The Countries Round the Fixie world | The Fixies | Geography with Friends

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[Music] there's so much they need to [Music] that learn don't know about but if you need a pixie please don't let that secret out but if you need a picture please don't let their secret out but if you need to fix it please [Music] beauty [Music] come on [Music] wow you're such a show-off there and one check that out what's going on it's a shamefire didn't see that i'm just training for school you're the one that's doing all these twists and turns for fire me it never don't you think that figure skating is beautiful turn me [Music] [Applause] i just got a pair of tickets to see the one and only vector splendid and who's going with you actually i don't know i haven't thought about it yet what's there to think about just invite the most beautiful girl in our school right yeah not a bad idea my friend did you hear that the most beautiful one will get invited well i'm not even interested and you know what neither am i [Music] our world is full of beauty there seems to be no end to the beautiful plants and animals and the gorgeous mountains forests and lakes but even that's not enough for people they create their own handmade beauty too artists paint beautiful pictures composers write beautiful music architects create beautiful buildings and fashion designers make beautiful clothes not even scientists stay out of it they create beautiful ideas these ideas can be the basis for the creation of new technologies that make people's lives better everyone has their own idea of what's beautiful there are as many opinions as there are people but everyone tries in their own way to be beautiful both people and fixies [Music] please help me tula how can i become beautiful huh i don't know go and ask verita look at her she's got it what has she got what's the most beautiful thing about her oh well her hairpin her hair style the green looks great on her green looks great aha what's your opinion fire do you think he likes cinca looks like he does is it because she's a redhead orange hmm now i get it [Music] well is that close to her color not really it needs more green [Music] what makes a person really beautiful fancy clothing bright nail polish dyed hair those don't make you look your best here's a much more reliable recipe first wash up and comb your hair see you're looking more beautiful already now change those dirty and wrinkly clothes for clean ones huh that's even more beautiful and finally if you need less sweets and get plenty of exercise then you'll surely become a handsome boy or a gorgeous girl [Music] fire what's up do you think you could get an autograph from vector for me you got it i love this song so much so do i especially that one that goes computer computer computer you are super i play my computer and turn it up out loud i i had no idea you were such a fanatic you know i'm not gonna get you his autograph why won't you cuz you get it yourself you know what i got an extra ticket i thought you were gonna take the most beautiful girl all of you are beautiful and you're the most fun to be around let's go [Music] where are you going what do you mean where to the concert no simca or vice versa i'm so confused come on tula can't you recognize them this one's simka that one's verda let's go or we'll be late [Music] hmm blondes are always the lucky ones yeah i guess we should have made our hair blonde like tulas the doorbell [Music] no like no like what are you doing here just whistling or tune are you gonna whistle that tune the whole time tom thomas is away he just left with his parents for a week and we've got guests coming remember what guests i invited everybody the class yes class [Applause] [Music] are they sleeping in their what huh first they invite us and now they don't want to let us in i'll share the present with you then uh fire maybe you'll get it to work now when they get here they'll ring the bell how come why don't they just do what they always do and climb through the keyhole no way it's not that simple knowledge today they're our guests ah the guests ring the bell and the hosts let them in the house it doesn't ring you think the doorbell's broken i say we go fix it before we fix anything we need to know what went wrong with it first we'll fix it and then we'll know what it was back in the olden days people would hang a bell over their doors with a string and guests would tug on it to make it ring today doorbells are electric and they make all sorts of different sounds some buzz some ring and some even chirp like birds the sound comes from a box inside the house called a chime to make the time ring you push a button that's located outside the button works just like a light switch but instead of turning on light it turns on sound there will you join me i gotta think about this yeah you think your guests are gonna come at all tula hey the doorbell doesn't work it must be broken that's odd we heard it ring this morning no look let's go first we'll examine the contacts [Music] yep good and tight okay let's check the speaker [Music] huh the speaker's fine maybe the electronics are the problem and what if we disconnect these wires and switch them what do that do we'll know soon enough [Music] you know what why don't we connect the wires straight together isn't that dangerous we'll find out don't worry nothing happened yet [Applause] fire he's the engine of our class he's the fastest the nimblest and the bravest fire never sits still for a second and he's always looking for adventure new ideas just burn in his head and that's why his name is fire but not all of his ideas are very good so he's constantly getting bumps and bruises he just can't help getting carried away if he's burning with an idea he can even forget about his classes at school grandpa's punishes him for that but it doesn't seem to bother fire because some new plan will pop into his head the very next second to be honest fire's my favorite out of all the boys in our class it's sure never boring when he's around [Music] hey you down there i figured out why it's not working so what's the reason there's no electricity in the whole house so that's why the bell isn't working and what we can't visit like real guests do until the electricity comes back and when will it work again don't know it could possibly take hours guys [Music] oh it's working again ringing hey fire quit fooling around he's not flying around it's not me see then who's ringing it i don't know well i know the doorbell's ringing because fire connected the wires together true but i'll fix that right now your guests sure are noisy yeah thank goodness the humans aren't home right now hello hello there dear guests let yourself into our home through the keyhole so should we go in go where go inside yeah that's not how guests act so what do we do real guests always ring the bell okay hold be tight
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 6,545,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: 4m30AcWYq6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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