Magic! | Build VS with @ldshadowlady

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previously Joel and Lizzy built under the theme fairytale where Joel built his dream to have long blonde hair and Lizzie showed her love of chaos welcome back to the microfilm competition we're a married couple compete against each other in a video game mostly played by people half their age they still take it way too seriously though and here comes the title boo-boo shoes before we get in today's episode if you didn't know I have a second channel what learning some planets new content check it out in the description below so before we start today's episode like always we have to announce the winner and I'm not gonna mess around it was an absolute annihilation to be honest with you as with 84% stop shaking your head me it's a great honor I would first of all like to thank well myself really only me because it was all my hard work okay good at least you're not thanking green this time here you go here's your head you can put it on the wall wherever you want obviously there where else would I put it I don't like you okay well anyway for today's theme we're gonna go from fairy tales to something a bit more mystical and that is magic yes the feem Lizzy is magic do you know anything about magic I don't wizard Harry that's our theme are you ready to start building yeah go let's go okay it's a race oh I'm stuck I know what I'm gonna do if it means me well I'm glad lots of chickens on my plots okay I haven't built anything yet I have I might just build it out of really basic blocks and then change them later okay that's kind of what I'm doing at the moment or maybe I won't because I don't want to do the same thing as you that's also fine how quickly will beat people get to tell what yours is I don't know to be honest like probably not yet unless they're geniuses is oh well it could be people might be able to tell in mine although very unlikely whatever we're building the same thing Joe honestly if you're building this I will be very confused feel like mines mines unique I hate mine he's gotten again yeah fine oh yes idea this is a cloud block oh it's see-through [Music] no this is perfect for what I'm building actually it's not perfect because you'll be able to see through the world so it's kind of done Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs that's what you're building that sneezes your giveaway I know that's your tell I just never can lie like you know Akio except it's sneezing with allergies okay I'm not looking I'm just doing some world that stuff okay right not sure really what I'm doing here what would be a cute magical color for a roof it depends what the rest of your build is green yeah where's green always your go-to answer okay purple then purple is quite a magical color yeah that's why I'm thinking no why mine's not looking very magical right now neither is mine I'm still working on it we might be here for a few hours yeah well good job yeah I can see something kind of poking out of yours scary I mean it's hard to it's right in my eyeline all right well pretend it's not there do you know what it is yeah well there we go you don't know do you no I do know there's something in my mind's eye I was progress looking I'm it's looking pretty good it's bit of a mess okay that's good we're getting there I'd say mine's pretty much a mess at home as well nice thing I'm adding in right now is a big hint at what - so everyone should understand so you're also the thing that already exists then oh yeah mine's something that does not yet exist kind of soft right so nobody looking at my bed be like I don't want that man is so it you're making your own magic yeah okay original magic og omg omg omg hey we're coming over I'm not even halfway finished by the way Oh Nathan what are you making why are we crazy I think I built this in the stupidest order possible and now it's just a huge mess and I don't had to finish it mine's just kind of started working on the main bit but I'm spending too long on the bit that doesn't really matter to be honest mine's only gonna look good for the fern I'm so I'm telling you that now so you're only allowed to look at it from the front okay that's fine do you have any idea what I'm building have you seen anything I know I did you haven't seen any of it no good okay that's looking pretty good I'm not here this one's looking okay good every time I think it looks okay I always lose one the majority of the time and you say you hate it every single times exactly and now I say I like it that means I'm gonna lose I think I was too ambitious with mine I have a similar feeling I feel like this is never going to be finished yeah same with mine I feel like I can keep out into it I've been working on this an hour already I don't know and we're still going we're gonna make it extra sad when I lose again Wow Wow okay you always do this you always whine about and I always still lose Lizzie they don't care about me okay no I'm fine with it I've come to accept it it's part of my life okay I think I'm done with the outside I'm gonna move on to the inside which is probably gonna take me longer than the outside all right well I've been working on the inside the entire time my outside is not looking like anything at the moment the inside is the key focus but we're building the same thing I highly doubt it if yours has got a purple roof then mine is definitely not the same thing okay I'm confident we have built the same thing also you said yours is completely original I said might not be recognized by people I think I've finally finished my main section bit well it's not even the most important part is just a bit that's like an entrance you'll make sense make sense I don't mind makes sense well it won't yet but it will soon okay what am i doing now might really give away what this place is this is gonna take me forever it's gonna be a close one this week I think probably so I'm pretty sure you're known to pull stuff out the bank just like a magician would what I'm doing right now is genius what is it I can't tell you job but you'll say you'll be blown away I want you to spread your genius I'm sure you got plenty a genius all up in there I'm not so sure oh boy I hope this looks good yeah it looks really weird but yep that's it I'm not gonna lie this is looking pretty cool now you better watch out I'm scared it still looks kind of plain now I need to do something more to it people should a hundred percent know what mine is by now I think so too for mine I hope people don't get this then they haven't seen what this is based on is this the best thing you built for build bases so far I reckon no it's ugly Joe what happened it's tacky and I hate it it's gone horribly wrong what's gone wrong everything I wanna see this thing I'm building I'm so happy everything it looks ah well I hope you in I hope you win can I see what this looks like in the dark okay unusual I've got admit I'm a genius that's pretty cool huh go admit I'm not you said already this episode Lizzie that you're a genius so it's gone away again I've lost my genius status sorry about geniuses together it's weird even though we've been doing this for two and a half hours already that's what I was just about to say even though this is big field being the longest by far I'm loving it oh very nice very nice this is coming along slowly basically you mean very slowly this is taking forever oh I'm gonna use the chisel mud to make something it looks kind of bad but I'm no professional oh I broke it you can go on the chisel press alt and click the undo button on the right huh it's back usually when I had this series in my head I'll say I look about Fame in there's prevailed and we just need to be getting longer and longer as it goes on and the builds get more alive I hope you'll appreciate the amount of detail at a point to this silly build I don't know why that's doing that that's gonna have to do think I'm done don't be done all right so literally six hours later and presto I'm not exactly is about six hours later Lizzie is finally done I'm embarrassed and we're gonna look at yours Lizzie now because I'm Reno I don't want to look at my face okay well we'll look at mine first and I can't believe you're making me wait you've only made me wait six hours so when I think of magic I think of turnaround trains oh my gosh it's a train station it is a train station don't you know the theme is magic I was magical a train station I mean except for the magic of train yeah the magic of trains one but this is also Kings Cross which is like the best train station in the world so you want to come inside you've got a nice little foyer here this is cute I think I'll take a seat bring me a cupcake bring it to me is no one serving right now unfortunately but they'll help you back soon what can maybe get on the way out yeah I love this little post box that's cute this looks like a real train station you even have a payphone vending machines whatever this is it's only two platforms because this is just a snippet of the actual train station because I am didn't have space to build the entire thing for me yeah we are yeah look platform nine platforms eight and nine is it magic probably no magic isn't real job don't be ridiculous oh you're just a muggle because oh my gosh you should try this these tracks look really good by the way thank you do youdo attempt this in real life yeah that's dangerous especially at Kings Cross you want to run through the wall I don't have a trolley okay trauma are you down here the trolley you can just run free I do I do need a trolley right that's not it away the trolley awaken yeah the trolley just just run free wait it's fine you can do it oh my god everyone looks hilarious hybrid so here hacker is a beast and we got all the kids around here a double-sized yeah and then he's over here oh we don't go Steve Steve I was not loaded end no well it's and there's a sliver in on my oh I mean yay because I'm a slow their own man and Lucius his father who stairs it used to be I love him what was going on here and then we've got the Hogwarts Express Lizzy it's beautiful so you built this yeah I built this this took a long time this is the bit I was really proud of it looks Christmassy somehow it's not but look you can go inside there's some seats there anything further try I can't get my trolley out you can't fit a trolley down there Joel there's the Dementors are the Dementors aren't here you don't worry about the Dementors oh good yeah we got blue no we got Fred we got George they both got like oh they're having a kiss oh okay interesting that's not Karen we got a Hogwarts train station the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross all right well let's move on to yours now Lizzie B yes you've spent a long time on this I'm excited to show you it is oh my gosh it's a magic school magic school is massive so as you can see prochnost Prague starts frog sports and I need you to stop crying there's no flying on the school grounds oh there's a pupil right over here what are they doing over here I don't know this is a Forbidden Forest what is the Forbidden Forest this sounds very familiar well just wait until you get inside job okay so inside Oh are the lockers very cute oh yes that is a student Elm hello got very similar skin I don't know why Jo because this is definitely separate from the Harry Potter franchise and it's absolutely no crossover here can I have you come this way you'll see the Great Hall Oh oh my gosh with the floating candles very few I like that a lot of the night sky yeah the head table oh that's awesome let's go looking at a wall what the houses we got like the green skull yeah that one is a dragon dragon odd right and what's the purple crowd fringle daf okay and blue star goo pending there's only three yeah for just too many I think don't know why any school would choose for houses rooms to build so we got the lockers which I'm in love wit I just love the color scheme in here that was the first thing I ever did nothing else matches but hey it's fine okay on the Left we have the spell classroom so if you'd like to go inside take a little look we've got the professor up here ah look in this is did you take the texture pack off no oh it's a normal painting again how nice so if you'd like to walk through this painting there's a secret an area very wizardy yeah mysterious mystical yes very nice very nice thank you toss it for this room upstairs you got some more classrooms this oh this is the library take a seat and have a read but don't look at there wait what's in there restricted section oh I'm going in oh no I mean the old chill get yeah yeah that's his name no affiliation to Filch from Harry Potter though where's next these are the toilets oh very nice look if you need to relieve yourself yeah your wizard e-juices I just yeah what else do we know yeah plants just not as many there's one up there okay now if you'd like to select a house I will take you to their dorm room what's the blue one it called again that one was goop and ding okay let's go to goop in dick oh that's perfect cuz that's actually this one right here wait what through the painting so this is their common room this is cute I like this diamond thing is that the rare diamond the goop ending now it's just diamond it was the red diamond you can't be ridiculous and then here is their bedrooms up here very cute so this would be one of your beds because this is the house you've picked and you don't get to change can I find oh yeah there's two more ha you fool that is just a painting well I guess they are upstairs this is the Transfiguration classroom as you can see the teacher is currently a rabbit laying eggs oh there is I found it interesting this is the common room a fringle door oh why is she doing - Parker dangerous very nice very purple they are themed very strictly on their colors their heads I like that they're in a tower I feel like all of them are really unique yeah that's cool I like that so if you'd like to come up the staircase guess what's up here I would guess Dumbledore's office whose double dark oh sorry who is this this is Trumbull thaad are from Bullards okay right okay hello I know it looks like he's not wearing any trousers but they're just tan pants I swear oh yeah that's very very very close leg line are you revealing a few more each is that be a bit shameful so here is this tiny little bird so this is his office so you hopefully you never have to see us again you never get sent here again fighting moldy BOTS well the evil villain of this entire okay and I'm gonna guess the other common room is down in the basement well this is the potions classroom I love this room so much so much going on in here yeah this is really cute I like all the potions and the cauldron that's awesome it's very dungeon II waiting for strong dungeon vibes oh that's the big hole oh dang it it was all a trick oh well I mean some creative mode you can't do that oh wait was he why is this painting doing here suspicious what's what's this one called again it's the dragon odd common race a canard coming okay very nice nice fire as well a lot of space down here yeah this might be the best one yeah I'm kind of sad that I didn't pick the dragon hard and I went with the ruffle cord and in here they've got the bedroom where they've got a lot of beds that stick you know yeah it's one of the most popular houses let me tell you the evil house cuz they're green like what do you mean evil what there's nothing evil about them or their local school are we their bad guys yeah I think I'm gonna stay away from this common room these guys are not the sort guys I want to hang out with a lot of dark wizards seem to come from that I think you're in the purest looking house yeah like this house is kind of evil maybe this one is a little bit materialistic and this one just is yeah the best light very nice okay well it is amazing I love it very very cool I don't know what to say it's just awesome rocks not frogs nuts so they have it guys that is it from our point I built a hidden away platform 9 and 3/4 in Kings Cross trade station from Harry Potter and Lizzie built frog snorts a castle a School of Witchcraft and Wizardry no frogs not school of justice magicians frogs okay fair enough so whichever you think is the best bill to make sure to click in the top right hand corner a poll will appear and you can vote for your favorites right now but that's going to be it from us so thank you so much for watching make sure to leave a like and comment if you did enjoy this and we shall see you another time goodbye who drops you fish Lizzie yeah it's fly flew at my hand while I was cheering oh oh dear
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 2,182,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, build, vs, buildvs, with, ldshadowlady, lizzie, ld shadow lady, jizzie, vseachother, buildVS, Smallbeans, Cute house, cutehouse, buildvswithldshadowlady, episode 6, magic, episode6magical, maigcal
Id: Uq5cxLhYlt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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