then carry the story forward we need to deal with all the problems the lantern king is causing around our kingdom and what he's doing is he's summoning shadows of your past enemies as he drags your kingdom into the first world so we need to do is use this portal to travel to the various spots of importance through the map that the storyteller will have told us about and resolve the situation there which usually involves fighting a shadow of an enemy we've already fought for instance we need to go to oleg's trading post to help our city guard out and it turns out the stag lord or at least the shadow of the stag lord is attacking oleg's post again you can kill him thus helping oleg's post as well as freeing up your city guard which then removes a portion of the curse so you need to do that until the curse is gone now also a couple of other things about this particular part of the game if you are working on the secret ending there will also be a little extra with nirissa where she needs to gather the approval so to speak of the other eldest so there will be a little extra bit with that that i wanted to mention as well as you seeing the culmination of some of your choices here and there for instance if you chose to let tartuk go in chapter 2 troll trouble this is where you can meet him when you go to tro bold he can potentially even join your party as a sorcerer so just stuff like that you'll start to see the culmination now eventually once this curse is broken you can then tell the storyteller that you're ready to finally march on the capital with your acquired forces now again what that actually looks like is going to be very different depending on your choices throughout the game you know you could have jamandi on your side she could maybe not be on your side if you didn't side with her maybe rmag's there helping you out maybe it's another leader that you put in charge of the tiger lords kind of just a lot of variations there basically who's your ally and who's not this can play out a lot of different ways now once we tell the storyteller we're ready to go if khalik and kanara the dlc companion are still alive you'll get a short scene with the forefather where he finally you know takes his uh plan into motion the forefather is of course uh khaliq and kanara's dad actually at which point you'll be given the opportunity to go finish their companion quest well the rest of their companion quest i should say which is the only one that actually plays out after the house of the end of time barring that you can then travel to confront the lantern king which involves you traveling around the fantastical ruins of your capital city as they kind of transcended into the first world this is where you'll start seeing all of the assembled forces you just gathered helping you fight through the city you'll eventually find a piece of the apology cup that was destroyed the storyteller tells you that you need to find all of the fragments of the apology cup bring them to him so he can destroy them which will then destroy the barrier to your throne room which is where the lantern king is actually waiting for you so once you do exactly that gather up all of the fragments of the broken apology cup which is broken because you spared nerissa's life you'll then be able to have the storyteller destroy them and move on to the final confrontation with the lantern king so this is a pretty interesting fight i like that it tells you about the forms of the lantern king by the way so remus is like the curses and prophecies part of the lantern king the gnome is like the jokes and laughter part of the lantern king and then the horned hunter is like the chaos and craziness of the lantern king because the lantern king is like the embodiment of like laughter deceit and chaos so i just thought it was cool that they gave like a purpose to each of the forms that they gave him throughout the game but regardless you'll have to fight each of those forms and then after that the lantern king will show his true form which is of course the giant globe of fire we'll have seen up to this point he will try to properly activate the curse that he laid on you this is done through like a text event i've personally never failed this so i don't know that it is actually possible to do so but what does happen is that it can affect the companions that are then helping you with the final part of this fight so for each like successful speech option you pass kind of countering his curse some of your companions will like either die or be taken back but then there's an alignment choice at the end of it in which it kind of seems like you can just forcefully take all of them with you so i'm not entirely sure that this conversation has any ramifications because i haven't actually seen any but it seems to imply that like maybe you'd lose some of your companions for the final part of the fight but again i i haven't actually seen all that but because the alignment choice you can only you know have like potentially two alignments to choose from and i haven't used every single one of them in this particular conversation i don't believe there is any particular consequence to this conversation at least it doesn't in my experience seem to have been any and i've beaten this guy like four or five six times now after this text event in which you know you use your words and things to properly counter his curse you then fight the lantern king's final form which will then kill him properly at which point he's almost immediately reborn because fey in the first world are immortal which is a thing but a he'll have lost a bunch of power because he died all of his followers are dead and he doesn't like to die because he mentions if you haven't done the secret ending the other eldest can use that opportunity of him dying to play very intricate pranks which is an allusion to the secret ending if you haven't gotten it this is potentially also where the secret ending plays out which is the only way to actually kill the lantern king so if you've successfully romanced nairissa freed her of her curse got the support of the eldest and everything like i mentioned earlier in this video you will then have an extra conversation option right here where you will actually potentially be able to actually kill the lantern king like completely if you just got here and don't have the true secret ending going on once you get to this point you'll have a few different options because the lantern king will offer you immortality and power and you guys just call it a day nairisa will offer you the same thing basically because she's capable of doing that they're both essentially going to connect you to the first world thus granting you the immortality that they have and then they'll kind of become an intricate part of your kingdom so if you side with the lantern king in that way you know he's literally called the laughing lie his whole thing is like jokes and deceit so as you might imagine that ending is not great for your kingdom but you know you can choose it because it's the end of the game so whatever nairis is kind of the same thing but if you choose this you both remain cursed but it's like the curse has lost all of its power in a way because the lantern king was defeated but you are both still cursed which in my opinion is kind of the neutral option if you want it or the other option where you basically tell the lantern king to remove the curse completely and all of you just go your separate ways and they give you your kingdom which in my opinion is the best option outside of the secret ending and then after that happens you will be greeted with all the lovely ending slides of all your choices throughout the game now regardless of how things went for you i find the ending slides to be very satisfying it's definitely like a payoff of all of the choices you've made in this very long and very extensive rpg so there you go guys there is the story of pathfinder king maker i tried to pack all of the endings and everything in there obviously the ending slides have so much variation it would take me absolutely forever to go over every possible option but i will kind of have the end slides up and you'll kind of see kind of what it goes over and then there's a lot of variation for each of those i certainly hope you guys enjoyed the story series here and the plot of pathfinder king maker i really enjoyed the game the story was really cool even if the game itself had its flaws which you can check out my review after 100 if you are so interested in hearing my thoughts on those but regardless thank you guys so much for watching i certainly hope you guys like comment subscribe stick around see what the channel is doing in the future but again thank you so much for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day their attack was rebuffed the enemy state's infantry retreated when the army's wizards brought down reigns of fire and magical arrows on the heads of the flabbergasted enemy soldiers since then galt hasn't risked crossing any borders again fearing cruel retaliation for further insolence the feud between bravo's north and south which had been smoldering for ages finally sparked the fires of civil war we didn't interfere watching as the forces of house sertova and the sword lord slaughtered each other alternating between brief truces and fresh fights brevo was flooded with blood and grew weak its leaders could only watch helplessly as their border territories were slowly annexed by neighbors until they fell to squabbling among themselves the butchery and brevoi jeopardized the peace of the entire region the tiger lords found it difficult to recuperate after what our mob did to them the barbarians remaining in numeria weren't very happy that we sheltered the deposed chief and his supporters but they were too afraid of him to attack us over it that bomb has a long fuse but it's definitely burning i'm afraid that a few generations down the road the grandchildren of the current tiger lords may want to retaliate against us for their grandfathers pit tax almost returned to its former state a joyful city filled with beers of dubious quality and deals of questionable legality the old trade houses lost the crown but they retrieved the property eravedi had taken from them soon pitax became almost like a second capital in the kingdom a thriving city through which rivers of money from across the region ran unfortunately we get much less of this money than we would like governor liacenza turned out to be helpless against widespread embezzlement maestro bellavara gave the academy of the arts a second win throwing out mediocre students and sycophants she gathered within its walls talented visionaries rebels and free thinkers those whose gifts felt cramped within the walls of more respectable institutions she managed to do what aravetti never could namely make the academy truly famous albeit scandalously so trolls and cobalts two of the most savage native peoples living in the narrow marches were completely exterminated after enduring so many storms and troubles varnhold eventually turned into a real city daring settlers decided to conquer the vast wild expanses of gunsword and despite all odds they succeeded the modest cup makar varn didn't stay at the court for long having saved some seed money he left service and organized a new farnling host the sutscale cobalts think themselves the masters of the area around the old sycamore and they aren't very friendly toward travelers it hasn't come to bloodshed yet but many careless travelers have broken an arm or a leg in the cobalt's traps when the kick due to tumult on both sides of the border oleg's trading post gradually fell into desolation regretfully leaving its walls for which so much blood had been shed ola and svetlana left the back country that was so dear to their hearts and returned to the noise of the big city jod and kesten after surviving the bloom remained loyal to the king they followed through thick and thin and they continue to serve as court advisers to this day the austere priest and the gloomy warrior regularly argue over the proper way to govern the state as well as which of the two rulers kesten gares took a post as chief of the kingdom's guard the former heir to a noble family never returned to brevo severing all ties to his kin however jod remained loyal to the king to the end of his face healing the sick and generously sharing his austere wisdom with anyone who wished to having participated in lamashdo's ritual oleka gave birth to a strong and healthy baby sadly the child grew into an unruly and violent adolescent having named the peer at just 10 years of age the boy escaped to the narrow marches fleeing the rage of a mob that tore his mother the lizard folk of the longtail tribe returned to live on the shores of candlemere but they couldn't return to their ancient way of life living alongside people the lizard folk adopted their behaviors habits and even religion more avendra was glad to see the lantern king's plans turned to dust she spent some time helping restore the kingdom after the calamity then returned home to the first world they say the rebellious spirit of her cousin after the victory the storyteller abandoned his affairs and began spending a lot of time alone in contemplation he event we never saw amiri again perhaps she got lost somewhere in the first world or maybe she found some other way back who knows i valerie stayed to serve the king and to this day she continues to be amused to many people not just bards and admirers but to warriors as well karen became famous respected by dwarves throughout our kingdom as well as our neighbors even as far as the five kings mountains he's often been asked to help out or teach others and he's never denied anyone this jaythal spent some time at the king's court but it became progressively harder for her to hide her true nature from the omnipresent servants of pharasma realizing the risk she reluctantly left the kingdom and she soon sent a message from gev in a country populated me octavia didn't stay still for very long soon she and reg went to numeria and started a huge slave rebellion there they didn't manage to destroy the technical league but to this day slaves speak their names with admiration enslavers with regangar left for numeria with octavia to start a slave rebellion over the journey he really matured eckan spent a few years in the stolen lands and in that time won glory as the most rugged monster hunter in all the river kingdoms the ranger exterminated even the most harmless of the monsters around the capital then moved on to other lands and new victories they say the ruthless avenger and slayer of wild monsters made it as jubilost returned to the life of a traveling explorer frequently visiting his favorite kingdom he said so himself his famous work studying the first world all opened with a dedication to his longtime companion the king another name was awesome as for knock knock apologies i mean jester knock knock he continued to be a great source of entertainment for the kingdom both in and out of the throne room sometimes even on purpose his antics in the kingdom had an additional effect aside from bringing joy and amusement to the citizens it also softened the common view of goblins they even became welcome in the streets of the city for a time while he may not have become the hero he envisioned knock knock did find himself and his inner strengths thanks to the king if you should ever find yourself in the kingdom be sure to seek him out he'll despite all the woes that befell the country our king remains a strong leader many noble houses from neighboring lands wouldn't have as for myself the author of this book lindsay who never chose a pretty nickname i stayed here within my own book to watch what happens in the kingdom and one day you
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 208,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Pathfinder, Kingmaker, Story, Plot, Chapters, Choices, Walkthrough, Lets play, Gameplay, Prologue, Tutorial, Ancient Curse, Season Of Bloom, Lantern King, First World, Eldest, Remus, Nymph, Vordakai, Armag, Tristan, Briar, Pitax, Irovetti
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 24sec (10224 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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