The First Ever Super Mario Bros. Romhack

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a lot of people have asked and i finally made a  playlist of every romhack wednesday video so you   can easily find and watch them all i also went  ahead and made this spreadsheet that not only   has every video listed but has a link to the ips  patch for every hack so you can play them yourself   links to the playlist and the spreadsheet  are in the description as well as a tutorial   video for how to apply ips patches  in case you're not familiar with that   enjoy dude it's raw mac wednesday  again except that's tomorrow but anyway   we're doing it today on tuesday we're gonna play  the first ever super mario bros romhack the first   one we played one from like 2004 and you're  like wow that's an old one this is from 1987.   this is the first one it's tonkachi  mario it's pretty famous let's do it   okay here we go it is called tonkati mario because  you had to it was made with this editor called i   think it's just called the tonkatchi editor how  many people you think have ever hit this koopa   uh anyway yeah tonkati editor you had to like  move bytes around to make this rom hack and like   write it to an fds disk it's pretty technically  impressive that they made this all the way back   then with whatever tools they have but i've never  played it i've seen a little bit of it but i don't   know everything that's in it but this is the  first super mario bros rom hack dude the the one uh you know besides all night nippon this is weird  unused object thing that you can climb i mean it's   not really unused it's just a vine but not a vine  here's the thing that's crazy about this hack   uh it has a lot of glitches you gotta do to beat  it and the reason that's crazy is because remember   this was made in 1987. so someone not only had  the know-how to use this editor to rearrange the   game to make it but they knew these glitches  so shortly after the game came out as well   and were able to like implement them  to have sort of puzzles in the game all right we've hit this koopa  and now we can not die to it again   this however we have not hit this yet  and we never will just kidding i got it they patched wall drums in  1987 they patched wall jump   just kidding i almost got it finally dude hit it tried to just super jump a cheap  at that point whoa wait i wasn't   i wasn't ready for whatever that was okay so i  guess first let's go in the pipe because maybe   maybe you're supposed to go up and  over the top it's pretty nuts out there no all right we got to go back and  figure out what's going on over here   what okay yeah i did that on purpose for sure ah yeah not only is it the first  romhack it's the first kaizo heck no triple though what that appears even here we found the warp zone um this is so strange i didn't know   the game had this many levels i guess i'll  just die and then play them the normal way   now this is on console okay third level what do  we got going on here what that okay now this is this is something i've never  experienced before that was real funky   okay i've never stood on this one  or no this one for very long but i don't want to i just want to  move past whatever that section was that's the end oh well i guess it's fine i could totally get over the flag even from jumping off the intended  spot you might be able to just barely a castle level that you drop down into  i don't know if i've ever seen that no there we go a little bit of cheesy fun oh wait i did something intended gotta find out what's in this cool pipe this this hex speaking my language i'm  just playing it like they wanted me to dude   i can't get enough speed to do this i did it no way oh wait i'm  doing actual mega cheese but hey i had to clip to get down there in  the first place so i think this is fair game   we're actually going where no one  has gone before seems rather endless   yeah i think we got over the flagpole but  on a castle level if that makes any sense okay no why do i always land on that one i  can't stay out of the floor it's too hard   oh oh it's because it's flickering  there's too many sprites in a row   and so it like can't draw them all so it  was actually just invisible i'm not stupid this is just the previous  level so that means in order to   beat this level at all you have to  take this path that's pretty cool   or no that's not true because i mean you would  just there's a flagpole after those platforms multiple exits oh wait you would go to one five  wait this is actually crazy this leads to 2-1 here   but if you go the other path i'll go to 1-5 so i  need to do that yeah any time you grab a flagpole   it increases the level counter and anytime you  touch the axe it increases the world counter so oh wait oh that's i am actually amazed by this person dude they made both exits  go to the end of the castle   that's so insane to me that they did that  in 87 with the tonkatshi whatever editor hammer bro we got a fire flower   turned red the rare green fish that's out of  bounds in 2-3 or maybe 7-3 or maybe it's a koopa oh okay gotta explore both  paths so we'll go up here we won't go up here all right wow wait i can kill podoboo with a star   my lifelong dream you see  the upside down piranha plant see there it is this is why uh even if you kill a piranha  plant it will still affect the sprite limit nice i don't know if i've ever slid  under underwater slid under water this is like straight up a real level like there's other parts of it  oh well that wasn't very long   i always spend forever trying to get this and then  i get it every time that's what i was gonna say uh some other parts are recognizable screens  from the original game oh yeah so piranha plants   go behind the water just like they go behind pipes   that's why there's an invisible piranha  plant in yeah i'm gonna be up there a while that wasn't okay you want to know  here's the crazy part i didn't even push   like jump to go higher i just floated here we go no i'm missing things okay i came back yeah the timer stops when you're above the  screen i actually don't know why that is the case   whoa wait whoops it's the same level but now  not under water now i can hit the stuff now   i can hit the stuff oh we're in another time  but we gotta know what's in the stuff oh nice   nice wait wait i can stand i stood on this exact  block all the rest aren't solid that's amazing   wait no i didn't make it that time these parts  might be easier if i do a walking speed jump   like this yep see how much farther i went what's in here where am i now yeah so there's one exit let's  see where the other one is whoa oh i can for sure get up now wait i think i did a wall jump like instant  super jump off the lakitu that was actually crazy we're in 8-4 wait we're in 4-4 lost levels wait  i'm going to get an 8 000 kick let's go uh oh interesting i think  watch with running speed i won't clip   but if i do a walking speed onto  this or maybe standing speed oh oh i had to crouch okay  clip me why can't i do it dude get in there it's not that hard i flew through that time that  was so weird oops oh that's a lot of koopa see ya i didn't mean to do that okay it's fine okay okay you come here bowser this is great fun we're just messing  around with all sorts of glitches   oh this is one for sure right come back we'll never know what was in that what the hell what okay i've heard random power-up spawning  sounds um in glitched worlds before but   what the heck i've never seen it spawn  and i've certainly never jumped on it what the heck is going on  man it's kind of hard but there we go that's what i wanted to show up actually a pretty good level oh gosh i did left plus right i did  left plus right spine warp by   landing on top of it there's there's still so  many things i don't know about the game man okay okay get us up there that's sick 800 points i don't know what's going on i think you're just  supposed to clip but because i was big mario is   messing it up i honestly don't know wait i want  to go up there and see if i can go in that pipe i finally did it once i whatever  we made it up i wasn't ready but i   jumped just enough okay uh i went  in the secret pipe secret path one more just to be safe nice oh this is this is the 1-1 let's go oh now we get to  play 3-4 but knowing this hack   it probably will take me to the bowser  bridge oh what yeah it it totally did   wait bowser's not here whatever a huge shout  out by the way to glitchcat he wrote this   sick article about like the history of kaizo  mario when i upload this i'll link it in the   description definitely worth a read like  i knew tonkatsu existed but like i didn't   understand why it was significant and all this  other stuff he wrote about kaiser mario history   okay 4-2 the castle keeps coming  like one level earlier and earlier i'm afraid of blocks again i go down here can i get out yeah yeah nice   no go i didn't get did frame perfect  jump but it's okay we made it can i make okay oh double bullet bill i'm bad right at the end of course too  okay 4-4 and it really is 4-4 it took out a couple blocks there right on yeah   okay so this was just four four  except they took out like two pillars this is cool oh we got a fun crouching  small mario sprite there oh whoops wait hello okay i'm getting a small fire i have to like scroll the screen  enough and go in this one i don't sure i've played this screen  before right that was close we already played this one i'm glad i checked dude like okay  you just go in the pipe right but no bonus content what the you gotta  land on some bills to get over there we go right we made it somewhere uh i guess this is a secret place to go is this the end oh not quite  wait i've also played this screen   already the end is right here but  if you go in this pipe instead oh it's just like here nice we have lots of lives now okay but wait we just played this what the heck is going on back to being normal wait can i go in here you can wait this is so weird there's  so many entrances this also means   oh you know what this means this means that i  could go to five five and it's probably gonna   be the axe because that's how this has oops  that's how every world has been i have to test   every pipe they all go somewhere different  there's too many paths whoa we're in lava okay oh we did it we're exploring new level i found the  end how are you supposed to get there   whatever we found the most  secret of all exits in this game and of course it takes us to the x so what i need  to do to get down into that pipe uh i might not   even be able to go in there but what i want to do  is um scroll the screen as little as possible so   i'm going to try and do a couple tricks in a row  to do that if this is some super secret exit they   wanted you to find by using well i just found that  that helps by using this tech like that's crazy i went in here i am oh this is just 1-1  screen again where you do this thing   i found the speed run strat where do  you actually go if you go over here it's the same screen wait  we have to do it again wait do you have to get in that pipe   to beat this stage that's crazy like  you had to use that stuff that's nuts wow that like blows me away that in  1987 they made that kind of a puzzle okay let's do the uh the classic floating fire flower  no why doesn't it work on this one is it cuz that   i spawned that coin i didn't spawn that before dude i'm getting way too lost in the  sauce as they say you gotta move on man not used to like precisely landing with  walking speed okay we went in yoshi's chimney wait this time   i recognized the screen but then i got tunnel  visioned on a platform that's not normally there all right we're on a platform cool then we do this and then we  get power up farm screen again wait no what am i looking at  i don't know what's going on like some moments i go wow they're genius how did  they pull this off and then others i go like wait   what was what was the thought behind this part  i don't understand maybe it's too genius for me go in here okay six four wait this is actually seven four   we're playing lost levels  wait we really are there's two okay oh i'm back here okay i think  we wait no that was different wait it really is a different screen even  though it looked exactly the same giant fire bar okay now we are on eight four  except we're not we're on this one that we've also done before   hey this is this is just seven one but  there's a lack of two and they took out the oh i'm not crazy the mushrooms normally on the left  side right this game is making me doubt myself okay this is cool bridge level  except it's castle except what there's an invisible block there the  only explanation i have is i'm not even what this huh what is this block it's like only  half of it exists i don't understand in all the   past times i thought i had the wall jump there  was just an invisible block but i think you   might actually just i did it first try but i  didn't think i would so i didn't hold right   the amount of like first try wall jumps what  no you just run in because there's another   weird half block i don't know what's  going on the invisible block is right   here i think yeah yeah the invisible blocks  right here the reason you can just like stand there is because right now i'm technically  standing in the invisible block that is   in this gap i wish there was a way  i could hit it and prove it's there 7-4 whoa wait give me that wait  oh i did it wow i didn't know that's a thing wait dude this is totally some parts of  this have to be inspired by lost levels   because there's some screens it's like  this is really similar to lost levels   uh is there a platform on this one  no i just have to hit this and then i'm running out of time yeah wait it's the end go wait no way   i don't think i could have made it okay we can  do this as intended this time i didn't do it that's not quite what i wanted uh if you're  at running speed when you stand up yeah i so   you have to be at running speed when you jump to  actually clip your head through the ceiling anyway i didn't know this had 32 levels  okay gamer challenge complete oh that was quick is this the end of the game i  can kill bowser with a star dude this hack's sick   no hacks ever let me do that oh  we can have a music glitch too yay i don't think i was supposed to grab the  flag yet i think they wanted me to jump over look at all this level over here  we're carrying some bills with us too   you are supposed to grab the flag wait  there could be something after this   i i have to know we'll jump over play this bit  of the level and see what's past the castle   this is the solid block you run into that makes  mario go behind the castle oh there's another gosh another flag okay true ending uh but yeah there's  no way that pipes with the same x coordinate could   lead anywhere different from each other  underwater bowser fight i almost did it it's like it's really weird okay because it like  makes you grab whatever solid block by the way   invisible spring possibly that's what invisible  springs do by the way i know that i'm stuck dude we're up we're up on top out of the water okay uh clearly i was intended to go over here but why though okay we found the end what  happens if i went in the other pipe   could i even oh it takes you back  you you had to go up and over what am i looking at man i'm going under get wrecked bowser oh okay let's try  and fight him like you're supposed to well that was worth it for sure uh invisible fire dude whatever man just get me get me out of here okay final level what do we got eight four  of course but they added wait i just did this   was that intended i that was the intended  way to beat bowser i'm pretty sure   they like wanted me to do that that's insane oh okay i'll go up and over there this a4 is  sick wait i got trolled so hard dang it okay that's fine you need to keep this on  screen and then he drops spinys down in there   and we'll get lots of 1ups hope you're enjoying this sound by the way  clearly the best way to get one ups in this game   oh yeah we love that right now i gotta try the pipes  i'm sure this is the one i gotta go okay that's a scale i thought that was gonna  be connected to it but that's a scale   within a scale this is a self-contained what the okay this is a really cool final level okay what  the heck that was the weirdest pipe animation   i've ever seen i haven't seen that before i  haven't seen that before i've seen funky pipe   transitions but not like from a moving platform  that was so cool go in before it scrolls too much that is the answer that's crazy dude oh i think i've seen this screen before yeah it's  an invisible block clip you gotta do that do not   enter in other words enter just right through  it but i have to crouch climbs i'm big mario getting us to have save states not hard  at all just doing that at the same time okay bowser yo what up we beat it we found peach that last level was sick   it's cool that they put like a lot of effort into  the last level how did they make that in 1987   with like this famicom disk system game hacker  that just let you like sort of rearrange memory   i don't know i don't know all the details of how  the tonkatsu editor works but 34 year old romhek so crazy is it like the first rom hack ever like   i'm curious about that thanks for  sticking around that's pretty cool you
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 146,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kosmic, cosmic, kosmicd12, speedrun, Super Mario Brother, smb, twitch, highlight, SMB1, Super Mario Bros., Super, Mario, Bros., First Ever, First, Original, Romhack, Hack, Glitches, Glitch, Puzzle
Id: ugqijcLXcJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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