A Master Thief's Guide to leveling fast in Kingdom Come Deliverance

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I don't like to speak ill of your people sir Rik but well there's been talk of criminality turning Henry into a master Thief does not have to be difficult and it certainly doesn't have to take very long in just two in-game days I'll provide you a clear and easy path to criminal Mastery giving you all the skills the stats and the gear that you'll need in order to thrive in your new life of crime all I need from you before we can start is to complete the prologue as you can see my Henry here is about as low as one can be as I rush through scallet to start my adventure in the open world if you'd like to start a fresh playthrough or perhaps you've experienced a loss of progress you can check out this video here it'll show you how to finish the prologue in under 20 minutes and get you breathing that fresh rate air go ahead and grab a bite to eat and then it's time to talk to pesek he's going to offer us a job I am going to accept it in order to avoid any reputation loss after that exchange we can request lockpick training so we're given 15 lock picks which should be more than enough for the rest of our playthrough certainly more than enough to get through what I'm going to teach you however if you're having a a tough go of it pesek got you covered with more lockpicks and we're actually going to pick up a handful more during our first night of training so don't worry it's okay if you're struggling a little bit it's temporary now if you're a console player check your settings that's the first step ensure that you are on simplified lockpicking this will make it more closely aligned to what we see on PC now the second thing that I'm going to advise to you guys on Console right now you're probably holding your controller obviously with two hands in most cases with your thumbs on the stick now when I use my right thumb and try to make a circle you see how sloppy that kind of is I'm constantly ovaling it's really quite hard to stay in a nice neat Circle and that's what we need to do in order to lock pick successfully what I'm going to advise to you is to turn your hand slightly so that your index finger and thumb are pinching the right joystick this gives you two points of contact on your joystick it becomes a lot easier to follow along the circle path right so change your grip get yourself a lot more control that's a huge Boon for you on on uh console and the last thing is be picky about your sweet spot okay anytime you enter a lockpicking mini game you're going to get a new Sweet Spot in these first couple levels until you have lasting lock picks don't settle for anything less than within this Inner Circle this is best case scenario is you get a sweet spot here okay but you can also do a sweet spot if it's all the way at the edge because that's as far as your controller goes anyway as long as your speed is good so let's go ahead and pick ourselves a sweet spot that we can handle at such a low level see right there we're going to try this okay it's actually more like right here as you can see but if you're here and use the right speed you're going to be able to get this done now if you go too slow and I'll show you if you go too slow it's um it's fighting the to pick and there's a high chance of it breaking and obviously if you go too fast it's going to break but if you have a nice consistent speed which is about this speed right here you're going to have success now also keep in mind one other thing is don't be stubborn if you're um in the middle of a pick and things start to kind of grind and you're trying to like get back on course you're trying to fight through it just let go of the button stop rotating start over this training chest we can pick it a total of 10 times and that's actually going to get us most of the way to our level three which is our first perk you see that we're done we've run out of our 10 attempts here so we're just going to go in this door right here we've got one more chest and there we go we're already at level three lockpicking so let's go ahead and take everything that's in here and take our skill and then uh on your way out the door take a look over here and we've got some food and a couple things of alcohol the last thing we need to do is learn how to pick pocket we can't ask until we have paid him back either through Quest or through coin we're going to choose coin we're going to run over to the Tanner that's right next store here and we're going to sell a few items to get us 50 Gran and we can just tell him we've got enough coin to pay him back now that we're here we can ask him to teach us to pickpocket so let's go ahead and do that and we've talked to pesek just go on the opposite side of him at low levels it's kind of a crapshoot sometimes you don't get a lot of time and sometimes you do don't push it cuz that's when you get in trouble so having completed this we are on our our way to leetch go that's going to be our training ground but we just have two quick stops to make so go ahead and cross the bridge and follow the road until you see this Farmhouse now it does have a dog as you'll see but it actually is an abandoned house there's nobody here and you'll see the door unlocked we're going to call this our safe house okay if something goes wrong especially in the early stages when you can't talk your way out of it you can come here and you can wait out your sentence you know you're not always going to be flawless and that's okay that's only going to work for non-lethal crimes I guess I'll call it this house here has a bed it has a food pot and it actually has a cup a chest here for us to pick so that's just another one for our skills which is great there is one more chest in the barn creatively I am calling this a barn chest and these Barn chests you'll find in out buildings instead of the main houses they are easy locked chests and they are filled with garbage loot but they represent a great start for leveling especially during the daytime our next destination on the way to leko is right here this is um a treasure that we can get a few extra items to get started on okay go ahead and open up the sack and you'll see we've got some we've got some good starting goodies uh most important for us right now is that nearly 250 gion we're actually going to take that over to the tavern and we're going to buy ourselves the room permanently when you're in the middle of the night and you need to drop off some stuff into your chest and the inke Keeper's already gone to sleep you're going to be happy that you just bought the room out right let's hit up our room and deposit everything we have on us into our chest and I mean everything okay so including your money now I've talked about this in previous videos one big reason we are here in leeto is because of the reputation system the dko is the richest town that has a single reputational category if we take a look at a place like tomberg you'll no noce three categories when you upset people usually through crime you'll lose reputation with people of their category each person has their own feelings about you but this score represents your overall rating and the people do gossip in order to restore or boost your reputation you will have to do different things to get in their good graces when it comes to villagers or citizens all you have to do is lose a far if we look at luchko we'll see that everyone counts as a villager guards Traders it doesn't matter everyone is just a villager so everyone is impacted by the farle table when we lose a game we will gain one and a half reputation point this is just begging for abuse so let's break it further if you have no money on you you'll see the slider has Henry at a zero Gran wager however and this is pretty dumb you can just tap up or down on the slider and you'll see it settle on one gion you can now play for real money but for free we start a 50 rep here at luchko but we can quickly lose 33 games and after some time has passed you'll notice us at a perfect 100 this this has a dramatic impact on the pickpocketing perk friendly neighbor and it also affects vendors [ __ ] but we can see that increasing our rep by 50 points overall has raised our rep with vendors from 50 to 68 so whenever you had a few oopsies or maybe you're looking for a better price at the Traders you can come here and boost your reputation okay now back to the crime don't move a finger with the daylight that's left I'll get to work while we discuss some strategies I'll be getting us our stealth outfit in a few hours but until then I go after some of the lower risk chests on the south side of town I'll point out that there are hidden difficulties when it comes to Locks we can do very easy and easy ones right away but you will need to reach certain levels to attempt hard and very hard you'll be able to open some hard locks at level six and others at level nine very hard locks will require either level 12 or 15 however thanks to the must have perk luck of the drunk we only need to level to six in order to open very hard chests provided we drink alcohol first so that becomes our lockpicking goal and we'll get to level six by early morning at night you'll want to focus on doors house chests and stealth Knockouts our stealth skill will be leveling as we pick locks and Pockets but we won't get to our goal of level eight unless we take the time to choke out sleeping villagers just avoid those that are too close together some of those bench beds are quite tightly packed and should just be skipped those sleeping in an l-shape are risky as well it's getting late and I'm ready to get us dressed let's go sleep and save until just after midnight we are headed north to the nearby Bandit camp on the hill if you don't already know these are the bandits that come chase down Riki in the quest on the scent the three of them sleep from Midnight until 5:00 a.m. slow and steady is important here as we don't want to wake them just knock them out and finish them off they sleep far enough apart so The Knockout animation will not alert the others loot their bodies for a few more lockpicks and then open their easy chest grabbing it all will leave you overburden so I'm just going to take the essentials as nothing here is terribly valuable putting on these items will get us to a very respectable 19 visibility 20 conspicuousness and zero noise our night of crime is going to be much easier now that we are harder to see you may notice I'm still Barefoot we can pick up our shoes at the rat house head down and around the back of the Rat house being mindful of the Sleeping Dog the door at the top of the stairs is always unlocked there's a small chance of someone sleeping in the room but it is usually empty open the chest here and take everything you can equip the silent shoes to complete our outfit leave the way you came and head over to this chest where the guards keep their equipment before getting back to the tavern for a much needed inventory dump unlike rate guards here don't conduct random searches so there's no need to worry about that we're going to use the rest of the night to get lockpicking to six and increase our stealth just sweep through the town unlocking everything you can and choking out any easy targets I recommend leaving Barn chest until the daylight and focusing on the houses leeto has a surprising amount of armor scattered about take what you can and stash at the tavern as needed if you keep a good Pace it should be no problem to unlock luck of the drunk by the early morning if you can do it before 7: a.m. there should be enough time to rob the tailor which is our high value Target you probably have alcohol by now but you can also break into the tavern storage room robbing the tailor gets us more high value items for our future pickpocket training and pieces to wear for a Charisma Loadout with that done we can get back to the tavern and save our progress restore some energy and get ready for the next step in the early game Charisma is King a good thief has a stealth Loadout and a Charisma Loadout a great Thief can combine the two but this takes time perks and the right pieces of gear if we can get to 15 Charisma we become able to avoid some consequences for our mistakes provided our reputation isn't trash and our aren't too violent we can actually talk to guards from arresting us or even searching us let's work on some supporting skills that can raise our Charisma I didn't do it here but you can take mud along and level Hound Master to three to get the perk nice doggy it's an easy plus one just feed them the chickens throughout town and give them some praise herbalism is easy to level and you may have already done so in the prologue we want flower power which we can get at level five as it provides plus two to our Charisma if we carry at least 30 herbs in our inventory when you level this just make sure to pick at least 200 Nettles to unlock the secret perk resistance giving us a plus two to Vitality this increases stamina and will be helpful in leveling our next supporting skill maintenance maintenance has three perks that suit a thief fragrance will provide a plus one Charisma bonus for a day after washing this includes washing in a trough you do not need to visit the bath house to activate the buff Savi Rogue can give up to plus two Charisma provided you are wearing clothes not armor that you've reped yourself the last perk we are after right now is stuffing armor you repair yourself will have reduced noise this is going to allow you to have a more protective stealth build as there are many pieces of armor you can get that once repaired will have a zero noise value to get these three perks we need to reach level 9 in maintenance the fastest way to do so is to damage and repair a high value sword or axe at the grind wheel the higher the value the more XP you get for the repair just damage and repair over and over and you'll see the gains when you leave the wheel we don't yet have a high value weapon so let's go get one head Northwest towards the Forest Hill and look for this rock if you go straight North from here you will happen upon a woodland garden with a treasure chest it's a hard lock that requires level six inside we have some valuables including the St George's sword this is a fan favorite among long sword users we don't need to have the required stats in order to grind the weapon so take it back to the wheel and power level maintenance to get those three perks now that we have a bunch of valuables it's time to level up our pickpocket skill whereas lockpicking can get us a ton of money and gear I view pickpocketing as a skill that helps us with mission objectives there are many times a quick rumage can get us important Quest items in a hurry often circumventing timeconsuming mission objectives it's also a great way to get some loaded dice the goal here is level eight that will get us a few perks including friendly neighbor which gives us more room for error where are you sticking your fingers when our reputation is good it's useful to level Beyond this for pocket site but I consider that more of a luxury the best way to quickly level up is to place valuable items on an NPC and then pickpocket them one at a time after they've woken up for this method we will want to pick targets that do something that keeps them busy and in place I have Targets in mind that make good candidates the choice will be yours Tanners typically make good candidates for pickpocketing Ricky's father is no exception he lives alone and very rarely has a water carrier pass through his property is pretty big and where he does his work is pretty far from the road this means you are not likely to be seen by others the downside I've noticed with him is that he doesn't like you being on his property I find he 's animations early when I'm near I don't get caught per se but he'll slowly turn around and if he sees me he'll complain that means frequent trips to the road to break his attention this next recommendation is my second favorite that's SEC it seems crazy because of his location in town but he's actually a really good candidate he stands in place all day only moving to go to sleep and return the next morning further he likes to sit down in the grass if he is sitting you don't need any strength to knock him out and his body will just fall immediately instead of having to place him down with the button you can see very clearly in both directions so it's easy to avoid Witnesses knock him out and clear away his inventory Place valuables on him and then walk a bit away before skipping an hour if you approach from the south he won't know you're there I'll reveal my favorite Target in a moment but let's talk about some things to be aware of first there is RNG involved in pickpocketing there are times when failure is immediate and without warning especially at lower levels further repeated picking will start to shorten the target's tolerance you will see after three or four items taken that you get a lot less time to rumage you can wait time to reduce this aggro of course so it can be wise to pick a few items and then leave for a bit and come back later however if you want to knock this out fast you can do a few things saving is first and foremost you can well get to level eight without an issue or it might fail by level four from level one to level 8 is only about 10 minutes of work so safe scumming is not a bad option if you aren't a fan of safe scumming that's okay just wear your high Charisma gear and make sure your reputation is good if a failure happens you can immediately submit to a guard and then pass the Charisma check to return everyone to normal I've managed to fail twice in one session and still be able to talk the guards down before going to repair my rep okay my favorite Target this can actually be done even before we level up herbalism and maintenance instead when you go get that St George's sword treasure head over to the herbalist canuta she lives alone we're going to want all her potions anyway so this is an efficient choice but there is a catch if she runs away it'll be hours before before she returns so make sure you pop a SCH knobs before getting started just knock her out and take her clothes before putting your valuables on her you'll have to wait 2 hours instead of one since no one is around to Waker when you get your first perk go ahead and unlock comrade I don't normally take this perk but it's actually really helpful here both of you being naked ensures comrade is active and you will notice the difference it's useful to pause at least 15 seconds between picks just to kind of manage your aggro however things happen and there's always a chance you'll have to reload even still it's very fast if you have good rep with her you can use friendly neighbor once unlocked to get a free mistake I say go ahead and keep picking until that happens and then knock her out and take the rest of your stuff if any remains then Rob her chest and head back to town what good is a master Thief that can't shoot a bow the last thing I wanted to accomplish in this guide is to get you able to do some archery we have a Hazel bow that requires four strength and three agility if you started this guide when I did your Henry still has only one strength let's fix that real quick I was able to get to strength five and Agility 4 by the end of the 48 Hours as well as bow skill 5 and hunting three I consider bow skill 5 to be the point where bows become reliable for combat use hunting level 10 is when you'll get the Forester perk which you'll absolutely want to do but I didn't quite have the time on the west side of town is a spot with many pigs it's against a road that is rarely used EX at the beginning and the end of the workday it's extremely safe and your Vantage Point is far better than that by the skelets cows start with a bludgeon or Axe and beat them to level strength and Agility enough to start using your bow when the pigs are all dead you can just fast travel to the center of town and then immediately head back this makes it pretty quick to get to the stats you need there is a second spot that isn't quite as safe during the day but it's just a bit north and will increase your efficiency if you don't mind being careful these two days basically just launched you to the mid game but there's still plenty for you to do leeto vendors reset very quickly I hit the tailor twice in these two days alone and I checked again after waiting a day and the stock was Again full this town now belongs to you you can routinely Rob these vendors the blacksmith is a great choice to level up increasing his coin purse by selling him items or dropping them in his chest his house isn't trespassing so it's easy to keep robbing I recommend going to sassau at some point and doing Miracles while you wait to bring the charlott into luchko his vendor chest then will be in the tavern storage room and you can regularly steal some rose hip wine best in the game the gear we acquired is a great start but it's not endgame if you want to get some more tasty stealth gear check out this video on how to quickly acquire my favorite jacket in the game alongside other solid pieces with your newfound skills you can also Rob the rat armorer for a few more useful pieces if you're unsure how to build a balanced combat stealth Loadout I can recommend this video here by Griff gaming he does a nice job and the loadout he's chosen is very solid with that I want to thank you for watching come back soon for the next trial by squire
Channel: TrialBySquire
Views: 2,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KCD, Kingdom come, stealth, pickpocketing, Pickpocket, lockpicking, lockpicks, fast leveling, stealth gear, how to start, walkthrough, guide, ledetchko, maintenance, level maintenance, archery, herbalism, charisma
Id: hrH7goHRVYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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