The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse by Keith Malcomson

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amen i'm gonna ask you to turn to two books of the bible and as you turn there i'm going to simply mention two individuals i want you to turn to the book of revelation chapter six and we're simply going to read that but i also want you to turn to the old testament and this is where we're going to concentrate tonight is the book of zechariah and when you turn to the old testament you have zechariah malachi and then matthew in the new testament that's how you can easily find it but i i'm going to concentrate on zechariah but i do want to read from revelation chapter six and as you find that i want to mention here tonight two very special ladies that have just gone to be with the lord and i think most of you know but just to say a word about them i have been deeply impacted by certain people in my lifetime i mean straight up until this year and some of these ladies that i've had to do with i assure you no preacher that i know will get a reward like they're going to get as they enter the presence of god one of them is janice clenden and sister clenden and brother clendenan's wife who went to be with the lord last saturday she was a lady of 95 years old brother clendenin died 12 years ago and she stood by his side to put this school of christ in 150 nations over a period of 18 years a phenomenal work and she was a phenomenal woman i mean she was the embodiment of what scripture teaches she was a make lady a woman of real faith a woman of great strat stature and character but i believe she embodies what the bible talks about meekness and quietness in a lady and yet she was a remarkably strong lady who stood um for the lord all through those years and you know we have the utter highest regard for her every time we ran a school we always sent her a bunch of flowers and a card from the school thanking her for the sacrifices that she made that are still affecting lies and i'm so glad for her life she lived faithfully she's now gone to her reward ladies you have a challenge to fill the boots of some of the greatest ladies that i've ever known in my life who are now departing their prayers are no longer going to be in this earth their testimony has gone to be with the lord they've gone to their reward but it leaves a gap in the wall a breach there's those that must stand up come forth through the kingdom of god and take their place the second lady only got a letter yesterday from her niece and that is yuna mcmillan who she just recently turned 100 years old she lived to one day enter 100th birthday to celebrate it when candace prayed with her last year she said pray that i'll reach my 100th birthday and she was a remarkable lady we told you about her before she she um actually served her daughter dad was a pastor with george jeffries many years ago she is a young girl of 13 years old was baptized in the holy ghost at a george jeffries campaign she was healed i think about 13 as well she had tb she shouldn't have been out of her bed but she said i must get baptized in water and her mom says you can't get out of your bed she says i must i must obey the lord and be baptized well as she went down into the waters of baptism in that river the lord totally healed her and she was raised up she lived to a hundred years old walking with the lord and you know i could have just wept yesterday as i received that letter and opened it and for the first time heard that she'd gone to be with the lord i'm not sorry for her my tears are not for her but it's that human natural element i grieved i could have wept to hear that my sister that i love i'm gonna see her very soon again these saints are leaving and going home they have served their generation very very well but ladies and new men as well but you ladies will you not walk in the truth of god and take up the mantle when my great-grandmother died at a very great age my mother had only got saved a few hours before and three days later as my mom only saved three days stood at the graveside of her grandmother my great-grandmother and she stood there the only member of the entire family born again she felt like the mantle of her grandmother had now been passed to her she was saved hours before her grandmother went to be with the lord and now she had the responsibility to pray for every family member to pray for salvation since i pray that even in hearing about these great ladies i mean they're very normal they're the most normal ladies you'd ever meet but they were women that marked the kingdom of god worldwide you know sister uh macmillan she phoned us when we were in the midst of great crisis and trial was school of christ i mean we were in a crisis and a phone call come and said i need to speak to you first time ever matter set i heard brother clinton preach and i need to speak to you he said he is a man of god just like george jeffrey's and she phoned us incessantly for a period of 15 years every time something was happening with candace or me she would phone leave a message and say no what's going on and should always be very specific says now something's going on with candace what is it i'm praying no you need to fool me back and tell me every time it was i mean without fail for a period of 10 15 years it was remarkable a woman who said i pray for you every single day you know what with a couple of other older believers in their late 80s they would gather up their pension what they had of their pension and send a check maybe a hundred pounds maybe 200 pounds and say we want this to go to the work of the lord they didn't have much they had very little in this world but you know what they they sacrificed and they gave and i tell you we've got shoes to fill in a remarkable way i do pray the lord will challenge you and encourage you in these days turning here tonight in our message the first in this new series to revelation chapter six and also the book of zechariah you're going to realize tonight the importance of what i'm going to do and teach in going and spending time in zechariah in order to understand the book of revelation and here tonight i had three points i've set aside two of them because the one point i'm going to bring you tonight is so vital to understand revelation 6. i actually believe without what i preached tonight if i don't teach this from zechariah you could never truly understand revelation 6. what i'm doing is giving you a foundation i'm giving you the keys the ability to understand revelation 6 and there's no point me teaching or preaching on revelation 6 and the four horses of the apocalypse unless i begin to show you how to understand it and so that's what i had three points to help you to understand the whole context but there just an hour ago i went you know what i'm gonna lose tonight if i try to preach these three points i'm only going to concentrate on one single point but as you well know as we go into this one point i'm going to give you an awful lot in this one point and as we begin to deal with revelation 6 next week this message tonight is going to help you this will totally change your view of revelation 6 and you know what it will set aside many teachings of men and begin to help you to understand it reading first of all hear from revelation 6 and as the message goes on i'm going to take you to zechariah to find zechariah zechariah malachi and then matthew but i'm going to preach from zechariah chapter one and chapter six and i want you to follow closely but we're gonna read here from revelation six and our series on my first message tonight the four horsemen of the apocalypse revelation chapter 6 and verse 1 reading through the verse 8 and i saw the lamb opened so let me start again and i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and i saw on behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer and when he had opened the second seal i heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword and when he had opened the third seal i heard the third base say come and see and behold and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand and i heard a voice in the midst of the four bc a measure of weight for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine and when he had opened the fourth seal i heard the voice of the fourth piece say come and see and i looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword and with hunger and with death and with the base of the earth let's pray together as we come to the word here tonight father i do thank you god for the word of god for the hour that you brought us the church of the lord jesus christ to lord god what a pivotal hour we're so glad for the saints that have lived prior to us in this previous generation that preached to us that prayed for us that encouraged us that remembered us before the throne of god nor god my heart breaks tonight and grieves it mourns for those that are leaving us in the body of christ and going into your presence and yet i say that with great joy knowing that they have received of their reward will you help us tonight to play our part in the body of christ in our generation in this unique time in history will you help us in this church listening tonight to this message will you help us to be upright to walk faithfully to play our part lord god and to do the will of god in our generation before we see you face to face we do love you and we thank you for such a unique hour that we have the privilege the blessing of seeing the entire stage of history set a biblical prophecy being come to its absolute fulfillment nor god i pray tonight's message would put a sense of urgency and yet rest in the lord not being scared of what we see happening in the nations but oh god as we see all that's happening in our world nor god that our eyes would be fixed on jesus with an assurance of faith that you are about to bring all things to fulfillment in the earth that jesus christ might be glorified in jesus name amen my message the four horsemen of the apocalypse we are gonna deal with the first four seals of the seven seals in revelation six we're not going to deal with the other three seals we're only going to deal with four seals because the first four sales uniquely have within them four horses each of the first four seals when they're open have a horse that rides out and in order to understand this which we're going to begin to deal with with each of these four horses we need to understand the time because there's so many wrong teachings about this you see i've heard for several years and especially since the beginning of covet for a year and a half that the white horse has already written out that all these things are already in place are happening i'm going to tell you they're not happening yet and that's why i want to teach you clearly that you understand that you know the hour that you're actually living in i don't want you to be confused but here tonight i want to lay the foundation before we go to the four horsemen of the apocalypse in revelation chapter six it says in one corinthians chapter two and verse 13 and we've said this before the holy ghost teaches how does the holy spirit teach you comparing spiritual thing was spiritual the word comparing there is subcrino it's made up of two words it means to compare one thing with another it means to combine them to collate them and to make them one thing not two things you see how does the holy spirit teach us about any subject in the bible it is comparing scripture with scripture you see i cannot just teach you about revelation 6 by only preaching from revelation 6. i've got to compare scripture with scripture if the holy spirit is to teach you in this series you won't understand it that's why there's so many wrong teachings about revelation 6 they go to with their own mind with their own understanding or with what a popular preacher has taught they say it is this or it is that i want to tell you we need the holy spirit to teach us but how does he teach us about revelation 6 he actually says go and compare scripture with scripture gather scriptures together go to other places in the bible let the bible interpret the bible don't bring your own understanding to bear let the bible speak let it teach you let it show you what i mean in revelation 6 i'm tired of people with bible prophecy given their opinion their ideas their thoughts i think i mean people who don't know don't have a clue and yet they'll try to teach you when they don't know themselves but we want the holy spirit to teach us how does he teach us by comparing scripture with scripture it says in second timothy chapter 2 and 14 listen is paul writing to a young preacher in the church in ephesus a young man that he trained up who's right in the heart of ministry he says there in timothy of these things put them the church in remembrance charging them before the lord that they strive not about words to no prophet but the subverting of the hears paul is telling timothy you need to stop all of this talk in the church there is striving about words and it's not profitable arguing about scripture about things that aren't important and it subverts or turns over the faith of individuals or those who are hearing the word of god an awful lot less needs to be said in the church i mean worldwide an awful lot less there's too many voices and you've got to be very careful who you listen to so paul says that then listen the next verse he says to timothy study to show thyself approved unto god you're a young preacher study you need a study you need to lay out the word you need to spend time in the word of god in order to be approved of god a workman that means when you study the word of god you're a workman i want to tell you i'll work as hard as anyone to prepare for a message it is involving hours days years decades of toil and labor it is an in an intensive job to study the scripture and sue paul is telling timothy here if you're going to be approved be a good workman that needeth not to be ashamed how do you do that rightly dividing the word of truth i'm talking about comparing scripture with scripture gathering the teaching of the bible to be taught of the holy spirit paul says to timothy if you're not going to be ashamed on that day before christ you need to rightly divide the word of truth what does rightly divide in it mean it means to cut a straight line as you study the bible as you labor over it as a workman you're to cut a straight line or define the path through scripture use the study of scripture to find the path to hold a straight course to make a straight line and to handle it rightly and teach in the church so timothy as you gather scripture as you study as you research as you pray over the word of god i want you out of that to actually steer a straight course that you can teach the church and keep them away from air and it's practical then listen the next verse after paul tell timothy about rightly dividing the word of truth because there's an awful lot of preachers to not rightly divide the word of god they will teach you things that will harm you they actually don't know what they're confused themselves they actually split up the word of god rather than unifying it and if you listen to them it will have serious consequences that's why so many in the church they don't know what ar it is they listen all the preachers and they do not know what are it is because those preachers do not know what are it is those preachers are wrongly dividing the word of god but here he's told rightly divide the word of god then the next verse but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase onto more ungodliness now much talk debate arguments theological strivings in the church it leads to ungodliness any talking over scripture that leads you to go hey i can live as i want is a very dangerous thing and there's a lot that goes on in the church it doesn't lead you to holiness and purity and perfection and sanctification it is very dangerous you've got to be very careful and so when we come to these things it's not to create arguments i don't care about arguments of scripture i want to know truth and to handle it rightly because i don't want to be ashamed one day i really don't but i believe that even these messages can be to your holiness your sanctification to lead you closer to the lord jesus christ and so revelation 6 as we see the four seals open and the four horsemen of the apocalypse ride out how are we to interpret them i'm i'm going to take you to the book of zechariah here tonight we want to understand the horses and the horsemen on these four horses the bible mentions horses well over 300 times in our bible sometimes they're symbolic sometimes they're prophetic sometimes they are literal and so we want to compare scripture with scripture we don't want to just read revelation and try and understand it that's not good to do i want to read revelation 6 then compare scripture with scripture so i understand it this is how the holy spirit will teach you and tonight we're going to look at horses elsewhere that are similar to revelation chapter 6. if you go to zechariah chapter 1 here tonight and chapter 6 you're going to see that there's a similar vision to what we find in revelation chapter six zechariah the prophet his name means the lord remembers it's an entire prophecy of hope of fourteen chapters and zechariah was a remarkable prophet and i want to show you that in bringing zechariah to bear we're going to understand revelation 6. do you remember how earlier in the year we looked at daniel and understand daniel the beasts you've got to go to revelation and to understand revelation the beasts in revelation you've got to go back to daniel you can't understand the book of revelation without daniel you cannot do that you you will come out with crazy ideas as you see the beasts and the horns and as you see all of these things you will have very strange ideas you won't know how to apply it but if you go back to daniel and compare and put all of this together collate it together combine it under the help of the holy spirit you begin to understand what is happening in this are of history it's the same with sakura we're gonna bring it in and let the holy spirit simply i'm not going to teach a lot i'm literally laying it out you can actually tell me by the end of this message what does this begin to tell us about revelation 6 i want you to be convinced in your own heart not me giving ideas and opinions and telling you what i think i want you to become convinced in your own heart of what the bible says about it in zechariah chapter one and chapter six we see different colored horses and chariots we have two visions and it's a spiritual vision but they also need interpreted when we go to zechariah chapter one and verse one listen to what it says in the eighth month in the second year of darius came the word of the lord unto zechariah this was his first prophecy that the lord began to speak to zechariah if you're going to speak to the church you better have god speak to you why give something if god hasn't given it to you i don't want to preach if god doesn't speak to me i really don't but here in zechariah 1 we get the date not the day but the month and the year the god spoke the first prophecy under zechariah it was the second year of darius this is the first prophecy and it was a message of repentance then look at verse 7 we have the second prophecy coming to zechariah it says upon the 4th and 20th day of the eleventh month which is the month of sabbath in the second year of darius came the word of the lord unto zechariah the second vision and prophecy that zechariah received was three months later than the first prophecy he had a prophecy and a vision and he spoke that prophecy three months later here he is and we actually get the date of the prophecy and it's very important for what i'm going to say he gives us the date now so that you can understand it tonight in our time scale the date of it is the 15th of february 519 bc 15th of february 519 bc we're given the date when this vision is actually given to zechariah he had a prophecy three months before but now he is receiving his first vision from god and it involves horses actual spiritual horses in fact from chapter one all the way through the chapter six we read that there's eight distinct visions that zechariah receives eight different visions he receives them all in one night one single night on this date and they're all different it begins with horses and it ends with horses and chariots and i believe these two visions at the beginning and end will help you to understand revelation chapter six let's look at us here tonight we have the first vision of zechariah in chapter 1 verse 17 the verse sorry verse 7 to verse 17 read with me follow with me in verse 8 it says i saw by night and behold a man riding upon a red horse and he stood amongst the myrtle trees that were in the bottom and behind him were there three horses speckled and white then said i oh my lord what are these horses and the angel that talked with me said unto me i will show thee what these be do not make up your own interpretation of bible prophecy listen to what it says the prophet zechariah didn't say now i think this is what i'm saying he never done that he didn't say i've had years of experience and i know what i'm saying do you know what he said he said he asked he said what am i looking at i don't understand this if you try to be smart with the word of god you'll come out with an awful lot of foolishness with bible prophecy you've got to inquire of the lord teach me what i'm looking at here he had a vision of these horses and they were not natural horses in verse 8 it says first of all a man riding upon a red horse this is why we're here it's very similar to the red horse in revelation chapter six there's a revelation there's a horse there with a man on it and here in zechariah chapter one we have a man riding a red horse and it's not natural it's in a vision it's spiritual it is god showing something that is happening in the nations and so we see that there is a comparison here in verse 11 just a few verses later in verse 11. listen to what it says it explains who this man is on the red horse and they answered the angel of the lord who's the man on the red horse if you read this in context he is the angel of the lord in other words the man on the red horse in zechariah one what is he is he a man is he a prophet is he a demon he is an angel of the lord he's not a fallen angel he's not a mystical spirit it's not just a picture and a dream it is an actual angel of the lord that is in this vision that he is seeing and it says the angel of the lord that stood among the myrtle trees you see what is an angel he is a messenger he is one dispatched by god on a mission on a task to fulfill it in the world that's what this angel is and so we see the man on the red horse is an actual angel in the midst of this it goes further and it says among the myrtle trees in a hollow that's where you see him on his horse he's in a hollow that means a deep valley a glenn or a ravine so i want you to see this a man on a red horse in a valley or a hollow or a vein and he's on his horse and you know what it says among the myrtle trees in the hollow inside that hollow inside that valley where all of these myrtle trees now if you knew anything from the past year and a half with candace with their oils and all that we've spoken about in this church the myrtle tree has a very fragrant perfume that comes off it it has beautiful blossoms white blossoms on it and beautiful berries that are medicinal so look at this man this angel of the lord in the midst of a valley surrounded by all these myrtle trees and you can smell this fragrance this is not a bad vision it's a good vision and in fact the myrtle tree is evergreen in other words it blossoms all through the year in winter as well as springtime and it brings forth its blossom and it brings forth its berries what does the myrtle tree represent it represents humility i think it doesn't grow more than eight feet that's not a big tree that's not a tall tree as far as trees go so you have a very short tree a medicinal tree a beautiful tree and imagine being in this valley and you smell the fragrance but you've got an angel on a red horse literally seated in the midst of all of this do you know esther knew the book of esther in the old testament you know another name for her is um is hadassah do you know adasa is the same word for myrtle tree the exact same word that lady embodied humility lowliness meekness carefulness in fact she is a beautiful picture of the myrtle tree so the myrtle tree is not a bad thing it is actually a beautiful thing and you have this man on the red horse surrounded by these beautiful humble trees and so we know this is a good picture it is a good vision that we are seeing here it is something that we want to admire in verse nine it also the prophet says what are these nine times in zechariah said what are these he's shown a vision he said what are these who thinks that we'd be humble in the house of god that we had been taught of the holy spirit that we'd be slow to speak if you don't do if you don't know something don't try to teach others if you're merely learning abc's don't you go and confuse other people just sit on it it's better to listen you know if you keep your mouth shut you sound wise do you realize that even a fool if he keeps his mouth shut will sing man isn't she wise isn't he wise no it's just they keep their mouth shut so you don't know oh we need an awful lot more of it i can assure you people given well i think you know nothing that's what you think your your thoughts chew an awful lot but look at this vision we see three different colors of horses three different colors and i believe these colors represent three different groups and verse eight we read about red speckled and white in order what is this speckled we know what red and we know what white is but what is the speckled speckled means dappled or colored gray just imagine the horse for a second a horse that's colored gray but it's many colored or it's white spotted that's what this horse is so you've got a red horse and that red represents something you've got a white horse the white represents something but you've got this many colored horse or speckled horse he also represents something all of this has meaning i'm not going to teach you everything in sakura i'm only giving you enough so you understand revelation 6 and this will help you who are these various horses these three great groups of horses we don't have all the details here but they're all in the myrtle trees in the valley and we know that the riders on these horses are angels of the lord that's what they are that's the interpretation here it says in verse 10 these are they whom the lord is sent to walk to and through through the earth we are actually seeing them at the end of their mission you see their mission has just been finished they were sent into all of the earth all of the nations of the earth not just israel not just to jerusalem these horses these that we see in this vision had been sent out into all of the nations to go to and through their angelic beings on horses and they're riding to and through they've been given a mission now they've finished the mission who are they they are emissaries sent out onto the world stage of history and politics they are patrolling the earth they are the lord's scars to go and investigate they actually affect and control world history and politics and world society they represent god's activity in the earth in our generation they are supernatural forces used to accomplish god's purpose on the earth do you understand why we're going to zechariah understand revelation 6 i hope you see this here tonight you see they represent god they're sent out and now they've finished their mission they speak about his worldwide dominion his control his plan and the earth and what we see when we look at these horses is the future purpose of god for jerusalem and judea so when you see these four horses they're all related to jerusalem but it's what happens in the nations that's why they're riding out across the world so what report do they come back to to the lord with we read here at the end of this verse and behold all of the earth sitters still and is at rest they're reporting back to the lord and they're saying the entire earth very few times the world's been at peace or at rest in all of world history but it was at this point they are saying we've investigated we've gone from nation to nation government to government society to society continent the continent we've gone through all the earth and now we're important to the lord and you know what we have found at this time in history this is our report and it's a spiritual report all of the earth sit us still it is seated down like a city in a sea it's not out at war it's sitting down in its home and it is at rest this word rest in the hebrew means to lay back on a couch it means inactivity it means you're really enjoying ease of life an idleness it is the embodiment of laziness and idleness and of no activity the reporting the lord what the nations are doing and you know what he's saying their nations are at peace there's no war it's a unique art there's no war everything is at peace in fact the armies of the world the politicians are lying back in utter idleness you remember in jeremiah 48 it speaks about moab and it talks about moab being at ease being at rest lounging around and you know what because of that there was no spiritual work in moab's heart do you know what god said to moab i'm gonna have to pour you from vessel the vessel because there's a smell about you you stink the wine that is in your vessel really is becoming stinking whereas if you've been poured from vessel the vessel you'd have a sweet taste and a sweet smell that's what he's saying about moab do you know what god is saying here all the nations are at rest but it's not good the nations are inactive i have a plan for my people for jerusalem for judea and you know what all the earth is at peace and that is not good i can prove it here it says in verse 15 the lord says i am very sore displeased with the heathen that are at ease so notice all the nations are at peace they're all settled they're utterly inactive all the great emperors and leaders there's no action and you know what the lord said he is actually displeased or angry with us isn't this remarkable what we're seeing here look at verse 12 it says then the angel of the lord answered and said o lord of hosts how long will thou not have mercy on jerusalem so all the nations are at peace there's no activity it there's nothing going on these horsemen have come back to report and it says you know what in this time where god is angry with the nations do you know what the angel of the lord is saying how long will you not have it's a moment in time something is going on here and he says how long will thou not have mercy on jerusalem and the cities of judea do you know what's happening in jerusalem some of israel 20 years before had come back to rebuild the temple and delayed the foundation then they were opposed and the temple construction stopped all the work of god stopped and god's people for the next 20 years said i'm going to build my house i'm going to look after my uh affairs it's not time and haggai haggai preached at the same time as zechariah do you know what god's people are saying it's not time to build god's house it's not time for revival it's not no time to have a move of god all the nations are still at this time and you know what god's people they hadn't built anything in 20 years no revival in 20 years no move of god in 20 years and they were all saying hey nothing's going to happen it's not time maybe in 10 years time maybe in 20 years time and that's what we're seeing here it's a remarkable thing that we're actually seeing the nations are still an angel is saying isn't it time to have mercy on jerusalem again 20 years and the prophetic plan of god hasn't moved forward nothing for 20 years the enemy stopped it 20 years ago remember when they started it was 70 years from the captivity now here at this time you've just reached the point of 70 years this is where we're at it's time for the building of god's house and that's why zechariah is prophesying that's why he is given this remarkable vision it goes on and said isn't it time to have mercy how long o lord on israel then listen to what he says against which thou hast had indignation these three score and 10 years 70 years this entire prophecy is about 70 years is up the 70 years is over you said through jeremiah at the end of 70 years that temple's going to be destroyed 70 years it's time to rebuild again and these horses have been sent into the earth at this 70 year point to investigate the nations you know what when the nations get stirred up god's plan comes to pass i'm telling you something very important here and if you understand this you're going to look at afghanistan and world politics and everything that's been happening for a year and a half very very differently i want to tell you we live in an art where all isn't still and at peace in the world nations are being stirred up in a remarkable way but that's a good thing that's not a negative thing so you think oh that all would be at peace actually that when these horses go out in the world you know what everything is going to get stirred up to bring forth god's plan and his purpose what was happening in zechariah chapter one here who was the great leader world leader at the time it was darius the first r darius the great he was the king of the medo persian empire he was a great persian leader and we dealt with him in the daniel series do you know what darius used to do in his large empire in that day he had imperial inspectors and he called them his eyes and his ears and they got mounted up in their horses and chariots and they went out into the nations and they brought him back reports every single year about what was happening they had an annual tour of judy going through this nation in this nation and this city in this town in this village and this culture of people and they brought it back to darius and daria's got a great view of his entire empire you know that's the sort of picture that we get here but listen we are given the date of this vision of the horses in the valley you remember what it was the 15th of february listen the year 5 19 bc before christ 5 19 what was darius doing at this time well darius three years before this in the year 5 22 three years before what we're seeing here he became the king of the empire there was a lot of turmoil and he came to sad as darius the great the king of the persian worldwide government when he become king the entire empire was an upheaval there was civil wars rebellions riots in the streets in fact for the first two years of his reign there was terrible turmoil right across the known world listen to what happened between him becoming king and this prophecy listen to what happened in that short period of time two years the first two years of him being king he defeated nine great kings had 19 battles and subdued the greatest nations of the world in that are finally in the year 520 just a year before this he had peace his throne was secured one year later sakura is going to have this vision of the horses going out to investigate what do they say everything's peaceful everything's secure all the great leaders all the armies are resting going you know what everything's just perfect now everything is settled but god's going i'm angry at this what about my house what about my people what about my prophetic plan do you realize why the horses are there they're going out investigating you see haggai was preaching at the very same time listen to what god's plan was and haggai we know in chapter one he said you're you're you're thinking about your own houses what about god's house in haggai chapter two and six it says for thus saith the lord of hosts yet once it is a little while and i will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land do you see what god was saying here i'm going to shake everything everything the next verse says and i will shake all nations everything is at rest but you know what i'm going to do i'm going to start shaking nations and governments and society and culture i'm going to begin to shake it why would god do that well he says and the desire of all nations shall come he then goes on to prophesy the glory of the latter house is going to be greater than the former you know what it's taught about i'm gonna shake the nation do you know why i want the glory of god to fill my house again i want the temple to be reared up again i want my people to be revived again and i'm gonna shake the very nations all nations in fact he says here i'm going to shake the heavens and the earth is it any wonder when we come into the gospels then and read what jesus prophesied that we're living in an art when the heavens and the earth is going to be shook when all nations are going to be shook why do you think that is you see in the church we get scared we know the bible we know the gospel we know about having faith but we see all of these things happen and we begin to tremor we get scared and go what's happening here you need to understand what i'm saying here tonight do you understand before we begin on revelation 6 you need to understand why these things happen in a remarkable way at the end of chapter one we have the second vision the second vision from verse 18 to 21. it's about four horns and you know horns are kings four horns that scatter judah israel and jerusalem these are in verse 19 these are the four horns which have scattered judah israel and jerusalem he's seen a vision of four horns what does it mean these four horns are kings that have scattered the people of god no revival what's behind that god's people subdued what's behind that these four horns he then said these are the horns which have scattered judah so that no man did lift up his head have you ever seen churches or a time in church where it seems like god's people can't even lift up their heads there's certain times because of what's happening in the world and in the nations and in our culture and the worldliness and god's people who can hardly lift up their heads in the church they can hardly look up they're all downcast well god deals with this you see it was an art for 20 years god god's people couldn't lift up their heads they'd taken their eye off the ball they were concerned about their own houses there's no revival in god's house and it's these four horns that were responsible they'd scattered god's people but these are come notice the next part of it these are come to fray them and the cast down the horns of the gentiles which lifted up their horn over the land of judah and scattered them he not only sees a vision of four horns but then four carpenters four carpenters come along who deal with wood and you know what they start doing they start cutting down the four horns there's four wooden horns and these carpenters come with their planes and begin you know i used to do woodwork many years ago and when you get those wooden planes and you'd have a block of wood and you're playing in it you're trying to make that thing flat and and i tell you took some work get that blade ready and you're going to plane it until it's a flat plane that's what's happening here those four horns are four kings in gentile nations which have scattered god's people and here god's people are all downtrodden god says i'm going to raise up four carpenters it's innovation and they're gonna begin to cut down those foreign horns and i'm gonna gather my people once again hold that for a second all that i've just said now i want you to turn to chapter six chapter six and verse one and it says there in chapter six this is the eighth and last vision of zechariah and i turned and lifted up my eyes and looked and behold and there came four chariots out from between two mountains and the mountains were mountains of brass they weren't normal mountains in the first chariot were red horses and in the second chariot black horses and in the third chariot white horses and in the fourth chariot grizzled and bay horses then i answered and said unto the angel that talk with me what are these my lord an angel said unto me these are the four spirits of the heaven which go forth from standing before the lord of all of the earth let me explain this this is going to change your whole view of revelation 6. it says that these four chariots go forth from between two mountains and the mountains are made of brass as brother jared just said there the brass always represents judgment silver in the bible always represents redemption but these two mountains of brass they're immovable overwhelming hindrances these mountains but they're of god they're from god's kingdom they are spiritual and they're mountains of brass the four chariots ride out from between the two mountains of brass in other words these four chariots it's a time of judgment they're not just gathering information now that the world is in peace these four chariots ride out with judgment for the nations that's what it represents look at these chariots four chariots that means each chariot had a team of horses not one horse an entire team of horses and the horses were a certain color the first was red the second black the third white and the fourth was gristled and bay do you realize there are spiritual horses and chariots in the word of god in psalm 68 verse 17 listen the chariots of god are 20 000 even thousands of angels so you can number the chariots you can't number the angels so you actually have angels with chariots with horses when we see these four teams of horses riding out representing it's a time of judgment in the nations they are spiritual beings going forth to judge the earth in a very real way you see they're embarking on a mission they're they've been commissioned by god what do chariots represent in the bible days a chariot was the storm troops of any nation i mean when you brought out chariots with horses and horsemen it's not just not a man on a horse when you bring out the chariots this is the heavy duty warfare this means you're not playing games you're not going to stop until you defeat the enemy this is real warfare and that's what god has shown us here it's a time of real warfare god is going to war against the nations to perform his work internationally in the affairs of men with world politics do you remember in second kings chapter 2 and 11 when the lord came to pick up elijah and elisha is walking with elijah and he says no you're not going to leave me without giving me a blessing here you know the story and it says and as it came to pass as they went still on and talked together can you imagine this happening ian's talking to me and we're walking along the road there appeared in other words it had up here it was there before but it had to appear suddenly there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and parted them both asunder and elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven chariots of fire horses of fire angelic beings we're seeing something spiritual here in order to get elijah caught up to heaven a chariot a fiery chariot is sent from you're seeing something angelic here and again a little bit later in the same book remember when all the armies were come to get elisha and he was there with his servant and the purse servants tremble and saying look at all the armies look at all the gentile nations look at our enemies remember the man of god prayed for him and said lord open the eyes of this young man and instantly the young man saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elisha you know when we see these chariots and we see these men riding out in judgment you're seeing angelic beings that's what you're looking at here this is something supernatural it's not natural this is god now it's not like sakura one this sakura has sex the last eighth vision and now i gotta say i'm gonna stir everything up in the nations that's why when we go to revelation 6 you begin to see the stirring of the nations why god has a plan god actually has a plan on the earth we have four chariots red black white and the fourth is gristle and bay bay what is gristle them bay what do gristled and bay horses look like someone has said it's gray and baby is that brownish reddish look of a horse you know that normally when we see a horse we go that is a bay horse it's a ready brown horse that's what it looks like but this is a gristle and a bay horse that's why the red horse is in bay redhorse is bright blood red it's a different color than the bay but this fourth horse is gristled and bay and that means dappled gray light colored many colored more than one colors are less than this spotted with red dots this fourth horse is two colors gristle them bay it's basically a grayish horse with this bay brown red color speckled all over its body it represents something i'm not going to tell you all it represents but look at verse 5 what it says about these four chariots what are they how do they represent four spirits of the heavens don't interpret yourself do you hear me what was chapter one the angel of the lord on the red horse here what are these four chariots and their horses they are the four spirits of the heavens the word spirits there is the word for winds winds it's talking about angelic beings agents of god's judgment in hebrews chapter one verse seven it says and the angels to the angels he's saying talk about the angels of god he says to them who maketh his angels spirits or winds the same word for wind is the same word for spirits here so an angel is a spirit or a wind and his minister's a flame of fire so look at angels they are spirits they are ministers or messengers of god but they're also flames of fire god has made his angels flames of fire he's made them winds or spirits but they're also his messengers they're flames of fire that's how the angels are god's angels are flames of fire remember in daniel chapter 7 verse 2 when god's going to give a prophecy about the nations and what is going to happen in the nations daniel 7 2 daniel spake and said i saw my vision by night and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea or the nations of the world what do you think those four winds are when god begins to prophesy about the nations what's going to happen and the four winds begin to blow on the water do you know what it's showing us these four spirits of the lord these four angelic beings and creatures are gonna begin to move on world affairs to stir the waters up to bring forth god's plan in the earth that's what it's saying so these four chariots of horses ride out in judgment what happens to them chapter six verse six it says the black horses which are therein go forth into the north country notice the direction of them the black horse and we're gonna deal with it in the weeks ahead what does the black horse represent we'll do an entire message on it because it's about to happen a black horse is going to be released on the nations it represents something here in this vision this black horse of judgment goes forth to the north in chapter 2 of zechariah the land of the north is the daughter of babylon that's that's who the north country is so a black horse is dispatched to babylon and the white goes forth after them so you see the white horse also fallen first a black horse then a white horse whatever the white horse represents is going to come after the black horse i'm i'm shrouding this a mystery until the weeks ahead so first they're gonna be impacted by black then white and the gristle go forth towards the south country they go in the opposite direction they go down south towards egypt in the south and what about the bay horse it says in verse 7 and the bay went forth and sought to go that they might walk to and through in the earth just like zechariah chapter one and he said get you hence walk to and fro through the earth but they're not gathering information now they're bringing judgment they are traveling through the nations these four chariots and where they go they bring judgment from god they're stirring everything up you've been at peace too long god is gonna stir the gentile nations up you know why he wants his house rebuilt in jerusalem he's gonna see glory amongst his people once again but the horses have to go forth to babylon and to egypt and to other nations and they're going to go forth in all of the earth then cried he upon me and spake unto me saying behold these go toward the north country and have quieted my spirit in the north country and so we see here in this prophecy before i close the red horse the black horse the white horse the gristled horse they're going in different directions but then we're told they all go out into all of the earth this is going to be worldwide international these judgments are going to spread from nation the nation first babylon that black horse is going to start something trigger it in babylon that white horse is going to sorry that that um gristled horse is going to trigger something in egypt so all these things are going on and god says then it's going to sweep around the world and all of this is going to bring forth my plan and the earth all of them go into the earth patrolling to execute judgment on gentile nations these angelic spirits will stir up events amongst the nations to bring about god's plan for the restoration of israel and his glory do you know what this vision in zechariah 6 what it's followed by it's followed by a symbolic prophetic act the crowning of joshua the high priest to be king in israel you know what was happening in the jerusalem at this time cerubabel was the governor a man of god 20 years before he led them back then you have joshua who's the high priest but look what happens here after all this judgment goes forth god symbolically anoints the high priest to be king very strange action so now you have a king priest anointed of god to bring forth god's will in the earth something very strange is happening here very unusual after all of this from zechariah chapter 8 to chapter 14. you have all in the prophecy beginning with chapter 8 we move to our day and from now until the end of the millennium that's what you see in sakura we've had all these visions about god working in the nations now he looks off into the distant future to our day and to what is going to happen in the near future let me just tell you when these four chariot horses ruled out between the brass mountains what happened in history what do you think happened in actual history we have the bible prophecy we have the story what happened in darius's kingdom he's put down all the rebellions took him two years his throne is secure everything is at rest no war isn't it great all the he the nations are saying this brilliance all the kings like darius are saying shoe what a ruler i am i've got everything under control no you don't you think you're under control darish you think you've got great armies great power i'm going to tell you god is in control not you darius you're not in control you remember i gave you the date of when the prophecy is given what happened after that in darius says kingdom i don't have time to go into all of this you can look it up for yourself it's extraordinary there's been a time of peace finally that same year in 519 after the four chariots right forth we read that something happened in egypt to the south that led to darius traveling there and conquering egypt then he attacked the scythians east of the caspian sea a few years that's to the north going north of where he was in babylon and a few years later he conquered the indus valley to the east in india what you see here is when these four chariots ride forth all of a sudden wars break out in egypt with the scythians up to the north into what we know as russia now and it begins to spread into india then in 516 just three years later he is invading afghanistan pakistan in 513 he is subduing eastern thrace and he traveled through onto the danube river into europe and conquers bulgaria he brings all of his army in we also read that darius the great then invaded grace twice with two great attacks twenty thousand men and his son darius ii leads the army do you know this is going to lead to darius iii to his grandson invading greece and what happens because of that the grecian nation rises up in the plan and the purpose of god do you know that after these four chariots ride out you have war after war after war you have major situations happening right across the world do you realize that god's plan was coming forth and as all of this broke out god's house began to get built again and god's glory came down and filled his people once more let me finish you see why i stuck with one point instead of three points tonight i only gave you one point let me finish with revelation 6 and we start on this next week so what are the four horses and the four horsemen of revelation six oh i've heard all the opinions we say the white horse with the white rider it's a cronivarus we know it is because it's got a crown corona you know actually i think the what the rider the literal rider and the horse is a man called antichrist actually i think he is no no no i think it's jesus on the white horse of the gospel going forth to conquer with the preaching of the gospel you hear idea after idea after idea well i'm not going to tell you this week but let me point to the fourth horse in revelation 6 as we close we need to understand what the horses are revelation 6 verse 8 and i looked you need a look i looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him who is this rider on the horse called death is it a thing is it a movement is it an experience is it a power or is it a fallen angel see death here it says death is riding the horse in other words where this horse goes death is gonna come to man who's behind them hades hell hades or hell is right behind him he doesn't have a separate horse he goes with this fourth horse of death do you realize death is seated on this horse who is this death in revelation 20 verse 13 it explains and the sea gave up at the end of the millennium the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works and listen this carefully as we close and i'm allowed to say that at least 15 times and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death you don't throw a thing into the lake of fire you throw persons into the lake of fire in revelation 19 20 we read that the beast the antichrist who is a man gets cast into the lake of fire we read that the false prophet who is a man could cast into the lake of fire in chapter 20 verse 10 we read that the devil who wasn't a man he's an angelic being an ancient being lucifer he gets cast into the lake of fire so here we have death and hell getting cast into the lake of fire you either have to be a man or an angel a fallen angel so we see the fourth rider of the fourth horse is actually called death and death is going to be cast into the lake of fire in other words he's an angelic being he's not one of god's angels he is a fallen angel and he's riding the fourth horse and this horse is gonna get let loose on the earth in a remarkable way one day in this generation i believe death embodied is going to be let loose to bring judgment on the nations do you realize how close we are to the end do you realize as we look at the all of these things over the next weeks do not be afraid don't you realize that god stirs up all these things even death is under the hand of the lord jesus christ the devil does not have power to do anything we look at world events death famine wars and we see disaster if you really understand god's purpose you're going to begin to see that he builds his church in dark days i believe this fourth rider is an angelic being not a man not a movement not events but he's going to fulfill prophecies that are given here and it says in chapter 2015 and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire if your name is not written in the book of life you are going to be cast in the lake of fire with death as a person and with the devil and with antichrist and with the false prophet and everyone who loveth a lie hell an eternity an eternal judgment is very very real but you realize that these four horses are going to be let loose do you know what's coming after all of this it says in revelation 11 15 and the seventh angel sounded the trumpet the last angel and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and ever as we go to the book of revelation and see the first seal opened that triggers the entire book of revelation the book of revelation from chapter six it all begins with the first seal that we're going to deal with next week it all begins then and it happens at a certain time and it hasn't happened yet because once that first seal gets open and the white horse rides out everything is going to happen and god's judgment is going to come in the nations straight through until every single nation is going to become the lord jesus christ and he shall reign forever and ever that's why i'm excited saints that's why when i see the horses ride out i know it looks disastrous in the world but do you realize god is just about to fulfill his everlasting plan will you pray with me here tonight father we thank you for your word and your truth though god we we want the teaching of the holy spirit over these coming weeks we don't want the teachings of man will you help us to be careful lord god to not interpret it with our own understanding with our own mind nor god we're asking that the holy spirit would teach us as we compare as we rightly divide the word of god comparing one scripture with another one book of the bible with another lord god we seek oh god and we ask that the holy spirit would actually begin to teach us that as we see everything happening in our world from the corona crisis all the way through to afghanistan as we see these things all begin to happen that our hearts aren't going to be trembling or afraid but we shall look up because our redemption draws nigh nor god thanks you lord jesus we worship you we bless you we thank you that you were found worthy you have been found worthy to open up the seals and to reveal these prophecies and i thank you that you're sovereignly in control that you're seated at the right hand of the father and we love you one of these days all the nations of the world are going to become yours and unusual ring forever and ever even so come lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord jesus we love you we bless you we praise you amen amen god bless you
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: KaoI4scLP-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 12sec (4512 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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