Hockey Fun! πŸ‘ | @The Fixies | Cartoons for Children | #Hockey

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[Music] can you believe that fixies are such itty-bitty creatures even when they're magnified it's hard to see their features [Music] hockey today I'm definitely gonna beat you you already forgot you're just one and we're a team baby just you wait [Music] one nothing hi there um Katya uh hi what are you doing here Katya came to pick up something for her mom I need a little more time can you wait here yes of course I'd be happy to we can play a game hmm only just not hockey I never understood why boys are so crazy about it I'm baffled by it too oh the fixies are here hi guys hi there even though you clearly don't get hockey I'm sorry we're finishing this game and after that my dad and I are gonna go and see a real hockey game at the arena I'm sure that a real game is just as boring you're wrong hockey is an incredibly interesting game but it isn't easy a player needs so many different skills like skating very fast stopping quickly dodging the opposing players controlling his stick and shooting the puck into the goal and there's no way to do all of that without science for instance to calculate how hard to hit the puck or how quickly to stop lucky players learn all about that during their practices they put on their protective gear and go for it and that's not all hockey players also have to be brave and Nimble otherwise they might find themselves unable to stop and crashing into the boards or taking a puck to the Head but as the saying goes hockey is not for cowards Kitty go go [Music] what are you waiting for Katya you just made me miss that I'm sorry [Music] the board enough with that I happen to be helping you if you didn't notice you said you don't like hockey so quit giving me advice hmm whatever [Music] that was my second goal from that spot over there you locked out uh-huh sure did he'll have less luck if you keep this player back and that one needs to pass off the boards get your goalie before she said she didn't know anything about hockey so are we playing or not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] attack and check don't lose control a line change on the Fly the buck is zooming towards the goal to score and break the tire it's one for all and all for one great teamwork is a must Let's Go and show them how it's done this game was made for us he's our game Ikea hockey's a game [Music] hockey's a game hockey hockey tell me again what's the name of our game hockey I can't hear you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hooray we won if it hadn't been for Katya but the winning goal was mine [Music] Tom Thomas it's time for the game ready to get going Katya I'll take you home oh um could I go with you to see the hockey I never realized it's such a great game hey you know what why don't we go to the game together maybe I'll like it too great it's about time let's go foreign [Music] [Music] we're one cool team am I right why not we're the mega super duper coolest team on the planet what do you say we do everything together and never ever fight with each other all right children if you look right here you can see that the handle has broken off the professor's favorite mug and it's our duty to fix it by gluing it back on here they are the Inseparable friends quiet down since the two of you are late today why don't you go fly over to the warehouse for us and get the glue yes sir yes sir they crack me up is there any glue left in there no look try jumping on the tube a little great there's plenty our super duper team has done some super excellent work what's going on our hands are stuck we gotta pull it sticky with the help of glue you can stick almost anything together paper plastic glass rubber wood and even metal the reason that glue works is because everything even an ordinary sheet of paper has a rough surface just look at those pits and ridges if we take two sheets of paper fill those pits with glue and press them together the molecules of the glue will start joining with one another after that all that's left is for the glue to dry now what Hey how he has a good idea everyone will laugh at how funny we are heads up everybody [Music] make sure you're complete well done take your places and put your hands on your desk we can't do that we got glued together it's all right come on over here we don't want you to take our hands apart we're sure this Clue's gonna make our friendship stronger right you really think friendship can be measured like that [Music] two three yeah [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] come on I need to go over there I need to go there [Music] it's your fault we got into this mess mine and who is the one that told me to jump enough I'm done with your nonsense from now on you're not my friend and you're not mine all right laughs [Music] [Music] like many of the common substances people use glue was invented by Nature itself for example fish glue their eggs together and mollusks produce a sticky liquid that lets them stick to any surface a spider smears glue on its web a swift uses saliva to bind its nest while caterpillars use their saliva to spin their cocoons the sap from a pine or a birch tree is glue and an egg sticky whites can be used as a base for glue but today most of the glues that people use are made in factories when working with glue it's important to air out the room from harmful fumes and to follow all other safety instructions and try not to get glued to anything it might be very hard to tear yourself away from it hang on [Music] fire you just saved me but how come we got unstuck maybe it was bad glue no we were trying to get you disattached for so long that the glue lost the adhesive properties it had and her friendship did also lose its properties you know what nolik I'm sorry we don't need glue to make our friendship stronger peace peace oh uh oh gotcha the heart [Music] where's my packing it it's not here either I think my head's got a screw loose [Music] oh because I got a real problem what is it I can't decide which club I should pick Johnny signed up for Robotics and katya's gonna be in chess you call that a problem go with Johnny and why not Katya foreign but they don't have robots my mom told me I should listen to my heart do you know how to do that [Music] I found it see you gotta go nolic I think I can tell you she knows everything [Music] the heart is the main pump of a living organism it's a unique muscular musket organ with a multitude of blood vessels attached to it the main function of the heart is to continuously move blood throughout the body the human heart pumps about six liters of blood every minute even though this pump is not that large make a fist your heart is about the same size as that to make sure your heart stays healthy you need to strengthen it with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet please come help me why me two is stronger huh interesting and do you know what is meant by the word heartlessness well I think it's a not a human illness may I tour heartlessness is when a human or a fixie leaves someone who has a problem behind huh yeah thank you very much young man I mean young pixie heartlessness does it last forever of course not we just need to help one another more often uh-huh laughs foreign Thomas my friend here I am how are you how am I why do you care oh by the way I found out how you can listen to your heart you need this tube it's called a stethoscope a stethoscope but I don't have one that's what I'm for that thing is way too tiny mom must have one oh yeah well it's beating loudly and what is it saying to you not a word and now it's beating [Music] huh what was that [Music] this is just absurd a heart can't talk you know what why don't you just try again [Music] Tom Thomas who is that it's your heart talking boom boom can you hear me uh-huh I believe robotics is right for you uh and what about Chess who cares about Chess robots are way cooler this voice reminds me of someone so that's what you look like my itty bitty heart well I did it from the bottom of my heart when a human is at rest his heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute this rhythm is called the pulse rate place two fingers on your wrist or your neck can you hear it you can count the Beats when you're sleeping your pulse slows down but when you get excited run or get worried or afraid your heart begins to beat faster and pumps the blood harder sometimes it feels like it's beating so fast that people say oh my heart is going to jump out of my chest but don't be afraid it's not going anywhere and when people say listen to your heart they don't mean that your heart can talk it means that you should trust yourself and listen to your feelings and then you'll definitely find the answer you're looking for looks like at the end of the day I'm heartless I couldn't help my friend at all no look but you helped you really did I finally figured out which club I want to join robotics like I told you now that I want to learn medicine the Sith dad what time is Mom getting back from her conference she'll be back in an hour what surprise can we make for her let's bake her buns with raisins in them they're her favorite that's a great idea ah where do we keep our recipes huh they're not here where could they be what are you looking for oh a recipe they're in the drawer by the stove over there great thanks a lot here they are that's fantastic let's see what do we need milk flour eggs some cinnamon and raisins the Cinnamon's right there but you're out of raisins uh we're out of raisins can we make them without no mom loves them with raisins nah it's too late the stores are closed [Music] so it has raisins look Tom Thomas you're a genius why don't you be in charge of the raisins Tom Thomas what does mom use to need dough the mixer how about the mixer not a bad idea I don't think you have enough raisins but you haven't made the dough yet it'll be really quick with the mixer all right Dad we'll see who finishes first come on faster faster don't be so clumsy if you think you're so good then why don't you help fine we'll help catch [Music] foreign what's going on in there we think off the top we have to dive down then dive hurry up dad's almost done putting the mixer together [Music] we're the raisins it's dark down there we can't see any reasons well try diving again no this way won't work we need a filter in order to separate seeds from the husk air from dust and water from harmful particles we use filters the simplest kind of filter is a metal netting these kinds of filters are installed in washing machines and dishwashers keep the water clean by capturing small debris and sand as a result machines work better and go longer without braking in other words filters help separate what is wanted from what isn't I think I know what mom uses perfect that filters a Sith grab the bowl and hold the sieve over it pour in the cereal now shake it so the tiny flakes fall through the sieve and the raisins stay in it [Music] dad's turning the mixer on and you need to shake faster [Music] dad you're spraying the batter all over the kitchen the mixer's too powerful why the batter's too liquid you have to add flour add flour oh right how do you know all this shake it some more no need I shook all the flakes through it glass it really worked dad what ready to put in the raisins look at you how did you get them all out so fast by using our Sid dad do you know the story about Cinderella her evil stepmother wouldn't let her go to the ball instead she poured peas into a sack of Cinder and ordered Cinderella to pick them all out but what most people don't know is that it was fixies who helped her separate the peas from Cinder with the help of a sieve that's right Cinderella was friends with the fixies you can find evidence of fixies in a number of tales don't Tom Thumb or Thumbelina remind you of somebody how did these tiny characters make their way into fairy tales it's quite possible that long ago a fixie wasn't paying attention was spotted by a Storyteller and became the inspiration for countless Tales [Music] all right you can open your eyes [Music] beautiful whose idea was this Tom Thomas they're so good what recipe is this Tom Thomas found it and you remembered that I love raisins Tom Thomas sifted them out of the cereal well done Tom Thomas all by yourself foreign [Music] oh it's my old baby monitor on checking one two three checking it's working why don't we give it to the Johnsons I just had a baby the other day oh this is saying and I'm planning on using it aren't you a little too big for it no I'm not big at all well I didn't realize that you're still a little boy and a greedy one at that [Music] they're never gonna notice this hey fixies are you here [Applause] we're here now why did you call us I gotta show you how I turned into a mind reader I I find that just a little hard to believe okay then I'll show you I'll leave you alone and then you'll hide this button wherever you want then I'll come back and find it got it where's a good hiding place well we gotta think of one keyboard come on come on in we're ready for you and now I'm going to read your thoughts here I go you hit the button here look ta-da he really does read minds oh that was a lucky guess bet you can't do it again well I bet you I can we're gonna have to be sneakier Vera she's the most beautiful girl in our class she knows it too and doesn't hesitate to use it she can even be a bit sneaky like when she needs help with her homework then digit suddenly becomes her best friend but if she doesn't want to carry her pack a mat she'll say fire please help me you're just such a strong fixie but all those boys like her just the same digit does and all it does then I guess I do too although I really like Simca more or maybe Verda or both of them I haven't decided yet Verdi can be difficult and even bossy sometimes but one thing I know for sure bear does a good friend a friend that'll always come help well that is if she's able to pry herself away from the mirror [Music] throw it down into this pencil look up we concentrate on another place that is good but it won't work fixies come on in [Music] uh-huh hmm aha it's in here [Music] Simca were you thinking about the cup no I swear and my mind was blank then who did huh huh uh-huh Tom Thomas where do you say we go again as many times as you want I know how he's been doing all of this it's a baby monitor that's how we can hear what we're saying I don't get it a baby monitor helps parents watch over their babies has two units that look like Wireless telephones the parents keep one of the units by their side and put the other one in the room where the baby is sleeping if the baby suddenly wakes up and starts crying the unit in the baby's room will pick up the sound and send it by radio waves to the parents unit mom or dad will hear the crying and go and comfort their child and so he's listening to us now this time I know what we should do hide it under the globe go on uh-huh [Music] huh where is it if you're at our minds you'd find your button under the baby monitor you tricked me that's really not nice and spying on us is nice you think I'm sorry I just thought it'd be fun well anyhow Tom Thomas you're too old for this thing unless of course you still need it I'm not a baby I was just you know checking it I'll go and give it to Mom Mom I'm not greedy about what let's give this monitor to the Johnsons and this car is for their baby boy I don't think that baby's big enough yet for your car so what soon he's gonna get bigger and become a big boy right like me chess [Music] how about that then I'll play my pawn and I'll play my pop grandpas we need our spool and it's missing oh congratulations Professor have you seen it anywhere the spool I haven't seen it we're playing chess can't you see do you like board games like dominoes for instance just about everybody has played it but do you know where it came from Domino's was invented by the ancient Chinese they made tiles and decorated them with dots like on a pair of dice and this is a game that looks a lot like Checkers but it's a lot more challenging it's called backgammon backgammon originated in Persia and from there it's spread all over the world but the most challenging game of them all is the game of chess just was invented in India and today the game of chess is loved in every country it's played by adults by children and even by computers chess is a real sport but the most important thing for playing chess is not the power in your arms but the power in your brain look I found it [Music] hey what's going on that's our school please let us take it back there's something we have to do with it but we're using it can't you wait it's a replacement for the missing Pawn oh Lola can work for a while as the Pawn's replacement yeah I can do it all right you can take it and you stand right over here one two three up we go class so how do we play you're going to play for the whites and now I'm going to capture your knight [Music] slow down it goes back here [Music] know what get back to your Square what for pawns don't move like that and how do they move only one square per move and only forward of all of the pieces the little Pawn is the weakest what a mess so which one's strongest huh this it's the queen she's the most dangerous threat to the other king oh how come I couldn't be Queen then that black king would have to deal with me oh yes in chess each player has a black or white army with eight pawns two knights two Bishops two castles and a queen all of them work together for their King trying to protect him while attacking the enemy's King if the king finds himself in a position where he can be captured the attacking player says check and if the king finds himself with nowhere to run from the attack it's called Checkmate whoever checkmates the other players King first is the winner [Music] hmm I'll move my queen yeah and me my queen huh then I'll just capture your queen really then I'll just capture yours should I go now not yet so do you feel like surrendering you're kidding do you know it Forward hooray we'll step aside forward so go and capture the night he got away all right pawn and once more go forward Krampus where do I go now don't you see the edge don't go anywhere now you're the queen what the rules of Chess say that if a pawn makes it all the way to the other side he can become anything that was captured earlier hooray then I'll be the queen and I'll be the strongest piece in the whole game hey Queen get back here in case you don't know this isn't over yet we capture the pawn with the queen queen this is your new place trick Shack yeah now come to here Big Mate my colleague of course it is it is mate yeah I lost hooray means Nola can leave with us I'm not going anywhere with you which is the greatest game you'll ever play in your life all you should have seen are put Professor eugenius into Checkmate really well Grandpa's helped me a little actually it was Grandpa's telling me where to move [Music] how the chick [Music] ah Professor eugenius is making breakfast only the eggs will never get cooked at this temperature [Music] what are you doing you can't heat up these eggs to temperatures that are this hot why can't you the chicks you'll kill them what shakes where this Appliance do you even know what it is I thought it was an egg cooker you thought it was an egg cooker listen up I do not want to see you around this thing not anywhere close got it I will get close to it but grandpas we don't even know what this is for it's called an incubator to help her chicks hatch a mother hen sits on their eggs for a long time keeping them warm with the heat of her body an incubator is a device for hatching chicks that is used in place of the mother hen it's always nice and warm inside just like under a chicken's wing but not too hot an incubator can even turn the egg so they get just the right amount of heat all over chicks that are hatched in an incubator are no different from the chicks that are hatched without them foreign what this thunderstorm is really scary let's be scared together I'm not scared at all me neither I was joking just joking with you what do you think are the chicks scared in there that was a big one even the electricity got turned off oh incubator turned off too and the temperature is dropping and some little chicks is that bad I'm sure it is it's cold in here these chicks need help and Grandpa's isn't around then we're gonna have to save these chicks without him knowledge get the door open [Music] I can't grandpa said I can't get near the incubator so try opening it yourself you can't do it and I can't help you but the chicks are gonna die of cold ah let's just do it but don't you go and tattle the grand poose I'm promise hooray it's a bit early for hooray [Music] thank you [Music] candle yeah we'll warm up the chicks with the fire class [Music] time for hooray no yeah tennis like sparrows Ducks storks and ostriches all birds lay eggs and sit on them to help them hatch and it's not only Birds other animals like snakes crocodiles and even turtles have babies that they hatch from eggs to protect their children they try to hide their eggs like deep in the bushes in the cracks of rocks or in the Sand by the way row is also little eggs just without the shells from this fish row little hatchlings are born that will grow into big fish and from Tiny Frog Road tadpoles hatch that will then develop into full-grown adult frogs and you've heard of dinosaurs right well those giant reptiles that live millions of years ago they also hatched out of eggs [Music] welcome to the electricity in here it's a blackout from the thunderstorm I guess this is just awful my incubator someone lit a candle and the temperature is normal so who put the candle in there tell us right now no lick don't be a tattletail it was me by yourself by myself of course yourself I wasn't allowed near it well yeah he wasn't allowed near it all by yourself then well done you saved the chips our hero so fire follow his example and you know like except our heartfelt thanks look inside they're starting to hatch all right Fire come take a look now I'm allowing you [Music] a little kid you're so cute and so yellow look at him what a little sweetie fire wood well I really know who saved it the drum now let's turn it on it's buzzing you heal it I would love to but the only thing I can hear is no expanding no like what are you doing I'm rehearsing my solo no looks the drummer and I rock band didn't you know that you're going to rehearse somewhere else if you wouldn't mind yeah all right can't work like this no like stop it please oh my head is just splitting [Music] professor eugenius will you come to the laboratory there's something very strange in there what I'm hearing some kind of awful sounds you are I think it's a ghost back from the dead don't you worry about ghosts Lisa I'll check what it is hmm so it's you making the racket what I'm just rehearsing well what is it don't worry it's just a piece of equipment rattling you know what you should do you should go and practice back at home my young friend [Music] it's not very hard to make a drum one way to make it is to take an empty barrel and replace its bottom with a skin made of leather or plastic if the skin is stretched tightly the sound can get very bright and Loud really big drums are usually played with percussion mallets or beaters while smaller drums can be played with sticks or with bare hands instruments that make sounds by being shaken scraped or beaten are all called percussion instruments there are lots of different percussion instruments like the small hand drums that are called Bongos big shakers with handles called Maracas symbols made out of metal now those really make a lot of noise and there's tambourines ratchets and even spoons that's right people can make music using spoons as a percussion instrument [Music] Tom Thomas do you think I could practice my drumming here yeah go ahead I've just got some homework to do I can do that and better than you can too then I'll go like that or like that [Music] ever since I had decided [Music] to me on radiators [Music] both my father and my mother wish I play a violin instead I don't want to I'm a drummer but I can drum that in their heads on radiators [Music] but I'm not done keep going nolik this is fun maybe it's fun [Music] and now let's turn it off can you hear that it stop buzzing it did hey everybody it's nolik yo what's up so our noisy ghost is back I thought you were practicing at home now Tom Thomas is drumming there I had to run away well our Excursion is over and now I would just be so happy to listen to your rock group hooray come on [Music] I beg you not that loud please the microphone and what do you think should we go and see a movie [Music] hey you didn't type everything that I said you should listen more carefully and you should try using less words no look hey what are you arguing about uh well I was writing a letter to Johnny I was not you I messed up my finger and nolik offered to help me I had no idea that you're such a yapper oh now I see Tom Thomas didn't you know that you can call Johnny straight from your computer you sure you see that picture of the phone just click on it hi so what movie do you want to go see hey there I don't care just not Pirates and those robots hey Tom Thomas why aren't you answering me I am answering you hello hello talking to the microphone uh I don't have a microphone there you go end of cross station all right so listen it's a joke it's no joke we talk into microphones and listen through headphones but both of these devices use a special membrane to do their job the membrane inside of a microphone is used to capture sound that is then sent through wires as an electrical signal and inside a pair of headphones a membrane helps turn that electrical signal back into sound so it turns out that a microphone and headphones are built in a very similar way even though they are used quite differently and so I talk right into here Johnny hello just wait a second first we need to plug your headphones into the hole where the microphone gets plugged in ah I get it go ahead now it's a microphone Johnny I'm here can you hear yeah he can hear but you can't no look switch it over to the headphone jack I already saw a robot and I already saw it no lick I don't think there's anyone who didn't see it you didn't see it then let's go see it no I don't wanna I think the robots will be even more boring than the Pirates do you want to see the Pirates make up your mind do you want to see the Pirates or the robots I don't want to see either one nolik what are you doing what am I doing it's cause you and Johnny don't listen to each other I've got a good idea you need to talk like police on their walkie-talkies when they're done talking and they're ready for an answer they say over great idea yeah when we talk to someone using the telephone there are two channels for the sound we talked through the first channel and listen to the other person talking through the second one but sometimes two people need to talk to each other using only one channel for instance Sailors and taxi drivers use one Channel radio sets when a radio set's turned on you can hear the other person talking but they can't hear you talk unless you push a special button down then they'll hear you but you won't hear them so that means you have to take turns talking because if everybody tries talking at once nobody will understand anything so then to let people know that you're done talking and you're ready to listen to what they have to say say over Johnny hello why don't we try talking like police on their walkie-talkies whenever you're done talking say to me over over are we going to the movies over nah I don't feel like it why don't we go play ball instead over sounds good who are you talking to before over uh [Music] uh I can't tell you that it's classified and we policemen we follow the rules [Music] wow that worked out great you two are the best over oops we try our best over we do especially me I'm completely over [Music] the string lights were almost all done yeah now Santa Claus Is Gonna Come Over he'll say one two three lights light up the tree then we'll get our presents the real Santa Claus yeah for sure the real Santa Claus will come to you you'll see for yourself he comes to me every year okay so let's practice one two three lights right up the tree huh uh the string lights burned out and we don't have another one Tom Thomas Santa Claus is almost here is the tree ready no not quite yet oh no oh no what are we gonna do I'll be right back Tom Thomas what do you think will Santa Claus give you any presents if there aren't any lights on the tree no way it's not right without the light it just wouldn't be magical purpose Marcia Santa Claus is about to come to Tom Thomas but the string lights on the tree they all burned out they all burned out really [Music] the bulbs in a string light are connected together like a chain with a piece of wire between each bulb when you turn on a string light electricity flows through the wire lighting up each of the bulbs along its way but if any of the bulbs gets burned out the circuit will be broken and the electricity will stop flowing that means one bad bulb will make all of the lights go out so if you want to fix a string light with a bad bulb the answer is really simple just find the bad one and put a new one in so do we have a spare bulb around here I'll get it for you I know where it is [Music] for a while to find and replace that bad light for you I'll try to Tom Thomas Santa Claus is already here I got one thing to do so let's find the bad bulb okay Papoose let's go hmm this one's working maybe this one burned out nope and that it lights fine Santa Claus is getting very hot out here hold on what's up we checked all the bulbs but couldn't find a bad one huh I guess this year won't be magical okay Mom just come on in ho ho ho hello there Tom Thomas so tell me now have you been good all year huh why aren't the lights on the tree burning so then let's say it together one two three [Music] I found one more bulb [Music] here's the one that's not working huh now we need to replace this bulb with a new one so there's Mafia show your light o tree hooray that was really hard I see you already got it shining but where did you manage to find a new ball we got Papoose to act as the bone titties [Music] uh what a hero pull me up so we can put this bulb in on Christmas Eve [Music] nice box [Music] every year on Christmas Eve on Christmas Eve on Christmas Eve [Music] a miracle on Christmas Eve [Music] [Music] [Music] the robot did I already tell you what I'm hoping you'll get me for my birthday present yes honey only a thousand times or so a robotic r300 would just be the greatest with mega Vision I want it I really do I do well tomorrow you'll find out but now it's time to sleep Tom Thomas that is one great present and we got TomTom is absolutely zero for his birthday ah we're terrible friends so how does this robot work okay so let's give this a try shall we first we'll take a walk and how does he have any idea where the robot's going I can tell you one of the robot's eyes is a video camera the robot sends the picture to the screen on the controller so the player can see where the robot is going yeah and that's just one thing they know how to do a robot is a smart machine that can do very difficult or dangerous work for humans with its strong metal arms a robot can move heavy objects or put together parts to build cars and other machines robots are often sent into outer space or to the bottom of the ocean to help scientists there are also robots that can understand what people are saying and robots that can talk and even make jokes just like people I've got it now let's turn you around foreign look you know he destroyed him no let's stop you were playing with that right you think Tom will notice oh I know what you're doing all night I'm off to bed I'll get him to work I'll stay up until I do Simca let's try it no we're gonna need some help [Music] [Music] to fix what's wrong our work will never end appliances [Music] we fix things right one two three things [Music] one two three days [Music] [Music] we fix things right one two three [Music] wow you got it [Music] 300 I can't believe it [Music] well happy birthday to you Tom Thomas I'm sorry Tom Thomas last night your robot you know I broke it then works perfectly [Music] I'm so proud of you you fixed it I couldn't fix it at all I tried everything oh you want to tell me that the robot fixed itself what a joker [Music] Mom Dad thanks so much I love it [Music] I should have known it was you who fixed the robot happy birthday hey happy birthday yay the microwave [Music] okay children for today's lesson we're going to learn about the microwave oven it's a very special appliance that people use to heat all sorts of different foods up oh wow is there any chance that we could get heated up here you'll find out about that too if you'll pay attention of course whoa got it now listen carefully I'm listening I'm listening of course young fixies go to school just like human kids but their parents teach them a lot of important lessons too fixie parents take their kids on tours of all sorts of different devices and teach them what Pixies can do to keep them working properly they'd like to show them how the computers or televisions or gaming systems work or any one of the many appliances they take care of inside of the kitchen like the stove every once in a while a new device appears in the house something that the fixies have never dealt with before to learn how this new thing works the fixies gather together and read the instructions that the humans keep printing up but almost never seem to take the time to read for themselves [Music] and so now it's time to look at the magnetron that's what emits the microwaves oh and so the food absorbs the microwaves and that's what heats it up that's right and now look carefully to your left [Music] freedom oh Tom Thomas what do you say want to watch cartoons I can't I need to do my homework [Music] for some reason whenever I start doing homework I always get hungry for some food then just eat faster no the faster I eat the sooner I'll have to start doing my homework [Music] you're already got cold I need to go warm it up [Applause] [Music] one minute should be enough [Music] these aren't just ordinary wires these are four [Music] what's going on it looks like it might be an overload the microwave might burn out then we better what do you mean run we need we need to save this microwave [Music] inside I need your help [Music] to this oh what's wrong with the microwave it looks like it just broke who cares if it broke what matters is that Simka and Mafia are broken look there's no one here it's not we were [Music] in there oh oh there you go Tom Thomas why did you put that fork into the microwave why not you mean I'm not allowed remember never put any metal objects into a microwave if you put Forks or spoons in a microwave you can burn it out and then not even a fixie will be able to fix it even a thin metal border on a plate can cause serious problems also never warm up food in sealed packages or bottles inside a microwave and one last thing don't even think of cooking eggs in their shells in there they'll just explode foreign I didn't know any of that no like and what were you thinking why didn't you warn Tom Thomas about this hmm oh I uh oh today you skipped school and now you don't know it either no like where are you going to you oh where else I gotta go study all about microwaves and I'll go do my homework now but first you'll sit down and eat for a while right no I'm not gonna eat food first I'll go and play some games for an hour or so [Music]
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 1,695,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики Π½Π° английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, Π»ΡƒΠ½Ρ‚ΠΈΠΊ Π½Π° английском языкС, the fixes, фіксіки Π°Π½Π³Π»Ρ–ΠΉΡΡŒΠΊΠΎΡŽ, fiksiki, fixies russian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 44sec (3764 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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