1995 COGIC Presiding Bishop Chandler David Owens Sr. Preaching At So Cal. First Jurisdiction!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we watch the beauty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we bless your wonderful moon because you are worthy of the place come on everybody everyone lift up those hands and just begin to praise Him just begin to worship Him forget about the person on the right and the left and running back we hear so much of the king of king and the Lord of lords - Khloe teenager we will glorify the king of kings we will glorify the land we will glorify the for his [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh sweet wonder [Music] come on we're talking about cheese [Music] [Music] he's a wonder [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] but just about what I want everybody to stand and let Bob Barr Devin with praise let's ship off the law [Music] [Music] the crystal rule [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise Allah giving out of the God who was the head of my life I thank God for I just celebrated 14 years of being free from drugs and out give it out of the bones and give it out unto my bishop Lake I love you giving honor to mother Lewis and her great staff who's always there for me when I need you and I just thank God for you and for you pastors who support this ministry I just want to say God bless you two and a half years ago I got a call from Bishop Blake about a project that he and his staff had already started this project was called the transition house a drug and alcohol program supported by the first jurisdiction of Southern California I was hesitant at first because hi I had been approached by so many organizations and by so many pastors to do the same thing but the Lord never led me to accept any of their offers so I met with Bishop Blake and what was different about this meeting was I noticed Bishop cared about the attic in the alcoholic who was suffering on the street I was also shocked in it they had already purchased a building for $200,000 plus so after a very short prayer talk with God I accepted this offer and two years later 18 men have graduated from the transition high [Music] praise God why don't you brothers that have graduated transition house come on I know you're in off the audience I know you're out there come on up [Music] with your out there and though the small one or two from owner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see these brothers that you see today come back to your community back to your churches we all tired though we hey man we believe in tithing a transition out so you're kidding brothers that are going back to your church that are tithing that are participating in your church and number one they love the Lord [Applause] [Music] God is able he able to change your child around the by would say the harbor's is right but it's a few laborers I'm the one who've been to the pen of tension I fail 90 feet I've been to the jail how I lived on field Street but God turned me around I just want to thank God for the transition hi Brian Hill the plate of rice Evans and Addison these are the past and ride gifts because it passes that will grew up with I knew the word of God but I went away I got straight I got hurt in the church I got hurt in the world I got her only prayer didn't hurt me with God but God is able to change Oh child come dad for hips so that child is up there that's walking on the streets then hanging by your church that's smoking it on the color and y'all giving your card and won't tell them that Jesus loved God don't like them God ain't in that God would deliver your child if you spelling of me and breathe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you for these your people and thank you for the opportunity to speak [Music] father in the name of Jesus into anointing tonight anoint the ears that they may hear anoint my mouth that I may speak be glorified holy spirit that would welcome in this place you're welcome not just a visit but to abide with us we give you the glory we give you the honor we give you the praise for you're wonderful and you're kind and you're good and you're mercies are everlasting and father we just accept you for who you are because your great mighty and thank you for accepting us for who we are because we're undeserving but because of Jesus we can stand before you justify in Jesus name thank God amen and amen god bless each one of you tonight give an honor to Bishop Charles Blake and his wife sister May Blake state supervisor mother Louis Bishop Chandler Owens saints and Friends of God I want you to turn with me quickly to Joshua 1 verses 7 and 8 I felt when I was standing when brother Reginald Sims came with his group and he said that the word no meant to live I thought that was confirmation for the message that God has given me be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you do not turn from it to the right or to the left that you may be successful wherever you go do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it that you will be prosperous and successful I want you to say with me the benefits of living the word when I was a child in elementary school during the 1960's the major push and the public school curriculum was rote learning rote learning consisted of students learning a lot of basic facts and dates however after a person learned volumes of facts and dates there was little to no practical application where this information could be utilized therefore the rote learning era produced many brainiacs who contained the wealth of information but could not apply what they know to practical daily situations when rote learning was you know the primary job of the teacher was to impart information to the student under this regime the teacher did everything and knew everything while the students said passively by and merely listened this type of situation produced students who became known as passive learners there's an old Chinese proverb which says I hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand according to this proverb a student learns best when he has allowed to be actively involved in the learning process now I want to let you know I have something invested in this because my trade is I'm a high school principal at Ventura now my occupation is a principal my vocation is a faster I love God's people as a result of this kind of thinking learning in the public schools during the 1990s has changed significantly allowing the role of the teacher to change from merely being the provider effects to a facilitator where the learners mind is actively engaged in the learning process the new buzz words and the public curriculum are mines on cans on learning of on the field of education we are just now coming around to promote a learning style which condones the active involvement of the learner however the Bible has always advocated that the learner should be involved in the learning process James 1:22 and 25 says do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves do what it says anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says it's like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like but the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues to do this not forgetting what he has heard but doing it he will be blessed in what he does tonight we will be learning about the benefits that we can expect in our lives as we put the word into practice and begin living it as James has admonished us to do as the Israelites were about to enter the land of Canaan also known as the promised land God spoke to Joshua and gave him the success secrets needed to know how to successfully inherit the promised land just 107 says again be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you do not turn from it to the right or to the left that you may be successful wherever you go do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it then you will be prosperous and successful notice that God did not limit to success on merely knowing the word knowing his word is important because you must first know what he wants you to do before you can go out and do it however God says the true success will result after you have put his principles in to practice I have noticed throughout my lifetime that many people want to benefit from the promises of God they want to hold God to his word but they themselves are unwilling to do what it takes on their part to make the promises a reality Deuteronomy 28 one and two says if you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all of his commands I give you today the our God will set you high above all the nations on the earth all these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God now most people begin reading the promises and neglecting to read and put into practice all the personal requirements on their part for example a person will go to Deuteronomy 28 and begin reading at the 3rd verse they will say God you promised that I'll be blessed in the city I'll be blessed in the country then they immediately skip down to the eighth verse and said you said everything I put my hands to will be blessed this person usually becomes frustrated and gets angry with God and begins calling him a liar when they do not see tangible results they soon become turned off by the word and begin trying to accomplish what they want through fleshly means if a person was seeking a financial blessing and doesn't get immediate results from God they will go out and find other another job rather than correcting the two cause of their problem they will run their credit cards up to the maximum and then begin complaining when they are up to their necks in that this is wrong because God never intended to have his word viewed as a smorgasbord I can pick and choose the promises and the blessings but then I neglect to choose those other things that would lead to spiritual development on my part merely knowing the word is not enough it is good but it doesn't go far enough then you may ask what is the solution the solution is being fully begin to be fully applying the Word of God in your life on a daily basis I call this living the word as you begin living word God will honor his word in your life jesus said in Saint John 15 and 7 if you remain in me and my words remain in you ask whatever you wish and it would be giving you God assured us of the reliability of his word when he spoke to the prophet Isaiah and isaiah 55:10 and level which reads as the rain and snow comes down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish so that it yields and makes so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater so as my worth that goes out of my mouth it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it numbers 23:19 says God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent does he speak and not act does he promise and now I want to let you know today that God's Word is true and God is indeed faithful to accomplish all that his word says however in order to receive the benefits of God's Word we must begin to align our lives in accordance to his word and we must begin doing it on a daily basis before I take my seat I want to let you know there are benefits in living the word living the word will keep your life free from sin Psalms 119 and 11 saying thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee there are benefits in living the word the scripture says that word is the lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path there are benefits in living the word living the word will ensure eternal life John let us know I'll tell you the truth if anyone keeps my word he will never see that I wanna let you know today all the promises of God working on my behalf but it's not gonna happen by itself I gotta push my plate back I got to drop on my knees and I got to say father I want your word working on the inside father forgive me for being so busy forgive me for going everyplace and leaving you Lance I'm saying we need to return to the Word of God God's Word is true God's Word is faithful it's the word that will set you free it's the word that will last forever it's the word that will cleanse you up I look the word Lord send your word send your word on us tonight let us live in a cottage to you earth let us walk the word let us pop the word let us live and breathe and act the Word of God someone say Jesus Jesus I want to live your world [Music] [Music] No see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this night will be the high point of our convocation several months ago the presiding the general Board of the Church of God in Christ feeling that our denomination needed leadership in the interim period before our General Assembly will make final dispensation our general Board elected Bishop Chandler do aims to serve the church as our presiding bishop bishop Owens has an illustrious extended history of service and love and commitment and devotion to the Church of God in Christ he has served in so many varied capacities that I cannot begin to mention the offices that he has held the positions that he has occupied but in every one of them he gave dedicated an excellent service a bishop lah formed and elevated the bishop oils the position of first assistant presiding bishop during the time of his tenure Bishop always at Bishop Ford's side led the church and serve the church all of us are acquainted with his silver-tongued eloquence [Music] with his infinite vocabulary with his profound insights not only into the Word of God but into human nature and we've been blessed I count myself fortunate to have known Bishop Owens almost all of my life as a young minister his eloquence inspired me to try to become at least a make do preacher what a joy it has been to observe the career of this great man of God he pastors the Wells Cathedral Church of God in Christ in new jersey city new jersey and he also pastors the greater community Church of God in Christ in Marietta Georgia serving as Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ not only in these United States and the islands of the sea but all over the world is a desiring Bishop also of the central Georgia jurisdiction after sister Gloria white a son for us a song we're going to stand that we're going to receive our presiding bishop with a rousing applause god bless you sister white [Music] [Music] this is [Music] and why should the [Music] should my heart [Music] fear for him at home [Music] when she [Music] heeey my Porsche [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] the spoon [Music] I know he watch him he was big [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I remember my mother telling me about it when I was a little girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Bishop of the Church of God in it right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that our Father we indeed thankful for your love via canvas and your tender mercies we ask that you favor us with your continual presence bless the Bishop of this great jurisdiction the mother and bless all of these elders and missionaries and parishioners and their God the favored us once again with your presence and when you bless us we will take no credit unto ourselves but we'll tell the world that you did it and to your name we will give the honor forever thank God amen please be seated god bless i I love the Lord and the presence of our Bishop and his lovely wife this is to mate Lake and to our fellow General Board member Bishop PA Brooks just wonderful gives you to know what he thinks about your bishop just came all the way from Michigan just to be here with a fellow board member bishop in more and of course that beautiful lady that represents you so well all over the country mother Louis [Applause] [Music] mother Howard and Lord the hole they've gone to get mother rivers mother rivers great great teacher and I see that mother Lewis is gone out to get the very best i sat here and paired those young men who had been delivered from drugs and I told Bishop Brooks that he missed it but bishop i think that the whole world as it relates to the Church of God in Christ all don't know what this young man is doing and I said in Memphis I want you personally to give a tribute to this young man so that others might do it I have just got a new vision listening to that program [Applause] and so we gotta set up those centers all over the country [Applause] because there's something about dealing with these people and trying to understand them and get in close to them and trying to understand them if Jesus will come to our community many of us wouldn't recognize him because we'd put him in a room and we cut that TV off cuz we want you we wouldn't want Jesus to hear what we've been listening to and we'll say of my friends from San Francisco I just saw baby sister yeah and husband I say that we just tell the kids you know be quiet Jesus is in there but when we open the door he would be conspicuous by his absence these will be down on 5th Street as there would he say in one of those tabbing turning slowly on the boss to telling a drunk you don't need to drink that stuff I have some living water here then you take this you'll never thirst again because they are two men of us that misunderstand that our Lord take my yoke and learn that's different from us we want you to learn first of all in my position and how big I am but Jesus that I want you to learn that well you know I can kill everybody every time I get ready my big enough to create the universe I ripen the limbus grape on the van and take one drop of sweat for my brow and drown the universe but I don't want you to learn there I just want you to learn that I'm meek and lowly inhye he's big enough to put wings on an archangel but gets small enough to put feathers on a sparrow gas baton ada and him can be found within the teardrop of a baby this is what epitomize is this preacher that we have here in Los Angeles at represents the Church of God in Christ so well major magazines newspaper all over the world dr. Charles Blake represents us well and nobody can do what he does and nobody can do what he does being selfish the preachers don't want to talk to me you can't be selfish and do that am i right about it Church of God in Christ very proud of this young man and his lovely lady always been sad she enhances him beautifully wherever they go they are together doing a job for God tonight there briefly could I interest you in the scriptures well in the 42nd chapter of Genesis and the 36 verse Joseph is not then Simeon is not and you would take Benjamin away and Jacob concluded by saying all of these things are against me will you repeat after me all of these things are against me you may not have ever experienced living in a situation when the odds are against you when you become the underdog I think that I associate with Jacob and perhaps most people of color will associate with Jacob when the odds are against you I was born in Birmingham Alabama and that situation longed itself to force it our family to be in a situation where the odds were against us we had one of those long houses where you could stand in the front and look straight through it back and some of you all will be ceilings well we had them before you did only when it rained we would have to have a bucket - well we were the underdog the odds were against us we had an unusual vacuum system but when you start sweeping and tracks from the front when you got to the back there was no trash and have gone through the cracks and the floor the odds were against us I'm happy to talk to this all those body this congregation because many of you don't remember it but we have brothers and sisters we didn't have you know yo room and then yo woman yo girl we had up we had a boy's room and a girl's room and by me being the baby brother yeah I have to sleep at the foot most of the time with a foot of somebody else in my mouth the odds were against us jelly with the secondary schools and the climate of the community somehow indoctrinated our little young black minds with candid interpretations of a real far inferior philosophy staffed indelibly upon the written of our man's if you were black get back if you were white you were right and I was almost grown before I found out that coming in in color that Martin Luther King was right where to say that man must never be judged by the color of his skin but rather the content of his character the odds were against us and identify with Jacob what is that all these things are against to me they took us to schools that were quite inadequate and I was born on the other side of the track if it had not been for the Lord if it had not been for salvation then I think further damaged psychologically it would have been done to almost nearly all of us but salvation had a way of letting you know that everybody is somebody America is somewhat like that I read about this woman in Vietnam this napalm bomb they bombed a village and kill the mother of this family and left a little girl named Kim bland a distraught father took them to a bridge and he threw his two daughters over the bridge into the water the oldest girl drowned but the baby girl was hit by limb of a tree floating down the river and it twists her to the side she was rescued by her own father who had thrown her into the river he carried her to the world vision Minh Strad and left her on the doorstep went bruised bleeding and crying someone opened the door and they took her in she was adopted by an American family where they noticed she could sing a little and she received the Fulbright scholarship and studied in Vienna Austria coming back to America her melodious voice caught the ear of one of Billy Graham's workers and they took this young lady and today that young lady sings on the Billy Graham crusade in auditoriums before a hundred hundred twenty five thousand people but the question is what in America had not bummed that village whatever this child had not been saved than what if she had not been adopted by this American family and what is her boss had not caught the attention of one of miligrams workers it gives us a note that man proposes but God disposes that God can make the destiny rascality of men ultimately to praise his name what I'm preaching about tonight has to do with this kind of a situation Joseph is not simin is not and now they will take Benjamin away the underdog the odds were against him Joseph a bounce a beautiful boy was the apple of his dad as I and he grew up with a branded osius egotistical attitude he thought that I'm in I don't look at me this way for some of the Saints account of getting that way we walk into the church with the Pampas of pious sophisticated a sedate attitude we stick our chest out and pet ourselves on the back and congratulate God up in heaven such a Paragon serving as ourselves we want the Lord to know how lucky he is to have us on his side when in reality God does not have to have you if the Lord can I met a jackass to preach a sermon to the preacher and give a rooster evangelist license and let him crow Peter to repentance then God that does not need that he the clap put all of my preachers to sleep let let me tell you Joseph because of the love of his father well he was born everybody's born with eagle and I really don't know why I'm going this way because I'm in Los Angeles and that type of a purpose and a sophisticated attitude does not exist here you are born with ego but ego gives way to egotism and that's wrong and then he Girt ism gives way to egocentricity which means that I'm the center of what's happening I know it's not here but there some folk believe that if I don't sing in the choir it ain't gonna be nothing there are some folk believe that if I'm not there it's not going to work let me tell you something about a friend of mine named Jeff Banks bishop Jeff bass lived in New Jersey but before he became a preacher he trained the choir and the choir did something that he didn't like and he waited a whole year that devil depth with him a whole year in order to get even Jeff said he was planning how to get even for a whole year and after I've a delegated in the ants I said tomorrow is the choirs anniversary rehearsal until after midnight and after midnight he stood up and told him I quit I offer my resignation the choir began to cry others begin to moan and just make it Bishop brother begs please don't quit us but he said no I'm through he said he walked out with his chest out feeling good the next day he got all of his buddies two rows of them and they sat in the back and he said when I want you that's the time when that class covered up and I want you to what this mess he brought over his friends and when it was time for the host choir to sing the president got up with tears are streaming down and said we start not to see said but we just decided we just try to press on them Jesus man we don't have either battle to play for us and we're gonna do it our capella but you know that's not the first time that singing acapella got the attention of somebody when Jesus was born God dismissed angelic choir and a chillest that universal crime master stood in midair with one foot on an atom and another one on a molecule and brought down the universal pretend and the quiet chanting in acapella joy to the world the Lord has come the pie president got it up oh I wish I could talk to something bad in the choir president got up tears running down and said brothers and sisters there's no one to play for us our organist wit Jeffster that was his time he hunched the Hutt's were all the way down the Pew we're all up in the back and went down the next few rocks this mess and the president said we've been fasting and we've been praying all night and we just decided we will go gone in Jesus name they started singing and a young man got up from from the middle and walked up to the our organist at going-out kitchen and some that between the beginning and the end between Dan and Bathsheba somewhere the Holy Ghost got in that song and when the Holy Ghost got in the song just that he'd never heard in a choir sing like that in his life he got mad he got sick you know why the folk he brought to land was out there on the flow praise in the name of the law [Applause] so y'all get mad with me if I tell you don't don't no one monkey stop God so [Applause] you might feel that you're the only person that can be used in the congregation but when the Holy Ghost I thought I had some holder go smoke in here when the Holy Ghost get to moving I don't like with lightning bugs salivation light up at church and go out at home light up when somebody looks at you and go out on the job Moses noticed the bush not because it was bad Moses noticed it because it wouldn't go out you haven't ever been saved if all of your church has that church and no churches at home no church on the job oh I was saying when I was in elementary school and there's Kelly back there and I'd go to school to recite and sometimes I forget it holiday man and I'd get a shame and say Lord this thing is showing out on me in school folk if you really got it walking down town you'll have to say nothing you can just look over your shoulder and see where he brought you from and if you are not careful you'll telev make it and then look around and see you hurt you can act as if God just have to have you I don't care whether your pastor whether your beacon whether your superintendent now whoever you are you ought to keep yourself so God can use you underdog yes I've been an underdog I've been an underdog almost nearly all of my life Joseph walls but he had to come to himself there's egotistical Brad that doshas young man always saw himself as the moon then my brothers have met my little star they hated it and conspired to kill him and when his dad had told him to go see his brothers up in the hashem past Dolson fifty miles to the north when they got there they said here he comes that dream are we gonna kill him and in order to prove today that he's dead we gonna dip his coat in blood and and let the dance see the cold well folk y'all gonna have to forgive me is it alright if I move around here it's a mess with what they'll do wasted in Washington trying to get rid of race relations and trying to get the races together it's a mess trying to pass legislation in order to get the races together I checked that coat out that told a multiplicities color there was a hundred and seventy eight troubles in that coat reach one representing the then-known nationalities of the been known well but when they dipped it in blood all of the colors that were different became war after they were dipped in the blood they you Chris you don't have to help me preach this I don't care about the white man of the black man if you dip them all in the blood there is no difference between white knob black Catholic now Gentiles we all become warm after dipped in the blood now I must say this is the end that won't be through with this does that guide way from heaven the other day and foot look at me funny when I say that but it's true I have the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost is the third person of the Trinity I have a right to hear from heaven I do strange thing if Ezekiel could get caught up by the locks of his hair and knit down by parachute to become the pest of the First Church of Death Valley then how to be able to do strange thing I talked to a little flower the other day that you should have seen me talking to the flower everybody thought I was crazy but the little flower don't don't you get hungry the little owl said no I don't get hungry see I got more system man God has put my breakfast lunch brunch suffer and dinner in the sword and as long as I keep my roots in the sword you understand little flower little flower but don't forget first step yes and I tell God and God tell that son to draw me a salt to drink from the ocean purified ball it up in a cloud and cynics have been rain drops you'll see my heavenly father watches over me here is this little boy up there down in a ditch i'ma tell you this at the end we'll try to preach this sermon down in a ditch and here comes a group going on the path under the light of a crescent moon on their way down to Egypt they pull him up and they sell their Bravo the underdog you know why I'm talking about that because I didn't even want to do this but you see I know where where's Angeles came from Charles was an underdog I remember when they brought in here I was here when they brought it they were fighting him he was an underdog nobody wanted him in town they they went to Memphis on he was an underdog but brother I'm trying not to get happy here but let me tell you something if you could just keep your hand in the hand of dark God got a way of overturning in and over ten and take the church out of the hands of crooks and demagogues and God has a way of bringing his man hot on top and the other time I look at him I just said look what God has done it was no exit there I'm gonna tell you now this and then I already feel it I feel that God is gonna give us a miracle here tonight Holy Ghost spoke to me just a minute ago and I feel that God's gonna give us a miracle somebody said Lord let it be me now here is what happened here is what happened he went down they put him on the block they treated or not you do a horse they looked at him in examining him hit his leg dumped this thighs open his mouth looked at his teeth they humiliated him and popped it was balding oh there are no accidents with God God had this thing playing all the way but you see I didn't know that so I got to arguing with God and I said Lord not to be this a little better than you somebody please talk to me haven't you ever been in a situation where you thought that you knew better and you didn't understand how come God was taking this time you ain't gonna talk to me it looked like he why do I ever get there it looked like whatever God was doing you could have done it better and I said Lord let me let me show you what the middle so an angel tobin cetera don't you mess in God's business that's an obvious you don't understand let me show you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna let this boy go I'm not gonna be a slave no more I know I'm gonna tell him to lose and I'm gonna let him go you gonna do that sir yes I'm gonna let him go then he said don't mess around I said Willie let me show you what happened if I let him go he's gonna run down to Dover then from Dothan 15 miles to a shame and then go to hell and then he's gonna open a tip where his father is looking at a bloody coat thinking that he was dead and when the father looks up and seeing the father will say Oh Atlanta jokl Joseph I thought you were dead but now you live and I stuck my checks out until danger you see that ain't it's a wait a minute let me pull back the panoramic of history let me let you see 200 years of history let miss let you see a camera and let me show you some brothers going one by one trying to make it to Egypt nobody was alive a tell him about the family each one of the brothers were dropped dead one not having enough strength to keep the other that's less bad Davis a wait a minute that boy had to be sold if I if you had left that boy get away kingdoms would have come medieval Rome and Persia Babylon and all of these countries would have come and gone if you let that boy go that wouldn't have been in the venue over that Jonah maqam a who that wouldn't have been in a hey Becca that wouldn't have been in a zephyr right hey guys that wouldn't have been in a Matthew Mark Luke nah John that wouldn't have been in a cross no resurrection if you had the answer I forgive me Lord many time and I'm getting rid of preacher y'all help me many times as the underdog you don't understand what God is doing I got to tell you this because the Lord told me to tell you and after this God's gonna heal something bout it my wife kept Kent son in the breast and we discovered it too late too late too late they have spreaded underneath the arms and into the lymph nodes and and they said only one doctor can deal with this situation and you you man you the odds are against you your name is not rockefeller you're not Donald Trump you're not one of the kid it is you won't be able to get that doctor I said where where where does he reside I know I'm black I know I'm an underdog but I read somewhere where the first shall be last and the last shall be first I read somewhere that they that wait on the Lord CEL renew that strip oh I read somewhere yeah that if you call it you'll get an accent somebody ought to help me preach I went to the doctor's office walked in like I own the place told his reception as receptionist I want to see doctors lemak she said who is it they want to see that's a telling the bishop won't say he came out and I said no way nice century they told me you're the best the specialists are telling me you of the best and I won't chew he says all right and the other specialist answered me how in the world man get the bar against you this man that he deal with black food how in the world did you get it I said I obeyed the Bible I asked [Applause] everybody they want that miracle just lifting in and said thank you real quick they perform the century and after they perform the century radical message to me the doctor said to me when he brought me in the office said I'm sorry a beautiful lady but she's got to die there's no way in the world for her to live I was trouble with preachers that I was a boy the odds were against for all of these things are against back went to the church winning the office that I couldn't stay in the office I was just turning in a head on the piss that I had the Lord said go in the Pratt chamber I went in the prayer chamber and I got the thread and I got to roll in a grown man on the float just rolling him and crying them slob at him and taking God and God said boy go to that book you've been preaching out on I went to the battle and I open it I didn't even turn a page I just holding it and when I open it I looked down and this is what my eyes fell on behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh here's their here heels down here take somebody just help us say is there anything too hard for God I didn't bother saying man I grabbed the Bible jumped in my went up to the hospital and gave it to her and she really behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there anything when she read it she said I want to get up now I got up got her up and caught her on the arm and we walked down the hall the Lord bless her to get out of the hospital there's been 15 years as you still going strong [Applause] but doctor that told us she was gonna die we buried him I was the urban adult but the Lord somehow lifted me up I got one more to tell you about number two because y'all don't know him he was an itinerant preacher from Nazareth his name was Jesus or he was the underdog for and wrong taught the wrong doctrine got in trouble with the wrong foot fool around and had the wrong child and then died between two wrong folk was very gonna wrong too got up on the wrong day and fed all power [Applause] yes sir what do you do when the odds are against you what do you do some people take a cynical outlook many of them bury their head in the sand but God said preacher and then this is where I'm gonna get happy now and y'all can't stop me because when I get happy it is not necessary to the rhythmic beat of the organ that's not where my joy comes from there's not how well that young man play that electrical instrument that's not where my real joy comes from but my real joy comes from knowing that I'm in touch with the infinite and I can shout without the music because up above behave no Lord let me live let me tell you something here God said this is what you do preacher when the arms are guessing when all things are against them if you can catch it you'll get your deliverance Here I am down that crying Lord my wife my wife Oh God don't take Lord Jesus and God said look up for each other and go to thanking me I said wait a bit in Lord wait wait wait Lord wait Lord that woman is there on the bed down and the Lord somewhere think man and I said Lord you really don't understand my heart is heavy this is the woman of my dreams this is my love the mother of my child and that she's sick and you tended me - thank you and God say yeah thank man and God said let me tell you something said before I could move your way you ought to be you got to think before where you are that if you can [Applause] the Lord said that you can take me with pains in your body if you can fake men when the door is still closed if you can thank me when when you need an operation if you can take men of a ballet I'll move you to the mountain if you can take me but little thing I'll give you a big thing if you can't take them of the shadow I'll give you the sunshine if you can take me for the cloudy day I want you to try and see what it worked just lift your head and don't big it for nothing just shout thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait a minute let me say this to you just let me say this to you and I believe with all about heart that God's gonna deliver somebody from cancer some of you who know you got it and some of who you don't know you get and you ministers God's gonna bless you bless your wicked bless your church see when you can shout that there but doesn't understand man I mean when you can run across that floor and broke that they ever don't understand man then they ever doesn't understand when you can say hallelujah anyhow I mean when things are well and when they are not well the devil can't stand it when you can praise God anyhow now listen listen I'm gonna pray that prayer and the Lord has assured me that he's going to do that that's why I'm not gonna finish this seven lift both hands to the Lord as high as you can get it and get ready did you hear what I said don't you play with the Lord lift that hand see then wanna destroy you but tonight he has to go you not the underdog because I read somewhere that if God be for words more than the world against us somebody get rid of our miracle now take one of those hands that be it on the precipice a view for you see when God feels your cup he doesn't only feel back up but he run it old one and when he runs it over and goes from heart to heart and risk to breath somebody get rid of our miracle right now Lord if I [Music] now everybody lift that hand my god now I want you to try and this is what I want you to do I wanted you to just throw your head back and look right in the face of Jesus and then when I tell you I want you with everything that you got all the energy all the strength I want you when I tell you I want you to clap your hands as fast as you've ever trapped them open your mouth as wide and as loud as you've ever done and go to faith in the Lord wait a minute lip at hand lift that hand again lift that hand again and now listen you know what you know what you just did it gods are with your Frenchman for where you are I'll move either way you are Rafi now listen here is what I want you to do and preachers I want you to do it because you are blessed of God the Holy Ghost says for you may have to walk from between their eyes but after you've done what I told you to do you watchin see I'm looking for tumors to be removed and looking for cats or to be tried about the room I want you to claim your blessing the Holy Ghost says for I want you to throw your arm around for different people and tell them as loud as you can Satan is a liar I got the bit to read and then I want you to jump up 310 do it now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all sit down now y'all sit down y'all sit down now I got some boots in your sit down a [Music] [Music] y'all please sit down now that's up to tell you y'all sit down now got something [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now y'all sit out I got something to tell you that's it y'all sit down now I gots up today y'all sit down y'all sit down at that I got some Italian [Applause] I'll sit down now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all please sit down y'all please sit down y'all please sit down [Music] now y'all sit down while y'all sit down now y'all sit down I got something to tell y'all sit down low rhetoric listen you know what I want to tell you folk all you have to do is just reach out and grab it your deliverance is here let me tell you something let me tell you something some of you if you don't feel it it is still done everybody got a right hand lift that hand now shake somebody's head look I mean now I mean looking square in the eye look up in the air and tell amoeba I don't know what's wrong with me I shouldn't be sitting up here like this if I would tell you what the Lord did for me [Music] [Applause] they're shouting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on grab your neighbor by the hand everybody you won't leave here like your king in Jesus name bound or breast afflicted sicker father spirit all the love is still the same you won't leave here like your game in Jesus I won't leave here like I came in Jesus [Music] or bow oppressed afflicted sick oh by the spirit [Music] is still the thing ah here like I came you won't leave here like you okay yeah like we even in phrase alone [Music] oh stop these yeah the largest on it's done [Music] come on just one more time playing praise the name of Jesus praise the name of Jesus praise the name of Jesus or just everybody stand and disclose your eyes just for a moment I don't want one person not one to leave this auditorium before benediction time the Spirit of the Lord is moving mightily in this place everybody who has received a healing just raise your hand and say I praise God to my healing hundreds of hands hundreds raised Oh lower your hands please somebody here tonight were you to die tonight you're not sure that you'd see the face of the Lord in peace somebody here tonight were the death angel to visit you you're not ready to stand before God the power of the Lord is in this place ed I want to pray for you right where you stand if you don't know the Lord if you're here tonight and you're not sure of your salvation you need to know God I just want you to raise your hand quick lift it up high so that I can see it I want to pray for you're right where you are lift it if you're not sure lift it the Lord I pray for every uplifted hand whether in this room or in the crystal room I pray to the Lord that you will change their lives that you will set them free that they will never be the same again repeat these words after me dear Lord I'm sorry for all of my sins I believe that Jesus is the Son of God that he died for me that he rose again I accept him now as my Lord and Savior thank you Lord for saving me thank you Lord for changing my life if you lifted your hand if you prayed that prayer with me I want to shake your hand quickly get out quickly into the aisle and run down here I want to shake your hand if you lifted your hand and said I want to be saved I want to know Jesus I need a change get into the aisle just as fast as you can and run down in this direction one two three let's clap my hands and please dog stand right where you are don't anybody move our presiding bishop didn't do a thing but preach come on praise God for him [Music]
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 41,594
Rating: 4.714922 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Owens, Bishop Blake, Lady Mae Blake, COGIC, Judith McAllister, Mother Lewis, Mother Rivers, Bishop Benbow, Bishop P.A. Brooks
Id: zBYENrxr0tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 59sec (6899 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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