The Frog Prince Boutique | Ep. 10 | Minecraft X Life SMP

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all rogues are one of a kind there will be no duplicates hey guys what's up ld shadow lady here and welcome back to xlife where today i'm gonna be opening my very own shop in the spawn area so first we need to go to spawn to scope out the competition and pick out the perfect location so as you can see almost everyone already has built a shop over here at spawn shovel has her buttercup bakery scott has his wool shop where he also sells teeth for some reason joel has a creepy leather shop and his bob and bits shop catherine built a crystal shop and then joey opened a rival crystal shop jimmy built an apple store and whip has this entire shopping district you know looking at all these shops has made me really want to do some shopping so i'm going to go home and get my diamonds because i just want to make sure that i am thoroughly inspecting the competition so first of all let's settle the great crystal debate who has the better crystals catherine or joey we shall find out whoa these are really cute and they're 20 crystals for one diamond um yes please can i put them down oh cool oh no oops i'll save them for later now let's check out joey's crystals the shop is definitely very cute five diamonds for 32 crystals these are way too expensive oh you will not be getting my business today over here we've got flips home decor all prices are one diamond per painting these are so cute wow a notice board i want a notice board in my house let's get one let's also check out the bob and bits shop see what joel is selling oh my gosh bob scrolls backpacks waystones ooh let's get three waystones for two diamonds he's also selling gravel for some reason sand carrots dark prismarine what an unusual collection of items hmm finally let's check out the apple star what wonders does this shop behold what the heck airpods this is gonna be the dumbest purchase that i have ever made in minecraft let's try these on oh my gosh why do these exist well i got a little bit distracted from my mission of building a shop and instead i've done a bunch of shopping but i have scouted out a perfect location for my shop there's a nice little space up here between catherine's crystal shop and the courthouse so i'm going to build my shop here so i gathered all of my colorful building materials and started building a little shop i was inspired by the abel sisters shop from animal crossing but i changed the colors a little bit to pink and cyan so now all we have to do is add the finishing touches i made these flower boxes for the windows i've also got this white door and some lights for in here ta-da and now this place is ready so we first need a name for this establishment and i have decided to call it the frog prince boutique and we will have a frog mascot because every good shop has a mascot so let's put the sign up out here first of all so that our customers can see our glorious frog prince and now we just need to capture a frog to turn into a prince and there is a certain frog over this way that i've been eyeing up for the position of frog prince here he is this horrifying creature i mean beautiful prince i shall just capture him and we will place him here in the boutique and he loves it so much he's never going to try and escape right and now it's time to add in the goods that i will be selling and i have decided to sell two things fairy roses and rugs so let's start by collecting the fairy roses we're gonna need to go back home and do some flower experimenting so last episode i fought a wither and i obtained a wither rose which means i can now use its pollen to create these fairy roses so all i need to do is start transferring the pollen and i will get a fairy rose seed so let's get all the different color combos and oh oh my gosh that's dangerous do not go near the wither rose and now we can plant these and start growing a supply of each color and i'll use bone meal to speed up the process until we have plenty of each now we just need to make a display over here so we've got red orange yellow cyan purple pink black and white and we should actually make some barrels and this is where we will store all the extras for purchase now we just need to decide the price so let's keep it simple roses are one diamond each but i'm gonna put them on sale so they can buy a dozen roses for six diamonds so hopefully that will entice some customers to buy a dozen roses for their lovers what a thoughtful way to show somebody you love them please somebody buy my roses next we have to create all of the rugs for sale these are going to be limited edition one-of-a-kind rugs so i have been busy working away like a little gremlin on photoshop making some artwork for these rugs and now all we have to do is display them so first we have a set of fake animal rugs we've got a tiger a polar bear a cheetah and a brown bear so i'm gonna price these exquisite rugs at 36 diamonds each next we have this peach rug which i will price at 15 diamonds and then we have this picnic blanket for eight diamonds and by the way all of these rocks can be scaled up or down depending on how big of an area people want them to take up so for example this picnic rook could actually take up the whole room but since i need to display a lot of rugs i'm gonna make it small so next we have this tartan rug for eight diamonds and over here we shall display this moon rug which i will price at 14 diamonds i also made this rainbow welcome rug which i will sell for a measly six diamonds and we've run out of floor space so up on the wall here i'm gonna put the star rug that joey requested so i'll call it joey starog for 12 diamonds okay so that is all of the rugs i currently have available the last thing i'm gonna do is put a sign over here letting people know that all rogues are one of a kind there will be no duplicates so if they buy a rug they will be the only person in the world that owns that rug and hopefully that will encourage people to buy quickly before their dream rug is gone so now that all of my goods are on display and we've priced everything up i just need to advertise my shop to potential customers in time for our grand opening on friday the 31st of july and i've noticed that everyone else has been leaving these spam advertisements outside of people's way stones here we have one for joey's crystal shop catherine's crystal shop and the diamond designs so we also need an aggressive marketing tactic to promote the frog prince boutique but i think i'll do something a little bit different just to grab people's attention so i'm just gonna get some plain birch signs and then i'm going to be really intrusive by leaving them next to people's beds it says come visit the frog prince boutique it doesn't even explain what the frog prince boutique is they'll just have to come and find out for themselves now let's continue to intrude on everyone's lives and this will be a fun opportunity for me to find out where everyone sleeps because that is important information to know about the people you share a server with oh joey has such a cute fancy bed what the heck oh my gosh and katherine's bed is also really cute what on earth why does everyone have a really cool bed look at scott's this makes my bed look really basic okay i'm having trouble finding shovels bed she has a really big house oh that's adorable too what on earth when did people start getting such cool beds let's also leave a sign for cpk who also has an interesting bed wait is that banner can you put banners on beds i need to experiment i am done promoting the boutique it's time to decorate my bed so let's go and make a banner so of course i'm gonna be making my iconic bunny banner and now i guess we try and put this on a bed oh it works oh my gosh oh it's deformed why is it deformed why did this happen the banner was perfectly fine let's just pretend that didn't happen and i will put this banner up here instead and that reminds me to add some fan art to my wall down here so here is a really cute one by yuki ini and the final thing i want to do today is build myself a notice board somewhere over here by my warp stone so that people don't just leave random advertisements all over instead they will have a nice notice board to display it on so let's build it over here by these wisteria trees so here we shall have a huge notice board and now maybe we should also put some leaves down here that match the colors i'm gonna try and make this place all pastel rainbow and i'm also gonna use my crystals like this oh cute i think we definitely need some more crystals here which means i'm gonna have to go and buy some of joey's expensive crystals [Music] oh what was that is there a death trap in here that i just narrowly avoided i just came here to get some crystals love my neck okay let's get out of here without using the door now let's get some crystals growing from the ground here and reaching down from the trees as well okay how adorable is this pastel crystal forest now people can leave their little advertisements here instead so i hope you guys enjoyed this episode of xlife if you did please make sure to leave a like don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and i will see you next time [Music] oh
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 5,023,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, x life, xlife, x-life, minecraft girl, kawaii, cute, 1.14.4, home makeover, make over, pet taming, pet collecting, pet, pets, minecraft pet, fox, goats, goat, minecraft goat, hedgehog
Id: mUy4fdAhOME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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