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- Oh, that's the best video on the Internet! - That's phenomenal. (intro music) - Well, the day has finally come when we are finally reacting to Tik Toks. Finally. - Finally. - Finally. - Damien, why are we doing this? - (laughs) That's right, Shayne! Now if you don't already know, TikTok is a super fun, shortform creative platform where you can capture your favorite moments and just be your wacky, fun, creative self. And we're gonna partner with them today to react to Tik Toks, like you said, and we're on TikTok now! So if you download it and go to @smosh, you can see our Tik Toks. Super inclusive, super fun. And if you can check out their #NormalIsBoring contest, your Tik Toks could end up on a billboard in Times Square! (airhorn sounds) - Woah! - Oh! - Not to get that mixed up with Clock Triangle. - Yeah, don't. - Different things. - Let's look at these. We haven't seen any of these, these have been selected for us by our wonderfrull -- our wonderful Smoshy peeps. Apparently there's some that actually -- some of you guys have made. - Oh, I've seen I've seen 'em. - You've got the scoop? - I've spent some time on TikTok. - I, too, have been on the Internet. - Let's uh, let's get started. What do we, what do we got here? - Math! - Math, oh no! - "Send this to someone unhelpful." - "Alright, I have this massive equation written out right here--" - Easy. - "So basically, what we're gonna do is I'm going to draw this... and that is you. Now, the reason I'm doing this is to illustrate that you are part of the problem." (laughter) - Ohh. - Wow. That is clever. - That's good. - Nice. - That's arguably -- this is the best video I've ever seen... of all time. Uh, y'know, it's got-- - Wait, better than Citizen Kane? - Well, Citizen Kane wasn't on the Internet. - Yeah, this is the Rosebud of TikTok. - I would have felt destroyed if that was like, done to me in a classroom. - Look at that little river! - That's gorgeous, actually. - Look at that sun. Oh, this guy's going in the water. - No, no, no, no... - He's going in the water. - Wait, wait... (trippy music from Tik Tok) - Oh, oh! - Oh my god, what did you think was going to happen? - I can -- I have so much respect for anybody who uploads their own fail. Like, if I had a failed take, I'd be like, "Oh, I'm not doing that," but they're just like, "No, this is gonna be a thing because I totally ate dirt." - So funny. - And for that he got 433,000 likes. - Hey, people like self-deprecating humor. Because I'm such an idiot. (sad piano music) (ding sound) - Oh, skateboard! - Oh, I've seen this girl. She's dope. - Is this fake? - She like spins around and stuff. - [Courtney] No, yeah, she's dope. - She's totally fake. - Whoa! - What? - Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Whaaat? -That's rad! - I didn't know you could do tricks and shit on a longboard. - I feel like I would just like, launch my board into a passerby. - Oh, she's definitely killed somebody. - Slicing ten decks of playing cards with a hydraulic press. - Yes! - Oh, I love hydraulic presses. I love these. (Shayne grunts) - Yes! (sound of cards flying) - Was this your card? - Woah. - They did miss an opportunity to not have like, one at the bottom, like, with a message on it, or just be like "Oh my god, it was the jack of clubs, how scary." - I'm going to make your card irrelevant. - Hydraulic presses also terrify me, though. - Yeah. - Yes. - 'Cause I can't help but think if my hand was underneath it. I'm just like, "No, no!" And they're like, "You have to stay there, Mr. Bond." And I'm like, "Nonononono!" - Don't get on its bad side. - It's true. - Don't anger a hydraulic press. - That dumb ol' stupid ol' hydraulic press! - Don't do it, Damien. - It doesn't have the guts to crush my knees. - Don't do that. Bro, bro. - Like, one of the comments is "Now that's how you cut the deck!" - Ah, that's clever. (Ian laughing awkwardly) - I said split the deck, not destroy it! (Courtney laughs sarcastically, Damien makes sad trombone noise) - Whoa. - Whoa! - Impressive. - Huh-woah. - Impressive. - Multiple camera angles as well. - I like his shirt, too. - I'm so worried. I'm now seeing this five times, but every time I'm not sure if he's actually gonna nail it. I feel like his pelvic floor is about to fall out and that's the face we're seeing. He's like, "Oh! My bottom." - I'd like to think on this resume it says -- So it's like, "So any special skills?" He's like, "I can do this cool thing where I do a front-flip onto a swing set," and they're like, "Aw great, you're perfect Costco material." - Also, what a serene place to live. - That just goes on forever out there. Look at that. Wow. - He's still there to this day. - Is that where they filmed The Time Traveler's Wife? - Yeah. It is. - What a reference! - "What the demon under my bed sees at 3 a.m." - Oh, I love this. - That's great. For me, you would replace "demon" with my confused cats. - Oh, yeah. - They're like, "How do I chew that and ruin his life?" - This is why the boogeyman is evil, is because he doesn't help. - Yeah. - I like that comment, "Gotta plug it in quick or else that demon's gonna get yo' hand!" - That's true. I think they, they said it like that. You read it very well in their voice. - Anyways, great video. I give it a solid 8.5 out of 10. - I give it three Tiks out of Tok. - That's right. - Aminals! Animals, I want animals. - Oh, my poor cat. - Oh, Dami, you're gonna love this one. - Oh no. Oh, he's gonna fall backwards. - (singing) "...squeaky like a rat, does he live for his food? Is he your favorite little dude?" - Look at the little bubbish! (everyone cooing) - Defeated! - Yo, imagine your cat did that to you! - I wish my cat would bring me cheese! - That's called a waiter, someone who brings cheese and throws it at you. - Yeah, I gotta get me one of those waiters. - Those cheese waiters. - Cat waiter. A cat waiter's incredible. - That's my favorite animal. - Trademarking that idea. - Yep, cat waiter. - No one can come up with cat waiters because we did. - Is this one of those ones...? - "This is our voice one day on Smosh." - Oh. - "This is our voice four weeks on Smosh!" "Best friends forever! "Yeah!" - Aw. - "Okay, so the other guy left." - Oh, that's the best video of the Internet! - That's phenomenal. - [Shayne] Oh my god! - How are you doing? - [Shayne] That is awesome! - It's good, it's good. - Shredded! - To this kid, you did it. - It's good, didn't see that coming. - [Shayne] That's great. - Dude, only 76 likes? Dude. - The truth hurts. - Well, these guys completely owned us. We just got owned. - "Chicken nugget magic." - Ooh! - Okay. - "I'm gonna make this chicken nugget disappear. Watch this, Sango." "Gone!" "Woah!" "Oh my god!" "Where'd it go?" "Goub's gonna bring it back. Here we go. Watch, watch." (screaming) - "Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus!" "Nonono, I'm going home." - I think he said "blood of Jesus". - I mean, that makes sense 'cause Jesus was the original one to do this trick. - Oh, I see the -- okay. So I just saw the handoff. I did not notice that before. - Oh wow. Magic would be great on you. - You didn't notice that behind every man is a woman holding a chicken nugget? - I like how he refused to eat the nugget They put it into his mouth, but he just let it fall out. - But it's tainted with dark magicks. What are you gonna do with that? - Yeah, you don't eat a superstitious nugget! -That's some bad juju in your tummy. You don't want that. - Ooh! -Puppo! - Oh, this is the b-- - I don't even have to watch this, this is the best video on the Internet. - How can you not smile at this face? - Let me guess, cheese? - Oh my god. - Oh my goodness. - [Ian] Why is he smiling? - Look at that little boy. - I wanna bite it. - Oh, he has so much trouble getting up! - Why are you smiling? - Look at the little -- - She better have adopted him! - Oh, that's just a sweet little thing! - [Damien] What a smiley baby. - [Ian] What if it's just the most evil puppy ever? - [Damien] Probably. - What if it's a sociopath? - Oh no, there's no way! It's okay if he's a sociopath, he can murder me. I don't care! - Is this the best video on the Internet? - This is the best video I've ever seen! - He doesn't have bones yet. They didn't develop yet. - Mm, he's made of Jello. - He's made of Jello, he's a Jello pup. - Look at the little Jello creature! - [Damien] (at Courtney) What? What? - Damien, it's another one for you. - Oh, I love this! - Oh, is this like, the echo mic? (cat making sounds into mic) - Look at him go! (cat meowing) (laughter) - "Are you ready to rock tonight, Cleveland?" - Oh, I love it! - Bruce Meow-steen. This is the best video I've ever seen on the Internet. - On to the next, whoosh! - Every Bird Ever! - Uh oh. - Oh, no. - No. (bird flapping sound) - "There's a window here. Didn't see the window. It's all -- I'm good, I'm good, all good." - Oh no, that face. - That's you, Shayne! - That's you, Shayne. - It's your voice! - It's like, see, it's not actually you but it's somebody else doing it. - She gives a much better performance than I did in that. - What trips me out about these videos is like, because they are hearing the audio in slo-mo and then it's like, in fast-forward, so her annunciation like, freaks me out. - The best part is this shot from outside. She had to hold her hand outside the sliding door then tracked down the window with herself. - Good camera work. - You can appreciate the work for sure. - Wait, how many likes did it have? - 66 thousand. - 66.4 thousand. - 66 thousand might be more likes than there are likes on Every Bird Ever on our original video. - Wow. - I think so, I think there's more likes on the Tik Tok. - Were these Tik Toks just curated specifically for Damien? - [Courtney] I've seen this one. - Is he gonna get up? Oh my god. (cat meows) - "You ready?" (cat meows) "Okay, here we go." - Tuck him in, tuck him in. - "Twinkle, twinkle, little..." (cat meows) - "How I wonder what you..." - Oh no. (cat meows) - No. - "Up above the world so..." (cat chirps) "Like a diamond in the..." (cat meows) "Twinkle, twinkle, little..." "What?" - (whispering) Do it, do it, do it... (cat meows) - There it is! He meowed again! (cat meows) Oh my god! - "Good boy..." - [Damien] This makes me so happy. - [Ian] Oh, buddy. - [Damien] This is what it's legitimately like in my house. - [Ian] Buddy. - [Damien] All the time. - [Ian] Oof. - [Courtney] The cats know how to sing? - [Damien] No, I sing at them and sometimes they accept it. - Sometimes they run away? - Oh, they never run away. They're too fat and slothful. - That's a good kitty. - That's a good kitty. - Yep, good cat. - That's the best video I've ever seen. On the Internet or anywhere. - Oh my god! I love it! - Alright. - Wow! - That's 'em all! - Well! - That's a good round! - Guys, yawning cat is the best video on the Internet. - I would agr -- would everybody say yawning cat is their favorite? - I would say. - Yawning cat is for sure my favorite. - I got a little watery eyed. - I think we can appreciate the creativity that went into all of them. - That is a right, Damien. And if you guys want to get in on all the action, all you gotta do is download the TikTok app and just do the TikTok. - Check out @smosh! - You don't even have to follow anybody to enjoy their content. - So that does it for this video. If you guys want to see us react to more things, let us know what we should react to. And also don't forget to punch that bell button! - Yawning cats, 2019. - Alright, bye guys! - Bye! - [Ian] Well, wasn't that just a splendid time! If you want to watch us react to Courtney's diary, click the box on the left, or click the box on the right for more videos curated just for little, ol' you. Love you! Mwah! (outro music)
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 4,057,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reacting to tik tok, tik tok, tik tok reaction, funny tik tok, tik tok smosh, smosh, smosh pit, ian hecox, courtney miller, shayne topp, damien haas, WE REACT TO TIK TOKS!, funny, funny videos, tiktok memes, funny tik tok videos, tik tok memes
Id: GL9QtYVieVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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