Yummy Marshmallows | The Fixies | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] to each other [Music] please the marshmallow [Music] why are you so sad christmas is just around the corner maybe it'll be a lot of fun for you but not for us why is that massey and papa's had a quarrel over what [Music] every year we've got to repair those string lights oh yeah it's awful christmas is almost here and there's still so much work to be done what do you think of that and this here you are you don't hear the phone ring you don't answer messages and we have string lights that aren't working right we need help tapas can't you give us a few more minutes you said that an hour ago haven't you wasted enough time we are not wasting time look at the camera what [Laughter] got one of masia look there you are so having a good time um we were just about to leave and you can stay right here i've already done everything myself you obviously have more important things to take care of so you left me over there by myself working my tail off just so you can play where are you going to relax oh yeah fine with me so now we will have our christmas don't panic no look we'll get your parents to forget i i mean to forgive each other how my dad always says that the way to a woman's heart is to give flowers and candy and where are we gonna find flowers right now oh we'll make them out of marshmallows people are always trying to improve recipes the french used an ancient egyptian mallow root recipe to create the marshmallow a fluffy dessert that can decorate a cake or be roasted on an open fire in russia pureed fruit and berries were mixed with egg whites and sugar and then whipped together to create their own fluffy dessert the fear some ingredients have changed over the years but these old desserts are still popular what will they think of next please [Music] i thought she handles everything herself now papa's really so kind and love helping others come on ah all right no no and no i'm relaxing i told you but tom thomas won't have time to make his mom's card if you don't go and then she'll end up without a present fine i'll go but i'm only going for his mom's sake sweets aren't just for eating they can also be used to decorate a christmas table for instance it's very easy to make this christmas tree out of marshmallows make a row of marshmallows at the bottom of a plate one two three four five six seven the second row has six of them the third row five then there's four three two and a special one on top add bread sticks at the bottom as a trunk and sprinkle the plate with some sweet confetti there it's ready with the help of some little cookie cutters it's possible to make hearts and snowflakes out of marshmallows or you could make a reindeer put a candy cane through a marshmallow use sugar beads for eyes and a nose and pretzels for antlers beautiful right merry christmas hmm i don't get what's going on the monitor's working what did you call me for uh i didn't call hmm and you've got nothing for me to do here no ah then i guess you came to apologize uh no you know what i have had enough uh well what's it say for masia uh for me yeah for you that's so sweet i hope you can forgive me for yelling at you i'm just tired no i should apologize it was bad of me to leave you alone and where are the children it's almost christmas there you are come here the stain [Music] tom thomas what's going on if you really want to watch tv then you got to turn it on first i'm not watching it i'm looking at my reflection i'm working on a self-portrait and which shelf will you be painting in your shelf portrait it's not a shelf portrait it's called a self-portrait it's when an artist draws or paints a picture of himself of himself ha you think you've got muscles like this superhero i see here on this paper uh how can i see exactly what my muscles look like and anyway let the artist do his work [Music] tom thomas you're sure there's a spot oh no wipe it off quickly [Music] it's even worse so now what ah what we really need is macia ordinary dirt can be cleaned off with a brush or washed off with water but there are stains that are not that easy to get rid of stains from fruit need to be soaked in hot water first blood stains on the other hand should never be washed in hot water you can clean stains from paint or rust as well only for those you'll need to use a special stain remover but stain remover should only be used with the help of a parent or other adults that knows how to use them safely hey i know a great way to do it what do you use to get rid of pencil marks an eraser only this shirt is in paper and so what let's try it what's the heart [Music] now i've got three colors to get off no idea we should paint over it with this correction pen with white out [Music] that was a bad idea now i got it you have to use some water [Music] the wash would be better don't you think no you can't wash whites with colors and you've got a white shirt with colors all over it then how about if we try some more water how much more can you use any more ideas you know what it's possible we did something wrong everything you did was wrong you should have used a spot remover to clean off that stain a spot remover no way oh take a look at it i think it's marvelous they painted that white shirt so nicely [Music] tula is simka's best friend she's very tall almost as tall as papa's yeah she's the tallest one in her class and she's strong too tula loves to laugh and she does it louder than everybody that's just the way she is cheerful and kind ready to help anyone who needs it and making sure her friends are getting along of course i don't like that she treats me like a baby especially since she's the one that's a scaredy cat she can even get scared of a cute little spider and she believes in all sorts of silly superstitions and horoscopes julia will believe anything you tell her which is really great because it makes it so easy to play tricks on her but she takes it all in good fun that's because she's tulip he was on purpose wasn't it well yeah [Music] tom thomas no your mom will punch you for just one of them and now you're gonna make more stains don't worry nolik i forgot that this is an old shirt and i'm allowed to get it all dirty if i want and i tried so hard to clean it put another spot there and over here one in the middle and a line over there splendid that looks great and how about down there wow it's like fireworks blended there's a name for this style of painting and properly speaking it's an abstract painting they have lots of lines and spots and everyone sees whatever they want in them yeah look a golden ball by the river and there's tom thomas with an f on his report card tom thomas what did you do to your room and your shirt you know what they call it it's uh abstract art hmm there's something good in it i like it abstract art isn't it great ah my little artist [Music] the magnet well it looks like we need a pack of that hmm where did this screw come from [Music] ouch eh [Music] [Music] isn't in there either it's awful he's probably disappeared forever it's already been five days don't worry about it we're gonna find him for sure yeah we'll find him for sure let's go take another look in the kitchen but we already looked in there we'll look better this time [Music] let's go take a look in there we looked so many times already sim canola what do you keep searching for in here it's not a what it's a who our papoose is missing we've been looking for him everywhere oh no he's probably already turned into a screw because he doesn't have enough energy maybe i could help surely let's start with you picking us up we're just exhausted from running [Music] [Music] a dangerous situation a fixie can choose to turn into a screw but sometimes it happens all by itself for example when a fixie doesn't have enough energy when this happens the fixie grows weak gets sluggish and then goes into hibernation turning into a screw this bad luck happens when a dixie doesn't get charged up from being inside of a device that's why fixies always work inside of machines so they can stay charged up with energy sometimes a fixie that has grown weak can turn into a screw can get lucky if a human happens to find him and screws him into an appliance then the fixie will be able to get energized and come back leaving the human wondering where did that screw go i know i screwed it in [Music] so where should we look first what are you looking for in here tom thomas well um and what do you have there in your hand well uh just some screws of mine ah i just found a screw not too long ago maybe it's one of yours probably where is it now here take it and don't leave them lying around [Music] should i turn myself around now so your papas can turn back into himself he's been lying in there for a week already he doesn't have the energy to turn back into himself then what's next we have to screw him into some device you know so he will get his energy back okay but which one's papa's all of these screws in here look like papa's we'll use a magnet how come all the screws will just be lifted up together first of all not every not every kind of metal is attracted by a magnet it's an easy thing to see for yourself just get a magnet you probably have one in your house on the refrigerator try moving it close to different metal objects you have around the house like a spoon or nails or coins you'll notice that some of the metal objects are pulled very strongly by the magnet while some of the metals are pulled a bit less and then there will be some metal things that aren't attracted to the magnet at all got it and the second thing well the second thing we fixes aren't attracted to that magnet one bit when we turn into screws let's give it a try [Music] here i found him and now we'll screw him in [Music] i wonder are there any other fixies in here we're not enough for you or something not at all i just wonder nothing oh and the screw went away how about that he already got charged up and unscrewed himself [Music] why don't you take a little rest after such a big adventure no thanks i've had plenty of rest anyway it's something i've wanted to do for a very long time already [Music]
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 7,128,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: O2x0NjQUvdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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