The Five Presiding Bishops of the Church Of God In Christ

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] a great session Joan board I present to you have a leader gods man of our leader the servant of this great church everybody raise your hand say Jesus I will not take but a very very few minutes of your time we got mother McLaughlin and thanks to her I would like just to acknowledge two personalities here the Bible lets us know if you would have friends you must be friendly and we don't want anybody [Music] another religious organization visiting our convocation without feeling welcome on our platform if we were both on the platform wherever they are if they would just stand and let us see them the bishop Jim Covington of the United Holy Church is with us the bishop mostly of New Jersey where because Moses with regard for you now you stopped something just a minute ago and I can understand why you did it because we're trying to move expeditiously along with the convocation but I've got some news for you and don't get me messed up now I've got the news for you I've been to the vicious meeting today I've been to the elders meeting today just a few minutes and I walked up and down these covered up Malea maybe in my grave and my bones bleach but we are able to have the chance of convocation and that is church justly deserve we're gonna have to stop all of the outside me in this auditorium let God do some more wood ooh you were just doing the person because we put them there somebody puts in there but when L became the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ back in 1960 one of my first fire waters in 1969 was to do what Jesus did go down to that basement of Mason shuffles around on the ground and yet rid of all concessions set in the hats and wheezes and it almost makes me Rick Regency mentioned like random brothers barnum Balaam children I wish we would do all about business in April the holy convocation come here to be me Oh people come here to be safe people come here to get their broken home put back together people come here to have their daughter [Music] is there any word from the law God is not pleased with I know as long as so much I can do at least I can go rifka I'm saying it's not right it was a John the Baptist assume about hair up Kevin off Philip his brother's wife nothing he could do but it is in the Bible even though he lost in here in the Bible it's all record John the Baptist says is not right God wants to save this world through up the salt has lost its saber good-for-nothing to be trodden under the foot of man that's right the fam roll holders are still right if you're wrong Holland's is real right and God was all holiness and what position we hold in the chain know what judith yell a position in the change speaking neither them later there but I said mother McLaughlin I know all of the state super coming general supervisor I was here with mother Liz Robbie the comp in another competitions other being it and that's another became you and I said you did more to put this truth together because men didn't feel comfortable going the women's convention until you got there now what can we do mother what can we do to bring these folk out of these comedians what can we do to get them in here fast and pray God have his way this soul would be stays invited heal wretches hung up on the wall holy go yes you may say he looks upset I am to him he right I don't your feet and say hello you wonderful Jesus you may notice in your program book today for the Hall of the pole and yours truly on my recommendation envision quick on the committee that worked with us for this day's program I said to them we want to remember and include every official of the church I wanted you to have words to say today but what happened this long anymore I don't think but since I've become the leader of the church I've discovered one thing is two minutes try to forget everybody and see nobody but yourself everybody member the Church of God in Christ we don't have a good time with one thing I'm working on this Big Shot his attitude only complain us at the Majestic talked on the anima crazytown his hose and on a hand o catholic bishop ketchup garden yes I know president's been over a year but I know Jesus la cresta shown board progress all the bishop Antonio de crazy [Applause] go search you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is the Lord everybody [Music] you maybe see that God bless your hearts the fat marshals they're just only doing that duty so there's just too many of us and let's just tell the other food coming up and all to go with the others over made some simple and we will be over there shot that we've already had a service over at Mason temple we're gonna have another one [Applause] well I'm not gonna argue with this just not to argue with this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll show you that if you don't let ed board go to jail that his brothers are gonna come to the portals of Egypt and nobody will give it me the grain and as they start back home each one of them will die with one not having enough strength to very ill boy if you don't let that boy go to jail there'll be no more Daniel overnight jean mackin a who made better Zephaniah Haggai and Malcolm if you don't let that ball go to jail there will be no Matthew Mark Luke not junk there'll be no baby in the manger oh I don't know how come I can't get no help here there'll be no stars following the birth of Jesus and while I met that word stop let me say something because I'm getting sick and tired of folk knocking over physician there's only one star in holiness and there's his stop and when his stop come all the rest of us and not star [Music] then because I didn't miss with dawn a lamb was born in Bethlehem of Judea a lamb grew up and was crucified now listen it had to follow the old tradition and what I just do with this I pick out shout to God heaviness [Applause] it had to follow the old tradition not a bold bill in the limb to be broken now there are 206 bones in the human body they are 50 full bones in the hand and sister two bones in the feet it is impossible to nail a nail of a man's hand and not killable but with sister to vote I don't know why y'all so quiet only with sister to bone in the feel of Jesus God that rectitude nail around everything with sister foot bones in his hand God that rhythm of nail around all of the bones and they nail him to the cross and somebody lied on him and said the blood of a human body can only roll 72 feet downhill I know that's a lie cuz his blood red all the way Alabama and save me get ready for miracle hit really get ready our miracle lift your hands everybody now when I tell you this is my Baba ha ha see this is what I want you to do if you've never done it before in your life when I tell you I want you to clap your hands as fast as you ever did open your mouth as wide as you ever did and thank God like you lost your man do it now [Applause] [Applause] lift up your head I see a miracle in this section over here I see a man with his hands up God's gonna remove that cancer here's what I want you to do the Holy Ghost as three three three three the Holocaust says three you may have to inconvenience yourself but come out from that out throw y'all around three presses that tell them say there's a liar I got my miracle now and then leap up pattern you yeah what I'm hearing right now in the spirit its Locker [Applause] I wish I wish that every one of you in here could hear what I'm hearing right now in the spirit it's like a this lock up now you said what is that I have changed clicking bondage [Applause] bondage bundage dot freakin bundage each each a muscle here come the Luciana day [Applause] you free the Holy Ghost set up set you free two days ago the nation celebrated the declaration of independence but Jesus two thousand years ago I set you free you free from chemicals you free from homosexuality you free from sickness illness disease of infirmity the Holy Ghost has conquer [Applause] can you tell three people I'm free I'm free I'm free thank you thank you I've had the work on pita told them that three men the come in the sea and I want you to go with them on any other circumstances when they found out that a Roman centurion had sent for him Peter would have never gone but God got him ready so when the Lord got through getting him ready and he went took Anita's house and when he walked in the door the camellias being a Centurion he evidently had a big mansion a place big enough for him to call together his hundred soldiers call together his family and friends and as soon as Peter walked in he said we have all gathered to hear what the Lord has commanded us ugly and Peter goes into the message how they informed that the word I say you know which began back then in Judea and how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil and he just began to relate some stories about Jesus they are not recorded we don't have the entire sermon but while he was talking about Jesus and I want you to know that the Holy Ghost does not honor all of this other stuff I know God wants us to prosper and be in health but you don't get a hold it goes out Paul when you're talking about money coming to me you don't get a Holy Ghost outboard when you are into the realm of positive thinking but if you want the Holy Ghost to come in you got the silly young man on Jesus when you stop talking about Jesus that was born of the Virgin Mary when it talked about Jesus the man that God had put so much power in his hand that anybody he touch would be healed that he could spit in a blind eye and they come open then he could whisper in a deaf ear and simply say a foul and the deaf ear would pop open walk into the fifth bedroom of a sick and dying girl and that she had already died and caught up a hand and said tell us a clue my damsel myself and the spirit hidden back into that girl talked about of Jesus that metal woman all the way to the cemetery to bury her son and he just hit the caution and the boy jumped up talked about of Jesus in place of Lazarus he's been dead full day his body had begun to decay and all he did was called him by his name and when he said Lazarus the spirit of life was came from beyond the Sun back into his body and Lazarus walked out he talked about of Jesus cross until even the Sun blacked out Dehradun Joseph's new tomb three days later walked out of the grave laughs oh boy and got the key of yep inhale and while he spoke he's wired [Applause] whoa whoa stop the Holy Ghost sat in the room all over the place men and women began to speak with other tongues Wow he spoke the word they will seal with the Holy Ghost [Applause] for the week my shot to the sorrowful Oh sick God has said so many things and his word concerning those that would walk before him and walk by faith and one thing that I can praise God far as I read even in the twelfth chapter of Genesis the promise that he made to Abraham one of those things that he said to Abraham not only will I bless you and thou shalt be a blessing bless him that bless you curse them that curse you but he also said to him that I will even make your name great it is it is God alone that whomsoever he chooses that he does some things that no one understand and it is certainly of humbling experience to know that even when the Lord says my work here is done and was it not Solomon that said in the first chapter of Ecclesiastes he thought about all of the work he had done and he said when I thought about it I hated it because I knew not who would come after whether he would be a wise man food pastors are dying every day since our convocation three weeks ago we've already lost three bishops and they tell me we have another one that's kind of hanging and I've seen men work and their work quickly destroyed by a successor who was so willing to build his own image that he trampled on everything that had gone before him and even attempted to compete with a dead man I've seen it happen but God in his move this evening said that if and god forbid that it happened but if that were to happen that sample of deliverance at least when the people come in this direction they would be compelled to remember the work that cost the street itself you [Music] the right reverend charles edward blake the first the right reverend charles everglades the first bishop of southern california's first jurisdiction [Music] I don't know but for some reason I take more pride in the explanation of this symbol you know when we drink the fruit of the vine we don't hold that we are actually drinking the blood of Jesus as some do and that we're actually eating the body of Jesus as some do but we hold that it is symbolic and this cross made of that which is least suspended from a chain three feet long the three feet symbolizes the triune God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost the goal symbolizes that which is least tarnished purity the bishop wears this not as on imitation his clergy shirt is provided with a pocket on the left side over his heart and he is to wear it on the streets concealed in that pocket but the change symbolizes that he is bound to not a position not bound to fame in popularity but bound to the cross and it was so important to Apostle Paul until with all he had going for him he declared that God forbid that I glory in anything saving the cross and in the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] Charles II Blake Southern California on the inside cover of your program for today the members of the general board are listed please add to that list the name of Bishop Charles E bleep that name was omitted cause some income burning of the sons of Jesse one was omitted but the sons of Jacob one was despised and there was a stone that the builders rejected so would you please just write in the name Charles Blake all your bulletin I am a member of the general board and would like to continue in that state [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Pervis this morning we asked you to please stand to your feet and put your hands together [Applause] [Applause] he was formerly the interim presiding bishop but now resultant of his undisputed election victory last week he is providing full term official of a Church of God in Christ we congratulate you we soul juice will one day be in the hands of our children relieve them an ecologically devastated world we'll leave them a troubled world believe them a world torn by war by conflict believe them a nation reeling from the impact of slavery and racism a nation our nation our nation in our nation blacks represent about 10% of the population but 50% of the prison population with a journeyman's a shame many places only 50% are young people graduate from high school tell your neighbors shame again in many places more children are born to single mothers than to married mothers and the urban initiative that god has placed on my heart is especially designed to impact our children along with our entire community five points in every church education crime prevention economic development good jobs building the family financial literacy volunteers in the church working in these areas to make sure that the church is advancing impacting not only the children not only the adults of the entire community 12,000 churches by programs 16,000 programs reaching out around the world tell your neighbor we are going to shake the world but Jesus Christ every godly parents must do their best to live their entire family to God to do his will and to bring glory to his name every church must do its best to deliver all the children to God for His will and for his glory Joshua said choose you this day whom you will serve but as for me and now not just me my house too we will serve the Lord of anybody in here who made up your mind that your household shall be saved will you tell to people as for me my house we're gonna serve the law gonna fire me we're gonna serving god forbid their wishes become so focused on winning the world that we lose our children collection listen listen we've got to win them common ones God give us a right way five little ones five future generations miss Annette discouraging clouds in the sky of the present and in the sky of the future in many cities on behalf of our young people graduating from high school in many places they are turning their backs on the church they're seeing and hearing about hypocrisy in the church hearing about mess in the church with sometimes so busy saving the city and saving somebody else's house probably neglect our own house I'll tell you something the church has got to be a safety zone five children would you tell to people the church has got to be a safety zone for our children if you are a pedophile if you are a child molester if you're ia child abuser if you are determined to pursue sexual misconduct then either get right I get out get right I get out tell somebody get right pocket out now to protect our children now to save our children he's going to bring you up he's going to bring you over he's going to bring you through by faith I see you in the future and you look much better than you look right now but somebody say praise God [Music] when you're praising to give him credit when you're praising his presence comes in for the Lord inhabits the praises of his people when you're praising the Lord shows up for the Lord shows up everything is going to be alright when you tell somebody everything I said everything is going to be alright alright alright Oh bless His name the Pope started praising you they started magnifying him they started glorifying him they started lifting up his name the Sadducees and the Pharisees and the priests said tell those folk to be quiet tell those folk to Shanna but jesus said if they get quiet if they hold their peace even the rocks are going to cry out and praise me I don't know about you I don't need no rap to praise him for me I can paint it myself I can breathe it cuz I know what he's done God has done great things for me and I'm glad about it when you tell somebody I got to praising it'll be on I've got to praise praise it by your life praising for your help raise it by your money praise it for your house raise it by your children [Applause] [Music] oh come on doctor please tell him I'm not so crazy that somebody I've got to praise you I've got to praise it you don't know what it's done for me you don't know how low is something you don't know I have a burden Rose you don't know how bad I fell but Jesus turned it around I've got to praise you I've got to praise you I've got to praise you come on crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but would you come to your neighbor and say hey neighbor I'm so glad I don't look like what I've been through come on tell him I'm so glad I don't look like what I've been through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want us to focus I appraise this for a moment God works miraculously in atmospheres like this for the praises go up the blessings began to come down hallelujah I want you to pray how many of you need a miracle today now what I want you to do is by faith by faith so believe God that you'll praise him like you would praise him if the miracle was already performed [Applause] that's what faith faith does not wait until the battle is over faint shouts right now when I count to three let's lift up praise to the Lord one two three play again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] healing miracles deliverance blessing in the name of Jesus be upon you thank you dear God thank you for your presence thank you for your power think of a change lines thank you for changed hearts in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus it is done [Music]
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 57,647
Rating: 4.7060518 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Bishop J.O. Patterson, Bishop G.E. Patterson, Bishop C.D. Owens, Bishop C.E. Blake, Bishop L.H. Ford
Id: N6ozXh7p-wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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