The Entire Life of Remus Lupin (New Origins Explained)

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since the Ron Weasley video I've gotten more requests to do the life of Remus Lupin than anything else so let's get down to it he's one of the most interesting characters in the series in my opinion and David Thewlis who played Lupin in the films only made me like him more JK Rowling has released a lot of new information on his character and it's honestly one of my favorite character expansions that she's done so far I covered the very basics of his character in my Marauders video but there's so much more to his character that I'm going to explore in this video I know that this character is near and dear to JK's heart and she even said that he's one of her favorite characters in the whole Potter series she's even said and huge spoiler right here that writing this expansion actually brought her to tears because she was so sad that she killed his character in this video I'm going to explain Remus Lupin slide from his birth to his death and I'm also going to see how the film is different from the books before we do that however I'd like to take a moment to show how brilliant JK is once again for bringing the real world into the Potter series JK bro Remus's character and the werewolf illness as a metaphor for HIV and AIDS she said that just like in the real world in the Wizarding World they're prone to hysteria and Prejudice and she got to explore that with me mrs. character I think the way JK bridges the real world to the Wizarding world is just so brilliant especially when it's about something as controversial as HIV and AIDS okay now let's get the video started Remus John Lupin was born on March 10th 1960 but before we dive into his life let's look at his heritage me miss was born to liya Lupin who was a wizard in Hope Howell who was a muggle Lyle was a very clever rather shy young man who by the time he was thirty had become a world-renowned authority on non-human spiritus apparitions also known as a non being or a type of magical spirit created out of human emotions these include poltergeists boggarts and other strange creatures that while sometimes ghost-like an appearance and behavior have never truly been alive and remained something of a mystery even to the Wizarding World well on the trip for work Lyle went into a dense Welsh forest looking for a vicious bugger and while there he came across his future wife hope owl a beautiful muggle girl taking an ill-advised walk through what she believed to be a normal forest boggarts and poltergeists may be sensed by muggles in hope a very imaginative and sensitive person had become convinced that something was watching her from between the dark trees eventually her imagination became so overactive that the Boggart assumed the form of a large evil-looking man bearing down on her with a snarl and outstretched hands hearing hopes scream Leo came sprinting through the trees causing the apparition to shrink into a mushroom with one wave of his wand very confused hope thought that Lila driven her would-be attacker away Lyle told her it was all right and said that it was just a bucket but noticing how very beautiful she was Lyle made the wise decision to not talk about boggarts anymore but instead agreed that the man had been very big and very scary and that the only sensible thing to do was for him to walk her home to protect her the young couple fell in love and not even Lyle shamefaced admission some months later that hope had never really been in danger and that he was a wizard changed how much she liked him to Lyles delight hope accepted his proposal of marriage and she threw herself into planning the wedding complete with a boggart topped cake one year after getting married they have their first and only child Remus John Lupin he was a happy healthy boy and he showed early signs of magic and both parents imagined that he would follow in his father's footsteps attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by the time Remus was four years old the amount of dark magical activity across the country was increasing steadily while few yet knew what lay behind the mountain tax and sightings Lord Voldemort's first a sense of power wasn't progress and Death Eaters recruited all kinds of dark creatures to join them in their quest to overthrow the Ministry of Magic the ministry recruited people that know a lot about dark creatures even those as minor as boggarts and poltergeists to help them understand and contain the threat laia was among those asked to join the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures which he did gladly it was here that Lyell came face to face with a werewolf and him Fenrir Greyback who had been brought in for questioning about the deaths of two muggle children the werewolf registry was badly maintained werewolves were so shown by the Wizarding Society that they generally avoided contact with other people they lived in self-described packs and did all they could to avoid being registered Drabek whom the ministry did not know to be a werewolf claimed to be nothing more than a muggle who was utterly amazed at finding himself in a room full of wizards and horrified by the talk of the poor dead children grey backs filthy clothing in lack of a wand were sufficient to persuade two overworked and ignorant members of the questioning committee and they believed he was telling the truth but liya was not so easily fooled he recognized certain telltale signs and gray backs appearance and behavior and he told the committee that gray Beck ought to be kept in detention until the next full moon there was a mere 24 hours later gray Beck sat in silence Maalaea was laughed at by his fellow committee members who told him to stick to Welsh boggarts because that was all he was good for Leo generally a mild mannered man grew angry he described werewolves is being soulless and evil and deserving nothing but death the committee ordered the angry Leo out of the room the head of the committee apologized to the muggle and gray back was released the wizard who escorted gray back out intended to place a memory charm upon him so he would not remember being in the ministry however before he had the chance to do so he was overpowered by gray back and two accomplices who had been lurking at the entrance and the three werewolves escaped gray Beck lost no time in sharing with his friends how Lyle Lupin had described their kind they revenge on the wizard who thought werewolves deserve nothing but death would be swift and terrible shortly before Remus Lupin 5th birthday as he slept peacefully in his bed Fenrir Greyback forced open the boys window and attacked him Lyle reached the bedroom and time to save his son's life driving gray back out of the house with a number of powerful curses however henceforth Remus would be a fully fledged where vile never forgave himself for the words he had spoken in front of Greyback soulless evil deserving nothing but death he has stated the stereotypical view of werewolf's in his community but for Leo his son was what he had always been lovable and clever but when the full moon came Remus suffered an excruciating transformation and became a danger to everyone around him for many years Clio kept the truth about the attack including the identity of the attacker from his son fearing what Remus's reaction would be Lyle did all he could to find a cure but neither potions nor spells could help his son from this time on the family's lives were taken over with the need to hide Remus's condition they uprooted themselves from village to town leaving the instant rumors of the boy's odd behavior started fellow witches and wizards noticed how peachy Remus would become as the full moon approached not to mention his monthly disappearances Remus was not allowed to play with other children his parents fearing that he would let slip his condition because of this even with such loving parents he was a very lonely boy while Remus was small his containment during his transformation was not difficult a locked room and plenty of silencing spells usually suffice however as he grew so did his wolfish self and by the time he was 10 years old he was capable of pounding down doors and smashing windows ever more powerful spells were needed to contain him and both hope and Lyle grew thin with worry and fear when he transformed it was excruciating for Remus and because he was away from humans which naturally is a werewolf he needed to go after and bite he instead bit and scratched himself leaving his human self scarred all over violent hope adored their son but they needed their community who were already terrified of the dark activity going on around them would not want an uncontrolled werewolf near them the hopes that they had once had for their son seemed in ruins and Lyle educated Remus at home certain that he would never be able to set foot in school shortly before Remus his 11th birthday however Albus Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts arrived uninvited on the lupin store staff flustered and frightened Violin hope tried to block his entrance but somehow five minutes later Dumbledore was sitting at the fireside eating crumpets and playing a game with Remus Dumbledore explained to the lupins that he knew what had happened to their son Grayback had boasted of what he had done and Dumbledore had spies among the dark creatures to the parent Jacques Dumbledore told the lupins that he saw no reason why Remus should not come to school and he described the arrangements that he had made to give the boy a safe and secure place for his transformations due to the widespread prejudice around werewolves however Dumbledore agreed that for Remus is own sake his condition should not be broadcasted Dumbledore explained that once a month he would go to a secure and comfortable house in the village of hogs meet the town right next to Hogwarts and that both Bremen and the house would be guarded by many spells he then explained how the house could only be reached through an underground passage from the Hogwarts grounds and that the entrance to the tunnel was guarded by a tree called the whomping willow specifically grown for this purpose this way he could get there quickly and secretively and transform in peace Remus's excitement was beyond anything he had ever known before it was the dream of his life to meet other children and have for the first time if friends and playmates when Remus went to school the sorting hat put him in Gryffindor and he quickly became friends with two confident and rebellious boys James Potter and Sirius Black James and Sirius were attracted to Remus as quiet sense of humor and most of all his kindness which they valued even if they did not always possess it themselves Remus always the underdogs friend was kind to assured and rather slow kid named Peter Pettigrew a fellow Gryffindor who James and Sirius might not have thought worthy of their attention without Remus's persuasion soon these four became inseparable Remus did justice Dumbledore had planned once a month he was escorted to the tunnel leading to the house and he went through his transformation there the villages of Hogsmeade heard his transformation every month but they thought the noisiest they were hearing were violent spirits because of this the house was dubbed the shrieking Shack and from then on was said to be haunted something that Dumbledore encouraged so that people would not get suspicious and it was also a good way to keep people away from the Shack though just being too scared to approach it because the boys were inseparable James Sirius and Peter wondered whether friend went every month Remus made up all sorts of stories and excuses terrified that his friends would desert him if they knew what he really was because now having friends Lupin was happier than he had ever been in his life eventually however the three boys put together that Remus was a werewolf and Remus was so happy when his friends did not desert him as he thought they would his three friends went on to make lupins transformations not only arrabal but the best times of his life because they could not keep him company as humans they decided to keep him company as animals James Sirius and Peter turned into anime Jai and yes that's how you pronounce anime jizz Rowling said that is pronounced with the J instead of a G but the films got it wrong by transforming into anime Jai they could turn back and forth between animal and human at well and because werewolves were only a danger to people they could be around Lupin Wall in their animal forms James turned into a stag Sirius turned into a black dog and Peter turned into a rat during the full moon they would stay out all night and hang out in the shrieking Shack they gave each other nicknames Remus was Moony James was prongs Sirius was Padfoot and Peter was Wormtail and they gave the group the nickname the Marauders Lupin discovered that under their influence he became less dangerous and while his body was still wolfish his mind seemed to become less than well in the company of his friends as time went on they decided to leave the shack throwing their Knights out and here there were many near misses of Lupin losing control but after it happened their immature self slapped about it because of the knowledge they gained while roaming the grounds the four made the marauders map which showed the entire school grounds and hawks mead and showed where every person there was so you mean this map shows everyone everyone everywhere they are what they're doing every minute of every day brilliant the Marauders were sworn enemies of Severus Snape a Slytherin boy in their year just like James Sirius and Peter Snape was very curious to find out where Lupin went every month and one day Sirius told Snape about the tunnel to the shrieking Shack saying that if he went down there he would find out the truth Snape followed the tunnel and was almost mauled by Lupin but Sir Remus has absolute relief Snape was saved by James before Lupin got the chance now knowing what Lupin was Snape was ordered by Dumbledore to keep Remus a secret to himself Remus function as the contents of their group but it was an occasionally faulty conscience he did not approve of James and Sirius is relentless bullying of Severus Snape but he loved James and Sirius so much and was so grateful for their acceptance that he did not only stand up to them as much as he knew he should have though he never participated in the bullying one of his biggest regrets when he was older was never stopping James and Sirius from bullying others in his fifth year Lupin was made a prefect Dumbledore giving him this position hoping that he could keep his check lupin however was not a point it had boy in a seventh year as james took that position after maturing a great deal over the years during their final years at hogwarts Remus also became close to James's girlfriend Lily Evans she was very kind of Remus despite knowing what he was and he always valued and held their friendship close to his heart by the time Lupin finished school Lord Voldemort had almost completed his quest for power and the only thing that stood between him and his ultimate goal was the small organization called the order of the Phoenix a group run by Albus Dumbledore Lupin joined right after finishing school and asked it his four best friends James Sirius Peter and Lily during their time in the order Remus was very happy for James and Lily when they got married and Remus attended their wedding he was even more thrilled for the two of them when they have their son who they named Harry however Remus is happiness soon vanished when James and Lily were murdered at the hands of Lord Voldemort himself this was one of the most traumatic events in Remus has already troubled life as his friends meant much more to him than the average person because he had long since accepted the fact that most people would treat him as untouchable and that there was no possibility of marrying or having children for him his friends were all he had even worse within 24 hours he had also lost his two other best friends Remus was in the north of the country on order of the Phoenix business when he heard the horrible news that Sirius had murdered Peter and that Sirius was now in Azkaban a traitor to the order and to Lily and James giving a vital information to Voldemort that led to their deaths there was light in all this tragedy however when lily and James's son Harry survived and caused Voldemort's downfall but while this was a source of celebration and happiness to the rest of the Wizarding World Remus had nothing but loneliness and unhappiness to look forward to all of his friends now gone James murdered Lily murdered Peter murdered and serious and Azkaban and on top of that with the order disbanded his previous comrades returned to busy lives with their families a life Remus knew he could never have around this time his mother hope died as well and though his father laia was always delighted to see a son Remus refused to endanger his father's peaceful existence by returning to live with them Remus lived a hand-to-mouth existence taking jobs that were far below his level of ability always knowing that he would have to leave them before his pattern of growing sick once a month that the full moon was noticed by his workmates one development in the Wizarding World gave Remus hope again however the discovery of the Wolfsbane potion while this did not prevent him from turning into a werewolf every month it restricted his transformation to that of an ordinary and sleepy wolf it had always been Remus his worst fear that he would kill someone while on his werewolf state but with the Wolfsbane potion this was no longer a problem however the potion was very complex and the ingredients to make it were very expensive Remus had no chance to same went without admitting what he was and so he continued with his lonely existence once again Albus Dumbledore changed the course of Remus his life when he tracked him down to a very awful and rundown cottage delighted to see the headmaster Remus was amazed when Dumbledore offered him the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher he was only persuaded to accept however when Dumbledore explained that there would be a limitless supply of Wolfsbane potion courtesy of the potions master and the Marauders former rival Severus Snape right before starting his new job Remus got the news that his old friend Sirius Black could escape from Azkaban Remus had his suspicions of how he did it knowing that he was in anime chess but he did not voice his concerns especially not the Dumbledore who had given him so much his desperate desire to belong and to be liked meant that he was not as brave Norris honest as he ought to have been Remus being very poor took the Hogwarts Express with the students and he slept in the compartment that Harry Ron and Hermione decided to sit in well in the Train Dementors boarded looking for lupins old friend and Lubin saved Harry from the Dementors by casting a Patronus charm after the series ended JK gave us some insight into his patron s his petronas took the form of a wolf an ordinary wolf not a werewolf but on the train he had this fact by producing his petronas without its wolf form wolves are family-oriented and non aggressive but Remus disliked the formas Petronas took because it was a constant reminder of his affliction everything wolfish disgusted him he often had his Petronas for him especially when others were watching when Harry woke up Remus saw so much of James in him which made his heart leap would also drop at the same time he gave Harry and the others chocolate to help them after the Dementor attack something the Madame Pomfrey was very impressed with saying that she was glad they finally had a defense against the dark arts teacher who knew his stuff at Hogwarts Remus revealed himself to be a gifted teacher with the rare flair for his own subject and profound understanding of his pupils once again just like with Pettigrew Remus was drawn to the underdog and both Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter benefited from his wisdom and kindness and his first class with the third-year Griffin Doris Remus stood up to Snape when he started bullying nephal possibly wanting to make up for not standing up to his old friends when they bullied during that first lesson he had the class study of Bakker the same thing that his father liya was an expert in and Remus had heard about since he was a small boy well at school many slither and sneered at remiss for his shabby clothes and poor appearance and Malfoy even said loudly that he dressed like their old house self though Lupin seemed unbothered by this Remus was eventually reunited with the map that he and his friends had made the books and the movies differ a great deal with this part of the story while in the movies Harry was out of bed during the night in the books this happened during the day Snape summoned Lupin to his office and Snape asked him whether the parts when he had caught Harry width was dark magic and recognizing it Remus said it was a product from a joke shop at that exact moment Ron burst in coming from Hogsmeade backing up the claim and saying that he had got it from the joke shop there after escorting the two boys from Snape's office Remus told them that he knew what the map was and was disappointed that they did not turn it in he scolded Harry much to their surprise and he confiscated the map knowing it would be too dangerous for Harry to go through the secret passageway stead he knew serious knew like the back of his hand Remus connected very deeply with Harry who reminded him so much of his old friend at the beginning of term he invited Harry see with a 2-headed off their conversation starting with the Grindle oh and lupins office and the Grendel oh really freaked Harry out later on during the school year lupin helped Harry learn the Patronus charm because the Dementors affected him so much and he was shocked at how fast Harry picked it up Remus of course had to take time off when he transformed and Wally was gone Snape took over his class Snape being petty towards Lupin for their Hogwarts years decided to teach the classes about werewolves hoping that someone would pick up on the fact that Lupin was one himself Hermione was of course the only one who realized this however but she liked Lupin so much that she kept it to herself for his third years end of term exam Lupin had compiled the most unusual final it was a sort of obstacle course outside in the Sun first they had to wait across a deep paddling pool containing Grindle O's then cross the series of potholes full of red caps then squished their way across a patch of marsh while ignoring misleading directions from a hinky Punk and finally had to climb into an old trunk and battle a new Barker he was once again impressed with Harry and after Harry finished he told him that he got full marks now having the marauders map Lupin was shocked to see his old friend Peter Pettigrew on the map and later he saw Sirius Black both of whom were in the shrieking Shack with Harry Ron and Hermione when he went there he found out the truth that Sirius was innocent and framed and that Peter never died he merely turned into his animators form and stayed that way for the past 13 years being Ron's pad finding out that Peter was the one who betrayed Lily and James he and Sirius went to kill him but Harry stopped them saying that they should take him to the castle instead things went wrong however when Remus had forgotten to take his Wolfsbane potion and he transformed into a werewolf allowing for Peter Pettigrew to escape wall transformed Lupin attacked Harry and Hermione but to lupins great relief he was stopped by the Hippogriff Buckbeak and he spent the rest of the night deep in the Forbidden Forest until his werewolf form wore off despite Remus being very respectful gracious and polite to Snape Snape resentment of the former Marauder was still very prevalent and he made sure that it was widely known what the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was Remus vote obligated to resign to take the strain off of Dumbledore after he got hundreds of letters from nasty parents and Lupin departed from Hogwarts once more before leaving Harry beds Lupin to stay but Remus shook his head saying he cannot do that he did however return the marauders map to Harry along with his invisibility cloak which he had left in the shrieking Shack that night and he told Harry that they would meet again soon when Voldemort returned the old resistance that was the order of the Phoenix recruit and Remus was once again a key member this time the group included an order who had been too young to belong to the order during its first incarnation clever brave and funny Nymphadora Tonks was a protege of Alastor mad-eye Moody Remus so often melancholy and lonely was first amused then impressed then seriously smitten by the young wedge Rowling shed some light past the books on his feelings for tongs and how he felt behind the scenes of the order of the Phoenix she stated that Remus had never fallen in love before mainly because he didn't allow himself to scared of these feelings for Nymphadora all he wanted to do was go off to a new place and find a new job so he did not have to endure the pain of watching tongs fall in love with the handsome young wizard in the order office which was what he expected to happen however this was war the order needed both of them and nobody knew what the next day would bring Remus felt justified and remaining exactly where he was keeping his feelings to himself but rejoicing secretly every time somebody paired him with Tonks on some overnight mission it had never occurred to Remus that Tonks could return his feelings because he had become so used to considering himself unclean and unworthy Lupin was happy to have his old friend Sirius back who lived at the orders headquarters in grimwald place it reminded him of the old days which were fun to reminisce on the summer before Harry's fifth year Lupin was reunited with Harry when he and a group of other order members including tongs escorted him from privet drive to grimille place later on during that school year Harry reached out to Lupin and Sirius to ask about his father after seeing a memory of him bullying Snape during their school years and here Lubin admitted that he should have put a stop to Sirius and James his bullying but he assured Harry that James was a good person and then he grew out of the days when he was a bully going back to Rowling's expansion of Remus and fox's relationship past the books one night when they lay in hiding outside a known Death Eaters house after a year of increasingly warm friendship Tonks made an idle remark about one of their fellow order members she said to Lupin referring to Sirius he's still handsome isn't even after Azkaban before he could stop himself lupin replied bitterly that he supposed that she had fallen for his old friend saying that sirius had always gotten the women at this Tonks became suddenly angry and said you know perfectly well who have fallen for if he weren't too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice Remus is immediate response to this was happiness he had never experienced in his life but this was extinguished almost at once by a sense of crushing duty he had always known that he could not marry and run the risk of passing on his painful shameful condition he therefore pretended not to understand Tonks though this did not fool her at all wiser than Remus she was sure that he loved her but that he was refusing to admit it out of mistaken nobility Lupin went on to avoid any further excursions with her barely talked to her and started volunteering for the most dangerous missions Tonks became desperately unhappy convinced not only that the man she loved would never willingly spend time with her again but also that he might walk to his death rather than admit his feelings at the end of the year Lupin had yet another bit of tragedy befall him during the battle in the Department of mysteries he watched as Sirius was struck down by Bellatrix Lupin loosing get another one of his best friends Lupin wanted to fall apart at his core but seeing Harry he knew he could not do this instead he held a screaming and crying Harry back knowing that he had to be strong for his best friend's child he was all Harry had now that his father mother and Godfather were all gone the order took a heavy loss that night but ultimately they won the battle Tong's continued to watch in despair as Remus volunteered to spy for the order he went on one mission where we left to live among fellow werewolves to try and persuade them to Dumbledore side in doing this he was exposing himself to the possibility of seeing the werewolf that changed his life forever Fenrir Greyback fortunately he did not run into him at least not yet Remus came out of hiding among the werewolves to spend Christmas at the Burrow and when Harry told him and Arthur about Snape working with Malfoy Remus stood up for Snape despite the fact that he was the one that let slip that he was a werewolf he mostly did this in honor of Dumbledore however it comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment Dumbledore trusts Snape therefore I do during his time back Remus ensured that he did not run into tongs still terrified of his feelings for her Remus later came face to face with both Greyback and tongs at Hogwarts just a few months later however when the order class with Death Eaters within the castle during the battle Remus lost yet another person that he loved Albus Dumbledore he screamed and lost control hearing this awful news Dumbledore had been adored by every member of the order of the Phoenix but to Remus he had represented the sword of kindness tolerance and understanding that he had received from nobody else in the world outside his parents and his four best friends Dumbledore had been the only person to ever offer him a position within the normal Wizarding society and the only person to make him feel accepted in the aftermath of the bloody battle inspired by Fleur Delacour claim of her enduring love for Bill Weasley even after being mauled by gray back that night Thompson made a brave and public announcement of her feelings for Remus and he was forced to admit to strength of his love for her in front of everyone everyone there told him that he was being stupid and not too long after that Remus and Tonks got married it was a quiet wedding in the north of Scotland with witnesses taken from the local Wizarding tavern Lubin's continued fear that the stigma attached to him would infect his wife as well one in no witnesses that knew what he truly was and this fear continued even after they were married Remus went from extremely happy that he was married to the woman of his dreams too scared of what he might have brought upon her and later to his horror their unborn child Tonks getting pregnant only weeks after they were married not too long after that Lupin and Tonks participated in the Battle of 7 Potters where they once again transported Harry from privet drive to a safe house but this time they used Polyjuice potion on six order members so no one would know which one was the real Harry Remus was paired with George Weasley and during their ascent they flew into a trap being met by many Death Eaters one of them was Severus Snape who spell hid George in the year Lubin wanted to get Snape back for this but was unable to because he needed all of his strength to keep George on the broom as he lost a dangerous amount of blood he got George back to the Burrow to be cleaned up though george's ear was permanently lost upon a rifle Remus questioned Harry to prove that he was the real one asking him about the first time Harry entered his office 14 creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hagen Grindle Oh Remus was angry especially about Snape but little did he know Snape actually tried to save his life when Snape saw that one of the Death Eaters was about to hit and presumably kill lupin Snape sent his spell trying to cut off the Death Eaters hand but missed instead hitting George's ear Leuven was very anxious about the late arrival of his wife and when she finally arrived he could not have been happier to see her and to know that she and their unborn baby were safe Lupin and the others got bad news shortly after that however when they discovered that mad-eye moody had been killed movement was there to comfort Nymphadora as she was the protege of the now fallen order they discussed who could have betrayed them because the Death Eaters knew that they were coming but Harry interjected saying that he trusted everyone part of the mission with his life for this Remus responded saying that he should be cautious seeing his Harry's father was killed because he put trust in the wrong friend during the summer Remus and Tonks went to the Burrow for Harry's birthday but when they got word that the Minister for magic Rufus Scrimgeour was coming Remus said that they should not be there and apologized to Harry before grabbing klomps his wrists and pulling her away they visited the Burrow again this time for bill and fleurs wedding things took a turn for the worse however when Death Eaters arrived Lupin and Tonks fought the Death Eaters off to ensure that Harry Ron and Hermione could escape in the days to come Lupin thought more and more about his unborn son and his relationship with Nymphadora every theory had came to the surface and he was convinced that he had passed on his condition to an innocent child and thought he had condemned Tonks to the same life as his parents for ever moving around unable to saddle having to hide their increasingly violent child from sight full of remorse and self shame Remus fled leaving a devastated and pregnant in fedora to move in with her parents meanwhile Remus sought out Harry and offered to accompany him on whatever death-defying adventure awaited he trapped a trio down the grim old place and offered his help but to a shock and displeasure the seventeen-year-old Harry not only declined his offer but became angry and insulting he told his ex teacher that he was acting selfishly and irresponsibility he called him a coward and he compared Remus to his own father James saying that he would be ashamed of him if Lupin was his father Remus responded by slamming hairy-backed violently and stormed out of the house he took refuge in the corner of the leaky cauldron and drank his troubles away fuming as he did so however after a few hours of reflection Remus was forced to accept that his ex pupil had just taught him a valuable lesson Remus reflected that James and Lily had stuck with Harry until their own deaths fighting the Dark Lord as they did so and his own parents violent hope had sacrificed their peace and security to keep their family together bitterly ashamed Remus left the end and returned to his wife where he begged for her forgiveness he assured her that no matter what he would never leave her again for the rest of Thompson's pregnancy Remus avoided any missions for the order and made it his first priority to protect his wife and his unborn child Lupin later appeared on the radio broadcast called Potter watch under the codename Romulus and said that he knew Harry was alive and said directly to Harry if he was listening that they were all with him in spirit and said the father was instincts which are good and nearly always right not long after that Tong's gave birth to her and Remus his son Edward Remus Lupin or Teddy for short to both parents relief and delight he showed no sign of being a werewolf when he was born Remus thought he looked like Nymphadora but Nymphadora thought he looked like Remus on the night of Teddy's birth Remus briefly left so we could find Harry for the first time since their angry confrontation here he asked Harry to be Teddy's Godfather feeling nothing but forgiveness and gratitude toward the person who sent him home to his family both Remus and Tom's return to Hogwarts for the final battle against Baltimore and his Death Eaters living their baby son with his grandmother the couple knew that if Voldemort won this battle their family was sure to be eliminated as both were notorious members of the order and talks was a marched woman in the eyes of her death eater and Bellatrix Lestrange Lupin fought skillfully and bravely out of many tight corners and survived numerous encounters with Death Eaters however Remus met his end at the hands of Antoine de loja one of the longest-serving most devoted and sadistic of all Voldemort's Death Eaters movement was no longer in prime fighting condition when he rushed to join the fight months of inactivity using mostly spells of concealment and protection had weakened his dueling capabilities and when he ran up against the donor of the Lahav skill now battle-hardened after months of killing and maiming Remus's reactions were too slow the love of Remus his life also met her end that night or finding their baby boy both were ready to make the sacrifice however knowing that if they did not win this battle their son would not have lived past in years they were proud to give their lives for this reason giving their son a future in the afterlife Lupin was joined by his best friends James Sirius and Lily as they talked to Harry before he sacrificed himself and Remus hey you some others will tell him what his mother and father died for one day he'll understand they walked with them as Harry allowed himself to be killed lupin and the others comforting him as he did so a presence that put Harry at peace Harry of course survived however and he went on to honor both Remus and Tonks but helping raise his godson Remus was awarded order of Merlin first class and was the first werewolf to ever get this honor the example of his life and death did much to lift the stigma on werewolves making a big difference from the Whistling world for his kind Lupin was never forgotten by anyone that knew when a brave kind man who did the best he could in very difficult circumstances and who helped many more people than he ever realized thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media to see more of my personal life and see more of this little dude you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for movie's flame updates and I want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured in the next video plus get a bunch of other awards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching make sure you press that like button and subscribe and look out for more great videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 2,810,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, werewolf, lyall lupin, hope, james potter, sirius black, severus snape, dumbledore, peter pettigrew, lily evans, lily, ron weasley, hermione granger, hagrid, fenrir greyback
Id: bF56wges7_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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