The Full Motion Matching Tutorial W500 Animations/ Walk, Crouch, Jump, TurnInPlace | UE5.4

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in this video we learn everything you need about motion matching using the fre 500 AAA animations that epic gave us we will learn what is motion matching how to set it up how to implement run walk jump Crouch turn place about the new Chooser system and we'll talk a bit about travel Sals in the end my main goal in this video is to do it fast but in a way we'll understand how all things working and why we do what we do and not just copypaste me for that you already have the sample project One Last Thing Before we start if you watched my previous videos you already know a lot from this video so feel free to skip Parts if you want to but I wouldn't suggest it because even though we were pretty accurate about how to do everything there are small changes as well since we know a lot more right now so let's start with what is motion matching motion matching is a system that's meant to replace the current state machines the special thing about it is that it continue to select the best frame of Animation to play out of a big animation pool using 3D trajectory prediction and it can be used for many things like vating safe wallet leading or to do whatever other thing that you want now let's start first open new project and add three plugins motion trajectory post search choosers and restore the project now we need animations gladly epic have finally released 500 R animations and more to come in the future download the simple project get into it hit control space go into the character CS ufn animations hit control while picking the folders of the Crouch idle jump run and walk right click to migrate we don't need the audio we don't need the blueprints and we need everything else which is the animations and the skeleton click okay and choose your project content photo now we can go back to our project and as you can see all the animations are here in order for us to use those animations with a different character mode than this one we need to retarget them to a different skeleton just go to an animation click retarget here you can choose your skeleton I will choose the main skeleton one shift select all of those animations and press ret Target I will create a new folder called animations and Export to it now we have everything over here now we need to change our character to have the same skeleton so let's do it real quick let's start creating our motion matching system create a new folder called motion matching right click click on animations motion matching and create a post search schema select your skeleton and I will call it PSS default what is PSS in really short this is the main place which gives the motion matching system the data of which animation it should pick based on the channels we put right here in the default settings it gives the position of both legs and we will add some things later on it's time to create our databases in the sample project they did different database for every single thing we won't do it here because it will take a lot more time and it's not a must that is for the final 5% polishing and I will show it in one of the next videos which will be a more advanced one go to the motion matching folder create a database folder press right click and animations motion matching and create a database name it PSD walk press control D to duplicate name it run and do the same for Crouch Ina and idle let's start with the walk animations this is our database all we need to do is to write walk press crl a and like all the work animations right here this is a really easy process so we'll speed up the video for it do exactly the same as we did just now for every database in the idle database grab the idle animation and and then search stand turn and grab those as well those are our turn Place animations now how do we switch databases mid run before we do it let's go back for a second and finish setting up the basic motion matching system go to the character blueprint and add here a component called character trajectory this is a must for the system since this is what it's based on second in order to connect animations to a blueprint we need an animation blueprint smart right so go to our skeleton you can do it by pressing out here and click create animation blueprint I will move it to the third person blueprints for organization double click it go to the event C try get Pawn owner and cast to our character blueprint I talked about casting in a different video if you want to see are welcome to watch it there's a link down below but in really short in this particular case it ain't bad C the character trajectory and also the movement component for later use and promote them to variables so the blueprint will have an access to them for the final things go back to our animation graph and type motion magic this is the most important node and we will talk about it later on for now select our run database get a pose history node right click here bind it to our trajectory connect to the output pose and hit compile right now our character acts weird because it doesn't have an ideal animation in the database we gave him so just for a test purpose let's put an ID animation over here don't forget to change the animation class to our animation blueprint and before we test it out we need to delete our land animations from our run database since it shouldn't be here let's test it out you can type down here character trajectory and Z one in the end to see that trajectory midun so in just a few minutes we already got a really good result which would take 10 times longer with State machines but as you can see obviously we have some problems sometimes the ID animation bugs out and obviously we don't have air animations before we continue to fix those things we can also check how it works with Orient movement disabled let's make a quick thing over here so we'll be able to switch mid game and check it out and now I'm pressing R nice now let's move to part two of this video how do we switch between the databases that we made midun well we use a new tool called choosers what are choosers Chooser is an amazing tool which we use when we want to dynamically select a specific asset based on some input data now what the hell does it mean I will start with an easy example here we have a Chooser table I made the rows are the assets we want to switch or control and the columns are the data we use to switch so here we switch the overlay color of the character based on its speed and if he is falling if you walk or Crouch the first material will show if we run the second one and if we jump the third Super useful and pretty easy system before we make our own table let's set the variables we need for it at the animation blueprint first we need to know what is our speed to switch between idle Walk and Run it's super easy just get the velocity from the character movement get its length and promote it to varable in order for us to know if we are midair just set is falling from the character movement now we can make our table go to the motion matching folder create choosers table and call it CHD States first we need to connect the table to our Target the animation blueprint so click on the table settings and add an input ABP is a class so pick a class and choose our ABP leave direction as read for the output it's well what the output will be it can be literally anything but in this case we want it to be the post search databases since you want to get the correct database as for the rows we need to add our databases so click add row as set and let's start with the other dat base add rows for the other and at the walk run in air and Crouch as for the columns this is what we want to choose base on again can be literally anything in this case we will choose based on our speed if we are falling and we need to add is crouching so let's quick go to our character blueprint and add a function for crouching epic are really nice so we already have one that they made just for us just type Crouch and uncrouch create a new varable call it is crouching drag it while holding ALT key to get a set node and set it to true if we are crouching and false if we are not now we also need to set it in our ABP so let's do it real quick talk from the cast node get our Bull and promot it to varable just don't forget to compile and now we can add another column in our table of is crouching now all we need is to put here the values we want so for idle speed is zero we are not falling and we can be crouching for walk speed is between 1 and 3001 not falling and not crouching for one speed is between 3002 and 1999 not falling nor crouching in air can be any speed falling is true or obviously and we are not crouching and crouching speed is above one not falling and of course crouching and we're pretty much done with the Chooser table now we only need to activate it let's go to the animation blueprint to our motion matching node if we have number of databases we can't just choose one right here so click on the database over here activate Dynamic value because you want to be able to change it midun and unexp it as a pin now click on on update and create a Bing now this function will happen on every update of the system so this is the best place for us to call our Chooser table type evaluate Chooser click on it and choose our table from the node drag and type convert to motion matching from here drag set database to search since you want to feed a dynamic database and plug it to the result of our Chooser which will give us our correct database connect the motion matching node to the motion matching node and pick interupt and database changes for now in the more Advance tutorial we will put her Dynamic F Bell as well because sometimes he would want to be interrupted and sometimes he wouldn't want that's it this is where you can really control your motion matching system you can even double click it and write a lot of logic over here but this is for the next tutorials now we need to do some little things before the test first is to delete the land animations from the walk this is for the more advanced tutorial we to delete the ey animations we give the Run database for the test we need to implement walk input and we need to implement walk input in the character blueprint so let's do it for a second just duplicate this and set the max walk speed to 300 for walking and 500 back when we're running for couch to work we to go to character movement and enable it and don't forget to connect this one as well now we can test it we supposed to have two problems now let's see what they are running idle and walking works good but the problem is with the Crouch when we stop moving and with the jumping you can see that the jumping looks pretty glitchy so let's fix those problems as for the couch it's super easy just go to our Chooser table and change the current speed to zero and is crouching for idle for FS what does that mean is that we will use the ID animation for crouch in the couch database instead in a separate one let's check if it works nice it looks really good now let's fix the jumps the fix for it will be to create a new PSS for it if you remember PSS is what fits the system information about our skeleton and let it know what animations it should be the PSS for our gr animations doesn't work well with the jump animations since we need a completely different data so let's go to our PSS press contrl D to duplicate and rename it to PSS air animations let's start with change the weight of the trajectory channel to 10 weight is what determines for the system what it should address the most change offset set to minus point2 this is how much seconds the system will try to predict the future trajectory Flags to position Flags is what information we get of course that if we're jumping we need position of Z as well not only XY and reduce the weight a bit for here we want the velocity and facing Direction weight is one for here offset point two position velocity and velocity direction I know we have double but we want one that predict the future and one that's not for here velocity position and facing Direction XY and weight 2.7 ignore the 11 weight it's an accident I didn't see it until just now add one more Channel select the heading bone pelvis heading XS Y and strip side you can add server channels just be aware that each one you add is making the system more expensive now just go to our a database and change down here the PSS to our new one now we can check it out nice now we can move to our last topic turn in place let's start by putting an input for to the character blueprint just duplicate this and this and grab from the character movement a use controller desired rotation node connect everything and then add a new B called should turn any place and save it in the animation blueprint as always now we need to create a new database duplicate the idle one name it turn in place delete everything until the idle animation now go to the ID database and delete the turn animations after this go to our chooses table and add our new database change is falling and crouching to false and add a bull column for a turn Place bull change the ID for fals and the turn place to Tool the last thing we need to do is to upgrade our default PSS it will help our time place animations and all the rest as well to be smoother at the sample bone we want our pelvis and we want to get its position and velocity go up add a new channel choose the heading Channel get our pelvis bone heading AIS Y and strip s and we're done let's test it out and I will talk in the background so about reversals the Trava in the sample project is pretty complicated and I want to simplify it and make tutorial for it that won't be you know 30 minutes long so it's going to take some time also there are some videos that I want to release before that like beginner tutorials for for U 5.4 for those who just coming in and I do have a lot of stuff to do as well you know like job and that since I haven't got a sent from YouTube yet because apparently there's a 4K hours watch Mark that you need to cross before it which is pretty hard because I do the videos you know as short as possible so the biggest help you can provide me isn't patreon or any of those things it's completely free and it's just watch time I try to do those videos with as many edits and cuts as I can and you still skip most of the videos which is you know obviously fine I do it as well uh just after you finish it if you can let it run one time from the Finish to end in the background it will be the biggest help in the world for me more than you can imagine please like the video if you did it helps me a lot subscribe if you want to see my future videos comment if you can I always like to see those comments and have a beautiful day peace [Music]
Channel: KartoonDevelopTips
Views: 15,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motionmatching, UnrealEngine, Moition Matching, Game Development, UE5
Id: j8RgsganqRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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