Building Sokka in Baldur's Gate 3 - The Fortunate Barbarian - Barbarian Fighter Multiclass

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today we're going to be building Saka from Avatar The Last Airbender and I'll slowly go over sort of some of the things that make this a Saka specific build as we go through of course we are going to start off with human I think that my actual example of the character is a half Health just because that's what the hling is but human makes the most sense if you just want to use this build this is going to be sort of a uh long ranging Mage slang Barbarian Fighter combo you can go ahead and use any race you want but if you want to stick to this specific role play it's definitely going to be human like I mentioned is going to be Barb 6 fighter 6 so we're going to go ahead and start off in Barb I think this makes a ton of sense for Saka the man who's seen very angry running into battle with a boomerang over his head not thinking about the repercussions I think it fits his Vibe extremely well and then we move into Fighter for the second half of his character where he starts to sort of hone his skills he starts to get weapon training he's trained as a Kyoshi Warrior and then eventually trained as a swordmaster so I think it fits sort of getting that more talented abilities later on with fighter as far as our background goes he is the son of a noble water tribe Warrior that we actually see in the television show so I think Soldier makes sense he is like I said a lovable o um so you could make him Entertainer if you want but I think Soldier fits really well and if you want it to be the face character it does give you free intimidation which is nice and as a fighter or Frontline character Athletics is nice as well as far as abilities go Saka is not exactly jacked he's more of a dextrous character so this is going to be a DEX Barbarian Build standard strength we put Dex as high as we reasonably can Khan is up there as well I gave him solid intelligence because this is somebody who later in the television show or kind of throughout the television show is seen as a bit of a group commander and a fledgling Commander so I gave him solid intelligence just average wisdom so he don't fail too many saving throws and then High Charisma because this is a character that literally made the moon fall in love with them made a Kyoshi Warrior fall in love with them every girl that he me seemingly uh falls in love with him so he absolutely slays so you got to leave that Charisma up at 14 if you wanted to do something like this and you wanted to use the hack hair you certainly could you could also do you could also dump wisdom if you wanted uh the final stats are up to you but I think just kind of the generic Deck SP build makes a lot of sense and because of that fairly good Charisma this makes a pretty good face character if you want to use him that way you could go ahead and give him persuasion I also gave him survival you could also go ahead and give make this nature instead of survival just because he's sort of the man who runs the camp I think is probably the best way to describe it and then I I put perception here because it's useful and I don't think that any of these other options are particularly useful perception is just going to help you with those passive checks which is very nice so we'll move on to leveling him up and the actual Saka view that we will be building out as we begin leveling up Saka here we are going to take our second through six level in Barbarian so we'll get a couple interesting features at level two we get danger sense which gives us advantage on decks checks against traps spells and surfaces spells and services very useful traps mildly useful but extremely uh extremely helpful and you also cannot be blinded or incapacitated so you're just kind of this Reckless running into battle Fearless Barbarian which is followed up by Reckless attack where you gain advantage in exchange for enemies having advantage against you this sort of fits that Vibe of Saka running in yelling don't heard my friends with the boomerang over his head not really thinking about defense only thinking about diving head first into the battle at level three we get to pick our Barbarian subass and I had a couple choices here originally I was going to go wildart um and go ahead and pick up I think it's wolf where you can give your teammates Advantage but there's other ways to give our teammates advantage and I want Saka to be uh fitting of that Vibe of being in avatar the L air bender so I gave him wild magic of course he is not a caster and don't worry we're not going to be doing any casting with Saka that wouldn't make any sense what this does is a random wild magic effect will come into fruition when we rage now I I see this as Saka is in the middle of battle and he's not a Caster but all these magical things are always happening around him and he sort of stumbles through and gets through to the other side somehow unscathed and I think this is the best way to fit that Vibe he does not cast magic himself but he is constantly surrounded by magic users and constantly living in a world where magic is happening around him and somehow he gets away with it so I think that fits really well we also get magical awareness um you and your buddies can get uh a proficiency bonus added to their saving throws against spells for one turn for a bonus action it's a small little AOE and it's nice if you know a Spell's coming especially in some of those boss battles where you know that you know when the Spell's coming there one buddy and he's going to be sing that spell downrange real quick at level four we're going to get our first feet and this is really where Saka separates himself from other characters of course you can always take Asis and make this Dex Barb just Dex barbier but this is supposed to be a really themed build here so what we're going to go ahead and do is just pick lucky this is the luckiest character in all of Avatar he never casts a single spell he doesn't win a fight for like the first three seasons and still he's getting all the ladies he's never getting hurt he's so super lucky so luck points I think make a lot of sense here they're just going to give you uh free rolls you can either take advantage on attack roll or saving throws or make an enemy reroll their attack against you whenever you want and it is not a reaction it works like a reaction but it does not use your reaction so you can still use your other reactions as well these are free and sort of always on after a long rest so they're just nice little points to choose do I want to get hit right now or not you can just kind of make people roll and it fits the character The Stumbling idiot running through battle somehow surviving it fits that Vibe very well at level five for barbarian we get get extra movement which is very nice and if you want to build this build the way that I have it which is sort of a mage Slayer this will come in handy towards the end and then we of course get extra attack which is the Monstrous power leap that it is as we move on to level six we're going to be getting an additional rage charge and some key actions that I think fit the build very well first off we have bolstering magic boom this is going to give essentially the bless effect to any character that you want this is nice uh kind of leans into that cheerleader vibe that Saka kind of has for the first half of the television show not the most helpful but you know tactically useful and uh a team player and then the next two are bolstering magic for level one and level two spells once again Saka is not a Caster but he travels with casters constantly he's constantly assisting them aiding them and helping them inside and out of battle so being able to generate spell slots back for a buddy I think fits the vibe very well so we'll move on from there and we have no more Barbarian levels we only have fighter levels and I think this fits the roleplay very well because Saka starts off as sort of a you know not much of a fighter more of just a meat head that runs in a battle uh but as as we move on he starts to become sort of a swordsman and Commander as we move towards the end of the show so in order to replicate that we're going to grab fighter and I'm actually going to grab the dueling feature you see Saka with the meteor sword in I think it's called the meteor sword with his sword that is made from a meteor in the TV show you see him um with only that equipped he never has a shield so we're going to try and emulate that here with just a finesse weapon equipped and no Shield dueling will give us an additional two damage for having just that one sword equipped which is very nice moving on from there we'll get fighter level two everybody's favorite level of fighter you get action surge it's a free entire extra action which is huge and we'll keep moving on from there at level three we get our choice of subclass where I am going to select Battlemaster originally I thought about selecting champion because I thought what better way to show luck than just double the chance of crits that's a good way to show that you're lucky but I think Battle Master fits a lot more Saka as he grows in the television show becomes sort of a um you know a front line or or middle of thee lines Commander as well as a sword duelist and I think this fits that sort of Commander Vibe and he's also somebody that's seen using his intelligence as opposed to just Brute strength and I fit I think that fits this Vibe as well I'm going to go ahead and select distracting attack because I think that that uh giving your teammates Advantage is maybe the most useful thing that Saka does is literally running in and distracting everybody I'll select repost as well because it's just too good of an ability being able to use your reaction to get an attack off on somebody and then evasive footwork I think fits as well sort of that stumbling through battle how did he survive he got through the other end he's not going to have the highest AC but with luck points and evasive footwork he should make people Miss quite consistently at level four for fighter level 10 overall we're going to get our second feat in which I am going to take Mage Slayer if I can find it Mage Slayer it's right next to Lucky this is not a feat that uh I have used a ton but I think it fits this build really well one because he's not a Caster who's constantly fighting casters so it fits the vibe very well he's constantly trying to slay casters but also as a barbarian if you're not going to wear armor he gets so much movement he can really run down casters really well so it's not just a flavor thing if you actually want to play with this he can really run down casters what does mage Slayer do you have advantage on saving throws against spells when somebody's cast a spell right next to you you can use a reaction to make an attack if somebody cast a spell right next to you and enemies have disadvantage on concentration saving throws when you attack them so even if you um just use a bow and just attack them from distance it's still it's still going to give them you can break concentration pretty easily which is pretty sweet so two more levels to go and one more feat at level five for fighter we would get extra attack but we already have that so nothing to report there at level six we get our last feat now we already have repost which uses our reaction but if we are going to go with a more defensive Frontline feet we can pick defensive duelist of course if you think that that's Overkill with lucky you can always just go ahead and add it to the decks or con if you want you can go ahead and add it anywhere you want but if you want to stick to sort of the flavor of this build I'm going to go with defensive duelist this is somebody that literally has a famous duel with his meteor sword with his master with his sword master somebody who maybe doesn't have the highest natural Armor class but is able to use his luck and clever dueling abilities to boost his AC and Dodge attacks that's exactly what we can do here when attacked while wielding a finesse weapon you're proficiency you're proficient with you can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class possibly causing it to miss which is absolutely fantastic um and fits the build very well so that is it for this build let's head to the battlefield and see how it all works out so I've gone ahead and started a fight with poor Benji here um just to display what we have for abilities first thing I'm going to do after we've made our opening attack is I'll just rage since we are in battle now and I can actually do do so and it'll show off our wild magic effect and what cool sort of side effects we get uh for this one flowers and Vines Sprout around you making the ground difficult terain which is nice it'll actually make things uh it'll make it a little bit harder for people to sneak away from us we'll see what Benji and our buddy do here nice little free repost there which is fantastic and poison breath of course we're saved because of our uh advantage on Deck saves against spells that's nice we have two attacks here I'm going to take our first one against Benji we'll just get him out of here which is nice what we could do with some of our other abilities of course if we were going to miss we could use Reckless attack and give ourselves Advantage if we really were concerned about it and then if we had a buddy here and we were worried about this one particular character or we really needed to get a big next strike we can use distracting strike and it will automatically give advantage on your next uh on the next hit against that character because we are a fighter we can action surge so I can attack Reckless attack with Advantage three times which is huge we got a nice little crit there to go for as well and then I'm just going to go ahead and use evasive footwork here to give him disadvantage on attack rolls if he tries to escape we'll attack him if he uh of course and nice to note he's going to use poison Cloud on us here or whatever that was poison spray and because we are a mage Slayer we get a free attack if my game will load it did glitch out so we didn't exactly get the uh example of the attack but you know it still did the damage but the the the actual movement was not seen but that's an example of Mage Slayer that's one of the best uses of this build he's so rangy he can give advantage to other characters um with things like uh bolstering Magic Boon and of course distracting strike he's going to be giving advantage to people he's always hitting people because of Reckless attack he can make people Miss because of evasive footwork he can give back spell slots and protect people against spells he has a lot of really um really good use as a frontliner that can not only be that sort of Frontline fighter but also really help people out and then run down Mages and attack them whenever they try and use a silly silly spell against you like we just saw that poor guy do against us so that is Saka in his best Kyoshi Warrior face paint there's no full white face paint but I thought that this was pretty close if you like this build or if you'd like to see any other Avatar builds please do feel free to comment and if you got all the way to the end of this video please do give toss me a thumbs up and consider uh subscribing if this is more content that you'd like to see from me that being said me and Saker are going to go beat up some more people I'll catch you guys later
Channel: Gym Leader Rob
Views: 689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3 Builds, BG3 builds guide, bg3 barbarian builds, Fighter Bard builds, naldurs gate 3 fun roleplay build, bg3 fighter barb build, bg3 wild magic barbarian build, baldurs gate 3 wild magic barbarian, bg3 battle master build, baldurs gate 3 fighter multiclass, baldurs gate 3 barbarian multiclass, Baldurs gate 3, Crpg, builds
Id: vxcSfrEtv0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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